Eye of the Gemini Badge

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Eye of the Gemini is an exploration badge for visiting a pair of park lampposts leaning toward each other in Echo: Galaxy City at (-1376.5, -0.0, 347.0)[Copy] .

Eye of the Gemini

Gemini Park was once a popular gathering spot for people in the city, until the Hellions and Vahzilok took over. On some occasions many heroes could be seen relaxing in the area, daring the local gangs to try something. The people of Paragon would hold events on these days, happy to have their park wrested away from the hands of criminals.


The Eye of the Gemini Badge is located in the Gemini Park neighborhood of Echo: Galaxy City. It is near a set of three picnic tables 67 yards west of the neighborhood marker.

Its coordinates are (-1376.5, -0.0, 347.0)[Copy] .

Badge Eye of the Gemini.jpg


Galactic Explorer Badge

See Also

External Links