Mission:Tip - Attention! Slaves of Arachnos!

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Attention! Slaves of Arachnos! (30-39)

This loud phrase is broadcasted over...and over...and over again, almost forcing your attention. You go to a place where you can clearly hear the broadcast. The man broadcasting the message finally gets underway...

This is Marshal Blitz, leader of the Rogue Arachnos in Warburg. For far too long we have not been taken seriously by Arachnos - today, however, that will all change! My soldiers have taken an Arachnos base and everyone in it hostage - its scientists, soldiers, and Longbow prisoners.

We have a list of demands that, if they are not met, will result in the destruction of this base! Any Arachnos operative listening had best take this seriously, for this the dawning of a new age for Arachnos!

It looks like the Rogue Arachnos have finally made their move. If there are Longbow prisoners in that base, you can bet that some heroes will be showing up to save them.

You could always find out the location of the base, break into it, save everyone in there, then make off with the information in the base as well - Arachnos won't even know that it was your doing anyway.

Of course, if heroes are looking for the base, you could go to another area of St. Martial, plant a fake recorder to make them think that is the location of the base, then wipe out any heroes who fall for the trap.

Villain Acceptance


Marshal Blitz and his Rogue Arachnos are of no concern to you - they're just a group that presents an opportunity.

If anyone manages to stop them, it'll either mean Arachnos has more power to oversee your actions, or that Longbow will have a few more soldiers to spare to throw at you. Neither of those is something you're too willing to let slide.

You can use some technology you've picked up in the past to fake a signal to Longbow regarding the location of the base. Then it's just a matter of dealing with whoever shows up, though you can bet they'll be sending a decent force to try to save their soldiers.

Trap Longbow and defeat their rescue squad!

You head off towards an abandoned Arachnos base. You're not too sure who might be currently residing in there, but you'll be sure to kick them out to get your plans set in motion. It's the least you could do to set up a proper welcome for Longbow.

Unnecessary Solicitation

Hopefully Longbow is sending some big-named heroes after these prisoners. That'll make this interesting, at least.

Mission Objective(s)

You walk into the old Arachnos base to hear...demonic singing?

  • Trick Longbow!
    • Place the fake signal!
    • Take down Longbow's initial squad!
    • Defeat Overdrive!

You've defeated the Longbow squad that was intended to rescue those hostages from the Rogue Arachnos.



Notable NPCs

Ambush! After completing the primary objective, there will be a one wave ambush by Longbow.
We've got the signal! Move!
Make sure Overdrive gets the location!

Ambush! After defeating the Longbow Ambush, Overdrive will ambush.


You step out from the abandoned Arachnos base to hear a large explosion in the distance. Looks like Arachnos couldn't stop Marshal Blitz and his men either. That's too bad for them.

Rogue Acceptance


The operatives in Arachnos are already bloodthirsty as it is - at least there are the Arbiters there to keep them in check. Marshal Blitz is a loose cannon and bad for business in the Isles. Any headway he makes isn't going to be good for anyone - not even those deluded Arachnos that follow him.

Someone needs to stop him from destroying that base and gaining even more of a foothold within the Isles.

Not for free, of course.

Stop the Rogue Arachnos and take the Arachnos data.

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Unnecessary Solicitation

+++ Missing Information +++

Mission Objective(s)

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Rogue Arachnos


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