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*Beta Shards can be wiped with no prior notice.   
*Beta Shards can be wiped with no prior notice.   
*While players can make a copy of their live service characters for play on Beta, no content on the Beta Shards you make or play will ever be transferred back to Live.
*While players can make a copy of their live service characters for play on Beta, no content on the Beta Shards you make or play will ever be transferred back to Live.
*To help test Quality of Life and Endgame changes, Beta servers may have "cheats" enabled optionally to boost characters, grant Influence or populate enhancements to slot automatically.
*To help test Quality of Life and Endgame changes, Beta servers may have "cheats" enabled optionally to boost characters, grant Influence or populate enhancements to slot on demand.

[https://forums.homecomingservers.com/topic/15127-homecoming-beta-faq-read-this-to-get-started/ Further information about the Beta Shards can be found here.]
[https://forums.homecomingservers.com/topic/15127-homecoming-beta-faq-read-this-to-get-started/ Further information about the Beta Shards can be found here.]

Revision as of 04:35, 21 December 2023

Player Guide Notice

This article is a Player Guide. The Homecoming Wiki takes no responsibility for the content within.

Questions and concerns should be posed to the authors of the article using the article's talk page.


The reader is finding out about Homecoming: City of Heroes for the first time since the Live shutdown and want to get started quickly. Here's what to know.

This is a quick reference to years of patch notes concerning changes Homecoming made over the live game. For more details, a longer guide is available here by Robotech_Master.

Starting Out

Before we begin

All vestiges of Microtransactions (Paragon Market, Paragon Rewards) and Game Subscription Fees (Veteran Rewards Program) have been eliminated. Players do not need a form of payment to play at all. Old NCSoft Software Keys no longer function and do nothing to grant access to Homecoming.

  • Create a forum account at Homecoming Servers first. A player needs to have an email address ready to check for a link before signing in.
    • Only one game account per Email Address for password recovery. For multiboxing or other players in your house, a different email address for each account is required.
    • Once the Forum Account is made, a player can control their game account here. Without a Game Account, the Client will not log in. (A forum name and password will not start City of Heroes.)
  • There are System Requirements, however, most modern PC and Mac computers since 2018 with some form of on-board graphics can play the game even if it is not a "Gaming PC".
    • Use Mac or Linux? No problem. See Homecoming Launcher for more info specific to those Operating Systems.



Those are hard-coded to connect to NCSoft's server which are no longer available.

The Homecoming: City of Heroes Game Client is downloaded with the HC Launcher app, which can be obtained from the Getting Started guide on the Homecoming Forums.

All players start over in Homecoming with nothing. They can copy Architect, Costumes, and Power Customization files from a prior installation over if preferred.

Starting the Game

There are three choices from the Homecoming Launcher (in bold and numbered.) A player can optionally hide any of these choices by clicking the gear icon to open Settings and pick which launcher on the left they want to change and checking "Hide".

Live Service

#1: Homecoming - This is the main service. It contains five servers, or shards, to create a character on:

  • Torchbearer
  • Excelsior
  • Everlasting (Unofficial RP Server)
  • Indomitable (Unofficial PvP Server)
  • Reunion (Official EU Server, located in Germany)

The top four shards are based in Canada on the North American Eastern Time Zone. Server "stress level" still works on login and shows when the server is closer to being full (three red dots). This information is also visible in the HC Launcher on the bottom panel. Weekly Server Maintenance is typically Tuesday Mornings in the AM. A server maintenance period can also happen anytime an Issue or Page release is imminent.

There is also a Diagnostic Client available for 64-bit installations which is hidden by default. More information can be found here.

Beta Service

#2: Staging (Shadow) - This Server holds the Staging Copy of the server. For Beta, Staging is the final test of the Beta Release before it goes live to all five Homecoming shards. Staging is also used to test 'quick release' changes to the Server which happen infrequently.

#3: Beta (Brainstorm) - This Server holds the Public Beta Test of the next Issue Release. (At the time of this writing, Issue 27.) Smaller releases, called Pages (Issue 27, Page 6) are also tested in Beta.

Advice here applies to Beta Shards with three key differences:

  • Beta Shards can be wiped with no prior notice.
  • While players can make a copy of their live service characters for play on Beta, no content on the Beta Shards you make or play will ever be transferred back to Live.
  • To help test Quality of Life and Endgame changes, Beta servers may have "cheats" enabled optionally to boost characters, grant Influence or populate enhancements to slot on demand.

Further information about the Beta Shards can be found here.

Basic Play

Character Creation

  • All the costume parts that were limited to Paragon Points or special conditions in-game are unlocked. (No longer necessary to earn the Task Force Commander badge to wear Epaulet shoulder pieces, for example.)
    • Capes are immediately available. Same goes for Auras.
  • Each player has 1000 character creation slots per server.
  • Character Renames are available for free at any time. NOTE: In the future, a name release policy will apply for unplayed characters who haven't made it to Level 50 and have been offline for at least a year.
  • Character Transfers between servers can be done at any time, up to a maximum of 5 transfers per 3 days.
    • Only character data is kept: Base Salvage, Supergroup Base and Membership are left on the origin server.
    • If the only member left in a supergroup is transferred to another server it will be lost upon transfer out of the server (same as last player quitting an SG deletes the group.)
  • Every new player gets one Global Handle change.
    • The first character (or 'toon') name will become the default global handle unless already used (@BobWhite2 instead of @BobWhite).
    • Players only get one token on account creation. To ask for an additional one, see 'Support'.
  • Archetype Changes have been focused primarily on adding more powersets and proliferating set choices across more archetypes. (Additions can be viewed in the category.)
  • Sentinel Archetype: a Ranged attack Primary (often Single-Target) with Defensive Secondary powersets has been added to Homecoming as a 11th Archetype choice (non-Epic). Sentinels use an Inherent mechanic called Opportunity.


  • Everyone starts at zero INF and Level 1. There are some quick ways to gain INF:
    • Collect Navigation Badges.
    • Play in new player trials "Death from Below" (Heroes - Sewer Trial) or "Drowning in Blood" (Villains - Bloody Bay Trial).
    • Team up with friends. Any player arc can be joined with friends at any time, with trials and task forces requiring a minimum level from all players before starting.
    • Start collecting Levels and Items beginning with Matthew Habashy (Atlas Park), or Operative Kuzmin (Mercy Island) before Level 8. Every finished arc will point to the next set of contacts in turn all the way to Level 30.
    • Feeling nostalgic? The Galaxy City Tutorial from COH: Freedom as well as the original tutorials of Outbreak and Breakout are also available.
    • Radio/Newspaper Missions are still available, obtained the same way. Missions are in the same level range of a character and cannot be run in outleveled zones (as they are "beneath your notice".)
  • Mission Difficulty can be adjusted one of two ways:
    • Using a Hero Corps agent as in the past.
    • Using the Quickchat Menu, a player can now set a character's Difficulty Level (from -2 up to +4) and Mob Size (from x1 up to x8) before starting a mission. (For missions partially completed and Task Force mode in any form: abandoning progress and restarting the Task Force, AE arc, or iTrial is needed for the new difficulty to take effect.)
  • Teaming: Several choices.
    • Listen to the "Looking For Team" channel for team invites on any server.
    • The LFG panel in-game above the Chat Box works for Trials, Task Forces, and League play. Level limits still apply. (Task Forces begin at Level 8 instead of 15 now.)
  • Players can make an Epic Archetype character with no unlock requirements. (Peacebringer, Warshade, and Arachnos Soldiers or Widows.) Epic ATs have no tutorial, have a permanent AT contact to reach for their initial missions, and start the game with harder difficulty than normal Heroes and Villains.
  • Praetorian Gameplay is also available, with contacts starting in a special Tutorial at Level 1. Like Epic ATs, it is a good idea starting a Praetorian character after playing a Hero or Villain character first to get a feel for the game.

Overview of Additional Changes Since Live


Reward Tickets can now directly buy some types of Enhancements, including Single and Dual Origin. Same drop chances for IO Recipes and Salvage still applies.


  • All characters start with six slots from Level 1.
    • Additional three slots are earned through gameplay at levels 20, 30 and 40 by helping Icon/Facemaker contacts.
    • The final slot can be crafted with event salvage during Halloween (or after if you buy it from AE.)
  • Costume editing is free through Level 10. Edits after 10 cost a proportional amount of INF (costing the least at 11 and the most at Level 50) varying in cost depending on the edits made and what level the edits occur (changing gender/body type or height/body sliders at Level 20 is far cheaper than Level 50).
  • Two costume editor modes:
    • Basic Costume Editor is available at any Trainer contact.
    • Body Sliders/Gender/Costume Editing available at any Icon/Facemaker location, Pocket D in the Tiki Room, and at Echo Plaza (a special event Zone unique to Homecoming). Basic Costume editing priced identically in INF on either vendor, with Body/Gender changes costing extra on top.
  • Free Costume Change tokens are earned in Level 10-50 Gameplay, and through Veteran Level progress.
  • Prismatic Aether is a new salvage reward added to let characters buy permanent Costume Powers.
    • Example: While active, a Permanent Rikti Temp Power changes a character costume into a Rikti Gunman, without changing the player's Primary/Secondary Power Sets or Power Choices.
    • Costumes offered include both Standard (ignores gender/body type and applies the costume, ex: a Senechal will always result in a female Carnival of Shadows costume) and Modal Costumes (uses the same Body Type/Gender as your player on certain costumes, such as Circle of Thorns and Outcast costumes.)
    • As rare salvage, Prismatic Aether has the same chance of dropping as a Purple IO Recipe on Mission Completion.
    • You can also earn Prismatic Aether by running new Hard Mode content to collect it faster. (Completing a Hard Mode attempt on updated task forces such as ITF, Dr. Aeon SF, and other Task Forces in the future that respect Advanced Difficulty options.))
    • Prismatic Aether can be redeemed at Vault Reserve locations throughout the game, including Pocket D, and at Fort Trident/The Crucible.

Incarnate/End Game

Incarnate XP

After turning Level 50 Incarnate XP is earned immediately on each mob defeat, beginning with Physical XP for the Alpha Slot.

  • iTrial content is also able to fill these XP Bars in the Incarnate Window, or a player can simply continue playing any normal Level 46-50 content.
  • Using "Disable XP" in the Options window doesn't stop Incarnate XP collection.
  • XP Boosts have no effect on Incarnate XP rates (P2W XP Boosts, XP Boosts from Super Packs, Day Job rewards, etc.) including Patrol XP and the Experienced power.

Unlocking an Alpha Slot (and subsequent powers) can be done at any time through normal gameplay.

Veteran Levels

Filling the normal XP bar works after Level 50, but gains Veteran Levels instead of regular ones. Your Security/Threat Level still remains Level 50 as far as the game and combat are concerned (ignoring Level and Incarnate Shifts).

  • Veteran Levels show up on your Player Info window and start at Veteran Level 1. Veteran Levels use the same rewards as the Loyalty Program from Paragon Rewards: badges for months of gameplay, as well as granting free Costume Change Tokens and Respecs.
  • The rewards also offer Incarnate Salvage in the form of Incarnate Threads & Empyrean Merits up to Vet. Level 99.
  • Using "Disable XP" in the Options window pauses Veteran Level progress.
  • XP Boosts generally do not increase Veteran Level XP earned: Using P2W XP Boosters, Super Pack XP Boosts and Temp Powers will not accelerate completion of Veteran Levels. Patrol XP DOES apply, however, including charges of the Experienced power. (Each Veteran Level requires 5,608,000 XP to be earned, with Patrol XP granting 50% additional with each defeat until the Patrol XP is consumed.)
  • In addition, Special Salvage drops have a chance to be earned after a mob defeat once Level 50 is earned, such as Incarnate Shard (rare), Incarnate Thread (common), Enhancement Converter (uncommon), Enhancement Booster (rare), or Enhancement Catalyst (rare).
Incarnate Salvage Revamp

To simplify crafting, all recipes, slots and powers now have options to use Incarnate Thread and Empyrean Merits (EM).

  • Players can still use Incarnate Shard and Astral Merits for the Alpha Slot only, or upgrade a number of Shards into Threads and/or convert AMs to Threads or EMs daily. Original crafting recipes for Alpha Slots all remain unchanged.
  • Notice of the Well and Favor of the Well can be converted to Incarnate Threads (40 and 100 respectively). They can still also be used in place of Uncommon and Rare Incarnate Salvage for the Alpha Slot Tier III and Tier IV Power Recipes. Notice of the Wells are still issued as a Weekly Strike Target reward, with Favor of the Wells able to be crafted from multiple Notice of The Well tokens and Incarnate Shards.
  • Those same Alpha Slot recipes now have corresponding Incarnate Thread and EM-crafted salvage recipes in the same lists for Tier III and Tier IV crafting.
  • Crafting a Transcendent Merit to mail to another character on the same user account 50 Empyrean Merits at a time is also available.
  • Excess Threads and Merits can be spent with Luna in Ouroboros and Echo Plaza for Super Inspirations.

iTrials (Incarnate Trials) are still the best source for extra Empyrean Merits and Incarnate Salvage without crafting requirements. iTrials become the best source for Empyrean Merits and Incarnate Salvage after Veteran Level 100 is reached.

Dark Astoria Changes

Dark Astoria remains an Incarnate only Co-Op Zone, with all the arcs and challenges from the Death Incarnate release. Taskmaster Gabriel has been removed, and completing the entire Dark Astoria arc from start to finish grants 2 Empyrean Merits once a week. (Flashback system repeats of Dark Astoria arcs also grant an Empyrean Merit weekly as a reward table pick.)

Leveling Up, XP Gain, P2W Vendor

  • Players can level up at Trainer Contacts same as before.
  • Temp Powers can also be picked immediately after zoning in to your starting area.
    • A character can visit the P2W Vendor (or the T4V Vendor in Praetoria) immediately upon entering Atlas Park, Mercy Isle, or Nova Praetoria to select their free Permanent Temp Powers. Keep in mind most Powers only allow new players to pick from one of two similar ones for free. (An example is the choice between the Nemesis Staff and the Blackwand as a free choice for certain Player Origins.) There is no penalty in visiting the P2W Vendor and selecting free Prestige Powers later.
    • Non-free items at P2W (whether another permanent Temp Power choice or consumable Temp Power such as Backup Radio or Stun Grenade) cost INF.
    • Certain choices in P2W will state in the description what badge is needed to claim a power for free. Spending INF grants the Temp Power now instead of earning the badge. (Not all badges and accolade powers are able to be earned this way.)
    • P2W also carries Prestige Enhancements, which are the only Training enhancements to increase two stats and add a free proc to a power before Level 20. Most players use Double Origin or Single Origin Enhancements which are now available starting at Level 1.
    • There is now an Upgrade button on the bottom left of the Enhancement Slot editor screen: players can use this button to automatically upgrade TO/DO/SO Enhancements. Confirm the INF price and click OK to bring all the slotted enhancements to the current level with one payment.
    • Upgrade does not change slotted Enhancement types (i.e. TOs-to-DOs or DOs-to-SOs), which still need to be done by hand.
    • Invention Origin, Archetype Origin, and Special Enhancements (Hami, Crystal, D-Sync, Overwhelming Force, Winter Pack, Prestige, Talisman, etc.) are not affected by the Upgrade Button.
    • Enhancement Combination still works, but no longer shows as +1 to +4 next to the Level value: the Combined Enhancement now shows the effective level on top after being combined, and combinations can occur all the way to Level 50.
  • One set of Temp Powers are the Custom XP rates to Homecoming: choices include 25% Boost to XP at 25% cut to INF, all the way to Double XP and No Influence. XP Adjustment starts immediately and can be 'bought' for free for up to eight hours of play.
    • Salvage, Enhancement and Inspiration drops still occur normally, with or without Influence. Unwanted items can be sold as "vendor trash" to offset the INF loss.
    • There is no need for Double XP Events as players can set this at any time they wish.
    • This boost can be cancelled by right-clicking the XP Booster in the Powers Window. XP Boosters from the P2W Vendor also stop taking effect once Level 50 is reached. The power will still run for the allotted time, but no longer grant a bonus. (They will stop INF gains until they are shut off.)
  • Team Play remains the fastest way to gain XP in Mission Arcs. (Solo Trials and Task Forces are permitted at the player's own risk.)

Mission Arcs

New Mission Arcs for various Level groups and alignments have been added. Mission names and contact locations are in the Patch Notes, or by using the Flashback system. Any Arc ID number in the Flashback Menu starting from 24.01 to the current Issue (27 at the time of this writing) identifies content that was not available before Shutdown on the Public Servers.

Power Pools

  • Power Pools (regular ones) now all unlock at Level 4, and include Specialized Pools formerly for sale on Paragon Market (Sorcery, Experimentation, Force of Will). All the powers unlock earlier but still require at least one picked to unlock the fourth and fifth tier starting in Level 14.)
  • Epic Power Pools also unlock at Level 35 with earlier unlock requirements per power tier.
  • Patron Power Pools still require a Patron Arc to unlock starting at Level 35. However completing ANY Patron Arc unlocks all four pools. (Respecs and Builds allow different Patron Arc choices, Villains and Rogues are not required to make one Patron choice for their character.)


  • It is now a Co-Op zone. Both Heroes and Villains enter the same zone for missions. Visiting the Pillar of Ice and Flame shows missions related to your Alignment. (Starting in Praetoria has no effect; "Primal Earth" characters can do Praetorian missions via Flashback at any time and vice-versa.)
  • Echo Zone Teleporter has Echo Copies of revamped zones before major changes occured, including Faultline, Hollows, and Atlas Park. It also now has a copy of Galaxy City before the zone was removed to become the new Co-Op Tutorial.


  • Granted every 10 levels of play through Level 50.
  • Craftable in Auction House with a special recipe (which can be also be earned as a rare drop as well).
  • Earned in Respec Trials.
  • Villains get one by unlocking a Patron Power Pool.
  • Soldiers of Arachnos at Level 24 gain a Respec (Both Arachnos Soldiers and Arachnos Widows).
  • Occasionally granted on a Issue release with major changes to AT Powers in the game.
  • Same contacts to start a respec: Jack Wolfe/James Frost in Atlas Park (Heroes), Arbiter Lupin in Nerva or Arbiter Sawyer in Port Oakes (Villains), and John Snow in Studio 55 (Praetoria.). Typing "/respec" in any City Zone also triggers Respec mode. (Don't do this in an Instance or a Super Base. Known bug.)
  • While the "Freespec" still exists, any Respec tally can be used when activating Respec mode or typing "/respec". (The Respec Recipe will only allow a Freespec to be recreated and cannot be crafted if a Freespec is currently on hand.)

Pocket D

  • Players who spend an hour in Pocket D earn the Pocket D location for Long Range Teleporter.
  • A new "Green Section" of the club containing an Architect Entertainment wing has been added in the Blueside of the club: head to where Vault Reserve used to be and continue walking back and to the left.
  • The Ski Chalet/Slopes are now available 24/7. Slope medals are available at any time. (Winter Lord/Winter Realm contacts remain seasonal, although the Candy Keeper vendor is available year round to turn in unspent Candy Cane salvage.)
  • The Tiki Room is open to all players with no VIP Club badge needed. Inside, Trina is available upstairs for costume editing including body type/gender.


  • Players can now 'paint' your character's name in purple and be in Roleplaying mode. Press "H" for help, and change the dropdown menu to "Roleplaying". (This mode is only to notify others and doesn't change any commands or game functionality.)
  • Chat commands that edit talking range for Local chat, dice roll commands, and other RP tools were all added a little over a year ago.
  • In combination with Supergroups & Bases changes, RP groups can use the new Base Editing changes along with Passcodes as a playground to create new settings as they desire.


  • Type "/ae" to open the Auction House on any Zone Map.
    • Doesn't work in missions or bases. Auction House will not open on any Instanced maps.
    • Certain items, such as Super Packs are only available in the Auction House (Wentworths and Black Market locations all continue to work for trading as well.)
  • Reward Merits are useable to purchase most items in Reward Merit Vendor booths or contacts.
  • Hero/Villain Merit (now called Alignment Merit) rewards have been converted to only be tradable for Reward Merits. Prior Alignment Merit items can now be bought with Reward Merits.
    • Players can mail an Alignment Merit to another character they play on the same account. This effectively transfers 50 Reward Merits in a single email.
    • Tip Missions start dropping as a defeat reward at Level 20, and complete all 10 Alignment Missions and one Morality Mission in the same run for 40 Reward Merits instead of a Hero or Villain Merit. Players can also buy a single Tip Mission for 1 Reward Merit by using a Mission Computer in a Superbase, Fort Trident, or The Crucible.
  • Vendors also now sell all three classes of Origin Enhancements (Training, Dual and Single Origin) starting at Level 1. Prices reflect the Enhancement type value: Training being the cheapest with the least increases per slot, and Single Origin being the most expensive and more effective.

Signature Story Arcs

Two Signature Story Arcs exist for play in Task Force mode:

  • Who Will Die (Finished before Issue 22 was released.)
  • Pandora's Box (Incomplete at Shutdown, finished during Issue 25.)

Each chapter of the SSA plays as a single task force, with a reward table at the end. Diminishing Returns apply for 162 hours per Arc (6 days 18 hours). Completing an Arc Chapter grants 5 Reward Merits and a reward table: 20 Reward Merits instead of 5, Random SO Enhancement, Astral Merit or 10 Incarnate Threads (must be Level 50). Subsequent completions remove options from the reward table until they're all gone, leaving only 5 Reward Merits per run until the weekly timer is up.

Exception: the very first time a toon completes a Signature Story Arc for a character, the first Reward Table has no penalty. This only happens once per character.

Supergroups and Bases

  • Prestige currency has been disabled.
  • All Base Items are now free of charge and all bases exist rent-free. (Running the Game in SG Mode only alters costume colors and symbols.)
  • Any player can start a superbase. To obtain one, visit a Super Group Registrar at Atlas Park City Hall or the Arachnos Building in Port Oakes. (Praetorians still need to finish Level 20 first.)
  • Use "/altinvite Character Name" instead of multiboxing an invite. (Must be a toon on the same user account. Multiboxing alts on different accounts still have to enlist the first toon the old-fashioned way and promote them sufficiently before using Altinvite for that different account's own alts.)
  • Power and Control Requirements have been mostly nullified. Base Editors still need to place a single Power and Control item anywhere they like to enable Teleporters, Med Telepads, and Shop equipment. One Power/Control Combo item (like the Mini Generator and Augury Table) powers as many devices as desired.
  • New Telepad Points and Beacons have been added for Intra-Base Travel (Aleph, Beth, Gimel, etc. All ten points only work within the current base.) Players can return using other points and portals set up in Base Editor, or by using "/stuck" to return to the entry portal.
  • The Base Editor has been dramatically improved: stacking desks are no longer needed to build in 3D. Items can be raised by holding SHIFT and raising/lowering with the mouse. (Additional edit features have also been added: Base Builder's Cheat Sheet)
  • NPCs have been added to the Base Editor. This includes shop contacts, so players can add Trainers for Leveling Up, Quartermasters for basic Enhancement purchases, Nurses for Inspirations, and Icon/Facemaker contacts for basic costume editing. (Instead of the Reward Merit Vendor, a kiosk table is available to place similar to an Invention Workbench.)
  • Players with Base Edit rights can now build on top of the base: use F3 to disable Room Clipping. Ceiling types "Open Sky" and "Open Sky (Passthrough)" have also been added to facilitate this. (Without using a Passthrough ceiling, Portals and Telepad Points need to be placed to allow players to visit outside of the base walls.) If a Supergroup elects not to build on top or outside of the base walls, turning Room Clipping off allows interior changes that were not possible in Live.
  • SGs can also move the Base Entry Portal to any place desired (The Entry Room still holds the Base Editor window "panel" to enter the Base Editor mode, or type "/editbase 1" in chat to start editing from anywhere.)
  • Want some Inspiration? Base Listings offer public bases you can visit with a Passcode. Visit a portal, choose "Enter a Passcode", and check them out. No membership, team joining or even knowing the owner required. (A passcode can also be set to permit visitors for your own base.)
  • Oh, and they fixed Base Raids.

Note: Compared to Live, players may find a reduced need for a Supergroup to team on a regular basis. SGs that continue to perform similar to how they worked when the game was live still exist, and players who prefer to use pick-up groups do not need to join a Supergroup to have access to similar resources such as Zone Teleport and Crafting Stations: see Fort Trident and The Crucible.

Task Forces, iTrials and Raids

  • Task Forces can be started as early as Level 8 for Heroes and Villains. (Praetorians do not have access to Task Forces until they leave Praetoria first.)
    • Trials still remain and may require an unlock by a contact before access (such as Karsis), no different than unlockable Task Forces (Katie Hannon, Ernesto Hess).
    • Certain trials and Task Forces offer a special reward or reward table (such as Titan Enhancements from the Eden Trial, or D-Sync Enhancements from Dr. Aeon).
  • iTrials require a character to be Level 50. Prior restrictions on joining iTrials have been changed to a penalty (i.e.: Not unlocking and slotting Alpha for Behavioral Adjustment Facility means your Level 50 is now -4 levels and at Level 46) so Level/Incarnate Shift guidelines from Live are still a good idea to follow.
  • Diminished Returns still apply for Task Forces and iTrials:
    • Each Task Force has an 18 hour time per character once completed, cutting the Merit Rewards by half on each repeat of the Task Force (granting at minimum 1 Merit Reward on completion.) After the timer is up, the next run of the task force is at full reward value. (For Task Forces with a special reward table, each completion removes a prior choice.)
    • Each iTrial has a 20 hour timer. Repeating an iTrial before the timer expires downgrades merits from Empyrean to Astral, and each subsequent run removes a reward table choice on completion.
  • Same two raids exist (requires forming a League of up to six teams to complete):
    • Mothership Raid, exclusively in Rikti War Zone (Co-Op zone). No reward table, but grants a few Reward Merits and a large amount of Vanguard Merits. Now open for any character from Level 1-50 (still need to be at least Level 35 to earn Vanguard Merits by joining Vanguard before the raid.) Vanguard Merits still have a unique reward shop in the RWZ base, or can be converted to Reward Merits at any Reward Merit Kiosk/Vendor.
    • Hamidon Raid, occurring in The Hive (Heroes only) and The Abyss (Co-Op zone.) Requires at least a Level 45 Character to enter either zone. Issues a Reward Table at the end of the raid for 4 Empyrean Merits, Hamidon Origin Enhancement, or 80 Reward Merits. 20 hour timer applies, subsequent defeats before the timer expires remove a reward table choice until none remain.


  • Travel Powers can be picked starting at Level 4, and do not require an unlock.
    • Level 4 allows either tier of Travel Power. Skipping the first tier and opting for the full travel power that originally unlocked with the Tier 1 pick is now available. (Example: waiting until Level 14 for Super Jump isn't necessary, as it can be chosen as soon as Level 4. Combat Jumping can still be chosen as well in a later Trainer visit.)
  • Monorails have been Merged. PTA Stations now serve a single line to all Blueside city zones.
  • Tunnel Portals also work for all players regardless of level. Tunnel destinations include locations not available by Monorail or Ferry.
  • Travel Changes:
    • Talos Island has reopened the Hazard Zone Gate to Dark Astoria. Level 50 required to enter. (Captain Nolan or Flashback system is still needed to begin the DA Arcs.)
    • Galaxy City gates have been permanently closed off, and the Hazard Zone gates have been wiped from the maps. Former gate locations have a NPC left behind to inform players.
    • Independence Port now has a Second Train Station at the lower half of the zone. Similar to Skyway City, players can hop from one train to the other in-zone without a map change.
  • Long Range Teleporter got a facelift: instead of being in the Teleport Pool, it's now a Prestige Power. Here's how it works:
    • Collect all the Nav Badges in Atlas Park, Mercy Island, or Nova Praetoria (or any zone but Level 1, these are the closest.) Exact same ones to unlock SG Teleport Beacons in the past.
    • Long Range Teleport is now activated. Choices include "Your Superbase" destination (doesn't open a Base Portal for others), the zone just unlocked, and Echo Plaza to start with. To add more destinations, visit the zone and collect only ONE Navigation Badge. It now appears on the destination list.
    • Navigation Tip Missions can help to locate a badge in a zone when entering it the first time. (They won't advance Alignment Missions, and can be ignored or dropped: they're the only tip missions with the Badge Marker Icon.)
    • Long Range Teleport, similar to Ouroboros Portal, works once every 10 minutes.
  • On that note, any Ouroboros Portal entered unlocks the portal for any character at Level 1. If no one is present to open one visiting Recluse's Victory (Hero or Villain) will grant the portal upon entry (with 25 seconds to exit before PvP is activated.) Before Level 10, Ouroboros zone allows some travel, a shop to sell at, and serves as a "Board Transit" origin for arcs that need a Train Station to begin (clicking "Go to Hospital" on defeat places a character at the Ouroboros citadel with a short trip back to the mission.)
  • Base Portals have been moved closer in proximity to a Train Station, Tunnel Portal or Zone exit. They have also been added to Praetorian city zones.
  • Smuggler's Subs work in shoreline zones for transporting Vigilante and Rogue players to Blueside/Co-Op Zones/Redside at any time.
  • Null the Gull in Pocket D also allows a player to switch sides at any time without using the Alignment System/Tip Mission contacts.


  • Kallisti Wharf, incomplete during the Issue 24 Beta, has been finished as a Co-Op Zone. Work is still in progress on adding missions, mobs and events to the map.
    • A new Task Force called "Market Crash" is the only content in the zone that currently exists. For trying Market Crash the first time a single free random Purple IO recipe is awarded along with the Reward Merits at the end. (This only occurs once per character, subsequent completions only issue standard rewards.) The zone is also useful for Halloween Event Trick-or-Treating.
    • The zone used to be the gathering site for player events from Homecoming, and is often used for Server RP and Supergroups for the same reason. While a University landmark isn't present, two buildings contain Invention Tables (a University marker in the Christie Square neighborhood, and a unmarked destination in Old Slough), a hospital, and a Smuggler's Sub
  • Echo Plaza, a Co-Op Zone, was created during Issue 26 as a gathering place for Homecoming Public Events. There are no enemies, contacts, or mission doors, however, vendors and portals to Pocket D and your Superbase are present for event use.
  • Winter Forest, a special RP zone in Pocket D made for the Holiday season.
  • Additional touches have been made across the game in various zones. Brief examples:
    • Cimerora has been expanded to include Oracle Island and the whole of Castellum Quarter behind the doors.
    • Talos Island now has a Beach-side Tiki Restaurant.
    • King's Row has a hidden high-rise roof hangout.
    • Port Oakes now has Blackbeard's Pub now open for business.
    • Null the Gull also offers a handful of RP-only maps (with no mobs, trainers or contacts present.)

Adjustments From Live

(or a more positive way of saying "balance changes that took away features for a number of reasons".)

  • Double Influence. Level 50 players who Disable XP no longer receive any boost to INF earned when teamed with other characters (other than the same INF earned in a team that was already offered being at Level 50).
  • Mothership Raid Vanguard Merit awards. There was also a reduction of converting Vanguard Merits to Reward Merits from the amount of players repeating the Mothership Raid endlessly. (Instead of ten to one, it's 30 to 1 now.)
  • Leveling Pacts are no longer available.
  • Low-Level Trials DFB and DIB both offer rapid XP and Leveling up to Level 10, then decrease in Bonus XP starting from Level 11 until Level 22 (where the temp powers end as well.)
  • Former Inherent Teleport Powers to a single zone including the Pocket D VIP Pass and Consignment or Black Market Teleporter have been discontinued. (Existing consumable charges of a power before the change will continue to work, and the Pocket D badge now grants the Long Range Teleport destination instead.)
    • Inherent Powers to Teleport between zones are collated in the "Long Range Travel" power popmenu, added to the Powers window after collecting or buying a Transport Power (such as Long Range Teleporter, Ouroboros Portal, Supergroup Base Portal, Assemble The Team, etc.)
    • All of the Inherent Zone Teleport powers now have a cooldown of 10 minutes each and must be used out of combat.
  • Respec works differently from live: instead of selling unused Enhancements at a 'market value', any unused Enhancements that are not slotted are now deleted from a character inventory after the Respec is completed. Players have access to all seven Enhancement trays on each character to save them for reuse, storage in a base or sale on AE (if applicable) after the Respec instead. (Unless the Respec attempt fails all saved changes are final.)
  • Architect Entertainment was removed from Atlas Park and Mercy Island. To use Mission Editor and AE missions, players need to leave the starting zones of the game and head to another location. (Pocket D portals have been placed in both places to facilitate this.)

Updated Tools (Build Planner, Mods)

Former resources from Titan Network (Mids Hero Planner, City Info Tracker, Paragon Wiki, etc.) are end-of-life after the NCSoft Shutdown, halted after Issue 23. For current tools and utilities, visit the following:

  • Homecoming Wiki (You are here!) - Holds current Issue updates from Homecoming and Victory servers, updated from volunteers.
  • Mids Reborn Hero Planner has support in creating Homecoming character builds for planning use during Respec. It requires .NET Framework to install. More Information: GitHub Website.
  • City Mod Installer offers client modification support. Certain popular mods such as VidiotMaps, Better Icons, and Pocket D Yodel-Free are using only the City Mod Installer now for updates.
  • Senticon Costume Extractor is a tool for players who still have Sentinel+ XML files of their former characters from 2012. The tool will not restore a Live character on Homecoming but it can output .costume files for use in the Client "costumes" folder to restore their appearance.
  • City of Data has been restored by UberGuy.
  • Badger is a badge tracking website for Badge Hunting in City of Heroes. The program is a web-app (no installation needed) and relies on game log files to collect data. (Clearing Browser Cache means the info is lost, and it doesn't transfer between browsers or computers without export.)

More can be found at the Tools, Utilities, & Downloads forum.


Finally, a volunteer GM staff for Homecoming answers requests for help in two ways:

  • Forums, use the Support button. Click "New Request".
  • In-Game, use the "/petition" command to open the GM Request panel. Fill out the form.

Before asking, check out the Support team FAQs on the forums first.