Aaron Walker

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Aaron Walker
Aaron Walker.jpg
Zone Neutropolis
Coordinates (2878, -72, -182)[Copy]
Level Range 15-20
Introduced By == Level 15 ==
Calvin Scott
Introduces == Level 15 ==
Penelope Yin
Enemy Groups None
v  d  e

Aaron Walker is a Praetorian contact in Neutropolis at coordinates (2878, -72, -182)[Copy] . His level range is 15-20. He is located on a street corner approximately 187 yards west of the Neuron's Reach neighborhood marker.


Contact Introduced By

  • Calvin Scott
  • Note: If a player has commenced Calvin Scott's main arc, he will not introduce Aaron Walker. It's possible, if you're a Resistance member and in the appropriate level range, to talk to Aaron and obtain him as an Active contact -- even if you have no active contacts or contact missions and Aaron has not been introduced.

Contact Introduces

This chick is annoying me to no end. Mind getting her off of my mind?
Penelope Yin is one of Praetor Tilman's patients in her hospital. The daughter of Wu Yin has caused much controversy, due to whispers that she may be the most powerful psychic in the world; even more powerful than Praetor Tilman.



Aaron Walker was a notorious hacker by the name of Lightspeed before he was arrested by the PPD. He served his time in the BAF and was released back into society as a perfectly good law-abiding citizen. Or so the papers say.

Prior to Introduction

Missing Prior to Introduction Dialogue

Initial Contact

Ever see a network data packet stop and ask for directions? I see it all the time, man. I'm the fastest dude out there on the network. Well, other than that Neuron piece of - MAN! What I'd give to upload a virus straight into his own head. Kinda like what he did to me. But hey... whatever.

But you know what, man? He thinks he's all the best and all that? Thinks he's the fastest dude out there? Well, he messed up when he screwed around with my brain. But you know these neuro-stims I gotta take to live? Yeah... well they make me as fast as him. And even though they're gonna kill me, I'll use them to give him a taste of MY medicine and see how that punk likes it.

So, uh, you wanna get started or something? I don't have all day, you know.


  • What's up? Already know, don't need to say it.
  • We got something to take care of, right?

Too Busy

Missing Too Busy Dialogue

Too Low Level

Missing Too Low Level Dialogue

No More Missions

Missing No More Missions Dialogue


Missing Store Unlock Dialogue


The Savage Man


Part One: Hooked

Hey, so, you know all about me, right? Read the papers? Or the televisions? Maybe not? Well, here's the quick lowdown, because I'm not here to waste time. I used to be Lightspeed, best hacker in Praetoria. 'Till they threw me in the BAF. Turns out they don't like hackers 'round here. Thing is though, I ain't all reformed. Reformed? Hah! Not me, not ever. I'm out to stick it to Neuron, to reveal all the stuff he's been doing. Like me, for instance. He did some sorta experiment on me, trying to increase the intelligence of the average citizen. Things didn't go perfectly, so he up and abandoned the project.

Now, I got myself thinking a mile a minute on a slow minute, you got me? I already got this entire plan thought out. S'why I've been trying to get in touch with the Resistance, you know? My brain's gonna fry soon, dunno when it'll be. All I know is the headaches get worse every week. I wanna do something before my brain goes BLAM. It ain't gonna be pretty, but that's fine. Well, it'll be fine once we take it to Neuron. If you're gonna have my help, though, you gotta do me a favor.

What's the favor?

I gotta slow down. I know, crazy, right? Here's the thing, I got a thousand things running in my head at once. Feels like there's a fire going on in there, all the synapses firing off, bang! Boom! I gotta get myself the drug that Neuron used on me during the experiments. I know of a place where it is, but it's guarded by the PPD. Real bummer, you know? If you can get that drug, I can get myself worked down enough to concentrate on getting us moving forward. You cool with that?

Unnecessary Solicitation

You gonna be cool with this?

Mission Objective(s)

The only way you'll be able to get Aaron Walker's help in this fight is with the medication that's in this facility.

  • Get Aaron Walker's Medication
    • Get Aaron's medicine

You've got the medication that Walker needs to slow down!


  • Praetorian Police


You got the stuff! Man, knew you would have it. Commercials said you'd get it, but then I didn't believe it. Not commercials, thinking of something else.

Aaron Walker takes the medication and injects it into his arm. He lets out a relieved sigh.

Ohhhhh man... that feels so much better. Don't get me wrong, I'm still the fastest guy around here. But now I got all my thoughts in a line. It's all cool, you know? I got focus, well, as much focus as I can get. And you know what that means? You and me, Character, we're gonna bring the fight straight to Neuron.

Part Two: Identify and Confirm

Alright! You know what we gotta do, right? What? You don't? Man, I thought we had this figured out already. Okay, okay, we'll go over it one more time, but I won't explain it again. You run into those experiments in the tunnels? They're kinda like the ghouls back over in Imperial and Nova, but they're not. They've got themselves fancy robotics and all that cool stuff. Me, that stinks of a conspiracy, you get my train of thought? Cool. Lots of folks in these parts have gone missing in these tunnels and never come back. Including the PPD, but that doesn't matter too much. Thing with these freaks is that they're a lot smarter than the ghouls you're used to. Way smarter.

Alright, so what are we going to do with them?

Glad you asked! Well, not really, I was going to tell you anyway, you asking just slowed things down. Just kidding around, but seriously, it was slowing us down. So, check it out, first, I hacked into your communicator system. Don't worry, it's all good, I did it with your permission. Well, not really. But it's fine. You can contact me whenever you need to now. And I can contact you whenever I need to. Almost like you and me are friends, right? I think we're friends, I mean, I'm helping you, you're helping me. It's all good.

Current plan we have moving forward needs some of the ID tags that those experiments have. Only we need real specific ones. You get me those tags, I can get us some data on where to go next, you know?

I got here a list of specific experiments that have the ID tags we need. I need you to get the tags from Experiment 105, Experiment 46, and Experiment 203. I'd be careful if I were you. If I were me? I'd be even more careful. Those freaks are smart, organized. They usually set up proximity bombs that'll blow if you get near them.

Unnecessary Solicitation

You're still in one piece, yeah? Good, cause we got ourselves a lot to do.

Mission Objective(s)

You can hear orders being shouted in the distance. It sounds similar to the ghouls, though the language is clearer, more precise.

  • Retrieve ID tags from Failed Experiments
    • 3 ID tags to retrieve from Failed Experiments

You found the ID tags that Aaron Walker needs to move forward.


  • Failed Experiments


Rock on that you got those ID tags, Character. I'm checking into them right now. These things are gonna lead us straight to where these guys came from. And then all we gotta do is -



Character, I just found something that is HUGE. I thought Neuron was a sicko, but this blows him outta the water. But it all makes perfect sense. MAN! How could I not see it?!

All the lies, all the secrets... It's all connected, all of it!

You and me, Character, we just got ourselves a bonafied cause to fight for. We're gonna bring back to life a guy everyone thinks is dead: James Noble.

You ever heard of him? This guy was the best cop in Praetoria. Me, I hate cops, but this guy I respected. He fought to protect the people of Praetoria, not his own reputation. Took down the real criminals, like those Destroyer types and the Syndicate. Heard he even fought in the front lines overseas. While back, it was announced this guy was killed in a Resistance firefight outside of Praetoria. Gave him a whole big funeral, honors, the whole nine yards. Only according to the data I found, he ain't dead. He's one of them now, Taosin. One of the guys you fought in the underground. We've got ourselves a good man to save.

Part Three: A Slim Chance

This is gonna blow your mind, Character. I dunno what Neuron was doing with 'em, but the ghouls, those things you just fought, and the 'dead' James Noble? They're all products of Neuron's failed experiments! From what I found, this guy does his tests and when they fail, he dumps 'em into the tunnels! You believe that?! You know how many people have died cause of that? I'm guessin' more isn't done to stop this 'cause those monsters are fighting the Resistance. But you and me, we're gonna figure out just what exactly Neuron is doing with all of them. I found out what he was doin' with James Noble, but not with the rest of 'em. I know where one of Neuron's main labs is, but we're gonna need some serious firepower to get in there. That's where James Noble comes in.

According to what I found, he was enrolled in a project to make some sort of 'super cop'. Neuron's project, of course. Bad stuff happened, records say he was dead and that his body was dumped into the tunnels. Coincidentally, there was a PPD report a week after this happened, saying that some sort of huge monster emerged in Neutropolis. They fired on it and caused it to run back to the tunnels. That monster is Noble!

Do you know where he is now?

I got a good idea where he is, yeah. I got the coordinates uploaded to you now. Now, here's the thing, Taosin. You know me, yeah? I wanna do some good before my brain explodes. And this here, I think this is some good we can do. This guy, James Noble, he was one of the good ones in the PPD. He's like me, you know? Just like, I guess, a more moral guy. He fought the good fight for his country, and what did he get? Tossed into the sewers. It ain't right, it ain't fair, but we're gonna make it fair. We're gonna show James Noble that someone knows about the war he's fightin' down there.

You gotta talk to Noble and convince him to join our fight against Neuron. With him, we can attack Neuron's main lab, the one where he's workin' on all his main projects. Then you and me, we're gonna find out all the dirt that Neuron's got hidden in there. Just be careful when you go down there. James Noble is pretty tough, and isn't too fond of Resistance types. I think he still believes he's fighting to enforce the law in the tunnels, even when the law abandoned him.

Unnecessary Solicitation

You find Noble yet?

Mission Objective(s)

The man once known as James Noble, the best officer in the PPD, lurks somewhere in these tunnels.

  • Meet with James Noble
    • Meet with James Noble

That... didn't go so well.


  • Failed Experiments
  • James Noble (Failed Experiments Elite Boss)

{{Mission Briefing|Contact=James Noble|Text=James Noble looks at you, his eyes looking somewhat surprised.

You don't attack me? Who are you? What do you want from me?

My name is Character. I'm here to help you, James.


James moves to rub his face with his monstrous hand.

I have not been called James in... a very long time. I have taken to calling myself a Noble Savage. Or at least, that is what the others here call me. You say you are here to help me, Character? To what end?

To fight back against Neuron, against what he did to you.

Praetor Berry? He has done nothing to me, Character. Why would you say that?

Don't you remember? The experiments?

Experiments? No... I don't remember... too much. Too much... no... no, I know who you are! You're just like the others that attack me, that say these lies. You're part of the Resistance, the ones that did this to me!

Hold on, the Resistance didn't do this to you! Neuron did!


Hold on!!

Ambush! After speaking to James Noble, there will be several waves of Failed Experiments

We've got the position of the intruder, move in!
Just like we practiced. This is a live fire scenario!
Delta team moving in.


So James Noble freaked out, huh? Guess I shouldn't be surprised. Guy has been living with monsters all this time, he probably doesn't trust anyone. I did some digging on Noble to find more about his personal life. You know he was married? Wife's name was Jennifer Noble. He had a partner too, guy's name was Jim Donner. Pretty decent guy, he was the second best cop on the force. Him and James, they were this crazy tag team, you know? Fighting crime, putting away bad folks. Actual bad folks, not like you and me.

I think we gotta have ourselves a chat with James' wife. Only, well, we got ourselves an issue. She ain't Jennifer Noble anymore. She's Jennifer Donner. Yeah, this is gonna get ugly, Character.

Part Four: A Slim Chance

We've gotta convince James Noble that you and me are on his side, Character. To do that, we gotta get in touch with that wife of his, cool? I figure, if he sees we've got his wife's blessing, then we can get his help in fighting Neuron. Maybe.

I think it's gonna take both his wife and his old partner to get him on our side. It ain't gonna be easy, seeing as how the two of them got hitched and all when he left. Not to mention the fact that Noble's still got his son, he's like, fifteen years old. But it's something we gotta do.

Do you know where Jennifer is?

Yeah, I started tracking her after I saw things with James didn't go so well. Here's where she usually is.

I'd try to find out from her where Jim is too. You're gonna have to decide whether or not it's for the best to bring Jim with you to meet James Noble. In the meantime, I'll do what I can on my end to pinpoint where Noble is for you. Maybe even set up a little meeting, yeah? It's what I do, Taosin, the impossible. Well, impossible for you maybe. Not for me. Anyway, I'll leave you to go to talk with the former Mrs. Noble.

Unnecessary Solicitation

You speak with Jennifer yet, Character?

Mission Objective(s)

  • Speak with Jennifer Donner, James Noble's Ex-Wife


Hello there, what can I do for you?

Jennifer Donner? I'm here to speak to you about James Noble.

Jennifer Donner smiles sadly.

What about my dear James? Do you want to pay your respects? I believe Praetor Berry is going to be setting up a memorial for him soon.

No. James is still alive, Jennifer.

He's...what? No, that's not possible, Character. Please, don't lie to me like that.

(Explain the situation to Jennifer)

That's... not possible. That can't be true. Why should I believe you, Character? Why should I believe you over Praetor Berry? Over what everyone has told me?

Would you rather believe he's dead, or that he's alive?

I want to believe he's alive... so very badly. Alright... I'll believe you, Character. You said you want to save James? I'll do what I can to save him. If you need help convincing him that you're on his side, then take this. It's a family portrait, back when we were... still a family. This means a lot to me, Character, so I'm trusting that the next time I get this back will be when James hands it back to me.

Thank you. Do you know where your husband, Jim, is?

He's in the housing district in Lambda Sector. He was actually just called there for an emergency, something about some 'other-wordly' invaders.

I really hope he's alright. Look, Character, I know what you may think of me, marrying James' partner. But I never stop thinking about James, not for one day. Jim was there for us when James... went missing. Please, don't let James hate Jim for this. They were the best of friends. I don't want to change any of that.

I'll do my best, Jennifer.