Deputy Assistant of Information: Difference between revisions

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imported>Taosin (historical)
imported>Taosin (historical)
Line 260: Line 260:
* Resistance Sympathizer (Angry Citizens, Lieutenant)
* Resistance Sympathizer (Angry Citizens, Lieutenant)
:''This citizen is using their job inside the City Maintenance Facility to reprogram Clockwork for the Resistance.''
:''This citizen is using their job inside the City Maintenance Facility to reprogram Clockwork for the Resistance.''
{{Ambush|After attacking the Resistance Sympathizer, [[Resistance Clockwork]] will ambush your team.}}

{{NPC Text|type=villain|title=Resistance Sympathizer|text=
{{NPC Text|type=villain|title=Resistance Sympathizer|text=
Line 265: Line 267:
:'''Resistance Sympathizer:''' ''Ah!''
:'''Resistance Sympathizer:''' ''Ah!''
:'''Resistance Sympathizer:''' ''Help, my friends, help me!''
:'''Resistance Sympathizer:''' ''Help, my friends, help me!''
After attacking the Resistance Sympathizer, [[Praetorian Clockwork]] will ambush your team.}}
:'''Resistance Sympathizer:''' ''Nooo! You'll not stop my work!''
:'''Resistance Sympathizer:''' ''Nooo! You'll not stop my work!''
:'''Resistance Sympathizer:''' ''You won't take me in alive!.''
:'''Resistance Sympathizer:''' ''You won't take me in alive!.''

Revision as of 12:20, 12 September 2010


Deputy Assistant of Information
Deputy Assistant of Information.jpg
The Deputy Assistant of the Ministry of Information
Zone Nova Praetoria
Coordinates (-5921, 329, 795)[Copy]
Level Range 1-10
Introduces Specialist Harrison, Warrant
Enemy Groups Praetorian Clockwork
v  d  e

Deputy Assistant of Information is a Praetorian contact in the Loyalist Lounge neighborhood of Nova Praetoria at coordinates (-5921, 329, 795)[Copy] . His level range is 1-10.


Contact Introduced By

Provost Marchand

Contact Introduces

This contact I've introduced you to can probably move you along down the path you've chosen.
One of my esteemed partners has informed me that he'd like to meet with you. His name is Warrant, and he is one of the Powers Division's Top Dogs, the best that Powers Division has to offer. I told him you would be pleased to make his acquaintence.


The Deputy Assistant of the Ministry of Information

The Deputy Assistant of Information is little more than a clerk who works at the Ministry of Information. Though on the extreme end of friendly, it's the Deputy's choice of cologne that makes him difficult to talk to for longer than a few minutes. Despite these flaws he appears to be someone that knows a little bit about everyone in Praetoria City.

Initial Contact


  • Well hello there.
  • Hello.

Too Busy

Missing Too Busy Dialogue

No More Missions

Oh, I am afraid we have hit quite the dry spell of information at this point in time. But do not worry, Character, I will find us something lucrative to pursue. Quite lucrative.


Story Arc

Shrewd Lessons



Every now and then you catch a wiff of Pardus, the cheap perfume worn by the Deputy Assistant of Information, and can't help but think back to the only thing he was useful for: teaching you a few

Shrewd Lessons.

The Deputy Assistant of Information is a weasel of a man, but his shrewd intuition helped guide you in properly playing the hearts and minds of Praetoria's people to your favor. By seeking out a murderer at large, you proved your capabilities to the people of Praetoria. But when you placed the memorial rose at the base of the emperor's statue, to commemorate the life of the murderer's victim, you plucked the people's heart strings. For that you will be remembered most of all.

For a moment there you thought that he might actually know what he was talking about, but it soon became obvious that the Deputy was only riding on the coat tails of others. When he referred you to Specialist Harrison concerning a fiasco with the Clockwork, you knew that Harrison was the man with the information. You assisted Harrison in thwarting a Resistance plot to reprogram the Clockwork at the City Maintenance Facility. Your brief partnership with the Deputy had come to an end, but not before he introduced you to a member of Marauder's Top Dogs, a man by the name of Warrant.

Part One: Hearts and Minds


You and I, Character, we could make a real swell team. I could be your partner. No, wait, I have a better idea. I could be your manager.

See, I've got connections all over the city. I hear about everything going on in this city, and that means you will hear it too. Information is, after all, my specialty.

Take this, for example. A man named Paul Valus, he murdered a PPD officer, Douglas Cartwright. Cartwright was a real heroic type, just won a medal of honor from Emperor Cole himself. But I digress. Paul Value walks right up to Cartwright in the middle of a crowded restaurant, right in front of his wife and kids and everyone and shoots him in the temple, killing him. The PPD didn't catch him and they've been searching for him ever since. If you were to bring in Paul Valus, you'd be a hero.

Take down Paul Valus

That's the spirit! See, you and I are going to be a great team. You win the hearts and minds of the people, and I'll manage your fans and get the information you need.

Oh, there I go prattling on and on again before it's prudent to do so.

So Valus disappears, everyone says down into the tunnels. But I know better. I have the right connections and they keep me well informed.

It turns out that Valus didn't go underground at all, he holed up with some Syndicate Go-gangers. You know the type, right? Color coded motorcycle leathers, sunglasses, automatic weapons. I know where they're hiding him, but the PPD are going to find him sooner than later. If you take him out first, you will win the people's minds. If you place a rose on Cole's statue in memory of Officer Cartwright, you will also win their hearts.

Unnecessary Solicitation

Valus is hiding out at this address. I know, it's a pharmaceutical company, but you have to trust me, the Syndicate are there. They're always where you never suspect.

Mission Objective(s)

The facility is clean and operational. How do a bunch of Syndicate Go-gangers and a known murderer hide out here without getting noticed? Someone's on somebody else's payroll.

  • Find Paul Valus
    • Take down Paul Valus

You brought swift justice to Paul Valus. Now all that remains is honoring the memory of Officer Cartwright and his surviving family by placing the rose at the foot of Emperor Cole's statue.

Mission Exit: You exit the Syndicate hideout just as PPD officers arrive and swarm past you into the building. In a few minutes they'll find Paul Valus along with your handiwork and word will spread. Now is the time to make your way to the statue of Emperor Cole. There you can honor Officer Cartwright and his family with a rose placed at the foot of mankind's savior.



Paul Valus

You here to take me in? I won't go alive... I'm counting on that...
Then why hesitate? Just finish me off or I'll do it myself, heh.

  • Why'd you do it? Why'd you kill Cartwright?
He wasn't no hero. Cartwright deserved to die more than I do for killing him.
He took everything from me, my wife, my son...
  • Nice sob story, save your tears for the nether world.
  • Why? What'd they do?
Nothing! They were innocent! PPD, Powers Division, you're all the same...
Cartwright was drunk on his power, we ran into him one night, just a minute after curfew... That's all it took. He blew out my knees with his power gauntlets and then had my family taken away as traitors. He left me there on the street to get picked up by a hospital unit...
  • What happened to your family?
Executed for treason... My wife and son were executed because that scumbag wanted to flaunt his power! I vowed revenge, and I got it.
I don't care what happens to me now, just that Cartwright's family knows why their father got taken from them: because my family got taken from me.
  • Alright, I've heard enough...
  • I'll see if there's any truth to it. If there is, I'll make sure everyone knows.
  • (Leave
  • Sounds like he got what he deserved.
  • Got any last words?
  • Go ahead, finish yourself off, save me the trouble.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Visit Emperor Cole's Statue

You placed the rose at the foot of Cole's Statue. Return to the Deputy Assistant of Information.


Magnificent. Truly splendid. That was the best press I've ever gotten for one of you Powers Division guys.

TPN managed to get it on camera, and they just had an interview with Cartwright's family. His wife, she was in tears. I was very heartwarming. She blessed you for your compassion and sent her love to you as well. Precious, really.

We are going places, my friend. You and me... rising to the top... heh heh... hmmm... Just as soon as I can find our next piece of work. Just, wait there one minute. I need to make a call.

Oh, my phone. Of course. It would be quite silly of me not to be in constant contact with you, Character. After all, I am certain to have a veritable flood of valuable information coming my way anytime soon. Quite valuable.

Part Two: Check out the Clockwork Disturbance


Character. Very good news, very good. I just got off the phone with a contact of mine. One of many, I might add. Ahem. His name is Harrison, he's a specialist working with M.I.C.I.R., the PPD crime lab. He's a good source of information, but I digress.

I need you to talk to Mr... or should I say... Specialist Harrison. It would appear that he has need of your wonderful talents in dealing with a fiasco involving the Clockwork.

It sounds terribly dangerous.

Help Specialist Harrison

Oh, wonderful. Harrison is waiting for you down by the Ministry of Information in the Magisterium. Harrison is a sharp fellow; He let me in on where Paul Valus was hiding out, after all, so I figured we could return the favor, don't you think?

Unnecessary Solicitation

Specialist Harrison has the details on this clockwork fiasco he's talking about. Throw him a bone. He threw us one.

Mission Objective(s)

The familiar sound of force gauntlets mixes with plasma blasts and screaming. That sounds like the PPD alright.

  • Check out the Clockwork Disturbance
    • Put down all the malfunctioning Clockwork.

You put down the haywire clockwork, but you'd better get the full story from Officer Welks.

Notable NPCS

  • Warrant Officer Welks, (PPD)


Resistance Clockwork


Part Three: Talk to Warrant Officer Welks

Mission Objective(s)

  • Talk to Warrant Officer Welks

Part Four: Return to Specialist Harrison

Mission Objective(s)

  • Return to Specialist Harrison

Part Five: Check out the CMF

Mission Objective(s)

Everything seemed perfectly fine until you ran into a Clockwork slamming its head against the wall. You deactivated it and moved into the facility for a closer look.

  • Check out the CMF
    • Find out who is responsible

You put an end to the haywire clockwork problem. Return to the Deputy Assistant of Information.

Mission Exit: You are startled, briefly, when you emerge from the CMF maintence door to find a TPN camera crew and reporter there ready to interview you. You answer a few questions until the PPD arrive and order the TPN crew off the premesis. Handing over the traitor, you find yourself free to return to the Deputy.


Resistance Clockwork
  • Resistance Sympathizer (Angry Citizens, Lieutenant)
This citizen is using their job inside the City Maintenance Facility to reprogram Clockwork for the Resistance.

Ambush! After attacking the Resistance Sympathizer, Resistance Clockwork will ambush your team.


Grand job in thwarting that evil Resistance plot, Character. I made sure to inform one of my contacts over at TPN of your latest exploits, so I hope they managed to catch up to you.

I uh, hope you didn't mind having to do a little leg work. It seems that Harrison wasn't very forthcoming with the information this time around. But don't you worry, next time, I'll be on top of things...

Character, we make headlines together, and that is a good thing. I must say that you have become a shining example to our community under my direction. I am working on putting together a little portfolio on you to pitch to some TPN executives. Once they return my calls I am positive that they will want to draft up a very lucrative contract with you and I. Very lucrative.

I have got someone I think you should meet.