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m (Templated story arc, added common mission templates)
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With that portal gone, the [[Circle of Thorns|Circle]] will have one less foothold in [[Paragon City]].  Well fought.
With that portal gone, the [[Circle of Thorns|Circle]] will have one less foothold in [[Paragon City]].  Well fought.

=== Retrieve Tsoo Data ===

Hey there.  I've got a pretty simple task for you today.  My friend [[Juliana Nehring]] has some info on the [[Tsoo]] that I would very much like to hear.  Trouble is, she's kind of paranoid about using normal channels.  Could you go pick up the [[Tsoo]] data from [[Juliana Nehring|Juliana]]?  I know I can count on you to keep it safe.
Thanks a lot; this will set [[Juliana Nehring|Juliana's]] mind at ease.
'''Mission Objective(s)'''
* Get [[Tsoo]] info from [[Juliana Nehring|Juliana]]
'''Debreifing:''' [[Juliana Nehring]]
I'm so glad Vitaly Cherenko sent you.  My sources tell me that the [[Trolls]] have been meeting secretly with the [[Tsoo]].  In fact, I just got word that some [[Tsoo]] were seen entering a Troll-occupied office building not far from here.  I think you should go check it out.
'''Clue:''' Conversation with [[Juliana Nehring]]
[[Juliana Nehring]] told you, 'My sources tell me that the [[Trolls]] have been meeting secretly with the [[Tsoo]].  In fact, I just got word that some [[Tsoo]] were seen entering a Troll-occupied office building not far from here.  I think you should go check it out.'
'''Mission Objective(s)'''
* Bust gang leaders and their crews
* 3 office workers to rescue
'''Clue:''' Drug ampoule
You found this ampoule on a defeated [[Tsoo]], in an office that had been taken over by the [[Trolls]].  The white skull logo indicates that it is probably [[Superadine]].
Thanks for taking on the [[Tsoo]] and the [[Trolls]].  This ampoule you found probably contains [[Superadine]], but I'll check it out to make sure.
=== Check out Warehouse of Tsoo ===
Good day.  I am hearing some troubling rumors today.  Could you check out a warehouse in [[Steel Canyon]] for me?  There have been reports of high-ranking [[Tsoo]] going in an out of there for days.
I have the feeling the [[Tsoo]] are planning something big.  Please see what you can find out.
'''Mission Objective(s)'''
* Bust gang leaders and their crews
* Search for clues
'''Clue:''' Statue of falcon
While fighting the [[Outcasts]], you recovered this bronze statue of a screaming falcon.  It seemed that the [[Tsoo]] were trying to sell it to the [[Outcasts]], though you don't know what they expected in return.
That statue you found is exactly the kind of artifact the [[Outcasts]] crave.  It may be that the [[Tsoo]] were trying to sell it to them.  Now, if we only knew what they wanted in return.
I have a bad feeling that the [[Tsoo]] are planning something big.  We need to look further into their meetings with the [[Outcasts]] and the [[Trolls]].
=== Take Drug Ampoule to Wyatt Anderson ===
I got a call about that drug ampoule you found at the meeting between the [[Trolls]] and the [[Tsoo]].  My friend [[Wyatt Anderson]] is pretty interested in seeing it for himself.  Would you take the drug ampoule over to [[Wyatt Anderson|Wyatt]]?
I'm still trying to learn more about that artifact the [[Tsoo]] were trying to sell to the [[Outcasts]].  The minute I hear anything, I'll let you know.
'''Mission Objective(s)'''
* Take drug to [[Wyatt Anderson]]
'''Debriefing:''' [[Wyatt Anderson]]
You're right, this drug is packaged exactly like [[Superadine]].  But it isn't.  It's Rage.
The [[Tsoo]] have been manufacturing Rage lately; they're hoping it will become the new drug of choice.  Let me tell you, you don't want to mix the two.  It would cause a massive chemical imbalance in the brain, turning you into a berserk killing machine.
Oh, I almost forgot; Vitaly Cherenko called me.  Apparently Vitaly Cherenko wants a look at some artifact you recovered from the [[Outcasts]].  Vitaly Cherenko said you should get it to him without delay.
Upon seeing [[Wyatt Anderson]], you will be ambushed by a group of [[Tsoo]].
'''Mission Objective(s)'''
* Take artifact to Vitaly Cherenko
'''Debriefing:''' Vitaly Cherenko
You say the [[Tsoo]] were trying to sell this artifact to the [[Outcasts]]?  Well, that brings a whole new meaning to the phrase 'buyer beware!'  This statue gives the bearer power all right, but it does so by eating away at his soul!
I think the [[Tsoo]] may be trying to sabotage the [[Outcasts]].  Maybe you should hit the streets in [[Steel Canyon]].  If you defeat enough [[Tsoo,]] you may convince one of them to tell us more about their plans.
'''Clue:''' Vitaly Cherenko's observations
Vitaly Cherenko told you:
'You say the [[Tsoo]] were trying to sell this artifact to the [[Outcasts]]?  Well, that brings a whole new meaning to the phrase 'buyer beware!'  This statue gives the bearer power all right, but it does so by eating away at his soul!  I think the [[Tsoo]] may be trying to sabotage the [[Outcasts]].'
'''Mission Objective(s)'''
* Interrogate [[Tsoo]] about plot
* Defeat 15 [[Tsoo]]
Upon seeing Vitaly Cherenko, you will be ambushed by a group of [[Tsoo]].
'''Clue:''' Coded note
You found this note on a [[Tsoo]] gangster.  It reads:

'R Y N P S K N G S E Q S R J T P D P J I R C J H L S I X J D R J Q Y A P J N I K A I N N P A I K S P N J L N P S R A I K S R 9 7 C S L S C A R X V N S Q F R Y S R H J P N Q X I R Y N Q A Z
N P Q E N S O O N O Q J V N C S I A I C P N S Q N L P J O T C R A J I H P L J'


So, one of the [[Tsoo]] you defeated was carrying this note?  Nice job.  I think I can get this decoded pretty quickly.  With any luck, it'll tell us more about the [[Tsoo|Tsoo's]] recent meetings with the [[Trolls]] and the [[Outcasts]].

I've sent the note that [[Tsoo]] gangster was carrying to a cryptographer.  Hopefully he can give us some solid information to go on.

=== Keep Tsoo Out of Steel Canyon ===
=== Keep Tsoo Out of Steel Canyon ===
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You've done a good thing by pushing the [[Circle of Thorns|Circle]] rituals back into the shadows.  People will feel a lot safe now, and I always consider that a victory.
You've done a good thing by pushing the [[Circle of Thorns|Circle]] rituals back into the shadows.  People will feel a lot safe now, and I always consider that a victory.

=== Retrieve Tsoo Cursed Weapons ===
{{Mission Common Re-Capture the cursed weapons and defeat Lion Mane}}
A new [[Tsoo]] boss called Golden Fist has been stockpiling cursed weapons he's had his men steal at a warehouse downtown.  I don't know what his plan is, but it cannot be good.  We need a hero to go in there before they can use them.
You'll have two objectives this time.  Your first objective is to re-capture the cursed weapons Golden Fist has gathered.  Your second objective is to defeat Golden Fist and make sure he doesn't try something like this again.
'''Mission Objective(s)'''
* Defeat Golden Fist and get weapons
* 4 artifacts remaining
It looks like you recaptured all of those cursed artifacts, and I heard you even beat Golden Fist himself.  You did better than I could have hoped for.
=== Meet with Computer Hacker ===

A computer hacker I know claims that he got into a database filled with [[Tsoo]] smuggling records.  He wants to get them to the right people, but he's afraid the [[Tsoo]] are watching his office.  If the [[Tsoo]] are watching him, they'll certainly try to stop you.  Those files could reveal a lot about their smuggling operations.  I can understand why he might be nervious.  Can you meet with him and get the encrypted files and encryption key?
{{Mission Common Meet the hacker and get the file}}
== External Links ==
== External Links ==

* {{NoFutureContact|City=h|ID=39}}
* {{NoFutureContact|City=h|ID=39}}

Revision as of 21:32, 2 September 2006


Vitaly Cherenko.jpg

Vitaly Cherenko is a hero contact in the Land of the Lost neighborhood of Skyway City Vitaly Cherenko is a Magic origin contact. His level range is 15-19.


Contact Introduced By

New Contact(s)

There's a great young historian you should talk to named Wyatt Anderson. He's an expert on the history of all things super-powered, and he can be a big help to new heroes like you. He's especially interested in taking down the Clockwork and the Trolls. Wyatt's research has him in Steel Canyon these days.

Have you ever read Juliana Nehring's column? She's an Internet reporter who specializes in super-powered villains. She's always looking for new sources to help her investigate the latest Vahzilok and Outcast activities. Juliana files her stories in Skyway City.

Juliana is tough as nails and is willing to do whatever it takes to get a story.

I'd like you to go see my friend Piper Irving. She's an anthropologist working here in the city. She knows a ton about the obscure beliefs of the Banished Pantheon and the Circle of Thorns. Piper knows where to get Training Enhancements.

I am sure you will find Piper quite knowledgeable.


Mystic Healer

Vitaly Cherenko thinks of himself as a doctor, though he practices magic, not medicine. Vitaly is a powerful mystic who uses his prodigious healing powers to treat the homeless, free of charge. His standard of living is not much better than his clientele's, but he is fulfilled and happy. That is, until he runs across a problem he can't cure with his magic. Then he turns to the city's heroes. Heroes comprise a large portion of his patients as well, especially the younger ones just starting out. Vitaly is currently quite worried about the Tsoo and the amoral Circle of Thorns, both of which threaten his homeless patients.

Initial Contact

This city is in need of a great deal of healing.


Vitaly Cherenko sells the following items:

  • Inspirations
  • Level 15 Natural/Magic Dual-Origin Enhancements
  • Level 20 Natural/Magic Dual-Origin Enhancements

Badge Mission

Story Arc

Template:Souvenir Rage Ampoule


Destroy Circle Portal


We have located a Circle of Thorns lair under the control of Dimas, a specialist in magical transportation. We think he's trying to set up a portal. You've got to get in there and destroy the portal. If you don't act quickly, it could become permanent. You only have one hour to destroy the portal.

If they activate that portal, it will be one more way for them to move their foces within the city.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Defeat Dimas and his coven (Timed, 1:00)


With that portal gone, the Circle will have one less foothold in Paragon City. Well fought.

Keep Tsoo Out of Steel Canyon


The Tsoo have been seen more and more frequently in Steel Canyon lately. Rumor is that they're looking for more territory to increase their power base, and are leaning on the Outcasts pretty hard. I need a hero who's willing to help keep them out of Steel Canyon. They've been spotted in Gimry Ridge and the Copper District, but I'm sure any neighborhood in the zone would welcome your assistance.

Clear Out Tsoo Headquarters


I've got a guy hard at work decoding that Tsoo you note you found, but I don't think we can wait for his translation. I just got a tip on the location of the Tsoo headquarters; if we don't move quickly, they may have a chance to move. I need you to clear out the Tsoo headquarters now. Take this com unit so I can get in touch with you wherever you are.

The headquarters is under the control of a Tsoo known as Mr. Po. Above all, I want Mr. Po in custody.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Defeat Mr. Po and his crew

Clue: Com unit

This waveband communications unit should allow your contact to get in touch with you anywhere in Paragon City.

Clue: Statue of deer

You recovered this bronze statue of a wounded deer in a Tsoo hideout. It is similar in design to the dangerous artifact you found the Tsoo trying to sell to the Outcasts.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Defeat all Tsoo in Rage lab
  • 12 Rage synthesizers remaining


Great job. The Tsoo won't be poisoning the Trolls with their Rage anytime soon.

The way I figure it, the Tsoo are trying to weaken all the other gangs in Paragon City. They tried to poison the Trolls by giving them Rage, a drug that reacts badly with the Superadine that the Trolls regularly take. And they tried to cripple the Outcasts by selling them artifacts that consume the bearer's soul. Who knows what they are doing to undermine the other gangs?

End of Story Arc

This mission concludes The Tsoo Shenanigans story arc and earns a hero the Rage ampoule souvenir. It also award a hero a Level + 2 Dual-Origin enhancement of the hero's origin.

Investigate Disappearances in Faultline


There have been an number of disappearances reported in Faultline lately, and I think we both know who's behind them: the Circle of Thorns. I want you to get over there and defeat as many mystics as you can find. Maybe we can stop any more people from falling into the Circle's clutches.

Downfall and Dark Astoria are full of mystics. Maybe you should start in one of those neighborhoods.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Combat Circle in Faultline
  • Defeat 15 Circle of Thorns


Well, you stopped the kidnappings in Faultline, at least for a time. Never forget, though, that the Circle is a persistent enemy. I'm afraid they will be back to their old tricks all too soon.

Clear Circle of Thorns Out of Sewers


The Circle of Thorns has been spotted in a section of the sewers. We have enough trouble down there without them adding to it. Get down to the sewers and clear the Circle out.

Watch out for their mystic blasts. They pack quite a punch.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Defeat all mystics in sewers


It sounds like the Circle nearly succeeded in casting a spell that would keep all of Paragon City asleep forever! It's a good thing you went after them. Otherwise, the lives you've worked so hard to protect would be nothing more than unending siestas!

Stop Circle Rituals


The Circle of Thorns is getting bolder by the day! They're performing their arcane rituals right out in public, and it's causing panic among the civilians. I need you to hit the streets and stop the Circle of Thorns rituals. I don't want the citizens of this fair city living in terror.

Faultline is probably the best place for you to start. Boomtown also has a large Circle population.

Mission Objective(s)


You've done a good thing by pushing the Circle rituals back into the shadows. People will feel a lot safe now, and I always consider that a victory.

Template:Mission Common Re-Capture the cursed weapons and defeat Lion Mane

Template:Mission Common Meet the hacker and get the file

External Links