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=== {{UL|Issue 25}} ===
=== {{UL|Issue 25}} ===
Patch notes for the period between end of official game and launch of Homecoming April 2019
Patch notes for the period between end of official game and launch of Homecoming April 2019
Consolidated Patch Notes for Issue 25
Overview 1
Archetypes: 2
Sentinel (NEW) 2
Kheldians (Updated) 4
Arena: 8
Auction House/Black Market: 8
Badges: 9
Base Editor: 16
Combat Monitor: 22
Costumes/Tailor: 23
Events: 28
Inventions: 38
Maps: 39
Mission Architect: 47
Missions and Task/Strike Forces: 49
P2W Vendor: 58
Powers: 59
PvP: 68
Rewards: 69
Supergroups: 75
Veteran Levels: 78
Issue 25, Unbroken Spirit, is a major revision to City of Heroes. The title references the community's strength to persevere beyond the official shutdown of its game.
This article provides consolidated patch notes for all the changes made for Issue 25.
● New archetype: Sentinels
● New power sets: Atomic Manipulation, Ninja Training, Radiation Armor, Radiation Melee, Radioactive Assault, Tactical Arrow, Temporal Manipulation
● Powerset proliferation
● New zone: Kallisti Wharf
● Updated Zone: Pocket D
● Updated Zone: Ouroboros
● Rebalanced Incarnate system
● Currency consolidation
● Extensive updates to supergroup bases
● New badges
● Numerous bug fixes
All of the above highlights are detailed further below.
Sentinel (NEW)
The new Sentinel archetype is a ranged combatant with moderate protective powers and protection from control effects. The creation of this archetype began as a proof of concept for designing new powers and power set combinations. 
Primary: Ranged
Secondary: Defense
Primary Power Sets
A Sentinel’s primary power sets are designed specifically for ranged damage.
● Archery
● Assault Rifle
● Beam Rifle
● Dark Blast
● Dual Pistols
● Electrical Blast
● Energy Blast
● Fire Blast
● Ice Blast
● Psychic Blast
● Radiation Blast
● Sonic Attack
● Water Blast
Secondary Power Sets
A Sentinel’s secondary power sets are designed for defense.
● Dark Armor
● Electric Armor
● Energy Aura
● Fiery Aura
● Ice Armor
● Invulnerability
● Ninjitsu
● Regeneration
● Willpower
Ancillary Power Pools
● Dark Mastery
● Fire Mastery
● Ice Mastery
Patron Power Pools
● Leviathan Mastery
● Mace Mastery
● Mu Mastery
● Soul Mastery
Inherent Power
● Opportunity
Kheldians (Updated)
Warshade and Peacebringer powers are now customizable:
● For human forms, there is a No Bubble theme that will remove the big bubble from the toggles that have it.
● For new builds, or characters that have not taken the shape shifts in their builds yet, the shape-shift attacks will now be part of the main powersets, not the Inherent powerset.
● Energy Light, Combat Flight, Shadow Step and Shadow Recall are also customizable and now part of the secondary Aura sets.
Power changes:
● Respecs will move Nova/Dwarf attacks and travel powers into the Primary and Secondary powersets as appropriate.
● The T1 attack of the offensive sets can now be used while in Dwarf form at a reduced range. This should give Dwarf form a new attack to fill in gaps in attack chains.
● The T2 attack of the offensive sets can now be used while in Nova form, at a higher recharge and for more damage. This should slightly help with Nova form Single Target damage output.
● Shapeshift tray: An option to hide the extra power tray that appears while in Nova or Dwarf form has been added to Null the Gull.
Kheldians and Soldiers of Arachnos can now be created with any origin.
Soldiers: Now accept slow Knockback sets, as the Medic can get a Frag Grenade knockback power in the third upgrade.
Medic: Frag Grenade can now be enhanced for accuracy, damage, endurance reduction and knockback. The base damage has been reduced to compensate; it's basically a clone of Commando: M30 Grenade.
Masterminds now have access to the Kinetics and Radiation Emission power sets.
All Mastermind secondary powers have the proper endurance cost penalty applied. This has resulted in an increase to Sonic and Time, a very minor increase in Pain and Thermal, and a big decrease in Cold.
Debuff Toggles have been standardized to 0.52 end/sec (0.65 end/sec on Masterminds).
Enemy-based debuffs can now target dead foes. This means that the toggle should not drop when the anchor dies, only when the anchor despawns.
Charge Mastery / EM Pulse: renamed to ESD (Electro Static Discharge) to avoid conflict with EM Pulse from Radiation Emission.
Illusion / Spectral Terror: will now accept to-hit debuff enhancements and inventions, as it does debuff to-hit.
Kinetics / Transfusion: changed to respect proper AT values in PvE.
Kinetics / Siphon Power: removed unnecessary PvP defs on defenders.
Kinetics / Increase Density: reduced Corruptor knockback protection from mag 9 to mag 8, same as Controllers.
Kinetics / Inertial Reduction: added AIReport kNever to Corruptors.
Kinetics / Transference: changed to respect proper AT values in PvE.
Mind Control / Terrify: will no longer accept to-hit debuff enhancements or inventions, as it does not debuff to-hit.
Nature Affinity / Entangling Aura: Now checks for targets every 2 seconds instead of 5.
Ninja Training / Golden Dragonfly: will now accept defense debuff invention sets. They already accept accurate defense debuff sets.
Ninja Training / Sting of the Wasp: will now accept defense debuff invention sets. They already accept accurate defense debuff sets.
Ninja Training / The Lotus Drops: will now accept defense debuff invention sets. They already accept accurate defense debuff sets.
Plant Manipulation / Ripper: will now accept defense debuff invention sets. They already accept accurate defense debuff sets.
Plant Manipulation / Skewer: will now accept defense debuff invention sets. They already accept accurate defense debuff sets.
Plant Manipulation / Thorn Burst: will now accept defense debuff invention sets. They already accept accurate defense debuff sets.
Plant Manipulation / Wild Fortress: will no longer accept endurance reduction, as it does not have an endurance cost.
Radiation Emission / Radiant Aura: removed AIReport kNever from Controller and Defenders.
Radiation Emission / Accelerate Metabolism: Removed AIReport kNever from Controller and Defenders.
Radiation Emission / Enervating Field: Is no longer stronger in PvP than PvE.
Radiation Emission / Mutation: No longer has travel suppression on Corruptors.
Radiation Emission / Lingering Radiation: Added missing debuff FX to Corruptors.
Radiation Emission / Choking Cloud: Now checks for targets every 2 seconds, is autohit and has mez suppression on Corruptors in PvP.
Radiation Emission / Fallout: Shows the buff icon when cast by a Corruptor. Now has the same travel suppression on all ATs, uses AT modifiers and benefits from Scourge and Containment.
Radiation Emission / EM Pulse: Now has the same travel suppression on all ATs and respects AT modifiers on Endurance Drain.
Temporary Powers / Experienced: recharge time lowered to 10 minutes.
Temporary Powers / Freakshow Disguise: will now show in the Powers window and can be deleted by right-clicking on it.
Mastermind pets should now allow all appropriate IO sets (previously, only Beast Mastery and Demon Summoning had full coverage):
● Soldiers > Accurate Defense Debuff, Healing
● Spec Ops > Accurate Defense Debuff, Accurate To Hit Debuff, Disorient, Hold
● Commando > Accurate Defense Debuff
● Zombies > Accurate To Hit Debuff, Healing
● Skeletal Warriors > Accurate Defense Debuff, Accurate Healing, Healing
● Lich > Accurate Defense Debuff, Accurate Healing, Accurate To Hit Debuff, Defense Debuff, Fear, Healing, Hold
● Soul Extraction > Accurate Healing, Healing, Hold
● Genin > Disorient
● Jounin > Accurate Defense Debuff, Accurate To Hit Debuff, Confuse, Disorient
● Oni > Hold
● Protector Bots > Accurate To Hit Debuff, Defense, Disorient, Healing
● Assault Bot > Disorient
● Enforcer > Accurate Defense Debuff, Defense, Disorient, Hold
The Sentinel AT can now be selected as a valid AT for any Arena slot.
The Septad options have been replaced with a "Custom Pentad" option that allows any AT in, with teams from 5 to 8 players.
Auction House/Black Market:
Listings for Hamidon and Synthetic Hamidon enhancements have been combined. If you bid for a Nucleolus and someone lists a Synthetic Nucleolus (or vice versa), you'll receive it.
Listings for Titan and Hydra enhancements have been combined as well.
Note that you can't sell to yourself, so listing a Titan Diamond Shard (Acc/Dam) on one character will not allow you to buy a Neutrino Exposure (Acc/Dam) from the same character.
Removed the "Unique" rarity from the Auction House dropdown box.
Attuned enhancements in the Auction House now share inventory with their non-Attuned versions. Using a Catalyst to attune an Invention enhancement remains as a means to Attune an enhancement you have already slotted. This does not include WTO's or ATO's.
Attuned Winter Gift enhancements can be sold in the Auction House.
The remote auction house (/ah command and derivatives) can no longer be used in PVP zones.
Removed the Account Bound restrictions on all attuned enhancements. They can be freely traded between players and in the AH.
Removed obsolete recipes (costumes and ritual of summoning) from the Auction House listing.
Sorted the Achievements list to keep badges of the same type together.
Normalized all "time in zone" badges to one hour and moved them to Achievements.
Pocket D Gold Club badge awards the Prestige teleporter instantly in addition to making it free in P2W.
Moved "Annihilator" to Defeats.
Moved "The Really Hard Way" to Achievements.
Moved "Ten Times the Victor" to Accomplishments.
Fixed image for Trailblazer.
Fixed hint text for Cold Hearted.
Fixed "Controversial" badge name
Fixed Privateer badge: Most types of skiff weren't counting.
Fixed “Keeper of Beasts” now counting the NightstalkersEndgame group.
Fixed “Mu Guardian” badge now counting Arachnos_Mu_Guardian_Medium_High.
The badge "The Unbroken Spirit" now has the same name for heroes and villains. The villain title "Relentless" is being used for a low-tier damage badge, so both alignments can wear either title.
Enable Tempus Fugitive / Destroyer of Worlds for winning Recluse's Victory with 1000 temporal points.
The badge for the Winter Event 2009 log-in (Festive) has been added to the Candy Cane vendor, for the same price as the other Log-In badges.
Anniversary Badges:
● Added code so badges can be awarded (or revoked) on a given day, month and/or year. Future Anniversary badges will use this, instead of requiring manual activation and deactivation.
● Added the 9th Anniversary badge, "Torchbearer"
● Added the 10th Anniversary badge, "Unstoppable"
● Added the 11th Anniversary badge, "Perseverant"
● Added the 12th Anniversary badge "Indomitable"
● Added the 13th Anniversary badge, "Timeless"
● Added the 14th Anniversary badge, "Everlasting"
● Added the 15th Anniversary badge, “Excelsior!”
All previous Anniversary badges are available to purchase from Luna in Ouroboros, but only during Anniversary Month.
Added an "Anniversary Month" popup window that alerts players of the rewards for logging in during the month of May.
The Pursuer/Elusive badge will use that code to award itself every November for the COV anniversary from now on.
Enabled badges Praetorian Tourist and Chronomaster.
Lanista and Grand Lanista now award for either rated or unrated Gladiator matches. Rated matches in Arena in general are buggy as heck, so I suggest going unrated. As a side effect, the count has been reset to zero, because they use a new tracking stat.
Text fixes for Lanista and Ophelia's Final Scene.
Added several new badges, and modified the requirements for several badges that were only available for Praetorian-born or Primal-born heroes so they can be earned by the other side.
● Recluse's Right Hand / Recluse's Betrayer: Complete every story arc from Black Scorpion, Captain Mako, Ghost Widow, Scirocco and Lord Recluse to earn this badge. [Rewards 20 Merits]
● Obliterator: Complete every story arc in the Praetorian Crusader storyline to earn this badge.
● Survivor: Complete every story arc in the Praetorian Warden storyline to earn this badge.
● Magistrate: Complete every story arc in the Praetorian Responsibility storyline to earn this badge.
● Tyrant: Complete every story arc in the Praetorian Power storyline to earn this badge.
● Escapist: Leave Praetoria through the Rift Enclosure after completing the Crusader, Warden, Responsibility or Power story arc.
● Tempered Through Fire: Earn the following badges to earn this badge: Loyalist, Magistrate, Tyrant, Resistance Member, Obliterator, Survivor and Escapist. [Rewards 20 Merits]
● Agent of Praetoria: Complete every story arc in Nova Praetoria to earn this badge. [Rewards 20 Merits]
● Rising Star: Complete every story arc in Imperial City to earn this badge. [Rewards 20 Merits]
● True to the Last: Complete every story arc in Neutropolis to earn this badge. [Rewards 20 Merits]
● Agent of Order: Complete every story arc in Atlas Park to earn this badge. [Rewards 20 Merits]
● Agent of Chaos: Complete every story arc in Mercy Island to earn this badge. [Rewards 20 Merits]
● Vigilant: Complete every story arc in the Rikti War Zone to earn this badge. [Rewards 20 Merits]
● Determined: Complete every story arc in Dark Astoria to earn this badge. [Rewards 20 Merits]
Added new badges for damage dealt
● Marauder: Deal 100,000 damage to earn this badge.
● Eliminator: Deal 500,000 damage to earn this badge.
● Relentless: Deal 1,000,000 damage to earn this badge.
● Decimator: Deal 10,000,000 damage to earn this badge.*
● Executioner: Deal 25,000,000 damage to earn this badge.*
● Eradicator: Deal 50,000,000 damage to earn this badge.
● Cataclysmic: Deal 100,000,000 damage to earn this badge.
Until the End of the World: Collect 1500 badges to earn this badge.
Five badges for collecting Souvenirs: Bounty, Pickpocket, Kleptomaniac, Packrat and Curator.
All the Veteran badges are back; they are now rewarded for earning experience after level 50, with each "Veteran Level" counting as one month in the original progression. Badges for levels 15, 30, 45, 60, 75 and 90 grant a Respec and a Costume Token.
Since some badge names were already used in other places, the following Veteran Badges have been renamed:
● Trustworthy > Overleveled (3 Veteran Levels)
● Battle Hardened > Motivated (48 Veteran Levels)
● Tried and True > Encouraged (51 Veteran Levels)
● City Traveler > Discerning (60 Veteran Levels)
● Loyal Customer > Radiant (84 Veteran Levels)
● Radiant > Overpowered (99 Veteran Levels)
This means that if you had City Traveler, you will instead have Discerning when you log in; same for the others.
You may need to manually re-earn the following exploration badges, if you hadn't earned them by visiting the badge markers:
● Rookie (Echo: Atlas Park)
● Battle Hardened (Cimerora)
● Tried and True (Omega Team Memorial)
● Trustworthy (Echo: Atlas Park)
● City Traveler (Echo: Atlas Park)
And you will definitely need to re-earn Loyal Customer (Market Crash Trial) because there was no tracking stat to automatically grant this badge again. As a consolation, earning Loyal Customer grants a purple recipe to your character.
Added the following Accolade badges:
● Excavator (Complete every Story Arc in The Hollows)
● Aftershock (Complete every Story Arc in Faultline)
● Port Authority (Complete every Story Arc in Striga Isle)
● Story Teller (Complete every Story Arc in Croatoa)
They each grant 20 Reward Merits.
New Badges:
● Aloof: new badge for rejecting 50 inspiration drops.
● Unconcerned: new badge for rejecting 100 inspiration drops.
● Apathetic: new badge for rejecting 500 inspiration drops.
● Couldn't Care Less: new badge for rejecting 1000 inspiration drops.
● Chameleon: new badge for completing the task set "The Chameleon Suit".
● Do No Harm: new badge for completing the task set "Hippocratic Oath".
● True Nemesis: new badge for completing the task set "Nemesis Rex".
● Itsy Bitsy: new badge for defeating the Jade Spider in "Trading Places" (Hero version).
● Welcome to Earth: new badge for destroying a Rikti Drop Ship.
● Guardian of Forever: new badge for recruiting a new member into Ouroboros.
Defender of Primal Earth is now awarded for having both Master of Apex and Master of Tin Mage badges.
The "Defeats" badge listing has been re-ordered. It first lists badges for defeating large numbers of enemies from a specific faction, then badges that are specific to a single zone, followed by badges that can be obtained inside missions, and finally those for defeating Giant Monsters and other special enemies in City Zones.
● Doorbuster: now awarded for destroying 100 Force Field Doors, Magical Barriers or Reinforced doors. Moved to
● Gangbuster: now awarded for defeating 200 minions or lieutenants of The Family.
● Untouchable: now awarded for defeating 100 bosses of The Family, of any kind.
● Pirate: now awarded for defeating 100 Spectral Pirates.
Miscellaneous Fixes
● Passport: once again awards automatically to all characters.
● Firefighter: fixed progress meter.
● Fire Chief: fixed progress meter.
Bug Hunter: now appears at the top of the Accolades list, grants 20 Reward Merits, and can be granted via the Coupons system.
Tournament Victor: now awarded by winning a single round in a Swiss Draw match, not the whole tournament. This mode is hopelessly buggy so this at least makes the badge less annoying to get.
Updated “One of the Eight” arc to award badge to non-owners. You will automatically receive the badge if you have the souvenir.
Pay2Win now has options to reject Recipe drops (tested with critter drops and random rolls at AE and merits; not tested with end of mission or end of TF recipes) and four badges for rejecting 50 (Picky Eater), 100 (Food Critic), 500 (Grand Gourmet) and 1000 (Iron Chef).
Base Editor:
The client will no longer crash when attempting to place a room in a location that would generate more than 4 doorways.
Numerous items were added to the base editor, many adapted from various map instances but also custom made items created by members of the community. It is definitely worth it to take a look at these 1000s of times.
Implemented item color UI for base editor. If an item is tintable, you can select its color from the detail window. Color is no longer tied to the Supergroup colors.
Bug Fixes
Multiple items in a base with different color tints or texture swaps will not apply them to other items by setting the swap/tint on the master copy in the object library. Neither will cursor dragging or the spinning item preview in the Object tab cause them to display incorrectly while editing.
Items moved within a room or to another room will no longer have their tint and texture swap overwritten by the SG colors and emblem.
It should be much easier to select a placed NPC in edit mode by clicking on them.
All wall items (doors, windows, alphabet, etc) that had been added as Floor items to allow placing them anywhere are now wall items. Use the hotkeys to detach them from the wall.
Hitboxes for many items have been tweaked. This should not affect any placed items, but newly placed items will obey them. Use the hotkey for noclip mode in order to partially put them outside the room (for example, water).
The volume area for all the Sky options is now visible without using /see_everything. The pillar in the middle is still 4x4 wide so it doesn't get in the way of selecting other things, but when selected, a green box will indicate the area covered by the Sky volume.
● Basic Telepad can now attach 10 teleport beacons.
● Hacked Telepad and Magicked Telepad have been removed (they have the same model as Basic Telepad, so no visual loss). Telepads already placed automatically convert to Basic Telepads.
● Raid Teleporters have been renamed to Advanced Telepad and Magicked Telepad and act as normal teleporters.
● Display Room, Object and Chat window toggles instead of Prestige in the Inventory window.
● Removed all AttackVolumes and associated Trap entity behavior from assorted items. This should eliminate crashes related to moving or deleting such items, or trying to use the Undo function in a base that contains them.
● This should not affect the item's appearance.
● Added the "Teleporter Points" tab. It contains 10 invisible objects that can be spread around the base to act as teleporter destinations.
● The Teleport Point script markers now default to Surface attachment mode.
● Added teleporter beacons for those points in the Arcane Teleport and Tech Teleport tabs. They are listed after the City Zones.
● Removed some code that attached an annoying sound effect to many items, like teleport beacons.
Changes to enhance the editor, not only to be easier and more intuitive to use, but also to be more powerful and allow for more creative base design:
Bug Fixes:
● Rotating an item no longer causes its bounding box to distort wildly.
● The 'remove color' button for tintable items should work consistently now.
● Sky volumes are no longer selected when clicking anywhere inside their volume.
● Reduce coincident surface z-flickering when moving an item.
● Lighting in bases is no longer confined to the room that the lights are placed in. This results in smoother transitions in doorways rather than jarring changes in light level.
● The item previews in the current room tab now show the color and logo (if applicable) that have been applied to the item.
● Do not step time in particle systems forward when rendering a group preview thumbnail. This fixes the issue where FX items like the base portal were animating at superspeed while an item was selected.
● Using /stuck inside a Supergroup Base will send you back to the entrance portal.
● The Secret Entrance base item has been known to misbehave and/or spontaneously duplicate when rotated at weird angles, so the ability to rotate it has been removed.
Miscellaneous Enhancements:
● The method of detecting which item is clicked on in the editor has been completely rewritten. It should be easier to consistently select the item you want.
● A light gray box will appear around the item that is currently being hovered over by the mouse pointer. This is the item that will be selected if you click without moving the mouse.
● Pressing SHIFT or CTRL to change the rotation axis takes effect immediately. You no longer have to carefully press it before ALT.
● Wall items can now be rotated with the ALT key combinations. They should retain their relative rotation when moving to different walls.
● When moving an item, the original item is now made partly transparent to make it more obvious which copy is the one you're moving. The 'ghost image' is where it was, and where it will revert back to if the move is aborted by pressing Escape.
● Shift+Tab may now be used to cycle backwards through the currently visible items.
● Items can now be placed in doorways.
● The editor now has 8 levels of undo. Note: Touching a storage item in any way clears all undo history.
● Holding SHIFT while clicking ignores the item that would normally be selected, and select the one behind it instead. If you are having trouble selecting a particular object due to it being blocked, holding SHIFT may help.
● Holding CONTROL while clicking ignores all base items and allows you to easily select a floor or wall to change the style.
● Floor and Ceiling trims in supergroup bases can now be removed from the whole room by selecting the "None" trim style.
New Key Bindings:
● F1: Cycle through grid size settings. Settings are Disabled (no grid), 1/4 unit, 1/2 unit, 1 (Default), 2, and 4.
● F2: Cycle through rotation angle snap settings. Settings are Disabled, 1, 3, 5 (Default), 10, 15, 30, and 45 degrees.
● F3: Toggle 'room clipping' mode. When in room clipping mode, items are allowed to be placed partway through walls and outside a room, and may be placed at any height, even completely above or below the room. At least 1 world unit of the item's bounding box must still remain inside the room.
● F5: Change the attachment mode for the selected item. Attachment modes cycle through Floor, Wall, Ceiling, and Surface.
● Floor, Ceiling: Place items only on the floor or ceiling of a room. Placing a floor or ceiling item in the opposite mode will automatically rotate it 180 degrees.
● Wall: Items placed in wall mode will stick to the walls of a room. Generally floor and ceiling items placed in this mode will attach their back to the wall.
● Surface: Surface is a new mode that attaches the item to any surface, even other items. This can be used to easily and quickly stack details on desks, stick things on the sides of cabinets, stack arcane blocks, etc. In surface mode, the item is automatically oriented to face outward from the surface that it is placed on.
● CTRL+Z: Undo. Reverts the last change made in the editor.
● CTRL+Y: Redo. Reverts the last undo, but only if Undo was the most recent change.
Slash Commands:
The following new commands are available while in base editor mode (bring down the chat window to type them in)
● /grid_snap value Sets the item placement grid to <value> world units. The default grid size is 1.
● /angle_snap value Sets the rotation angle snap to <value> degrees. The default angle snap is 5.
● /room_clip 0-1
● room_clip 0 (the default) constrains items to be completely inside their parent room.
● room_clip 1 allows the bounding box of objects to extend partly outside the room, and disables vertical constraints entirely.
● /base_default_sky 0-15 sets the default sky that the base will use outside of Sky volumes.
● Praetoria
● Atlas Park
● Boomtown
● Mercy Island
● Grandville
● Cimerora
● Night Ward
● Shadow Shard
● Storm Palace
● Dense Fog
● Rikti Invasion
● Zombie Apocalypse
● Praetorian Invasion
● Lighted Paths
● Shadowed Paths
● Spaaaaaaaaaace!
● Added Search function to UI. Clicking on 'Place Item' reveals the [black] search bar. Remove query from search bar, to regain access to the complete base library.
When entering the SG Base Editor, the world detail will be set to 200% if it's less than that; it'll retain the world detail setting if it's any higher. Last patch was not putting a lower cap to world detail and that was causing the draw distance to be too low, affecting the rendering of items in the UI itself; /visscale 2 is the minimum for everything to render properly in there. The World Detail setting will be restored when you leave the SG Base Editor.
Fixed a bug that was causing 16 items (arcane crystals among other things) to turn into other items after the base mapserver was restarted.
There are multiple tabs full of FX items. They display a placement reticle that is only visible while in the editor in order to aid placement, as they are intangible and often invisible. The new tabs are at the far right in the list.
● Skies: added Meteor Fall, Vortex Cloud 1, Vortex Cloud 2.
● Arcane Teleport: added Carnival of Light Portal, Magic Portal, Summoning Portal.
● Tech Teleport: added Interdimensional Shard, Black Hole, White Hole, Small Portal, Large Portal.
● Teleport Points: the bounding box for the placement reticle has been corrected.
When clicking the "Place Item" button, it will be replaced with a text input that you can use to filter items by name. This replaces the /find command.
When in "Create Room", "Pick Style" or "Current Room" mode, the button to switch to the mode you're in is disabled.
When in "Upgrade Plot" mode, you will no longer see the options to delete or move rooms. They don't work in that mode anyway.
Combat Monitor:
Added Inherent (kRage) and fix "Knockback Distance Resistance" display to the Combat Monitor.
Fixed the display of experience to next level in combat monitor and profile page when level 50 working towards the permading.
The following pieces are now available:
Banished Pantheon Spirit Auras for players, available on all three genders:
● Spirit of Death
● Spirit of Desire
● Spirit of Pain
● Spirit of Sorrow
Carnival of Light: Chest with Skin, Gloves, Shoulders
Carnival of Light 1: Bottoms with Skin
Carnival of Light 2: Bottoms with Skin
Carnival of Light Belt under Jackets for Females
Carnival of Light Top under Robes and Jackets for Females
Carnival of Light Shoulders under Armored, Robotic Arm and Tops/Robes/Jackets for Females
Circle of Thorns longer skirt variant for Females
Fashion Boots and Gloves for Females
Labeaux Top 1 and 2 under Tops with Skin
Labeaux Thong: Bottoms with Skin
Labeaux: Belt, Bottoms with Skin, Boots
Labeaux Belt under Jackets for Females
Labeaux Gloves under Smooth/Bare
Legacy Chain Helmets for Males:
● Legacy of Earth
● Legacy of Fire
● Legacy of Light
● Legacy of Steel
Legacy Chain Shoulders for Males
More Roman Sandals: Boots
Roman Sybil: Belt
Tank Top with Tattoos for Females under Tops with Skin
Tech Knight belt now usable with Capes
Yakuza 1 and 2 tops for Females under Tops with Skin, both with normal and “glowing” versions
Yakuza 3 top for Females under Tops with Skin, no tattoos
Greater Fire Sword and Greater Ice Sword for Dual Blades across all genders
Maelstrom Pistols should have correct scaling on Females
The Greek and Kanji letters no longer require a Veteran token to use.
Dispersion Bubble now has a Minimal FX option.
Post-Apocalyptic costume pieces no longer appear fully white on Minimum graphics settings.
Unfinished Imperial Scholar and Imperial Dynasty pieces have been hidden pending completion of their geometry and textures
Crab and Widow costume fixes:
Fixed NPC Widow hip texture.
Adjusted NPC Night Widow glove color to match the rest of the outfit.
Re-enabled crab backpacks for non-VEATs. [EDIT: Any AT can select Crab backpack in costume creation, but it will only show up in game for Soldiers of Arachnos.]
Crab Spiders should now be able to make/edit non-VEAT costumes again.
Tweaked player Arachnos Widow claw visuals to be smoother and more consistent with their NPC counterparts. Animations, animation times and other power attributes have not been modified.
Added "FX in PvP only" options to VEAT toggles.
Widow Indomitable Will
Fortunata Mask Presence
Night Widow Mask Presence
Bane Spider Cloaking Device
Crab Spider Fortification
Added two-tone hair variations:
Crew Cut/Genius for Male
Beau Monde/Rapturous for Female.
Client no longer crashes when trying to load power customization files.
Retro SciFi glove options that were previously only available for females have been created for Male and Huge.
Male, Female and Huge now have access to a ringless version of the SciFi glove.
Reorganized the display naming convention for SciFi gloves across Male, Female and Huge sets. This should not affect any existing costumes.
Corrected an existing texture issue involving the glow effect bleeding across the thumb and seam area.
Waterfall Backpack for Huge characters no longer loses its tinting while moving.
Swan has a new costume.
Diabolique’s Phase Shift FX will now last 5 seconds, matching the actual duration of the Phase power, instead of 20.25 seconds.
Council Goliath War Walker:
Nano Reconstruction power should now also grant the Goliath a resistance to healing, making every use of its heal weaker and weaker.
Increased knockback capabilities. It should be able to knock back even tankers, but will never knockback anyone more often than every 30 seconds.
High level Sky Skiffs from the SSA2 arc and Crimson's Sky Skiff pets will count towards the Privateer badge.
Adamastor (GM version) will no longer run away when the AI morale breaks.
Crimson Prototype can no longer hit through Untouchable with its AOE attack.
Crimson Prototype receives battle damage and summons shield generators.
Added combat feedback text to a lot of pets and pseudopets that were missing it.
Removed the Alignment Guide contacts Redemption and Pit.
Combat Contacts:
Combat Contacts react to nearby enemies and attack them, and return to their posts when the fight is over. They can still be clicked to obtain their contact dialog at any time.
Atlas Park:
Back Alley Brawler
Henry Peter Wong
Hero Corps Field Analyst
Ms. Liberty
P2W Field Agent
Superpowered Field Trainer
Steel Canyon:
More Vindicators and Freedom Phalanx trainers/contacts are combat capable
The Candy Cane Vendor: The Candy Cane Vendor has been organized to put things in categories and list the duration of the various temporary powers.
The Vault Reserve greeter in Pocket D will now talk to all alignments.
Ouroboros: added Mender Valen and missing handrail in north side tower.
Lorenzo DiCosta in Skyway City was incorrectly flagged as a Neutral contact, which allowed Villains to get him as a contact introduction. He's flagged as Hero-only now.
Luna is now in Ouroboros, replacing the Empyrean/Astral vendors. Luna sells Super Inspirations for threads instead of Astral Merits. She now also sells Dual, Team and Team Dual Super Inspirations.
Hydra from the Sewer Trial will no longer spawn in Hydra mission spawns.
One of St. Martial's Black Market NPCs wasn't clickable, this has been fixed.
Eagle Eye no longer introduces Origin contacts, as he didn't check if the player already had the contact he was trying to introduce, causing duplicates.
Jack Wolfe, the respec NPC, has been moved inside the Omega Team Memorial.
A new vanity pet is available in P2W: a Tarantula Spider.
The Halloween Salvage traders now have additional rewards: the Tarantula Spider, a Respec Recipe, and all the NPC costume change powers (non-permanent, 2 week duration).
Tailors are preparing for Halloween with the following new pieces:
Mummified tights pattern: available for face, chest, gloves, pants, and boots (under Flat).
Mummified capes.
Floating head category. Includes the following options with or without a metal base:
Sphere (glass or metal)
Human Skull (multiple eyeball and jaw options)
Human Skull face detail option
Jawbones face detail options
Tombstone backpack, with optional chains
Wicker Basket backpack
Low-level zones now have a 1/9 chance to spawn Jack in Irons instead of Eochai; high-level zones now have a 1/3 chance, up from 1/9.
During the event, you can use the coupon WINTERGIFT in order to get a random item every day. The rewards include: Super Packs, Unslotters, Converters, Boosters, Catalysts, Candy Canes, Brain Storm Ideas, Reward Merits, Double XP Boosters, and Winter-themed Temporary Powers. The WINTERGIFT coupon will expire on January 1st.
The Luau option in Null the Gull will now send you to the new Winter map
Talk Like a Pirate Day:
It's Talk Like a Pirate Day, and the Spectral Pirates are invading! This event will last until Monday morning.
Numerous typos were fixed.
The second phase of a respec will now allow you to place all the enhancements for your level in one go in any power. You can click on any placed slot to undo its placement during the entire process. This allows a little bit more flexibility in placement that wasn't possible before, like 6-slotting the power you picked at level 50 or not putting any slots in the first few powers of your primary and secondary.
The enhancement scrollbar in the last screen of the respec was fixed and now lets you actually see them all.
Removed the level 10 restriction on supergroup creation.
Changed max emails that can be sent per day from 150 to 10,000.
Internal: added SortOrder token to costume text files.
Spider vanity pet renamed to Spiderling.
All Base, Component and Mission salvage has been put together in a "Legacy" tab.
Enhancement Converters and Attumed Enhancements:
Enhancement Converters are available again, with support for Attuned enhancements.
Sets that exist both in attuned and not attuned versions will convert in kind. This means that if you convert a non-attuned enhancement, you'll get a non-attuned enhancement as the result; if you convert an attuned enhancement, you'll get an attuned enhancement as the result.
Because Attuned enhancements don't have a set level, the result could be any set in range.
When doing an out-of-set conversion, a level is randomly assigned; if the level assigned is under 30, it could convert into Regenerative Tissue or Triage; if it's above 30, it could convert into Doctored Wounds or Numina's Convalescence.
Because the level is randomly assigned, sets that have larger level overlaps will convert into each other more often. For example, a set with the level range 10-25 and a set with the level range 25-50 will only convert into each other if the random level assigned happens to be exactly 25, and will convert into other sets if any other level is randomly assigned.
Attuned enhancements that could be converted prior to this patch (ATOs and Winter enhancements) are not affected.
The smartphone emote will now work properly with Female and Huge models.0
Two new emotes have been added:  “text” and “cameraphone”.
Ledgesit emote variations that will always use the same pose:
● ledgesit1
● ledgesit2
● ledgesit3
● ledgesit4
Invention Discount coupons will award again by logging off in the proper Day Job locations.
Filesystem adjustment:
The game will no longer try to write to hardcoded paths like c:\, c:\cryptic\scratch and similar. If you use resume_info.txt to store your password, it should now go to the base directory (where the game is installed).
The salvage icons for Essence of the Furies, Incarnate Shard, Ancient Nictus Fragment, Vanguard DNA Metamatrix and Incarnate Infused Nictus were changed to new versions from an icon pack that were patched in last year but never actually set to display.
Recipes for Amplifier temporary powers now have the right icon.
Updated inspiration context menu to provide quick key numbers to combination options.
Reject Inspiration Drops:
You can now reject inspiration drops based on their type: Small, Medium, Large, Accuracy, Damage, Health, Endurance, Protection and Resurrect. Rejected drops by base type are simply gone, meaning you will receive less inspirations overall.
You can also unlock Dual and/or Team inspiration drops. When either option is enabled, 20% of eligible inspiration drops will turn into the dual or team version. The 20% chance is split between eligible types.
All the accept/reject options are available at P2W under "Inspirations".
Increased maximum global emails to 100.
Removed all the checks for the Invention License (coliinvn) in order to craft items.
Invention tables that don't have a discount coupon checkbox will no longer apply invention coupons.
Chat Logs:
Regular chat logs are now saved under accountname/logs as "chatlog YYYY-MM-DD.txt".
Private messages (tells) are saved under accountname/logs/private as "playerhandle.txt".
Renaming Characters:
Character Renames no longer require tokens or involve the Account Server in any way.
You will no longer be prompted to rename a character when you log it in.
The Rename and Delete buttons have been moved to the right side of the top bar in the Character Selection screen.
Removed the Paragon Rewards Loyalty Tree window. All items that were previosly available via the rewards program (colored and veteran titles, /vault, /ah, etcetera) are unlocked by default.
All the store products that were manually being granted to everybody before (costume slots, enhancement trays, etcetera) are unlocked by default.
Moved hit roll messages, power missed messages, and AI notify for misses to a new deferred combat event system so that they exhibit proper timing and sync up with the action in the game world instead of appearing the instant the power begins activating on the server.
Fixed percent sign being doubled in system chat messages.
Possible fix for millions of 16-byte allocations causing mapservers to run out of memory and crash.
AI teams will no longer try to automatically grow over 100 members. Fixes a SG base crash when 1000 NPC items are placed.
/vault has been replaced with /toggle vault, that lets you both open and close the Vault window.
A link to the Vault window has been added to the Salvage window.
Rikti, Zombie and Nemesis Invasions won't spawn critters on characters with a combat level of 25 or lower.
Altered inspiration context menu so that "Combine 3 into..." has a hot key.
When combining Titan/Hydra enhancements with Hamidon enhancements, sometimes you'll end up with a Titan/Hydra instead of a Hamidon, as documented here. Changing the combine code to guarantee a Hamidon is not feasible, so instead, Titan and Hydra enhancements have been buffed to have the same values as Hamidon enhancements. Their Auction House listings have been combined too, so you can list a Titan/Hydra enhancement and it will increase the supply of Hamidon enhancements.
Note: To balance this change, Titan and Hydra enhancements at the end of the trials now drop at -2 of the character's level. This means that the drop you receive enhances each aspect 26.5%, which is still a buff from the 25% they used to at even level, but keeps Hamidon enhancements desirable to level 50's as only they can drop at 50 (and be combined up to 50++). If you only ever farm Eden or Hydra, you can still combine three of the same Hydra/Titan to make a 48++ which will be functionally identical to a level 50 Hamidon, but that'll take quite a bit of effort.
The Paragon City info terminals now display some personal stats
While time-travelling to Praetoria from Ouroboros, the Menders will provide you with all the Loyalist and Resistance passcodes that were valid at the time.
XP Boosters now shut off immediately as soon as you turn level 50, even if you leave the character untrained, exemplar, switch to a second build or do any other trick. Double XP boosters now cost 10,000,000 inf per hour, 50% boosters costs 5,000,000 inf per hour, 25% boosters cost 2,500,000 per hour. Between this price hike and the influence reduction, leveling a character from 1 to 50 should cost more than the influence that the level 50 character doing the farming earns, making them an actual influence sink. Influence gain is reduced by as much as Experience gain is increased; This means a 100% booster will completely shut off Influence gains Influence reduction shuts off as soon as you have enough experience to train to level 50.They don't work in the Mission Architect. This does NOT apply to the XP Booster granted by the Seed of Hamidon event.
Solved a case-sensitivity issue when patching the files to the Linux servers, which caused some inconsistent problems in maps.
Solved an issue with certain powers preventing you from picking your very first power when switching to a second build.
Supergroup Mode no longer reduces the amount of influence earned.
PopHelp has been obliterated.
Applied the profanity filter changes discussed previously. The “leet” filter is still in place for now, but a lot of words were removed.
If you talk to a Ski Instructor while on a ski race in Pocket D, it will cancel that race instead of showing you the leaderboard. Blue NPCs cancel the regular races, Pink NPCs cancel the advanced race.
Patrol XP will now be awarded to level 50 characters and will work as an XP boost, not just for reducing debt.
Veteran Levels are now displayed in the Personal Info window, and have been removed from the City Info Terminals.
Brutes should no longer lose stealth when they get in melee range of an enemy.
On Windows, the game will ignore UI scaling options that break it in high-DPI displays.
The Personal Info window for all characters will now display their "First Appearance" (creation date), as well as what Issue was live at the time of creation. For characters where creation date is not available (before Issue 2) it reads "First Appearance: City of Heroes" with no date.
Character Respecs will no longer fail and leave the character is an inconsistent state if the character has too many enhancements left "in the pile" (not slotted or put in trays). Any enhancements in the pile will be outright deleted, no longer sold for Influence.
Selecting a different Patron power pool will no longer attempt to remove and swap your current Patron's badge, souvenir, contact and story arcs.
Removed "Account Items" tab in the Email window.
High DPI awareness is no longer forced on by default in Windows 8 and Windows 10. If you have issues caused by high DPI scaling, right-click the resurgence.exe executable, select Properties, and enable "High DPI Aware" in the Compatibility tab.
You can now change your global handle as many times as you want. To prevent spamming, it won't let you change it a second time until you relog or move to a different map.
Some minor QOL for the multiple builds feature.
You can now rename your active build while on the cooldown timer that prevents build switching.
The active build name will be displayed in the countdown page.
The cooldown timer for switching between multiple builds has been reduced to 60 seconds.
You will need to recharge all your powers after switching a build.
You can switch your build anywhere by using the command /select_build 2 (or 1 or 3).
The P2W recipes for enabling/disabling inspiration drops no longer accept Invention discount coupons.
These coupons only apply to recipes, any UI that uses the invention system behind the scenes and accepts those coupons is a bug.
                                                                                                                                                                                  Super Packs will longer automatically open when acquired; you have to right-click the salvage and select Open.
This change was prompted by some reports of "losing" Super Packs that were intended for resale because they auto-opened instead of going to the inventory. You can now open Super Packs by using the /salvage_open command followed by the internal name of the Super Pack.
/salvage_open S_HVSuperPackSalvage (Heroes and Villains)
/salvage_open S_RVSuperPackSalvage (Rogues and Vigilantes)
/salvage_open S_WinterPackSalvage (Lords of Winter)
You can bind this command to a key and use AutoHotkey or something similar to automatically open your entire inventory. If you do that, please put a 5-second delay between package openings to go gentle on the accountserver.
Cel Shader
A "comic book" look has been added that can be toggled on and off with the command /UseCelShader 0-1
It can be turned on permanently by adding -usecelshader 1 to the launch parameters.
The Cel Shader now has customizable options to tweak its look. It can be found under Graphics Settings / Experimental Options.
A bug that prevented the -uiskin command line parameter from working properly has been fixed.
Added an option to disable automatic FOV under Graphics, and a slider to manually set the FOV from 40 to 90 degrees.
The NPC store window can now be resized and scaled. Use /window_scale store 2 for maximum scale.
COT crystals now have surface ripples, reflection and refraction effects.
Arachnos tanks with red water no longer show bright blue on high graphics settings.
Water should no longer flicker on High or Ultra water effect settings.
Fixed the shaders on several food items and in the Snake Caves.
There is a new Knockback invention set for level 21-50.
Set: Sudden Acceleration
Enhancements Set Category: Knockback
Sudden Acceleration: Knockback/Accuracy (Pool A)
Sudden Acceleration: Knockback/Recharge (Pool A)
Sudden Acceleration: Knockback/Damage/Endurance (Pool A)
Sudden Acceleration: Knockback/Damage/Recharge (Pool B)
Sudden Acceleration: Knockback/Accuracy/Damage (Pool B)
Sudden Acceleration: Knockback to Knockdown (Pool C)
Set Bonus:
(2) Improves all of your Movement speeds by 7.5%.
(3) Increases maximum Endurance by 2.25%.
(4) Increases damage by 2.5%.
(5) Increases maximum health by 2.25%.
(6) Improves the Recharge Time of all of your powers by 7.5%.
Knockback to Knockdown enhancements apply a -1000% KB on the power, instead of -99%. This allows you to slot KB enhancements or use KB enhancing temporary powers without turning the KD back into KB.
Very Rare recipes can no longer be sold to a regular vendor for 5000 inf. They will not show in the Store list at all. You can still put them in the Auction House or delete them.
Numerous geometry issues were fixed.
The Circle of Thorn portals inside mission maps will now always teleport players to the closest destination portal, rather than a random match. Teams should no longer break up when going through those portals.
Ouroboros and Pocket D will now display all level shifts a player has, to facilitate the formation of leagues in either zone.
Players in the Midnighter Club can now log off instantly.
After years of legal battles, the business at Sparky's Boardwalk won their case against the Paragon City Arena for blocking the beach access and removing the parking lots. The Talos Island location of the Arena has been forced to close.
The Peregrine Island Arena location is now the main location in Paragon City. Paragon City construction has been tasked with the construction of a new building in the area occupied by the Arena.
Null the Gull can now send you to any of the four seasonal RP maps.
Added Wentworth contacts to Kallisti Wharf.
Black Helicopters are now marked with a red "H" in the minimaps.
The Perez Park and Eden maps will now display the forest paths.
SL5_SI_Darrin_Wade_StorArc_Mission5: removed extra MissionStart spawn locations that put players outside the map.
IOM_Peregrine_Island_Naval_Attack: removed hospital and police station interiors.
IOM_Founders_Falls_Attack: removed hospital and university interior.
RP/Luau: added a portal to leave the map. Removed the kill field around Wentworth's and all building interiors.
More zones will display the hero city zones correctly on the minimap for Rogues, instead of their villain city zone equivalent.
Removed the forced Paragon Store tutorial from Galaxy City.
Arachnos Flyers have been added to Port Oakes (near the SG registrar building) and Nerva Archipelago (by the Arbiter trainer) in order to support the Talos Island and Peregrine Island mayhem missions in those zones.
The Motel and Theater buildings now have some windows that light up at night.
Atlas Park has a new minimap.
The Patron plaques in Grandville will now display a short description of each Patron instead of pushing 40KB+ of text about each Patron Power Set.
● Replaced Merit Vendor NPCs with ATMs.
● Replaced AE building with a less shiny version.
● Removed floating barrel and open-ended Power Tube sticking out of ground near -1738.1 0.3 -678.
● The front of the truck at -503.4 11.7 -53.9 was embedded in the loading dock.
Crey's Folly:
Grounded floating dumpster at 2183.5 0.0 2435.5.
● Replaced Merit Vendor NPCs with ATMs.
● Fixed building with windows that were obviously flickering at 1055.3 34.9 1518.3 due to being overlapped with something else.
● Red markings on the hospital floor at -798.0 -94.0 2279.4 were actually floating slightly above it.
● A short street pillar was misplaced at -177.2 -39.2 1228.0 over the water.
● Moved the warpvolumes and some rogue geometry to their respective layers.
● Moved piece of something sticking out of the wall at 3032.9 -248.7 1306.9.
● Removed portal to Dark Astoria at 2409.6 -473.2 2699.4; TUNNEL at 2501.4 -470.0 3054.2 makes it irrelevant.
● Moved Smuggler's Submarine from 2829.5 -512.0 -4859.9 to the much more accessible 3390.2 -498.1 3047.8.
● Replaced Merit Vendor NPCs with ATM.
King's Row:
● Added a Hazard Zone gate to Galaxy City.
● Replaced Merit Vendor NPCs with ATMs.
● Replaced AE building with a less shiny version.
● The sloped road right by the Galaxy gate was disappearing at a short distance.
● A bunch of windows were clipped or facing walls all over the giant building at 1216.0 -0.0 -928.4; fixes are less than ideal.
● Removed telephone pole clipping into the rail at -2259.9 -7.8 1236.5 and floating papers in midair nearby.
First Ward:
● Moved Diabolique away from the large doors behind her.
● Grounded floating skylight at -1145.6 357.0 -1292.1.
● Merit Vendors NPCs will now work when clicking on them instead of the invisible box surrounding them.
● Added Supergroup Base teleport spawn location.
Imperial City:
● Fixed severely misaligned dock at 490.9 -71.5 1301.6. Moved one spawn group that was spawning on top of the water, and removed another doing the same thing.
● Merit Vendors NPCs will now work when clicking on them instead of the invisible box surrounding them.
● Moved a ton of spawndefs in the main file to their own layer.
● Added Supergroup Base teleport spawn location.
Monster Island:
Removed the buried doors at -2753.3 0.0 -7010.0 and -1631.8 0.4 -6499.9 that could be used to go under the map's geometry.
Night Ward:
● Lowered enemy groups, they will now spawn at 30+.
● The Arcane Quarter: spawn levels lowered from 30-31 to 25-26.
● Lamplight Junction: spawn levels lowered from 31-32 to 26-27.
● The Digs: spawn levels lowered from 32-33 to 27-28.
● City of Souls: spawn levels lowered from 33-34 to 28-29.
● The Howling Vale: spawn levels lowered from 34-35 to 29-30.
● Bedlam: spawn levels lowered from 35-35 to 30-30.
● Removed floating debris at 448.6 82.6 -2543.8.
● Grounded floating skylight at -1145.6 357.0 -1292.1.
● Merit Vendors NPCs will now work when clicking on them instead of the invisible box surrounding them.
● Added Supergroup Base teleport spawn location.
Peregrine Island:
● Removed the MapSwap volume in the west, east and north limits of the zone; placed a normal blue forcefield all around instead. The south MapSwap volume remains, slightly modified, but now sends you to the MS_From_Peregrine marker in Talos instead of the ferry.
● Added a Smuggler's Submarine connecting the zone to Sharkhead, Independence Port, The Ayss, Monster Island and Grandville.
● There was a cave entrance at 2206.5 -11.5 -486.2 that was set too far inside the hillside.
● Removed the buried doors at -2753.3 0.0 -7010.0 and -1631.8 0.4 -6499.9 that could be used to go under the map's geometry.
● Moved some of the buildings in the zone's south skyline farther away.
● The "shed" next to an apartment building at 565.2 21.8 -1481.6 was cutting off a window diagonally.
● The wall of a building at -331.7 -0.0 -3215.5 was hiding a decal for the burger joint.
● There was a floating rock at 1196.8 0.0 1656.3 and a floating bush near it.
● Ported extra geometry and one NPC from Monster Island.
● Replaced Merit Vendor NPCs with ATM.
● Fixed missing posters at 1424.4 0.0 -764.4
● Removed some stray neighborhood volumes at 369.3 2236.9 -1907.3
● The sidewalk surrounding the buildings at -1736.1 0.2 -3581.1 was missing its sides.
● Various boxes around Tina MacIntyre were embedded in the sidewalk.
● Removed NPC pathing around -1591.6 0.0 -3702.3 that made NPCs walk to the sandbags and inmediately turn around.
Perez Park:
● Increased draw distance of the closed Hazard Zone gate to Galaxy City.
Talos Island:
● Closed gap at 1288.2 32.3 4563.9 between the bottom of the rising grass slope and the level grass patch.
● Grounded floating rock at -399.0 67.7 7880.3.
● Light posts at -1846.2 176.0 6609.6, -1847.5 176.0 6442.4, -2011.2 176.0 6613.6 and -2011.1 176.0 6444.1 were all hovering above the sidewalk.
● Replaced Merit Vendor NPC with ATM.
● Added MS_From_Peregrine marker north of Scylla Island.
Rikti War Zone:
● The Rikti Restructurist faction has improved the Mothership's shield defense by adding two extra pylons to the network. Pylon 19 is reinforcing the connection between pylons 6, 13, 15 and 16 which suffered from line-of-sight issues due to the uneven terrain. Pylon 20 is located between pylons 7 and 8, improving the performance of pylon 4 which was too loosely linked.
● In addition, an early warning system has been put in place. When a pylon goes offline or is destroyed, there is a 15% chance that a Rikti Drop Ship will be dispatched to patrol the area. The patrol will not drop any bombs to avoid damaging the pylons themselves. Only one Patrol Ship is on hot standby for this purpose, and Vanguard does not believe that they will be able to dispatch more until the Mothership shield is restored.
Kallisti Wharf:
● Many geometry fixes including new custom road pieces to bring this zone to life.
● Hero Corps contact will no longer attack villains.
● University no longer has the Hospital Day Job.
● Removed Black Helicopter.
● Replaced non-functional Ferry with the Smuggler's Submarine.
● Moved Arachnos contacts by the Smuggler's Submarine.
● Added mission doors.
Pocket D:
● Removed Vault from blue side bar, providing access to new “green side” Architect Entertainment wing of the night club.
● Added DJ Chaos and DJ Codex in new AE wing as NPCs, with Pollux as a new vendor in the room.
● Added a P2W vendor in the main floor that will work even if you're in a TF.
● Null the Gull can now toggle the Mystic Flight popup tray.
● Added new Merit ATM just outside the Monkey Fight Club
Atlas Park:
● The various offices inside City Hall saw a minor revamp, replacing old CRT computer monitors with laptops and LCDs.
● You can now access the Omega Team Memorial by using the door to the left of where you enter City Hall.
● The various mission maps with the Omega Team Memorial now have the new planters as well. The hero TF was missing the capsule, and the villain TF was displaying the capsule overlayed with the glowie capsule; that's been fixed.
Moved a spawn located in an unreachable area in the Mother Mayhem hospital mission map.
Mission Architect:
Neo Shivans (Level 1-2 and 15-25) are now available.
Whenever a GM applies the Developer's Choice, Hall of Fame or No Honors buttons to a story arc, the action will be noted as a comment in the story arc itself.
New Maps added:
Unique > Unique > Shiva Fragment
Unique > Unique > Road Tunnel
Unique Maps > Outdoor Maps > Echo: Faultline – Reservoir:
Now has a Giant Monster spawn point. Walking NPCs and cars should no longer spawn in this map.
Faultline - New Overbrook:
New mission map. Starts at the top of the Donut shop and heads towards the plaza where Mirror Spirit usually stands.
Five floor collection details spawn only in the plaza, and five wall collection details spawn only in the garage below.
Kallisti Wharf Office Set:
Added mission spawn points to most rooms.
Modified several map variants to add visblocker rooms.
The door at the entrance of each map is now actually a door that can be clicked to leave the map.
Enemies should no longer teleport to the entrance or disappear in any variant of this map set.
Unique > Unique > Space Island:
It has 16 "any" detail locations, four Floor collection items, and a Giant Monster spawn point in front of the obelisk.
Cargo Ship - Outdoor Set
Caves - Talons of Vengeance Set
Caves Smooth - City of Villains Set
Caves Smooth - Shadow Shard Set
Office - Flooded Set
Longbow - Sea Base Set
Sewers Transition to Office Set
Warehouse Transition to Arachnoid Caves Set
Some of them have a low number of spawn points or are missing the front/middle/back separation.
AE Holograms will now talk to Praetorians.
You can now select between Standard Rewards or Architect Rewards in any story arc, not just Developer's Choice.
Hall of Fame arcs will no longer lose their status when the server is restarted.
The mission entry portal in the Architect building must now be clicked from the "front" (where the contacts are). This is expected to prevent automated (using autohotkey or similar) reset and reentry of farms while AFK overnight.
Using macros, scripts and autohotkey-like tools to automate game tasks is not against the code of conduct or the rules. The main reason for this is that heavily automating most game functions (so they can be triggered with just a couple of buttons) is necessary to accomodate players with various levels of disability or accesibility issues, and I have no intention to ever have to require a player to justify their need for such features.
That said, if those features are used to fully automate play while AFK overnight in order to farm rewards, I will disrupt them as gently as possible. This patch is an extremely half-hearted attempt at preventing overnight reset and reentry, becuase I am fully aware that the automated script will only need a moderate amount of tweaking to locate the new clickbox for the door. Any other fixes I can think of are a lot more disruptive, and I'd rather not have to implement them.
Missions and Task/Strike Forces:
The Praetorian Invention Tutorial can now be completed through level 50.
Players can now select between the Outbreak, Breakout and Galaxy City tutorials at character creation.
Players who do the Outbreak tutorial are assigned an origin contact when they arrive in Atlas Park, but they can still talk to Matthew Habashy if they want.
Players who do the Breakout tutorial can select between Kalinda and Matthew Burke as their initial contact in Mercy Island, but they can still talk to Operative Kuzmin if they want.
Players who do the Galaxy City tutorial are assigned Matthew Habashy or Operative Kuzmin as their initial contact, but they can still find any of the others in the Contact Finder.
Players who skip the Tutorial start with no contacts, and are prompted to use the Find Contact button to select a starting contact.
It's now possible to die in the Precinct 5 and Galaxy City tutorials, in which case you will respawn at the start of the zone.
Team members will now receive the CroatoaComplete, HollowsComplete, and StrigaComplete tokens when completing the relevant arcs.
Azuria will once again talk to players in order to give them low level missions or introduce them to higher level contacts.
Removed duplicated missions from the origin contacts in Atlas Park. Only one of them will send you to the Security Chief, to read Atlas' plaque, and so on.
All the missions from Kalinda and Matthew Burke will now use doors in the low-level area of Mercy Island. Some mission text has been tweaked to accommodate the change, and Operative Burch's mission now starts from a flyer instead of a boat.
Ajax will be invulnerable again in the first mission in that arc where he's supposed to be invulnerable.
The Living Armor will once again be untargetable until they get angry in the mission where that happens.
All hunt missions in Story Arcs have been set to a maximum of 20 enemies. Hunts in Task Forces, Strike Forces, Trials, or "loose" missions (not part of a Story Arc) are unchanged. Note that the reduction is per enemy group, so the mission that used to ask for 45 Carnival + 45 Rikti now will ask for 20 Carnival + 20 Rikti.
Removed the 20-hour lockout timers after doing tip missions. You can now do 10 Alignment Missions followed by a Morality Mission and repeat without a delay.
All Preatorian arcs lvl 1-20 were added to Ouroboros. Phasing and mission spawn level issues with these arcs were fixed as well as alignment issues. The arcs can be completed in any order.
Moral Choice arcs in Ouroboros will no longer change your character alignment to Hero if you pick Resistance, or Villain if you pick Loyalist. You still get the badge for it, but your alignment doesn't change.
Added a way for tasks that are not part of a story arc to show a different title in the Ouroboros mission list. Used it to make all of them show up in normal (white or gold) color in the list, and blue in the mission window.
Every Praetorian storyarc that is part of the Crusader, Warden, Responsbility or Power storylines will now say so in the Ouroboros mission list, as well as which chapter they are (for example, "Hit List (Nova Praetoria, Responsibility Chapter 2)".
Every story arc from Black Scorpion, Captain Mako, Ghost Widow and Scirocco will now show its proper completion status in the Ouroboros mission list. The arc names now also say "Chapter 1" to "Chapter 4" for each patron.
Chimera's arc "The Power to Control" was awarding the wrong souvenir; "The Phoenix Project" wasn't awarding one at all.
Deprecated the old version of "The Marauder's Cell" with the Praetorian enemy group.
The mission list in Ouroboros is now sorted by Issue number and then story arc, within each level range. The exact order within each issue might be up for debate.
Adjusted the Ouroboros level "buckets" so the first one (1-15) is split into 1-9 and 10-14, the next one over (16-19) becomes 15-19, the second to last (40-45) becomes 40-49 and the last one (46-50) becomes 50. This helps with the first and last bucket containing a huge amount of missions, while populating the near-empty middle ones a bit more.
Ouroboros will now let you Flashback to mission arcs before you out-level them, as long as you completed them normally already.
The maximum level of several one-shot missions was lowered by 1 level so it would be on the same level "bucket" as other missions from the same contact. Mostly affects COV missions where the story arc had a max level of (for example) 39 and the badge mission had a max level of 40.
The maximum level of several story arcs has been increased by one so it would be on the same level "bucket" as other missions from the same zone. Fautline, Striga and Croatoa have all their missions together in the Ouroboros list with this change.
All the story arcs that are part of some larger plot (Hollows, Striga, Faultline, etc) now indicate it on their title in the Ouroboros mission list.
Fixed a whole lot of story arcs missing the Task Title, or displaying it in the wrong color in the Ouroboros mission list.
Fixed the souvenir reward for the arc "Good Villains Never Die". It will not grant automatically, you need to re-run the arc in order to get it.
The Ouroboros mission list will now only display an arc if you match the contact requirements. This means that Peacebringers will now get Sunstorm as their contact for the Kheldian arcs, and not Shadowstar. Some arcs with contact requirements might possibly go missing, but I'll need a user report to know if that's the case.
Task sets in Ouroboros were unable to grant any clues to the player. This has been corrected and now every task set will give the appropriate clues while you run them in Flashback.
“The Chameleon Suit": added to Ouroboros. The titular power is no longer an auto power granted on mission request; it's now a toggle that appears in the popup tray inside the mission map. Added 1 Reward Merit to mission completion through Ouroboros.
"Hippocratic Oath": the last mission now requires you to deliver medical supplies. Added to Ouroboros. Added 4 Reward Merits to mission completion through Ouroboros.
"Nemesis Weather Control": the first two door missions no longer require you to defeat all enemies.
"Nemesis Rex": hunt mission lowered to 20 Nemesis (was 50). Now requires you to defeat the boss in the final mission. Added to Ouroboros. Added 6 Reward Merits to mission completion through Ouroboros.
The "Save Preator White" mission from Marchand in Brickstown no longer includes Imperial City's interiors layer, which caused played to be stuck in the in-mission hospital with no way out.
Any mission that uses the small red bomb as an objective will have a minimap waypoint to it.
Lady Grey Task Force:
The third mission ends when Dra'Gon is defeated, ignoring any remaining hostages. Trying to encourage people to actually complete the mission instead of killing Glacia and Infernia to fail it. Fixed the crotch-shot cutscene.
The Lady Grey Task Force minimum level has been set back to 35.
Katie Hannon Task Force:
Increased reward merits to 26 for TF completion, based on current datamined times.
The Lost Cure arc:
Rewritten to remove the crafting of the Lost Cure wand. Instead, the player will talk to Gregor Richardson at MAGI before talking to Azuria, who will then give the player the wand directly.
Safeguard missions:
The bank robbery will now trigger when you're 50ft from the Bank door, not 250ft.
Heroes and Vigilantes with the Villain Disruptor badge will get a popup introduction to Agent Hassell; Villains and Rogues with the Hero Slayer badge will get a popup introduction to Lord Schweinzer. You must be at least level 10 to access the contacts.
Agent Hassell and Lord Schweinzer will now let you pick which Safeguard or Mayhem mission you want to run. You can only access missions when you are at their maximum level or higher (so 10+ for Atlas, 15+ for Kings Row, 45+ for Founders' Falls) and they will set you and your team to that maximum level.
Anti Matter Personal Story mission:
Enemies will no longer reward experience and drops.
Praetorian Resistance will now spawn at levels 35 to 44 to fix the Void Sanction and Tina McIntyre arcs that request them in that level range.
New Trial: Market Crash:
● 3-mission Trial that starts in Kallisti Wharf. Contact is Ada Wellington, by Wentworth's.
● The Sky Raiders have broken into the main warehouse of Wentworth's Fine Consignments in Talos Island! In an unusual move, Captain Castillo is looting the place clean of everything, with no clear objective. Heroes are being called to help... and the occasional villain might want to join the rescue team and grab some of the loot lying around.
● The Sky Raiders seem to be only looking for very specific robotic components, and everything else is being dumped and distributed across enemy factions. 
● Heroes and villains alike can recover the loot by defeating enemies.
● The trial requires 4 players minimum to start, and holds 8 players maximum; same as Death from Below and Drowning in Blood.
● The trial can be started in Trials tab in the LFG interface
● The initial phase now has an additional objective: protect the vehicles around Wentworth's. They will be invincible for 60 seconds after the mission starts in order to give players time to prepare, afterwards the various enemy groups will be able to damage them. If the stage ends with all vehicles intact, The “Valet” badge will be awarded. Completing the trial grants the badge "Loyal Customer".
● Added some Paragon Police at the beginning of the mission that you can drag villains to. On small teams, this might make the difference to defeat Crimson.
● The first phase will end when there are less than 5 Sky Raiders and 5 Freakshow remaining. This change is to avoid getting stuck because of a couple of runners or an Airstrike pet that refuses to despawn.
● The cars have been given the Archvillain rank, which should make them tougher. The grace period of 60 seconds at the beginning was removed.
● The Freakshow and Sky Raiders within the trial will now actually fight each other, not just pretend to. This means that you can distract the mobs attacking the cars by dragging them to someone of the other faction.
● Added Leadership powers to several Sky Raider bosses. Prevent Castillo from dying in his cutscene spawn.
Terra Volta Reactor Trial:
The ambush waves will now be triggered as soon as the previous wave is dead, and they will be larger. If the mission spawns under level 32, the reactor waves will be 2 levels lower than normal; if the mission spawns under level 45, they will be 1 level lower than normal.
● On entry: Minions -1
● 1 minute: Minions -1
● 3 minutes: Minions -1, Bosses -2
● 6 minutes: Mixed -1, Mixed -2
● 8.5 minutes: Mixed -1
● 12 minutes: Minions -2, Minions -2, Minions -2
● 15 minutes: Bosses -2
● 18 minutes: Mixed -1, Mixed -1
● 20 minutes: Mixed -2, Bosses -1
● 24 minutes: Mixed -1, Mixed -1
● 30 minutes: Mixed, Mixed, Bosses -1, Minions
● On entry: Minions
● 1 minute: Minions, Minions
● 2 minutes: Minions, Minions, Mixed
● 5 minutes: Minions, Minions, Bosses
● 8 minutes: Mixed, Mixed, Mixed
● 11 minutes: Minions, Minions, Minions
● 14 minutes: Minions +1, Minions +1, Mixed, Mixed
● 17 minutes: Minions +1, Minions +1, Mixed +1, Mixed +1, Bosses
● 20 minutes: Minions +2, Minions +2, Mixed +1, Mixed +1, Bosses
● 25 minutes: Minions +2, Minions +2, Mixed +1, Mixed +1, Bosses +1
● 30 minutes: Minions +2, Minions +2, Mixed +2, Mixed +2, Bosses +1, Bosses +1
Note however that the timers are absolute. If you rush the first 5 waves (up to the 11 minute spawns) and then there's a runner hiding somewhere, the next wave won't arrive until 14 minutes on the clock, regardless of when the last wave spawned. So as time goes by, if you need a breather, just leave a couple of enemies alive while you regroup and buff, and you should have lots and lots of time to prepare for the next waves.
Cathedral Of Pain:
This trial is now in the LFG queue, under the Trials section, for 12-24 players levels 40-50. The spawn points in the map required changing for use in the LFG queue. The trial can no longer be started from a Supergroup Mission Computer or Oracle.
All critters now reward XP and are level 54.
Respawn points have been added, so you will not be forced out of the map if you die and click the "Hospital" button.
All missions that start in Peregrine Island and use a Portal door will now use a door in Peregrine Island, preventing them from using the mystical portals in Dark Astoria instead.
In many missions, a COT altar with a green swirling "portal" was being used as a generic dimensional portal. They have been replaced with a generic-looking circular glowy portal.
Replaced another COT altar with a pile of books, since the objective was to get a book and the altar.
Summer Blockbuster trial is available regardless of what Shard Event is running.
Death from Below:
Hellions EB is now called "Tinder".
The Sewer Trial and Eden Trial will scale to the team leader's level instead of always being level 50. They still have the same required levels. The trials will now no longer use GM scaling and will spawn enemies and give rewards of the proper level.
"Dam Heroes": the final cutscene will now display all the NPCs that it's supposed to (as long as you don't skip Rollister somehow).
"The Destiny Raids": the cave in the second to last mission now has a waypoint. The Mole Machines in the last mission now spawn as soon as you enter the map, are visible from much farther and guarded by Warhulks.
"The Future of Freedom": changed souvenir to Positron's Helmet instead of Statesman's.
Part 5 of the SSA2 "Pandora's Box" now has the proper loading screen art.
The following missions have been modified to avoid ending abruptly in Flashback mode, by adding a short timer after the objectives are complete and delaying the completion of dialog-based objectives until the final page has been closed. Many minor issues with the missions were fixed while working on that change:
● No Man's Lady
● The Strong Survive
● Destroy or not Destroy, that is the Question
● Rage Quit
● One Weakness
● Blood of Tyrants
● Mind Freedom
● No Survivors
● Pride In Your Work
● Collapsing Support
● To Our Health
● Emperor Cole's Personal Story
● Anti Matter's Personal Story
The Unusual Suspect: Silent Blade will now ambush on her own. She and your doppelganger become invincible at 25% health.
Break Frostfire's Trophies: Flambeaux no longer cons hostile and will follow the player once rescued.
Disrupt Longbow Charity Event: Shock Treatment no longer cons hostile and will follow the player once rescued.
Tipping the Scales: fixed floater spam about Calvin Scott loyalists preventing his defeat.
Ubelmann the Unknown: moved the boss spawn in the final mission to the final room in the map.
The Choice of Hope: fixed the Honoree's outfit and description text.
Signature Story Arcs:
Removed the popup at level 10 and the contact that pins itself to the top of the contacts window.
Added the story arcs to Ouroboros. "Who Will Die" is 21.23 to 21.35, "Pandora's Box" is 23.08 to 23.18.
·        One Life, One Goal: PPD Sergeant now spawns in the full level range of the arc.
·        Masterpiece (Villain): added missing clues at the beginning of the arc.
·        Powers at Play: the Trolls keeping Positron and Numina hostage won't fight the other Trolls in the mission.
·        Venture Militarism: removed an extra copy of the ship's interior that was capturing players that went to the hospital.
All souvenirs should now award correctly when you complete the final mission of each arc.
P2W Vendor:
Powers bought from the P2W vendor will no longer be disabled when you exemplar.
Several P2W items were not showing for some players due to checking for obsolete flags from Live. They should now be available for everybody. This affects Snowball, Frisbee, and Combat Pets.
The following powers can now be used while flying, provided you are near the ground:
● Fiery Aura/Fire Manipulation > Burn
● Super Strength > Foot Stomp
● Stone Melee > Tremor
● Ice Melee/Manipulation > Ice Patch
● Radiation Melee/Assault/Atomic Assault > Atom Smasher
The Reveal Power should now only clear the fog of war in a map for the player that used the power. Players entering the mission after the use of Reveal will no longer see a completely cleared map.
Scrapper and Brute Quills.Barb_Swipe should now play the correct animation on the foe hit when using customized Spines.
Beam Rifle should now properly display the weapon while using the No Redraw theme.
Dual Blades should now have a No Redraw theme
Broad Sword and Spines Tanker attacks should no longer splash procs on single target attacks.
Atomic Manipulation > Beta Decay will now grant the base 10% recharge bonus.
Atomic Manipulation powers will properly accept defense debuff invention sets.
Controller's Traps > Poison Trap and Web Grenade now accept ATOs.
Sentinel's Psionic Blast now accepts Universal Damage Enhancements and ATOs.
Ball Lightning : Tripled the Up-front damage of Ball Lightning, lowered the damage done by the DOT to compensate. The result should be a slight increase in damage. This only applies to Blaster, Defender, Corruptor and Sentinel versions. Epic pool versions are not affected by this change.
Short Circuit : Accelerated the DOT of Short Circuit so it is delivered in full within 2 seconds instead of 4. This only applies to Blaster, Defender, Corruptor and Sentinel versions. Epic pool versions are not affected by this change.
Nature Affinity's Wild Growth resistance buff is no longer resistible.
Rest and Reveal:  Lowered  the recharge of Rest and Reveal to 30 seconds.
● Added /powexec_location, a client-side slash command to allow use of location targeted powers without having to click.
● Usage: /powexec_location loc power
● loc is a location specifier. There's several different things you can use here:
● me or self - Both target the power on yourself.
● target - Your currently selected target. If you have no target, the power is not activated.
● direction:distance - direction can either be one of six cardinal directions relative to the player: forward, back, left, right, up, down, -or- it can be a number. If it's a number, it is taken as an angle in degrees. 0 is straight in front of you, 90 is right, etc. It can also be camera, to indicate the direction the camera is facing, including elevation.
● distance is either a number in world units (feet), or the keyword max, which means to use the maximum range of the power.
● power is the name of the power, just like what you'd use with /powexec_name. You can put quotes around the name to make it look cleaner if you want, but they are optional.
Useful examples:
● /powexec_location me Fire Imps
● /powexec_location target Tar Patch
● /powexec_location camera:max Teleport
● Redirector powers will no longer accidentally be flagged as NearGround.
Fiery Melee:
Breath of Fire now has an alternate Hand Cast animation.
Energy Manipulation:
● Boost Range should now be fully tintable.
● Several Sentinel-specific attacks have had their default colors updated to match the rest of the set:
● Electrical Blast/Zapping Bolt
● Energy Blast/Focused Power Bolt
● Radiation Blast/Proton Stream
Secondary Mutation now recharges immediately after the Monkey period ends.
Beam Rifle proliferated to Sentinels.
Beam Rifle’s Quick Snipe now has a 55% chance of Disintegration spread; regular slow Snipe chance remains at 100%.
Martial Assault’s Masterful Throw for Dominators no longer accepts ToHit debuff enhancements.
Temporal Manipulation’s Future Pain should now be available at level 28 for blasters.
Group Fly’s Buoyant Membrane no longer ignores Power_DisallowGroupFly.
Absorb: Fixed a long standing issue with Absorb that was causing certain types of HP heals to turn into Absorb instead.
Tactical Arrow’s "EMP Arrow" was renamed to "ESD Arrow" (Electrostatic Discharge Arrow) and its recharge increased.
Atomic Manipulation’s Radioactive Cloud's accuracy was adjusted to match the accuracy of other AoE crowd control powers like Illusion's Flash and Martial Combat's Throw Sand.
Toggles will no longer be doubled up when logging in after more than 15 minutes offline.
Drain Psyche:  restored missing sound effect from the customizable version.
Overwhelming Presence: The pets summoned by Overwhelming Presence's "Energy Font" and Dominating Grasp's "Fiery Orb" will no longer have a collision box, so the player will be able to walk through them to avoid getting stuck.
Ore Extractor:
Bloody Bay's Ore Extractor will now use the Popup Tray and revoke itself when you leave the zone. If you had any lingering copies in your characters, they'll disappear the next time you zone.
Energy Flight and Mystic Flight now have the same endurance cost as Fly.
Group Energy Flight now has the same endurance cost as Group Fly.
Quantum Acceleration now has the same endurance cost as Afterburner.
Afterburner and Quantum Acceleration are now mutually exclusive; toggling one on will shut the other one off.
Temporary powers:
Several Temporary powers will now show up in the Popup tray, but only in the maps where their use is relevant:
Clockwork_Immobilizer_MkIV > clockwork_kingdom
Thermite_Cannon, Particle_Cannon > trial_01_01_room
Coolant > trial_03_01_room
Power_of_the_Thorn > iom_capauvictorie
Dimensional_Grounding_Ray, Power_of_Scirocco_Click, Power_of_Scirocco_Summon_Click, Power_of_Ghost_Widow_Click, Power_of_Black_Scorpion_Click > reichsman_base
All permanent costume transformation powers have been moved to the "Prestige Costumes" category. If you have the SKU for the power (meaning, you received it as a reward ON THIS SERVER) you can claim/revoke them on any character at P2W.
Moved the "origin" temporary powers to Prestige Attack and made them revocable and purchasable via P2W. You still get an origin-appropriate power at character creation, but now you can swap it for any other by visiting P2W.
Changed the Monitor Duty day job power (bonus prestige at mission completion) to grant Brain Storm Ideas at mission completion instead.
Reduced Lost Curing Wand recharge from 12 seconds to 5.
Added Soul Noir customization option to the following sets:
·        Dark Miasma (Corruptor and Mastermind)
·        Dark Melee (Brute, Stalker and Tanker)
·        Dark Armor (Brute, Scrapper, Sentinel, Stalker and Tanker)
·        Dark Blast (Blaster, Corruptor, Defender and Sentinel)
Added Soul Noir With Eyes to the following sets:
·        Dark Armor (Brute, Scrapper, Sentinel, Stalker and Tanker)
Savage Melee and Savage Assault are now available.
Power FX:
Modified Sentinel's Dark Obliteration visuals to be more in-line with the rest of the set's visualsand fixed its broken power customization.
Fixed Widow's vengeance hit FX.
Stealth and Invisibility from the Concealment Power Pool should now be properly color customizable.
Blood Thirst no longer accepts Healing Sets
Savage Assault: Maiming Slash no longer inflicts critical hits.
Tanker, and Brute Savage Leap should now properly apply enhancements.
Assassin's Frenzy Focus highlight ring should now work.
Savage Melee Blood Thirst and Build Up should no longer root.
Fixed bug where Enflame from the Sorcery power pool would not work properly when used against enemies higher level than you.
Enflame area increased to 8ft just like burn patches, damage now pulses every 0.7 seconds, slightly faster than burn which pulses every 0.8 seconds.
The following powers that summon pets displayed incorrect accuracy. Actual accuracy of these powers hasn't been changed, just their displayed accuracy.
Blaster Auto Turret, Bonfire, Ice Storm, Ignite, Rain of Arrows, Rain of Fire, Trip Mine, Whirlpool
Controller Bonfire, Dark Servant, Fire Imps, Freezing Rain, Gremlins, Lightning Storm, Poison Gas Arrow, Seeker Drones, Sleet, Tornado, Trip Mine, Volcanic Gasses, Water Spout
Corruptor Dark Servant, Freezing Rain, Ice Storm, Ignite, Lightning Storm, Poison Gas Arrow, Rain of Arrows, Rain of Fire, Seeker Drone, Sleet, Tornado, Trip Mine, Whirlpool
Defender Dark Servant, Freezing Rain, Ice Storm, Ignite, Lightning Storm, Poison Gas Arrow, Rain of Arrows, Rain of Fire, Seeker Drones, Sleet, Tornado, Trip Mine, Whirlpool
Dominator Bonfire, Fire Imps, Freezing Rain, Gremlins, Rain of Fire, Volcanic Gasses, Water Spout
Mastermind Bonfire, Dark Servant, Freezing Rain, Lightning Storm, Poison Gas Arrow, Seeker Drones, Sleet, Tornado, Trip Mine
Stalker and Scrapper Water Spout
Peacebringer White Dwarf Sublimation no longer accepts ATOs since it doesn't deal damage.
Blaster Temporal Healing no longer accepts endurance discount enhancements since it costs no endurance.
Blaster Time Lord should properly have bonus effects if under Accelerated.
Defender ATO Vigilant Assault's proc should have the same power regardless of the enemy's level.
Bio Armor Parasitic Aura for all archetypes should accept endurance enhancements now.
Staff Sky Splitter's resistance buff for all archetypes should be the same strength regardless of the enemy's level.
Corruptor Freeze Ray deals proper scourge damage.
Blaster Radiation Manipulation's Metabolic Acceleration will properly be shut off by walk, AE power suppression, and such.
Psionic Melee Boggle will no longer fail if you have insight.
Blaster Darkness Manipulation's Touch of the Beyond's self recovery buff will no longer give different values based on target enemy's level.
Mortimer Kal's Soul Catcher power will only show in the popup tray while in the mission map that requires it.
Incarnate Lore pet Knives of Vengeance's buffs should all affect the player, instead of the pet itself. Previously one of its damage buffs were affecting itself instead.
Alpha Lore boosts to absorb should properly affect powers that can be enhanced for absorb. Previously had no effect.
Increased duration of Black Dwarf Antagonize to match the Peacebringer version.
The following powers have their chance to Knockback reduced to 10% every 0.5s (unless otherwise noted) if slotted with Sudden Acceleration: Knockback to Knockdown:
·        Controller Buff / Force Field / Repulsion Field
·        Controller Buff / Kinetics / Repel
·        Controller Buff / Sonic Debuff / Sonic Repulsion
·        Corruptor Buff / Force Field / Repulsion Field
·        Corruptor Buff / Kinetics / Repel
·        Corruptor Buff / Sonic Resonance / Sonic Repulsion
·        Defender Buff / Force Field / Repulsion Field
·        Defender Buff / Kinetics / Repel
·        Defender Buff / Sonic Debuff / Sonic Repulsion
·        Epic / Force Mastery / Repulsion Field
·        Mastermind Buff / Force Field / Repulsion Field
·        Mastermind Buff / Sonic Resonance / Sonic Repulsion
·        Pets / Bonfire / Bonfire (40% every 2s)
·        Pets / Tornado / Tornado
·        Pets / Singularity / Repel (0% chance)
·        Pool / Speed / Whirlwind
Whirlwind, Repel, Repulsion Field and Sonic Repulsion (all versions) will no longer use endurance if they tick on an entity but don't apply the knockback due to the Sudden Acceleration proc. It will still consume endurance if the knockback is applied, but resisted by the entity.
Lowered the endurance cost per hit of Sonic Repulsion for Controller and Defender from 2.5 to 1; Repulsion Field for Mastermind from 1.25 to 1; Repulsion Field for Blaster (Epic) from 2.5 to 1.25.
The Knockdown/Knockup minimum strength has been set to 0.01 for all classes, including NPCs, to prevent powers that use pets from losing all KB when slotting a Knockback to Knockdown enhancement.
Ragnarok proc flagged to not allow combat mods, because that's how all other KD procs are set.
Overwhelming Force proc flagged to allow resistance, because that's how all other KD procs are set.
Added Demons as a Lore option:
·        Support: Nerva Spectral Demon with Twilight Grasp and Chill of the Night.
·        Support Attack: Nerva Spectral Demon with Twilight Grasp, Chill of the Night and Gloom.
·        LT: Behemoth with Fire Smash, Fire Sword, and Fire Blast.
·        Boss: Succubus with Come Hither, Blackclaw, Hellish Bolts, and Fire Ball.
Added Flame Mastery epic power pool to Corruptors and Defenders:
·        Level 35: Consume
·        Level 35: Char
·        Level 41: Fire Shield
·        Level 41: Rise of the Phoenix
·        Level 43: Greater Fire Sword
Fixed an issue were some pet powers (and most or all Lore Pet Powers) were not ignoring recharge buffs and debuffs.
Arcane Bolt PvP Controller Containment damage was was twice as strong as it should had been. Damage lowered to be 50% of the base damage, as all other Controller containment powers.
Fixed Psychic Melee's Taunt to actually be 1.67 seconds as reported, instead of 3 seconds; it was using a duplicate of Scramble Thoughts, instead of standard headcast.
Zenflower no longer deals unresistable lethal and toxic damage on some of her powers. Added the missing Lethal attack flag to one of her attacks.
After being defeated in the Arena, there will be a 15-second countdown during which you can't be affected by other players.
Added the option "No Enhancement Set Bonuses" to Arena events.
Peacebringers and Warshades no longer display as each other in the Arena interface.
Attempt to remove "Event does not exist" spam after joining an Arena event.
Damage procs no longer ignore resistances.
A respec and two free tailor tokens will be granted with the regular badges for reaching security levels 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50. Remember that the badges are granted after you train to that level.
All the veteran and microtransaction rewards that were being granted through the Account Server have been moved to NPC vendors, called "Pay 2 Win" (a wholly owned subsidiary of Crey Corporation) in Primal Earth and "Transact 4 Victory" (the main supplier for Powers Division) in Praetoria. The vendors also allow you to revoke powers that you don't want cluttering your powers listing. Several "Prestige" power categories have been added in order to get all those powers out of the "Inherent" powers listing.
Temporary Powers that used to drop as recipes are also available from the P2W/T4V vendors for an influence cost; multiple charges can be bought and they will stack with leftover charges. The recipes no longer drop from enemies.
Vendors are located in Destroyed Galaxy City (right after Blue Shield), Precint 5 (starting position), Atlas Park (left side of the Atlas statue), Mercy Island (near the hospital), Nova Praetoria (in the center ring), Firebase Zulu (replacing the Jetpack vendor) and Grandville (replacing the Jetpack quartermaster).
Players who won the Hamidon Bud Vanity Pet can claim it for free from any P2W vendor. It will no longer automatically grant to all new characters.
Coupon Code System:
There is a new backend for the microtransactions server that allows receiving in-game items from the forums. You must have logged in at least once since server reset in order for coupons to work for your account. The reward will be granted to the account linked to your forum account, so this is yet another reason to make sure your forum and game accounts are properly linked. If you can see your own characters on this page then you're good.
The reward will show under Email > Character Items without any popup or chat warning of any sort.
Salvage drop distribution has been changed from 22:5:1 to 6:3:1 common:uncommon:rare, and the overall drop rate has been lowered to compensate. The result is that common salvage should drop significantly less, uncommon salvage should drop about slightly less, and rare salvage should drop a lot more. These numbers are not necessarily final and further adjustments will follow based on its effect on the market supply.
PVP recipes were moved from the minions-only drop pool to the Rare recipe category. They can drop from critters of any rank now.
Deleted the old Costume Recipes drop table, which was being used to drop Attuned enhancements and PVP recipes, but only from minions. Put those 243 items in a new table called AttunedAndPVP and attached it to the Salvage drop rates, meaning that they will drop from any rank critter that can drop Salvage.
The exact numbers are:
Minions have an 8% change to drop Salvage.
Lieutenants/Snipers have a 10.64% chance.
Boss/Elite Boss have a 25% chance.
Archvillains have a 43.22% chance to drop.
The current salvage drop distribution is 22 common : 5 uncommon : 1 rare. This translates to 6.29% : 1.43% : 0.29% for Minion, 8.36% : 1.90% : 0.38% for Lt/Sniper, 19.64% : 4.46% : 0.89% for Boss/EB, 33.96% : 7.72% : 1.54%.
The new drop distribution is 2 Attuned/PVP : 20 common : 5 uncommon : 1 rare. This leaves the uncommon and rare salvage untouched, but "steals" 0.57% from minions, 0.76% from lieutenants, 1.79% from bosses and 3.09% for AVs from common salvage to be replaced with the new table.
This should result in a significant increase in attuned enhancement and PVP recipe drops. The reward tables obtained by trading Architect Tickets for random Salvage remain 22:5:1.
PVP Recipes were moved to the regular recipe drop tables. Common salvage drops slightly more as a result, and Common Recipes at level 50 drop slightly less.
Hydra and Titan enhancements will now display enhancement percent in their info.
The reward threshold for the GhoulFlex and Tantrum emotes has been lowered in "The Great Escape" zone event. Healers should have no issue getting them. You will now be able to pick either emote, instead of just being offered one depending on the faction you chose to support.
The "Weapons Raid" and "Weapons Deal" side missions in Mayhem and Safeguard missions will no longer attempt to reward you temporary powers that you already have, which caused the drop to fail.
Added the "Perfect Health" Super Inspiration. It drops from the same pool as other Super Inspirations.
Respec Recipes will now drop from critters at levels 30-34.
The story arcs from Marchand (in Brickstown), Shauna Stockwell, Eagle Eye (Kings Row) and the Rogue and Vigilante arcs from Issue 24 now award 6 Reward Merits each.
The following TFs were only giving a SecondaryReward and not a PrimaryReward, meaning that some players could miss the badge after completing the Task Force:
● Positron
● Synapse
● Manticore
● Numina
● Moonfire
● Dr. Quaterfield
● Sara Moore
● Justin Augustine
● Faathim
● Beast of the Mountain
● Crystal of Serafina
The following TFs were awarding their Souvenir only when talking to the contact at the end, this has been moved to the final Mission Completion so you get the Souvenir at the same time as you get the badge:
● Sister Psyche
● Penelope Yin
● Numina
● Moonfire
● Ernesto Hess
● Lady Grey
● Apex
● Tin Mage
● Imperious
● Dr. Khan
● Justin Augustine
● Beast of the Mountain
● Temple of Waters
● Crystal of Serafina
● Future of Freedom
● Thus Spoke The Reichsman
The Unai Kemen story arc was awarding the same souvenir whether you succeeded or failed the final mission; it now awards either souvenir properly.
Hamidon now rewards 4 Empyrean Merits instead of 4 Incarnate Shards, or 80 Reward Merits instead of 53.
Removed the 20 Reward Merits choice from Apex, Tin Mage and Incarnate Arcs. You still get the regular Reward Merits for the arc or task force, and a choice between Incarnate Component, Empyrean Merit or Super Inspirations.
Transcendent Merits can now be purchased for 50 Empyrean Merits. (Note: the tooltip still says '60', it will be fixed in the next patch)
Enhancement Stores in Paragon City will now sell SOs of the proper origin all the way to 50. Vanguard, Midnighter, and Freedom Corps SO stores will sell all SOs from 25 to 50.
All medical items in bases will sell all the small inspirations and buy inspirations; the SO stores in bases will sell all SOs from 25 to 50.
Reorganized stores. Generic low-level stores will sell TOs and all DOs; High-level stores will sell all SOs; origin-specific stores will sell both DOs and SOs of the given origin.
All stores will sell and buy Enhancements and Inspirations at the same price.
TOs and DOs will now sell to stores for 80% and 60% of their sale value, over twice their previous "best" price. This is meant to help lowbies afford their SOs without twinking.
All legacy mission contacts will sell Inspirations in their stores; only exception is for the SO mission contacts (Agent Six, General Hammond, Serafina, etc.) that will still sell SOs.
The price of Enhancements Converter in Reward Merits stores has been lowered to match the previous Azuria price: 3 converters for 1 merit, 30 converters for 10 merits.
Rarity colors for recipes and salvage are defined once and used wherever needed.
NPC stores now display the rarity color for Salvage and Recipes.
Merit Vendor:
There is a new conversion, Transcendent Merit, to enable sending 50 Empyreans at a time to your other characters using Global Email.
New supergroups have bases by default; there is no need to get a base permit.
Praetorians can be invited to supergroups even before they leave Praetoria.
Removed a check that was preventing Praetorians from joining supergroups under certain circumstances.
The influence to prestige conversion option has been removed.
SG base storage won't try to sort itself every single frame, fixing the issue with Present inspirations jumping all over the place.
All items in a supergroup base (except storage) can be used by visitors who do not belong to the supergroup.
Supergroup bases now have a unique loading screen.
Split most functional items into Inactive and Decorative versions. You can find those with /find inactive or /find destroyed while in the editor. They are all solid geometry instead of entities, with the following exceptions:
·        Resurrection needs need to be an entity to work.
·        Stores and Contact items, as well as NPCs need to be entities to work.
·        Teleport Beacons remain as entities in order to be targetable and display their destination in the targeting reticle.
·        Everything in Tech Defense and Arcane Defense will be tackled in the future, removing the entities would cause them to lose the power FX.
·        Resurrection Circle and Basic Reclaimator heal the character to full on resurrection. Robo-Surgery and Spirit Signal are now non-functional decorative items.
Many items no longer require Power or Control, mainly to prevent them from switching their look to the Inactive model, as they can be placed directly.
Teleport Beacons are now unkillable and ignore combat mods. Also fixed their faction and /info description, that had all changed to P strings.
There are 101 new base items, in addition to the inactive/destroyed versions of existing items. They all have the "(New!)" label and will keep it for around a month. Use /find new! to find them.
Added Teleport Beacons to First Ward and Night Ward.
Added every texture-based Chest symbol that works on Tights as Supergroup emblems, with the same ordering as they appear in the costume creator.
The "Circle of Thorns Portal" item no longer has a volume that triggers door behavior when you walk through it. The door behavior is still present if you click on the Portal.
Entering Supergroup Mode will no longer lower the amount of influence earned after level 25.
Entering the SG base editor will now retain the current World Detail setting instead of forcing it to 30,000%. This should greatly improve performance while working on bases with many items. You can increase your World Detail setting or use /visscale 2 (or more) to favor draw distance over performance.
The Beaconizer is once again creating AI pathing beacons so pets and enemies will work inside SG bases, as long as the SG base has an entrance room and most of the base can be accessed from it. Since this is not true for a great number of bases. This shall be repaired in a future patch.
Mission Computer and Oracle can now be used to craft Tip missions by spending one reward merit per mission.
Common rarity tips are the ones that let you pick Hero/Vigilante or Villain/Rogue; Uncommon tips are the ones that only let you pick opposite alignment (Rogue to Hero, Vigilante to Villain) and Rare tips are Morality Missions.
While inside a Supergroup base, all contacts normally hidden are visible. This allows you to see Tips that you have crafted when you're the "wrong" alignment.
The Mission Computer / Oracle will only offer Tip and Alignment missions at your level range. Forcing the lower level missions to scale up was causing a lot of problems.
If, through some freak accident of nature, your Supergroup Base ends up with more than one Secret Entrance portal, one of them will be turned into a Vanguard Portal on the next time the base is loaded. This doesn't mean when you log off and back on; it means the mapserver for the SG base shuts down (after 20 minutes of inactivity) and then is started again. Or, if you're in a hurry, ask a GM can go into your base and use /mapshutdown to close it immediately.
Disabled all the SG raid updating code that would check every base item every 1.25 seconds to make sure things were powered, had control, weren't destroyed, and so on. This saves between 5% and 15% of CPU time on the server side, per base, depending on how complex the base is.
Most Defense items have been changed to remove the Entity from them. Most Tech turrets remain as entities because they would lose their animation otherwise.
Force Field, Weakness Field and Pain Field have had some FX elements removed because they don't work correctly when they're not attached to an Entity.
Veteran Levels:
This is the new name for leveling up after 50. You can check your current Veteran Level in your info window (previously at any City Info Terminal kiosk, under "Character"). They grant the Veteran badges listed above, and also a second set of hidden badges with Empyrean rewards, front-loaded to allow characters to get all their T3s with 9 Veteran Levels (down from 12) and all their T4s with 48 Veteran Levels (down from 57). The Empyreans are tied to badges and no longer drop on every single level.
● Badges 3 to 24: 20 Empyrean Merits
● Badges 27 to 48: 15 Empyran Merits
● Badges 51 to 69: 10 Empyrean Merits
● Badges 72 to 99: 5 Empyrean Merits
You will also receive 120 threads for VL 1,2, 4,5, 7,8, and 10,11. (This is subject to change.)

=== {{UL|2012}} ===
=== {{UL|2012}} ===

Revision as of 00:07, 30 June 2020



Patch Notes appeared on the City of Heroes web site and listed changes made to the game as a result of patches released to the live servers. Note that not all patches appeared on the official website; where notes are missing, the notes for the matching Training Room game version are used.

A list of a few patch notes could be found at's Support Center, but there were many missing patches.

Training Room Patch Notes were listed in the official forums.

Patch Notes in 2019 and later are for the Homecoming servers.

Patch Notes by Year



Issue 25

Patch notes for the period between end of official game and launch of Homecoming April 2019


Main Article: Patch Notes/2012

2012 included 14 patch notes, including two Issue updates and three beta updates for the last Issue to be tested:


Main Article: Patch Notes/2011

2011 included 35 patch notes, including two Issue updates and three mid-Issue major releases:


Main Article: Patch Notes/2010

2010 included 26 patch notes, including three Issue updates:


Main Article: Patch Notes/2009

2009 included 27 patch notes, including three Issue updates:


Main Article: Patch Notes/2008

2008 included 19 patch notes, including two Issue updates:


Main Article: Patch Notes/2007

2007 included 21 patch notes, including three Issue updates:


Main Article: Patch Notes/2006

2006 included 22 patch notes, including two Issue updates:


Main Article: Patch Notes/2005

2005 included 37 patch notes, including four Issue updates:


Main Article: Patch Notes/2004

2004 included 22 patch notes, including two Issue updates:

See Also