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(→‎Initial Contact: Added more of the initial dialog branch)
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::::*{{green|You're sending me on an errand to end an internet argument?}}
::::*{{green|You're sending me on an errand to end an internet argument?}}

:::::It appears so. I figured you would want to end what you started with the Doctor's arrest, so I suppose I will have to fake an apology that this mission isn't more glamorous or epic.
:::::{{darkorange|Watkins looks more than slightly irritated with you.}}
:::::*{{green|I thought I'd be fighting Ghost Widow or defending a Moon Base by now.}}
::::::I hate to break it to you, but sometimes you get a day where your missions aren't all that glamorous, but you still have to get the job done and save the day. Statesman wasn't above getting a cat out of a tree, you know. He did it all the time.
::::::*{{green|All right, I'll go, but Freakshow next - I need a challenge.}}
:::::::{{darkorange|Agent Watkins claps his hands together and cracks his knuckles.}}
:::::::When you're ready, we can begin digging into this mess.
:::::::*{{green|I'm ready.}}

:::*{{green|Let those madmen tear each other apart. Less work for us.}}
:::*{{green|Let those madmen tear each other apart. Less work for us.}}

Revision as of 19:44, 2 November 2022


FBSA NetOps Agent Watkins
FBSA NetOps Agent Watkins
Zone Steel Canyon
Coordinates (-2264, -84, -2575)[Copy]
Level Range 20-29
Introduced By None, Walk-up
Introduces None
Enemy Groups
Badges SL4 Watkins ArcComplete.png Uncivil Warrior
SL4 Watkins Quarantine.png The Greater Good
SL4 Watkins Defy.png Went Off Script
v  d  e

Agent Watkins is a hero contact in Steel Canyon. His level range is 20-29. He is standing 150 yards west of the Silver Lake neighborhood marker.


Contact Introduced By

None, walk-up.

Contact Introduces



FBSA NetOps Agent

Agent Watkins is a no-nonsense FBSA agent tasked with protecting his country from superpowered threats by hunting down various leads and clues left on the internet. His talents were cultivated in the FBI before the FBSA took jurisdiction during the Galaxy City crisis and promoted Watkins to oversee the front lines of defense against various plots and misinformation campaigns. He used to be known on the internet as the hacker @TTL , which rumors say has to do with him being born on the 4th of July, though nobody can elaborate on the connection. Nowadays he's a model for what 'unpowered' people can do to be super; and when he's not hacking for the government, he's inspiring schoolchildren with stories from his wild life.

Prior to Introduction

Now's not a good time, Character. Seek me out later.

Initial Contact

Character, I'm glad you signed on for this operation. As you know, the activity at the Overbrook Dam was all anyone could talk about for weeks. The Mad Doctor himself, finally captured for his crimes! It was an event some people never thought they'd live to see. The boogeyman of Paragon was finally caught.

I usually don't fawn over things like this, but something that hasn't happened to me in a while happened: My agency is humbled and you've impressed me. That's why we're back here again, and I'm asking for your help.

  • What can I do for you, Agent Watkins?
You're going to have to help me settle things around here since the Doctor was incarcerated. It was a forgone conclusion that taking him out of the equation was Inevitable, but what we couldn't predict was what his cult-like followers would do in his absence. We had three leading theories about what would happen, and it appears we are in the worst-case-scenario theory.
  • What's happening with the Vahzilok, Agent?
Watkins looks at you for a moment, takes several breaths, and continues.
You should know that I tend not to give information without giving all of it, including the backstory. The key to understanding the present, and the future, is to understand the past.
Doctor Vahzilok was brilliant, mad as a hatter, but not a fool. He was an early adopter of the internet, specifically forums, as a way to spread his message and also to preserve his efforts for all time. Doctor Vahzilok knew from the get-go that nothing is ever truly lost on the Internet, so he raised a following and shared his notes so that his ideas would live on well past his time.
  • And now his time has come to a possible end. I understand.
Yes, and what couldn't be adequately predicted was what would happen once his time came. We had three theories: One, that things would quiet down and the research would stall out due to the demoralization of his followers; Two, that the information would end up in the hands of SERAPH or DATA and be purposed for the advancement of humanity; Or three, the followers would scramble to be the next Dr. V, circle the wagons, and begin infighting to be the next King of the Corpses.
It would appear that the worst-case-scenario, Option 3, is happening in real time, as we speak. In truth, we always knew this was the only option, but we left the door open for hope that other options were possible.
  • Admirable mentality, all things considered. So what's the latest development?
Yes, despite everything I've seen in my years with the Bureau I still retain a modicum of optimism. But it just wasn't enough for this situation.
I've been following 6 different forums that are nested on the dark web that all follow Vahzilok's research, and one has become a hot bed of vitriolic speech lately. Normally I would dismiss these kinds of things as petty arguments between keyboard warriors, but these are different times we live in now, and we can't ignore the small hunches in search of bigger collars.
Two people have been arguing over the future of the research, heavily debating immune response boosting to fight diseases versus cellular stimulation for accelerated healing responses. A user by the name xMaladyction is so absolutely sure of their position that four hours ago they posted an address to anyone that disagreed with her to fight them in real life. 'NewtralizeKeyes' posted three hours ago that he was going to end this argument once and for all.
Their posting history suggests a dangerous attachment to their ideological positions so I have no doubt this will be something for your caliber of firepower.
  • Won't this tip off the Vahz that the forum isn't safe?
My team and I have archived everything that is of relevance from this forum. I've also embedded several dummy accounts so I'll be alerted if and when it relaunches. I have a list of names and aliases to work with, so them shutting down is too little too late. This is the biggest of the six forums, so this is a worthwhile risk. The others may shutter out of caution, but some will sense opportunity to take in the displaced users and the cycle will repeat when we're ready for the next strike.
  • And people say heroes need powers. You're proof to the contrary!
+++ Missing Information +++
  • I'm on it, Agent. I'll make sure this stays contained.
+++ Missing Information +++
  • You're sending me on an errand to end an internet argument?
It appears so. I figured you would want to end what you started with the Doctor's arrest, so I suppose I will have to fake an apology that this mission isn't more glamorous or epic.
Watkins looks more than slightly irritated with you.
  • I thought I'd be fighting Ghost Widow or defending a Moon Base by now.
I hate to break it to you, but sometimes you get a day where your missions aren't all that glamorous, but you still have to get the job done and save the day. Statesman wasn't above getting a cat out of a tree, you know. He did it all the time.
  • All right, I'll go, but Freakshow next - I need a challenge.
Agent Watkins claps his hands together and cracks his knuckles.
When you're ready, we can begin digging into this mess.
  • I'm ready.
  • Let those madmen tear each other apart. Less work for us.
Less work us, perhaps, but there's no way to quantify the collateral damage. Why do I get the impression that you think this is beneath you?
  • I've already taken out their boss. Isn't that the goal?
And so, then, why wouldn't I go with a tested-and-true asset with the experience to handle it with minimal issue?
  • I get it. I'm the ringer. I'll put and end to this.
Agent Watkins claps his hands together and cracks his knuckles.
When you're ready, we can begin digging into this mess.
  • I'm ready.
  • I thought something more heroic would be on my radar.
I hate to break it to you, but sometimes you get a day where your missions aren't all that glamorous, but you still have to get the job done and save the day. Statesman wasn't above getting a cat out of a tree, you know. He did it all the time.
  • All right, I'll go, but Freakshow next - I need a challenge.
Agent Watkins claps his hands together and cracks his knuckles.
When you're ready, we can begin digging into this mess.
  • I'm ready.
  • Give the SL10-SL20 heroes the chance to prove themselves like I did.
+++ Missing Information +++
  • You're still not telling me the situation as it is, Agent. Get to the point.
I understand your position, but until you treat me with the respect I have earned as a non-partisan civil servant of the United States government, I'm afraid I will have to seek help elsewhere.
It would appear superpowers don't always come packaged with super manners. I regret to inform you that our business together is wholly dependent on your attitude and you should be prepared to give me both the time and respect that I deserve.
  • Understood, Agent.
Watkins looks at you for a moment with cold eyes, from over the top of his glasses. He takes several breaths, and continues.
Thank you. Now as I was trying to say, you should know that I tend not to give information without giving all of it, including the backstory. The key to understanding the present, and the future, is to understand the past.
Agent Watkins seems to assess if you're true to your word and paying attention. He seems satisfied with you for now.
Doctor Vahzilok was brilliant, mad as a hatter, but not a fool. He was an early adopter of the internet, specifically forums, as a way to spread his message and also to preserve his efforts for all time. Doctor Vahzilok knew from the get-go that nothing is ever truly lost on the Internet, so he raised a following and shared his notes so that his ideas would live on well past his time.
  • And now his time has come to a possible end. I understand.
This selection loops to another branch of this conversation which is already documented.
  • Ask about available missions. (Skips the Intro)
We have an enormous amount of work in front of us, Character. Get ready.

Too Busy

You seem a bit heavy on unfinished tasks. Come see me when you clear your calendar up.

Too Low Level

Now's not a good time, Character. Seek me out later.

No More Missions

Its time you moved on to bigger things. Don't worry. I've got this docket handled.


  • None

Story Arc

Merit Rewards: This activity awards 20 Reward Merits.

The Graveyard Shift


A viral video

You pull up a copy of the viral video that FBSA Agent Watkins once showed you, so long ago. As a Vahzilok cadaver gets torn limb from limb in broad daylight, you get emotional rememebering:

The Graveyard Shift

It started out with a call from Agent Watkins for heroes who had established a reputation with Positron as a reliable justiciar. You soon found out that the advertisement had been obscuring the truth: With Dr. Vahzilok in jail because of your participation in the events at the Overbrook Dam, the Vahzilok army had become a dangerous and disorganized collection of factions with different ideals. Agent Watkins was looking to stop the situation before things spun out of control, and sent you out on a lead from a forum post, where two notable Vahzilok followers, Newt and Malady, were preparing to throw hands for their argument.

Once you arrived, the situation was as Watkins predicted, but with one glaringly unnacounted variable: Amongst the chaotic infighting, outside forces sought to take their opportunity to eliminate competition... in the form of fast-moving quick-firing cadaver bombs that were affectionately being called 'Zoombies'.

Once that situation settled, a video was sent to Watkins from a superior officer showing a cadaver being torn apart in broad daylight and their limbs being carted into the sewers. Agent Watkins had a strong suspicion he knew that neighborhood and sent you down into the sewers to discover that the Freakshow were behind the 'Zoombies', and you collared a Meat Doctor named Dubstitch. Dubstitch quickly rolled on her boss, Raverobber, and you broke out some street justice in Talos to get his location. You descended upon his 'Unholy Masquerave' and took him out, discovering that his aptitude with the zoombies came from notes he stole from a lair Dr. Vahzilok used to own! Moreso, he tried to sell these notes back to the Vahzilok, giving them all the opportunity for new, unvetted mad science.

By this time the leads had gone cold, and you were tasked with investigating a robbery in Skyway City, a medical supply store run by a Dr. Pierce. Your investigation led to the Rusty Rivet bar in Faultline, where a tense negotation between factions had just broken down between Grey Matter and Salamander. Once you had secured the bar, a new name was added to your list: Pathogen.

Pathogen's lair was like nothing you'd ever experienced before: A sprawling warehouse with reclaimed tech from the sewers distributed about, everything from metal gurneys to tesla coils and meathooks greeting you. But the worst of it wasn't what you could see, it was what you couldn't see: The trillions of microbes in the air and on every surface of the place as Pathogen tested his immune response theories against the stolen notes. By the time you had gotten to him, you were clearly falling ill with some kind of ailment, and Pathogen revealed the most damning detail yet: Dr. Pierce was the sleeper in the Vahzilok, and had been using you to eliminate her competition before claiming the Vahzilok as her own. Pathogen set fire to his warehouse when you defeated him, and you narrowly avoided cremation by disabling the fire system, which was hooked into the diesel refinery next door.

It was at this point you made an important decision: You put the lives of others above your own and allowed Pierce to get a lead on you by staying put and obeying quarantine. You emerged from the warehouse hours later with a vaccine, and a new lead. Cortex, the only name that was left in the game for sure, had accessed Pathogen's data dump and got his location traced as a result. When Cortex fell, you recovered Dr. Pierce, whom Cortex was forcing into compliance. She was then turned over to the FBSA for questioning, and she made a plea deal with SERAPH.

Chapter One: Anger Management


So, this is the situation: Because of the Intervention of heroes at the Overbrook Dam, Dr. Vahzilok is in jail, and his followers are fighting to control the horde. We've got ambitious deep web forumites attacking each other over the Doctor's research, and two passionate butchers are about to rumble somewhere here in Steel Canyon. The forum gave us an address - '612 Wharf Avenue', but that address doesn't exist, as should be expected. I ran some searches and I think there's a pidgin language within the 'Lok, and the real address is 6+1+2 North Avenue. Check out 9 North Ave here in Steel Canyon and see if my hunch is right.

The 'Lok prefer to be just cryptic enough to stave off the attention of the passerby forumite, but this is a good lead based on my digging,

This arc takes place after the events of Positron's Task Force, Part Two.

  • I'm on it!

Mission Acceptance

Let me know about anything you might deem to be unusual. I'll have the cleanup crew catalog anything you make it a point to mention.

You're given a phone number and email address to transfer evidence to Agent Watkins while still in the field.

The Real Life Ban-Hammer

Agent Watkins has tasked you with investigating the Vahzilok infighting. First and foremost, make sure you document anything unusual for the Agency.

Unnecessary Solicitation

I'd head over to North Ave as soon as possible - we want to catch any aspiring players before they do anything significant.

Mission Objective(s)

There's a great deal of shouting in here. Good hunch, Agent Watkins.

  • Investigate the Forum Brawl
    • Look for clues
    • Determine what the fight is about

You broke up a fight between two rival factions of Vahzilok, and were introduced to a possible third faction in the process.



Notable NPCs

Ambush! Upon defeating the first Warring Faction mob, you will be ambushed by one wave of 'Zoombie' Bomb Cadavers.

'Zoombie' Bomb Cadaver: ...kill...
'Zoombie' Bomb Cadaver: ...chaos...

Ambush! Upon defeating the second Warring Faction mob, you will be ambushed by one wave of 'Zoombie' Bomb Cadavers.

'Zoombie' Bomb Cadaver: ...kill...
'Zoombie' Bomb Cadaver: ...chaos...
'Zoombie' Bomb Cadaver: ...violence...
'Zoombie' Bomb Cadaver: ...death...

Ambush! When Malady is reduced to 25% health, she will summon one wave of 'Zoombie' Bomb Cadavers.

'Zoombie' Bomb Cadaver: ...Dubby says...
'Zoombie' Bomb Cadaver: them a freaky good time...
'Zoombie' Bomb Cadaver: ...get them dancing...
'Zoombie' Bomb Cadaver: and joints are popping...

Ambush! When Newt is reduced to 25% health, he will summon one wave of 'Zoombie' Bomb Cadavers.

'Zoombie' Bomb Cadaver: ...wheeeee...
'Zoombie' Bomb Cadaver: ...over here...
'Zoombie' Bomb Cadaver: ...surprise...
'Zoombie' Bomb Cadaver: ...wahoo...


I'm glad to see you are in one piece. I read your notes and got your photos and video, and the truth is obvious: the Vahzilok are splintering, and they are factioning around research. While you were sending in evidence, I was looking into the zealots' philosophies some more.

Rallying under a banner name of 'Hygelans' are Vahzilok playing with the immune system, while the 'Planarians' are unlocking the secrets of the ability to regenerate lost limbs. These names are the kind of highly intellectual nomenclature I'd expect from them. It's unfortunate we couldn't save any of the dying ones you found, though. Those Eidolons were too foreign and complex in physiology, and too far gone as it was to be able to do anything but mercifully euthanize them.

Agent Watkins pauses for a second.

That could be the catalyst for all this... we rarely see dying Eidolons like the ones you found... maybe without the Doctor the maintenance line is disrupted?

Keep that theory in the back of your mind. Given what we know right now, anything is possible. My biggest concern right now is that nobody fits the profile of 'kamikaze enthusiasts' so I'm diving into inactive and lurker accounts to see if anything pops up.

Not to toot my own horn, but I'm glad I thought to solicit help from a higher tier of security clearance. An SL15 might have become a statistic in there. Thank you for your diligent documentation on what you encountered. I'm going to need a little time to put this new information into the database. Come back to me in a bit and I'll have our next plan of attack.

You're good. I'm going to bump up your clearance.

Chapter Two: Dismemberment Fees


Character. Good timing. I just finished updating the case with your notes and got a notification from the deep-web 'Lok forums. As I thought might happen, it closed shop and went dark but posted a goodbye message to its users. Clues as to what's going on are starting to pop up and sprinkle all over the other forums. It seems that 'Newt' and 'Malady' were not the ringleaders of these new factions within the Vahzilok. The Bureau has reason to believe there are people higher up the ladder but these first arrests should stifle the momentum of those groups. As for the third, we know-

Agent Watkins's phone rings. He answers it quickly and tersely, and says yes, he'll wait for the text. When the text notification pings, he opens a message on his phone and begins to watch a video and shares it with you. In it, a Vahzilok Cadaver is shown being ambushed by a pack of other cadavers, tearing it limb from limb as citizens, scream in horror and flee the area. It's left snarling in pain and begging for mercy as a head and a torso on the sidewalk, while the other cadavers lumber off with its parts into the sewers.

  • Brutal. Do you know where this happened?

Mission Acceptance

I do. Waste no time on this one. This video is fresh, very fresh. 27 minutes ago, 32,000 views. Nobody's going to profit on this kind of tragedy, I guarantee you that. If it's only been a half an hour, then I can give you a roughly triangulated area of where they could be in that amount of time. Start at these coordinates and look for someone who looks like they're calling the shots.

Unnecessary Solicitation

Time is against us. Find the shot-caller before they scatter!

Mission Objective(s)

A two-pronged assault greets you, a heavy mix of deep basslines hitting your ears and formaldehyde invading your nostrils.

  • Hunt down the cannibal corpses
    • Find the ringleader!

It seems that the Freakshow have made a play at trying to control a portion of the disorganized Vahzilok horde! Dubstitch was the puppeteer of these bomb-zombies, but there are still many out there!



Notable NPCs

Ambush! When Dubstitch is reduced to 25% health, she will summon one wave of 'Zoombie' Bomb Cadavers.

Dubstitch: Get 'em, meatbags! Drop the beatings!
'Zoombie' Bomb Cadaver:'s the remix...
'Zoombie' Bomb Cadaver: ...Boomtown to Miami...
'Zoombie' Bomb Cadaver: ...DJ Raverobber in the house...
'Zoombie' Bomb Cadaver: ...let's get loud...

You arrested a Meat Doctor named Dubstitch at the end of your investigation into the rogue cadavers. As a former Vahzilok reaper who flipped from being a surgeon to a Freakshow Wrench, she was quite capable of being the brains behind the cadaver behavior you saw in the video, However, she was eager to drop another name to throw under the bus to save herself: 'Raverobber', who is higher up in the food chain.


I'm familiar with Dubstitch. But last I heard she was trying to ply her trade working with the Facemaker overseas. She's been a small-time player at best, for a long time. It's worrying that we don't know anything about this person pulling her strings. We have no data on 'Raverobber', but that's normal for the Freakshow. 'IDX' members of the Freakshow specialize in data erasure, so we're lucky to find data they've missed; for Freaks, they are surprisingly thorough. They pay attention to details.

I have a plan to find him, regardless. Come back to me when you're rested up.

Chapter Three: Hearing Loss


Good to see you as always, Character. I said I had a plan, and, well... I couldn't get the resources from the Bureau.

I wish I had better news, but the Bureau is absolutely taxed with a series of other events both domestic and international that have been popping up recently. The go-to Agents - with the know-how to do a deep dive on the background of Raverobber - are deployed overseas right now, and my associate in the Watchdog department is currently on leave for the birth of his second kid; he'd have been my access to using satellites to ping for clusters of their cybernetic electrical fields.

Dubstitch is down for the count while Longbow looks into removing her surgical backpack, so after three strikes we're going to fall back on a tried-and-true method for this situation. All we have to work with is his name, his presumed presence somewhere within the city, and the indelible temperament of the Freakshow...

  • No leads, and I only have a name. I think I can guess where this is going.

Mission Acceptance

If you guessed that you're going to have to sweep a few streets with their mohawks while looking for details, you're absolutely right.

By now the Freakshow are widely aware that the video went viral, and if they know Dubstitch just got taken offline, then they'll put together pretty quickly that the friends and family you are indiscriminately pushing into the urgent care system are connected to it.

Freakshow love the pure animalistic expression of freedom through violent anarchy, so without a doubt you'll eventually stumble across one that stays conscious long enough to be impressed. And an impressed Freak usually submits to the alpha status of the victor, and throws someone else under the bus in the process to make themselves feel better. It's a time-honored tradition if the statistics suggest anything; you should see the workups my colleagues have on the Freakshow. For all their anarchy, they have some surprisingly obvious patterns. Regardless, knock a few teeth loose on Talos Island until we get something more substantial. That's about all we can do right now.

Unnecessary Solicitation

I don't envy your task, unless you like showing off in front of crowds. We've got a numbers game to play here, so head over to Talos Island and see what you can shake loose.

Introduce yourself to the Freakshow in Talos Island

Mission Objective(s)

  • Introduce yourself to the Freakshow in Talos Island
    • Defeat 15 Freakshow

A woozy Freak, laughing while pulling out a broken tooth, honors your beatdown with the information you seek.

A Concussed Confession about Raverobber

Standing victoriously over a crumpled Freak, you finally get the information you were hoping for. The Freak looks up at you with equal parts hatred and reverence, and spits out a cracked tooth.

'That was an epic smackdown, bruh. Do I tip you for that kind of service?'

You grab the Freak by the apparatus and ask him about Raverobber.

'Raverobber? That's what this is about?'

He laughs for a moment then clutches his side in pain. 'The Excelsior's wearing off, man. I'll tell you what you wanna know, but you have to promise me not to wreck his sound system, I call dibs. That system is TIGHT, bro. He's holed up in a warehouse here in Talos, here's the address.'

He hands you a crudely designed flyer for the event.

'He said he wanted to throw a party that would blow the roof straight off the place. And to top it all off, he's not allowing anyone inside who even remotely resembles a cat. Do you have an idea how aweso...'

The Freak has succumbed to his injuries and passed out. You hear sirens in the distance. You're sure the authorities are in cleanup mode and will take care of him for you.

Unnecessary Solicitation

You have the location? Go, quick, before he packs up and moves!

Crash the Unholy Masquerave

Mission Objective(s)

This is definitely the place. It smells like sweat, blood, marshmellows, and eucalyptus balm. The music is so heavy you feel your balance shift.

  • Crash the Unholy Masquerave
    • Find Evidence
    • Put Raverobber on mute

You've put an end to one of the worst-smelling raves this city has ever seen, nad that's saying something. You also found a packet of medical notes that Raverobber somehow acquired.



Notable NPCs

Ambush! When Raverobber is reduced to 25% health, you will be ambushed by one wave of Freakshow.

Raverobber: Last song in the set! Rush the stage, homies!
Freak Chopper: RUSH THE STAGE!!
Juicer Chief: RUSH THE STAGE!!
Freak Chopper: RUSH THE STAGE!!

A stapled packet of photocopied notes

Raverobber had, of all things, a study desk near the rave site. And as you sifted through the piles of paper, two things jumped out at you immediately:

1) These medical notes about cybernetics were obviously copied from a larger source and were too thorough and intelligent to be within the paygrade of a Freakshow dropping fat beats to a zombie party, and

2) If any of these notes are his at all, how in the world does he write so well with all those scythe hands?.


Well, that's unexpected. The Doctor always published his notes online, but Raverobber got his 'hands' on some actual handwritten Journals from Vahzilok himself! Your report suggests Raverobber may have found these notes in the sewers, which aligns nicely with rumors we've been investigating of sections in the Abandoned Network, that we thought might be lab site locations, suddenly going into a kind of sealed lockdown. I guess he was trying to sell the notes back to the Vahzilok and ended up getting humbled.

... That's not something we really considered to be a likely outcome from all this. And now with the knowledge loose, it looks like the factions are congregating around, high-ranking Reapers and Eidolons who have the know-how and the notes to carry on the legacy, and keep them alive.

Watkins stops talking abruptly, with realization spreading across his face.

Hang on a second, let me see the book.

You hand over the notebook to Agent Watkins, who flips through it cautiously but quickly. He makes an expression of surprise, then knits his brow midway through the journal. He looks up at you.

This is a big problem, Character. This page right here just widened this whole operation to a new level of concern.

Watkins points to page 21 with a diagram of various muscles and the circulatory system, and the phrase 'CMRj' underlined three times. The muscles seem to be woven with something fibrous and weblike - this appears to be the original page to the photocopy from our first outing to Newt and Pathogen's showdown!

This phrase 'CMRj' Is the focal point of the latest wave of forum activity. They're tight-lipped about what it exactly does, but they've been fighting like it's the keys to to the kingdom. And now we finally have a clue. Cybernetic Measured Rejuvenation is what It appears to stand for in the details on this page; some kind of deep nano-tech stimulation of the muscles for regeneration to offset invasive implants, and bone marrow invigoration for an absurd white cell production rate to combat infection. All this is woven in intricately throughout a body to make maintenance a hands-free affair with the right power source.

Agent Watkins shudders.

And ghoulishly inhuman for a man trying to destroy death. It makes perfect sense that the Freakshow were trying to implement it without any real understanding, but only got so far as to make faster running bombs and raves where the DJ is integrated into the mixer. It worries me that Raverobber said he was 'Number 4' instead of 'Number 1'. My instant take on that is that he sold copies of the notes to three distinct buyers, so that means we're going to have a lot of work ahead of us, against at least three factions of scientifically enhanced madmen.

I'm very good at what I do, Character, but I might need some time and resources to integrate this new data into our models. Come back in a bit so I can put together a new profile.

Things are really moving. I definitely feel like I can trust you.

Chapter Four: The Fault in our Scars


Watkins hands you a note.

The PPD passed this message up the line to me since we're currently elbow-deep in zombie drama. Earlier today, a store owner in Skyway reported that her medical supply store was robbed by Vahzilok. Do me a favor, talk to the owner, and see if this latest problem turns up any new leads or connections. Her name is... Watkins traces through his notes looking for a name. Ah, 'Dr. Katelyn Pierce'. While you're out, I'm going to add this CMRj information into the puzzle to decode more forumspeak and plan our next move.

I know this is busy work, but any Vahzilok activity is worth pursuing right now.

This is an Investigation Mission, and your interactions with Dr. Pierce will determine the missions that occur afterwards. You may need to tell your teammates to stand by while you read.

Players can bypass the investigation with the 'I'm on a team' dialog option, which will advance to the next mission. If you want to know what you missed, you'll need to be Entrusted with the Secret and look into the Crystal.

Mission Acceptance

Thanks. If you need anything, just give me a call.

Unnecessary Solicitation

You've got a job to do right now, and so do I. I'll be in touch when something shakes loose online, and you let me know if things take a turn towards the interesting.

Mission Objective(s)

  • (Investigation Mission) Speak with Dr. Pierce about the robbery


Dr. Pierce looks at you apprehensively when you approach.

Are you Character? I'm Dr. Pierce, I called in the report on the robbery, but I apologize if I seem a little nervous - I'm used to dealing with the PPD and didn't think this would run up the ladder to the FBSA who would send a cape over to help!

  • No need to be concerned, please just tell me what happened.
Pierce's body language appears to relax a bit. You can see her organizing her thoughts for a moment before she begins.
I want to say it was about 9:15 this morning. The store was already open, but not for long. I wasn't keeping a close eye on the clock because I was searching for coffee in the breakroom to wake myself up after a long night.
I heard a weird noise; It was like a cough, a stomach growl, and a wounded animal moaning all at once. Then something metallic clinked against the ground. I immediately went out towards the sales floor - I was expecting another homeless person looking for medication for their dog, which has happened before. The Can Man used to be a frequent visitor here, and I hadn't seen him in a while, so I was not expecting to see a small group of shambling undead when I turned the corner with a smile on my face, you know?
Plerce lets out a nervous laugh and runs her left hand through her hair while shrugging.
One of them, the ones that look like deranged butchers, kept me in the corner of the shop by threatening me with a bonesaw. The handlers coordinated with each other to grab what they needed: medications, mostly. When they had what they needed, they retreated quickly without fuss. They left a mess, but no tragedies, and I'm thankful for that. The guy holding me at bay did make sure to mention that if I told anyone, they'd come back and harvest me.
Pierce seems oddly calm when telling you that.
  • I have some questions to ask you.
Pierce waits patiently for your questions.
  • What did they take, exactly?
Pierce pauses for a moment, then retrieves a list from her pocket.
This is a list of all missing product from Inventory. They took about $3500 of NSAIDs alone, but also tourniquets, sterile IV tubing, crutches, gauze pads, two walkers, iodine, hydrogen peroxide, and several suture kits. Total loss is about $9600 all together.
In my expert opinion, all these items are commonly used to triage people with severe wounds. That would be the standard fare for a combat field medic or an ER surgeon. I hope that helps you somehow.
  • NSAIDs?
Non-steroid anti-infammatory drugs. Good for reducing swelling. It seems to be the bulk of what they lifted from me, everything else seems incidental by comparison.
  • Thanks, Doc.
Investigation: NSAIDS

During your investigation, Dr. Pierce noted that the Vahzilok stole a great deal of emergency triage supplies, and NSAIDs to reduce swelling. You presume that the Vahzilok are either injured, or en route to assist another group in need of aid.

  • Do you have cameras here?
Pierce looks frustrated by the question, as if she doesn't want to admit this out loud.
The economy is rough and the rent is too high around here. I haven't had the profits to spend on replacing my CCTV DVR, which was looted 3 weeks ago in a night-time Clockwork raid along with all my doorknobs and stainless steel surgical tools. I reported that to the PPD, but they still haven't done anything about it yet. Which is why I'm confused as to how you got here in less than a day. Shows their priorities, doesn't it?
  • You've run a medical supply store with no surveillance?
Pierce looks panicked for a second, then irritated.
Business is always good, but rent is high and insurance rates in this town are understandably astronomical. Sometimes you just can't justify the expenditure when you're trying to keep the shirt on your back. I could move the whole business outside the War Walls, to somewhere like Moorestown to the west, but that's just trading my livelihood for peace and quiet. I'd have the budget for anything I need, but only a quarter of the business at best, and I'd be leaving behind my mi-
Pierce looks distracted for a moment, then finds her train of thought.
I'd be leaving the majority of my family behind. I just didn't work the budget out well enough and kept prioritizing other investments to keep the business going. I've never had this kind of problem before, so I never put it closer to the top of the shopping list. Hindsight is 20/20, as they say.
Pierce shrugs helplessly.
What about that obnoxious beeping call box by the curb? I have no idea what those things are used for anymore. Are they surveillance?
  • I'll check that out.
Investigation: Cameras

During your investigation, Dr. Pierce admitted that her shop didn't have the profits to replace her CCTV DVR after a Clockwork raid a few weeks ago. She wondered out loud if the Patrol Boxes have any kind of activity sensors. You're not sure, but you could just as well find out.

  • Did they harm you?
Pierce rubs her neck absentmindedly.
No, thankfully I wasn't hurt. But the butcher that was holding me was awfully rough on my neck. He had a strong grip and that bonesaw was intimidating as hell.
Dr. Katelyn Pierce Pierce suddenly lights up. She remembers something important!
His stench! It was odd. He didn't smell like your typical Vahzilok mix of formaldehyde and rotting skin. He smelled like freshly cut grass instead. And his breath reeked of stale beer.
  • That could be useful. Thank you for that information.
You pull out your phone and bring up the Paragon Parks and Rec website. Hide park was scheduled to be cut and raked the morning of the incident. Maybe there's something there that can point you in the right direction.
Investigation: The Park

During your investigation, Dr. Pierce remember that the Reaper who kept her hostage smelled of cut grass and stale beer. A quick search on the Paragon Parks and Rec website says that Hide Park was scheduled to be cut the morning of the incident.

  • Was anybody else in the store?
Dr. Pierce shakes her head.
I was the only person here. There were some Trolls skulking abut, but I doubt they saw anything, and if they did, I also doubt they'd be helpful.
  • I'm starting to wonder how PPD solves anything...
Investigation: Witnesses

Pierce says that there weren't any witnesses, aside from a few Trolls skulking about outside.

  • Was anything unusual about these guys?
Pierce looks at you quizzically, trying to comprehend your question.
Aside from the fact that a putrid pack of oozing corpses and their overly enthusiastic handlers wandered into my store in broad daylight to steal medicine and triage equipment? While being threatened by a butcher with a bonesaw? None of this was usual. I don't think I can answer that question with a straight face. I'm sorry, Character, do you have any other questions?
  • You never know, the only dumb question is one you don't ask.
Investigation: Dumb Question

When you got around to asking if Pierce noted anyhting unsual, she took umbrage at the unusual nature of everything and couldn't offer you an answer with a straight face.

  • Do you know which direction they went when they left?
Pierce thinks on this for a second.
I was focused pretty intently on the bonesaw for the entirety of the robbery; however, as my captor was the last to leave, taking the bonesaw with him, I can say that he exited and turned right to catch up with the horde, so that means they headed south?
I'm somewhat amused that Paragon City doesn't have some kind of big brother surveillance system in place after at least four multi-dimensional Invasions. Then again, they don't even maintain those annoying emergency boxes.
  • South, I'll add that to the list. Thanks.
Investigation: Exit, Stage Right

Dr. Pierce seems confident that the assailants turned right when they fled her building, which means they could have gone South to their destination.

  • Do you recall anything they might have said?
Pierce doesn't hesitate to answer this question.
I'm glad you asked. I've been mulling over the experience and trying to remember what I thought I heard. I know I heard them say something about the 'Rs'. I didn't get all the context, and they were ritling through my shelves as they were. I think they said 'to the Rs when this is done.' while talking about amputations and tourniquets.
The Rs could mean a lot of things. There are businesses, streets, railroads, bars, and neighborhoods that all fit. Ugh. That wasn't very helpful at all. I could really use a cocktail right about now - this is really stressful.
  • Thank you for this information, Doctor.
Investigation: The R's

Dr. Pierce recalls hearing the Vahzilok speak about 'The Rs', and amputations. The Vahzilok would never go to a hospital to seek care, that much is obvious. Pierce's futile attempt to help was logical, though; the Rs could mean a lot of things. There are businesses, streets, railroads, bars, and neighborhoods that all fit. The Red River neighborhood is in the Hollows, which is not far from heere and just past the hospital. Maybe you should ask Julius the Troll if he knows anything.

  • Tell me the story again, please
This selection loops to another branch of this conversation which is already documented.
  • I think I have everything I need, ma'am,
Pierce seems exhausted from the questioning but relieved.
I hope you find these guys. But it goes without saying that you should not bring back any of the merchandise, it's already a loss and unsellable because it's impossible to guarantee it's safe to use after being in the hands of sewer corpses.
Based on what you've learned from Pierce, you decide to set out and investigate...
Consult your clues to make your best deduction on where to head next, then confer with Agent Watkins before heading off.
  • Investigate The Emergency Callboxes
The Patrol box is nearby, hopefully it can help.
  • Call Agent Watkins
Decision: Investigate the Callboxes

You have decided to check out the Emergency Callboxes as a result of your investigation.

  • Investigate the Hollows
Julius the Troll isn't terribly far, but still a hike from where you currently are. Hopefully he knows something.
  • Call Agent Watkins
Decision: Investigate the Hollows

You have decided to investigate the Red River neighborhood of the Hollows after concluding your investigation.

  • Investigate the Park
Hide Park is a well-known area of the city, if something odd did happen there's a good chance someone noticed.
  • Call Agent Watkins
Decision: Investigate the Park

You have decided to investigate the park, based on the clues you've uncovered.

  • Hunt Some Trolls
When in doubt, violence can get some answers!
  • Call Agent Watkins
Decision: Hunt some Trolls

You have decided to hunt some Trolls to see if any of them might have been witnesses to the crime.

  • I'm no expert, I'll ask Agent Watkins
You didn't expect this job to require using detective skills. While you appreciate it, you decide that this kind of work is not your strongest talent.
  • Call Agent Watkins
Decision: Investigate the Hollows

You have decided to investigate the Red River neighborhood of the Hollows after concluding your investigation.

  • No time - I'm on a team. (Bypass Investigation entirely)
You have chosen to bypass this Investigation. Agent Watkins will get the information needed from Dr. Pierce.
Decision: Bypass the Mission

You're on a team and opted to skip talking to Pierce at all.

  • (Move forward with the next mission.)


Watkins eagerly awaits your report.

Give me a few minutes, then check back in with me. We need to plan our next moves carefully.

Chapter Five: Contact Tracing

Editor's Note:

The path through this mission is dependent on what decision you finally made in the previous investigation mission. There are some nice little game lore pieces available if you choose the long way. The full path is Hollows -> Hunt Trolls -> Check Park -> Callboxes. Extra dialog options are available if you have completed the Hollows arc and the Cavern of Transcendence Trial.

Investigate the Hollows

Mission Objective(s)

  • Speak with Julius the Troll

Julius gave you some simple tips on how to work Skyway over for information.


Julius looks at you cautiously and curiously.

You, hero. Me know about you. You much bigger than problems here. You come help clean up big bad boom? Beat back lava dudes?

Hunt Some Trolls

Mission Objective(s)

  • Interrogate Trolls in Skyway
    • Defeat 10 Trolls

The Trolls you defeated were no help. You decide to check the park next.

Investigating the Park

Mission Objective(s)

  • Check out Hide Park

There wasn't much to see at Hide Park, other than a washed up former actor that offered another direction to investigate. Time to check the callboxes for anything that can help.

Jacob Sloan

Jacob looks at you with watery eyes, set deeply in his weatherbeaten face. His hair is unkempt, disheveled, and greasy; it hasn't been maintained in a long time. He hiccups and chokes back some vomit.

Another person coming to tear into Josh-Josh? Haven't life, the entertainment industry, and the Rikti done enough? Leave me alone.

  • I'm here on official city business.
Jacob changes his position but does little else.
Ask away, Officer. I swear I haven't been back to that district since the last incident. So don't even try to shake me down with that angle. I've been here all morning, fighting off those Rikti with the lawnmowers. I'm more useless than a callbox.
  • So you didn't see any Vahzilok?
Jacob drifts off into detached sadness. He sobs inbetween words.
Nothing happens here. That's why I'm here. To stay invisible.
Jacob's offhand comments about callboxes get you thinking.
  • Check out the callboxes
  • Are you okay? If you help me, maybe I can help you.
Jacob looks at you with contempt.
Yeah, you'll help me. Sure. Just like all the others. Every time someone thinks they can repair the city's opinion of me, they only end up making it worse. Why can't anyone understand that the only way to 'beat' the damage done to me is to disappear from cultural memory?
You explain to Jacob that Agent Watkins is very well connected in the city and could help him start a new life if he has any information to assist. You ask him if he saw anyone that morning.
Well, I can't say I believe you. But I don't have anything to lose, either. Nobody but some landscapers came through that morning.
Sloan suddenly recalls something, and it pains him to begin speaking the words.
...I didn't know this for the longest time... Did you know the Emergency Callboxes have short-range scanning? When someone calls in an emergency, they all ping out a short range scan for a half hour. PPD say it's for our safety. that's it very anonymous. The PPD used it to track the Rikti from my studio by chasing odd-shaped data blobs with a child-actor-shaped blob in tow.
  • I'm so sorry that happened to you.
Jacob gets visibly agitated.
I don't need your pity. The whole world saw me run for my life on live TV, leaving my crew and an audience full of kids to the mercy of the Rikti. I'm exactly where I deserve to be. Now if you'll excuse me, I have a full day of self-loathing and waiting for your promise to pan out as cheap words.
  • Whoa, take it easy, I meant no disrespect.
Jacob drifts off into detached sadness. He sobs inbetween words.
Nothing happens here. That's why I'm here. To stay invisible.
Jacob's offhand comments about callboxes get you thinking.
  • Check out the callboxes
  • Tell me what I need to know, or I'm going to get mad.
Jacob looks at you with contempt.
Another day, another bully. Get bent, jerk.
You pick up Jacob by the shoulders and force him to look at you. You tell him what you're up against.
Not my problem, cape. I don't particularly give a hoot about your problems. This whole world is upside down. You figure it out, or check a callboxes for gremlins. Anything, just not involving me.
You drop Sloan down to his resting spot.
  • Thanks for nothing, loser.
Jacob drifts off into detached sadness. He sobs inbetween words.
Nothing happens here. That's why I'm here. To stay invisible.
Jacob's offhand comments about callboxes get you thinking.
  • Check out the callboxes
The Dead Air Incident

When you went to Hide Park, you met former TV star Jacob 'Josh-Josh B'Gosh' Sloan slumped over in the grass surrounded by shin-high weeds and litter. He reeked of alcohol and was awfully intent on making himself feel as bad as possible during the conversation. He was eventually able to pull himself together long enough to suggest that you try looking into the Emergency Callboxes, as they track movement anonymously when a call is placed.

He also mentioned his life-ruining experience, which according to the Riktipedia article on him says:

Once a beloved television star to a generation of bright-eyed children, Jacob 'Josh-Josh B'Gosh' Sloan had his career abruptly ruined during the arrival of Rikti during the second Rikti War. On live TV, the Rikti stormed his studio and took several crew members hostage while using the live camera feed to threaten and intimidate the Paragon airwaves. While the cameras rolled live, Josh was seen ducking, dodging, and tripping over child actors and heading for the exit; all while plasma weapon fire set the stage ablaze. His career and his public perception never recovered.

...Yikes. You remember hearing about that. The PPD said they had acquired data on the Rikti movements within minutes to rescue the hostages. That must be how Sloan knew what the callboxes could do.

Check the Callboxes

Mission Objective(s)

  • Check the Callboxes

The emergency callboxes also have short-range scanners, and confirm that a group of 'people' moved south into Overbrook at the movement speed you'd expect from a zombie horde. The times line up with Dr. Pierce's account of the story. Call Agent Watkins with your findings.


Investigate the Rusty Rivet bar


Everything seems to add up in terms of what we know from Dr. Pierce. I can only surmise their destination is the Rusty Rivet! It's a popular place, but rumors flew a couple years back about a very high-profile VIP room that was added during the rebuild of the area. This crew must be renting it as a command station!

Everything seems to be coming together. If you hurry, we can catch them, and maybe get some solid answers!

Agent Watkins hands you a list of names.

Also keep a look out for these people while you're there: Sally 'Mander' Martinez, Cortex, Dr. Morben, Harry 'Grey Matter' DeMauro, Godwin Blaire, and Tanisha 'Vivisec' Jameson. Any of them are high-priority targets if you can collar them.

  • I'm heading there right now, Agent.

Mission Acceptance

Don't waste any time getting there. These monsters move frequently to keep people like me on their toes. This is the freshest lead we've had in a while, and that's saying something for chasing cybernetic undead.

Unnecessary Solicitation

See if you can gain access to the Rivet's VIP room and find out what happened!

Mission Objective(s)

You slip into the bar's VIP room an air conditioning maintenance hatch. There is a lot of commotion below you.

  • Investigate the Rusty River bar
    • 1 Rescue the bartender
    • 1 Rescue the Waitress
    • 1 Rescue the Cook
    • Defeat Grey Matter
    • Defeat Salamander

You slipped into the Rusty Rivet and were able to find the pack of Vahzilok that robbed Dr. Pierce, arguing with yet another group of factionalized undead, this time run by a two-bit mentalist named Grey Matter. The tensions were high, and by the time you were able to make your way into the VIP lounge, they were already fighting with each other. This time, it was over who sold them out to you: There's a mole in their midst! The brawl cost Grey Matter his freedom, and literally cost Mander an arm and a leg... which you recovered as evidence. Ew.

Pathogen's Warehouse

You slipped into the Rusty Rivet and were able to find the pack of Vahzilok that robbed Dr. Pierce, arguing with yet another group of factionalized zombies, this time run by a two-bit mentalist named Grey Matter. The tensions were high and by the time you were able to make your way into the VIP lounge, they were already fighting with each other. This time, it was over who sold them out to you: There's a mole in their midst! The brawl cost Grey Matter his freedom, and literally cost Mander an arm and a leg... which you recovered as evidence. Ew. Between Grey Matter's big mouth, Salamander's petty attitude, and a rescued worker at the Rusty Rivet, you've found that there are still three targets out there: 'The Boss', 'The Sleeper', and 'Pathogen'. This Pathogen character might have a warehouse hideout in Independence Port, according to a waitress.



Notable NPCs


Another faction, and a mole! This just keeps getting weirder and more unpredictable. Grey Matter's people don't give themselves an identifier - they consider themselves the true, faithful followers of Dr. Vahzilok and restorers of the original order; and they are the disruptors on the forums, trying to shut down and gaslight these new would-be saviors. I'd place them at the top of the 'most dangerous' list, because they've been the least visible in this mess until now. The organization of these purists probably runs deep if they're taking the mantra of the Doctor to heart, and Cortex would be the only candidate close enough to the Doctor to keep the army on the rails. His hero profile is decades old at this point, so we have no idea what he's capable of. Cortex's downfall has been... transmutative, to say the least.

This isn't over, but until something else from Grey Matter's faction shakes loose, or we identify this sleeper unit, or flush out the mole... we have to grease the squeaky wheels. And that means this 'Pathogen' character.

Chapter Six: Viral Transmissions

This is interesting, Character - I thought we had far more targets to work through. But the remainder of the forums are slowly losing big players as you work through the ranks. The Planarians are completely shut down, which is amazing. Every serious poster evangelizing regeneration has gone quiet. We can cross them off the list with the Freakshow, who dropped the efforts when Raverobber went offline.

Hygeian activity has been of major interest, though - they're getting paranoid. An FTP link went out with an encryption key posted on a separate forum. It looks like some sort of major data dump is being prepared for widespread release. These guys are smart, and set up several layers of security to keep people like me out - but they don't know the backdoors and workarounds like I do. Once I worked out the protocols and apps they were using to obfuscate the location of the server, I was able to trace the hops to within the city... which lines up nicely with the Rivet employees' reports that they were talking about Independence Port.

I've sent a PPD unit to lock down the area, but the officers there are reporting odd smells and not entering. We need someone with a little more firepower. And since the target's name is Pathogen, I'm taking no chances and calling in a CDC task force. And you.

  • You're sending me into that death trap, aren't you.

Mission Acceptance

I wish I wasn't. But there's two things happening here that can't be ignored: A massive data upload and a mad scientist obsessed with fighting viral infections. I have to remind you that this is a direct order for the good of all of us here in the city: I need you to go in there and suss out what's happening in that warehouse, and collar Pathogen before things get out of our control.

Watkins looks composed but slightly uneasy about having to invoke that kind of authority.

I've determined the server OS at the warehouse that's uploading the file. It'll take some time to finish the upload, so I've devised a man-in-the-middle virus that's going to hijack the stream. It's going to sniff out the packets, clone them and send them to SERAPH - while simultaneously corrupting the original upload so the 'fans' out there get bum data. This is the task, Character, get that data and arrest Pathogen!

I would very strongly suggest you not go it alone in there - you may want to consider bringing friends.

Unnecessary Solicitation

Agent Watkins is currently unavailable, having moved into a command mode for this operation.

Mission Objective(s)

The air in here is heavy and thick. Humidity and gas fumes stick to your skin like a film.

  • Investigate Pathogen's Warehouse
    • Unlock the Front Door
    • Look for anything suspicious
    • Arrest Pathogen



Notable NPCs


+++ Missing Information +++

Heroic Finale


+++ Missing Information +++

Mission Acceptance

+++ Missing Information +++

Unnecessary Solicitation

+++ Missing Information +++


+++ Missing Information +++