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One or two descriptions potentially displayed by a badge. Set by {{badge display}}. Queried by {{BadgeBox}}.

Data type: Text

Showing 20 pages using this property.
You've tangled with Nemesis himself (at least, you think so...) during the Nemesis Plot event.  +
A strange fluctuation in the time stream keeps pulling victims of an old Rikti mutation drug to this point. Some temporal researchers believe that this connection with the Outbreak is responsible for keeping Recluse's Victory from taking hold, but don't know why.  +
You've managed to push your way through the teeming crowd of displaced souls in an effort to get a ticket out of Night Ward - only to find that there ain't no train a-comin'. Unlike the dead, however this does little to faze you. After all, if creatures keep finding ways in there must be other ways out.  +
A yawning void opens before you, a testament to Hamidon's power, but you are unmoved. You have seen true darkness first hand and it has not kept you from pressing onward. You carry enough darkness within you and it's going to take a lot more than a big hole in the ground to impress you. You've gazed into the abyss, and it's gazed into you too; you're both well acquainted with each other and have few secrets left to share.  +
This statue honors Mustang, a valiant hero who fought during WWII.  +
The Shadow Shard hates you. You can feel its anger pulsing in the air around you and the very ground you stand upon, throbbing up through your feet. The wind is a roar of anger at your very presence, echoed by the Shadow Shard's twisted inhabitants. You steel yourself against this emotional onslaught, unbowed by this world's hostility. You will turn its hate and anger back upon itself; you will be an Acolyte of Anger who wields rage as a weapon against it.  +
You have endured one million points of damage.  +, Never let 'em see you bleed. That's a cool million points of damage.  +
This is where workers in Terra Volta are air lifted in. From here, they're taken by several Longbow skiffs into the heart of the reactor.  +
Airplanes are the only way to reach some areas with necessary supplies and materiel. Most jets here are much faster than they look, and must fly far out over the ocean to avoid shattering every window in the Magisterium when they accelerate past mach.  +
The Shiva Shard fed on the dead here, causing the trees to grow larger and stronger around the old graveyard.  +
Tenants on the top floor in the apartment building have constantly complained that the nearby hero statue makes them feel uneasy. Many say it feels as if someone is constantly watching them. A former tenant claimed to see some sort of video camera in the eyes of the statue, though city officials deny this claim as 'unsubstantiated.'  +
The soldiers of Point Alpha man one of the most embattled posts in the Shadow Shard. They deal with skirmishes on an hourly basis and the attrition rate is very high. Coming here is viewed as both a blessing; the men cheer any powered assistance they can get against an enemy they can barely comprehend; and a curse, for your presence indicates the danger they are in and the inadequacy of their modern weapons against this threat. But being here has made you an honorary Alpha Ranger.  +
Even in these strange and uncertain times there are those who still reach for the sky.  +
You've never seen such hulking monstrosities this close up before, and even with the great power you've amassed in your career it is hard not to be a little intimidated. Their massive size blots out the sun and the roars they emit rattle the teeth and drive one close to madness.  +
It is here that the Devouring Earth nearly set off a biological bomb to infect the citizens of Founders' Falls.  +
Apex tracked Dr. Vahzilok down to this location, but interference from the Circle of Thorns prevented him from capturing the mad scientist.  +
You've helped take down a Zombie Elite, showing you are an Apocalypse Survivor!  +
Your work with the forces of Arachnos has earned you the Arachnos Agent Day Job. Logging out in an Arachnos Base will grant you an Experience bonus, when you log back in, each time you complete a mission for a short time.  +, There's no resigning from Arachnos, but you appear to have done just that. Good luck.  +
Your time spent working with the Arachnos Arbiters has earned you the Arachnos Official Day Job. Logging out in Grandville will earn you Jetpack power, when you log back in, for a short time.  +, The Arbiters of Arachnos have made you a priority target. They do not like to let their secrets slip.  +
Your study of the Mission Architect system has earned you the Architect Day Job. Logging out in the Mission Architect will earn you 2 bonus Mission Architect Tickets, when you log back in, each time you complete a mission for a short time.  +