Flight Powers

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Revision as of 21:59, 27 September 2011 by imported>Aggelakis (historical) (fly speed)
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Certain powers grant the ability to fly. Control while flying is the basically the same as on the ground, with a couple alterations. In addition to the ground movement controls (W: forward, S: backward, A: strafe left, D: strafe right, Q: turn left, E: turn right), flight adds two more. Holding spacebar will move you straight up and X will move you down. These directions are relative to your camera view, so if you have angled your PoV to be looking down, holding spacebar will actually send you "forward" along the ground.

Flight Powers

Grant Flight

These powers grant the ability to fly:

Peacebringers and Warshades automatically unlock flight powers as they level:

There are also temporary powers which grant flight:

Buff Flight

Finally, there are powers which enhance existing flight speed without actually giving flight ability.

Flight Speed

Calculating Flight Speed of Fly

The base of all movement powers uses the figure 21 fps, which is 14.3181818... mph, often rounded to 14.32 mph.

Fly adds these following figures together to come up with final flight speed, to which the Flight Speed Cap is applied:

1) Magnitude 1 Fly, which is 100% of base (14.32) = 14.32 mph

2) Base Fly Speed, which was boosted 50% in Issue 18, so, it is now 150% of base speed (14.32) = 21.48 mph

3-5) Three unenhanceable dummy buffs:

  • Buff1 of 80% of base (14.32) = 11.45 mph
  • Buff2 of 100% of base (14.32) = 14.32 mph
  • Buff3 of -101% of base (14.32) = -14.46 mph

These five figures subtotaled add up to 329% of base (14.32) = 47.11 mph.

6) Then we add the enhanceable buff which is affected by Fly Enhancements and changes per level. This buff equals 86.5% + Level. So, at Level 1 it is 87.5% and at level 50 it is Level 136.5%.


1) So, at Level 1 with no enhancements, we have 87.5% of base (14.32) = 12.53 mph, which we add to the subtotal above of 47.11 mph and get 59.64, which is already over the Fly Speed Cap of 58.63 mph.

2) At level 50 (86.5% + 50 = 136.5% buff) with 2 Fly SOs (66.66% enhancements) is 90.99% of base (14.32) which equals 32.57 mph. Add that to the unenhanceable subtotal above (47.11) and you to 79.66 mph, which is still capped to 58.63 mph.

Editor's Note:

The important thing to remember is that since Issue 18, Fly, without any Enhancements, already hits the Flight Speed Cap at any Level.

Calculating Flight Speed of Temporary Fly Powers

The base of all movement powers uses the figure 21 fps, which is 14.3181818... mph, often rounded to 14.32 mph.

Most Temporary Fly Powers add these following figures together to come up with final flight speed, to which the Flight Speed Cap is applied:

1) Magnitude 1 Fly, which is 100% of base (14.32) = 14.32 mph

2) Base Fly Speed, which was boosted 50% in Issue 18, so, it is now 150% of base speed (14.32) = 21.48 mph

3-5) Three unenhanceable dummy buffs:

  • Buff1 of 80% of base (14.32) = 11.45 mph
  • Buff2 of 100% of base (14.32) = 14.32 mph
  • Buff3 of -180% of base (14.32) = -25.77 mph

These five figures subtotaled add up to 329% of base (14.32) = 35.80 mph.

6) Then we add the unenhanceable buff (can't enhance Temp Powers) which changes per level. This buff equals 86.5% + Level. So, at Level 1 it is 87.5% and at level 50 it is Level 136.5%.


1) So, at Level 1 with no enhancements, we have 87.5% of base (14.32) = 12.53 mph, which we add to the subtotal above of 35.80 mph and get 48.32, which is about 10.3 mph short of the Flight Speed Cap of 58.63 mph.

2) At level 50 (86.5% + 50 = 136.5% buff), the buff is 19.54 mph. Add that to the subtotal above of 35.80 and you to 55.34 mph, which is about 3.3 mph short of the Flight Speed Cap of 58.63 mph.