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Nemesis is a dangerous foe. We can't let him entrench his armies in areas of the city like this.
Nemesis is a dangerous foe. We can't let him entrench his armies in areas of the city like this.

{{Mission Objective|Entrance=|Primary=Stop harassment of civilians|Secondary=Defeat 40 Nemesis|Additional=|Completion=}}
{{Mission Objective|Entrance=|Primary=Stop harassment of civilians|Secondary=Defeat 40 Nemesis|Additional=|Completion=You have discouraged the Nemesis soldiers from harassing civilians in Crey's Folly.}}


{{Orange|Missing debriefing}}
Good job.  We have to keep on our toes in this battle against Nemesis.  Believe me when I say that his evil machinations are beyond our wildest dreams.

=== {{UL|Deliver the report to the hero oversight committee}} ===
=== {{UL|Deliver the report to the hero oversight committee}} ===

Revision as of 23:07, 19 November 2006


Anton Sampson.jpg

Anton Sampson is a hero contact in the Liberty Town neighborhood of Founders' Falls Anton Sampson is a Technology origin contact. His level range is 35-39.


Contact Introduced By

New Contact(s)

If you are looking for someone who has information on Nemesis, you should speak to Maxwell Christopher. He is a high level FBSA agent. Maxwell has access to Invention and Gadget enhancements.

Mister Christopher is a good agent, even if he is a bit gruff.


Research Technician

Anton Sampson used to be one of the leading researchers in the field of nanotechnology, but he's fallen on hard times. Just as he was nearing a breakthrough in his latest project, his laboratory was ransacked by Nemesis agents. The attack left his equipment in a shambles and Anton in a full body cast for several months. Since then he's dedicated himself to collecting information about their activities and feeding it to the heroes of Paragon City. No one is certain what became of the project Anton was working on, and he hasn't spoken about it since the day of the Nemesis attack.

Initial Contact

With groups like Nemesis around, the greatest achievements in the world can be wiped away in an instant. I hope you will help me put a stop to them.


Story Arc

Template:Souvenir Nemesis battle suit blueprints

Intercept the weapons shipment


I have a mission for you. It seems that a shipment of illegal weapons technology is coming into the city soon. My own contacts have given me a pretty good idea of where it's going to be stored, but no one knows who's going to be waiting to receive it. Could you intercept that weapons shipment?

All I've been able to learn is that the team sent to pick up the shipment is being led by a person named 'Lemleigh.' Try and arrest him, if you can.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Defeat Lemleigh and his crew
    • Find weapons shipment

You have shut down the warehouse and found information on the weapons shipment.

Shipping ledgers

These ledgers are written in code, but their size tells you that a large number of shipments have recently come through this warehouse.

Notable NPCs




Well, they got away with the shipment, but at least the armies of Nemesis won't be shipping any more illegal parts through that warehouse. Those shipping logs you found could help us track them down, if we can just break the code. I'll talk to a cryptographer I know and see if she can make anything of them.

Retrieve the ledger from Lisa Colbert


I took that coded ledger you found to a cryptographer named Lisa Colbert. It didn't take her long to crack the Nemesis code, but I'm afraid it might have gotten her into trouble. She just called me in a panic. She says she's being followed, and she thinks the perps are Nemesis' men! She's trying to avoid them, and would really like to get the ledger out of her hands. Will you go retrieve the ledger from Lisa Colbert?

Hurry. I'd hate to see anything happen to Lisa.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Defeat all soldiers in office
    • Rescue Lisa Colbert
    • Take Lisa to ledgers

You have rescued Lisa Colbert and retrieved the ledger.

Decrypted ledgers

According to Lisa Colbert, the cryptographer, these ledgers record a large number of sealed shipments from Europe. Most of them contained robotic supplies. In order to divert suspicion, the shipments were sent to several different Nemesis front companies.

One very recent shipment is labeled 'Prototype.' The final destination of that shipment is not recorded.

Notable NPCs

  • Lisa Colbert (Captive)




Lisa is safe at home, thanks to you. Her decryption of that ledger was very interesting. It looks like the Nemesis armies have been bringing in shipments from Europe for a while. The entry that really worries me is this last one, the prototype. It could be anything: a new weapon, some new armor, anything!

There's been a lot of debate about whether or not the armies of Nemesis are being led by Nemesis himself, or a copy cat. Finding a new prototype of Nemesis technology might answer that question for good.

Investigate Lovewest Trading


According to that ledger you found, the Nemesis armies have been moving their shipments through a number of front companies. If we can figure out which one was the final destination of this mysterious prototype, we may get a good idea of what those soldiers are planning . The first company on the list is an import/export business called Lovewest Trading. Would you investigate the company for me?

If the prototype is on site, you'll have to confiscate it.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Investigate Lovewest Trading

There's nothing left to find at Lovewest Trading.

Empty files

These files are completely empty. It seems likely that this company has never performed any real business at all; it is merely a shell for the schemes of the Nemesis army.

Nemesis automatons

Though the employees at Lovewest Trading looked completely human, they were in fact mechanical automatons. It seems that this entire office had been staffed with these robotic impostors.


Nemesis Automatons


Lovewest Trading was filled with killer robots? You know, Nemesis used to use robotic duplicates to replace important people in business or politics. There minds weren't that sophisticated, but the could pass as human for a while. They were key in his 1946 attempt to take over America.

Either this copy cat is good, or we're dealing with the true Nemesis himself! If it's the latter, we've got to find that Nemesis prototype. Nemesis' inventions may be diverse, but they all have one thing in common: they're incredibly dangerous.

Find a clue to the prototype's location


I've got a lead on that Nemesis prototype we're searching for. According to my sources, it seems likely that the prototype was sent to a Nemesis shell company called Gordonless Imports. Gordonless owns a lot of warehouses though, and we need to check out their main office to learn which warehouse has the prototype. I've got to warn you, there's a good chance this office will be filled with those fighting automatons you encountered at Lovewest. If you're ready to tangle with thiem again, then you might be able to find a clue to the prototype's location.

I'm certain that prototype was sent to one of Gordonless Imports' warehouses. We're really getting close.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Defeat squad leader, his men
    • Seek clues to prototype's location

You defeated the Nemesis squad leader and found a clue.

Automaton shipping slip

You found this shipping slip in a box containing a disassembled Nemesis automaton. While the slip is written in a cipher, the code seems to match the one Ms. Colbert broke earlier.

Notable NPCs


Nemesis Automatons


This shipping note you found looks like it's in the same cipher that Lisa Colbert broke earlier. I guess the Nemesis army hasn't had time to update their codes. I'll get it deciphered. It seems pretty likely that this shipment came from the same warehouse that's housing Nemesis' new prototype.

Raid Gordonless Import warehouse


I've had Lisa Colbert decrypt that packing slip you found at the Nemesis front company, Gordonless Imports. It pinpoints the warehouse that the Nemesis automatons are coming from. I really feel like we're closing in on that strange prototype we've been tracking. If you're ready, this is the time to raid the place.

I'm really worried about this prototype. The Nemesis armies already have such amazing technology! What's next?

Mission Objective(s)

  • Raid Gordonless warehouse
    • 2 clues to find

You shut down the warehouse and found some strong leads.


These handwritten notes refer to a central information storehouse that contains records on every organization successfully infiltrated by Nemesis' lifelike automatons. If these records could be recovered, it would doubtless set back Nemesis' plans.

Shipment list

These files list the items recently shipped through the Gordonless Imports warehouse. The last shipment on the list reads 'Prototype mass-production robotic weapon (disassembled).' Its final destination isn't shown.

Notable NPCs


Nemesis Automatons


You shut down Gordonless Imports hard. I think your next step should be this central information storehouse you learned of. Maybe there's something there that will lead us to the final destination of the prototype. I have to say, I really don't like the sound of this 'prototype mass-production robotic weapon.' Especially the 'mass-production' part.

Investigate the Nemesis records storehouse


I've been able to pin down the location of the Nemesis records storehouse. This could be big. There's a good chance that place contains information that can shut down a lot of nefarious Nemesis plots throughout the city. And it might just help us find that new weapon prototype they've developed. Are you ready to investigate that storehouse?

It's imperative that we find that weapon prototype as soon as possible. Anything you can learn will be a help.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Defeat all soldiers in office
    • 2 clues to find

You found a clue to the prototype's location.

Prototype transfer orders

Written on parchment with Nemesis letterhead, these are orders to ship a Nemesis battle suit to a hidden lab for final assembly and field trials. Though the lab's location is encoded in a cipher, it's a code that's been broken.

Infiltration records

These thick books are written in code, but you can tell that there are hundreds of entries. It seems likely that each one represents an automaton that has infiltrated Paragon City's government or business world. With the help of the cryptographer Lisa Colbert, this book should be a windfall in the battle against Nemesis.

Notable NPCs



Debriefing You've just won a huge battle in the war against Nemesis. These records you found should shut down a lot of the infiltration ops going on in the city. But I think what you've learned about that prototype may be even more important.

We knew it was a weapon, but I didn't think it would be a Nemesis battle suit! Nemesis often used duplicates of his own armor as heavy support troops for his soldiers. Though they were never as powerful as Nemesis himself, they were still one of the big terrors of his old army. The only reason he never fielded more of them was that they were too expensive to produce, even by his standards. If they've found a way to mass produce them, then there may be no stopping the Nemesis armies!

Stop the soldiers from assembling the prototype


According to those transfer orders you found, the Nemesis armies plan to assemble their prototype Nemesis battle suit at a hidden lab. Lisa Colbert once again cracked the code and it looks like it's off to the sewers for you! Get over to that lab and stop the soldiers from assembling that prototype!

In days of old, the fake Nemesis did a great deal of damage. I hear it was often hard for heroes to tell the difference between the real Nemesis and his hollow constructions.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Defeat all soldiers in lab
    • 2 clues to find

You have defeated the Nemesis forces and found some important information.

Assembly blueprints

These are assembly instructions for a copy of Nemesis' battle suit. While not as powerful as Nemesis' own suit, it does appear to be heavily armored and extremely dangerous. Several of the complexities of the original suit have been trimmed away, making it possible for this version to be mass produced.

Prototype test schedule

These notes detail a schedule of attacks on the city and on other villain groups. It seems these attacks have been planned as trial runs for the Nemesis battle suit.




It looks like they've already assembled the battle suit, and they're getting ready to test it! If you can make certain those tests fail, maybe they'll scrap the new battle suit as a failure.

You should know that heroes have already started rounding up the Nemesis automatons who have infiltrated the city. It seems there were hundreds in place already! If you hadn't found those records, I have no doubt that they would have done irrevocable harm to this town.

Take on the false Nemesis


Nemesis forces are about to launch an attack against a Rikti enclave in order to test their new battle suit prototype. If you can destroy the prototype there, it should derail the whole project. Are you ready to take on one of Nemesis' legendary false Nemesis?

It may get pretty confused down there, but remember that your main goal is to find and destroy the prototype. That should shut this op down pretty quick.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Defeat prototype, its handlers

You have destroyed the false Nemesis prototype.

Notable NPCs


  • The Prototype False Nemesis has 90% resistance to psychic attacks, unlike normal Fake Nemesis' which have no special resistance to psychic attacks.




The destruction of that prototype should set Nemesis' research back. Hopefully they'll abandon the entire concept as a failure.

In some ways, though, I'm more worried now than when this whole mess started. The presence of a new robot based on Nemesis technology strongly indicates that it is really the true Nemesis at the head of these new armies. A lot of people hoped that it was just a copy cat organization, but each new device makes that more unlikely. Nemesis is back and the world is certainly in trouble. It's a good thing Paragon City has heroes like you around.


Template:Mission Intro Help the Security Chief with the sewers

Check the warehouse for anything that might hint at Nemesis' next plan


I've got a mission for you, very hush-hush. I just got word that a local warehouse is storing a bunch of arms and equipment for the Nemesis Army. I've spoken to the foreman, and he's agreed to let you take a quick look around. If we can figure out what Nemesis' next big move is, it'll go a long way toward preventing it. I need you to check that warehouse for anything that might hint at Nemesis' plans.

We still don't know for certain that this new Nemesis is the real 'Prussian Prince of Automatons' who's terrorized the world for nearly 200 years. Whether this new Nemesis and his army is the original or some kind of impostor, they're extremely dangerous. Be careful on this on.

If you find anything interesting, report back to me at once.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Seek clues to Nemesis' plan
    • 5 crates to search, Prevent release of gas

After calling your contact, you receive instructions to talk to Phillipa Meraux, the counter-terrorism specialist.

Gas masks

You found these gas masks in a warehouse, awaiting delivery to Nemesis. In the 1940's Nemesis almost seized control of America by releasing a special nerve gas in dozens of cities and then holding the country ransom for the cure. His robotic armies were only barely defeated on the streets of Washington DC by a coalition of heroes and a cure for the gas was synthesized in time, but the memory of his nearly successful plot still strikes fear in the hearts of many Americas.

Canisters of gas

These canisters of gas are marked in several places with black and orange hazard warnings. You wonder if the gas in these cylinders could be related to the same neurotoxin the original Nemesis used in his 1945 attempt to take over the United States.


  • Though it's not specifically stated, you must protect the Gas Tank object from being destroyed.



Mission Objective(s)

  • Talk to Phillipa Meraux

Briefing Phillipa Meraux

Sure, I can tell you all about Nemesis' first attempt to gas the United States. Not that it'll help. See, I just don't believe he's actually playing the same tune again. That's not how the classic Nemesis operated. He was dangerously cunning, capable of running multiple interlocking plans at once, and he'd never try the same plan twice. From what I've seen of Nemesis this time, whether it's the original or not, I think he's just as capable and just as devious. You may not want to here this, but that whole warehouse mission was staged.

That's right, staged. I've done some digging on my own to confirm my suspicions, and lo and behold, the whole operation is gone. No foreman, no workers, nada. Face it, Nemesis was trying to get you and Anton Sampson so wrapped up in this fake plot, you'd never guess his real intentions.

Luckily, I've got another lead you can follow up. I don't know if this is something we can trust, but I heard that there's a lot of activity in a nearby Nemesis base. If you'll check that out, I'll bet we find he's on to a whole different scheme.

The high-tech machinery of this base all bears the stamps of Nemesis' manufacture. It boggles the mind to imagine a man so gifted in so many sciences, yet so resolutely evil.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Check out Nemesis base
    • Seek clues to Nemesis' plans

You defeated the villains and discovered that Nemesis has portal technology.

Notes Even though it isn't a stated mission objective, this mission cannot be completed until all enemies have been defeated.




So, Nemesis had a portal generator! No wonder he led us on a wild goose chase; he couldn't risk the possibility that we would learn he has portal technology. Not only is that highly illegal, it's also very, very worrisome. I hesitate to imagine the plots Nemesis might be concocting. Is he planning to bring in troops from an alternate dimension? To spread his army into another world? Maybe this new Nemesis is from another world? Or maybe the original Nemesis hid on another world during the Rikti War? There are an infinite number of possibilities, and I'm sure Nemesis is hard at work selecting the most sinister one. We'll have to be doubly on our guard from now on.

Go to Crey's Folly and make it clear that the armies of Nemesis aren't welcome


We've been getting a lot of reports of Nemesis soldiers harassing the civilians in Crey's Folly. They pretend to be noble peacekeepers, but the truth is they're just a bunch of goons with their own best interests at heart. I want you to head over to Crey's Folly and make it clear that the armies of Nemesis aren't welcome. Policing that zone is your affair, not theirs. Make sure you get that across.

Nemesis is a dangerous foe. We can't let him entrench his armies in areas of the city like this.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Stop harassment of civilians
    • Defeat 40 Nemesis

You have discouraged the Nemesis soldiers from harassing civilians in Crey's Folly.


Good job. We have to keep on our toes in this battle against Nemesis. Believe me when I say that his evil machinations are beyond our wildest dreams.

Deliver the report to the hero oversight committee


I've got bad news today. The city council just passed a new resolution requiring all heroes to submit an accounting of their activities to an oversight committee. I've spent the past few hours writing up a report of your recent missions. Could you deliver the report to the hero oversight committee? They might want to ask you some questions.

I don't know about this new resolution. It seems like the city has been trying to get a lot more control over hero activities lately.

A Report: Activities

This report details every mission you have been on in the last six months. The report was requested by a newly formed hero oversight committee, a symptom of the city's new efforts to firmly control all hero activities.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Deliver report to committee
    • 5 committee members to save

You rescued the committee members from Nemesis.

Nemesis Automatons

This crate is full of carefully sculpted life-like robotic impostors, each one modeled on a member of the city council. They are currently disassembled, but you note that there are enough pieces missing from the create for several impostor robots to have already been assembled.

The committee member's story

One of the committee members you rescued told you:

'I didn't even want to be on this stupid committee. I've always supported heroes, thought they were the best thing that ever happened to this city. But I was appointed against my wishes, just like the rest of my colleagues here. Then, today, these Nemesis goons show up. They told us we'd been selected because our pro-hero initiatives interfered with Nemesis' plan. They planned to replace us with automatons who would perform our jobs to Nemesis' liking!'




I had no idea that Nemesis could secretly hold such power within the city government. He hand-selected that committee, then tried to replace them with automatons! It's absolutely diabolical, and classic Nemesis technique. Another good indication that this could be the original Prussian Prince of Automatons and not an impostor. Either way, Nemesis may well be the greatest threat Paragon City has ever faced.

Combat Nemesis forces to show the people your opinion


Nemesis has been trying to change the way people think about him. He wants to position himself not as a world-conquering tyrant, but as a benevolent champion of the people, and at the same time he has his men on the streets with standing orders to attack well known heroes as, and I quote, 'Menaces to public order, decency, and morality,' end quote. The people of Paragon love their heroes, and after all of the times you've saved the city you have a lot of credibility. If people see that you are fighting Nemesis' activities, it would help to combat any positive opinion of him.

People just need an example to steer them away from danger, and people in Paragon look up to you. Knowing that Nemesis is an enemy of yours will help to change a lot of minds. You can do that by foiling his plans or just by battling his forces in places like Crey's Folly and Eden.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Combat Nemesis menace
    • Defeat 40 Nemesis


Whether this is the original Nemesis or a usurper to his legacy of menace, I have to wonder why he's been so focused on changing public opinion and making himself seem like a good guy. He'll have a hard time doing that with real heroes like you around, though.

Stop the violence between the Council and the Rikti


I just learned that the Rikti are raiding a Council base today. Apparently they got word that the Council has stolen some of their biotechnology and is planning to use it to enhance their soldiers. I need you to get over there and stop the violence between the Council and the Rikti right away. This is a scary situation, and I've got a bad feeling about it. I feel that if things don't go well, this one may be a failure.

Please hurry. If you don't get there soon, the violence could endanger the lives of our citizens.

Mission Objective(s)

The Council troops spout jeers and insults, but the Rikti fight in eerie silence.

  • Defeat all villains in base
    • Don't let Clark escape!

You defeated the Rikti and the Council

Notable NPCs




So the Council claimed to be completely innocent of stealing from the Rikti? Not surprising, but, based on the presence of Nemesis, I'm inclined to believe them. I've heard before that Nemesis has set groups against one another in order to learn the strengths and weaknesses of their technology. I'll bet anything that's what he's done here. And who do you think actually has that stolen tech? Why, Nemesis, of course.

Rescue the Ladies' Aid Society from Nemesis


I just got a call from a maid over at the van Horn mansion. Mimi van Horn has been kidnapped, along with all the members of the Paragon Ladies' Aid Society. Nemesis has already claimed responsibility, and he's issued his ransom demands. He wants the city to call off its plans to build the new power plant in Skyway City. The mayor will give in if he has to, but he'd rather let you handle the job. Can you rescue the Ladies' Aid Society from Nemesis? You only have 60 minutes to do so.

That new power plant will mean new jobs and decreased reliance on the old reactor in Terra Volta. The mayor is counting on you to save the women before he has to give in to Nemesis' demands.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Defeat Nemesis, save hostages - 60 minutes timed
    • 3 ladies to rescue

You rescued the Ladies' Aid Society from Nemesis.

The society lady's story

One of the ladies you rescued told you:

'They were awful; they kept calling us names! They said that the Ladies' Aid Society is just a joke, something to talk about while we sip champagne and eat caviar. According to them, only Nemesis is a true friend of the poor. He wants to stop the city from building that new power plant, because the construction will wipe out a lot of low cost housing, leaving their occupants destitute and homeless. That's just crazy! The city will pay those people for their homes!

Notable NPCs

  • 3 Society Ladies (Hostages)




I hate to break this to you, but it looks like this all worked out just the way Nemesis planned. As soon as the ladies' story got out, the people in that low cost housing district started rallying to Nemesis' cause. The sentiment is spreading; it looks like Nemesis is becoming a hero to the poor of this city.

Stop Nemesis' Macro Assembler


Nemesis just deployed one of his Macro Assemblers in the Yellow Rose Cosmetics office building. Have you ever seen one of those machines? It starts out about the size of a dump truck, but once it's deployed, it breaks itself up into all sorts of smaller machines. Then it proceeds to eat the building from the inside out! It breaks down any materials it finds and uses them to construct a new building, one to Nemesis' specifications. It will even break down people if it encounters them! You've got to stop Nemesis' Macro Assembler. You only have 90 minutes to stop it. What's more, the machines are interconnected and can only be deactivated simultaneously. So you'll need at least three teammates.

There may still be people in that building. You've go to get them out of there before they're rendered into glue!

Mission Objective(s)

  • Defeat Nemesis troops, machines
    • 4 devices to stop simultaneously, 4 office workers to rescue




You did a great job getting rid of that Macro Assembler. If we had let it work much longer, it would have developed even smaller machines that could hide in the interiors of walls, or in air ducts. The whole building would have been demolished! Or worse, turned into a Nemesis fortress. The original Nemesis advocated a highly mechanized society where all labor was done by robots and every person had a place in a perfect society. He called it utopia, but if you believe in free will it would have been closer to hell. It doesn't surprise me that to see the tradition carried on by Nemesis now, whether or not it's the original Prussian Prince.

Check out the cave Nemesis mentioned


You'll never guess what arrived at my door this morning. A note from Nemesis! He says we'll have our chance to foil his latest plan, if you'll investigate a nearby cave. It seems likely to be a trap, but we have to follow up on it. Will you check out the cave Nemesis mentioned? I know it's dangerous. But I'd be grateful if you'd try.

Toying with the authorities is one of Nemesis' trademarks. Be careful.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Defeat all villains in cave

Though there was no sign on Nemesis' forces, you defeated the Circle of Thorns and saved a sacrificial victim from them. You also recovered an artifact. After calling your contact, you receive instructions to take the artifact to Azuria for examination.

Strange necklace

You found this necklace in the Circle of Thorns base that Nemesis' note directed you to. At first glance, it appears to be nothing more than an ancient Chinese coin hung on a strand of dirty twine. But when you close your hand around it, you feel a slight pain, and you notice that the hairs on the back of your wrist begin to grow.


Circle of Thorns

Mission Objective(s)

  • Deliver the amulet to Azuria

Briefing Azuria

Of course I recognize this necklace. It is the talisman of Cho Pao, the powerful Chinese sorcerer. It has enormous restorative powers, which probably explains why Cho Pao lived to be 612. I'd guess the Circle was trying to recover their original bodies, the ones they lost so long ago. As for Nemesis, I wouldn't be surprised if he was after the exact same thing. You don't live to be 180 without taking some extreme measures; Nemesis has replaced large portions of his body with mechanical parts. No one's seen him in years, but even then he was little more than a brain inside a walking piece of machinery. It could be he's turned to magic to return his body to a human form.

You'll have to be very careful with this. I don't even want to keep it in the MAGI vaults; Nemesis would know it was there, and he's clever enough to find his way in. No, best to take it to a safe house. I'll draw you a map.

Talisman of Cho Pao

This necklace appears to be nothing more than an ancient Chinese coin hung on a strand of dirty twine. However, Azuria informed you that it is actually the Talisman of Cho Pao, a powerful Chinese sorcerer from the Shang dynasty. Its restorative powers may be enough to help Nemesis recover his human body. Nemesis was the one who tipped you off to the coin's location, and you have no doubt he is watching your every move.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Defeat all villains in safehouse




Nemesis must be fuming! He sent you to that cave hoping you'd recover the Talisman and deliver it right into his hands. Well, he was half right. Good work. I have to tell you, Azuria's feeling a little embarrassed after sending you into that trap. The next time you see her, give her a kind word.

Go to Crey's Folly and defeat as many Nemesis soldiers as you can find


I know it's hard to believe, but a lot of young men find the armies of Nemesis very attractive. Nemesis is powerful, brilliant, and the ideology he professes is respectable. I need you to get over to Crey's Folly and defeat as many Nemesis soldiers as you can find. Make sure people know that the armies of Nemesis aren't a valid career choice in this town.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Unknown, probably defeat Nemesis


Need text

External Links