Paladin Construction
The Paladin Construction is a zone event that occurrs in Kings Row. It was replaced in Issue 24 by The Clockwork Paladin zone event, but was reinstated in Issue 27.
The Clockwork are using multiple power sources in Kings Row to help transform their scrap heaps into this new menace. It would seem that the Clockwork King's ultimate plan is to unleash these powerful Paladins in various locations throughout Kings Row in an attempt to bring the city to its knees.
According to the City of Heroes Giant Monster Guide, the time span between occurrences can range from one minute to 36 hours. Up to three Paladins can be under construction and/or completed at any given time.
Construction starts when Clockwork minions begin appearing around Kings Row carrying construction equipment. These minions, usually Cogs, gather the supplies on rooftops around the city where Knights build the larger Clockwork Princes. Once these are completed, they move together to one of three areas where the construction of the far larger Paladin begins.
While under construction, the Paladin is inactive, unable to defend itself, and is referred to as a Monster Construction. If the Monster Construction is not disturbed, it will reach full health in five minutes and become a Paladin. However, the Monster Construction cannot be defeated until ten minutes have passed since it spawned. If the Monster Construction is brought to 0% health within ten minutes of spawning, it will respawn with approximately 25% health. In order to successfully defeat the Monster Construction, players must keep its health below 100% for a total of ten minutes since the moment spawned, at which time it may be defeated as normal.
If Paladin is successfully constructed, the construction site from which it spawned is considered active and unable to spawn another Monster Construction until that Paladin has been defeated. Each Paladin paths through Kings Row, ultimately arriving in a small park area in the northern part of the zone. This park has earned the nickname "Paladin Park" due to the tendency for active Paladins to congregate there.
Prior to the destruction of Galaxy City, one tactic to defeat Paladin (and thus allow the spawn point to reset) involved luring Paladin to the Galaxy City gate, where the Police Drones would defeat it. The Galaxy City gate no longer exists, but players may instead lure Paladin to the Architect Entertainment building near the center of Kings Row, where the Police Drones will defeat it.
Zone Event Alerts and Dialogue
The following messages will appear in the Hero Zone Event Message channel during the specified points of the event:
- Upon event spawn: [PPD] Unusual Clockwork activity in Kings Row.
- Upon successful prevention of Paladin construction: [PPD] Clockwork activity has resumed normal levels in Kings Row.
- Five minutes after event spawn if Paladin is constructed: [PPD] Clockwork Paladin spotted in Kings Row.
The newly-constructed Paladin will utter the following dialogue:
Spawn Points and Destination
Paladin is constructed at one of three spawn points in Kings Row. Once constructed, it leaves the construction site escorted by a parade of Clockwork until it reaches its destination in the High Park neighborhood.
There are three spawn points, indicated on the map below by green circles:
- In the southwest corner, around an electrical tower just bordering a warehouse. (520, -42, 2778)
- Towards the middle of Kings Row in the large electrical complex. (-1640, -42, 1729)
- In the northeast, just south of Royal Refinery, near the spherical silos. (-2865, -42, -507)
Upon completion, each Paladin paths to a destination located in the High Park neighborhood at the north end of Kings Row, at coordinates (-307, -29, -2362) and indicated on the map above by a red circle. Heroes can defeat them along their path or defeat them at this location. More than one Paladin may end up at the destination location.
Note that if a Paladin is intercepted along its route to the destination location and not defeated, or if it is lured away from the destination location and not defeated, it will not path back to the destination point. Once lured away, the Paladin may remain in place or wander a short distance. For this reason, one or more Paladins may be found stationary at locations in the zone other than the destination location denoted on the map above.
Preventing the Paladin's construction will award the Knight Errant Badge. This badge is NOT rewarded for defeating a constructed Paladin.

You have helped defeat the Clockwork Paladin, a diabolical invention of the Clockwork King.