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Both of the above mean unlocking your Alpha Slot (and subsequent powers) can be done at any time through normal gameplay.
Both of the above mean unlocking your Alpha Slot (and subsequent powers) can be done at any time through normal gameplay.

To simplify crafting, all recipes, slots and powers now have options to use Incarnate Threads and Empyrean Merits.  (You can still use [[Incarnate Shard]] and [[Astral Merits]] for the Alpha Slot, or upgrade a number of them to Threads and EMs daily.) You can also optionally craft a [[Transcendent Merit]] to mail yourself 50 Empyrean Merits to another character on your same account.
To simplify crafting, all recipes, slots and powers now have options to use [[Incarnate Threads]] and [[Empyrean Merits]].  (You can still use [[Incarnate Shard]] and [[Astral Merits]] for the Alpha Slot only, or upgrade a number of Shards into Threads and/or convert AMs to Threads or EMs daily.) You can also optionally craft a [[Transcendent Merit]] to mail yourself 50 Empyrean Merits to another character on your same account.

iTrials (Incarnate Trials) are still worth doing as the best source for extra Empyrean Merits and Incarnate Salvage without crafting requirements. (Reward tables have a chance of providing Tier 4 Salvage same as the Live Game.) Also, Veteran Levels stop offering Incarnate Salvage, Tokens and Badges at Level 100.  iTrials become the best source after that point is reached.
iTrials (Incarnate Trials) are still worth doing as the best source for extra Empyrean Merits and Incarnate Salvage without crafting requirements. (Reward tables have a chance of providing Tier 4 Salvage same as the Live Game.) Also, Veteran Levels stop offering Incarnate Salvage, Tokens and Badges at Level 100.  iTrials become the best source after that point is reached.
Bad News: due to prior misuse of the perk, Level 50 players who turn XP Off do not receive any boost to INF earned.  Disabling XP only stalls progression to finish an arc without outleveling either the end mission (trading XP for the Reward Merits or reward table at the end) or the next contact (where most contacts are repeatable in Flashback).

== Support ==
== Support ==

Revision as of 03:37, 5 December 2023


You are finding out about Homecoming: City of Heroes for the first time since the Live shutdown and want to get started quickly. Here's what to know.

This is a quick reference to years of patch notes concerning changes Homecoming made over the live game. For more details, a longer guide is available here by Robotech_Master.

Before you Begin

  • The game is now free of charge. All vestiges of Microtransactions have been eliminated. You do not need a form of payment to play at all.
  • Create a forum account at Homecoming Servers first before you begin play. You'll need to confirm your age, and have an email address ready that you can check for a link before signing in for the first time.
    • The forum account controls your Game Client Username (which can only be set once) and Password (you can reset this at any time.) Once your Forum Account is made, you can control your game account here.
  • Your computer still needs to follow the System Requirements. However most modern Intel, AMD and Apple Desktops and Laptops made since 2018 with some form of on-board graphics can play the game even if it is not a "Gaming PC".



The Game Client can be obtained from the Getting Started guide on the Homecoming Forums. No prior files or information is necessary.

None of the Live Game data was kept from NCSoft's shutdown. All players start over with nothing.

Starting the Game

You have three choices from the Homecoming Launcher (in bold):

Live Shards

Homecoming - This is the main service. It contains five servers, or shards, to begin your play:

  • Torchbearer
  • Excelsior
  • Everlasting (*Unofficial RP Server*)
  • Indomitable (*Unofficial PvP Server*)
  • Reunion (*Official EU Server, located in Germany*)

The top four shards are based in Canada on the East Coast.

Beta Shards

Staging - This Server holds the Staging Copy of the server. For Beta, Staging is the final test of the Beta Release before it goes live to all five Homecoming shards. Staging is also used to test 'quick release' changes to the Server which happen infrequently.

Beta - This Server holds the Public Beta Test of the next Issue Release. (At the time of this writing, Issue 27.) Smaller releases, called Pages (Issue 27, Page 6) are also tested in Beta.

Advice here applies to Beta Shards with two key differences: Beta Shards can be wiped with no prior notice. And no content on the Beta Shard you make will ever be transferred to Live. Further information about the Beta Shards can be found here.

Character Creation

  • All the costume parts are unlocked. Prior parts that were only available to Villains or Praetorians (with some exceptions) are also available, and a very limited few from NPCs in the past.
    • Capes are immediately available, no unlock needed. Same goes for Auras. (Both unlock missions are still in the game if you still wish to play them.)
  • You have 1000 character creation slots per server. (If you wish to multibox for RP or powerlevelling reasons even that is permitted to an extent.)
  • You can rename a character for free at any time. (In the future, a name release policy applies for unplayed characters who haven't made it to Level 50.)
  • You can move a character between servers at any time, up to a maximum of 5 transfers per 3 days. Only character data is kept: Base Salvage, Supergroup Base and Membership are left on the origin server (if you're the only member it will be lost.)
  • Every new player gets one Global Handle change. If you don't use it, your first character (or 'toon') name will become your global handle unless already used (@BobWhite2 instead of @BobWhite). You only get one token. (Additional ones, see 'Support'.)

Game Play

  • Everyone starts at zero INF and Level 1. There are some quick ways to gain INF:
    • Collect Navigation Badges.
    • Play in new player trials "Death from Below" (Heroes - Sewer Trial) or "Drowning in Blood" (Villains - Bloody Bay Trial).
    • Team up with friends. Any player arc can be joined with friends at any time, with trials and task forces requiring a minimum level from all players before starting.
    • Start collecting Levels and Items beginning with Matthew Habashy (Atlas Park), or Operative Kuzmin (Mercy Island) before Level 8. (Feeling nostalgic? The Galaxy City Tutorial from COH: Freedom as well as the original tutorials of Outbreak and Breakout are also available.) Every finished arc will point you to the next set of contacts in turn all the way to Level 30.
    • Radio/Newspaper Missions are still available, the same way. Every three pickup missions will lead to a Safeguard or Bank Robbery with a new contact to meet at the end (or you can pass on these missions and still keep doing Radio/Newspaper work).
  • Teaming: Several choices.
    • You can listen to the "Looking For Team" channel for team invites on any server.
    • Starting out, you can also stand around the trainer contact in Atlas Park or Mercy Island to see if new players want to team.
    • Finally, the LFG panel in-game above the Chat Box works for Trials, Task Forces, and League play. Level limits still apply. (Task Forces begin at Level 8 instead of 15 now.)
  • Players can make an Epic Archetype character with no unlock requirements. (Peacebringer, Warshade, Soldiers and Widows.) Epic ATs have no tutorial, have a permanent AT contact to reach for their initial missions, and start the game with harder difficulty than normal Heroes and Villains.
  • Praetorian Gameplay is also available, with contacts starting in a special Tutorial at Level 1. Praetorian characters are still a good idea after playing a Hero or Villain character first to get a feel for the game.

Leveling Up

  • Players can level up at Trainer Contacts same as before.
  • Temp Powers can also be picked immediately after zoning in to your starting area.
    • You can obtain your first free powers at the P2W Vendor (or the T4V Vendor in Praetoria.) Keep in mind most Temp Powers only allow new players to pick from one of two similar ones for free. Go through each menu item and see which free ones you like to keep.
    • P2W also carries Prestige Enhancements, which are the only Training enhancements to increase two stats and add a free proc to a power before Level 20. Most players use Double Origin or Single Origin Enhancements which are now available starting at Level 1 instead.
    • Got a bucket of money and don't feel like upgrading your TO/DO/SO Enhancements? Click the Upgrade button on the Enhancement editor screen. Confirm the price and click OK to bring all the slotted enhancements to the current level with one payment. (This won't upgrade types, i.e. TOs to DOs, and does nothing to Invention Enhancements.)
  • One set of Temp Powers are the P2W Vendor#Custom XP rates to Homecoming: you can choose between Normal XP and Normal Influence all the way to Double XP and No Influence for up to eight hours of play. (You still receive drops normally.) There is no need for Double XP Events, you can accept Double Experience at any time. (XP Adjustment starts immediately. You can cancel it by right-clicking the XP Booster in the Powers Window.)
  • Team Play remains the fastest way to gain XP in Mission Arcs. (You can solo Trials and Task Forces if you really want to.)


Fastest way to the Auction House is now your chat window. Type "/ae" to open the Auction House on any Zone Map. (Doesn't work in missions, bases and other instances.)

  • Reward Merits are useable to purchase most Items in Reward Merit Vendor booths or contacts.
  • Hero/Villain Merit rewards have been converted to only be tradable for Reward Merits. You can still create them as a way to mail yourself 50 Reward Merits at a time to another character you play. You can start accepting Tip Missions at Level 20, and complete all 10 Alignment Missions and one Morality Mission in the same run for 40 Reward Merits instead of a Hero or Villain Merit.


  • All characters start with six slots from Level 1.
    • Additional three slots are earned through gameplay at levels 20, 30 and 40 by helping Icon/Facemaker contacts.
    • The final slot can be crafted with event salvage during Halloween (or after if you buy it from AE.)
  • Characters enjoy free costume editing through Level 10. Edits after 10 cost a proportional amount of INF (costing the least at 11 and the most at Level 50), varying in cost depending on the edits made.
  • Two costume editor modes:
    • Basic Costume Editor is available at any Trainer contact, Supergroup Icon/Facemaker NPCs, and any Icon/Facemaker Location.
    • Body Sliders/Gender/Costume Editing available at any Icon/Facemaker location, Pocket D in the Tiki Room, and at Echo Plaza (a special event Zone unique to Homecoming). Basic Costume editing priced identically in INF on either vendor, with Body/Gender changes costing extra on top.
  • Free Costume Change tokens are earned in Level 1-50 Gameplay.


  • Granted every 10 levels of play through Level 50.
  • Craftable in Auction House with a special recipe.
  • Earned in Respec Trials.
  • Villains get one by unlocking a Patron Power Pool.
  • Soldiers of Arachnos at Level 24.
  • Occasionally granted on a Issue release with major changes to AT Powers in the game.

Same contacts to start a respec: Jack Wolfe/James Frost in Atlas Park (Heroes), Arbiter Lupin in Nerva or Arbiter Sawyer in Port Oakes (Villains), and John Snow in Studio 55 (Praetoria.)

Or you can also type "/respec" in any City Zone. (Don't do this in an Instance or a Super Base. Known bug.)


  • Travel Powers can be picked starting at Level 4, and do not require an unlock.
    • Level 4 allows you to pick either tier of Travel Power. You can skip the first tier and go straight for the full travel power that originally unlocked with the Tier 1 pick and reaching Level 14 in the past.
  • Monorails have been Merged. PTA Stations now serve a single line to all city zones.
  • Tunnel Portals also work for all players regardless of level.
  • Long Range Teleporter got a facelift: it's now a Prestige Power. Here's how it works:
    • Collect all the Nav Badges in Atlas Park, Mercy Island, or Nova Praetoria (or any zone but Level 1, these are the closest.) Exact same ones you'd use to unlock the SG Teleport Beacon in the past.
    • Long Range Teleport is now activated. You get a Base Port, your zone, and sometimes Echo Plaza to start with. To add more destinations, visit the zone and collect only ONE Navigation Badge. It appears on the destination list.
    • Long Range Teleport, similar to Ouroboros Portal, works once every 10 minutes.
  • On that note, any Ouroboros Portal you click on unlocks at Level 1. No "Entrusted With The Secret" necessary anymore. (Still need Level 10 to use Flashback.)
  • Smuggler's Subs work in shoreline zones for transporting players to Co-Op Zones/Redside at any time.
  • Wanna go legit, or sick of being squeaky clean? Visit Null the Gull in Pocket D to switch sides at any time.


  • Prestige currency has been disabled. All Base Items are free of charge and all bases exist rent-free. (Running the Game in SG Mode only alters your uniform colors and symbols.)
  • Any player can start a superbase. To obtain one, visit a Super Group Registrar at Atlas Park City Hall or the Arachnos Building in Port Oakes. (Praetorians still need to finish Level 20 and pick a Primal Alignment first before joining a SG or using Base Portals as other than a guest.)
  • No more logging off and on with multiple people to add your own toons to your Supergroup. Use "/altinvite Your Characters Name". Done. (Must be a toon on your same user account. Multiboxing alt accounts, still have to enlist the first toon the old-fashioned way.)
  • Power and Control Requirements have been mostly nullified. Base Editors still need to place a single Power and Control item anywhere they like to enable Teleporters, Med Telepads, and Shop equipment. You can run as many items as you like on one Power/Control Combo item (like the Mini Generator and Augury Table.)
  • The Base Editor has been dramatically improved: stacking desks are no longer needed to build in 3D. Items can be raised by holding SHIFT and raising/lowering with the mouse. (Tip of the iceberg: there's more features than that now.)
  • You can also build on top of the base: use F3 to disable Room Clipping. Even if you don't build on top turning Room Clipping off allows interior changes that were not possible in Live.
  • Want some Inspiration? Base Listings offer public bases you can visit with a Passcode. Visit a portal, choose "Enter a Passcode", and check them out.
  • Oh, and they fixed Base Raids.


  • You can now 'paint' your character's name in purple and state you are in Roleplaying mode. Press "H" for help, and change the dropdown menu to "Roleplaying".
  • Chat commands that edit your talking range for Local chat, dice roll commands, and other RP tools were all added a little over a year ago.

Power Pools

  • Power Pools (regular ones) now all unlock at Level 4, and include Specialized Pools formerly for sale on Paragon Market (Sorcery, Experimentation, Force of Will). All the powers unlock earlier but still require at least one picked to unlock the fourth and fifth tier starting in Level 14.)
  • Epic Power Pools also unlock at Level 35 with earlier unlock requirements per power tier.
  • Patron Power Pools still require a Patron Arc to unlock starting at Level 35. However completing ANY Patron Arc unlocks all four pools. (You can only pick from a single pool for your character. Respecs and Builds still allow you to change them.)

Incarnate/End Game

  • After turning Level 50, you begin collecting Incarnate XP immediately, beginning with Physical XP for the Alpha Slot. You do not need to play iTrial content to fill these XP Bars in the Incarnate Window, simple continue playing any normal Level 46-50 content. (Super Sidekicking down at Level 45 or below will only fill the XP Bar for normal play.)
  • Filling the normal XP bar works after Level 50, but gains Veteran Levels instead of regular ones. Veteran Levels show up on your Player Info window. Veteran Levels use the same rewards as the Loyalty Program from Paragon Rewards badges for months of gameplay, as well as granting free Incarnate Salvage (both Incarnate Threads Empyrean Merits) Costume Change Tokens and Respecs up to Vet. Level 99.

Both of the above mean unlocking your Alpha Slot (and subsequent powers) can be done at any time through normal gameplay.

To simplify crafting, all recipes, slots and powers now have options to use Incarnate Threads and Empyrean Merits. (You can still use Incarnate Shard and Astral Merits for the Alpha Slot only, or upgrade a number of Shards into Threads and/or convert AMs to Threads or EMs daily.) You can also optionally craft a Transcendent Merit to mail yourself 50 Empyrean Merits to another character on your same account.

iTrials (Incarnate Trials) are still worth doing as the best source for extra Empyrean Merits and Incarnate Salvage without crafting requirements. (Reward tables have a chance of providing Tier 4 Salvage same as the Live Game.) Also, Veteran Levels stop offering Incarnate Salvage, Tokens and Badges at Level 100. iTrials become the best source after that point is reached.

Bad News: due to prior misuse of the perk, Level 50 players who turn XP Off do not receive any boost to INF earned. Disabling XP only stalls progression to finish an arc without outleveling either the end mission (trading XP for the Reward Merits or reward table at the end) or the next contact (where most contacts are repeatable in Flashback).


Finally, if you need assistance, a volunteer GM staff for Homecoming answers requests for help in two ways:

  • Forums, use the Support button. Click "New Request".
  • In-Game, use the "/petition" command to open the GM Request panel. Fill out the form.

Before asking, check out the Support team FAQs on the forums first.