Shadowy Figure
Shadowy Figure | |
![]() Street Fixer | |
Zone | Nerva Archipelago |
Coordinates | (2149, 16.5, 7959) |
Level Range | 25-29 |
Introduced By |
Stella the Mouth Winston the Gent |
Introduces | Timothy Raymond |
Enemy Groups | |
Shadowy Figure is a villain contact in the Crimson Cove neighborhood of Nerva Archipelago at coordinates (2149, 16.5, 7959). His level range is 25-29.
Contact Introduced By
New Contact(s)
- Timothy Raymond (Minimum Level 30)
There's a fellow on Nerva named Timothy Raymond. He's a weird one. Former member of the Lost, current pet freak of Arachnos. He'll get you the goods on the Rikti if that's who you're after. Timothy can get you Science and Mutant enhancements.
Timothy's a strange guy. If you can understand him, he can take you to some interesting places.
Street Fixer
This shadowy figure sticks to the shadows of the alleyway. No one knows who he really is, but those in the know hear he's got the pulse on what's going down in Crimson Cove.
Initial Contact
Let me get some things straight: you don't know me, you never saw me, we never met. Clear? Okay, let's get down to business.
The Shadowy Figure sells the following items:
- Inspirations
- Level 25 Natural/Technology Dual-Origin Enhancements
- Level 25 Natural Single-Origin Enhancements
- Level 30 Natural Single-Origin Enhancements
Story Arc
Zag Breakout!
Souvenir: Zag Security Badge
This is a badge taken from one of the Zag security guards at Agincourt in the Nerva Archipelago. You acquired it in a tale you like to call:
Zag Breakout!
It all started when a shadowy figure in the alleys of Crimson Cove informed you that certain interested parties were interested in hiring out your services. Traveling to Sharkhead Isle, you met with Lorenz Ansaldo, a troubleshooter for the Family. He passed on to you a large brown envelope containing security information on the prison facility known as the Zag located in the Longbow stronghold known as Agincourt. The envelope also had information on a known Family sniper and demolition expert called James O'Clary who was a prisoner in the Zag. You spoke with the shadowy figure and he set to work on getting the final details necessary for springing O'Clary from the prison.
The shadowy figure said you need to acquire a set of passcodes to get past the Zag security doors from a Longbow base. In order to prevent Longbow from initiating a prison lockdown after you stole the passcodes, you needed to get a prototype Ultra-Jammer from one of Dr. Aeon's labs in order to stop all outgoing transmissions. After defeating a number of Arachnos guards, you stole the Ultra-Jammer from the lab safe.
You broke into the Longbow base, planted the Ultra-Jammer and stole the Zag security passcodes. Taking the passcodes, you slipped into the Zag proper to break out James O'Clary from his cell.
Talk with Lorenz Ansaldo
Alright, CharacterName, I need someone who isn't afraid to go up against Longbow. If you think you're tough enough, go talk to Lorenz Ansaldo on Sharkhead Isle.
Ansaldo's got some important info for the task at hand.
Mission Objective(s)
- Talk with Lorenz Ansaldo
Yo, CharacterName! That shadowy guy in Nerva sent ya? I got somethin' for ya...
The Family has some deep pockets, and we paid primo bucks for the info in this envelope. But your fella in Nerva has provided us with some quality heist info in the past, so we're willing to part with this stuff as 'repayment for services rendered.' Capisce?
Now get outta here!
You got the envelope from Ansaldo? Its contents should detail what our objective is going to be. Let me take a look and I'll work out what else we're going to need.
Steal Ultra-Jammer from Aeon lab
So we've got to spring a Family hitman called James O'Clary out of the Zag. I've read the security documents you got from Lorenz Ansaldo, and I think we can do this break-in no problem. All we need are the latest codes to bypass the main security doors. Those things are thick titanium with built-in phase blockers — pretty high-tech stuff!
Ansaldo's files have information on a Longbow base that has the necessary security codes. The problem is that as soon as the base is compromised, they're going to put a security lockdown on the Zag. We need a way to kill any Longbow transmissions coming out of that base. Conventional jammers won't be able to stop Longbow tech, but I know that one of Dr. Aeon's labs have developed a working prototype of a hyper-charged Ultra-Jammer that kills any transmissions while still remaining undetectable. That's exactly what we need for this job! Break into the Aeon lab and steal the Ultra-Jammer.
You're going to run into some Arachnos trouble, so try to keep a low profile.
Mission Objective(s)
You slip into the Aeon Lab and start looking for the Ultra-Jammer.
- Steal Ultra-Jammer from Aeon lab
You got the Ultra-Jammer!

This device looks like a small chrome toaster with dials and antennae. It is a hyper-charged transmission jammer taken from one of Dr. Aeon's labs. You plan to use it in a Longbow base after you still the security passcodes to the Zag prison in Agincourt.
Map Type
- maps/Missions/Tech/Tech_45
You got the Ultra-Jammer? Perfect, perfect. Let me get it ready and tested.
Steal passcodes, plant jammer, bust out prisoner
Okay, CharacterName — it's go time! We've got the profile on the prisoner you need to break out of the Zag, and the Ultra-Jammer which will allow us to acquire the security door passcodes without setting off alarms. You'll need to steal the passcodes and plant the Ultra-Jammer in the Longbow base, then break James O'Clary out of the Zag.
Once the Ultra-Jammer is in place, you'll only have a short time before they discover the device. You'll have about 90 minutes to bust James O'Clary from the Zag.
If you get caught in the Zag, you don't know me.
Mission Objective(s)
Your intrusion has gone undetected for now.
- Steal passwords and plant Ultra-Jammer
- Plant Ultra-Jammer
- Find passcodes
You have stolen the passcodes and planted the Ultra-Jammer!

These are the security passcodes to the Zag, the prison facility at Agincourt on the Nerva Archipelago.
Map Type
- maps/Missions/V_Longbow/Longbow_60
Mission Objective(s)
You slip into the base using the stolen Zag security passcodes.
- Break James O'Clary out of the Zag - 1:30
- Rescue O'Clary
You busted James O'Clary out of the Zag!
Map Type
- maps/Missions/V_Longbow/Longbow_60
NPC Text
- James O'Clary: I wonder what the ruckus is about.
- Minion: None of your concern.
- Longbow Boss: Secure the area!
- James O'Clary: Ach! Are ye come to rescue O'Clary?
- Ambush1: Return prisoner 18 to his cell!
- Ambush2: Halt in the name of Longbow!
- Ambush3: Halt in the name of Longbow!
- Ambush4: Halt in the name of Longbow!
Lorenz Ansaldo passed on the news that the Family is pleased with your work!
End of Story Arc
This mission concludes the Zag Breakout! story arc and earns a hero the Zag Security Badge souvenir. It also award a hero a Level + 0 Single-Origin enhancement of the Villain's origin.
Kidnap J. D. Ross
Arachnos has a big operation going down, and they need some help from a freelancer to pull it off. There's a visiting political dignitary named J.D. Ross who's been speaking out on matters that Arachnos would prefer to keep under wraps. Arachnos wants to kidnap this individual for 're-education', but expects heavy resistance from Longbow forces. Disrupt the local Longbow base, then kidnap the politician.
Once the Longbow base operations are disrupted, you'll only have a limited time before their reinforcements arrive. You have 75 minutes to compltete the latter mission.
Mission acceptance
We have a boat waiting in Crimson Cove. When Arachnos makes its moves, you'll be brought in to follow up.
Unnecessary solicitation
Arachnos is waiting on you to disrupt that base. Get on that!
Mission Objective(s)
You force your way into the Longbow base entrance.
- Defeat Agent Chamberlain and team
You have disrupted the Longbow base operations!
Notable NPCs
NPC Text
- Combat start:
Agent Chamberlain: "Quickly! Call for reinforcements!"
- Ambush!
After defeating Agent Chamberlain and his team, there will be three ambushes by Longbow.
Unknown Longbow: "Halt in the name of Longbow!"
Unknown Longbow: "Halt in the name of Longbow!"
Unknown Longbow: "Halt in the name of Longbow!"
Unnecessary solicitation
What are you waiting for? Longbow will send reinforcements soon!
Mission Objective(s)
You pull up to Liberty Isle to hunt down this political enemy of Arachnos.
- Defeat Longbow guards, Kidnap Ross - 1:15:00
- Kidnap J.D. Ross
You kidnapped J.D. Ross!
Notable NPCs
- J.D. Ross (escort Captive to entrance)
NPC Text
- Before combat:
J.D. Ross: "Get me out of here!"
Longbow Minigun: "Relax Mr. Ross. We're doing what we can."
- Combat start:
Longbow Officer: "Protect Mr. Ross!"
- Upon being 'rescued':
J.D. Ross: "Get away from me you monster!"
- Ambush!
After kidnapping J.D. Ross, there will be six ambushes by Longbow.
Unknown Longbow: "By the authority of Longbow, release Ross!"
Unknown Longbow: "Halt in the name of Longbow!"
Unknown Longbow: "By the authority of Longbow, release Ross!"
Unknown Longbow: "Halt in the name of Longbow!"
Unknown Longbow: "By the authority of Longbow, release Ross!"
Unknown Longbow: "Halt in the name of Longbow!"
- If lost, and found:
J.D. Ross: "You again!"
- Upon reaching entrance:
J.D. Ross: "You won't get away with this!"
Arachnos is impressed by your performance!
Defeat all Lost in sewers
As you may have noticed, the Freakshow don't have a hold in the area. Well, I was approached by a Freakshow boss named Furious B about helping them establish a base. Head over to the sewers underneath Crimson Cove and help Furious B clear out the Lost. Once that's done Furious B can start bringing in the rest of his gang.
Mission acceptance
The Lost are dug in fairly well, but you've got Furious B to back you up.
Unnecessary solicitation
Furious B is waiting for you in the sewers.
Mission Objective(s)
There's an odd smell in the air. The Lost must have been living here a while.
- Defeat all Lost in sewers
You defeated the Lost!
Notable NPCs
- Furious B (Ally, Lieutenant/Boss (dependant on difficulty))
NPC Text
- Combat start:
Furious B: "Start packin', ya mutant!"
Pariah Prelate: You will pay for your trespassing!"
- Upon being rescued:
Furious B: "Yo, you must be CharacterName. Let's get this party started!"
- If lost:
Furious B: "Yo, CharacterName, where'd ya go?"
- Ambush!
Unknown Lost: "You cannot stop us!"
Unknown Lost: "You cannot stop us!"
Unknown Lost: "You cannot stop us!"
- Various
Mutate Brawler: "The time of change is coming."
Mutate Brawler: "You will not invade our nest!"
Pariah Prelate: "Your pain will be exquisite!"
Pariah Anchorite: "You will not leave here alive!"
Upon exit of mission
Furious B gives you the thumbs up and disappears into the shadows. He'll be trying to get the rest of his gang in there as soon as he can get the smell of the Lost out!
Furious B has sent word. He and the rest of his gang are on the way from Paragon City. Looks like we have some new neighbors!
Steal research data from lab
One of the research labs here on Crimson Cove has been doing some interesting work on controlled mutations. Certain interested parties at Crey would love to get their hands on this research, but the lab isn't interested in selling. Crey has tried 'persuading' the scientists at the lab, but this just resulted in the lab hiring Wyvern to provide security. Go to the research lab and force the lead scientist to give you the research data.
Mission acceptance
Here's the profile on the load scientist in the lab. He should be easy to intimidate.
Unnecessary solicitation
The folks at Crey don't like waiting. Get a move on.
Mission Objective(s)
You slip into the biology research lab in search of your prey.
- Steal research data from lab
- Rescue Cecil Grywacheski!
- Lead Grywacheski to research computer!
You got the research data!

This disc contains all the research data for the Muta-Gene project.
Notable NPCs
- Cecil Grywacheski (escort Captive to location within mission)
NPC Text
- Before combat:
Cecil Grywacheski: "As you see, the Muta-Gene is very powerful!"
Wing Talon Agent: "Uh-huh."
- Combat start:
Wing Sting Agent: "We've got an intruder! Protect the scientist!"
- Upon being 'rescued':
Cecil Grywacheski: "No! Don't take the Muta-Gene data! In the wrong hands it could be very dangerous!"
- Ambush!
After kidnapping Cecil Grywacheski, there will be three ambushes by Wyvern.
Unknown Wyvern: "Freeze or I'll fill you full of arrows!"
Unknown Wyvern: "Freeze or I'll fill you full of arrows!"
Unknown Wyvern: "Freeze or I'll fill you full of arrows!"
- If lost, and found:
Cecil Grywacheski: "Ah! Not you again!"
- Upon reaching location:
Cecil Grywacheski: "Here's the research data! Now leave me alone!"
You got the research data? Crey Industries will be pleased.
Extract Longbow defector
Okay, we got an extraction job if you're not afraid of going up against Longbow. One of their agents has been speaking with Arachnos and wants to defect. To prove his loyalty, Arachnos wants him to steal a bunch of intel from Longbow before the extraction occurs. Unfortunately, the intel data is very high-profile, so as soon as he steals it Longbow is going to be on him in an instant. Head over to the Longbow base and extract the defector.
Mission acceptance
"Here's [sic] the profile on the Longbow defector. He'll wait until you invade the base to steal the data. Then you just need to extract him from the base. Once Longbow realizes what he stole they're going to send everything they have after you, so be prepared.
Unnecessary solicitation
The Longbow defector is waiting for your arrival! Get to it!

This envelope contains a dossier on the Longbow defector. His name is Geoffrey Richardson, and he is an intel coordinator at this Longbow base. He's apparently been offered a great deal of wealth and a posting within Arachnos after round of 'Longbow de-programming.'
Mission Objective(s)
You gain access to the base with stolen access codes. Within the Longbow base the defector awaits your arrival.
- Extract Longbow defector
- Rescue Geoffrey Richardson!
You got the defector out of the Longbow base!
Notable NPCs
- Geoffrey Richardson (escort Captive to entrance)
NPC Text
- Before combat:
Longbow Flamethrower: "You were accessing classified files, Richardson!"
Geoffrey Richardson: "I don't know what you mean."
- Combat start:
Longbow Officer: "We're under attack! Make sure Richardson doesn't escape!"
- Upon being rescued:
Geoffrey Richardson: "You've got to get me out of here!"
- Ambush!
After rescuing Geoffrey Richardson, there will be six ambushes by Longbow.
Unknown Longbow: "Halt! Release Richardson and surrender yourself!"
Unknown Longbow: "Halt in the name of Longbow!"
Unknown Longbow: "Halt! Release Richardson and surrender yourself!"
Unknown Longbow: "Halt in the name of Longbow!"
Unknown Longbow: "Halt! Release Richardson and surrender yourself!"
Unknown Longbow: "Halt in the name of Longbow!"
- If lost:
Geoffrey Richardson: "Help me out here!"
- If lost, and found:
Geoffrey Richardson: "Whew! That was a close one."
- Upon reaching entrance:
Geoffrey Richardson: "Excellent! My position within Arachnos will be assured!"
Nice work. Some Arachnos operatives picked up Richardson for some 'Longbow de-programming'.
Disrupt Longbow information network
Part of the strength of Longbow is its information technology. Their surveillance and communication systems are top-notch. Destroy that strength and Longbow is crippled.
Aeon labs has developed a super-strong computer virus called 'Redback' that will blow through Longbow's systems. Get the super-virus, then break into a Longbow base and upload it into their network.
You'll have to get to their core systems deep within the facility. Expect a lot of resistance.
Yes, I have what you're looking for. We like to call it the 'Redback Virus.' It's quite a nasty computer virus cooked up by our technicians. I'm looking forward to seeing the results of it on the Longbow information network!

This is a computer virus called 'Redback,' designed to cripple the Longbow computer networks.
Mission Objective(s)
Inside the base is one of the backbones of the Longbow computer network.
- Upload virus to computer
You have crippled Longbow operations!
Nice work. The Redback virus should cripple Longbow operations for the next while.