Dr. Shelly Percey

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Dr. Shelly Percey is a City of Villains contact located in Cap Au Diable. She is located at coordinates (-721, 0, 1,195).


Contact Introduced By

New Contact(s)



Shelly Percey left medical school in disgrace during her third year, when one of her professors found her performing unethical experiments on an injured hero. Since her fall from grace, Shelly's kept herself busy providing medical services to the less scrupulous metahumans to be found by the dozen in the Rogue Isles. She doesn't stoop to treating those without super powers, and she's become quite an expert in her somewhat rarified field. She owes her mastery of the metahuman physique to her insatiable curiousity, which has gotten her into trouble more than a few times.


Welcome. I am Dr. Shelly Percey. I've come to know a great deal about you metahumans, but there's still plenty we can learn together. Are you game?


Retrieve Nictus from Council


Greetings. I've been given a most exciting opportunity, and I'd very much appreciate your assistance. Oh, don't worry, you'll be well paid. Here's the plan. The Council has recently transported a single Nictus to a small base they maintain here on Cap au Diable. Dr. Aeon and I are both highly interested in the cargo in a question and, though we have a somewhat adversarial relationship, we've agreed to work together for the time being. I'll provide the muscle, and enlist a friend of mine to extract the Nictus from its host. He'll finance the dea and make sure the Council never finds out who's responsible. It's a win-win-win-win deal. If you're willing to steal a Nictus from the Council.

The Nictus will most likely be carried in the body of a chosen soldier. Once you've kidnapped him, you'll have 90 minutes to get him to a friend of mine, who will extract the creature. Any longer, and we risk the creature taking over the host's body and becoming inseperable from it.

Mission Acceptance

I'm sure you've heard of my interest in all things super-powered. You might say learning is my only passion.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Find the Nictus

Temporary Power: Nictus Gravitic Emanation
Temporary Power: Nictus Absorption
Temporary Power: Nictus Shadow Step

Mission Objectives(s)

  • Have Nictus Extracted (Timed, 1:30)
    • Rescue Dr. Karl Junker from the Council
    • Take him to his machine to have Nictus extracted


So, the Nictus entered you? Interesting. It will be a most fascinating subject of study. How I long to absorb myself in quiet research for a time. Thank you. I can see that you, like myself, are capable of almost anything.

Steal Diagnostic Equipment


Thank you for coming. I need the assistance of one such as yourself. I have a patient in bad condition, and I need some rather specific equipment to diagnose his illness. It's right here on the island, but Arachnos won't grant me access, and I don't have the kind of money it would take to buy it legitimately. So I need to try an illegitimate route. Like you. Will you help me steal that medical equipment?

Mission Acceptance

We need the equipment and the code for operating it. The latter will probably be on the base leader. One tiny wrinkle: the Luddites are trying to destroy this equipment as we speak. You may have to subdue a few of them.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Defeat Hicks and his men
  • Steal the Equipment

Clue: Equipment code

You found this 16-digit code in the pocket of Special Operative Hicks. Dr. Percey will need it in order to operate the diagnostic equipment.

Clue: Diagnostic equipment

This sleek metal box is covered in small dials and lights. According to Dr. Shelly Percey, it is the most advanced diagnostic equipment currently available.


Excellent work. My patient will be most pleased. I should have told you, my patient is an influential man here on the island. He'll want to know about your work on his behalf.

Find Information about Midas' Skin


All right, I performed my diagnosis, and I've got some good news and some bad news. The bad news is, my patient only has six months to live. The good news is, he's King Midas, and if we can help him, we'll both strike it rich. The problem with old Midas is that I can't treat him thanks to his skin condition. Oh, he's not really made of gold, you know. Paints himself that way, thinks it makes him look tough. Men. Still, his skin is harder than diamond, and it's making treatment a bit of a problem. Midas has a history with Dr. Aeon, and I suspect the good doctor may know more about his powers than anyone else. I'd like you to see if you can dig up anything in one of Aeon's bases.

Mission Acceptance

Now listen up, because this is important. Midas doesn't know he's dying. Not yet. And I'm not going to tell him until I have a cure ready. I'm afraid he may become suicidal, and I'm not about to lose my most interesting subject. Nor do I relish the thought of autopsying a pile of rubble. Capiche?

Mission Objective(s)

  • Defeat all Arachnos in base
  • Search base for info
  • 2 keys to find

Clue: Gold key card

You took this key card from an Arachnos agent. It should get you deeper into the building.

Clue: Blue key card

You took this key card from an Arachnos agent. It should get you deeper into the building.

Clue: Skin samples

This small vial contains ultra-hard fragments of skin that rattle against the glass when you shake it. The label reads 'Midas.' The accompanying file indicates that Aeon himself took the samples after granting Midas his powers. Unfortunately, there's no description of how he managed to remove the ultra-hard fragments.


So, Aeon was involved in Midas' acquisition of power, eh? Well, it doesn't surprise me. Aeon's almost as curious abou ther super powers as I am, and he certainly has better funding. If I analyze these fragments with the equipment you appropriated, I may be able to figure out how to get a needle through that ultra-hard skin of Midas'. Then I could cure him.

Protect Research from Goldbrickers


We're in trouble. I was able to cook up a way of piercing Midas' skin to deliver the cure, but I did manage to concoct a medicine that could be absorbed through it. Problem is, Aeon heard about my experiments with Midas' skin, and he wants my findings for himself. And guess who he's sent after them? The Goldbrickers! Midas has no idea he's sending men to snatch the substance that could save his life. And he's not going to find out. If he does, he'll know that I lied to him about his condition, and that can't happen. So I need you to get to my lab and make sure my work stays intact and on the premesis.

I have to warn you. There's a chance you could fail this one.

Mission Acceptance

I'm not saying you got sloppy and led Aeon straight to us. I'm just saying we need this situation taken care of.

Mission Objective(s)

  • P1168599497
  • P2449635881

This mission currently has a bug that will not display the objective correctly. The mission is to protect Dr. Shelly Percey's lab from the Gold Brickers. At some point in the mission, the Gold Brickers will start destroying the lab equipment, and you must successfully defend it from being completely destroyed. It is highly recommended that you move through the lab quickly and do not hold back on dispatching the Gold Brickers as fast as you can.

This mission is failable, which means that it will be permanently noted in your souvenir that you did not complete this mission successfuly if you fail it.