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=== Von Grun's Redemption ===
=== Von Grun's Redemption ===

Latest revision as of 02:42, 10 March 2023


Vernon von Grun
Vernon von Grun.jpg
Arachnos Lab Assistant
Zone Grandville
Coordinates (2994, -1044.25, 886)[Copy]
Level Range 45-50
Introduced By == Level 40-44 ==
Dr. Forrester
Introduces == Level 45-50 ==
Operative Grillo
Enemy Groups
v  d  e

Vernon von Grun is a villain contact in the The Tangle neighborhood of Grandville at coordinates (2994, -1044.25, 886)[Copy] . His level range is 45-50.

Vernon von Grun can be found next to Operative Grillo, near the entrance to Recluse's Victory.


Contact Introduced By

Level 40-44

Contact Introduces

I know someone you should meet.

Level 45-50

A new hero bounty hunter calling herself Abyss has arrived in Grandville. Supposedly she has taken out a couple of pesky heroes, and now Lord Recluse lets her do whatever it is she does. She's put the word out that she is looking for a few villains to pick up some of the lesser bounties she's been offered. Seems everyone wants someone taken out for some reason or another, and one bounty hunter alone can't do the job.

She's terse and to the point... and she can probably kill you before your brain registered you were in danger. Watch your step with this one.

Have you met Operative Grillo? He's a rather driven man, coordinating SciTech projects for Arachnos. I know he's looking for a few Arachnos loyalists to aid him.

Operative Grillo is a true product of Arachnos propaganda, believing in Lord Recluse's utopian future.


Arachnos Lab Assistant

Vernon von Grun is a lowly lab technician working on the least prestigious part of Project Fury: Plant/Human hybrids. Rumors say that he's become jealous of Operative Grillo, and feels that he, Vernon von Grun, deserves to be more than a mere lab assistant! To that end, he's hatched an evil scheme.

Prior to Introduction

Oh, you must be Character. I am afraid that as a *grumble* 'mere lab-assistant', I have nothing that can be of interest to you. Oh, but just you wait. Yes, just wait! They said my theories were 'impractical'. The fools! They did not understand real genius even while it bides it's time cleaning their lab equipment! But one day, I'll show them! I'll show them all the power of my theories and of my amazing Scientific Mind!


Uh, I mean, I'm just an ordinary lab assistant. And NOTHING more. Perhaps you should talk to Terence Dobbs or Dr. Forrester.

Initial Contact

My name is Vernon von Grun, and I am a lab assistant. But I will not have my scientific genius confined to cleaning glassware for much longer. No! Though I now toil away as a mere lab assistant on Project: FURY, soon I will be ready to demonstrate my theories. Soon, I will be ready to show all of those who mocked my work! All I need is the right aid. The aid of a powerful villain capable of carrying out the necessary experiments to prove my theories once and for all! To make tham have to accept me and my work at the pinnacle of SCIENCE!


  • I'll show them 'radical theories'. I'll show them all!
  • Soon the whole world will rue this day!
  • They laughed at me in school. Laughed! At me!

Too Busy

How can you possibly hope to follow along with my experiments when you're already over-burdened with so much work? Science requires a clear and sharply focused mind, Character!

No More Missions

I'm sorry, Character, but after all that's happened, I have so much to do! It's been very exciting working with you on my old theories, but even though our work together finally let me become a true Mad Scientist, now I realize I need to re-evaluate them. I simply hadn't taken human factors into account. Wait! That's it! Of course, it all makes sense now! I'll simply have to eliminate all humans from the equation! It would be tricky, but for science nothing is impossible! You'll see one day, Character! I'll show them all!


(From the outset, Vernon will sell Inspirations and Level 45 Mutation enhancements.)

You handled that very well, and have shown an incredible natural acumen for science. To call our meeting fate would be to slight the laws of probability. No, this work of ours, this work we're doing is too important to minimize it so. Take my cellular telephone number. In experiments so vital, so precise, seconds can matter!

  • Level 50 Mutation Single Origin Enhancements (200% base costs)

Story Arc

Von Grun's Science

Merit Rewards: This activity awards 7 Reward Merits.

The Devouring Earth by V. von Grun

This scholarly research paper was written by Vernon von Grun, a disgruntled lab assistant to Operative Grillo with dreams of becoming a full-fledged mad scientist. Fortunately for him, he had a resource like you to help him work out

Von Grun's Science

The paper is remarkably well written, given Vernon's tendency to rant about science at strange moments. In the paper, Vernon details how the Devouring Earth work in great detail. Apparently it all starts with a semi-intelligent bacteria called 'The Will of the Earth'. Colonies of it completely re-write the genetic code of an infected creature, given sufficient time and nutrients. What's more, the Will of the Earth is able to communicate with other colonies, forming a bacteriological telepathic network. The added intelligence of other colonies allows the Will of the Earth to create larger-scale changes to creatures. Colonies of Lichen infected with the Will of The Earth are able to animate Rocks to form rock-men, alter the DNA of trees and fungi to create plant creatures, and even take over insect colonies to form cloud of stinging insects. Te greatest transformation is that of the 'Devoured', human being who have been re-engineered by prolonged and forced exposure to the Will of the Earth. Von Grun spends some time on them, and show how the process of 'Devouring' works, based on the information he gained from Pyriss, the devoured ex-heroine you captured. Von Grun also posits that the entirety of the Devouring Earth forms one single intelligence under the creature that leads it, a blob-like being called the Hamidon. Vernon promises to follow up on his theories of how Devouring Earth could be used by Arachnos as a terror weapon in his next paper.

Help Vernon von Grun get the Devouring Earth specimens he needs.


All science begins with basic research. Research must be conducted according to rigorous scientific methods. To conduct this research I will need theories, which I already have, and I will need access to equipment, which I have in sufficient quantities in this early phase, and I will need materials. Specimens. Subjects. The kinds of subjects I need are members of the Devouring Earth. These are normally dangerous to acquire, and I'm going to need a lot of them. That's where you come in.

  • Help Vernon von Grun get the Devouring Earth specimens he needs.

To prove my theories and show the greater scientific community within Arachnos the true value of my work, I will need a great deal of Devouring Earth specimens. Fortunately, the creatures are as prolific as they are dangerous, and have infested certain sections of St. Martial. I'm sending you to some of the natural caverns beneath that Island where you should be able to find a nest of them. Your job is to subdue all of the ones in that nest. I'll have them picked up later. Oh, and take this tranquilizer gun. It might help to make them more docile. It has 10 darts, but don't worry. The compound is one of my creations, and I can make more for your next job.

You received Tranquilizer Dart.


Ranged, -SPD, -Recharge, -Recovery
Temporary Power

The 10 darts from this gun are loaded with tranquilizers effective against the Devouring Earth. 10 uses.

Unnecessary Solicitation

Return once you've accomplished this task, and I'll send my teams to recover the specimens. Then there will be much examining. Oh yes.

Mission Objective(s)

Your senses are overwhelmed by the heat and moisture here. This is definitely a Devouring Earth den.

  • Subdue all DE in caves

You subdued all the Devouring Earth for Vernon von Grun.


Devouring Earth


No, no, no, no, no! No, It's nothing wrong with your work. It's just that these specimens won't work! Their nerve ganglia are insufficiently complex. There's not enough variation in them. Why, even the semi-intelligent lichen that binds and animates the rock-men isn't efficient enough, at least, not in this quantity. There's just not enough variation.

Of course!

The sample size is just too small. I'll need more. I'll simply need much, much more. Let me check my calculations, and then we should be ready.

Catch more DE for von Grun


If I am to make my theories impact the world with the brilliant hammer of enlightment only science can bring, I will need more specimens of the Devouring Earth to study. Fortunately for you, I've found another group of them that should be more advanced. The deal is the same as before, I need you to defeat them all so that I can have them collected for study.

  • Catch more DE for von Grun

Excellent! I knew I could count on you! Science is built on the shoulders of the greats who came before us, but mad science is built upon the hard labors of morally challenged fiends willing to do nightmarish things to bring the final logical horrors of reason gone mad to fruition. I'm glad that I have you to count on to help me make this all happen.

Oh, and before you go, let me give you more tranquilizer darts. Please, continue to use them. The less damage incurred subduing the specimens, the more information I can learn.

You received Tranquilizer Dart.


Ranged, -SPD, -Recharge, -Recovery
Temporary Power

The 10 darts from this gun are loaded with tranquilizers effective against the Devouring Earth. 10 uses.

Editor's Note:

This temporary power is only given to you if you didn't have it already.

Unnecessary Solicitation

I'll be waiting for your return so that I can continue my studies. Oh, the sweet expectation of scientific discovery! I've been a lab assistant for too long, denied the full-bodied taste of science by my cruel masters!

Mission Objective(s)

You've heard before that most of the Devoured used to be humans before they were transformed. Considering what they got turned into, you're probably doing them a favor.

  • Subdue all DE in caves

You subdued all the DE in the caves.


Devouring Earth


I am ecstatic about these new specimens. I almost have all that I need. Why, one of the devoured even had vestigial traces of it's original human organs inside it! How incredible! But I still need one last thing to fully understand how it works. I almost have a complete understanding of the creatures, but there remains one last area of study, one last veiled truth I must find a way to reveal. And once I have throw aside that obfuscating curtain between me and that final layer of discovery, there will be no one left in the world who will mock Vernon von Grun again

GYAAAAH - HA - HA - HA - HA - HA - HA - HA!

Capture a super devoured


I am on the cusp of a major discovery! All I need is one last very special subject to test, and probe, and dissect. That would be a Devouring Earth devoured paranormal! Yes, while many of the Devoured creatures were once humans, a few special mutants come through the process with some of their old abilities intact. And one of those is just what I need.

  • Capture a super devoured

The target is the only one I want, the rest do not matter for me to complete my work. She was once a young villainess named 'Pyriss', I believe. Her life of crime ended when she was caught by the Devouring Earth and underwent the 'Devouring', thansforming her. But she kept her powers! Those genetic traits will act as a key to understanding the Devouring Earth! By examining her genetic and physical structure, I will be able to see how the two sides were combined, and reach a complete understanding of how Devouring Earth truly operate. Then all will be ready for the next plan!

Oh, and don't forget your tranquilizer darts! They may help. Pyriss could be quite a fight, particularly if you're just on your own. Sadly, this is the last batch of darts for a while. But I'll soon have other things for you.

You received Tranquilizer Dart.


Ranged, -SPD, -Recharge, -Recovery
Temporary Power

The 10 darts from this gun are loaded with tranquilizers effective against the Devouring Earth. 10 uses.

Editor's Note:

This temporary power is only given to you if you didn't have it already.

Unnecessary Solicitation

Devoured Pyriss

Capture Pyriss! Her devoured state will be the key!

Mission Objective(s)

This place is even warmer than before.

  • Capture Pyriss

You have captured Pyriss for Vernon von Grun.


Devouring Earth

Notable NPCs


Oh, Pyriss! Though minds concerned with the follies of human existence might see your life as a tragedy, I must maintain my scientific detachment, and see your agonized exstence for what it is: My Rosetta stone! Your genetic structure will finally unlock all the secrets of the Devouring Earth to me!

The world has no idea what waits for it, but you, you shall be here to see the dawning of a new day for SCIENCE!!!


Join me!


You handled that very well, and have shown an incredible natural acumen for science. To call our meeting fate would be to slight the laws of probability. No, this work of ours, this work we're doing is too important to minimize it so. Take my cellular telephone number. In experiments so vital, so precise, seconds can matter!

The Great Grun Gathering

Merit Rewards: This activity awards 8 Reward Merits.


A hermetically sealed capsule

This hermetically sealed capsule once held a sample of the dangerous telepathic semi-intelligent mutagenic bacteria know as 'The Will of the Earth'. You stole it from Longbow for Vernon von Grun in an escapade you remember as :

The Great Grun Gathering

You'd worked with Vernon von Grun before, helping him to complete his basic research on the Devouring Earth, and was ready for the next big step. Vernon told you that he'd need several pieces that he couln't build himself for watherver it is he's planning. You were able to help get the first piece he'd need: A 'Telepathic Amplifier' you stole from the Council.

The next item Vernon needed was a bio-weapon dispersal device used for spreading out a bio-warfare agent. It took a lot of convoluted work, but in the end you managed to get one out from under the nose of the Malta Group.

The Last piece was a sample of the Will of the Earth mutagenic bacteria that was sealed off under Longbow guard. You still got the sample out of their base and back to Vernon. While he took the sample itself for his own mad schemes, he had no problem with you keeping the container it came in as a memento.

Gather components for Victor von Grun


Now that my basic research is complete, the next step is technological application. The design and assembly of all the pieces of the pieces of the apparatus I need is sadly beyond my skills. It pains me to admit it, but part of science is to gaze unflinchingly at truth. I am not a great engineer, but I am capable enough to know where to find the pieces I need. And that, my friend, is where you can help me once more. Are you ready, Character? Are you ready to wreak the terrible will of Science?

  • Gather components for Victor von Grun

Excellent! You are a true friend of science, Character. Now then, the first item I will need is a telempathic amplifier. Operative Grillo requested the one I was planning to use, curse him! But I did find out that the Council has been working on a similar device. They most likely have it in a hidden compound, and I want you get it for me. Nothing else there matters, but if you wish to conduct some esperiments in mayem yourself while you're there, be my guest. In fact, here, take this! It's but the first fruit of my newfound understanding of the Devouring Earth! These insectoid predators have been modified to lay dormant until you throw them at an enemy. And they've even been tuned so that thay have almost no chance of attacking you!

Temporary Power:


Summon Bees (Temporary Power)

These 3 vials contain innumerable Devouring Earth dormant insect predators. When the glass breaks, they'll swarm out and attack your foes. 3 uses

Unnecessary Solicitation

Once you have the telempathic amplifier from the Council, bring it back to me. It's only the first step, but it will be a very important first step.

Mission Objective(s)

You're surprised to see a Council base down here. You wonder if Arachnos doesn't know about it, or just allow it to exist?

  • Steal device from Council
    • Find Amplifier

You have stolen the Council's Telempathic Amplifier!


Telempathic Amplifier

A telempathic Amplifier is a device which can boost the inherent ability of a user to broadcast basic emotions. They are designed to be used as weapons, but rarely see deployment, because if your telepath has a mood swing or is upset with a superior officer, it can spell disaster for friendly troops caught in the area of effect. Still, many groups like to keep one of these devices around, just in case.


Ah! You have it! That's the first piece needed for my device! I haven't waited for something so eagerly since I ordered the chemistry set I used to genetically retro-engineer my dog when I was a boy. Even then they thought me mad! But they had no idea what I was truly capable of! What heights of science I will now reach, thanks to your villainous efforts!

Get the next component


The next two components I will require will be a bit trickier to get. The first one is a special bio-warfare dispersal unit. As I have learned from numerous attempts to build one in the past, creating them is a skill I simply do not have. But The Malta Group is rumored to have one. Unfortunately, getting it from them will likely be rather complicated. But where there is science, there is a way, though perhaps a ludicrously complicated one.

Mission Acceptance

Follow along as I outline the operation: Viridian the counter-intellignece expert is often in conflict with the Malta Group, and he knows the location of the Malta base where they currently have the dispersal unit. This facility is also where they do a great deal of resupply. The agent Viridian originally was going to have do this has come down with a sudden unexplained Will of the Earth infection, so he is looking for someone to enter the base tand divert some of their supply shipments to random destinations in an attempt to send the Malta Group's paranoia into overdrive. That is what I want you to talk to him about. You will do this for him, but you will also label the container with the dispersal unit in it so that it's destination will not be random, but will instead reach Dr. Creed on Mercy isle. Creed was my mentor, once, and though we had a falling out when I refused to follow his visible cranial route, he will still help me with this. Recover the device from him, then return it to me.

Oh, and security will be tight. You'll have to get pass keys from guards. And you might want to avoid patrols. Here, take more bees with you. You may need tham.

Temporary Power:


Summon Bees (Temporary Power)

These 3 vials contain innumerable Devouring Earth dormant insect predators. When the glass breaks, they'll swarm out and attack your foes. 3 uses

Get location from Viridian

Unnecessary Solicitation

After Viridian has given you the base's location, the next step will be to gain access to the secure areas of the base in which reside the crates that need diverting.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Get location from Viridian


Character, huh? You looking for something to do. That's funny. I've got something for someone like you to do. I hate coincidences. They make me suspicious. And when the agent I was going to have undertake an operation suddenly becomes sick, then a villain comes up to me and asks if I could use some help with something, it make alarm bells in my head go off. Sure, you have a good reputation, but you could be a Nemesis Automaton for all I know. But there's no way around it. I need someone to enter a Malta base for a mission, and I'm out of time. You in?

Good. The operation is simple. Divert the destination of three crates. Change the shipping labels on them, and alter the shipping address in the inventory computer. You'll have to get passkeys off two sets of guards to gain access to all the compound.

Once you're done, we're done. Understand?

Re-route Malta crates

Unnecessary Solicitation

He gave you the location? Excellent! My only other plan was to use a network of seismic sensors, but with all the Council bases, Mu ruins, secret Arachnos bases, Longbow bases, and whatnot, it would have taken years to find the right place. And though patience is a scientific virtue, a mad scientist knows when virtue must be overthrown in the pursuit of knowledge!

Mission Objective(s)

You wonder how long this base has been here? Was it in place back when you called Cap au Diable your home?

  • Re-route Malta crates
    • 4 crates to reroute
    • Adjust shipping computer
    • Get 1st pass key
    • Get 2nd pass key

Now all the labels you changed won't sent up any red flags in Malta's shipping system for a while.
This crate will soon be on its way to a 'Justin Sinclair' in Paragon City.
This crate will soon be on its way to someone just called 'Crimson' on Peregrine Island.
This crate will soon be on its way to a 'Hiram Rollins' in Poughkeepsie, New York.
The Bio-Weapon Dispersal Unit will soon be on its way to Dr. Creed.
You have misrouted all the packages and altered the records.


Malta Operatives
Get device from Dr. Creed

Unnecessary Solicitation

Yes! Now, the dispersal device should already be on it's way to Dr. Creed in Mercy Island. Make that your next destination, then bring the device back to me!

Mission Objective(s)


Why, yes, Character, I did receive that package. Vernon von Grun told me to expect it. Vernon and I did have a falling out, but I still respect him. He was so intent on keeping his useless and unnecessary skull! But perhaps I was too hard on him. He should have become a full-fledged mad scientist long ago, and I've always felt that perhaps if I had been willing to accommodate his pro-cranial eccentricity, he might have been there today. So I am glad to know that he is still trying. I think that having a respected and feared villain like yourself aiding his mad schemes will help Vernon finally break through.

And look at you! I remember seeing you run around Mercy Island committing unspeakable acts of mayhem and violence. How often I thought back then that either you would go far, or the dissection of your body would prove more interesting. And while there is still time for the latter, I am glad to see that you've done very well for yourself.

Bioweapon Dispersal Device

This devise is built to gently but very effectively disperse a bio-warfare agent into the atmosphere. You have to wonder what Vernon von Grun needs this for.


At last! Now there is only one last thing I need, on last component. Unfortunately, it is being held by Longbow in a heavily fortified island base. But that should be no obstacle to you! Indeed, for what can auto-turrets and dedicated soldiers do to stop the inexorable advance of science!

Steal Will of the Earth from heavily defended Longbow island base.


You've gotten me the bio-weapon disperser and the Telempathic amplifier. Now, there is only one last central element I will need: A sample of the Will of the Earth! Longbow has a sample gained from their battles against the Devouring Earth safely sealed away in a research bunker on a tiny island. All of my plans now rely on you getting into that Island and getting that sample for me.

But be careful! You won't be able to recall out, and Longbow is rumored to have an elite agent stationed there, code-named Indigo. She'll probably attack once you've made your move. I'd highly recommend that you bring some cronies with you.

  • Steal Will of the Earth from heavily defended Longbow island base.

The sample itself should be in a heavily guarded bunker, no doubt being analyzed by those fools. As if their primitive minds could truly comprehend the uses the Will of the Earth could be put to! As if their undeveloped brains could imagine the scientific breakthroughs awaiting he who dares to confront the truth behind the comforting illusions of the so-called real world! Remember! There is no teleport out, and once you have the sample you will be hounded by small-minded and petty fools. Take more bees! It's my last batch, but I give it to you willingly! Now go! For science!

Temporary Power:


Summon Bees (Temporary Power)

These 3 vials contain innumerable Devouring Earth dormant insect predators. When the glass breaks, they'll swarm out and attack your foes. 3 uses

Unnecessary Solicitation

The submarine is waiting for you! Hurry! I can't afford to rent it for much longer!

Mission Objective(s)

This base is buzzing with Longbow activity. This won't be easy.

  • Steal Sample and escape
    • Take Will of the Earth
      • Find Mission Exit



Notable NPCs

You stole the sample of the Will of the Earth from Longbow!

A dangerous sample

You took these refrigerated impact-proof containers of strange burbling purple fluid from a Longbow base. This stuff is the Will of the Earth, a telepathic semi-intelligent bacterial sludge that turn rocks, trees, and even people into monstrous creatures of the Devouring Earth. Whatever Vernon von Grun is planning to do with this stuff, it can't be good.

Even chilled to dormancy, you can still feel faint telepathic feelings emanating from this stuff.


Let me see the samples! Ah! Look at them! The scientific wonder! The malign intent! This stuff is the very philosopher's stone of mad science! But it is only raw, raw and unshaped. No, the true mad scientist must always push further, look beyond what is in front of him! And I will be that true mad scientist!

Soon, the experiments will be done! In the annals of science, I will make certain that your name will be there with mine.
That way when future generations of scentists look back on what we were able to accomplish, they'll know that they too must acquire the service of a villain of your caliber to make the kinds of legendary experiments we are creating here!

Von Grun's Lament

Merit Rewards: This activity awards 5 Reward Merits.


A page from a 3-ring binder

This page from a 3-ring binder is a bitter reminder of just how quickly one oversight can make even the most crazed plans of the maddest mad scientist go awry. The few words on this page, a reminder to eliminate hero interference that was lost in the shuffle, is a bittersweet reminder of the exploit you recall as:

Von Grun's Lament

After all that you'd done to help him would-be mad scientist Vernon von Grun finally confided his master plan to you. Vernon wanted the research and items you got for him so that he could build a device which would drive the Devouring Earth into an expansionistic frenzy, causing them to over-run and destroy Paragon City, then die off. But Vernon still needed your help to pull it off. The first thing he asked you to do was destroy some of the hive spires in Eden that the Hamidon uses to monitor and control it's Devouring Earth progeny. With the Hamidon blinded, you could continue without interference.

Then you took the completed growth bombs and set them down in Eden, while you were chased by the strange beasts of the Devouring Earth the entire time.

But then, nothing happened. That's when Vernon found a reference to a hero called Woodsman who might be able to stop his plans. Though Woodsman himself had perished, his spirit lived on, and could interfere with Vernon's devices. You fought the spirit of the wood, discorporating it. The growth bombs went off, but still nothing happened.

Vernon was left in a pit of the deepest despair at this failure. Would he be able to recover? Would he once more marshal his maniacal mind to malevolent movement? And could you help this young mad lab assistant finally reach the rank of full-blown mad scientist? When you tucked away this memento, those were all questions you could not answer.

Help Vernon von Grun implement his mad plan to destroy Paragon City


It is time now for you to learn the true scientific genius of my master plan! I will at last reveal all, and then complete the plan with a masterstroke! I had a theory that the processes governing the Devouring Earth could be over-ridden, not just on a one-by-one basis, but as a whole ecology! I have developed a device that will force the Devouring Earth's hives and supporting eco-system to grow at an explosive rate, allowing them to break through any defense. Then, with the proper controls I have developed, they will die off, leaving our enemies destroyed! But before Arachnos will recognize my genius, I will need to conduct a test run. A test run in the very heart of the Devouring Earth's home territory, Eden itself! A test run that will overwhelm and destroy all of Paragon City in one fell swoop! All I need is someone daring enough to enter the very core of the Devouring Earth's realms and implement my mad designs!

  • Help Vernon von Grun implement his mad plan to destroy Paragon City

I knew you would be able to gaze unblinking into the abyss and emergy with the dark bounty only mad science can bring! The first step is to blind the Hamidon to our plans. To do that, you must destroy 15 hive spires that the Hamidon uses both to communicate with it's creatures and to drink in the water it needs. With the spires destroyed, we will have some time before the Hamidon can even comprehend what's happening, much less move to stop us. You may also want to take this opportunity to examine the area. You'll be going back there several times.

Oh, and before you go, please take my latest creation with you: Creeper seeds! Simply throw them and a hideous plant monster will sprout, growing in moments to attack your foes! Take three seeds for now. I can give you more when it's time for the next mission!

Temporary Power:


Summon Plant Beast (Temporary Power)

When thrown, these three creeper seeds will immediately grow into one of the Devouring Earth's deadly plant creatures under your total control. 3 uses.

Unnecessary Solicitation

Destroy the spires, and our path will be clear! Our path... To SCIENCE!

Mission Objective(s)

An unearthly and alien natural world spreads out before you. This is the place the heroes ironically call 'Eden, the home of the Devouring Earth.

  • Destroy Hive Spires
    • 15 Hive spires to destroy

You destroyed all of the Hive Spires, blinding the Hamidon to your plans.


Devouring Earth


Excellent! Now, the next phase will be to simply plant the growth-bombs, despite the incredibly hostile and dangerous creatures that inhabit the place. And they said mad science would be difficult! The fools!

Von Grun's Triumph

After all this time, would-be mad scientist Vernon von Grun finally confided his master plan to you. Vernon wanted the research and items you got for him so that he could build a device which would drive the Devouring Earth into an expansionistic frenzy, causing them to over-run and destroy Paragon City, then die off. the first thing he asked you to do was destroy some of the hive spires in Eden that the Hamidon uses to monitor and control it's Devouring Earth progeny. With the Hamidon blinded, you could continue without interference.

Place Vernon's growth bombs in Eden


The Hamidon is now blind to our work in Eden. As blind as the established scientific community is to my genius! But now we'll open their eyes! The time has come to plant the growth bombs, and transform the Devouring Earth into a weapon under our control!

  • Place Vernon's growth bombs in Eden

These four devices are works of true genius! Each is filled with a mutated strain of the Will of the Earth (Note the green color!) that I call the Force of the Earth. This mutant strain emits a psychic signal to grow and multiply to all Devouring Earth creatures! When each device goes off, the initial signal will be amplified a hundredfold, and then sustained by the dispersed mutant bacterium. Then the Force of the Earth harmlessly dies off, taking any infected Devouring Earth with it! All of Paragon City will be crushed beneath hive-spires, and a week later, even the hardiest of the Devoured will be gone! Genius! Laugh with me!


Oh, and take some fresh creeper seeds with you!

Growth accelleration devices

These devices should drive the Devouring Earth into a frenzy of expansion, forcing them to over-run and destroy much of Paragon City. Well, assuming Vernon's plan works. Whatever does happen once you've placed all four, it should be interesting.

Temporary Power:


Summon Plant Beast (Temporary Power)

When thrown, these three creeper seeds will immediately grow into one of the Devouring Earth's deadly plant creatures under your total control. 3 uses.

Unnecessary Solicitation

Plant the devices! What are you waiting for?"

Mission Objective(s)

The strange vegetation of Eden seems to almost tremble as you come close. Perhaps it senses your evil purpose?

  • Plant Growth devices
    • 4 devicese to place

You placed all four growth bombs.


Devouring Earth


The timers on the devices will go off any minute now. Soon, the world will be awash in televised coverage of the destruction of Paragon City!

Any moment now.

Helpless heroes.

Terrified citizens.

Buildings topple.

The whole thing, moments after the devices activate.

When they activate any minute now...

WHAT'S GOING ON? Where is my panic and terror? Where is the nightmarish destruction as the old world is swept away by the glory of science? Something has gone wrong.

Get Vernon's schemes back on track


This is terrible! Nothing bad is happening! We did everything perfectly, but something has gone wrong! My plans are all off-track. Mad science isn't supposed to go wrong like this! But the true test of a mad scientist is how much worse you can make things go wrong. I must examine my notes. It can't have been my scientific genius, and you're too capable a villain to have made a mistake. No, it must have been someone else's fault! And I think I know who! But it won't be easy. You might want to gather some allies to you for this, if I'm right.

  • Get Vernon's schemes back on track

Here it is, right in my notes!

'Eden is often patrolled by the spirit of a hero called Woodsman, who helps to keep the Devouring Earth in check. Woodsman's powers could easily keep the bombs from detonating. Under no circumstances should I proceed with the plan until Woodsman has been discorporated and can no longer interfere!'

Looks like that page of the plan fell out of my 3-ring notebook. I knew I should have gone with spiral-bound. No matter! You, my loyal ally, must return to Eden once more and strike down the Woodsman, the spirit of the wood!

Oh, and take these fresh Creeper seeds! They're the last batch for a while so use them when you need them.

Temporary Power:


Summon Plant Beast (Temporary Power)

When thrown, these three creeper seeds will immediately grow into one of the Devouring Earth's deadly plant creatures under your total control. 3 uses.

Unnecessary Solicitation

Once Woodsman has been defeated and his spirit dispersed, then the plan can proceed.

Mission Objective(s)

An unnatural feeling of calm pervades this place. Like something is soothing the savage wilderness.

  • Defeat Woodsman

You have defeated the Woodsman.

A page from a 3-ring binder


Devouring Earth

Notable NPC's


Woodsman has been defeated, but still nothing is happening! The bombs should have gone off. There should be images of terror and the destruction of Paragon City! This is driving me mad? How will I ever rule the world when I can't even accomplish a plan this simple? In the equation of my life, X has been found equal to despair!

Von Grun's Redemption

Merit Rewards: This activity awards 20 Reward Merits.


An issue of 'Mad Science Weekly'

The cover story of this long-running magazine for demented inventors and mad scientists is all about the top up-and-coming mad scientists and how they made it into the big leagues. And pictured on the cover in mid-rant is someone you know very well indeed, Victor von Grun, the man you helped make his break in the world of mad science through a little caper you remember as:

Von Grun's Redemption

When you spoke to Vernon von Grun again, he was in shambles. The constant failures had nearly ruined his self-confidence. You slapped him back into shape, and got him to pull himself together. The first step was to determine what had gone wrong when the growth bombs finally did go off. Why had the Devouring Earth not over-run Paragon City? You returned to Eden to find out, only to discover that some of the Devouring Earth had lost their hostility to the city's heroes! Much to his mounting horror, it seemed that Vernon's plans had ended up helping the people of Paragon City!

But that wasn't all! Devouring Earth had been seen fighting each other, something that had never happened before. Fearing the worst, Vernon sent you to subdue one of these nests of in-fighting Devouring Earth so that he could examine them.

Before Vernon could finish his examination, you learned that an Arachnos base had been over-run by Devouring Earth! Vernon quickly realized that if the attacking creatures showed signs of infection with his own Force of the Earth mutant mutagen it could all lead back to him. You went in to salvage what you could of the situation. When you returned, Vernon had learned that the in-fighting creatures had been infected by his mutagen, and so had the ones you had just faced. Unfortunately, other Arachnos scientists had also discovered Vernon's involvement.

Arbiter Daos called for you, and you suspected the worst. Vernon wasn't through yet, and told you that Crey had captured a Hamidon Organelle and were holding it at their main facility. If you survived the interview with Daos, you were to investigate this in the hope it would reveal what had gone wrong with Vernon's plan. It turned out that you didn't need to worry about Arbiter Daos. He was actually quite glad you were helping Vernon von Grun, and explained that Arachnos felt it needed more mad scientists like von Grun to keep up with other villain groups like the Council. As he prepared to see how well Vernon ranted under pressure, you checked out the Crey base. The Organelle was there, and as you examined it the strange being's mind touched your own. You learned that the Hamidon's control of the Devouring Earth was being usurped by a young heroine called Zenflower, and that her influence was behind the changes in their behavior. This news really got Vernon fired up.

Vernon was close to perfecting a counter-agent to his own work when the Devouring Earth attacked the lab where he worked. You managed to salvage his work, and even save some of his co-workers.

Vernon had realized that the only way to set things right was to break Zenflower's control over the Devouring Earth directly before she could permanently cement it. It would probably allow the Hamidon to take control again, but anything was better than having the Devouring Earth used for the good of all mankind and have it be Vernon's fault. Armed with Vernon's latest effort, a version of his Force of the Earth mutagenic bacteria that could sow confusion in your enemies, you returned to Eden one last time. Despite her haiku-filled banter, you were able to defeat the nature princess and end her control over the Devouring Earth's alien ecology.

When you returned, Vernon had just gotten the letter he'd waited his whole life for. The Mad Scientists of the world had finally offered him his credentials. Lowly lab assistant Vernon von Grun was now a full-fledged Mad Scientist. He thanked you for all your help, and began to work on all the things he'd need to one day RULE the WORLD!

You saw this magazine a little later. Vernon's already considered one of the rising mad scientists in his field. And every time you hear about him wreaking terror on the unsuspecting citizens of the Earth, you can take a moment and think how you knew him back then.

Get Vernon to pull himself together and get back to doing evil!


Oh. It's good to see you, I guess. I'm sorry, it's just that this string of failures is weighing heavily on me. I had dreamed of watching the world, you know, tremble before my scientific genius and stuff. But all of these failures! Mad scientist? Pah! I should be happy if they'll even employ me as a mad shop teacher after this! I had the help of one of the most powerful villains in the world, and I what do I have to show for it? Oh, where on the graph do 'Loser' and 'Wanna-be' meet? *sniff* That's right! {{{1}}}

  • Get Vernon to pull himself together and get back to doing evil

You'll still work with me? Even after all that's gone wrong? Then I will pull myself together! If I'm to be a mad scientist, then I have to act like one, and the first rule of science whether sane or mad is to examine the evidence. I need you to return to Eden, and find out what's going on. There may be some Longbow in the area, they may know something.

Unnecessary Solicitation

My plans may be in ruins, but I must let this be no more than a set-back. Help me, Character. You're the only hope I have left.

Mission Objective(s)

Eden feels differents this time. And the distinctive uniforms of Freedom Corps might explain what's going on.

  • Find out what went wrong
    • Kidnap two scientists

The captured scientist will surely tell you what you need to learn.


Devouring Earth
Paragon Police Department


Those scientists you found told me a great deal, but they were rescued by Blue Steel before I could learn enough. It seems that the Devouring Earth have become more docile after my devices went off, exactly the opposite effect as I had wanted! The heroes have no idea why it's happening, but they're more than happy to see it occur. and what's worse, the heroes are taking the opportunity to recover previously devoured people, and attempt to transform them back with captured Rikti biotechnology! They're using my evil plans to use their science to do good! And I WILL NOT tolerate that!

For a brief moment I thought I was done with science, but this lights the three-foot tall Bunsen burner flame of madness! It heats the crucible of science within me, and the noxious vapors that issue forth are nothing less than the poison fumes of MAD SCIENCE!

Laugh with me!


The dark days of Vernon von Grun

When you spoke to Vernon von Grun again, he was in shambles. The constant failures had nearly ruined his self-confidence. You slapped him back into shape, and got him to pull himself together. The first step was to determine what had gone wrong when the growth bombs finally did go off. Why had the Devouring Earth not over-run Paragon City? You returned to Eden to find out, only to discover that some of the Devouring Earth had lost their hostility to the city's heroes! Much to his mounting horror, it seemed that Vernon's plans had ended up helping the people of Paragon City!

Subdue in-fighting Devouring Earth specimens


Those fool scientists did not tell me all I needed to know before they were rescued, but at least we did learn that the heroes of Paragon City know nothing. However, there may be another place we can seek for clues. I have heard reports that the Devouring Earth in St. Martial have been seen fighting among themselves! Such a thing should be impossible, but study of the bodies could yield impressive results. I'll need you to return to St. Martial and subdue a nest of Devouring Earth where some of this infighting is occurring.

  • {[green|Subdue in-fighting Devouring Earth specimens}}

I have the point marked here. Just subdue all of them, that should be fine. Oh, and take this. It's my last batch of Tranquilizer darts. You just might need them.


(Temporary Power)

The 10 darts from this gun are loaded with tranquilizers effective against the Devouring Earth. 10 uses.

Unnecessary Solicitation

I have the point marked here. Just subdue all of them, that should be fine.

Mission Objective(s)

While it's good to see Vernon back to his old self, something about this whole mess seems off. Like there was an element you don't know about yet.

  • Subdue Devouring Earth

You managed to subdue all of the creatures. But it was kind of weird.

Editor's Note:

Even though it isn't a stated mission objective, this mission cannot be completed until all enemies have been defeated.


Devouring Earth


It will take some time to analyze the creatures. Something must have gone awry when the growth bomb went off, but what? I can only hope that nothing goes disastrously wrong before I have a chance to figure out what has happened.

The dark days of Vernon von Grun (part 2)

But that wasn't all! Devouring Earth had been seen fighting each other, something that had never happened before. Fearing the worst, Vernon sent you to subdue one of these nests of in-fighting Devouring Earth so that he could examine them.

Investigate Devouring Earth attack on Arachnos base


Something has gone disastrously wrong! The Devouring Earth have started attacking Arachnos bases! If they've been infected by my Force of the Earth mutagen, this could all lead right back to me, er, us! Oh, who could have anticipated such a turn of events could come to pass when I began playing with an intricate and alien eco-system and the semi-intelligent monstrosities that dwelled within it? I have learned of one such base already under attack. You must investigate it!

  • Investigate Devouring Earth attack on Arachnos base

The base is most likely already lost, but if you can recover the base commander and shut down the computer system, that should help to mitigate the loss. If the commander falls in combat, though, it could be bad...

In the meantime, I will continue examining the creatures you collected previously. If they have been infected by my Force of the Earth mutagen, then this will all be my fault. Oddly, I find that thought at once horrifying and pleasing. Part of the fun of Mad Science is when it goes horribly awry, after all!

Oh, and take this, my last Vial of Bees with you! I'm certain you'll find some use for the little terrors!


Summon Bees (Temporary Power)

These 3 vials contain innumerable Devouring Earth dormant insect predators. When the glass breaks, they'll swarm out and attack your foes. 3 uses

Unnecessary Solicitation

Make sure both to shut down the computers and evacuate the base commander. This mission will fail if he is defeated.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Investigate DE Attack
    • 3 computers to deactivate
    • Rescue Base Commander
    • Lead Base Commander out

You got the Base Commander out and shut down the computers.


Devouring Earth

Notable NPCs


You bring good news just in time! My suspicions were correct. These Devouring Earth have all been infected with my Force of the Earth mutant mutagenic bacteria. Unfortunately, several other Arachnos scientists have also uncovered this fact. I fear we will be meeting with Arbiter Daos very, very soon.

The dark days of Vernon von Grun (part three)

Before Vernon could finish his examination, you learned that an Arachnos base had been over-run by Devouring Earth! Vernon quickly realized that if the attacking creatures showed signs of infection with his own Force of the Earth mutant mutagen it could all lead back to him. You went in to salvage what you could of the situation. When you returned, Vernon had learned that the in-fighting creatures had been infected by his mutagen, and so had the ones you had just faced. Unfortunately, other Arachnos scientists had also discovered Vernon's involvement.

Help Vernon undo the terrors he has wrought, after talking to Arbiter Daos


Well, it looks like the cursed gaze of responsibility for the destruction I have wrought has been turned upon us by no less than Arbiter Daos himself! A Night Widow delivered an 'invitation' to a meeting with him. However, Daos wishes to speak to you first, no doubt to get separate stories from us. And I was SO CLOSE! I had just learned that Crey industries have captured an organelle of the Hamidon, the creature that spawns the Devouring Earth! That thing could tell me what I wish to know, and allow me to undo my tragic mistakes! And now I must spend all my time preparing my case for Arbiter Daos! But wait! There may yet be time! That is, if you are still willing to help, Character?

  • Help Vernon undo the terrors he has wrought, after talking to Arbiter Daos

First, you must speak to Daos, there is no avoiding that grim task. Then, while Daos interrogates me, you will enter the Crey Compound here on Grandville, and find that Organelle. I will use that information to find a way to undo all that I have done!

But first, take these, my last Creeper Seeds. Use them well!

Temporary Power:


Summon Plant Beast (Temporary Power)

When thrown, these three creeper seeds will immediately grow into one of the Devouring Earth's deadly plant creatures under your total control. 3 uses.

Talk to Daos

Unnecessary Solicitation

Speak with Daos. I must prepare my own case. Then find that organelle in the Crey laboratory!

Mission Objective(s)

  • Talk to Daos


We've been watching you help out Vernon von Grun, Character. In fact, we've had our eye on him for a while now. Von Grun is a genius, alright. He's also reckless, immoral, obsessed, and likely a danger to everyone around him. In other words, a perfect mad scientist candidate. We've been wondering when he'd finally make his big break, and it looks like what he needed was some professional help. A pro-level villain, I mean. Like you.

I'm not upset about the base. A base here or there is a small price to pay for good mad science. Why do you think we keep Dr. Aeon around? That guy's a complete loon, but if you need to power a city by tapping into an entombed demon, you can't let sanity stop you. And organizations like ours always need more mad scientists. Sure, we've got Aeon and Weaver-1, and even Grillo when he really gets into it. But compare that to the Council: Nosferatu, Vandal, Arakhn, Burkholder, even Requiem dabbles in mad science sometimes. And don't even get me started on Nemesis! We need more mad scientists if we're to keep up, and we've been hoping that von Grun would make the leap. It looks like he will, thanks to your help.

Now, I have to interrogate him to see how well he rants under pressure. In the meantime, you should check out that Hamidon organelle the Crey have.

Examine the Organelle

Unnecessary Solicitation

Hurry and investigate that Hamidon Organelle! I must prepare. I cannot let Arbiter Daos learn of my plans, or we'll be doomed for sure! His small rule-bound mind could never understand the grand sweep of my scientific genius!

Mission Objective(s)

You'll have to find the Organelle, and you should probably eliminate the base manager while you're at it. No reason to go half-way.

  • Examine the Organelle
    • Defeat Manager


The Hamidon Speaks!

The moment you approached the container with the organelle in it, an alien, but strangely human mind touched yours:

'I am the Hamidon. Through this small piece of my greater being, I contact you. I know of you. You have helped to disrupt the balance of the Devouring Earth, my Devouring Earth. In the chaos of the false-growthtime, as a blindness you caused gripped me, there came another. A human, who in the unnatural individuality of mankind calls herself 'Zenflower', appeared. She had been tutored by the Spirit of the Wood, and used this knowledge. She drank of the Unclean Will-of-the-Earth, and mastered it. And even now she seeks to tame the Devouring Earth! Stop her! Or else the heroes will have powerful new allies, and we all shall lose.'


Amazing! Mental contact with Hamidon Pasalima, the mad genius who became the Hamidon and created the Devouring Earth! Did you get a sample? No, wait, must stay focused. The important thing is that we can not allow the heroes to gain by this. If this 'Zenflower' succeeds in domesticating the Devouring Earth, it will be a disaster for all the evil in the world. And if there is anything mad scientists CAN NOT abide, it is the forces of good profiting from his plans! I will not allow it!

Fortunately, my interrogation went well. It seems that while Arbiter Daos is concerned, he has no concrete evidence. Indeed, Daos suspects NOTHING of my genius! Or of my true plans to RULE the WORLD!

Laugh with me!


I don't know if you've noticed but I've been trying a couple different styles of evil laugh. It's hard to pick the right one.

The dark days of Vernon von Grun (part four)

Arbiter Daos called for you, and you suspected the worst. Vernon wasn't through yet, and told you that Crey had captured a Hamidon Organelle and were holding it at their main facility. If you survived the interview with Daos, you were to investigate this in the hope it would reveal what had gone wrong with Vernon's plan. It turned out that you didn't need to worry about Arbiter Daos. He was actually quite glad you were helping Vernon von Grun, and explained that Arachnos felt it needed more mad scientists like von Grun to keep up with other villain groups like the Council. As he prepared to see how well Vernon ranted under pressure, you checked out the Crey base. The Organelle was there, and as you examined it the strange being's mind touched your own. You learned that the Hamidon's control of the Devouring Earth was being usurped by a young heroine called Zenflower, and that her influence was behind the changes in their behavior. This news really got Vernon fired up.

Help Vernon clean out his lab


I am very close to putting an end to this heroic usurpation of my mad scientific genius, but a problem has occurred. Something has re-awoken many of the Devouring Earth specimens I had you capture, and now they're running riot in my own lab! They could well destroy my work if they are left unchecked. Character, you must help me to subdue the beasts in my lab or else all will be lost.

  • Help Vernon clean out his lab

You'll have to defeat all of the beasts, as well as recover 3 pieces of my work for safe keeping. As you know, I work for Operative Grillo on the Fury project. So, it, ah, isn't just my lab. There are other people there, and they are sort of my co-workers, so it might be good if you could get them out too. I may be mad, but I did just order some boxes of spiderling-scout candy from one of their daughters and I'll never get them if all of my co-workers are devoured.

Unnecessary Solicitation

You must contain the problem in my lab! And don't forget to save my co-workers or else I'll never get my boxes of spiderling sweets!

Mission Objective(s)

How many dull hours did Vernon spend here, inventing mad plans while he spent his life in day-to-day drudgery?

  • Save Vernon's lab
    • Save 3 scientists
    • Save 3 project elements

Editor's Note:

Even though it isn't a stated mission objective, this mission cannot be completed until all enemies have been defeated.


Devouring Earth
Part of Vernon's work

You've gathered part of the elements necessary for Vernon to complete his work on creating a counter-agent to his own mutant strain of the Will of the Earth.


You have done well. My lab is saved, and now it is time to complete my work. My mad genius has been mis-used by the hated heroes of Paragon City and this 'Zenflower' creature. It is time now to restore the unnatural balance and bring about her doom! And you, my ally, you shall be the one who carries forth the blazing torch of my scientific glory to burn away the false hopes of those who cling to the out-dated ways and morals of the old order!

The dark days of Vernon von Grun (part five)

Vernon was close to perfecting a counter-agent to his own work when the Devouring Earth attacked the lab where he worked. You managed to salvage his work, and even save some of his co-workers.

Defeat Zenflower and free the Devouring Earth from her control


It has all built up to this moment! Zenflower has been seen in Eden, asserting her control over the Devouring Earth in their own den! Control that she has usurped from me! Power that should be rightfully mine! And Zenflower is powerful, in fact she may soon have the alliance of the entire Devouring Earth if she is not stopped. Therefore, now must be the moment that we stop her! Make whatever dark pacts and shadowy alliances you must to bring along as many cronies as you can. Now is the time for the final battle: Mad Science versus Mutant Nature!

  • Defeat Zenflower and free the Devouring Earth from her control

Defeat Zenflower. She cannot be allowed to consolidate her hold over the Devouring Earth. Even though it may return them to the control of the Hamidon, that's better than having them be used to help mankind for the good of all!

You have seen me through many things. From my early trials to the moment of my ultimate victory was cruelly snatched away, and finally to this! Now is the time to end this tale of mad science gone awry by defeating she who would use my evil work for good. Many mad scientists would have quit long ago, but my long years as a mere lab assistant have taught me diligence. And after this mistake has been wiped away, I think all that I have learned working with you will also serve me well.

Oh, and take this. It is my final formulation of the Force of the Earth. Use it, and it will cause such confusion among your foes from conflicting empathic impulses that they will not be able to tell friend from foe.

Temporary Power


Foe Confuse (Temporary Power)

This vial of the intelligent bacteria has been modified. Now, instead of creating a unifying psychic bond between Devouring Earth, infected DE creatures will attack their own allies. 5 uses

Unnecessary Solicitation

Defeat Zenflower. She cannot be allowed to consolidate her hold over the Devouring Earth. Even though it may return them to the control of the Hamidon, that's better than having them be used to help mankind!

Mission Objective(s)

  • Defeat Zenflower


Devouring Earth

Notable NPC's


I saw the news. Zenflower is down and the Devouring Earth are returning to their old ways. But that's barely important now. Character, look! I just got it in the mail. It's my card. My union of scientific evil card! The papers have been signed by Grillo and Dr. Creed, and everyone! I did it! Thanks to you I did it! I'm no longer Vernon von Grun, mere lab assistant, I am now Vernon Von Grun, Mad Scientist! I couldn't have done it without you! Now, there's so much to do! I'll have to give my 2 week notice in the traditional fashion by attempting to build a killer robot or evil demi-human clone, of course, and there'll be setting up a lab. Oh, and I'll need some twisted assistants, must give back to the community. And a master plan to RULE the WORLD! But I couldn't have done it without you! There's so much to do, but thank you, Character, thank you! You've made my mad dreams of making science run amok finally come true! I'll never forget you, and the world will never forgive you!


Vernon von Grun possesses no missions outside of his Story Arcs.