Price Gouger Badge

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Revision as of 19:48, 3 May 2022 by Kai Moon (historical) (talk) (list fix)
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You know better than to work retail in the Rogue Isles. Logging out in a store will earn you a random enhancement, upon each mission completion, for a short time.

Day Job Bonus


Auto: Special Enhancement Bonus

Your time working as a shop keeper has given you an eye for quality. Upon completion of a mission, while this effect has time remaining, you will be awarded an enhancement.

For every X hours logged out, a character gains Y minute duration, up to a maximum of 2 hours duration.

Missing at least one Day Job formula detail

Accolade Requirement

Badge DayJob ShopKeeper.png Price Gouger Badge DayJob Auctioneer.png Marketeer
Badge DayJobAcc Entrepreneur.png Free Trade Advocate

Where to Find

Hero Zones


This badge is only awarded to characters of the hero or vigilante alignments. Although credit for this badge may be earned by villains or rogues, the badge will not be awarded to a character until they change alignment.

This badge displays different names, depending on a character's current alignment.

  • Price Gouger on villains and rogues
  • Shop Keeper on heroes and vigilantes

See Also

External Links