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====In the first mission.====
====In the first mission.====

{{orange|You tune the communication radio to get in touch with Lorenz Ansaldo.}}
{{hidden|Radio dialogue|bg1=orange|{{orange|You tune the communication radio to get in touch with Lorenz Ansaldo.}}

Ay, {{Character}}! I got confirmation from the boys that Joey should be somewhere within that place. Hopefully them Coralax ain't killed him off yet, huh? Find him and get whatever ya can outta him. I'll talk to ya when we got some more things handled on our end here.
Ay, {{Character}}! I got confirmation from the boys that Joey should be somewhere within that place. Hopefully them Coralax ain't killed him off yet, huh? Find him and get whatever ya can outta him. I'll talk to ya when we got some more things handled on our end here.
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New Mission Objective: Find Joey Malone for Lorenz Ansaldo (optional)
New Mission Objective: Find Joey Malone for Lorenz Ansaldo (optional)}}

{{Mission Clue|Name=Remains of Joey Malone|Text=You found the remains of Joey Malone within the cavern. It looks like he was killed by the Coralax. You search his body and find a few items that could sell well on the market, along with a crystal given to him by the Legacy Chain. You tap the crystal a few times until a voice speaks from it, as if it was a recorded message...
{{Mission Clue|Name=Remains of Joey Malone|Text=You found the remains of Joey Malone within the cavern. It looks like he was killed by the Coralax. You search his body and find a few items that could sell well on the market, along with a crystal given to him by the Legacy Chain. You tap the crystal a few times until a voice speaks from it, as if it was a recorded message...
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====In the third mission.====
====In the third mission.====

You're in the right area, {{Character}}. The cargo should be somewhere nearby. All you gotta do is check out what's in it and we'll have the answers we're looking for.
{{hidden|Radio dialogue|bg1=orange|You're in the right area, {{Character}}. The cargo should be somewhere nearby. All you gotta do is check out what's in it and we'll have the answers we're looking for.

*{{green|I'm on it.}}
*{{green|I'm on it.}}

New Mission Objective: Find missing Family cargo (optional)
New Mission Objective: Find missing Family cargo (optional)}}

{{Mission Clue|Name=The Family's Missing Cargo|Text=You found the Family's missing cargo within the underwater cavern. There are various vials of Superadyne in here, along with weapons and armor. You notice there are two beacons in here; one for the Family and another that seems to belong to Longbow. This may have been how the Legacy Chain knew the location of this cavern!}}
{{Mission Clue|Name=The Family's Missing Cargo|Text=You found the Family's missing cargo within the underwater cavern. There are various vials of Superadyne in here, along with weapons and armor. You notice there are two beacons in here; one for the Family and another that seems to belong to Longbow. This may have been how the Legacy Chain knew the location of this cavern!}}
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====In the fifth mission.====
====In the fifth mission.====

{{orange|You contact Lorenz Ansaldo to let him know where you are.}}
{{hidden|Radio dialogue|bg1=orange|{{orange|You contact Lorenz Ansaldo to let him know where you are.}}

{{NPC Text|title=Lorenz Ansaldo dialogue|text=
{{NPC Text|title=Lorenz Ansaldo dialogue|text=

Revision as of 21:17, 6 January 2011

This arc has several objectives that change depending on which subcontact you select, if any. Until we decide how to incorporate them into the article, I am compiling the information here. --Flamemaiden 21:06, 6 January 2011 (UTC)

After selecting any contact, you get:

Working Together

You've chosen a contact to work together with in Sharkhead Isle.

Lorenz Ansaldo

When you first speak to Ansaldo.

Ay yo, Character, how's it goin'? Things 'round here have been pretty smooth sailin' for the Family ever since you took care of that Sea Witch for us. Well, 'least as far as them Scrapyarders go. We've been havin' us some problems with them Legacy Chain goons for the past few days now.

Editor's Note:

Presumably the above paragraph is different if you do not have the Seaweed Badge.

Lotta our shipments goin' back and forth from Paragon have been filled with them magic boys instead of our cargo. Nerve of these guys, eh? I dunno what these boys are after, but they're makin' a lotta folks in the Family pretty angry. Well, all 'cept one. We're thinkin' that we got ourselves a rat who is tryin' to be all righteous and help out these magic boys.

Say, you happen to be goin' up against 'em? 'Cause if you are, we in the Family could be usin' your expert help again in takin' down these righteous magic freaks. We'll be makin' sure the price is right too.

If you choose to work with Lorenz Ansaldo, you will be locked in to work with him for the remainder of the story arc.

  • As long as the price is right, you've got my help.
Alright, we got ourselves a deal! Now we got a lead on where we can start lookin' for this chump of ours.
Word is that one of our boys was messin' around in the caves near the Pit, which ain't what he was supposed to be doin'. I was gonna go check it out myself, 'till I heard them fish creatures started an attack on that place, 'long with the Legacy Chain. Makes me pretty suspicious, if you're askin' me, almost like the Legacy Chain knew 'bout that place from our man.
Guy's name is Joey Malone. You'll wanna find him and make him squeal what's goin' on. When ya get in there, find somethin' to contact me with and I'll give ya the details on what Joey might be up to.
  • Alright, I'll handle it.
  • I need a moment to consider this.
Finding Joey Malone

Lorenz Ansaldo asked you to find Joey Malone within the caverns of the Pit, believing that he may be part of the 'rats' working together with the Legacy Chain.

In the first mission.

Remains of Joey Malone

You found the remains of Joey Malone within the cavern. It looks like he was killed by the Coralax. You search his body and find a few items that could sell well on the market, along with a crystal given to him by the Legacy Chain. You tap the crystal a few times until a voice speaks from it, as if it was a recorded message...

We promise you immunity in Paragon City if you aid us in scouting the area of Sharkhead Isle. Our operations there are of the upmost importance. One of your other fellows, a man we will not name, is already in the process of aiding us. We mention this so that you know you have an ally, but we refuse his name as we are unsure if we can trust you. Once you let us know where the Blood Coral is located, we shall arrive to retrieve you and bring you to Paragon.

There is no Ansaldo content in the second mission.

After getting the third mission from Ross.

What's up, Character? Been a while since you and me talked, was beginning to wonder if you were backin' off of what we agreed on. So you found Joey was dead huh? Can't say I'm too upset about that, rat was tryin' to turn on us, he deserves to get himself dead.

Anyway, this whole thing gives me an idea, and I'm a man who thrives on gettin' ideas. We had a number of cargo shipment that went missin' recently. Only problem is, we're usually the ones that makes things go missin'. Lucky for us, we had ourselves a little trackin' beacon on the cargo, 'cept we don't know what the cargo is. If we can find the cargo and see what it is, we're gonna catch the other mook who's been workin' with the Legacy Chain red handed.

  • How is the cargo going to prove anything?

Easy, Character, here's the thing. We got some generic kinda beacons on the cargo, yeah? Cheaper to make that way. Lotta the cargo we lost recently was 'cause of the Legacy Chain. But this one piece of cargo, it looks like it washed up into some sorta underwater cavern, like someone took it there or somethin'.

Weird, huh? Anyway, we know who is usually set to guard our shipments and what they're guardin' specifically. I figure, we find out what was in that cargo, we can pin the guy who was guardin' it as our man. I got the rough location of where the cargo is. Gimme a ring when you got yourself in a cavern nearby and I'll letcha know if you're near the cargo.

  • Will do.
Tracking the Missing Cargo

Lorenz Ansaldo requested you find the contents of cargo that went missing some time ago. He believes that the contents of the boxes will point to the member of the Family who has been betraying them. It's a bit of a stretch, but at least it'll lead to some money.

In the third mission.

The Family's Missing Cargo

You found the Family's missing cargo within the underwater cavern. There are various vials of Superadyne in here, along with weapons and armor. You notice there are two beacons in here; one for the Family and another that seems to belong to Longbow. This may have been how the Legacy Chain knew the location of this cavern!

After getting the fourth mission from Ross.

What's up, Character? You find that shipment?

Yeah? Buncha guns and ammo and Superadyne? Along with two tracking devices, one from Longbow!

Lorenz lets out a string of curses in Italian for a good minute before calming down.

That idiot! Man, Character, this here is bad. The guy guarding the crates? The one who looks like he's in cahoots with the Legacy Chain and Longbow? It's my own brother, Alexander Ansaldo! All the luck, huh? I always knew that kid was gonna lead to somethin' bad, I just didn't think he was that stupid to try to backstab me.

He thinks he's doin' what's right, huh? Well, that's where he's wrong. Kids got it all wrong, tryin' to betray family like that. Now, I gotta handle this before the big wigs back in Paragon hear about this, namely Sebastian Frost, guy who is the head of the Family.

  • By mean you handle this, I assume you mean me.

Heh heh... well, yeah. Now, I ain't gonna go bemoan the fact that you gotta kill my kid brother. Fact of the matter is that I told him, warned him not to even think about betrayin' us, but now he went and ignored what I said and is tryin' to get me killed. I figure for that, he ain't my brother anymore. He's just another pig that's gotta be gutted, and I'm givin' you the knife to do it.

Too bad he ain't knowin' that I placed a little trackin' device on him too; always figured I'd use it to spring him outta prison instead of tryin' to see where he is to kill him. Now, let's see... huh. Weird. Looks like he's in some sorta unmarked office buildin' nearby. Here's the address.

The address that Lorenz gives you is the same one as the Midnighter Office.

Now, I don't care why he's there. All I care about is that he gets killed, yeah? You do that, you get your payday and my eternal gratitude, or somethin'. Gimme a call when you get in there and I'll tell you where this pig is located.


Alexander's Betrayal

Lorenz has asked that you end his brother, Alexander, who was revealed to be the member of the Family working with the Legacy Chain.

In the fourth mission.

Notable NPCs

  • Alexander Ansaldo (Boss)
Alexander's Last Words

Alexander grabbed your leg and gasped these finals words.

'I... only wanted to... live a better life... than Lorenz... he was never... never...'

After getting the fifth mission from Ross.

So, you got Alexander, huh? Good riddance. He got his head too far up in the clouds. You say he was tryin' to say somethin' about me? Whatever, I ain't got time to be bothered with whatever idealistic thing he was thinkin'.

You done good for the Family, Character. This ain't something that we're gonna forget, not for a long time. The payment for all ya help is on the way now. You got anythin' else?

  • I could actually use the Family's help with an operation.


Huh. Well. That's gonna be a tough one, Character. Lotta our boys are out and about right now, so it's gonna be tough for me to get 'em to come help.

Lorenz looks around, then grins.

Tell ya what, Character. You let me know the place to be, and I'll show up there myself to give ya hand. I figure you and me are close now seein' as how you killed my brother and all. Speakin' of close, I've been thinkin'. You and me, we should work together when this whole thing is over. Gimme a call and we'll work something out.

Lorenz Ansaldo has been added as a contact!

  • Er... right. We're real close.

In the fifth mission.

There is no Ansaldo content in the finale.