Cathedral of Pain Trial

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Cathedral of Pain Trial
Contact Team-Up Teleporter
Team Size 12-24 players
Level Range 40-50
Badge V badge RularuuBadge.png Pain Killer
Enemy Groups
v  d  e

The Cathedral of Pain is a trial for heroes, villains and Praetorians level 40 and above. It can only be started via the Team-Up Teleporter menu.


Trial: Cathedral of Pain
Required Number of Players: 12 to 24
Objectives: Release the Item of Power.

Rularuu stores his Items of Power in extra-dimensional vaults he calls his Cathedrals of Pain. Each Cathedral is shielded by three obelisks called Psionic Resonators, which are in turn protected by horrors spawned from a nearby Will Forge. Only when the Will Forge spawns are defeated can you attack the resonator. Destroy all three at once and the portal to the Cathedral of Pain will open wide!


The Trial accommodates up to 24 players of level 40 and up, which can form three teams.

All players are sidekicked/lackeyed to 50 regardless of team leader levels.

Trial Details

Aspect of Rularuu and the Willforge

Beginning the Trial

After queuing for the trial, a 60 minute timer starts. The teams have that long to complete the trial.

The Courtyard of Shadows

Inside the Courtyard of Shadows there are three beams shooting up into the air. The three beam emitters are called Psionic Resonators and are marked on the mini-map as 'Psionic Resonator of Woe' in the North East of the map, 'Psionic Resonator of Despair' in the South East of the map, and 'Psionic Resonator of Gloom' in the South West of the map. Next to each beam emitter there is a cube-like object (called a Willforge) floating in midair. It spawns large groups of Soldiers of Rularuu. In order to destroy the resonators, defeat all guardian Rularuu that are spawned. Once all the Rularuu are defeated, attack the resonator. It must be brought down very close to the same time with the other two resonators, which the other teams should be working on. Once you bring them all down, the door to the Cathedral of Pain opens via the green crystal in the center of the map.

Master of the Shards

After entering the room, characters can look upon an Aspect of Rularuu. He is surrounded by a shield similar to the ones around the Resonators. There are three more Willforges. The shield can be brought down using the same method previously used on the resonators. Once all the mobs are defeated, characters have about a minute to fight the Archvillain. He has good regeneration. Temporary powers such as Shivans, and other enemy debuffs can improve the chance to defeat the AV in one attempt. (Note: Warburg nukes cannot be used during this trial.) Once he is defeated, players can choose a reward of either a Temp Power and 11 Reward Merits, or a large number of Reward Merits. Each member also gets a huge end of mission bonus to compensate for not gaining any experience, INF, or drops in the mission.


Successful completion of the Cathedral of Pain Trial awards the Pain Killer badge.


You've completed the Cathedral of Pain and thwarted the Aspect of Rularuu's plans.

Players have the option to select a Penumbra of Rularuu Incarnate Component:

File:Salvage Etherium.png Penumbra of Rularuu

The emanations from Rularuu's Willforges can channel Alpha Incarnate abilities which affect body and bone.

Alternately, players may select an Item of Power Buff as their reward, which will also reward them with the Power Liberator/Master Thief badge:


Your success at liberating items from trophy vaults has earned you the title of Power Liberator.


There isn't a trophy vault made you can't steal from!
