The Dark Watcher (Praetorian)

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Dark Watcher
Zone Neutropolis
Level Range 15-20
Introduced By == Level 15 ==
Penelope Yin
Introduces None
Enemy Groups None
v  d  e

Dark Watcher is a Praetorian contact in Neutropolis . His level range is 15-20.


Contact Introduced By

Contact Introduces

  • None


Mysterious Man in Black

No one in Praetoria knows exactly who Dark Watcher is or what his goals are in this place. He simply appeared one day to Calvin Scott and offered his advice and guidance.

Prior to Introduction

Missing Prior to Introduction Dialogue

Initial Contact

Hello, Character. We both have little time, so I will be brief. My name is Dark Watcher, and I am here to help turn the tide of this war with the Resistance. When you and I have finished, I believe the future will look much brighter for us all.


  • We stand on the brink of destruction, Character.
  • Our actions today will help more people than you can imagine, Character.

Too Busy

Missing Too Busy Dialogue

Too Low Level

Missing Too Low Level Dialogue

No More Missions

Missing No More Missions Dialogue


Missing Store Unlock Dialogue

Story Arc

A Promise for a New Tomorrow


Part One: Lending a Hand

Character, if we're going to turn the tide of the battle against Cole, we're going to need to convince Longbow to join the side of the Resistance. Many Longbow have a stigma against Praetorians. They believe they're all out to destroy life as they know it on Primal Earth. Only a few Longbow have joined the Resistance to help them, though what those few have done has helped incredibly.

What you must do is help show Longbow that not all Praetorians are evil, that many of them are fighting the fight that they themselves claim to be in. If the Resistance and Longbow do not unite, I fear that Cole and his regime will easily wipe all of our groups out in one fell swoop.

Sounds reasonable. What's the first plan?

It would be a series of plans, Character. There is a Longbow prisoner that the PPD are currently keeping in one of their facilities. They are going to transport the prisoner to the area you call the Behavioral Adjustment Facility in Imperial City. If this is done, I do believe that is the last we will see of that prisoner.

Saving this man will go a long way towards gaining Longbow's trust, though I fear it will not be enough. The prisoner will be the first of many steps towards gaining the support of the group.

Unnecessary Solicitation

Saving that prisoner will help gain Longbow's support. Time is of the essence, Character.

Mission Objective(s)

The PPD are keeping the Longbow prisoner somewhere in this lab. Helping him will go a long way towards gaining Longbow's support in the war against Cole.

  • Save the Longbow Prisoner

You saved the Longbow prisoner!


  • Praetorian Police

Notable NPCs

  • Longbow Prisoner (Longbow Minion, non-escort Hostage)


Things with the prisoner went well. Already Longbow is beginning to murmur about 'good' Praetorians. You'll have to excuse their ignorance.

Mission Objective(s)

It seems that the PPD and T.E.S.T have cornered the remains of the Longbow squad here.

  • Rescue the Longbow Squad
    • 3 Longbow Nullifiers to rescue
    • Defeat the head TEST Provost

You've helped to recover the Longbow team!


  • Praetorian Police

Notable NPCs

  • 3 x Longbow Nullifier (Hostages/Allies)

Mission Objective(s)

This facility is well guarded by the Praetorian T.E.S.T. You'll have to be careful while going through it.

  • Recover information with Agent X
    • Hack into the network to get the information

You've found vital information that Longbow can use!

Unnecessary Solicitation

Agent X is a capable operative within Longbow. His aid means that Longbow is slowly starting to come around to the cause of the Resistance.


  • Praetorian Police
  • T.E.S.T.

Notable NPCs

  • Agent X (Longbow)
Agent X is a renowned Longbow super-spy. His technical skills are phenomenal, with a gadget or gizmo available for any occasion.


It seems that Longbow is growing more trustworthy of you now, Character. Well, I should be more specific, more trusting of Praetorians in general. More Longbow are beginning to emerge to help the Resistance. Our main issue now is the various Longbow cells surviving the long journey through the ghoul infested tunnels. That is a problem you can let me handle, however.

Our main concern right now is discovering the rest of that data you found. The term 'Phalanx' there refers to a hero team on Primal Earth called the Freedom Phalanx. It seems Cole is planning something that will wipe out everyone that stands against him in Primal Earth. We need to figure out what that is and put a stop to it, or else the Resistance will never gain the firepower it so desperately needs to take down Cole.

Part Two: Bearing Arms

The issue regarding the data you found could easily be solved by one Aaron Walker. However, it seems Praetor Berry is one step ahead of us. I know that you've worked with Walker previously, correct? Berry is all too aware of this and is taking steps to deal with those that have wronged him.

I tell you this because the one man who can help us has gone missing. I believe that Praetor Berry has taken command of his own team of T.E.S.T and arrested Aaron Walker. They would be the only ones that Walker would not be able to see coming right away.

If we're going to figure out what exactly is in that data you found, I'll need you to rescue Aaron Walker.

Do you know where he is?

Yes, there is a facility where the T.E.S.T have no doubt taken him. I must emphasize that you hurry in these efforts, Character. Aaron Walker has been a thorn in Berry's side for quite some time, but he is one of the few people in Praetoria that has the ability to get us the information we want. Berry knows this and will act on it.

In the meantime, I shall look for another associate of yours who has gone missing: James Noble.

Unnecessary Solicitation

Walker must be saved, Character, for the sake of all in Praetoria and Primal Earth.

Mission Objective(s)

T.E.S.T have this placed locked down. Praetor Berry has gone to great lengths to ensure that Walker does not help you - time to see just how far he's gone.

  • Rescue Aaron Walker

Aaron Walker is dead, but he may have been able to help the war effort with this one, single note of his.


  • T.E.S.T.

Notable NPCs

  • Neuron's Clockwork (Allies)
  • Aaron Walker (Prisoner)

Aaron Walker's eyes dart back and forth wildly, his arms shaking violently.

H-hey... Character... didn't think I'd see you here... funny you're the l-l-last person I see, huh? N-n-neuron, he caught wind of what I did... what we did... I c-covered up for you, e-erased any track of you helping me.

B-but Neuron... h-he accelerated my brain... it's m-moving t-too fast now. G-gonna... it's gonna snap any minute now... t-then I'm a goner... t-that's gonna be it for me.

Hang on, Aaron, I'll get you help!

Aaron reaches up to grasp your shoulder.

It's too late! It's... too late...

Aaron slumps down to the ground.

No time... no time left for me... just minutes... seconds... then I'm done for...

I'm not sad, though... I'm actually... kinda happy. Weird... huh? I was always... just doing random things, never really... fought for anything. But you and me... we did something good... right? We put a stop to some of Neuron's freaks... we saved James Noble... that was good... wasn't it? I got to finally do at least... one good thing for someone... before everything came crashing down.

Just focus, Aaron, I need you to-

Aaron cuts you off.

I-I know why you're here. You're here to find out what's in that data.

Aaron laughs sadly.

T-that's how N-neuron got me... I found out everything... he zapped my brain... pulled it all out of there... but t-there's a guy, t-there's a guy who can help you. I-I wrote it down... before Neuron tapped my brain...

Aaron hands you a piece of paper. On it is written the name, 'Steve Sheridan is here'

Who is Steve Sheridan?

T-that Dark Watcher guy'll know... Y-yeah... I know he's here. I'm the... I'm the best, r-remember?

Aaron's body jerks wildly before coming to a rest.

T-the T.E.S.T... T-they're coming... They're coming to get you... I'll... I'll do one l-last thing... one l-last thing to help you out...

Just... just... remember me... okay... Character? R-remember me for... the g-good stuff I did... not for all the.. r-rotten... useless... things I did with... m-most of my life. P-please... please...

Aaron Walker lets out one last gasp before his body lays motionless.

...I'll remember you, Aaron. And I swear, I'll make Berry pay for this.

You hear the sounds of several PPD T.E.S.T bearing down on your position!


Character, did you find Aaron Walker?

... I see. Aaron Walker was a good man, Taosin. I'm sure I don't need to tell you that. His death is but one of many caused by Cole's regime. Too many good men and women have died for Cole and his Praetors to build their empire. Let us make sure that Aaron is the last, and that his sacrifice will not be in vain.

You said he gave you a note? Hrm... Steven Sheridan! This is perfect, Character. I don't know how Aaron Walker found this out, but he may have just helped to save us all and move you forward.

Part Three: Dr. Science to the Rescue

I admit, I am somewhat surprised Steven Sheridan is here. It is perhaps the one intelligent thing I have witnessed Longbow do during my time here in Praetoria. Steven Sheridan is a brilliant scientist in Primal Earth and was once called Dr. Science. He possesses possibly the most brilliant mind in the world. He may not have a mind that is as fast as our departed Aaron Walker, but he will be able to figure out what that data leads to if you bring it to him.

Do you know where he is?

Some of my own agents have told me that he is currently with a squad of Longbow deep in the tunnels beneath Neutropolis. We need to get Steven Sheridan onto the side of the Resistance and into safe hands as soon as possible.

I imagine he can prove a great help in bringing more aid through from Primal Earth, but if he were to be captured by Cole, then I fear all would be lost. Find Steven Sheridan and give him the data you have. He will be able to tell you what is happening and how exactly we can prevent it.

Unnecessary Solicitation

Steven Sheridan is our best hope to finding out what's in that data, Character.

Mission Objective(s)

You can hear the faint sounds of the failed experiments in the tunnels. Somewhere here, Steven Sheridan awaits, holding the key to the fates of Primal Earth and Praetoria.

  • Meet with Steven Sheridan
    • Speak with Steven 'Dr. Science' Sheridan