Angus McQueen
Angus McQueen | |
![]() FBI agent | |
Zone | Founders' Falls |
Coordinates | (4250.5, 0, 2387) |
Level Range | 40-44 |
Introduced By |
== Level 40-44 == Madeleine Casey Maxwell Christopher Indigo Janet Kellum Tina Macintyre |
Introduces |
== Level 40-44 == Janet Kellum == Level 45-50 == Maria Jenkins |
Enemy Groups | |
Angus McQueen is a hero contact in the Liberty Town neighborhood of Founders' Falls at coordinates (4250.5, 0, 2387). His level range is 40-44. Angus does not have a specific origin.
Contact Introduced By
Level 40-44
Contact Introduces
One of my contacts wishes to meet you.
Level 40-44
Janet Kellum is a brainiac FBSA agent. I have heard that she is high on Countess Crey's hit list. She likes working with science heroes, and she has access to Invention and Genetic Alteration Enhancements.
Janet won't steer you wrong. Just watch your step, because she's determined to go after the countess.
Level 45-50
Maria Jenkins Maria Jenkins is a close friend of Statesman. She has become deeply involved in the search for him, including the possiblity that he might be stuck in an alternate dimension. She also has Relic, Focus, Gadget, Invention, and Genetic Alteration Enhancements. I'll warn you: Maria is investigating some very dangerous people. If you work with her, you'll want to bring along some friends to help you out.
Very few people have the kind of insight into Statesman that Maria does.
FBI agent
Angus McQueen was the best and brightest FBI agent in years. He was given the task of infiltrating the group of homeless known as The Lost to determine what was affecting their minds. After almost a year under, Angus was almost completely converted, but his iron will allowed him to wrench himself free and report back. It took many months of debriefing and reconditioning, but Angus can now share his intimate knowledge of this terrifying Rikti process with the heroes of Paragon City
Wrong Side
I don't think it's safe for either of us to be seen talking to each other. Maybe if you were more like me I might reconsider.
Prior to Introduction
Active Contact is the one you need.
Initial Contact
It is well to be working with you. Let us begin without delay.
- This is a new day for me as well...
- Happy to see you.
- Greetings.
Too Busy
You have tasks outstanding.
No More Missions
I don't have anything more for you.
- Inspirations (Luck, Catch a Breath, Enrage)
- Level 40 Technology Single Origin Enhancements (200% base costs)
- Level 40 Magic Single Origin Enhancements (200% base costs)
- Level 40 Science Single Origin Enhancements (200% base costs)
- Level 40 Mutation Single Origin Enhancements (200% base costs)
- Level 40 Natural Single Origin Enhancements (200% base costs)
I have acquired more Enhancements for you...friend. Please, call.
- Inspirations (all)
You are most skilled, Character. Here are more Enhancements.
Story Arc
Mission:StoryArc Division: Line
Capture a communication from a Rikti soldier in the field
I have recently discovered that the Rikti have begun to fear that someone is listening in on their mental network. I cannot verify if this is true, but I have not been made aware of any such breakthrough at this time. To counteract this potential threat, the Rikti commanders have started issuing false commands and issuing coded written orders to confirm which commands are true. The Rikti are unused to intricate battlefield deceptions, however, and this could be used to our advantage. If you could capture one of these communications from a Rikti soldier in the field, it could help in counter-intelligence programs against them.
Mission Acceptance
You must concentrate your search in the Rikti War Zone. It is believed that the Rikti have started implementing this system in that zone only. The Rikti may have left themselves vulnerable by trying to protect themselves. If our experts can get enough samples of the Rikti orders, it could allow them to break the Rikti codes.
Unnecessary Solicitation
You must concentrate your search in the Rikti War Zone. It is believed that the Rikti have started implementing this system in that zone only.
Mission Objective(s)
- Search for Rikti in War Zone
- Defeat 50 Rikti
You found what appear to be some written orders on one of the defeated Rikti soldiers.

You found this sheet of clear plastic with alien writing on it after a battle with some Rikti troops. It's most likely a set of orders for their soldiers.
Thank you for delivering this communication. It appears to be in a new code, but as more samples are gathered, decryption should become possible. What may be even more important is that the Rikti believe that their mental communication network has become compromised. This would entail not only an agency with operatives who could listen in, but who could also understand Rikti communication and break the secure command languages. That is beyond the ability any agency I am aware of.
Capture the portal research facility and retrieve any Rikti portal research
Attempts to track Rikti use of stolen Portal Corporation technology have met with limited success up to now, but there has been a possible breakthrough. Monitoring has located what may be a temporary Rikti facility for portal research. I have been authorized to ask for your assistance to capture the portal research facility and retrieve any Rikti portal research.
Mission Acceptance
Your goal will be to defeat the Rikti's head researcher, who we believe is called Tilektu, and his assistants. You must also recover the results of any research conducted by the Rikti.
We are currently able to trace Rikti transits and stop them because they are using Portal Corporation technology. If they were to discover a means of disguising their transit or re-building their own transit network, it could present a serious danger to the Earth.
Unnecessary Solicitation
Your goal will be to defeat the Rikti's head researcher, whom we believe is called Boss Name, and his assistants. You must also recover the results of any research conducted by the Rikti.
Mission Objective(s)
Though this warehouse looks abandoned, you notice that there are new power cables of Rikti manufacture placed by some alien sense of design.
- Defeat Boss Name and assistants
- Find Rikti portal research
You defeated Researcher Boss Name and recovered the Rikti's portal research data.

This report has been written in the Rikti's alien language of sheets of clean plastic-like film. Diagrams in the paper seem to relate to portal technology.
Notable NPCs
- Boss Name (Rikti Chief Mesmerist)
- The name of the boss is variable. Known names include: Lokatu, Tilektu
From the report you found and the data gathered at the scene, it appears that this research was a greater threat than anticipated. The research being conducted was concentrating on determining the reason why our home Earth...
That is, why the Rikti home Earth had been cut off from contact with our dimension.
This report is very interesting. I retain some knowledge of Rikti writing, but the finer points of this are difficult. They would likely be difficult even with a full knowledge of Rikti written communication modes. The report is mainly written in Primary, the Rikti technical language, but the author is using words and Thought: Modes from other languages to describe the barrier. There are sections in Archival, the language used for historical records, and in Mortal, the language used by the Lineage of War. It's as if they were trying to describe the interdimensional barrier as a magical effect. Fascinating.
Catch a hostile infiltrator in the Rikti before he can return to the Council
When I was sent to infiltrate the Lost, I was briefed about the possible presence of other infiltrators. One of my secondary objectives was to determine if there were other non-sanctioned infiltrators, and if those operatives were from organizations hostile to the government. I identified several possible operatives, but was only able to confirm one, a Council agent I knew as "Sigmund". However, I was never able to act against him without losing my own cover. Now that my mission is over, an opportunity has presented itself to clear up the situation and act against the infiltrator I discovered. I have been authorized to request your assistance to catch a hostile infiltrator in the Rikti before he can return to the Council.
Mission Acceptance
The Council operative may be difficult to locate, but it is imperative that he is caught before he can return to the Council's ranks. I have been given his last known location among the Rikti. Hopefully you will be able to catch him before the Council recovery teams can extract him.
Find the infiltrator
Unnecessary Solicitation
(Same as mission acceptance.)
Mission Objective(s)
This place seems to have been attacked recently. Claw marks and plasma burns on the walls point to a conflict between the Rikti and the Council.
- Find the infiltrator
- Find Sigmund
Though Sigmund, the Council infiltrator wasn't here, you've found compelling evidence about his current location.
Notable NPCs
- Two named minions, Stren and Rozen.

Before its destruction and disassembly by the Rikti, this Council robot had been part of a raid meant to extract Sigmund, the Council infiltrator inside the Lost. The robot had no information you can access on its return location, but you could probably find the information you want by interrogating Council agents in the field.
Interrogate Council troops
Unnecessary Solicitation
If the Council has recovered their operative, they could gain access to dangerous information. You must find his location quickly.
Mission Objective(s)
- Interrogate Council troops
- Defeat 40 Council
You were able to get enough information from the defeated Council troops to locate the base that their operative was likely taken to.

By interrogating Council troops, you found enough information to figure out where the Council would have taken the recovered infiltrator, Sigmund.
Find the infiltrator, Sigmund
Unnecessary Solicitation
This is our last chance to locate Sigmund before the Council can move him to another location outside of the city. If he is not caught now, the Council will be able to debrief him at length before there is another window of opportunity to catch him. I trust you will not fail
Mission Objective(s)
Hidden below a normal office building, this small Council base serves as an observation post and safe house. Until you arrived.
- Find the infiltrator, Sigmund
You defeated Sigmund and prevented his escape with the Council.
Notable NPCs
- Sigmund (Rikti Chief Mentalist)
It is fortunate that you were able to apprehend Sigmund. He had undergone full Rikti metamorphosis, but had retained his loyalty to the Council. The level of access he had to Rikti information combined with his allegiance could have proves catastrophic.
It is strange, but I am almost envious of him. My own counter-measures were nearly overcome, and I had to escape. The single-minded determination he would have needed to overcome the Rikti alteration astounds me.
Battle the Rikti in the War Zone
The Rikti forces remaining on Earth have been rallying themselves around their crashed vessel. Our forces are trying to keep the situation contained, with the help of Vanguard, but until new weapons are available, it is uncertain that appropriate force can be brought to bear through military means. Thus, the government has authorized me to request you to battle the Rikti in the Rikti War Zone.
Mission Acceptance
The crashed vessel in this area and the surrounding territory is a strong point of the remaining Rikti forces. Breaking their hold in this area will help to end their continued aggression. It is a long term goal, but a vitally important one.
Unnecessary Solicitation
(Same as Mission Acceptance)
Mission Objective(s)
- Battle the Rikti in the War Zone
- Defeat 50 Rikti
You have defeated enough Rikti to help the human forces in the area.
The Rikti conflict won't end for some time, but each defeat they suffer, each soldier we capture or incapacitate is another step towards victory. Many people have sacrificed greatly to stop the Rikti threat, and I am glad to see that you take that threat seriously.
Defeat War Chief Kt'Mezzu
I have been contacted by one of my past associates who remains with the Rikti. War Chief Kt'Mezzu, a noted Rikti commander of the Lineage of War, will be in the city. Defeating or capturing this War Chief could be a major blow. However, I am concerned that this information came to me duplicitously, and this is a trap meant to discredit my loyalties to Earth and punish you for your interference. The possibility that this is a false scenario does not diminish the potential reward if you can defeat War Chief Kt'Mezzu.
Mission Acceptance
Even if the scenario is accurate, War Chief Kt'Mezzu will be well protected by his personal guard. Your objective will be to locate and neutralize Kt'Mezzu and his staff.
Unnecessary Solicitation
War Chief Mk'Mezzu will be well protected by his personal guard. Your objective will be to locate and neutralize Kt'Mezzu and his staff.
Mission Objective(s)
You ready yourself, not knowing what to expect. The Rikti are capable of anything.
- Defeat Kt'Mezzu & his staff
After the battle, Kt'Mezzu self-terminated. He broadcast a final message to your mind before he died.
Notable NPCs
- War Chief Kt'Mezzu (Rikti Chief Mesmerist)

After his defeat, War Chief Kt'Mezzu transmited his final thoughts to you as he self-terminated:
'Name: Ditactzk Kt'Mezzu
Status:War Chief
Faction:TraditionalistsBattle: Well fought. Regrets: Few to none. Will miss: Troops; Wife; Family.
Ousted by: Restructurists. Betrayed by: Restructurists of War Lineage. Reason: Opposition to Restructurist social changes.
Self-termination sequence: Completing. Good battle: Keep fighting.
From your report, it seems that the information I had received was correct, and there was a betrayal. We were not the ones betrayed, but War Chief Kt'Mezzu. Even among the Lost there was much talk about the growing factionalization among the Rikti on Earth. I don't like to be used, even if it's to fight the Rikti. You've done well, Character.
I saw Kt'Mezzu once during my tenure among the Lost. He was a consummate soldier, and treated even the Lost and former Lost under his command well. It is unfortunate that he elected to self-terminate. I would have liked to talk to him again.
Harass and destroy Rikti forces at every opportunity
Though the Rikti Invasion is over, the battle against the Rikti forces on Earth continues. While stopping the long-terms plans of the Rikti is vital, it is also important to harass and destroy Rikti forces at every opportunity. I have been asked to request your continued assistance in the battle with Rikti forces due to your past successes.
Mission Acceptance
You may exercise your sanction against any Rikti targets at any opportunity. The continued pressure from a hero of your stature should be more than sufficient, regardless of its time and place.
Unnecessary Solicitation
(Same as Mission Acceptance)
Mission Objective(s)
- Harass Rikti forces
- Defeat 50 Rikti
You've done enough damage to the Rikti for the time being.
My superiors would like to extend their thanks. The menace the Rikti still pose to the safety and security of humanity cannot be overstated, and it would not be possible to combat them effectively without the support of the meta-human community.
Remove the Rikti threat from an alternate Earth
A portal research team recently reported contact with Rikti on an alternate world they've been trying to regain contact with. The energy cost to cross over to that particular world is low, making it nearby, dimensionally speaking. The legal representatives of that world have requested our aid in preventing the Rikti from entering their world. I have been authorized to pass that request on to you, and formally ask that you remove the Rikti threat from this alternate world.
I'm glad that you have accepted this mission. Your objective: Portal disruption. Alternate: Rikti capture/defeat
I'm sorry.
I mean, your main objective will be to disrupt the portal generation apparatus the Rikti have utilized to access this world. That will cut off Rikti access to that dimension, or at least disrupt any possible corridors from that world to the Rikti homeworld. If those devices have been hidden too well, you can also concentrate on hunting down all Rikti operatives present.
Mission Objective(s)
You would hate to see the quiet streets of this world afire with the discharge from Rikti plasma cannons.
- Disrupt Rikti portals
- 6 portal devices to adjust
You successfully disrupted the Rikti expedition.
Notable NPCs
- None
You have once more performed an excellent operation. Friendly diplomatic relations will likely resume with that alternate world. The Rikti will no doubt continue to probe alternate Earths, looking for a way home or for more resources or allies to continue the war.
Save a number of Lost from full conversion to Rikti
I would like to request your discreet assistance in a difficult matter. If you are not interested, I will not hold against you, as this action has not been sanctioned by my superiors and is therefore not condoned by the government at this time. The operation is not illegal, but I have discovered the situation through unconventional means that would be frowned on by the chain of command. Knowing this, if you are still willing to assist me it could save a number of Lost from full conversion to Rikti. There is not much time, the Rikti will know your intention. You will have 90 minutes or less.
Mission Acceptance
I still have occasional contact with members of the Lost cell I infiltrated. It's not usually purposeful, but a matter of psionic leak-through to their portion of the Rikti mind-web. There are several of them who are being prepared to for the final conversion into full Rikti, but they know that they will be assigned to the Lineage of War to be used as front-line troops. They retain enough human loyalty that they do not wish to be used as disposable soldiers in this manner. During contact I was able to discern their location. All that remains now is their rescue.
Thank you, Hero. Succeed or fail, I appreciate your effort.
Unnecessary Solicitation
Your objective is the liberation of the reluctant Lost before they are moved to a conversion site. I will make certain that they receive care once they have been liberated from Rikti control.
Mission Objective(s)
You have a distinct feeling of being near many angry or frightened people, like you were standing on the edge of an argument you couldn't hear.
- Free reluctant Lost
- 8 Lost to find (Timed, 90 minutes)
You rescued all of the reluctant Lost before they were moved and converted into full Rikti.
Notable NPCs
- 4x Reluctant Lost (Non-Escort Captive) (boss)
- 4x Reluctant Lost (Non-Escort Captive) (minion)
You did very well, Hero, and have my continued thanks. I went outside my own authority and ensured sufficient media coverage of your actions to insure that the Lost you rescued will receive proper medical and social attention instead of being consigned to government or scientific study.
I can feel their thoughts at the edge of my perception. They are scared, but much happier. They think highly of your courage and compassion, as do I.
I also appreciate your discretion in this matter.
Stop the Rikti expedition and discover the identity of the second expedition
Portal Corporation scientists have detected two transits to an alternate dimension. The first matches the signature of the portal technology the Rikti stole from Portal Corporation. The second is based on a different technology and would not have been detected had the scientists not been monitoring. Both originated from this world, however. I have been authorized to ask you to stop the Rikti transdimensional expedition and discover the identity of the other expedition we detected.
Mission Acceptance
The world you will be traveling to is relatively uncharted. Dimensional probes have revealed that it is not a hostile environment. Your goal will be to disrupt the Rikti portals on site to ensure that that world is cut off from the Rikti homeworld, and to find out the identity of the second group to transit over to that world.
Unnecessary Solicitation
Your goal will be to disrupt the Rikti portals on site to ensure that that world is cut off from the Rikti homeworld, and to find out the identity of the second group to transit over to that world.
Mission Objective(s)
This forest is relatively unspoiled. You aim to see that it remains that way.
- Disrupt Rikti expedition
- 6 portal devices to adjust
You successfully disrupted the Rikti expedition and spotted Nemesis Army troops.
Notable NPCs
- None
You performed excellently and have disrupted the Rikti expedition, even under these difficult circumstances.
I had not been briefed about the Nemesis Army's interdimensional capability. I must apologize to you for not being able to supply you with that information. I have had a discussion with the agent in charge of Nemesis operations. He informed me that I had not been cleared for that level of access due to uncertainties concerning my time with the Lost. I am sorry if you were unduly endangered because of this.
Stop the Rikti from securing Portal technology
Let's get straight to work, Character. The Rikti are striking a Portal Corporation research lab. It's a small lab, where they try out all the new technology; it's even a secret to most of Portal Corporation's staff. You must stop the Rikti from securing that portal technology. Before I escaped the Rikti, I was able to learn a good deal about upcoming operations. The Rikti have been working toward a dangerous new goal. Ever since contact with the Rikti homeworld was cut off, the Rikti trapped on Earth have been desperate to establish contact with the homeworld again. I believe that they are getting very close to starting their own dimensional travel program. Their goal will be to find alternate routes back to our homeworld.
- Stop the Rikti from securing Portal technology
The Rikti will be looking to accomplish several main goals: kidnap key Portal Corporation researchers, copy Portal Corporation files about near dimensions, and acquire Portal Corporation portal generation technology. You can either defeat all Rikti operatives, or prevent them from accomplish these goals.
Unnecessary Solicitation
The Rikti will be looking to accomplish several main goals: kidnap key Portal Corporation researchers, copy Portal Corporation files about near dimensions, and acquire Portal Corporation portal generation technology. You can either defeat all Rikti operatives, or prevent them from accomplish these goals.
Mission Objective(s)
You pass through security checkpoints and blockades. The Rikti seem to be contained here, but only you can stop them from breaking out with stolen Portal Corporation secrets.
- Secure Portal Corp from Rikti
- 3 researchers
- 2 computers
- 3 researchers
You were able to keep the Rikti from stealing information and kidnapping researchers, but they've already taken key hardware.
Notable NPCs
- War Chief Topek (Rikti Chief Soldier)
- Science Chief Pomekt (Rikti Chief Mesmerist)
- 2x Hostage (Non-Escort NPC)
- Portal researcher (Non-Escort NPC)
Your overall success was quite impressive. The Rikti did manage to get away with important Portal technology, but without the databases and captives, they will not be able to use it effectively. However, they may still have enough information to begin opening portals of their own. I hope that I will be able to count on your continued assistance in preventing an interdimensional Rikti breakout.
I am especially glad that you were able to prevent the abduction of the researchers. The Rikti would no doubt have used an alteration process on them to ensure their cooperation. The Rikti's transformation process can be extremely traumatic, even to a prepared mind, and retaining human thought patterns is difficult. On their behalf, I'd like to extend my personal thanks.
Stop the Rikti transdimensional expedition
An interdimensional portal transit has been detected originating from our world. A second transit to the same dimension was detected, allowing a Portal Corporation search team to trace the transit, and identify a Rikti expedition on the target world. I have been authorized to ask for your assistance to stop the Rikti transdimensional expedition and/or cut off that world from the Rikti homeworld by modifying their portal generation gear.
Mission Acceptance
The Rikti cannot be allowed to use this world as a relay point to their home Earth, or as a base of operations for further research. Your main objective will be to disrupt the portal generation apparatus the Rikti have utilized to access this world. That will cut off Rikti access to that dimension, or at least disrupt any possible corridors from there to the Rikti homeworld. If those devices have been hidden too well, you can also concentrate on hunting down all Rikti operatives present at their transfer site on that world.
Unnecessary Solicitation
Your main objective is to disrupt the portal generation apparatus the Rikti have utilized to access this world. If those devices have been hidden too well, you can also concentrate on hunting down all Rikti operatives present.
Mission Objective(s)
Rikti plasma weapons have set the trees afire.
- Disrupt Rikti portal devices
- 6 portal devices to adjust
You successfully disrupted the Rikti expedition.
Your report concerning Rikti against Rikti violence has been passed on to my superiors. My analysis would be that the two Rikti factions fell to violence with such a low number of minds in isolation. Things can become cloudy when we are away from the web of minds. Wise decisions can be difficult.
I would like to extent my personal thanks as well. The Rikti cannot be permitted to expand or to recontact their home Earth under any circumstances. Your tenacity in preventing this has been well noted in my own reports.
Stop the Rikti transdimensional expedition and contain the Devouring Earth
The Rikti have been detected accessing a quarantined dimension, one where the Devouring Earth successfully hijacked the world's ecosystem and eradicated all human life. It is assumed that the Rikti are trying to find an alternate path to their home dimension, but that they are unaware of the extreme hazard this dimension represents. As I am certain you're aware, allowing the Rikti to find a path to their dimension of origin would be disastrous. There is an additional danger of alerting the natives of the dimension in question to the existence of our world. I have been authorized to ask for your assistance to stop the Rikti transdimensional expedition and contain the Devouring Earth on their own world.
While it is unlikely that the Rikti knowingly entered an hostile dimension, it is possible that they have already encountered difficulty. This will not change the objective of your task. Your main objective will be to disrupt the portal generation apparatus the Rikti have utilized to access this world. That will cut off Rikti access to that dimension, or at least disrupt any possible corridors from there to the Rikti homeworld. If those devices have been hidden too well, you can also concentrate on hunting down all Rikti operatives present at their transfer site on that world, as well as any hostile local residents they have come in contact with.
Mission Objective(s)
The air on the Devouring Earth's world is hot and humid.
- Disrupt Rikti portal devices
- 6 Portal devices to adjust
You successfully disrupted the Rikti expedition.
Notable NPCs
- Thorn (Monster/Elite Boss)
- Expedition Leader Lokut (Rikti Chief Mesmerist)
- Pollum (Rikti Chief Soldier)
The Rikti will not be able to continue their search from that world, and the adjustments you made should prevent further interaction between that world and ours. Though it is unlikely that the Rikti would return to such a hostile location, the full capabilities of that world's Devouring Earth population are unknown.
The Devouring Earth overran that world at approximately the same time as the Rikti Invasion occurred in our world. These events were not linked, but the proximity of their occurrence prevented us from offering any aid.
Stop the Rikti transdimensional expedition before the alternate Circle discovers our Earth
Portal Corporation scientists have traced a Rikti portal transition to a nearby alternate Earth. This particular case could be extremely dangerous. The world has been classified as a prohibited dimension. Our probe teams discovered that the Circle of Thorns analog of that dimension successfully annihilated all human life on the world except a slave sub-class in the year 1968 AD. I have been authorized by ask for your assistance to stop the Rikti transdimensional expedition before the alternate Circle discovers our Earth.
I will warn you, this world has been classified as extremely hazardous. If you accept, I recommend that you take appropriate precautions.
Mission Acceptance
It is unlikely that the Rikti knew about conditions on this world when they opened a portal to it. This does not change the imperative that the world must be sealed off from ours at this time. Your main objective will be to disrupt the portal generation apparatus the Rikti have utilized to access this world. That will cut off Rikti access to that dimension, or at least disrupt any possible corridors from there to the Rikti home Earth. If those devices have been hidden too well, you can also concentrate on hunting down all Rikti operatives present at their transfer site on that world, as well as any hostile local residents they have come in contact with.
Unnecessary Solicitation
+++ Missing Information +++
Mission Objective(s)
From the markings on the tombstones, it seems clear that life is cheap in the Circle's reality.
- Disrupt Rikti portal devices
- 6 portal devices to adjust
You successfully disrupted the Rikti expedition.
Note: You do not need to defeat Baphomet to complete this mission. However, defeating Baphomet will award you the Demon Slayer Badge.
Notable NPCs
- Expedition Leader Ssipoth (Rikti Chief Mesmerist)
- Baphomet (Circle of Thorns ArchVillain)
- 6x Slave (optional) (Non-Escort Captive)
The Rikti expedition has been disrupted, and we have sealed that world from ours for the time being. Several refugees made it back through the portal before you closed it. They are receiving care and aid.
There are many worlds that turned out worse than ours. It is hoped that after our world has had a chance to rebuild further we'll be able to provide aid and assistance to such worlds, but for now we must work to preserve our safety. It is sad to seal them off, but often necessary.