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{{Orange|Missing debriefing}}
{{Orange|Missing debriefing}}

=== {{UL|MissionName}} ===
=== {{UL|Battle the creatures of the Devouring Earth wherever you can}} ===


{{Mission Objective|Entrance=|Primary=|Secondary=|Additional=|Completion=}}
The Devouring Earth have been steadily growing into an incredible threat, and they're getting more dangerous every day.  It's vital to the safety of the city that heroes constantly fight back against the menace of the Devouring Earth.  I'd like you to concentrate your efforts against the Devouring Earth for a while, battling them wherever they appear.

{{Mission Clue|Name=|Text=}}
{{Mission Objective|Entrance=|Primary=Unknown, probably hunt Devouring Earth|Secondary=|Additional=|Completion=}}

'''Notable NPCs'''

{{Orange|Missing debriefing}}

== External Links ==
== External Links ==

* {{NoFutureContact|City=h|ID=75}}
* {{NoFutureContact|City=h|ID=75}}

Revision as of 08:08, 13 September 2006


Ginger Yates.jpg

Ginger Yates is a hero contact in the Blackstone Hills neighborhood of Founders' Falls Ginger Yates is a Science origin contact. Her level range is 35-39. Heroes should take care in contacting Ginger, as Devouring Earth often spawn quite close to her.


Contact Introduced By

New Contact(s)

Janet Kellum is a brainiac FBSA agent. I have heard that she is high on Countess Crey's hit list. She likes working with science heroes, and she has access to Invention and Genetic Alteration Enhancements.

Janet won't steer you wrong. Just watch your step, because she's determined to go after the countess.



Ginger yates is a brilliant ecologist who came to Paragon City full of enthusiasm for studying the Devouring Earth. She began collecting test subjects and logging data, but it wasn't long before tragedy wiped the eager gleam from her eyes. A young hero named Torque had decided that Ginger's activities were a little dangerous for his town, and he invaded her lab, determined to destroy her test subjects. But he wasn't prepared for the strength and desperation of the cornered creatures, and the battle raged out of control. When the dust settled, Torque was dead, along with Ginger's husband and daughter. She is now grimly determined to use her knowledge to help heroes destroy what she came here to research.

Initial Contact


Story Arc

Template:Souvenir Hamidon's Letter

Stop the Devouring Earth from stealing the technology


I got a tip on a Devouring Earth plot to raid the Paragon Technological Institute. If we let them get their hands on the equipment in that lab, they could produce mutagens that are far more effective than their current stock. I need you to stop the Devouring Earth from stealing that technology. We have enough trouble keeping the citizens human as it is!

See if you can find out exactly what the Devouring Earth are after. Knowing their plan is the first step toward thwarting it.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Defeat all DE in Lab
    • 4 techs to save, Learn Dev Earth's plan

You defeated the Devouring Earth and recovered a sample of the drug they produced.

The technician's story

One of the technicians you rescued told you:

'They had some people with them. That's right, people! One of the men wore a shirt that said 'Fauna First.' He was the one who operated the autoclave and the other machines those monsters couldn't manipulate. They cooked up some sort of medicine, then trashed the lab.'

Chemical residue

You collected this chemical residue from a machine in the lab you saved from the Devouring Earth. Upon analysis, it may yield a clue to the creatures' plans.


Devouring Earth


I've heard of Fauna First; they're a radical environmentalist group that's been accused of more than one act of sabotage against polluting businesses. You say they were working with the Devouring Earth? The creatures have tried such a tactic before, but it's never long before they turn on their human co-conspirators. I suspect we haven't heard the last of this business.

Take the residue to Dr. Steven Sheridan


The residue you discovered after the Devouring Earth attack on the Paragon Technical Institute indicates that they were working on something. Finding out what it was could give us a clue to their eventual plan. I'd like you to take this residue over to Dr. Steven Sheridan. Maybe he can tell us what the Devouring Earth were cooking up in that lab.

Dr. Sheridan may well be the smartest person I know. I don't doubt he'll have some good info for us.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Take residue to Dr. Sheridan

Chemical residue

You collected this chemical residue from a machine in the lab you saved from the Devouring Earth. According to Dr. Steven Sheridan, the Devouring Earth were manufacturing a drug that can cripple the immune system, thus lowering the body's chance of fighting off a mutagen or organ transplant.

Debriefing Steven Sheridan

This sample is a medicine that weakens the immune system. Doctors use similar medication when they're doing a major organ transplant; it keeps the body from rejecting the new organ. I'd guess the Devouring Earth plan to turn this substance into a virus, to weaken all of our immune systems so that we're more susceptible to their mutagens. They never stop trying to wipe us out, do they? I don't know if even the Rikti hate humanity this much!


We need to know more, and I think I know where to look: the ecological activist group, Fauna First. If they helped the Devouring Earth produce that chemical, they may well know the next phase of the plan. The organization has been deep undercover ever since they were accused of bombing an oil plant last year, but I'll see what I can ferret out.


Go to Founders' Falls and defeat as many Devouring Earth minions as you can find


The folks over in Founders' Falls think they may have to pave over Hutchinson Park. The area over there is so green and lush, it's become a magnet for Devouring Earth creatures. I think I've got another solution to their problem. I want you to head over the Founders' Falls and defeat as many Devouring Earth minions as you can find. If we can convince the Devouring Earth that Founders' Falls isn't the place for them, maybe it won't have to be turned into a parking lot.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Unknown, probably hunt Devouring Earth


Missing debriefing

Go to Crey's Folly and convince the Devouring Earth it's not their personal playground


There's a big problem in Crey's Folly that I think you can take care of. Every time we turn our backs on the Paragon Water Works, the Devouring Earth is in there, trying to add some sort of poison or mutagen. It's getting to the point where people don't feel safe drinking the city's water. I'd like you to go to Crey's Folly and convince the Devouring Earth that it's not their personal playground. Make sure they know that we won't tolerate any further incursions.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Unknown, probably hunt Devouring Earth in Crey's Folly


Missing debriefing

Rescue the company from the clutches of Nemesis


I need you to rescue a company from the clutches of Nemesis. Their soldiers are ripping up the main warehouse of Fleet Sports Drink as we speak. I don't know what they're after in their, but Fleet's a small company that just got started. They can't weather a storm like this. Please hurry. You'll have to move fast if you want to prevent significant property damage.

These Nemesis attacks are brutal, but never random. See if you can find out what they're after.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Stop Nemesis Raid - 75 minutes timed
    • Find cause of Nemesis' interest

You defeated the villains and found a clue to Nemesis' interest in this warehouse.

Fleet Sports Drink

You found this bottle of kiwi-flavored sports drink at the warehouse you rescued from the armies of Nemesis. The liquid inside is a virulent green color. When you hold the bottle in shadow, you can perceive a faint glow from the contents.


Devouring Earth


This sports drink you found certainly does look strange; I'd bet my house the DATA techs will find it's contaminated with the Devouring Earth's mutagenic mold. And I think I know why. I did some digging and traced Fleet Sports Drink to a group of eco-terrorists known as the Free Earth Coalition. I think the Devouring Earth was supplying them with this mold, and they were willing gearing up to distribute it among the population. I guess the armies of Nemesis found that plan objectionable. I can't say that I blame them.

Save ZenTech from the Devouring Earth


Get over to the ZenTech office complex on the triple! The Devouring Earth are raiding the building, and they're bent on slaughtering the entire work force! I'm sure they aren't happy with ZenTech after the company's recent brush with the EPA. You've got to save ZenTech from the Devouring Earth. Please, don't let those people die!

Thanks. I'll feel easier knowing this situation is in your capable hands.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Stop Devouring Earth raid
    • 5 researchers to save

You found a strange packet of organic material on one of the creatures. You call your contact and receive instructions to take it to Jenny Firkins, the hazardous technology expert.

Devouring Earth weapon

You found this small packet of organic material on a Devouring Earth creature. It is bright green, mushy, and smells like something that has spent too long in the back of the refrigerator.


Devouring Earth

Mission Objective(s)

  • Talk to Jenny Firkins

Briefing Jenny Firkins

This substance you found may look like a moldy pita pocket, but it's one of the most insidious weapons I've ever seen. It's a neat little packet of cancerous tissue, combined with a catalyst that will force the disease to multiply rapidly in any human host. Of course, without a delivery system, it's totally harmless. I don't see any way for the Devouring Earth to infect a person with this, short of force-feeding it to them. No, what they need is some sort of syringe or other injection system, something to get this tissue directly into the bloodstream. Oh. Oh, no.

There was a Devouring Earth raid on Lawson Pharmaceuticals this morning. Quick, organized, and destructive. Ginger Yates probably would have sent you, but you were already engaged over at ZenTech. I'm beginning to think the ZenTech attack was just a distraction, to keep you occupied while they got what they needed from Lawson Pharmaceuticals. Unless I miss my guess, the Devouring Earth is hard at work producing a stockpile of weapons that can destroy our citizens from the inside out!

Mission Objective(s)

  • Shut down weapons production
    • 3 labs to destroy

Notes Even though it isn't a stated mission objective, this mission cannot be completed until all enemies have been defeated.


Devouring Earth


In a sick way, it's almost poetic. The Devouring Earth view us as a cancer upon the world, so they tried to use cancer to wipe us out. I can't tell you how grateful the city is to you. You may very well hae saved every life in Paragon City.

Medicate the victims of the Devouring Earth's gassing attack


The Devouring Earth just gassed an entire stockbrokers' office! The good news is that no one's dead yet. The bad news is that the gas has mutagenic properties, and if you don't get over there soon, the people inside will be nothing but a bunch of mindless creatures. Professor St. John Smythe cooked up a stabilizing agent that should prevent the victims from mutating until you can get them back to his lab for treatment. I need you to medicate the victims of the Devouring Earth's gassing attack. There's not a moment to waste! They could start to mutate in as little as 90 minutes.

If you can find out why they attacked that office, it may help us anticipate similar attacks in the future.

Stabilizing agent

This medical kit contains several hypodermic needles, each with a pre-measured dose of Dr. St. John-Smythe's stabilizing agent. If administered in time, it should prevent the victims of the gassing attack from turning into mutants.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Stop Terra Firma & its guards - 90 minutes timed
    • Investigate cause of attack, 5 stockbrokers to medicate

You defeated the Devouring Earth, medicated the stockbrokers, and found a section of the Devouring Earth's manifesto.

Devouring Earth manifesto

Scrawled in mud on a whiteboard in the stockbrokers' office, you found this section of the Devouring Earth's manifesto. It reads:

'The children of commerce are our greatest enemy, for theirs are the shoulders upon which the world's corporate obscenity is built. They are the root of the devastation that has been wreaked upon Earth, our precious mother, our one, irreplaceable home.

Notable NPCs


Devouring Earth


I've seen the Devouring Earth's manifesto before, but I guess I never thought they'd attack people just because of their jobs. I guess I shouldn't have underestimated their fanaticism. One thing I can say about that manifesto; it wasn't written by a big pile of rocks or crystal. There's an intelligent mind behind the Devouring Earth somewhere. If we ever hope to defeat them for good, we'll have to find out who this Hamidon is.

Stop the Devouring Earth's new weapon from destroying the office


The Devouring Earth have got their hands on a strange new bacteria that seems to be able to eat through solid steel. They deployed it just this morning, at that old plastics factory that's often been charged with polluting Founders' Falls. There won't be any more Freedom Phalanx action figures out of that place; the whole lot has been reduced to a pile of quivering mold. I've got a lead on the next target: McAllister Pest Control. I want you to stop the Devouring Earth's new weapon from destroying that office. Hurry, time is of the essence! You may only have 1 hour or less!

Mission Objective(s)

  • Unknown


Missing debriefing

Battle the creatures of the Devouring Earth wherever you can


The Devouring Earth have been steadily growing into an incredible threat, and they're getting more dangerous every day. It's vital to the safety of the city that heroes constantly fight back against the menace of the Devouring Earth. I'd like you to concentrate your efforts against the Devouring Earth for a while, battling them wherever they appear.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Unknown, probably hunt Devouring Earth


Missing debriefing

External Links