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Revision as of 00:06, 19 November 2011


Zone Atlas Park
Coordinates (450, 0, -417)[Copy]
Level Range 5-19
Introduced By None
Badges Shining Star
Brightest Sun
v  d  e

Twinshot is a hero contact in the Atlas Plaza neighborhood of Atlas Park at coordinates (450, 0, -417)[Copy] . Her level range is 5-19.


Contact Introduced By

  • None, you automatically receive her as a contact when you hit level 5

Contact Introduces

+++ Missing Information +++


Prior to Introduction

Missing Prior to Introduction Dialogue

Initial Contact

Missing Initial Contact Dialogue


  • Hey there, Character. Got something on your mind?

Too Busy

Missing Too Busy Dialogue

Too Low Level

Sorry, kiddo, but this is the cool kids' table. Not saying you're not cool, but hey, you know how it is.

Under Level 10

Looks like we're movin' on up, you know, like those President guys. Or something like that. That was totally way before my time, you know? What I do know is that we're going to need some time to set up our new base. Swing by and talk to me when you're Level 10, and we can check out the new digs.

Under Level 15

I... I need some time to unwind, kiddo. That mission in Galaxy took more out of me than I thought it would. Look, why don't you come back later... say, when you're Level 15ish. Just give me some time.

No More Missions

Missing No More Missions Dialogue


Wandering around the nation for several years after being discharged from the military, acting as a hired gun to whoever would hire her.

After some time, she got over her disillusionment and remembered why she joined the military to begin with and began fighting for 'what was right'.

Working together with Proton, they fought together to bring justice to Paragon City. Adding Dillo and Flambeaux to the mix, Twinshot is always on the lookout for a fresh face who wants to make a difference.


Missing Store Unlock Dialogue

Story Arc

The Shining Stars - A New Day Dawning (levels 5-9)

Introductions Are In Order


Hey there, kid. The name's Twinshot, but you can just call me Twinshot. Your name has been floating around out there for a bit now and I'm hearing good things. I figure that maybe you might want to hang out at the cool kid's table. So I'm gonna go head over to where me and my buddies are hanging out and let them all know you're coming on over. Sound good?

Yeah, I'll hang out with you guys.

Mission Acceptance

Cool, cool. So here's the addy where you can find us and the door code to get in. Stop by whenever and I'll introduce you to all the rest.

Mission Objective(s)

This sounds like the place Twinshot told you to show up at. Find the Intercom Terminal to let Twinshot know you're here.

  • Meet the Gang!
    • Use the Security Intercom Terminal
    • Talk to Twinshot
    • Talk to Proton
    • Talk to Flambeaux
    • Find and talk to Dillo
    • Return to the entrance and help Twinshot
    • Talk to Twinshot

You met the whole gang, and even helped out a newer member. Now you need to meet up with Twinshot outside where she's hanging out.



Notable NPCs

Security Terminal

This looks like the security terminal Twinshot told you to use when you showed up. Large flashing words indicate that you should choose one of the buttons below the screen.

Notification: You are on private property. Identify yourself at once!

My name is Character. Twinshot sent me.

Words begin streaming across the display.


IMPOSTER! REAL IDENTITY: Arachnos Infiltration Agent.

Initiating self-destruct sequence in t-minus five seconds and counting...

Wait! I'm not from Arachnos! I swear I'm really Character!

I'd prefer to keep my identity secret, thank you.

Words begin streaming across the display.

Unknown entities are to be terminated on sight!

Initiating self-destruct sequence in t-minus five seconds.

Hold on! Twinshot knows who I am!

My name is Inigo Mon--

Words begin streaming across the display.

Seriously? You went there? C'mon... That joke is, like, over twenty years old.

Just for that, this terminal will self-destruct in 5 seconds.

You're kidding. Tell me you're kidding!

(All answers end up with this sequence)


Is this for real?


But you can't just--


Hey, wait a second! You forgot three!!!


[Step away from the terminal]

(When you get to ONE the security terminal will 'talk' to you.)

(At this point, Twinshot spawns.)


Had you going, eh? You should have seen your face.

At least you didn't try to blow up the terminal the way that Flambeaux did when I pulled that trick on her.

What was that all about?

It's something I do to all the new guys. Keeps 'em on their toes. So, even though I think you're cool, my buddies might think you're a square, you know?

Now, I've already put in a good word for you, so this should be easy. Let's go introduce you to them.

Sounds good to me. Who's first?

Let's go chat it up with Proton. This is his place we're hanging out in, so I figure he'd want to meet the person who's tromping around the place, you know? He should be around here somewhere.

Oh yeah, up on the second floor. Down the hallway and up the elevators. I'll let you lead the way so you can get a good feel of the place.


(Twinshot joins you as an ally.)


Hello, Let me introduce myself. I am Proton, and I welcome you here to my lab. It may not be much, but considering my unusual circumstances, it was the best I could cobble together on short notice.

Unusual circumstances?

Oh, that's a long story, and one that I'll be happy to share once we get to know each other a little better.

Although I am looking forward to that time, currently I'm in the midst of running some very important analyses of recent data I've collected. And I need every moment I can get that affords me peace and quiet.

I apologize for disturbing you.

Oh, no! I didn't mean to imply that you were the one disturbing ---

Proton looks towards the direction of the new guest with a look of disappointment on his face...

(Flambeaux spawns)

I take it this is the person?

Oh darn... Well, it would seem that my experiment will need to be concluded later.

Ah... then it is her.

Ah Flambeaux, my dear...

Well, yes. I am doing the science again. A lot of science, actually. One could say I'm doing, oh, tons and tons of the science.

Perhaps I should let you get back to work?

No no, that's quite alright. I'm quite certain that I'll be unable to get any work done for, unfortunately, a very good while. However, I do thank you for your kindness, friend. Not everyone is so understanding.

Proton looks to Flambeaux with a polite smile on his face.

Flambeaux, have you met our new friend, Character?

I'll talk with her so you can get back to work.

You turn and talk with Flambeaux.


Hey there. The name's Flambeaux, because I'm hot. Like, hot because of fire, right? And also because, well, I'm hot.

Oh... Well... Uh... I see...

Don't listen to her - she's just jealous. I keep trying to tell her that the brooding emo look is sooo last year.

That's... Interesting, I think.

What? Where are you going, Proton?!

Great. Way to go, Twin. You just scared him away with your tough-guy look again.


So... I bet you have a lot of questions about me, don't you? Don't worry, it's natural - most people do. Well, where do I begin... Okay, so, like, I came here to Paragon City because I felt people needed a hero, right? And I knew that I'm so totally a hero, okay? So then-

Um... Twinshot?

But I was just getting to - FINE! I guess that little pipsqueak is more important than hearing about how I can make fire like totally shoot from my hands.

Well, I'm coming along, too!

Let's go find Dillo.

(Flambeaux joins you as an ally)


'*hoorb*You are the friendly earthling that says Character! Correct, correct, yes?!


Dillo makes air sounds at you in greeting!

I... Uh... Air sounds?

Correct, correct! *hoorb* I am making air sounds like an Earthling so we can be friends! You are for friends with me, correct, correct?

I... Um... Think the answer is yes?

Jubilations and - how does the Earthlings say - the hot dogs! I can not make air sounds to say my energy sign - oh, Earthlings say 'name' - but my friends say that I am Dillo. You can bellow air and say Dillo to me, too. I will say Character to you and we will be happy! Correct, correct!

Um, is he saying we're friends now?

'*hoorb* I am from a world that is not Earth. And I come to warn the Earthlings of dangers.

The Proton and the Twinshot say it is too late because Shivans moved faster than me.

So now I stay and annihilate Shivans and end all existence of life signs of Shivan peoples!


For Earth!

You're here to help us with the Shivans?

Correct, correct! We own encounters with Shivans where annihilation was given as our gift.

(Twinshot leaves your party)

Dillo momentarily turns his attention to Twinshot.

'*hoorb* We will make sounds at you in future times, the Twinshot.

Dillo resumes speaking with you.

So my sounds are being made to say that we now find other life-clusters and give warnings to them. And I chose Earthling clusters!

Your people were destroyed?

Not all my people. Only in your counting of ten and eight of my planets were removed. My people still have three left.

Oh, that's horrible!

'*hoorb*The Flambeaux wants to make air sounds about her person! We like to listen to her, since she makes many, many air sounds! Let us open the breath-holes and listen to her air sounds, correct, correct?

Actually, I think your story is more -

The conversation pauses as Twinshot comes over the intercom.

[Caption] Twinshot: Listen up, kids. Looks like we have some unwelcome guests at the front door.
[Caption] Twinshot: How about you all lend a hand?

Dillo appears to swell up and you feel a slight vibration in your teeth for no explicable reason.

The Twinshot requests assistance! We must go!

I'm right with you!

(Dillo joins you as an ally)


I am Grym, and I come from another land. I wish to join your group so that I may guard over your safety.

Why do you want to do that?

I have been chosen to bear the honor of protecting this city. I see that you are unable to defend yourself from the spider lords.

Well, I guess there is that. How do we know we can trust you?

By tracing the silver cord of my aura - Ah, yes... You possess inferi - different - senses than I do. Then you will need to use your own judgement.

Well, I guess...

Then it is settled. I shall choose a small area nearby and make a den.



Well, turns out is was a bit more exciting than I had originally planned. So whaddya think? Do we seem like people you'll want to hang with?

Sure, I'll think about it.

Okay, same here. I need to chat with the guys and see what they think about you.

That seems fair.

Why don't you meet me back in Atlas in a few and I'll let you know what they had to say.

See you there.


Thanks for stopping by. Everyone seemed to like your style, so they wanted me to ask you if you wanted to join up with our team. You know, friends and all that stuff. How's that sound, kiddo?

Ongoing Training


Hey there, kiddo. So I was thinking... You held your own pretty well with those Arachnos guys storming the place last time, right? But you could always use a couple of pointers here and there. Now I could show you a thing or two, but I'm not really a good teacher. However, I know someone who I could put you in touch with. Interested?

Sure. Where do I find him?

You can find HER outside City Hall. The name's Ms. Liberty. You may have already met her before, but the gal's pretty busy helping people out so you may not have had a real chance to get to know her. You let her know that you're a friend of Twinshot and she'll likely take some time out to chat with you.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Talk to Ms. Liberty
    • Fort Trident

Mission Objective(s)

  • Ride the Monorail from Atlas Park to Kings Row.
    • Use your map to find the Monorail Station
    • Talk to Blue Steel
    • Defeat Skulls in Kings row!
      • Defeat 10 Skulls

You managed to get a few more Skulls off the streets and made the city that much safer.



Ms. Liberty

Hi there! I can help you with all of your training needs. Come to me anytime you feel your personal training is - I'm sorry, what was that?

I'm Twinshot's friend. She said you could give me some pointers?

Oh, you're Twin's friend? I know I've seen you around before, but I didn't know you were hanging out with her. Let me tell you something about that girl... She's got a good heart, you know?

Any friend of Twinshot is a friend of mine. What would you like me to help you with?

Why do I come to trainers for leveling?

A bunch of us here in Paragon City like helping other people. For instance, did you know there's a place where you can actually talk with other heroes just like you and I? I think they call it the Help Channel. But back to what I was saying.

When you gain a new level of experience, you may not know how to push your powers to that next level. However, that's what we trainers help you do. We show you all the things you can do with your powers.

How do I gain levels?

As you perform tasks for the safety of the people of Paragon City, you'll gain more and more experience. Once you've had your fill of learning the ins-and-outs of crimefighting, you'll increase your security level. That's when you want to come to me or another trainer and we'll show you how to take your powers up to the next level, too.

How do I know when to come to you?

You'll have a mental indicator letting you know it's time. Think of it like a flashing arrow. After we talk, you can decide where you want to apply your newfound powers. Sometimes you'll want to increase a power you already have, and other times you might even learn a new one. In the end, it's pretty much up to you. We're only here to help guide you along the way.

You mentioned others. Where are they?

They're all over Paragon City. You can usually find someone in just about every district. How about you pay a visit to Blue Steel. He's over in Kings Row, which is a short tram away.

How about you go pay him a visit and let him know that Ms. Liberty sent you. Kinda the way Twin did earlier.

I can do that. Thanks, Ms. Liberty.

You've arrived at the Atlas Park monorail station. Now use the tram to travel to Kings Row and talk with Blue Steel at the police station.

Blue Steel

Hello there, citizen. Are you in need of training suggestions today?

Actually, Ms. Liberty sent me to you for more pointers.

Oh, I see. I take it you're an up-and-coming hero? Good! This city can use all it can get. As you can tell, this part of the city is still struggling to get the street crime under control, which is why I'm here. What kind of pointers were you looking for?

That tram I came in on... Does it only go here?

Nah, the trams go to all different parts of the city. You should be able to find a monorail station in just about every district in the city and they'll take you to nearly every other one as well.

Just make sure you don't get off at the wrong stop. Some places can be a bit too dangerous for those new to the area. As a matter of fact, even here in Kings Row we have to deal with street gangs that simply don't respect the law.

Speaking of... would you be willing to do your civic duty as a hero and help take care of some of these gangs for us?

Of course! What do you need me to do?

All throughout the streets you'll find a variety of hoodlums. However, the ones that are the most blatant violators of the law as of late are a gang that calls themselves the Skulls. They're pretty easy to spot - each of them wears a piece of a human skull on their face.

You should be able to find them hanging out all around the police station here in Freedom Plaza. On your way back to Atlas Park, could you send a number of them to the hospital? We'll be sure to have a police escort waiting for them once they get patched up.

Absolutely. Thanks for the advice, Blue Steel.


You're back, kiddo. I'm hoping Liberty and Steel managed to drive a few of those pointers home in that thick noggin of yours.

Hahaha... I'm joshing with you. Remember, though. Whenever you feel you need to up your powers a bit more, always hit a trainer. Even if you have to ride from one end of the city to the other, it's worth it. Get in touch with me in a while, kid. I might have something else in store for you.

A Spider Infestation


How's it going, kiddo. I was thinking we could patrol the city, you know, doing our civic duty and all that hero-ey goodness. But seriously though, doing our part to help stamp out crime will go a long way towards helping the city's future. And I for one like the idea of having a bright and shiny new future, you know? Also, while we're patrolling, I'd like to ask your feelings about that Grym character. Him showing up when he did was a bit coincidental, don't you think? I mean it's one thing to --

Twinshot touches the earpiece she's wearing and pauses for a moment.

Heads up, kiddo. Proton is sending out a distress call. Says he needs our help ASAP.

Distress call? What can we do to help him?

Twinshot gestures to you that she's listening to the message.

Oh that's not good...

Twinshot hands move to her pistols faster than your eye can follow, finishing with a flourishing twirl.

Bad news, kiddo. Looks like Arachnos decided to come back for Round Two. From his message, it sound like it's not just a scouting team, either. What in the heck are they doing all the way over here... and why?

We can figure that out later. For now, we're passing on the patrolling. Instead, you're going in through the front while I'm taking out any perimeter defenses they've set up. I'll meet you inside.

Mission Objective(s)

From the minor blast marks, it would seem Arachnos used expertly localized explosives to blow open the door. Now is when you think it might have been a better idea for Twinshot to have joined you.

  • Help Defend the Shining Stars' Base
    • Use the Security System Console



Notable NPC's

  • Arachnos Invasion Unit (Arachnos) (Boss)

Security System Console

This console is linked to the security system that Proton recently put in place due to the Arachnos intruders gaining entry so easily the last time you were here. It would seem that it was installed a little too late.


There are several live camera feeds currently being displayed on the console's screen.

Scan the first floor

+++ Missing Information +++