Candy Keeper

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The Candy Keeper

The Candy Keeper is a Winter Event NPC in Pocket D's Ski Chalet who allows you to redeem Candy Cane Salvage for a variety of badges, temporary powers, and invention recipes.



These badges can only be claimed once, and will not display if already owned.

Total: 170,000 Inf & 175x Candy Canes


  • Recipe Power.png Respec Recipe - Grants you a Respec Recipe that you can use to change your powers and enhancement slotting.

Total: 300 Inf & 130x Candy Canes (exluding Respec Recipe)

Temporary Powers

  • Tem Frostbite.png Frost Bite (1 Hour) - Immediately grants you the "Frost Bite" buff that will cause many of your damaging attacks to deal additional cold damage that will last for 1 hour of in-game time.
  • Temp FrozenAegis.png Frosty Aegis (10 Minutes) - Grants you the "Frosty Aegis" temporary power (defense to smashing, lethal and cold).
  • Temporary HolidayCheer.png Holiday Spirit (2 Days) - Grants you the "Holiday Spirit" temporary power (self Debt Protection).
  • Temporary AntigravityMatrix.png Jingle Jet (30 Days) - Grants you the Jingle Jet temporary power (self Fly).
  • Temp WinterWard.png Winter Ward (1 Hour) - Immediately grants you the "Winter Ward" buff that will boost your restistance to cold, fire, lethal and smashing damage as well as giving you a measure of slow resistance that will last for 1 hour of in-game time.

Total: 251,010 Inf & 405x Candy Canes


This section contains information that no longer applies to the current version of City of Heroes/Villains. It is provided for historical purposes.