Bobby Curtin: Difference between revisions

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(→‎{{UL|Finale: A Flashy Thief}}: More dialogue for if you killed Amphitryon and the last of the debriefings)
(Added the final epilogue)
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I knew that the Miller would be able to help us out, {{Character}}. Now, I know it might take a little while before that thing sells. You be careful with it, though! Don't want you to lose it like everyone else did. I'll be seeing you whenever you get your payday! And if you ever need to be vouched into the White Elephant, just come talk to me. I'll make sure you get a good table.
I knew that the Miller would be able to help us out, {{Character}}. Now, I know it might take a little while before that thing sells. You be careful with it, though! Don't want you to lose it like everyone else did. I'll be seeing you whenever you get your payday! And if you ever need to be vouched into the White Elephant, just come talk to me. I'll make sure you get a good table.
==== {{UL|Epilogue (2): Closing the Loop}} ====
{{EdNote|Note=You receive this mission if you let Arc Flash go with the diamond.}}
Hey, just got a call from the Miller. He wants to talk to you. Not sure why, really. Maybe he's got some sorta tip for you?
* {{green|I'll go see him.}}
The Miller's hanging out over in St. Martial. I'm sure he'll be glad to see you.
'''Unnecessary Solicitation'''
You seen the Miller yet?
{{Mission Objective|Primary=Talk to the Miller|Secondary=|Additional=|Completion=}}
{{Mission Briefing|Contact=The Miller|Text=
{{orange|The Miller slowly looks you up and down as you approach him.}}
You let Arc Flash escape, did you? Do not be surprised that I know it. I saw how you worked when you freed me, I know what you're capable of. There is no way that Arc Flash would escape your grasp if you didn't want it.
You showed her mercy, something that is in extremely rare supply here in the Isles. I am sure she will have further trouble selling the diamond, as well. I'll help her sell it and get what she needs.
As for you... I have a feeling we will cross paths again.
*{{green|We will see, Miller.}}}}
So what did the Miller want with you? He told you not to talk about it, huh? Doesn't surprise me, guess you gotta stay hush hush in his line of work! Anyway, it was nice working with you, {{Character}}. You ever need in the White Elephant, come talk to me. I'm sure I'll be able to find a spot for you at the bar.

==== {{UL|Epilogue (3): Bracers for Sale}} ====
==== {{UL|Epilogue (3): Bracers for Sale}} ====

Revision as of 12:27, 31 January 2021


Bobby Curtin
Bobby Curtin.jpg
Zone Nerva Archipelago
Coordinates (-75, 16.5, 6105)[Copy]
Level Range 25-29
Introduced By none
Enemy Groups
Badges Badge i26 mission diamond.png Diamond in the Rough
v  d  e

Bobby Curtin is a rogue contact in the Crimson Cove neighborhood of Nerva Archipelago at coordinates (-75, 16.5, 6105)[Copy] . His level range is 25-29. He is in front of the White Elephant building, approximately 215 yards NNW of the Science quartermaster. He offers a story arc to characters of the Rogue alignment. He was first introduced in Issue 26 - Page 3.


Contact Introduced By

None. Bobby Curtin is available through the Find Contact Window or interacting directly with him.



Bobby Curtin is a bouncer at the White Elephant in Crimson Cove, a private establishment which prides itself on being 'neutral ground' between the many warring factions in Nerva. Bobby is known by frequent patrons for being willing to step in and break up fights between anyone, be they Longbow, Arachnos, or mortal manifestation of an ancient god.

Too Low Level

Yo, buddy, what's someone like you doing in a place like this? You might wanna get up to Threat Level 25 before you start hanging around these parts.

Initial Contact

Character! Heard a bit about you across the Isles. Hear you're pretty alright, that you've got an appreciation for some of the things that a lot of other people around these parts lack. We could use more of your type around here.

Now pardon me if I'm talking out my prettier side here, but I hear you're the type who don't mind making money in some unorthodox ways. I've got a pretty spicy tip on something you might be interested in. If you're willing to cut me in, of course.


  • Hey, Character, how's it going? You ready to make a little scratch?

Too Busy

Whoa, hey, slow down Character! I appreciate the enthusiasm, but you really gotta finish some of your current work before you take on anything else.

No More Missions

Afraid that was all I knew about, buddy. We had a wild ride and hey, I guess it all turned out OK, didn't it? I'm sure you're going places, places much higher than I can get you.

Story Arc

Gone in a Flash

Merit Rewards: This activity awards 20 Reward Merits.


Editor's Note:

There are many different versions of the souvenir from this story arc, with (at least?) three different possible names, depending on your choices during the arc. You can have multiple souvenirs from this arc with different text at once, even if they have the same name.

If you took the diamond from Arc Flash by force, or decided to sell it for her and split the money:

The Florentine Diamond

This light yellow diamond, worth more than most people will see in their lifetime, is a glorious reminder of the heist you remember as...

If you let Arc Flash keep the diamond:

A Sense Of... Charity

One of your adventures did not lead to material gains. Instead, you balanced the scales of your soul somewhat, in the heist you remember as...

If you convinced Arc Flash to trade you her bracers for the diamond:

The Bracers of Astrape

These ancient golden bracers are etched with intricate runes in ancient Greek, reminding you of the woman who once wore them and the heist you remember as...

Gone in a Flash

You learned about the Florentine Diamond from Bobby Curtin, a bouncer at the White Elephant in Nerva Archipelago. His cousin was a security guard at a vault where the diamond, long thought lost, was being held until it could be auctioned off. With promises of a cut for them if they shut off the alarm, you broke in to steal the diamond. Unfortunately, you found that someone had beaten you to the punch!

Frustrated, but unwilling to let the prize go, you agreed to free the Miller, a well-connected fence, from the Paragon Police in exchange for any information he could find. You struck while the police were distracted by the Council. The Miller didn't know anything at the time, but agreed to keep his ear to the ground for information.

If you got the auctioneer to talk without using violence:

Upon returning to the Isles, you learned that the vault owners suspected the auctioneer of being involved in the theft. You got to him first and managed to convince him to tell you what he knew. He did help the thief, but didn't know who she was. All he had was a name she mentioned, Amphitryon. A little deduction revealed that he was a member of the Warriors.

You had to resort to violence to get through the Warriors and get Amphitryon to start talking. He didn't give you much, just the name 'Bronte'.

If you chose not to kill Amphitryon:

To his credit, he refused to let any more slip.

If you killed Amphitryon:

He refused to let more slip, so you finished him off.

It didn't matter, though, the Miller contacted you to let you know that a woman named 'Bronte' had attempted to sell a gemstone to 'Rancid' Armstrong, an underboss with the Family. You went to Armstrong, who was all too willing to talk. He told you that one of his men had recognized the seller as Arc Flash, a hero from Paragon City who was working with the Legacy Chain.

If you used violence to get the auctioneer to talk:

Upon returning to the Isles, you learned that the vault owners suspected the auctioneer of being involved in the theft. You got to him first and beat the information out of him. He claimed to have been cursed by a Circle of Thorns mage, forcing him to help steal the apparently magical diamond.

You stormed the ruins beneath Crimson Cove only to learn that you'd been duped; the Circle had no interest in the 'mundane' diamond. It didn't matter, though, the Miller contacted you to let you know that someone had tried to sell the diamond to a local high-ranking member of the Tsoo, Kue Xob. You had to fight through Xob's students before he would talk to you. To stop further violence, he told you that one of his men had recognized the seller as Arc Flash, a hero from Paragon City who was working with the Legacy Chain.

You attacked a Legacy Chain safehouse in Nerva to draw Arc Flash out. After you took her down, she begged you to let her go with the diamond. Her mother was sick, she told you, and she needed to sell the diamond to pay for the treatment. It was quite the sob story. You had the choice to take it from her, split the profit from the diamond, or make a trade.

If you attacked Arc Flash to take the diamond:

You weren't going to go through all this trouble and not get your due! You beat her down and pried the diamond from her hands. Selling the diamond will take time, but the Miller is looking for a buyer. For now, you'll just hold onto it.

If you let Arc Flash go with the diamond:

You decided to let her go. She'll find a buyer for the diamond eventually and maybe her mother will get better. You were left empty handed, but maybe it will all be worth it in the end.

If you decided to sell the diamond and split the profit with Arc Flash:

In the end, you offered to sell the diamond and split the profit. She agreed and sent you off with it. The Miller will be searching for a buyer, but until then you're holding onto the diamond.

If you tried to trade the diamond for Arc Flash's bracers, and didn't kill Amphitryon:

You convinced her to trade her magical bracers for the diamond. She refused and attacked you. Naturally you beat her back, then took her bracers before the mediporter whisked her off. Arc Flash still had the diamond, but you can put the bracers to your own ends and you've eliminated a hero from possibly foiling you in the future. The Miller will be searching for a buyer, but until then you're holding onto the bracers.

If you tried to trade the diamond for Arc Flash's bracers, but you killed Amphitryon:

You tried to be generous and make a deal with her, but she refused! Turns out the Warrior you offed was her brother. Seeking revenge, she redoubled her efforts to beat you and unleashed the full power of her magic bracers. It was all for naught, of course. You beat her then took the Florentine Diamond. The Miller will be searching for a buyer, but until then you're holding onto the diamond.

Part One: Diamond in the Rough


The man sticks his hand out to you, waiting for you to shake it.

Of course, where are my manners, huh? I know about you, you probably ain't heard of me. The name's Bobby Curtin. I'm no one important, just a guy trying to make his bread here in the Isles. But hey, you know, a guy hears a few things in the Isles too and sometimes he meets the right person to share those things with.

He looks around and leans in with a conspiratorial whisper.

My cousin, Willy, he's a security guard for the Euphorium. That's a jewelry store here in Crimson Cove. He tells me they just got in a big shipment, under pretty heavy guard. Supposed to be a pretty pricey piece of ice. If you agree to give us a small cut, no more than 10%, Willy will turn off the alarms so you can go in and grab it. An easy payday for all of us, right?

  • Easy money? Sign me up.

Bobby smiles and nods his head enthusiastically.

Yeah, yeah. I knew you'd be in for it!

So you heard of Florentine Diamond? I didn't, but I did some research. It's over 500 years old and was stolen back in the early 1900s.

Guess someone decided it's finally time to sell it. Probably the grandkids of the original thief or something. Coming to auction it off in the Isles, so they're holding it in the Euphorium's vault until auction day.

All you gotta do is go in, grab the gem, and get out. Shouldn't take no time at all.

Unnecessary Solicitation

Hey, no time to wait, huh? If you take too long, the diamond's gonna be sold and you won't be the seller!

Mission Objective(s)

Just as promised, you waltz right into the jewelry store without a single alarm going off. There's still security around, though. Hope Willy isn't with them.

  • Steal the Florentine Diamond
    • 3 crates to search

As you sneak out of the store, you hear alarms going off inside. Guess they got them turned back on.


Security Guards
Fake Diamond

This amateur replica of the Florentine diamond is clearly made of glass. It wouldn't fool even the most untrained eye. Whoever stole the real diamond must not have expected anyone to check for a while.


Ah, you're playing with me, right Character? Cause no one would be taken in by that thing. Looks like something that came out of a supermarket vending machine. Where's the real diamond?

You explain what you found in the vault and Bobby frowns and runs a hand through his hair.

Look, you can see as much as me that this wouldn't fool any buyers. Someone obviously got to the vault before you and stole our diamond! All that work, for nothing.

Part Two: Fidelio


Alright, Character, it's pretty obvious that someone hit the vault before you could. That couldn't happen without someone here in the Isles knowing about it. After all, you steal something like that, you're gonna have to offload it eventually. There's a guy who comes into the White Elephant sometimes, name's the Miller. A big time international fence; if someone's trying to move something big in the black market, he's the guy to talk to.

Bobby suddenly looks like he has a bad case of indigestion.

Only problem is, he got pinched by some heroes a few days ago. Got extradited to Paragon City. Maybe you go break him out, find out what he knows?

  • If it helps find out who upstaged me...

If anyone can help, the Miller can. Word is, he's being transported to the Zig along with some other high profile prisoners. Now, normally, I don't share gossip from the job. Professional courtesy and all. But in this case, I don't think they'll mind. A few of the Council were talking about one of their bigwigs who's in the same convoy. I'm sure they're hitting it, which will give you a perfect opportunity to grab the Miller. They won't be expecting you to come, so they might not be friendly... but if you help get their guy out first, I'm sure they'll change their tune.

Unnecessary Solicitation

We don't wanna waste this chance, Character. No telling how long the Council will keep that convoy busy.

Mission Objective(s)

You arrive in Independence Port, where the Council are currently engaged in running combat with the PPD.

  • Free the Miller
    • Find the Miller
    • Talk to the Miller
    • Escort Maestro

You've freed the Miller, but he doesn't know anything... yet. Get him back to the Isles and he might find something for you.


Paragon Police Department

Notable NPCs

The Miller after his rescue
Editor's Note:

Rescuing Maestro is optional. If he is rescued, all Council units on the map will turn friendly. However, if Maestro falls in battle before reaching the drop-off point, Council mobs will become hostile again.

The Miller

With the sonic barrier now dropped, the Miller tugs at the edges of his outfit.

I'd much rather be with you than the police. That barrier was simply atrocious. They said it was for "my protection", the gall of it. Though truly, I'd rather stay away from the firefight between the police and those fascist brutes.

Now, to what do I owe the fortune of my freedom?

  • I'm here for information.
You explain to the Miller about the Florentine Diamond. He nods his head as you do.
Of course, I had heard that the referenced piece was going onto the market. Unfortunately, I was detained before I had the opportunity to learn much about it.
But I certainly owe you for getting me out of here. Let's return to our fair homeland and I will engage my contacts to see what I can discover.
  • Let's go.
  • I'm getting you out of here.
The Miller smiles ruefully at you, his lips pursed together as they curl at the edges.
Of course, your type are well known for breaking people out of prison for no reason at all.
I'd rather know beforehand if I've only been freed from one dungeon to be dragged into another.
  • I want information.
This selection loops to another branch of this conversation which is already documented.


Well, the Miller might not know anything now, but as soon as anyone tries to sell that diamond, we're gonna know about it. I guarantee it! It won't be long, buddy, before we're able to get that diamond in your pocket, then turn it into some real cash.

Part Three: Going Twice


Alright, so the Miller doesn't know anything yet, but that don't mean we've gotta give up! Eventually, he'll hear something, but until then, I got some news. While you were over in Paragon, I talked to my cousin Willy again. They don't know he was behind turning off the alarms, so he's been able to catch wind of what the Euphorium owners have been saying.

Bobby leans in close to you again, looking around as if someone is trying to eavesdrop.

They think someone received inside info. Now, funny thing, they don't suspect any Euphorium employees. But the only other people it coulda been are the owners of the diamond - and why would they steal it? - and the auctioneer. They haven't made a move on him yet, they're hoping he's gonna slip up and lead them to the real thief.

I say we get to him first and find out what he knows.

  • Just tell me where to find him.

The auction house is run out of an office building here in Nerva. They've got their own private security working the place - don't worry, it ain't the same company Willy works for. All you gotta do is go in and ask him a few questions. I'm sure you got your ways to get a person to talk.

Unnecessary Solicitation

You talked to that auctioneer yet? He's gotta know who the thief is!

Mission Objective(s)

These offices are surprisingly plain for an auction house that deals in priceless artifacts.

  • Interrogate the auctioneer
    • Find the Auctioneer
    • Talk to the Auctioneer

You've learned the identity of the thief. Now it's time to track them down.


Security Guards

Notable NPCs

Auctioneer's Salary

According to the pay records, the auctioneer has been paid the same salary for the past five years... and it's not that much.

Auctioneer's Name

You learned that the auctioneer is named Murphy from the auction house's transaction records.

Pass Key

You found this access key in the pocket of the security chief.

The Auctioneer

The auctioneer shrinks back from you as you approach him.

What do you want? I... I work for very important people!

  • I need information.
The auctioneer covers his head with his arms and crouches down.
I don't know anything! I'm just an auctioneer, I just stand up on a podium and acknowledge bids!
  • Stop cowering. I'm not going to hurt you.
You're not?
The auctioneer peeks out from behind his arms. When you don't do anything to him, he relaxes.
I thought for sure you were going to do something terrible to me. After all...
He looks down at the security guards you just took out. He starts to raise his arms back up to his face.
  • Don't worry, they're just unconscious.
On cue, one of the security guards lets out a groan of pain. He doesn't seem to be regaining consciousness any time soon, though. The auctioneer once again relaxes.
Oh, good. I don't know them, but I'd hate to see them hurt. Well, hurt to death, I suppose. You said you wanted information? What about?
  • The Florentine Diamond. Who took it?
The auctioneer's eyes briefly go wide and he starts to say something, then he snaps his mouth shut.
I don't know what you're talking about.
If you do not have the Auctioneer's Name clue:
  • Don't lie. Just tell me what I want to know.
The auctioneer starts to glance around nervously.
I... I... don't know anything...
  • The owners of the diamond suspect you. Better to just help me out.
This selection loops to another branch of this conversation which is already documented.
  • I'm getting fed up with you lying! Tell me what you know, or else!
This selection loops to another branch of this conversation which is already documented.
If you have the Auctioneer's Name clue:
  • Don't lie, Murphy. Just tell me what I want to know.
The auctioneer's eyes go wide when you say his name. Then his bottom lip starts to quiver.
You... you know my name. Does that mean you know about...
He swallows heavy and looks down at his feet.
  • Yes. I know.
+++ Missing Information +++
  • No. But I'm guessing the thief did.
This selection loops to another branch of this conversation which is already documented.
  • If you don't start talking, I'll stop being so nice..
This selection loops to another branch of this conversation which is already documented.
  • You won't end up like them... as long as you cooperate.
The auctioneer looks down at the unmoving bodies of the security guards and shivers.
I... look. I don't want t... to get hurt. We don't keep m... money here in the offices. If you want, information, I don't know anything about the investors, I just -
  • Shut up! Tell me about the Florentine Diamond. Now.
The auctioneer flinches away from you.
Please, don't. I d... don't kn... know anything. I swear. I swear!
He suddenly falls to his knees, almost making obeisance to you.
I can't t... tell you anything! Nothing! Nothing!
  • Wrong answer. (Hit him)
This selection loops to another branch of this conversation which is already documented.
  • You have five seconds to tell me. Four. Three.
This selection loops to another branch of this conversation which is already documented.
  • Just tell me who stole the Florentine Diamond.
The auctioneer blanches, then snaps his mouth shut. He stares at you with wide eyes for a moment, but you don't conveniently disappear.
I don't know anything.
  • Wrong answer. (Hit him)
This selection loops to another branch of this conversation which is already documented.
  • Really? Because your employers think you do.
Th... they do?
The auctioneer's face goes white.
B... b... b... but I don't... I didn't... I had to! I had to!
The auctioneer begins to let out a low, moaning whine.
  • Calm down! Had to what?
The auctioneer starts to breathe heavily, balls his fists up, and starts rubbing them against his eyes.
That woman made me! I didn't want to, but she made me!
He doubles over, hands on his knees, and starts to dry heave.
  • Come on! Get it together! Tell me what you know and I'll help.
The auctioneer heaves a few more times, but then takes a deep breath, closes his eyes, and stands up straight.
You're right, you're right. I'm sorry, I just get... so overwhelmed sometimes. And I've been so stressed by this all! The lying, the subterfuge, the guilt...
He looks up at you with wet eyes.
You must think I'm very foolish and weak, to be so worried about lying here in the Rogue Isles.
Before you can reply, he presses on.
It was a woman. I don't know who she was. She snuck up on me in my apartment and threatened to... Well, I couldn't refuse her. I took the key to the vault and told her when security was changing shifts. That's all I know.
  • Are you sure? Nothing else?
+++ Missing Information +++
  • What did she threaten you with?
This selection loops to another branch of this conversation which is already documented.
  • You're getting hysterical! (Slap him)
This selection loops to another branch of this conversation which is already documented.
  • I'm tired of this! (Hit him)
+++ Missing Information +++
  • Calm down! (Slap him)
The sound of your hand across the auctioneer's cheek is like a gun shot. The auctioneer immediately stops hyperventilating and his jaw drops. He touches the rising red welt on his face and quivers slightly.
You... You slapped me!
He takes a deep breath and lets it slowly out.
I'm sorry, you're right. I was panicking. The truth is, a woman broke into my apartment and blackmailed me. She forced me to help her steal the diamond. But I don't know who she is! I never saw her face.
That's all I know. I swear.
  • Are you sure? Nothing else?
+++ Missing Information +++
  • What did she threaten you with?
I... it's personal. I don't want it to get out.
His bottom lip starts to quiver.
Please, I've told you what you want to know. Don't ask me any more.
  • Are you sure you didn't learn anything else?
No, I...
He furrows his brow and bites his bottom lip.
Wait, there was one thing. A name...
He taps the side of his head a few times as he stares down at the floor.
Amphitryon! Yes, that was it. The name of one of Sophocles's lost plays and a mythological Greek general. I heard her mutter the name under her breath. I think that and something about the Warriors. He must be one of those brutes, right?
  • Sounds likely. Thank you. You can go now.
Th... thank you!
The auctioneer runs off without another word.
  • (Leave)
  • Sounds likely. Thank you. (Knock him out)
+++ Missing Information +++
  • Enough with this! (Hit him)
+++ Missing Information +++
  • You're lying! Tell me what I want to know, now!
This selection loops to another branch of this conversation which is already documented.

If you have the Auctioneer's Salary clue:

  • An auctioneer who is underpaid.
This selection loops to another branch of this conversation which is already documented.
  • Who stole the diamond?!
The auctioneer lets out a yelp like a kicked puppy. He covers his head with his arms and crouches down.
I... I... I...
He swallows heavily with an audible gulping sound that might be comical in different circumstances.
I don't know what y... you mean.
  • Oh, don't worry! I'm not going to hurt you.
This selection loops to another branch of this conversation which is already documented.
  • Wrong answer. (Hit him)
You drive your fist into the auctioneer's gut, doubling him over and driving all the air out of his lungs. His eyes bulge out in surprise as he lets out a wheezing gasp. As you pull away, he falls to his knees.
He sucks in a few rasping gasps and looks up at you, eyes watering and fear plastered across his face.
  • (Hit him again)
Before he can say anything, you kick the auctioneer in the side of the head, sending him sprawling. He lays on the ground, staring up at the ceiling, mouth agape. For a moment it seems like he is going to fall unconscious, but then he curls into a ball and starts weeping.
He lets out a long, keening whine, head tucked beneath his arms, knees pulled up into his stomach.
P... p... please stop. I... I'll tell you everything.
  • Too late.
You bury your foot into the auctioneer's ribs, cutting off a terrified cry. You kick him a second time, then again, right in the same spot. The auctioneer tries to roll over to protect himself, but you just kick him in the other side even harder.
The point of your foot creates a wet crunch as it connects with his ribs once again. The auctioneer lets out a subhuman groan. Another blow like that might kill him and you haven't gotten the name of the thief yet.
  • Last chance. Who stole the diamond?
For a few moments, the auctioneer lays on the ground, immobile. He's still drawing in ragged breaths, each one releasing a groan of pain from his throat. Finally, he speaks.
It was a Circle of Thorns mage.
His voice is thick and cracks as he speaks.
The d... diamond is magic. They're using it in... in a ritual. He cursed me and said he'd only remove it if... if I helped him. He's in a cave up on Crimson Cove.
You make him mark the location of the cave on a map.
P... please, let me g... go.
  • Sure. You should have just told me what I wanted to know.
  • Remember to never cross me. (Knock him out)
+++ Missing Information +++
  • You have ten seconds.
He looks up at you, face and eyes wet with tears. He starts to speak, but his voice catches in his throat and he coughs roughly. He clears his throat and spits a wad of phlegm on the floor.
It was a mage from the Circle of Thorns. He cursed me to make me help him.
He looks down at the floor and squeezes his eye shut.
The diamond is magic. He... he is going to use it for some ritual. There's a cave on Crimson Cove that he stays in.
You make him mark the location on a map.
P... please let me go. I told you everything I know.
  • Sure. You should have just told me from the start.
  • Remember to never cross me. (Knock him out)
+++ Missing Information +++
  • Tell me what I want to know!
+++ Missing Information +++
  • You have five seconds to tell me. Four. Three.
As you start to say one, the auctioneer's eyes go wide and he jumps back to his feet.
No, wait! Please! I told you, I don't know about the diamond! Please, believe me! Please!
His pupils are small, as if he were staring into a bright light. His bottom lip quivers.
  • Wrong answer. (Hit him)
This selection loops to another branch of this conversation which is already documented.

If you have the Auctioneer's Salary clue:

  • Important people who pay poorly.
He blinks heavily when you say that.
My... pay? What do you know about my pay?
  • I know that you don't get paid what you're worth.
The auctioneer frowns at you.
I... I've been treated... fairly by...
He trails off and looks at you, his mouth pressed into a thin line.
Are you trying to bribe me?
You do not seem to need the Auctioneer's Name clue to get this dialogue option:
  • No, Murphy. Not a bribe.
This selection loops to another branch of this conversation which is already documented.
  • No. I want you to tell me who stole the Florentine Diamond.
This selection loops to another branch of this conversation which is already documented.
If you have the Auctioneer's Name clue:
  • I know a lot of things, Murphy.
The auctioneer's eyes go wide when you say his name.
You know my name. You know my pay.
He swallows and lets out a rough sigh.
You must know my... secret, too.
  • Yes. I know.
+++ Missing Information +++
  • No. But I'm guessing the thief did.
He looks at you dubiously.
You don't?
He frowns and shakes his head.
Why wouldn't you just lie to me?
  • (Shrug)
The auctioneer just stares at you blankly for a minute, then starts to laugh.
You aren't just some villain, are you? Well, I appreciate the honesty nonetheless.
He frowns and rubs his chin.
Although... If you go after the diamond and take out the real thief, that would mean my secret is still safe. Unfortunately, I don't know much. She broke into my apartment and threatened me. I never even got a look at her face.
But after I agreed to help her, I heard her muttering under her breath. Something like "I told Amphitryon and the Warriors that I could do it." Go after him and you'll find out who she is, for sure.
  • Thanks, Murphy. Be safe.
  • Hopefully that'll be enough.
  • No point. Better to be straight with you.
+++ Missing Information +++

If you get the auctioneer to talk without using violence, you receive the following clue:

A Potential Lead

The auctioneer didn't know who the real thief is, but did overhear that she mentioned a Warrior named Amphitryon. They don't have much of a presence in the Isles, but a small group recently set up in Nerva.

If you use violence to get the auctioneer to talk, you receive the following clue:

The True Thief

You had to beat the truth out of him, but eventually the auctioneer told you that the thief is a Circle of Thorns mage who operates out of some caverns in Crimson Cove. He plans to use the diamond in a magic ritual.


If you got the auctioneer to talk without violence:

Amphitryon, huh? Sounds Greek. Oh, a Warrior? Yeah, that makes sense. Warriors don't really hang out here in the Isles very much. I wonder if they're the ones behind the theft... But the auctioneer said it was a woman's voice? There aren't too many women with the Warriors. I'll check out with some of my contacts, see if they've heard anything about the Warriors being here in the Isles.

If you used violence to get the auctioneer to talk:

The Circle stole it? Aww, man. That really makes things a lot tougher for us! I hope he was lying to you. I know a guy who knows all about the cave openings up on Crimson Cove. I'll check with him to see if that spot the auctioneer marked is legit or not.

Part Four (1): Jack of Diamonds

Editor's Note:

You will only receive this mission if you got the auctioneer to talk without violence in the previous mission; if you used violence to get the auctioneer to talk, you will receive Part Four: Down in the Dark.


The Warriors are a rare sight here in the Isles, so when they do show up, that means people take notice. A couple of guys I know spotted a group of them heading into a warehouse near here, carrying some crates in. I dunno if this Amphitryon guy is hanging out here in the Isles with them, but maybe he is.

Maybe the thief stole the diamond for them, huh?

  • I'll go check it out.

Hey, maybe you'll get really lucky and they'll have the diamond there! If you're a little less lucky, you'll find Amphitryon there and be able to figure out where the diamond actually is.

Unnecessary Solicitation

The Warriors don't come out to the Isles often. If they're here, that means something weird is going on. I'm sure they must be behind the diamond theft!

Mission Objective(s)

The Warriors seem to have converted this warehouse to store magical artifacts. Maybe the Florentine Diamond is among them.

  • Interrogate Amphitryon
    • Find Amphitryon
    • Talk to Amphitryon

You learned from Amphitryon that the thief's real name is Bronte.



Notable NPCs


The beaten Warrior looks up at you from his hands and knees, pain etched across his face. He glances over to his axe, which he dropped with your last blow, laying just out of his reach. He speaks to you through gritted teeth.

Go on then. Finish me off.

  • Not yet. I need information.
He pushes himself back into a sitting position and looks up at you. His face is slightly turned away from you, looking at you almost out of the corner of his eyes.
What sort of information?
  • What do you know about the Florentine Diamond?
The Warrior's brows pinch together as he thinks. Slowly he shakes his head.
I have never heard of that. Is it a magical diamond? Regardless, if you have heard the Warriors have it, then I am not the one who does.
  • The thief, whoever she is, mentioned you by name.
Thief? I am telling you, I don't -
Suddenly, Amphitryon's eyes go wide and his mouth falls open. He mutters to himself and shakes his head.
Bronte, you're an idiot...
  • Bronte, you say?
The Warrior cringes as soon as he realizes that he let the name slip. Then he looks at you with hard eyes.
I will tell you nothing, Character.
  • Fine. A name is all I need.
The Warrior clenches his fists together and takes a step toward you, but that's all. He looks down at his feet and then turns away.
She must clean her own messes.
As you turn to leave, you can hear what sounds like soft weeping.
A Warrior's Regret

Amphitryon refused to talk even after you beat him down, but he did let slip the name 'Bronte'. You let him go and went to track down this Bronte woman.

  • (Leave)
  • Tell me everything or face the consequences.
The Warrior stands firm, raising his head and pointing his chin at you.
Do your worst.
  • Forget it. A name is all I need.
+++ Missing Information +++
  • Alright. (Hit him)
You deck the Warrior, sending him reeling back. He just spits a wad of bloody spittle onto the floor and grits his teeth.
  • Talk! (Hit him again)
You punch Amphitryon again, this time hitting him hard enough to make him stumble backward. He trips over his own lost weapon and goes sprawling on the ground. You pick the axe up and walk forward.
He simply stares up at you, lips pressed tight, face locked in a scowl.
  • Last chance! (Hit him again)
You swing the axe down at him, stopping only a hair's width from his face. For his part, he does not flinch, merely staring at you.
You. Get. Nothing.
  • Fine. The name is good enough. You've got guts.
+++ Missing Information +++
  • Oh well, I guess the name will have to do. Bye, failure. (Kill him)
You bring the axe down again, this time not stopping until it is buried in his chest. He lets out a gurgle and falls back, unmoving. His angry, defiant expression goes slack and he lets out one final weak cough. A pool of blood begins to spread from beneath his limp body.
A Warrior's Lament

Amphitryon refused to talk even after you beat him down, but he did let slip the name 'Bronte'. His refusal to just talk cost him his life and won't protect this Bronte woman for long.

  • (Leave)
  • This is getting me nowhere. Thanks for the name.
+++ Missing Information +++
  • This is getting me nowhere. Thanks for the name.
+++ Missing Information +++
  • I don't believe you.
Amphitryon glowers at you.
I am no liar! I won't have my honor challenged by the likes of you!
  • Calm down! The thief mentioned your name.
This selection loops to another branch of this conversation which is already documented.
  • Need I remind you how we got to talking in the first place?
He grunts and crosses his arms.
I told you to finish me off, so do what you will! But I don't know anything about your diamond.
  • The thief mentioned you! She said your name!
+++ Missing Information +++
  • Eager to die?
Want it? No. But a real Warrior does not fear death. I enter every battle knowing it may be my last. If I should fall, it is because I wasn't worthy enough to stand.
He shakes his head.
So end me. Or show mercy and let me go, knowing that I shall seek vengeance. Your choice.
  • Not until you tell me about the Florentine Diamond.
This selection loops to another branch of this conversation which is already documented.
  • What are you doing in the Isles?
He looks up at you with a sneer.
Vacationing with the wife and kids. You know, taking in some local color.
  • Haha, very funny. Talk, unless you want to be hurt more.
Fine. The Warriors are here for artifacts. What else? We are trying to increase our power in Paragon City with magic from beneath Thorn Isle.
He shakes his head and looks away, face scrunched up in annoyance.
That was the plan, at least. We have yet to find anything worth our time.
  • I don't care about artifacts. Tell me about the Florentine Diamond.
This selection loops to another branch of this conversation which is already documented.
  • Oh, nice. It's a good time of year for it.
He stares at you for a moment, narrowing his eyes slightly.
Yeah, Alceme's always wanted to come, but the twins have school for most of the year, and summer prices are so high! But this year, things just worked out and we were able to make it.
You know how it is.
  • Haha, anyway, back to why you're in the Isles.
This selection loops to another branch of this conversation which is already documented.
  • Well, you picked a good time to come! The weather is lovely this time of year.
The Warrior pushes himself back to a sitting position. He remains on the floor beneath you, but looks up slightly more relaxed, though his brows are still furrowed.
Yes, we've been enjoying it so far. We did a tour of Port Oakes yesterday. Iphicles really loved seeing the burning boat. He kept asking how long it's been on fire. Tomorrow we're going hiking on Mount Diable.
  • Oh, yeah, I love the outdoors. Have you visited the Flop yet? Great fun for kids.
Oh, yeah, that's next on our list. We're going to - Ok, I can't do this any more.
Amphitryon stands back up and crosses his arms.
The Warriors are here on the Isles looking for artifacts from Thorn Isle. So far... we haven't found very many. Nothing worth attacking us over, at least.
So why come in here, attack me and my men, then waste time with...
He waves his hand around.
Whatever this has been?
  • That doesn't sound like a safe activity for kids!
I can't tell if you're crazy or just messing with me. I don't have any kids. I don't have a wife. Now, are you going to get to the point or should we just continue this charade?
  • What do you know about the Florentine Diamond?
This selection loops to another branch of this conversation which is already documented.
  • I'm here for information on the Florentine Diamond.
This selection loops to another branch of this conversation which is already documented.
  • (Hit him)
You kick the Warrior in the side of the head, sending him sprawling down onto the ground. He grunts and pushes himself back to his feet, shaking his head slowly.
No sense of humor, huh?
  • Just give me the information I want.
This selection loops to another branch of this conversation which is already documented.
  • That eager to die?
This selection loops to another branch of this conversation which is already documented.


Bronte, huh? That's a pretty weird name, ain't it? I don't know too many Brontes myself. That should make it easier to track her down, at least. I guess I'll get on social media and start -

Bobby's phone chimes with the familiar sound of a newly received text message.

It's the Miller. I gotta give him a call.

Part Four (2): Down in the Dark

Editor's Note:

You will only receive this mission if you used violence to get the auctioneer to talk in the previous mission; if you got the auctioneer to talk without violence, you will receive Part Four: Jack of Diamonds.


Alright, I've confirmed that there's a cave entrance where the auctioneer marked it on the map. Lots of Circle of Thorns mages have been seen around there. I always was creeped out by them Circle guys. They don't really come into the White Elephant, thank goodness. Hope you don't mind dealing with them.

  • I'll have to if I want my diamond.

True enough, Character. Don't know how you do it. You know they got ghosts? Ghosts! That's too spooky for me. Don't wanna be haunted by any creepy ghosts.

Though I guess it does kinda prove the existence of an afterlife. Huh. Guess that's a little comforting, at least.

Unnecessary Solicitation

+++ Missing Information +++

Mission Objective(s)

The entrance to the twisting, cramped caves that the Circle of Thorns inhabit is covered in a thick layer of dust. It doesn't seem to have been disturbed in a long time.

  • Track down the Circle mage
    • Find Librarian Semrig
    • Talk to Librarian Semrig

The Circle mage didn't have the diamond... Seems you were lied to.


Circle of Thorns

Notable NPCs

Librarian Semrig

The Circle mage looks at you with a glare, the green glow of his eyes making the deep creases on his face even more stark.

Why do you intrude upon our home? We have done nothing to provoke your wrath.

  • I'm here for the Florentine Diamond.
The mage shakes his head.
I do not know of it. If you seek scrying spells to divine its location, I am no expert on those spells.
  • You have the diamond.
He shakes his head.
I do not, nor have I ever heard of such a gem. What are diamonds to me? Ugly stones, worth no more than granite or pitchblende.
  • You really have been down here a long time.
He nods his head stiffly, more a bob than anything.
And I do not wish to leave. So you see, I have no desire for your diamond.
  • I was told it is magic.
This selection loops to another branch of this conversation which is already documented.
  • I'm going to make that auctioneer pay.
Having felt your power first hand, I do not envy this auctioneer.
Now, having not found your diamond here, will you leave us in peace?
  • Yes. I'm leaving. (Leave)
  • Time for me to leave, then. (Leave)
  • How can I trust you?
Why would I lie? If you came down here for this diamond, it obviously means something to you. A lie would only serve to make you angrier when you determine the falsehood. Then you'll return and bother me again, when I just wish to be left to my own devices.
  • You're right, lies do make me angry. That auctioneer will pay.
This selection loops to another branch of this conversation which is already documented.
  • Then there's no reason for me to stay here. (Leave)
  • I was told it was magic.
No. Or if it is, I know nothing of it. Whatever led you here to find it has misled you.
  • How can I trust you?
This selection loops to another branch of this conversation which is already documented.
  • I am going to make that auctioneer pay.
This selection loops to another branch of this conversation which is already documented.
  • I was told you have the diamond!
He starts to make a sound like a cat coughing.
Whoever told you that must have wished you dead, but underestimated you. Why would I want a diamond?
  • How can I trust you?
This selection loops to another branch of this conversation which is already documented.
  • I was told it was magic.
This selection loops to another branch of this conversation which is already documented.
  • Seriously? You Circle mages are always kidnapping people and summoning demons.
My brethren may do such things, but I have not. Those of us in this section of the city have not ventured outside in decades, if not longer.
The mage sweeps his arm out in front of himself. His voice is like dry wind through barren trees.
Look around you. See how undisturbed this place is.
  • It looks the same as anywhere else down here.
He stiffly shrugs his shoulders and quirks his head to the side.
For one who has lived here as long as me, it is plain. So is that why you are here? Because one of my brethren has wronged you somehow?
  • No. I'm here for the Florentine Diamond.
This selection loops to another branch of this conversation which is already documented.
  • And yet you're wearing that flesh suit.
The mage holds up his arm and looks at it. The sleeve of his robe slides down his arm, revealing a bony appendage with loose skin covered in spots.
This body nears the end of its time. I have not taken one for some time. Likely longer than you have been alive...
He leans in and stares at your face for a moment.
Though of course, you can never be sure of age based solely on appearances.
So is that why you are here? To punish me for the form I have worn for decades?
  • No. I'm here for the Florentine Diamond.
This selection loops to another branch of this conversation which is already documented.
  • That's beside the point. I'm here for the Florentine Diamond.
This selection loops to another branch of this conversation which is already documented.
A False Lead

The Circle mage did not have the gem. In fact, he even called the diamond "worthless"! It seems the auctioneer didn't appreciate the... heavy handed methods you used to get him to talk and told a fib.


You gotta be kidding me? The Circle wasn't the real thief? I can't believe the auctioneer was brave enough to lie to you! Oh man, that guy definitely isn't getting vouched into the White Elephant on my watch! I guarantee that.

I'm sure you wanna get a bit of revenge and teach that joker a lesson. We still gotta find out who the real thief is, too. I just hope he hasn't run and -

Bobby's phone chimes with the familiar sound of a newly received text message.

It's the Miller. I gotta give him a call.

Part Five (1): Diamonds and Guns

Editor's Note:

This mission follows Part Four: Jack of Diamonds. If you completed Part Four: Down in the Dark, you will receive Part Five: Fine Arts instead.


Alright, Character, I just got off the phone with the Miller. He got word from a friend of his with the Family who heard of a big kerfuffle going down at the casino of one 'Rancid' Armstrong. Armstrong is an underboss with the Family, a guy who loves jewelry and sidearms. Don't let the name fool you, he actually smells pretty nice, you ask me. It's like how they call Willy Tiny, even though he's a real slab of beef.

Bobby frowns for a moment then snaps his fingers.

Oh right! Getting off track here. Anyway, the Miller's contact says some woman, named Bronte, was at the casino trying to offload a diamond. But things went south for some reason, there was some guns drawn, and the girl hightailed it with the ice. Sounds like our girl, right?

  • Sounds like I should go talk to this Rancid.

That's what I was thinking too. As long as you go in there peaceful, you should be able to get in and talk, no problem. Armstrong's a reasonable enough guy, been to the White Elephant a few times. Good tipper, always very respectful with the staff.

Unnecessary Solicitation

You talked to Armstrong yet? Don't wanna take too much time. If this deal spooked our girl, she might try to go running. Then all of this has been for nothing.

Mission Objective(s)

The Family are obviously on edge as you enter, but none of them make a move for their weapons... yet.

  • Speak with 'Rancid' Armstrong
    • Talk to Armstrong

You've learned that the diamond thief is none other than Arc Flash, a hero from Paragon City!

Notable NPCs

  • 'Rancid' Armstrong
Rancid Armstrong

As you approach Armstrong, the overpowering smells of lavender, oakmoss, and bergamot assail you. He smiles upon seeing you and throws his arms wide.

Ahh, the infamous Character! Welcome to my casino! I'm guessing you're not interested in betting it all on red, are you?

  • Not today. I'm here about the Florentine Diamond.
Straight to the point, I like it! Yeah, we had that hero chick around here, trying to sell me that rock. I knew something was off about her the moment I laid eyes on her. Most diamond thieves I know are full of confidence, can't wait to tell you all about what they pulled off.
Not her, though, she was trouble from the moment I saw her. Kept trying to dodge questions, gave me the stink eye, was wearing a ratty hoodie that didn't fit her.
He laughs and shakes his head.
  • Yeah, but who was she?
Oh yeah, of course. Big bad villain, always up to something, never enough time. I get it. She's called Arc Flash. Don't know too much else about her. She's supposed to got electricity powers.
Don't know why she was trying to sell me that diamond, though. Probably some sorta plot to nail me with stolen goods or something. The cops are always trying to pin something on me!
Anyway, you going after her? Hey, give her one for me, too! I don't appreciate stings, you know?
  • Thanks. I'll do that.
  • (Keep listening)
I was still pretty interested in the diamond, though. Woo baby, that thing was a beaut. I don't normally care for yellow diamonds, I like the blue ones the best, or the clear ones you know. Chocolate diamonds? A whole load of crap, you ask me.
They used to use them for industrial purposes before, you know. Just trash diamonds, no one wanted them! Then the marketers, they rebranded them as "chocolate diamonds" and suddenly made them all the rage!
You ask me, it's marketers like that who are real bad guys. Making people want things that don't have any value. Not like good diamonds, right?
  • Uh huh. Anyway, about the hero?
This selection loops to another branch of this conversation which is already documented.
  • (Keep listening)
Anyway, this girl came in here with that diamond and I was about to pay her for it. Then one of my guys just started shooting at her! And you know, we didn't know what was going on, so all my other boys pulled their pieces and started letting loose too.
I don't know how she got out of here without looking like a used pin cushion.
After she got away, I started yelling, asking questions, you know. Well, my guy said he recognized her! Said she's a hero back in Paragon City. She even pinched him once, but he got off on a technicality. The whole reason he's in the Isles now, he said, too much trouble dealing with all those heroes in Paragon.
  • Ok, great. What was her name?
+++ Missing Information +++
  • (Keep listening)
I don't know how Frost does it, working out of Paragon. It's bad enough here, what with Longbow and Wyvern running around sticking their noses in everything. At least they mostly stick to bugging Arachnos.
Ah, you don't need me to talk about it! You probably deal with them all the time, don't you? I'm glad I keep my nose clean, you know. Clean for the Isles, at least!
But back in Paragon, man... Can't jaywalk without some cape running over to toss you in the Zig. No way to make a living. Better living here in the Isles, more freedom.
  • Back on topic, who had the diamond?
+++ Missing Information +++
  • (Keep listening)
Anyway, about that girl. Arc Flash is what she's called. Don't know too much else about her. She's supposed to got electricity powers.
Don't know why she was trying to sell me that diamond, though. Probably some sorta plot to nail me with stolen goods or something. The cops are always trying to pin something on me!
You know what, Character, you're alright! Come on back some time, drinks'll be on the house!
  • Thanks. I'll do that.
A Lost Hero

You spoke with 'Rancid' Armstrong, a Family underboss with a taste for finer things. He told you that a woman tried to sell him the diamond, but one of his men recognized her as the hero Arc Flash. She fled after being discovered, taking the diamond with her.


Arc Flash? She's a hero, ain't she? Why would she be stealing a diamond and trying to sell it to criminals, huh?

Bobby rubs the bridge of his nose, then shakes his head slowly.

I tell you, Character, things are getting more complicated here in the Isles every day. You got heroes committing heists, you got people from other dimensions running around... What's next, we gonna have villains volunteering at the free clinic?

Part Five (2): Fine Arts

Editor's Note:

This mission follows Part Four: Down in the Dark. If you completed Part Four: Jack of Diamonds, you will receive Part Five: Diamonds and Guns instead.


Alright, Character, I just got off the phone with the Miller. Ever heard of Kue Xob? He's a big wig with the Tsoo and apparently likes his art. The Miller got word that a woman reached out to Xob and tried to arrange a buy for a 'lost treasure' here in the Isles. I guess whoever our thief is figured 'art guy' also means 'diamond guy'. Apparently, the buy didn't go down, but the Miller doesn't know why.

Now the Tsoo usually ain't the most forthcoming types with information, so you might need to put the press to them a bit before they give up the gold. I've got word that Kue Xob is still in the Isles for a few days, probably training some of their ninjas or something like that. They got a den not very far from here that they're working out of.

I figure you go, bust a head or two, get this Kue Xob to tell you all he knows.

  • Maybe I can pick up a few antiques while I'm there for my trouble.

Bobby grins and nods as you get ready to head off.

Never much liked them Tsoo guys none any. Bad tippers. If you see a guy named Vang, pop him one for me. He got handsy with a waitress in the White Elephant, then teleported out before I could toss him out. Damn sorcerers.

Unnecessary Solicitation

You talked to Kue Xob yet? I hear that ninjas get weaker if you fight more of them at once. Dunno if that's just a rumor or not, though, so if you get ganged up on, don't blame me.

Mission Objective(s)

The thick scent of incense hangs in the air of this warehouse, a plain giveaway that Tsoo initiation rituals or occuring.

  • Question Kue Xob
    • Find Kue Xob

A hero named Arc Flash stole your diamond! Time to track her down and get it back.



Notable NPCs

Kue Xob

You come here, interrupt our rituals, and bring violence upon my students. We have done nothing to you, so why do you attack us?

  • I'm just here for information. You attacked first.
A sour expression crosses the face of the Tsoo master. His mouth squirms for a moment before he speaks, slowly.
I will concede that we attack those who come here uninvited. The question is why you came.
  • Tell me what you know about the Florentine Diamond.
This selection loops to another branch of this conversation which is already documented.
  • Tell me all you know about the Florentine Diamond.
He raises an eyebrow.
Did the girl send you? I suppose the infamous Character is a more likely seller than a heroine, but even so, I do not wish to buy it. It is a gaudy thing with no aesthetic value.
  • I'm not with her. What do you mean, a hero?
His other eyebrow raises.
Then a smile slowly spreads across his face.
Ahh. That explains much, then. Here is my offer, then. I will tell you who has the diamond and you will leave here. Deal?
  • You're in no position to bargain.
Nor are you. Not if you want to learn the identity of the diamond thief before she finds a less discerning buyer.
  • Fine. Deal.
This selection loops to another branch of this conversation which is already documented.
  • Deal.
Her name is Arc Flash, or so one of my students said. She came here to try to sell me the diamond, but her behavior was strange. She was nervous and jumpy. At first, I simply thought her some sort of drug addict, perhaps with a small gem she wished to trade for Rage...
He shakes his head.
But when I saw the diamond she carried, I knew no ordinary addict would be capable of stealing it. I consulted with my men and one identified her as a heroine from Paragon City named Arc Flash.
I assumed some sort of inexpert trap and ordered my men to attack. She fled and we let her go; I had no interest in the diamond, after all.
There, I have told you all I know. Now, leave here.
  • Very well.
A Lost Hero

You spoke with Sun Xiong, a Tsoo master with a taste for the arts. He told you that a woman tried to sell the gem to him, but after one of his men recognized her as the hero Arc Flash, they chased her off.


Arc Flash? She's a hero, ain't she? Why would she be stealing a diamond and trying to sell it to criminals, huh?

Bobby rubs the bridge of his nose, then shakes his head slowly.

I tell you, Character, things are getting more complicated here in the Isles every day. You got heroes committing heists, you got people from other dimensions running around... What's next, we gonna have villains volunteering at the free clinic?

Finale: A Flashy Thief

Editor's Note:

You will receive this mission regardless of which path you took after Part Three.


Alright, Character, I think we're finally getting to the end of this. I did a little digging on this Arc Flash lady. Seems like she's a magic hero, uses some bracers to give herself lightning powers. Kinda makes sense; Bronte's a Greek goddess of thunder, one of Zeus's handmaidens.

Bobby looks at you as if waiting for you to make a comment.

Hey, even a meathead like me has some smart type hobbies. Anyway, seems like she's been working with the Legacy Chain here in the Isles. Maybe the diamond is magic, but I doubt it. The Chain wouldn't be good with trying to sell the thing to criminals if it had any magic in it and they ain't the type to be running scams either. I'm betting Arc Flash has been pulling this off behind their backs.

Even so, they got a place called the Dark Gallery nearby that they operate out of. Small place, but fancy. If she ain't there, they'll know where to find her at least.

  • It's time to get what's mine.

Still gotta wonder why a hero like Arc Flash is doing this? All the dirt I got on her says she's a goody two-shoes, never even a whiff of something bad about her.

Bobby shrugs his broad shoulders.

Ah, who knows? They say power corrupts and all that. Maybe she just got tired of doing all the work but not getting the reward, huh?

Unnecessary Solicitation

The Legacy Chain are a weird bunch. Look more like a group hanging out at a Renn Faire than proper magic guys. Seriously, what's up with the swords and helmets and stuff?

Mission Objective(s)

The spark of magic hangs over the Dark Gallery like a fog. It's clear the Legacy Chain is prepared for any intrusions.

  • Track down Arc Flash
    • Defeat all Legacy Chain
    • Find Arc Flash
    • Talk to Arc Flash
    • Defeat Arc Flash

You step out of the Dark Gallery into the light of Nerva... your decision made.


Legacy Chain

Notable NPCs

Arc Flash realizes something is wrong

Arc Flash:

Sorry I'm late! I was...

Well... it's been a long day.

Where is everyone?
Arc Flash

If you didn't kill Amphitryon:

Arc Flash looks up at you from the ground, breathing heavy. She slowly wipes a trickle of blood from her lip.

Why are you here? What do you want from me?

  • I'm here for the Florentine Diamond.
She flinches.
I... I don't have it.
She seems to realize that her lie is transparent even as it leaves her lips. She sighs.
Please... Don't take it from me. I need it.
  • I know you're trying to sell it.
That's why I need it! I need the money.
My... my mother, she's sick. Very sick. But we can't afford her treatment! She was an EMT during the Rikti War. She helped people, hundreds of people! She saved lives, Character, and now she needs someone to save her.
I'm the only one who can. I need to sell the diamond to get money for her medical bills. Do you understand?
  • I have some questions.
What do you want to know?
  • How did you learn about the diamond?
It was a coincidence. There was a smuggling ring I brought down. They were trading in rare artifacts, many of them magic. I overheard one of the smugglers talking about the diamond they unloaded in the Isles, so I did some digging and found out about it.
Arc Flash's Luck

You learned that Arc Flash learned about the Florentine Diamond by pure coincidence. Lucky her.

  • How did you blackmail the auctioneer?
Arc Flash looks away from you, eyes cast toward the ground.
Does it matter? I swore I wouldn't tell anyone and I won't go back on my word, no matter what. It wasn't even that bad... I think he was just worried about what his parents would think.
She cringes.
But I think I've said too much.
The Auctioneer's Secret

Arc Flash wouldn't tell you how she blackmailed the auctioneer, only that the truth would have upset his parents.

  • Does the Legacy Chain know you're a thief?
Her face goes slightly red.
No. They would never have approved of it. If they'd learned, they would have taken me in themselves and given me nothing for the diamond.
Legacy Chain's Involvement

The Legacy Chain doesn't know anything about Arc Flash's actions.

  • Couldn't another hero help your mother? With magic or other powers?
I tried, trust me. It's not that easy. There's no universal cure, not known to science anyway. And magic is finnicky on this sort of thing. There are spells that might have cured her, but would have taken her soul, or stolen so many years from her life that it wouldn't even matter. If it could have traded my own soul for it, I would have. But I couldn't even find that.
Private Health Care

Arc Flash tried to seek a mystical or superscience cure for her mother's illness, but wasn't able to find anything.

  • Why weren't you able to sell the diamond?
I... I didn't know how. Once I had the diamond, I couldn't figure out what to do with it! I couldn't exactly walk into a pawn shop. I tried to sell it to a few people who might have wanted it, but they all recognized me as a hero and got spooked.
If I keep up with it, I'll be able to sell it eventually. I just need to keep trying.
Failed Her Barter Check

Arc Flash doesn't have any criminal connections, so she kept making missteps when trying to sell the Florentine Diamond. You won't have that problem.

  • How did you get your powers?
She glances at her wrists and the rune-etched bracers there.
The Bracers of Astrape. She was a Greek goddess of lightning, one of the handmaidens of Zeus. My grandfather was an archaeologist and found them on a dig in Greece. He used them as a hero for a while, the first Arc Flash back in the 60s. But the magic in the bracers suddenly stopped working one day.
Until I picked them up when I was a teenager, at least. They attuned to me and the magic came back. I think as long as I wear them, the magic won't run out again.
The Bracers of Astrape

Arc Flash's powers come from her magical bracers, which carry the power of a Greek goddess. The bracers are attuned to her and lose their power over time if she's not using them.

If you played through Part Four: Jack of Diamonds, but didn't kill Amphitryon:
  • You were working with the Warriors too?
Arc Flash looks down at the ground and takes a deep breath.
So that's how you found out about me... Amphitryon is my brother. He's really named Ambrose, by the way.
She lets out a sigh.
He was always jealous of me, I think. After I got my magic bracers, he wanted to be a hero too. He felt like my parents and grandfather treated me special because of them. He kept trying to get magic for himself, but he didn't have any talent for it.
So he joined the Warriors, thinking he could find an artifact with them that would give him powers.
Sibling Rivalry

Amphitryon is Arc Flash's brother. He joined the Warriors because he was jealous of his sister's powers and wanted to find an artifact for himself.

If you killed Amphitryon:
  • How come your brother was a Warrior?
Arc Flash looks down at the ground and takes a deep breath.
Ambrose was jealous of me, I think. After I got my magic bracers, he wanted to be a hero too. He felt like my parents and grandfather treated me special because of them. He kept trying to get magic for himself, but he didn't have any talent for it.
So he joined the Warriors, thinking he could find an artifact with them that would give him powers.
She looks at you with a mix of anger and sadness.
And look what it got him.
Sibling Rivalry

Amphitryon is Arc Flash's brother. He joined the Warriors because he was jealous of his sister's powers and wanted to find an artifact for himself.

  • That's enough. I need to think.
This selection loops to another branch of this conversation which is already documented.
  • (Think about it)
You've gone through a lot of hard work to track down the Florentine Diamond and you've finally got the thief at your mercy. She's given you a sob story, but do you believe her? Do you even care?
You could just take the diamond from her. It's likely that she'll try to resist, but you've already proven that you can handle her.
You could let her go. You wouldn't get anything out of the deal, except for maybe the good karma of doing a "good" deed.
Then again, she hasn't had much luck selling the diamond so far. Maybe you could offer to help. You can use your connections with the Miller to sell the diamond, then split the money with her. Still a nice haul and no one else would have to die.
But what's money compared to power? Her magical bracers are obviously very powerful. You could offer a trade, bracers for diamond. It would leave her powerless, but she clearly values her mother's life more than being a hero.
  • That diamond is mine! (Attack)
  • Fine... Go on, get out of here before I change my mind.
If you didn't kill Amphitryon:
+++ Missing Information +++
If you killed Amphitryon:
Her eyes go wide.
You... you're serious?
She scrambles to her feet.
Thank you! I can't forgive you for killing my brother, but I'll remember that you had a heart at the end.
She turns away and runs for the door.
  • (Leave)
  • Let me sell the diamond. We'll split the money.
+++ Missing Information +++
  • Let's trade. Your bracers for the diamond.
If you didn't kill Amphitryon:
Arc Flash's eyes go wide in disbelief. She starts to rub the bracer on her right arm.
My bracers? But... Without them, I won't be a hero any more. I'll be powerless.
She looks down at her feet, silent for a moment. Then she sighs and unlatches her right bracer.
Fine. It's worth it. My mother needs this money more than I need to be a hero. I can't be selfish.
She unlatches the second bracer, then holds them out to you. As you take them, you can feel a brief crackle of electricity race through your body, but it is just a jolt, no worse than static.
You received Bracers of Astrape.

Melee (Cone), High DMG(Energy), -End

These rune-etched bracers channel the power of the Greek goddess of lightning, allowing you to generate a strong current between your arms and snap a powerful bolt of electricity in an arc in front of you. This melee attack can electrocute all foes within the arc dealing High energy damage and draining some Endurance from your target. Damage: High, Recharge: Moderate

30 uses left

  • (Leave)
If you killed Amphitryon:
+++ Missing Information +++
  • I don't care. Give it to me.
No, please! Just listen to me!
Do you have a mother, Character? Or at least someone you consider a mother?
  • I don't.
Well, maybe you won't understand this then... But when your mother gets sick, you just want to do anything to help her get better. My mom is very sick. She was an EMT who worked throughout the Rikti War. We don't know what it was... The radiation, the dust from destroyed buildings she breathed in, or something else, but she got sick from it.
She got too sick to work and lost her health insurance. She can't afford to pay her medical bills. Please, I need to sell the diamond so I can get her treatment! Please, let me go!
  • I have questions first.
This selection loops to another branch of this conversation which is already documented.
  • (Think about it)
This selection loops to another branch of this conversation which is already documented.
  • Of course I do.
Then you know how hard it is when your mom gets sick. Just like mine is. She was an EMT who worked throughout the Rikti War. We don't know what it was... The radiation, the dust from destroyed buildings she breathed in, or something else, but she got sick from it.
She got too sick to work and lost her health insurance. She can't afford to pay her medical bills. Please, I need to sell the diamond so I can get her treatment! Please, let me go!
  • I have questions first.
This selection loops to another branch of this conversation which is already documented.
  • (Think about it)
This selection loops to another branch of this conversation which is already documented.

If you killed Amphitryon:

Arc Flash glares up at you from the ground. Her eyes are hard, brows pinched together. She slowly wipes a trickle of blood from her lip.

You... you're the one who killed my brother. Are you here to kill me too?

  • You'll need to be more specific.
Amphitryon. He was my brother. You killed him. I talked to some of his gang and they told me that you came in there, wiped them out, and killed my brother.
She hangs her head and stares at the ground. For a moment, she is silent. When she starts to talk again, her voice is shaking.
So why? Why did you kill him? Why come for me?
She looks back up at you, tears in her eyes.
  • He was trying to protect me from learning who stole the Florentine Diamond.
This selection loops to another branch of this conversation which is already documented.
  • Who cares why? He was a worthless Warrior and he's dead now.
+++ Missing Information +++
  • Kill you? No, I just want the diamond.
The diamond? You killed Amphitryon over that?
She lets out a choked laugh.
That idiot. He should have just told you everything and saved himself.
She shakes her head and looks at you. Tears trickle down her cheeks.
But please, don't take the diamond. Do... do you have a mother, Character? Or someone you consider a mother, at least.
  • Of course I do.
Then you must love her, right? I love my mother too, just like I love my brother. But my mom, she's sick. She was an EMT who worked throughout the Rikti War. We don't know what it was... The radiation, the dust from destroyed buildings she breathed in, or something else, but she got sick from it.
She got too sick to work and lost her health insurance. She can't afford to pay her medical bills. Please, I need to sell the diamond so I can get her treatment! Please, let me go!
  • I have questions first.
This selection loops to another branch of this conversation which is already documented.
  • (Think about it)
This selection loops to another branch of this conversation which is already documented.
  • No.
Well, maybe you won't understand this then... But I love my mother, just like I love my brother. But my mom, she's sick. She was an EMT who worked throughout the Rikti War. We don't know what it was... The radiation, the dust from destroyed buildings she breathed in, or something else, but she got sick from it.
She got too sick to work and lost her health insurance. She can't afford to pay her medical bills. Please, I need to sell the diamond so I can get her treatment! Please, let me go!
  • I have questions first.
This selection loops to another branch of this conversation which is already documented.
  • (Think about it)
This selection loops to another branch of this conversation which is already documented.


If you obtained the Florentine Diamond:

As Bobby takes a look at the Florentine Diamond, he lets out a long, low whistle.

Oh baby, now that is a rock. And now it's in the hands of someone who really knows how to turn it into something valuable! Just remember, I pulled a lot of weight on this job too. We agreed to 10% of the cut. No need to pay now, just whenever you finally sell it.

And, ah, I apologize for having to say this. Since you've been pretty straight with me so far. But if you do try to go crooked and stiff me and Willy, well, you can see that we got connections.

But hey, what am I saying? I know you won't try to do me like that. Now we just need to handle the little issue of selling that thing...

If you let Arc Flash go with the diamond:

At your approach, Bobby's face lights up in anticipation, but quickly falls as you explain that Arc Flash is gone with the diamond.

Aww, she got away? Man, Character, I didn't expect her to be able to get one over on you. But hey! Guess she got one over on me too, didn't she? Got one over on all of us.

Look, I don't know if you let her go or if she just got away. Don't really matter to me, actually. She's gone now, ain't she? And no diamond, no profit, no cut for me and Willy. Oh well.

Bobby sighs and looks off into the distance for a moment. Then he shakes his head and puts a smile back onto his face.

That's just how things go here in the Isles. You know, we've been through a lot on this, buddy.

If you traded the diamond for Arc Flash's bracers:

At your approach, Bobby's face lights up in anticipation, but quickly falls when you explain that Arc Flash is gone with the diamond. Then you hold up her bracers and his dismay turns to curiosity.

Are those... her bracers? Those are what gave her powers, ain't they?

He lets out a low, long whistle.

You're really something else, ain't you? Look, I dunno why you agreed to trade with her. I'm sure you had good reasons, though. Still, we had a deal for 10% of what you made out with. Doubt those things are worth quite as much as the diamond, but to the right buyer...

Of course, finding the right buyer will be tough. But I have an idea.

Epilogue (1): Diamond for Sale

Editor's Note:

You receive this mission if you obtained the Florentine Diamond.


The Miller! Now that he's free, thanks to you, he's going to be looking to get back into the game, right? Who better to fence the diamond than him? He'll probably be safer with the diamond than the bozos who let it get stolen in the first place and be able to get top dollar for it!

  • Let's get our money.

The Miller's hanging out over in St. Martial. I'm sure he'll be glad to see you.

Unnecessary Solicitation

You seen the Miller about the diamond yet?

Mission Objective(s)

  • Talk to the Miller

The Miller

The Miller gives you a courteous nod as you approach him.

So you've found the Florentine Diamond, have you? I did not doubt that you would. You have quite a unique set of skills, Character.

You wish to employ me in selling it, yes? I can do so. It may take some time to find a buyer who can meet the price of such a rare piece. However, I shall begin my search immediately.

You should keep the diamond for now. Once I find a buyer, I will contact you.

  • Good doing business with you.


I knew that the Miller would be able to help us out, Character. Now, I know it might take a little while before that thing sells. You be careful with it, though! Don't want you to lose it like everyone else did. I'll be seeing you whenever you get your payday! And if you ever need to be vouched into the White Elephant, just come talk to me. I'll make sure you get a good table.

Epilogue (2): Closing the Loop

Editor's Note:

You receive this mission if you let Arc Flash go with the diamond.


Hey, just got a call from the Miller. He wants to talk to you. Not sure why, really. Maybe he's got some sorta tip for you?

  • I'll go see him.

The Miller's hanging out over in St. Martial. I'm sure he'll be glad to see you.

Unnecessary Solicitation

You seen the Miller yet?

Mission Objective(s)

  • Talk to the Miller

The Miller

The Miller slowly looks you up and down as you approach him.

You let Arc Flash escape, did you? Do not be surprised that I know it. I saw how you worked when you freed me, I know what you're capable of. There is no way that Arc Flash would escape your grasp if you didn't want it.

You showed her mercy, something that is in extremely rare supply here in the Isles. I am sure she will have further trouble selling the diamond, as well. I'll help her sell it and get what she needs.

As for you... I have a feeling we will cross paths again.

  • We will see, Miller.


So what did the Miller want with you? He told you not to talk about it, huh? Doesn't surprise me, guess you gotta stay hush hush in his line of work! Anyway, it was nice working with you, Character. You ever need in the White Elephant, come talk to me. I'm sure I'll be able to find a spot for you at the bar.

Epilogue (3): Bracers for Sale

Editor's Note:

You receive this mission if you chose to trade the diamond for Arc Flash's bracers.


The Miller! Now that he's free, thanks to you, he's going to be looking to get back into the game, right? Who better to find a buyer for those bracers than him? He'll know exactly the right type of person to sell them to, someone who will pay top dollar without causing you any trouble with them in the future.

  • Let's get our money.

The Miller's hanging out over in St. Martial. I'm sure he'll be glad to see you.

Unnecessary Solicitation

You seen the Miller about the bracers yet?

Mission Objective(s)

  • Talk to the Miller

The Miller

The Miller gives you a courteous nod as you approach him.

So you've found the Florentine Diamond, have you? No? Surprising, I thought you would have done so by now, Character.

But what are those? Arc Flash's bracers? Hmm, quite rare, quite rare indeed. Powerful magic in them. You do have quite an unusual set of skills if you were able to acquire them.

You wish me to sell them? I can do so. It may take some time to find a buyer who would be interested in them. Powerful magic like that would invite trouble for their owner. And I suspect you would rather they not be taken by someone who might one day cause you trouble.

You keep them for now. You have proven you are strong enough to hold onto them. I will contact you once I have found a suitable buyer.

  • Good doing business with you.


I knew that the Miller would be able to help us out, Character. Now, I know it might take a little while before those things sell. They still got their magic in 'em? Guess you should have fun with 'em while you can. I'll be seeing you whenever you get your payday! You ever need to be vouched for the White Elephant, talk to me. I'll get you a seat at the bar.


Bobby Curtin does not offer any missions outside of his main story arc.