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Misery is an Elite Boss enemy from Arachnos 60s. He has been sent by Lord Recluse to test the loyalty of villains helping to overthrow President Marchand.

Villains can find him on the Prove your Dedication mission during Mender Tesseract's story arc.


Orb Weavers created the Disruptor arachnobots to capture their prey alive.


From the second mission of Mender Tesseract's story arc:

The trial room.

Combat start: "Bzzt: Scanning for Targetname: Character. Bzzzzzt: Target Acquired."
At 75% Life: "Ch ch ch! Breeeeep! Systems: Functional."
At 50% Life: "Bzzt. Bzzzzt. Serious damage sustained."
At 25% Life: "Bzzt. Clean-up procedures initiating. Bzzzt."
Defeated: "Bzzzzzzzzzzzz.. System disarmed. Alert: Activated. Reinforcements: Incoming"
Defeats a villain: "Bzzzt. Target eliminated. Recluse notified."

See Also