Villain types
These formless creatures appear to be controlled by some other entity. Studies of their remains have revealed that they lack any sort of brain. Nevertheless their actions demostrate a fearsome cunning and a total hatred of mankind.
Pummel Melee, Heavy DMG(Smash), Foe Knockdown
Hydra men brawling attacks may knock down foes.
Spit Ranged, Light DMG(Toxic), Minor DoT(Toxic), Foe -Fly
This toxic spray continues to burn your flesh and prevents you from flying.
Resistance Auto, Res( S25 L-25 )
Hydra Men are resistant to Smashing damage. However, they is vulnerable to lethal damage.
For years, rumors have persisted about a giant monster living in the depths of the sewers. This strange tentacle stretches down into the mulch. Who knows what it's connected to?
Tentacle Spray (Ranged) Toxic, Damage over Time, Foe -Fly
This toxic spray continues to burn your flesh and prevents you from flying.
Pummel Melee, Smash
Smash with self.
Some of the creatures found in the sewers are endowed with greater power than their fellows. They don't however, seem to have any control over the weaker spawns. One thing has been shown: the genetic material of these creatures is unlike anything on this planet.
Pummel Melee, Heavy DMG(Smash), Foe Knockdown
Hydra men brawling attacks may knock down foes.
Spit Ranged, Light DMG(Toxic), Minor DoT(Toxic), Foe -Fly
This toxic spray continues to burn your flesh and prevents you from flying.
Resistance Auto, Res( S25 L-25 )
Hydra Men are resistant to Smashing damage. However, they is vulnerable to lethal damage.
For years, rumors have persisted about a giant monster living in the depths of the sewers. This strange tentacle stretches down into the mulch. Who knows what it's connected to?
Pummel Melee, Smash
Smash with self.
Tentacle Spray (Ranged) Toxic, Damage over Time, Foe -Fly
This toxic spray continues to burn your flesh and prevents you from flying.
Man O' War
The Men O' War are the strongest of the strange amoeba-like men that dwell within the sewers. Recently, scientists examined some DNA from a captured Man O' War. Strangely, it contained the genetic code of viruses and plants that are common on Earth.
Pummel Melee, Heavy DMG(Smash), Foe Knockdown
Hydra men brawling attacks may knock down foes.
Spit Ranged, Light DMG(Toxic), Minor DoT(Toxic), Foe -Fly
This toxic spray continues to burn your flesh and prevents you from flying.
Resistance Auto, Res( S25 L-25 )
Hydra Men are resistant to Smashing damage. However, they is vulnerable to lethal damage.
For years, rumors have persisted about a giant monster living in the depths of the sewers. This strange tentacle stretches down into the mulch. Who knows what it's connected to?
Tentacle Spray (Ranged) Toxic, Damage over Time, Foe -Fly
This toxic spray continues to burn your flesh and prevents you from flying.
Pummel Melee, Smash
Smash with self.
Resistance +Res( S60 L50 F60 C60 E60 N50 P60 T75 ) +Prot( Fr 100 Rp 100 ) +Res( Fr 99% )
Auto, Self
Arachnos-Controlled Kraken
Scientists in Arachnos have been able to temporarily control the powerful Hydra!
Levels: 30-54
Pummel Melee (Cone), Heavy DMG(Smash), Foe Knockback
Punch 'em.
Foot Stomp PBAoE, Moderate DMG(Smash), Foe Knockback
Adamastor shakes the very Earth itself with a super Foot Stomp, attacking everything in a nearby area.
Spit Ranged (Targeted AoE), Moderate DMG(Toxic), Minor DoT(Toxic)
This Toxic spray continues to burn at your flesh and prevents you from flying!
Resistance Res( S20 N-20 T75 )
Monster resistance.
Hatched Kraken
Main Article: Hatched Kraken
The recently Hatched Kraken appears to be a mutation of the strange Hydra Spawn that live in the sewers. The Hatched Kraken is quite powerful and can destroy full teams of heroes without effort.
Pummel Melee (Cone), Heavy Smash Damage, Foe Knockback
Punch 'em.
Foot Stomp Point Blank Area Effect, Moderate Smash Damage, Foe Knockback
Adamastor shakes the very Earth itself with a super Foot Stomp, attacking everything in a nearby area.
Spit Ranged (Targeted Area of Effect), Moderate Toxic Damage, Minor Damage over Time(Toxic)
This Toxic spray continues to burn at your flesh and prevents you from flying!
Resistance Res( S20 N-20 T75 )
Monster resistance.
Giant Monsters
Main Article: Kraken
The Kraken appears to be a mutation of the strange Hydra Spawn that live in the sewers. For unknown reasons, it stalks the streets of Perez Park. The Kraken is quite powerful and can destroy full teams of heroes without effort.
Pummel Melee (Cone), Heavy Smash Damage, Foe Knockback
Punch 'em.
Foot Stomp Point Blank Area Effect, Moderate Smash Damage, Foe Knockback
Adamastor shakes the very Earth itself with a super Foot Stomp, attacking everything in a nearby area.
Spit Ranged (Targeted Area of Effect), Moderate Toxic Damage, Minor Damage over Time(Toxic)
This Toxic spray continues to burn at your flesh and prevents you from flying!
Resistance Res( S20 N-20 T75 )
Monster resistance.
Main Article: Hydra (Archvillain)
The alien Rikti created the Hydra to guard their secret bases beneath the city. It seems programmed to attack anything that isn't Rikti. Heroes must stop this creature from growing any larger and threathening the city as a whole.
Force Field Toggle, Self Untouchable
The Rikti Pods generate a Force Field that protects the Hydra Head from the Rikti Particle Beam.
Subdue Ranged, High Psionic Damage, Foe Immobilize
The Hydra has Immobilized you!
Will Domination Ranged, Superior Psionic Damage, Foe Sleep
The Hydra has put you to Sleep!
Psionic Tornado Ranged (Targeted Area of Effect), Moderate Damage over Time(Psionic), Foe -Recharge, Knockup
The Hydra's Psionic Tornado continues to tear at your mind and slows your attack rate!
Reinforcements Summon Reinforcements
When the Hydra Head is at half life, Rikti will teleport in to protect it.
Reinforcements 2 Summon Reinforcements
When the Hydra Head is at nearly defeated, Rikti will teleport in to protect it.
Tentacle Death Post Death Special
When the Hydra Head dies, all Tentacles die with it.
Immobile Self Immobilize
The Hydra is immobile.
Resistance Auto, Res( All1000 ), Resist(Knockback, Sleep, Disorient, Hold, Fear, Confuse, Teleport), +Perception, -Regeneration
Hydra Head cannot be moved. It is resistant to knockback, sleep, hold, disorient, fear, confuse, teleport and psionic and all damage. The Hydra Head can only be defeated with the Rikti Beam cannon.
Main Article: Death from Below
The alien Rikti created the Hydra to guard their secret bases beneath the city. It seems programmed to attack anything that isn't Rikti. Heroes must stop this creature from growing any larger and threatening the city as a whole.
Geiser Power Ranged (Location Area of Effect), Autohit, Foe Knockup
Obliteration Beam.
Gas Power Ranged (Location Area of Effect), Autohit, High Damage(Toxic)
Obliteration Beam.
Boil Power Ranged (Location Area of Effect), Autohit, Extreme Damage(Toxic)
Obliteration Beam.
Immobile Self Immobilize
The Hydra is immobile.
Resistance Resistance
Archvillain Resistance.
Named bosses
- O 'ai "e (Man O' War)
- Aue "io (Man O' War)
Related Badges

Mindless, yes. But yours to command.

The Kraken was unleashed, but your might has put it down for another day.