Statesman's Pal Badge
You have rescued Statesman from the clutches of Praetoria.
How to Get
Defeat Tyrant in the Free Statesman mission from Maria Jenkins' A Hero's Hero arc
This badge displays different names, depending on a character's current alignment.
- Statesman's Pal on heroes and vigilantes
- Praetoria's Bane on villains and rogues
- Prior to Issue 18 the text for this badge used to read
- You have defeated Tyrant, the evil version of Statesman from the Praetorian Earth.
- Prior to Issue 23, this badge could also be earned by completing Maria Jenkins' A Hero's Epic arc.
Jack Emmert used Statesmans's Pal as a title to give to some beta players who had griefed him on his regular account.

I know the story that you're talking about with Jack. It was back in beta and they weren't bad mouthing him. They were griefing him. He was on a non dev character teaming with people who were side kicking him up. This was back when suddenly dropping your sidekick and watch them go from level 29 down to level 5 in the middle of a fight was still a thing. So while they were pointing and laughing at teh noob. He logged in his dev character, despawned the mobs in the zone then spawned a giant monster on top of them. He later told them which he was and this was where "Statesman's Pal" supposedly first originated from.