Arbiter Hawk: Difference between revisions

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m (Fixed a few details, added reward merits.)
(Updated with changes made in I27 P3 February 10th, 2022)
(3 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
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My sources tell me that they have seen a future where Arachnos can rise to unprecedented power and that future begins with resurrecting Red Widow. But first we have a couple of things needed to perform the ritual needed to bring her back. Fortunately, the [[Circle of Thorns]] has a copy of the ritual we need in one of their libraries I've been keeping tabs on.
My sources tell me that they have seen a future where Arachnos can rise to unprecedented power and that future begins with resurrecting Red Widow. But first we have a couple of things needed to perform the ritual needed to bring her back. Fortunately, the [[Circle of Thorns]] has a copy of the ritual we need in one of their libraries I've been keeping tabs on.

In addition, we need you to get the following items: the [[Amber Widow]], three ancient obols, and 'a dying breath.' Go and see [[Virgil Tarikoss]] in [[Cap au Diable]] about the obols, [[Mr. Bocor]] in [[Port Oakes]] about the Amber Spider, and you can probably find a 'dying breath' while you are in [[Oranbega]].
In addition, we need you to get the following items: the Amber Widow, three ancient obols, and 'a dying breath.' Go and see [[Virgil Tarikoss]] in [[Cap au Diable]] about the obols, [[Mr. Bocor]] in [[Port Oakes]] about the Amber Spider, and you can probably find a 'dying breath' while you are in [[Oranbega]].

===== {{UL|Obtain an obol from Virgil Tarikoss}} =====
===== {{UL|Obtain an obol from Virgil Tarikoss}} =====
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{{Mission Briefing|Contact=Virgil Tarikoss|Text=
{{Mission Briefing|Contact=Virgil Tarikoss|Text=

Ah, I've heard of your exploits, {{Character}}. What can I help you with?
{{darkorange|The old mans squints at you upon approaching him.}}

*{{green|Tell me about obols.}}
Well, well well... If it isn't the loathsome {{Character}}. Do pray tell, to what do I owe the unwelcome visit?

:Obols? In magic they are commonly used in rituals that involve death and the afterlife, as Charon the ferryman to the underworld, would take an obol as payment to ferry a soul to the afterlife.
*{{green|I seek obols and was told you have some.}}

*{{green|What is an obol?}}

:An obol, or obolus, is a name for an ancient Greek coin.
:If I did, just what makes you think I'd have any intention of parting with them? Especially if that means putting them in the hands of somebody like you?

*{{green|I need an obol.}}
*{{green|Backing by an Arachnos Arbiter.}}

:You need an obol? Planning on dying sometime soon I assume? I can help you out, but tell me, exactly what are you planning on doing with said item?
:{{darkorange|You briefly explain that you are acting on behalf of Arbiter Hawk and how the old mage's life would become far more complicated if they refuse to cooperate.}}

*{{green|I need an obol for a resurrection ritual.}}
:Feh! Despicable.

:Good {{GenderDialogue|female=Madam|male=Sir}}, a single obol is used to pay Charon to take you TO the afterlife. If you want the trip to be a 'round-trip' I would suggest procuring multiples. How many souls are you planning on resurrecting?
:Very well then, what is it you seek regarding obols?

:*{{green|Tell me about obols.}}

:::I see, then you would need two obols, one to send Charon across the river Styx and one to bring him back with the soul in question in tow. Is the soul expecting to be brought back?
::Obols? In magic they are commonly used in rituals that involve death and the afterlife, as Charon the ferryman to the underworld, would take an obol as payment to ferry a soul to the afterlife.
:*{{green|What is an obol?}}
::An obol, or obolus, is a name for an ancient Greek coin.
:*{{green|I need an obol.}}
::Somebody like '''you''' needs an obol? Planning on doing the world a favor and dying?
::To what nefarious ends does somebody doing Arachnos' dirty work need with an obol?
::*{{green|I need an obol for a resurrection ritual.}}
:::Fool, do you know nothing at all about how this works?
:::A single obol is used to pay Charon to take you TO the afterlife. If you want the journey to be a 'round-trip' having only one will not be sufficient.
:::How many souls are you planning on resurrecting?
::::Then at a minimum you would need two obols, one to send Charon across the river Styx and another for the return with a soul.  
::::Has contact been made to tell this soul you intend to revive them?

::::*{{green|I don't believe so.}}
:::::Then might I suggest a part of you take the trip as well, and for that you will need a third obol.

:::::You cannot revive a soul who does not seek life.
:::Figured out you need to convince the subject to come back to the land of the living, did you? You'll need to send part of yourself in the ritual, and for that you'll need a third coin to ensure you make the return trip as well.
:::::To ensure success, you'd best be prepared to make a crossing yourself, and for that you'll need a third obol.
:::::*{{green|Then I will need three obols.}} {{dialogue|accept}}
::::::{{darkorange|The old man grumbles and produces the three coins, and unexpectedly, several vials of what looks to be blood.}}
::::::Take them then, three obols are yours... Assuming this soul of yours has any interest in returning to this world. Not everyone found the world of the living so inviting.
::::::Here are a couple of vials of mana-infused blood... If something with the ritual goes wrong, you'll want to have some potent catalysts on-hand, unless you were planning on using your own blood like a fool? If the ritual kills you, Arachnos might blame me for it.

::*{{green|Then I will need three obols.}}
::::::*{{green|You proved to be useful after all.}} {{dialogue|close}}
:::Excellent! Here you go, three obols. This should do well to bring back your friend, as long as they are willing to be brought back. A few souls prefer the afterlife to what they had here on Earth.}}
:::*{{green|Thank you.}}

{{Mission Clue|Name=Three Obols|Text=These ancient Greek obols, or coins, are what is used to pay the boatman Charon to carry your soul across the river Styx to the afterlife. Three of them should buy passage to the underworld and then a return trip for you and a... guest.}}
::::*{{green|I doubt it, but who knows.}} {{Dialogue|loop}}
::::Seems you're not entirely clueless after all.
::::Yes, if the soul doesn't want to return to life, you may need to communicate with it and explain your purpose. To do so will require making a crossing yourself, and for that you'll need a third coin to ensure you make the return trip as well.
::::*{{green|Then I will need three obols.}} {{Dialogue|loop}}
{{Mission Clue|Name=Three Obols and some vials of blood|Text=These ancient Greek obols, or coins, are what is used to pay the boatman Charon to carry your soul across the river Styx to the afterlife. Three of them should buy passage to the underworld and then a return trip for you and a... guest.
You were also provided some vials of magic-infused blood, to serve as a catalyst in-case the ritual called for it.}}

===== {{UL|Obtain the Amber Widow from Mr. Bocor}} =====
===== {{UL|Obtain the Amber Widow from Mr. Bocor}} =====
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Excellent, {{Character}}! With these gathered materials we should be able to bring Red Widow back to life. We have divined that the location of her death would be the best place to bring her back to life. I've dispatched mystics to set up the magic circle you will need to complete the ritual. Just let me know when you are ready.  
Excellent, {{Character}}! With these gathered materials we should be able to bring Red Widow back to life. We have divined that the location of her death would be the best place to bring her back to life. I've dispatched Mu mystics to set up a portal connection to the cave where they've constructed the magic circle you will need to complete the ritual. Just let me know when you are ready.  

* {{green|I just hope this plan works out.}}
* {{green|I just hope this plan works out.}}
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Again, I thank you for doing this. Everything is for the glory of Arachnos.
Again, I thank you for doing this. Everything is for the glory of Arachnos.

{{Mission Objective|Entrance=Mystics have established a magic circle deep within the cave.|Primary=Resurrect Red Widow|Secondary=Complete the ritual|Additional=|Completion=Red Widow has been resurrected, but she seems to want to KILL Lord Recluse instead of reunite with him!}}
{{Mission Objective|Entrance=These caves are found atop a snow covered peak, near where Red Widow died many years ago. Mu mystics have established a magic circle deep within the cave.|Primary=Resurrect Red Widow|Secondary=Complete the ritual|Additional=|Completion=Red Widow has been resurrected, but she seems to want to KILL Lord Recluse instead of reunite with him!}}

{{Mission Briefing|Contact=Summoning Circle|Text=This is the magic circle that Arbiter Hawk had set up for you. This is where you will perform the ritual to bring Red Widow back to life. Performing the ritual wrong could have negative circumstances, but the ritual is incomplete and you will be forced to improvise. How do you want to begin?
{{Mission Briefing|Contact=Summoning Circle|Text=This is the magic circle that Arbiter Hawk had set up for you. This is where you will perform the ritual to bring Red Widow back to life. Performing the ritual wrong could have negative consequences, but the ritual is incomplete and you will be forced to improvise. How do you want to begin?

*{{green|Start with the Amber Widow}}
*{{green|Start with the Amber Widow}}
Line 198: Line 239:
:::All three obols are placed within the circle. You have the overwhelming sensation that you are being ripped off.
:::All three obols are placed within the circle. You have the overwhelming sensation that you are being ripped off.

:*{{green|Place all three obols in the circle.}}
:*{{green|Place all three obols in the circle.}} {{Dialogue|loop}}
::All three obols are placed within the circle. You have the overwhelming sensation that you are being ripped off.

:*{{green|Place one obol in the circle.}}
:*{{green|Place one obol in the circle.}}
Line 205: Line 245:
::*{{green|Place the Amber Widow into the circle.}}
::*{{green|Place the Amber Widow into the circle.}}
:::You place the Amber Widow into the circle. You have an uncomfortable feeling that Charon is confused. He was looking for a living soul to ferry across the river Styx.
:::You place the Amber Widow into the circle. You have an uncomfortable feeling that Charon is confused. He was looking for a living soul to ferry across the river Styx.
::*{{green|Uncork the bottle containing the dying breath.}}
::*{{green|Uncork the bottle containing the dying breath.}} {{Dialogue|loop}}
:::As you contemplate opening the bottle containing a dying man's last breath, Arbiter Hawk's words ring in your memory: 'One thing I can assure you though, is use the Dying Breath as the last thing, and only if everything else seems like it is working up to that point.' You think better of it and try something else.
::*{{green|Let's start improvising.}}
::*{{green|Let's start improvising.}}
:::You've fought enough magic slinging enemies in your time, you should be able to fake this, right? Some ideas pop into your head: using magic incantations you've overheard in the past, cutting yourself and bleeding into the magic circle, dance around the circle, chanting a magical mantra, or light some incense and see what happens.
:::You've fought enough magic slinging enemies in your time, you should be able to fake this, right? Some ideas pop into your head: using magic incantations you've overheard in the past, cutting yourself and bleeding into the magic circle, dance around the circle, chanting a magical mantra, or light some incense and see what happens.
Line 218: Line 257:
:::*{{green|Light some incense}}
:::*{{green|Light some incense}}
::::You ignite a match and light some incense, other than adding a particular odor to the air, nothing magical happens. It seems you didn't mess anything up though, so you decide to try something else.
::::You ignite a match and light some incense, other than adding a particular odor to the air, nothing magical happens. It seems you didn't mess anything up though, so you decide to try something else.
:::*{{green|Cut yourself and bleed into the circle}}
:::*{{green|Pour the vials of blood into the circle}}
::::Your blood hits the ground within the circle and seeps into the soil as if it were a sponge. Only a dark stain remains where your blood once pooled. The magic circle grows in intensity. Charon seems pleased and the ritual seems to move forward.
::::The blood hits the ground within the circle and seeps into the soil as if it were a sponge. Only a dark stain remains where the blood once pooled. The magic circle grows in intensity. Charon seems pleased and the ritual seems to move forward.
::::*{{green|Uncork the bottle containing the dying breath.}} {{Dialogue|loop}}
::::*{{green|Place the Amber Widow into the circle.}}
:::::You place the Amber Widow onto the dark patch left by your blood. The fossilized sap seems to shimmer and begin to return to a liquid state, but still holds its shape. The Widow inside seems to be struggling to be freed.
:::::*{{green|Uncork the bottle containing the dying breath.}} {{Dialogue|loop}}
:::::*{{green|Place one more obol onto the circle.}}
::::::You place down the obol. You get the sense that Charon is confused. The magic circle begins to fade. Quickly: what do you do?
:::::*{{green|Place two more obols onto the circle.}}
::::::With both obols in the circle you see the image of Red Widow begin to materialize. She seems to be gasping for air and none is coming. This is likely the last part of the ritual, what do you do?
::::::*{{green|Time for some more improvisation!}}
:::::::Your mind scrambles to come up with something else to do when the image of Red Widow fades from view... Suddenly you are wracked with pain! Something has gone wrong with the ritual and magic circle's energies die out.
:::::::*{{green|Start over.}}
::::::*{{green|Uncork the bottle containing the dying breath.}}
:::::::The cold of the air in the cave condenses the breath as it is released. The image of Red Widow stands before you, taking in a deep breath. As it does, she solidifies into a living, breathing, human being again.
::::*{{green|Let's continue to improvise.}}
::::*{{green|Let's continue to improvise.}}
:::::That worked well, maybe you should continue down that path?
:::::That worked well, maybe you should continue down that path?
:::::*{{green|Start muttering some magic incantations}}
:::::*{{green|Start muttering some magic incantations}} {{Dialogue|loop}}
::::::You raise your hands into the air and begin chanting magical words you have overheard in the past. Suddenly you find yourself wracked with pain! It doesn't seem to subside when you stop chanting either! The glow of the circle dies out. You'll likely need to restart the ritual to progress.
::::::*{{green|Restart the Ritual}}
::::::*{{green|Restart the Ritual}}
:::::*{{green|Dance around the circle, chanting}}
:::::*{{green|Dance around the circle, chanting}} {{Dialogue|loop}}
::::::You begin to dance around the circle, chanting a mantra you've heard used in the past.
::::::Suddenly you find yourself wracked with pain! It doesn't seem to subside when you stop chanting either! The glow of the circle dies out. You'll likely need to restart the ritual to progress.
::::::*{{green|Restart the Ritual}}
::::::*{{green|Restart the Ritual}}
:::::*{{green|Light some incense}}
:::::*{{green|Light some incense}} {{Dialogue|loop}}
::::::You ignite a match and light some incense, other than adding a particular odor to the air, nothing magical happens. It seems you didn't mess anything up though, so you decide to try something else.
::::::*{{green|Maybe I should stop improvising, this is getting nowhere}}
::::::*{{green|Maybe I should stop improvising, this is getting nowhere}}
:::::::With that thought in mind, you look to the remaining ingredients in your hands, the bottle of dying breath and two remaining obols.
:::::::With that thought in mind, you look to the remaining ingredients in your hands, the bottle of dying breath and two remaining obols.
::::*{{green|Place the Amber Widow into the circle.}}
:::::::*{{green|Place one more obol onto the circle.}}
:::::You place the Amber Widow onto the dark patch left by your blood. The fossilized sap seems to shimmer and begin to return to a liquid state, but still holds its shape. The Widow inside seems to be struggling to be freed.
::::::::You place down the obol. You get the sense that Charon is confused. The magic circle begins to fade. Quickly: what do you do?
:::::*{{green|Place one more obol onto the circle.}}
::::::::*{{green|Place the last obol onto the circle!}}
::::::You place down the obol. You get the sense that Charon is confused. The magic circle begins to fade. Quickly: what do you do?
:::::::::With both obols in the circle you see the image of Red Widow begin to materialize. She seems to be gasping for air and none is coming. This is likely the last part of the ritual, what do you do?
::::::*{{green|Place the last obol onto the circle!}}
:::::::::*{{green|Time for some more improvisation!}} {{Dialogue|loop}}
:::::::With both obols in the circle you see the image of Red Widow begin to materialize. She seems to be gasping for air and none is coming. This is likely the last part of the ritual, what do you do?
::::::::::*{{green|Start over.}}
:::::::*{{green|Time for some more improvisation!}}
:::::::::*{{green|Uncork the bottle containing the dying breath.}} {{Dialogue|accept}}
:::::::*{{green|Uncork the bottle containing the dying breath.}}
::::::::::The cold of the air in the cave condenses the breath as it is released. The image of Red Widow stands before you, taking in a deep breath. As it does, she solidifies into a living, breathing, human being again.
::::::::The cold of the air in the cave condenses the breath as it is released. The image of Red Widow stands before you, taking in a deep breath. As it does, she solidifies into a living, breathing, human being again.

Botching the ritual awards the [[Botched Ritual!]] temporary power.
Botching the ritual awards the [[Botched Ritual!]] temporary power.
Line 265: Line 313:
I have to apologize about that last mission, {{Character}}. I suspected it might happen, she might come back with vile hatred in her heart other than love, but it was a risk I was willing to take.
I have to apologize about that last mission, {{Character}}. I suspected it might happen, she might come back with vile hatred in her heart other than love, but it was a risk I was willing to take.

This does present a problem though. [[Arbiter Daos]] has issued a death warrant on Red Widow, so she cannot assassinate Lord Recluse. However since you used your own blood to bring her back, your mortal coil and hers are tied together for the time being. The blood-bond isn't going to fade any time in the immediate future. If Arbiter Daos succeeds at re-killing Red Widow, you're going to die as well.  
This does present a problem though. [[Arbiter Daos]] has issued a death warrant on Red Widow, so she cannot assassinate Lord Recluse. However... It seems something unexpected came from the ritual and now your mortal coil and hers are tied together for the time being. That soul-bond isn't going to fade any time in the immediate future. If Arbiter Daos succeeds at re-killing Red Widow, you're going to die as well.  

* {{green|Me? I'm going to die?}}
* {{green|Me? I'm going to die?}}

Yeeaah, sorry about that. However if you can soothe Red Widow's emotions before that can happen then the blood-bond can fade over time and Daos will call off his contract. I talked with DJ Zero earlier and he think he has a plan that just might work, and has offered his help in this matter. I suggest you go talk to him and find out what he has planned.
Yeeaah, sorry about that. However if you can soothe Red Widow's emotions before that can happen then the soul-bond can fade over time and Daos will call off his contract.

===== {{UL|Talk to DJ Zero in Pocket D}} =====
Luckily for you, I already had a back-up plan for this potential outcome, just in case.
We're going to need an '''ancient weapon''' to make this work but we'll need an expert's help in tracking it down. Speak with Mercedes Sheldon here in Pocket D. Hand her this envelope and she should be willing to strike a deal and help us out with this job.
===== {{UL|Make a deal with Mercedes Sheldon (in Pocket D)}} =====
'''Unnecessary Solicitation'''
'''Unnecessary Solicitation'''

You should talk to DJ Zero. He's the man with the plan.
Speak with Mercedes Sheldon here in Pocket D. Hand her that envelope and she should be willing to strike a deal and help us out with this job.
{{Mission Objective|Entrance=|Primary=Make a deal with Mercedes Sheldon (in Pocket D)|Secondary=|Additional=|Completion=}}
{{Mission Briefing|Contact=Mercedes Sheldon|Text={{darkorange|The woman looks up at you and raises an eyebrow.}}
Yes, can I help you? If you can't tell, I'm trying to enjoy my time off.
*{{green|I was told to give you this envelope.}} / {{green|Arbiter Hawk sent me to make a deal.}} / {{green|Too bad, I don't plan on dying.}}
{{darkorange|You're met with curiosity as you hand her the envelope. She opens it and spends a few moments reading the contents of what appears to be a contract.}}
Is that right? ...Well now, '''this is an interesting proposition.''' I'm honestly surprised somebody out there even knew these existed, ''much less how to use them.''
How much do you know about these relics you're after?
*{{green|Hawk said you'd fill me in.}} / {{green|Relics plural? I only knew it was a weapon.}}
{{darkorange|She leans back and taps her chin.}}
I suppose that's fair, after all, I've spent many years tracking the '' 'weapon' '' that is Cupid's Bow and the Arrows of Love. I'd like to think I'm the expert who knows the most about them.
Priceless pieces of history from a forgotten age of legend and mythos...
Amazing stuff, truly. There's so much lost lore that we haven't even scratched the surface of-
*{{green|Really? That's the 'weapon' we're after?}} / {{green|Great, but how does that help me not die?}}
:Yes, Cupid's bow, and especially his arrows...
:Get hit with that and {{pink|you'll fall madly in love with the next person you see.}} From what I understand, you need somebody to give up their burning desire for revenge, right? The arrow's magic certainly is that potent.
:The agreement in this letter states that you'll help me secure these relics in exchange for being allowed to borrow them to solve your big problem until the soul-bonding can wear off.
:*{{green|Fine. So how do we find Cupid?}}
::We don't have to find Cupid, that would likely prove nearly impossible.
::What we can find are his bow and an arrow, both of which are in the hands of {{red|private collectors}} who don't deserve to own such historical treasures.
::*{{green|Who? Who has these items?}}
::{{red|Vanessa DeVore}}, the leader of the Carnival of Shadows, is currently in possession of the only known 'Arrow of Love'. Apparently they scratch themselves with it, using it as an aphrodisiac in some of their wilder parties... ''Yeah, don't ask.''
::The bow needed to fire such a special missile is in the possession of one Clarissa van Dorn, although most of the world knows her by the title of {{red|Countess Crey}}.
::Lucky for you I've even got locations. I've been keeping tabs on these artifacts for years, waiting for the right opportunity to recover them.
::*{{green|So I just need to steal the arrow from the Carnival and the bow from Crey, got it.}} {{Dialogue|accept}}
::You're likely going to have to take these objects against their owners' wills....
::Not that I'm too worried, your reputation does precede you {{Character}}.
::*{{green|Taking things against somebody's will is my specialty.}} {{Dialogue|close}}
:*{{green|The soul-bonding isn't permanent?}}
::Goodness, no!
::In general, soul-bonding magic tends to be real finnicky. It's the kind of magic that would be completely useless if the side effects were permanent. No one would ever use it! The bound life-forces are only temporary, and should wear off in a couple weeks.
::Too bad for you, it sounds like you don't have weeks.
::*{{green|Great. So how do we find Cupid?}} {{Dialogue|Loop}}
*{{green|Wait, did you just say Cupid?}}
:Please tell me that you already know who Cupid is...
:*{{green|Of course I know. Everyone does.}} {{Dialogue|Loop}}
:*{{green|Enlighten me.}}
::Cupid. At least that's what the Romans called him. Son of Venus and Mars.  

{{Mission Objective|Entrance=|Primary=Talk to DJ Zero in Pocket D|Secondary=|Additional=|Completion=}}
::Famed for possessing a bow that fires arrows that make you fall in love.

{{Mission Briefing|Contact=DJ Zero|Text=I see you've gotten yourself into quite a pickle. Resurrecting Red Widow in the way that you did bonded your life-force to hers. What made you think using your own blood was a good idea?
::*{{green|Hold up. What was that last part?}} {{Dialogue|Loop}}}}
*{{green|Nothing else was working.}}
*{{green|Seemed like an obvious choice.}}
*{{green|I don't want to talk about it.}}
:Hmm, there had to be another way, but that is the past, let's talk about how we solve your current predicament. With Arbiter Daos putting a contract out on her, every cold-blooded assassin in the Rogue Isles will be hunting for her head. And if she dies, you die, for the time being anyway.
:*{{green|So I heard.}}
::I do know a way to perhaps stack the odds more in your favor... have you ever heard of Cupid?
::*{{green|Enlighten me.}}
:::Cupid. At least that's what the Romans called him. Son of Venus and Mars. Has a bow that fires arrows that make you fall in love.
::*{{green|Wait. What was that last part?}}
:::Exactly. Cupid's bow, and especially his arrows. Get hit with that and fall madly in love with the next person you see. Now, get Red Widow into a room with Lord Recluse, fire this bow and BAM. Instant love connection, you don't even need to be back in two and two. That should mellow her out right then and there, rekindle that spark that was lost, and hopefully accomplish what you set out to do in the first place, reunite her with Lord Recluse.
:::*{{green|Where can I find Cupid?}}
::::That... isn't relevant. Cupid is LONG since retired, but his bow and an arrow are in the hands of private collectors.
::::*{{green|Who? Who has these items?}}
:::::Vanessa DeVore, the leader of the Carnival of Shadows, is currently in possession of the only known 'Arrow of Love'. Apparently they scratch themselves with it, using it as an aphrodisiac in some of their wilder parties. And the bow needed to fire such a special missile is in the possession of one Julianne Thompson, who your world knows as the person running around under the guise of 'Countess Crey'.
:::::*{{green|Julianne Thompson?}}
::::::Oh, you haven't learned that yet? Forget I said anything. It's hard to keep track of what is still secret in your dimension and what everyone knows.
::::::*{{green|So I just need to get the arrow from the Carnival and the bow from Crey, got it.}}
:::::::You're likely going to have to take these objects against their owners' wills.
:::::::*{{green|Got it, thanks.}}
:::::*{{green|So I just need to get the arrow from the Carnival and the bow from Crey, got it.}}
::::::You're likely going to have to take these objects against their owners' wills.
::::::*{{green|Got it, thanks.}}
::*{{green|Of course I have. Everyone has.}}
:::So I take it you know why I bring it up then. What Cupid can do to solve your... predicament.
:::*{{green|He does have those special arrows and that bow.}}
::::Exactly. Cupid's bow, and especially his arrows. Get hit with that and fall madly in love with the next person you see. Now, get Red Widow into a room with Lord Recluse, fire this bow and BAM. Instant love connection, you don't even need to be back in two and two. That should mellow her out right then and there, rekindle that spark that was lost, and hopefully accomplish what you set out to do in the first place, reunite her with Lord Recluse.
::::*{{green|Where can I find Cupid?}}
:::::That... isn't relevant. Cupid is LONG since retired, but his bow and an arrow are in the hands of private collectors.
:::::*{{green|Who? Who has these items?}}
::::::Vanessa DeVore, the leader of the Carnival of Shadows, is currently in possession of the only known 'Arrow of Love'. Apparently they scratch themselves with it, using it as an aphrodisiac in some of their wilder parties. And the bow needed to fire such a special missile is in the possession of one Julianne Thompson, who your world knows as the person running around under the guise of 'Countess Crey'.
::::::*{{green|Julianne Thompson?}}
:::::::Oh, you haven't learned that yet? Forget I said anything. It's hard to keep track of what is still secret in your dimension and what everyone knows.
:::::::*{{green|So I just need to get the arrow from the Carnival and the bow from Crey, got it.}}
::::::::You're likely going to have to take these objects against their owners' wills.
::::::::*{{green|Got it, thanks.}}
::::::*{{green|So I just need to get the arrow from the Carnival and the bow from Crey, got it.}}
:::::::You're likely going to have to take these objects against their owners' wills.
:::::::*{{green|Got it, thanks.}}
:*{{green|What do you mean 'for the time being'?}}
::Well blood magic is finicky. That kind of magic would be completely useless if the side effects were permanent in nature. No one would ever use it! The bound life-forces is only temporary, and should wear off in a couple weeks. Unfortunately you don't have weeks. Someone, or more likely a group of someones, will kill Red Widow long before that side effect wears off. Killing you in the process.
::*{{green|Great, but what can we do NOW?}}
:::I do know a way to perhaps stack the odds more in your favor... have you ever heard of Cupid?
::*{{green|Enlighten me.}}
:::Cupid. At least that's what the Romans called him. Son of Venus and Mars. Has a bow that fires arrows that make you fall in love.
::*{{green|Wait. What was that last part?}}
:::Exactly. Cupid's bow, and especially his arrows. Get hit with that and fall madly in love with the next person you see. Now, get Red Widow into a room with Lord Recluse, fire this bow and BAM. Instant love connection, you don't even need to be back in two and two. That should mellow her out right then and there, rekindle that spark that was lost, and hopefully accomplish what you set out to do in the first place, reunite her with Lord Recluse.
:::*{{green|Where can I find Cupid?}}
::::That... isn't relevant. Cupid is LONG since retired, but his bow and an arrow are in the hands of private collectors.
::::*{{green|Who? Who has these items?}}
:::::Vanessa DeVore, the leader of the Carnival of Shadows, is currently in possession of the only known 'Arrow of Love'. Apparently they scratch themselves with it, using it as an aphrodisiac in some of their wilder parties. And the bow needed to fire such a special missile is in the possession of one Julianne Thompson, who your world knows as the person running around under the guise of 'Countess Crey'.
:::::*{{green|Julianne Thompson?}}
::::::Oh, you haven't learned that yet? Forget I said anything. It's hard to keep track of what is still secret in your dimension and what everyone knows.
::::::*{{green|So I just need to get the arrow from the Carnival and the bow from Crey, got it.}}
:::::::You're likely going to have to take these objects against their owners' wills.
:::::::*{{green|Got it, thanks.}}
:::::*{{green|So I just need to get the arrow from the Carnival and the bow from Crey, got it.}}
::::::You're likely going to have to take these objects against their owners' wills.
::::::*{{green|Got it, thanks.}}
::*{{green|Of course I have. Everyone has.}}
:::So I take it you know why I bring it up then. What Cupid can do to solve your... predicament.
:::*{{green|He does have those special arrows and that bow.}}
::::Exactly. Cupid's bow, and especially his arrows. Get hit with that and fall madly in love with the next person you see. Now, get Red Widow into a room with Lord Recluse, fire this bow and BAM. Instant love connection, you don't even need to be back in two and two. That should mellow her out right then and there, rekindle that spark that was lost, and hopefully accomplish what you set out to do in the first place, reunite her with Lord Recluse.
::::*{{green|Where can I find Cupid?}}
:::::That... isn't relevant. Cupid is LONG since retired, but his bow and an arrow are in the hands of private collectors.
:::::*{{green|Who? Who has these items?}}
::::::Vanessa DeVore, the leader of the Carnival of Shadows, is currently in possession of the only known 'Arrow of Love'. Apparently they scratch themselves with it, using it as an aphrodisiac in some of their wilder parties. And the bow needed to fire such a special missile is in the possession of one Julianne Thompson, who your world knows as the person running around under the guise of 'Countess Crey'.
::::::*{{green|Julianne Thompson?}}
:::::::Oh, you haven't learned that yet? Forget I said anything. It's hard to keep track of what is still secret in your dimension and what everyone knows.
:::::::*{{green|So I just need to get the arrow from the Carnival and the bow from Crey, got it.}}
::::::::You're likely going to have to take these objects against their owners' wills.
::::::::*{{green|Got it, thanks.}}
::::::*{{green|So I just need to get the arrow from the Carnival and the bow from Crey, got it.}}
:::::::You're likely going to have to take these objects against their owners' wills.
:::::::*{{green|Got it, thanks.}}

===== {{UL|Obtain Cupid's Arrow}} =====
===== {{UL|Obtain Cupid's Arrow}} =====
'''Unnecessary Solicitation'''
'''Unnecessary Solicitation'''

I would search out the type of parties where the Carnival of Shadows would be using that arrow.
I don't need to remind you that it's YOUR life hanging in the balance, right?

{{Mission Objective|Entrance=Signs point to just the type of party the Carnival would have the Arrow of Love at.|Primary=Obtain Cupid's Arrow|Secondary=Recover the Arrow of Love|Additional=|Completion=You got the Arrow of Love, now to retrieve Cupid's Bow from Countess Crey!}}
{{Mission Objective|Entrance=Mercedes Sheldon's intel was right on the money. A wild Carnival party, just like she said.|Primary=Obtain Cupid's Arrow|Secondary=Recover the Arrow of Love|Additional=|Completion=You got the Arrow of Love, now to retrieve Cupid's Bow from Countess Crey!}}

Line 378: Line 423:
'''Unnecessary Solicitation'''
'''Unnecessary Solicitation'''

I heard DJ Zero has you pursuing Cupid's Bow.
Our plan hinges on you obtaining Cupid's Bow. Don't forget that.

{{Mission Objective|Entrance=One of Crey's many warehouses. DJ Zero tells you that the Countess has stored the bow here for safe keeping.|Primary=Get Cupid's Bow from Crey|Secondary=Wrest Cupid's Bow from Countess Crey's hands|Additional=|Completion=You've recovered Cupid's Bow from Countess Crey!}}
{{Mission Objective|Entrance=One of Crey's many warehouses. The Countess has stored the bow here for safe keeping.|Primary=Get Cupid's Bow from Crey|Secondary=Wrest Cupid's Bow from Countess Crey's hands|Additional=|Completion=You've recovered Cupid's Bow from Countess Crey!}}

Line 387: Line 432:

'''Notable NPCs'''
'''Notable NPCs'''
* [[Countess Crey]] {{Named|Faction=Crey|Rank=Archvillain|Type=Countess Crey}}
* [[Countess Crey]] ([[Crey#Countess Crey|Crey Archvillain]])

{{NPC Text|type=villain|title=Countess Crey Dialogue|text=
{{NPC Text|type=villain|title=Countess Crey Dialogue|text=
Line 410: Line 455:

I see DJ Zero had you steal Cupid's bow and an Arrow of Love. Who knew he had such a nefarious heart, that Zero? Well with those items in your possession, you should be able to shoot her and get her to fall in love with Recluse before Arbiter Daos' men assassinate her... and you by proxy.
Not bad at all Dr. Pulse, now we have both Cupid's Bow and the Arrow of Love. With those items in your possession, you should be able to shoot her and get her to fall in love with Recluse before Arbiter Daos' men assassinate her... and you by proxy.

{{darkorange|The Cupid's Bow power will be given to you at the start of this mission.
{{darkorange|The Cupid's Bow power will be given to you at the start of this mission.}}

Sorry for getting you into this, hopefully the outcome can make it up to you.}}
Sorry for getting you into this, hopefully the outcome can make it up to you.  

* {{green|Yeah, I am pretty peeved about the whole 'she dies, you die' thing.}}
* {{green|Yeah, I am pretty peeved about the whole 'she dies, you die' thing.}}

Yes, it might take a couple weeks but the blood bond between you two will fade, but right now it's still going strong and you'll die if she dies, so you had better hurry and shoot her with that arrow while you both are still breathing.
Yes, it might take a couple weeks but the soul-bond between you two will fade, but right now it's still going strong and you'll die if she dies, so you had better hurry and shoot her with that arrow while you both are still breathing.

'''Unnecessary Solicitation'''
'''Unnecessary Solicitation'''
Line 458: Line 503:

{{Cutscene|Char=Lord Recluse and Red Widow Reunited|Text=
{{Cutscene|Char=Lord Recluse and Red Widow Reunited|Text=
[[File:The Widow in Red Cutscene.jpg|250px|right|thumb|<center>Lord Recluse and Red Widow reunited]]
'''Lord Recluse:''' ''"Welcome to my tower, Marlene."''<br />
'''Lord Recluse:''' ''"Welcome to my tower, Marlene."''<br />
'''Lord Recluse:''' ''"Tell me, do you still retain the desire to end my life?"''<br />
'''Lord Recluse:''' ''"Tell me, do you still retain the desire to end my life?"''<br />
Line 470: Line 516:

Well, Lord Recluse has been reunited with his lost love. Time will tell if this truly does bring about a new era of supremacy for Arachnos.
Well, Lord Recluse has been reunited with his lost love. Time will tell if this truly does bring about a new era of supremacy for Arachnos.
Upholding our end of the bargain, Mercedes Sheldon took possession of the artifacts once you were done. I trust the Midnight Squad with them more than I do the Carnival of Shadows or Crey... ''It is what it is.''


Latest revision as of 20:41, 12 February 2024


Arbiter Hawk
Arbiter Hawk.jpg
Arachnos Arbiter
Zone Pocket D
Coordinates (-198, 0, -898)[Copy]
Level Range 30-50
Introduced By None
Enemy Groups
Badges ValentineAmberWidow.png Widow Maker
v  d  e

Arbiter Hawk is a villain contact in Pocket D at coordinates (-198, 0, -898)[Copy] . His level range is 30-50. He is a special contact that is only available during the Valentine's Event. He is the villain counterpart of Jessica Megan Duncan.


Contact Introduced By

  • None. Arbiter Hawk starts assigning missions immediately to all villains above level 30. Upon logging on a character for the first time during a Valentine's Event, a pop-up window will appear with the following message:

Arbiter Hawk is looking for a villain who can help fulfill a prophecy. A prophecy of eternal love. He can be located in Pocket D, on the main floor near the villain side.

Contact Introduces

  • None


Arachnos Arbiter

Arbiter Hawk rose quickly through the ranks of the Bane Spider corps due to his combat proficiency and keen sense for combat tactics. As a member of the Arbiter Corps, he has become infamous for running independent covert operations intended to maintain the stability of Arachnos, and has often been associated with reckless and dangerous assignments. While working for him, villains are often unsure of the exact reasons they are given their tasks, but they will always see eventually how his ends justify his means.

Wrong Alignment

I don't think it's safe for either of us to be seen talking to each other. Maybe if you were more like me I might reconsider.

Initial Contact

You look like just the person I need to talk to. Capable, smart, and always looking for an angle. You got a minute?


Let's get down to business, Character.

Too Busy

Missing Too Busy Dialogue

No More Missions

Looks like we got a new player in town. Time will tell how she fits into the big picture.


  • Inspirations

Story Arc

The Widow in Red

Merit Rewards: This activity awards 5 Reward Merits.


The Amber Widow

You have kept the Amber Widow as a souvenir of the story you refer to as

The Widow in Red

Arbiter Hawk approached you to undertake the task of reuniting Lord Recluse with his long dead lover, Red Widow. He claimed to have knowledge of how to bring Arachnos back to glory and that Red Widow was the key. You were tasked with assembling the ingredients and finding the ritual that would bring her back from the dead, and in doing so gathered the Amber Widow, three Obols (ancient Greek coins), a bottle containing a dying breath, and the ritual itself.

Within the mountain where Lord Recluse and Statesman fought, Arbiter Hawk had constructed a summoning circle. It was at this circle that you performed the ritual to resurrect Red Widow, bringing her back from the dead. And come back she did, not with love in her heart, but hatred. Hatred for Lord Recluse and a passion to kill him where he stood.

You then learned that because you used your own blood to bring Red Widow back to life, your life force has been temporarily tied to hers. Coupled with the fact that Arbiter Daos has put a death mark on Red Widow, in order to protect Lord Recluse, it's only a matter of time before her death would bring about your own. Fortunately, DJ Zero, the proprietor of Pocket D, had a plan for you to make Red Widow fall in love with Lord Recluse all over again. The bow and arrow belonging to Cupid were key in bringing her out of her insane state. You were able to steal the bow from Countess Crey and the arrow from the Carnival of Shadows.

Armed with the bow and arrow of Cupid, you made your way to Grandville, dispatched several of Arbiter Daos' assassins and then was able to shoot Red Widow herself. When hit with the arrow she saw Lord Recluse and fell in love with him again. Unfortunately it seems that the leader of Arachnos was not calmed by being reunited with her, but was infused with even more motivation to take over the world, as now he has someone to share it with.

The Widow in Red: Part One


Psst. Character. I've got a mission for you. One that, if we can pull off, will make the Rogue Isles stronger than ever! Paragon City and it's 'heroes' will once again fear the name Arachnos! Problem is, we have to keep this off the books for now, or else certain... individuals... in Arachnos will try to put a stop to it.

  • If the pay is good, and the bad guys end up winning, I am all-in.

Just what I like to hear.

Back in the day, there was an Assassin known as Red Widow. She and Lord Recluse were quite the item, but from what I hear she was killed during a fight between Lord Recluse and Statesman.

My sources tell me that they have seen a future where Arachnos can rise to unprecedented power and that future begins with resurrecting Red Widow. But first we have a couple of things needed to perform the ritual needed to bring her back. Fortunately, the Circle of Thorns has a copy of the ritual we need in one of their libraries I've been keeping tabs on.

In addition, we need you to get the following items: the Amber Widow, three ancient obols, and 'a dying breath.' Go and see Virgil Tarikoss in Cap au Diable about the obols, Mr. Bocor in Port Oakes about the Amber Spider, and you can probably find a 'dying breath' while you are in Oranbega.

Obtain an obol from Virgil Tarikoss

Unnecessary Solicitation

You should see Virgil Tarikoss in Cap au Diable about getting an obol, whatever that is supposed to be.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Obtain an obol from Virgil Tarikoss (in Cap au Diable)


The old mans squints at you upon approaching him.

Well, well well... If it isn't the loathsome Character. Do pray tell, to what do I owe the unwelcome visit?

  • I seek obols and was told you have some.
If I did, just what makes you think I'd have any intention of parting with them? Especially if that means putting them in the hands of somebody like you?
  • Backing by an Arachnos Arbiter.
You briefly explain that you are acting on behalf of Arbiter Hawk and how the old mage's life would become far more complicated if they refuse to cooperate.
Feh! Despicable.
Very well then, what is it you seek regarding obols?
  • Tell me about obols.
Obols? In magic they are commonly used in rituals that involve death and the afterlife, as Charon the ferryman to the underworld, would take an obol as payment to ferry a soul to the afterlife.
  • What is an obol?
An obol, or obolus, is a name for an ancient Greek coin.
  • I need an obol.
Somebody like you needs an obol? Planning on doing the world a favor and dying?
To what nefarious ends does somebody doing Arachnos' dirty work need with an obol?
  • I need an obol for a resurrection ritual.
Fool, do you know nothing at all about how this works?
A single obol is used to pay Charon to take you TO the afterlife. If you want the journey to be a 'round-trip' having only one will not be sufficient.
How many souls are you planning on resurrecting?
  • One.
Then at a minimum you would need two obols, one to send Charon across the river Styx and another for the return with a soul.
Has contact been made to tell this soul you intend to revive them?
  • No.
You cannot revive a soul who does not seek life.
To ensure success, you'd best be prepared to make a crossing yourself, and for that you'll need a third obol.
  • Then I will need three obols. Mission Selected2.png Completes the current task and accepts the next.
The old man grumbles and produces the three coins, and unexpectedly, several vials of what looks to be blood.
Take them then, three obols are yours... Assuming this soul of yours has any interest in returning to this world. Not everyone found the world of the living so inviting.
Here are a couple of vials of mana-infused blood... If something with the ritual goes wrong, you'll want to have some potent catalysts on-hand, unless you were planning on using your own blood like a fool? If the ritual kills you, Arachnos might blame me for it.
  • You proved to be useful after all. Closes the dialogue.
  • I doubt it, but who knows. Loops to another branch of this conversation which is already documented.
  • Two.
Seems you're not entirely clueless after all.
Yes, if the soul doesn't want to return to life, you may need to communicate with it and explain your purpose. To do so will require making a crossing yourself, and for that you'll need a third coin to ensure you make the return trip as well.
  • Then I will need three obols. Loops to another branch of this conversation which is already documented.
Three Obols and some vials of blood

These ancient Greek obols, or coins, are what is used to pay the boatman Charon to carry your soul across the river Styx to the afterlife. Three of them should buy passage to the underworld and then a return trip for you and a... guest.

You were also provided some vials of magic-infused blood, to serve as a catalyst in-case the ritual called for it.

Obtain the Amber Widow from Mr. Bocor

Unnecessary Solicitation

Go and see Mr. Bocor. They have the Amber Widow, and may be willing to part with it.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Obtain the Amber Widow from Mr. Bocor (in Port Oakes)


The Amber Widow, yes? Yes, this particular piece is over one million years old.

It is amazing, wouldn't you say? An innocent black widow spider, minding its business crawling across the surface of a tree, perhaps to find a new home to spin her web, when she finds herself stuck in the sticky sap. She's engulfed over the next day or so, trapped in a state that is neither alive nor dead. As the sap hardened, it fossilized, only to be uncovered a million years later by an archaeologist and acquired by me. I assume, Character that your intentions for this are for personal gain? Yes? Then remember who gave this to you, no questions asked.

The Amber Widow

This black widow spider was trapped in amber nearly a million years ago. It is perfectly preserved in a state between life and death. It is the perfect catalyst for the resurrection of the woman known as the Red Widow

Gather the final ingredients

Unnecessary Solicitation

You need to get the last two ingredients.

Mission Objective(s)

Oranbega, the ancient city that Paragon City was built on top of. In here the final pieces of the ritual lie.

  • Gather the final ingredients
    • Find a Dying Breath
    • Locate the Ritual
    • Defeat the Librarian

With the breath and ritual in hand, you are ready to move on to the next step.

There is a seemingly empty bottle, sealed with wax, labeled 'Final breath of Charles Brant, May 1st, 1997'

A Dying Breath, bottled

One of the most powerful reagents in a resurrection spell is the final breath of a sentient being. Often faked, and incredibly difficult to mass-produce, this ingredient alone holds the key to bringing someone back from the dead.


Circle of Thorns

Notable NPCs

  • The Librarian (Circle of Thorns Boss) Keeper of the libraries of Orenbega, the Librarian protects many of the secrets and spells of the Circle of Thorns from interlopers.
The Resurrection Ritual

Complicated and incomplete, this ritual seems to be 80% strict adherence, and 20% improvisation. You deduce that the proper way to perform the ritual starts with the placement of a single obol into a magic circle. From here things get sketchy. Some sort of catalyst is needed for you to successfully use the Amber Widow, something to give it purpose. Charon's return trip must then be paid for in obols. Finally the Dying Breath must make it's way into the circle to hopefully interact with the deceased. Then, and only then, will the ritual be complete.


Perfect. With these ingredients we can pull this off. I am glad you decided to help, Character.

The Widow in Red: Part Two


Excellent, Character! With these gathered materials we should be able to bring Red Widow back to life. We have divined that the location of her death would be the best place to bring her back to life. I've dispatched Mu mystics to set up a portal connection to the cave where they've constructed the magic circle you will need to complete the ritual. Just let me know when you are ready.

  • I just hope this plan works out.

You and me both. I know it's for the best for the future of the Rogue Isles. You have the ritual, but I understand the exactness of it is... vague. You're probably going to have to improvise a bit. One thing I can assure you though, is use the Dying Breath as the last thing, and only if everything else seems like it is working up to that point. Getting another one of those may prove to be... difficult.

Unnecessary Solicitation

Again, I thank you for doing this. Everything is for the glory of Arachnos.

Mission Objective(s)

These caves are found atop a snow covered peak, near where Red Widow died many years ago. Mu mystics have established a magic circle deep within the cave.

  • Resurrect Red Widow
    • Complete the ritual

Red Widow has been resurrected, but she seems to want to KILL Lord Recluse instead of reunite with him!

Summoning Circle

This is the magic circle that Arbiter Hawk had set up for you. This is where you will perform the ritual to bring Red Widow back to life. Performing the ritual wrong could have negative consequences, but the ritual is incomplete and you will be forced to improvise. How do you want to begin?

  • Start with the Amber Widow
You place the Amber Widow within the circle, and nothing happens. No magic sparks, no gut instinct, just... nothing. Obviously this is not the way to start the ritual.
  • Start with the dying breath
As you contemplate opening the bottle containing a dying man's last breath, Arbiter Hawk's words ring in your memory: 'One thing I can assure you though, is use the Dying Breath as the last thing, and only if everything else seems like it is working up to that point.' You think better of it and try something else.
  • Start with the obols
You hold three obols in your hand. You can place one, two or all of them into the magic circle. What do you do?
  • Place two obols in the circle.
You gather two obols and place them into the circle. Your gut kicks in with that sensation you get when you overpay for something.
  • Place the third obol in the circle as well.
All three obols are placed within the circle. You have the overwhelming sensation that you are being ripped off.
  • Place all three obols in the circle. Loops to another branch of this conversation which is already documented.
  • Place one obol in the circle.
The magic circle flares to life. The runes take on an otherworldly glow. You sense the boatman, Charon, awaiting a soul, a soul that has been paid for.
  • Place the Amber Widow into the circle.
You place the Amber Widow into the circle. You have an uncomfortable feeling that Charon is confused. He was looking for a living soul to ferry across the river Styx.
  • Uncork the bottle containing the dying breath. Loops to another branch of this conversation which is already documented.
  • Let's start improvising.
You've fought enough magic slinging enemies in your time, you should be able to fake this, right? Some ideas pop into your head: using magic incantations you've overheard in the past, cutting yourself and bleeding into the magic circle, dance around the circle, chanting a magical mantra, or light some incense and see what happens.
  • Start muttering some magic incantations
You raise your hands into the air and begin chanting magical words you have overheard in the past. Suddenly you find yourself wracked with pain! It doesn't seem to subside when you stop chanting either! The glow of the circle dies out. You'll likely need to restart the ritual to progress.
  • Restart the Ritual
  • Dance around the circle, chanting
You begin to dance around the circle, chanting a mantra you've heard used in the past.
Suddenly you find yourself wracked with pain! It doesn't seem to subside when you stop chanting either! The glow of the circle dies out. You'll likely need to restart the ritual to progress.
  • Restart the Ritual
  • Light some incense
You ignite a match and light some incense, other than adding a particular odor to the air, nothing magical happens. It seems you didn't mess anything up though, so you decide to try something else.
  • Pour the vials of blood into the circle
The blood hits the ground within the circle and seeps into the soil as if it were a sponge. Only a dark stain remains where the blood once pooled. The magic circle grows in intensity. Charon seems pleased and the ritual seems to move forward.
  • Uncork the bottle containing the dying breath. Loops to another branch of this conversation which is already documented.
  • Place the Amber Widow into the circle.
You place the Amber Widow onto the dark patch left by your blood. The fossilized sap seems to shimmer and begin to return to a liquid state, but still holds its shape. The Widow inside seems to be struggling to be freed.
  • Uncork the bottle containing the dying breath. Loops to another branch of this conversation which is already documented.
  • Place one more obol onto the circle.
You place down the obol. You get the sense that Charon is confused. The magic circle begins to fade. Quickly: what do you do?
  • Place two more obols onto the circle.
With both obols in the circle you see the image of Red Widow begin to materialize. She seems to be gasping for air and none is coming. This is likely the last part of the ritual, what do you do?
  • Time for some more improvisation!
Your mind scrambles to come up with something else to do when the image of Red Widow fades from view... Suddenly you are wracked with pain! Something has gone wrong with the ritual and magic circle's energies die out.
  • Start over.
  • Uncork the bottle containing the dying breath.
The cold of the air in the cave condenses the breath as it is released. The image of Red Widow stands before you, taking in a deep breath. As it does, she solidifies into a living, breathing, human being again.
  • Let's continue to improvise.
That worked well, maybe you should continue down that path?
  • Start muttering some magic incantations Loops to another branch of this conversation which is already documented.
  • Restart the Ritual
  • Dance around the circle, chanting Loops to another branch of this conversation which is already documented.
  • Restart the Ritual
  • Light some incense Loops to another branch of this conversation which is already documented.
  • Maybe I should stop improvising, this is getting nowhere
With that thought in mind, you look to the remaining ingredients in your hands, the bottle of dying breath and two remaining obols.
  • Place one more obol onto the circle.
You place down the obol. You get the sense that Charon is confused. The magic circle begins to fade. Quickly: what do you do?
  • Place the last obol onto the circle!
With both obols in the circle you see the image of Red Widow begin to materialize. She seems to be gasping for air and none is coming. This is likely the last part of the ritual, what do you do?
  • Time for some more improvisation! Loops to another branch of this conversation which is already documented.
  • Start over.
  • Uncork the bottle containing the dying breath. Mission Selected2.png Completes the current task and accepts the next.
The cold of the air in the cave condenses the breath as it is released. The image of Red Widow stands before you, taking in a deep breath. As it does, she solidifies into a living, breathing, human being again.

Botching the ritual awards the Botched Ritual! temporary power.


Auto: Self -Max End, -To Hit, -Res(All), -Def

Your To Hit, Defense, Resistance, and Max Endurance have all been reduced as the price paid for botching the Ritual's steps.


  • None

Notable NPCs


I'm glad Red Widow didn't just kill you when she came back. Perhaps she was thankful for you bringing her back?

The Widow in Red: Part Three


I have to apologize about that last mission, Character. I suspected it might happen, she might come back with vile hatred in her heart other than love, but it was a risk I was willing to take.

This does present a problem though. Arbiter Daos has issued a death warrant on Red Widow, so she cannot assassinate Lord Recluse. However... It seems something unexpected came from the ritual and now your mortal coil and hers are tied together for the time being. That soul-bond isn't going to fade any time in the immediate future. If Arbiter Daos succeeds at re-killing Red Widow, you're going to die as well.

  • Me? I'm going to die?

Yeeaah, sorry about that. However if you can soothe Red Widow's emotions before that can happen then the soul-bond can fade over time and Daos will call off his contract.

Luckily for you, I already had a back-up plan for this potential outcome, just in case.

We're going to need an ancient weapon to make this work but we'll need an expert's help in tracking it down. Speak with Mercedes Sheldon here in Pocket D. Hand her this envelope and she should be willing to strike a deal and help us out with this job.

Make a deal with Mercedes Sheldon (in Pocket D)

Unnecessary Solicitation

Speak with Mercedes Sheldon here in Pocket D. Hand her that envelope and she should be willing to strike a deal and help us out with this job.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Make a deal with Mercedes Sheldon (in Pocket D)


The woman looks up at you and raises an eyebrow.

Yes, can I help you? If you can't tell, I'm trying to enjoy my time off.

  • I was told to give you this envelope. / Arbiter Hawk sent me to make a deal. / Too bad, I don't plan on dying.

You're met with curiosity as you hand her the envelope. She opens it and spends a few moments reading the contents of what appears to be a contract.

Is that right? ...Well now, this is an interesting proposition. I'm honestly surprised somebody out there even knew these existed, much less how to use them.

How much do you know about these relics you're after?

  • Hawk said you'd fill me in. / Relics plural? I only knew it was a weapon.

She leans back and taps her chin.

I suppose that's fair, after all, I've spent many years tracking the 'weapon' that is Cupid's Bow and the Arrows of Love. I'd like to think I'm the expert who knows the most about them.

Priceless pieces of history from a forgotten age of legend and mythos...

Amazing stuff, truly. There's so much lost lore that we haven't even scratched the surface of-

  • Really? That's the 'weapon' we're after? / Great, but how does that help me not die?
Yes, Cupid's bow, and especially his arrows...
Get hit with that and you'll fall madly in love with the next person you see. From what I understand, you need somebody to give up their burning desire for revenge, right? The arrow's magic certainly is that potent.
The agreement in this letter states that you'll help me secure these relics in exchange for being allowed to borrow them to solve your big problem until the soul-bonding can wear off.
  • Fine. So how do we find Cupid?
We don't have to find Cupid, that would likely prove nearly impossible.
What we can find are his bow and an arrow, both of which are in the hands of private collectors who don't deserve to own such historical treasures.
  • Who? Who has these items?
Vanessa DeVore, the leader of the Carnival of Shadows, is currently in possession of the only known 'Arrow of Love'. Apparently they scratch themselves with it, using it as an aphrodisiac in some of their wilder parties... Yeah, don't ask.
The bow needed to fire such a special missile is in the possession of one Clarissa van Dorn, although most of the world knows her by the title of Countess Crey.
Lucky for you I've even got locations. I've been keeping tabs on these artifacts for years, waiting for the right opportunity to recover them.
  • So I just need to steal the arrow from the Carnival and the bow from Crey, got it. Mission Selected2.png Completes the current task and accepts the next.
You're likely going to have to take these objects against their owners' wills....
Not that I'm too worried, your reputation does precede you Character.
  • Taking things against somebody's will is my specialty. Closes the dialogue.
  • The soul-bonding isn't permanent?
Goodness, no!
In general, soul-bonding magic tends to be real finnicky. It's the kind of magic that would be completely useless if the side effects were permanent. No one would ever use it! The bound life-forces are only temporary, and should wear off in a couple weeks.
Too bad for you, it sounds like you don't have weeks.
  • Great. So how do we find Cupid? Loops to another branch of this conversation which is already documented.
  • Wait, did you just say Cupid?
Please tell me that you already know who Cupid is...
  • Of course I know. Everyone does. Loops to another branch of this conversation which is already documented.
  • Enlighten me.
Cupid. At least that's what the Romans called him. Son of Venus and Mars.
Famed for possessing a bow that fires arrows that make you fall in love.
  • Hold up. What was that last part? Loops to another branch of this conversation which is already documented.
Obtain Cupid's Arrow

Unnecessary Solicitation

I don't need to remind you that it's YOUR life hanging in the balance, right?

Mission Objective(s)

Mercedes Sheldon's intel was right on the money. A wild Carnival party, just like she said.

  • Obtain Cupid's Arrow
    • Recover the Arrow of Love

You got the Arrow of Love, now to retrieve Cupid's Bow from Countess Crey!


Carnival of Shadows

Notable NPCs

Arrow of Love

This arrow once belonged to Cupid himself. It has the power, when fired through Cupid's bow, to make someone fall irreversibly in love with someone else.

Get Cupid's Bow from Crey

Unnecessary Solicitation

Our plan hinges on you obtaining Cupid's Bow. Don't forget that.

Mission Objective(s)

One of Crey's many warehouses. The Countess has stored the bow here for safe keeping.

  • Get Cupid's Bow from Crey
    • Wrest Cupid's Bow from Countess Crey's hands

You've recovered Cupid's Bow from Countess Crey!



Notable NPCs

Cupid's Bow

The famed bow of Cupid. When an Arrow of Love is fired through this bow it will cause the intended target to fall madly in love with someone else.


Great. You've got the arrow and the bow. Now you better catch up with Red Widow before someone takes her out. Red Widow is already in Grandville, so you had best get there ASAP.

The Widow in Red: Finale


Not bad at all Dr. Pulse, now we have both Cupid's Bow and the Arrow of Love. With those items in your possession, you should be able to shoot her and get her to fall in love with Recluse before Arbiter Daos' men assassinate her... and you by proxy.

The Cupid's Bow power will be given to you at the start of this mission.

Sorry for getting you into this, hopefully the outcome can make it up to you.

  • Yeah, I am pretty peeved about the whole 'she dies, you die' thing.

Yes, it might take a couple weeks but the soul-bond between you two will fade, but right now it's still going strong and you'll die if she dies, so you had better hurry and shoot her with that arrow while you both are still breathing.

Unnecessary Solicitation

Time is of the essence here, Character. The longer you wait, the more chance Arbiter Daos has of killing Red Widow, taking YOU with her!

Temporary Powers:

Beginning this mission awards the Cupid's Bow temporary power.


Foe +Love

Cupid's Bow is ready and loaded. Versus the correct target at the appropriate time, it will restore their emotions and complete the ritual.

Mission Objective(s)

The heart of Arachnos. Red Widow is here, and you better find her before their assassins do.

  • Travel to Grandville, Shoot Red Widow using Cupid's Bow
    • 3 assassins to stop
    • Shoot Red Widow using Cupid's Bow

With Red Widow shot by the Arrow of Love she has rekindled her interest in Stephan Richter, Lord Recluse.



Notable NPCs

Red Widow was teleported away after being hit by Cupid's Arrow!

Lord Recluse and Red Widow Reunited:
Lord Recluse and Red Widow reunited

Lord Recluse: "Welcome to my tower, Marlene."
Lord Recluse: "Tell me, do you still retain the desire to end my life?"
Red Widow: "No, Stefan, I've returned to normal."
Lord Recluse: "Excellent, that idiotic 'Cupid's Arrow' worked after all."
Lord Recluse: "I'll have to give Arbiter Hawk a commendation."
Red Widow: "The organization has changed greatly since my demise, Stefan..."
Lord Recluse: "Yes, your presence helps me realize that I have strayed from my... original goals when I founded Arachnos. But no longer..."
Lord Recluse: "Your resurrection will usher in a new age for Arachnos, where we shall change the face of the world with our order and our technology!"


Well, Lord Recluse has been reunited with his lost love. Time will tell if this truly does bring about a new era of supremacy for Arachnos.

Upholding our end of the bargain, Mercedes Sheldon took possession of the artifacts once you were done. I trust the Midnight Squad with them more than I do the Carnival of Shadows or Crey... It is what it is.


Completion of this story arc awards the Widow Maker badge.


You were instrumental in the resurrection of Red Widow, Lord Recluse's love from long ago. Only time will tell if this calms Recluse down or drives him to new heights of villainy.


  • When Arbiter Hawk was first put into the game, he shared the same appearance as Arbiter Sands. This was corrected later with a more unique face to differentiate the two Arbiters.