Harvey Maylor

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Harvey Maylor.jpg

Harvey Maylor is a hero contact in the Mera Heights neighborhood of Peregrine Island Harvey Maylor is a Magic origin contact. His level range is 45-50.


Contact Introduced By

New Contact(s)


Tabloid editor

As the editor of The Paragon Tattler, Harvey Maylor is a man always looking for a story. After all, when the Paragon Times is reporting on the giant demon roaming the old Astoria cemetery, what's left for a tabloid to print? Harvey fulfills his journalistic responsibilities by leaning heavily on the broad shoulders of his hero friends. Hero-authored columns sell papers, and photos of super-powered shenanigans make a great front page. He's willing to accommodate his hero sources, either putting them in the spotlight or carefully protecting their identities. As a result, he usually has a claim on the strangest scoop in town.

Initial Contact


  • Inspirations
  • Level 45 Magic Single Origin Enhancements
  • Level 50 Magic Single Origin Enhancements

Badge Mission

Story Arc


Find Ellie Weissman


I need your help desperately! One of my reporters has been kidnapped! Her name's Ellie Weissman, and she's a real sweet girl. Young, smart, talented. I've known her since she was a kid. Her apartment was ransacked by the Carnival this morning, and there's no sign of her anymore! Will you help me find Ellie? If anything happens to her, I'll never be able to look her father in the eye again.

Ellie was working on a feature about mystical artifacts. I don't know if that's what she set the Carnival off, but you should head over to the Tattler and take a look at her notes.

Mission Objective(s)

A picture of a startingly young Harvey Maylor beams at you from the wall.

  • Defeat all carnies in office
  • Find Ellie's notes

You defeated the Carnival and found Ellie Weissman's notebook.

Clue: Ellie's appointment calendar

This appointment calendar lists several appoointments in Ellie's neat, crisp shorthand. The final meeting is circled in red pen. It reads:

Percy Winkley Secret Library Wear comfortable shoes.


I just broke the news about Ellie's disappearance to her parents; let me tell you, that was rough. I can't even get worked up about the Tattler office being trashed. I just want to find my reporter! Maybe that appointment calendar you found can help us pick up her trail.

Ask Maria Jenkins about the secret library


According to this appointment calendar you found, Ellie met with a Percy Winkley right before she was kidnapped. Perhaps this Ms. Winkley can tell us more about the situation. Trouble is, the only address we have is 'secret library'. I think I know someone who may be able to clear up that mystery. Will you go ask Maria Jenkins about the secret library? She's been around the block a few times; she knows more than most people might guess.

I appreciate your help. We're like a family at the Tattler; if we can't find Ellie, things will never be the same.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Talk to Maria Jenkins

Maria Jenkins: Normally, I'd never divulge the secret of the Midnight Squad's underground library. But I've heard good things about you. I'll tell you where it is, but I expect you to keep this information private.

Mission Objective(s)

You've heard that the Midnight Squad has a network of secret libraries hidden beneath the city. Their resources are truly staggering.

  • Find Percy Winkley

You rescued Percy Winkley from the Carnival of Shadows!

Clue: Percy Winkley's story

When you rescued Percy Winkley from the Carnival of Shadows, he told you:

'Yes, Ellie Weissman interviewed me for her article on ancient artifacts. Ninety percent of her material was bunk, but she was convinced that she had a real story. She kept asking me for details on the Bands of Shu. my friends, the Bands are nothing but a pair of old copper bracelets! They have no mystical power whatsoever!'

'I can't enlighten you about the Carnival's motives, but I may be able to help you find your friend. Here's a mental monocle. It can read whatever thoughts are uppermost in another's mind; I usually break it out for laughs at parties.'

Clue: Mental monocle

This fascinating device is one of the Midnight Squad's many strange artifacts. While wearing it, you can read the uppermost thoughts in a person's mind.


So, Ellie was asking about these Bands of Shu before she was kidnapped, eh? I wonder if they might be more powerful than the Midnight Squad realizes. I'll bet anything the Carnival kidnapped Ellie to keep her from learning more about the Bands. Now that you have that mental monocle, maybe we can get her back.

Question the carnies about the missing reporter


Thanks to Percy Winkley's mental monocle, we should be able to get some straight answers out of the Carnival. The monocle will allow you to read whatever thoughts are uppermost in the Carnies minds. So just keep questioning them about my missing reporter, and don't stop until you find an answer! You can usually find carnies making mischief on Peregrine Island.

As soon as we get Ellie back safely, we can find out more abouther investigation into the Bands of Shu. I'm certain that's what prompted the Carnival to go after her!

Mission Objective(s)

  • Question carnies about Ellie
  • Defeat 65 Carnies

You were able to pluck Ellie's current location from the mind of one of the carnies.


Thank heaven, you did it! You found out where the Carnival's keeping Ellie! Now you just have to go in there and get her out!

Rescue Ellie


We've got all the information we need. It's time to stop pussyfooting around. I want you to get over to that Carnival hideout and rescue Ellie. I'l be counting the minutes unti you're back.

Ellie got into trouble by investigating a stroy for my paper. That makes me responsible for her safety.

Mission Objective(s)

Your trained nose detects a subtle aroma of Chanel No. 5.

  • Rescue Ellie Weissman

You rescued Ellie Weissman from the Carnival of Shadows.

Clue: Ellie Weissman's story

When you rescued Ellie Weissman from the Carnival of Shadows, she told you:

'Nobody takes the Tattler seriously, but sometimes we come up with some amazing stories. Like the Bands of Shu. Even the Midnight Squad didn't believe that they have the power to transport a human being to the psychic plane. But I did some checking, and it's all true! It's a complicated ritual, but I believe it can be done!'


I don't know how to thank you enough for rescuing my reporter. Ellie's safe at home now, and I don't think I've ever been more grateful. She's got a lot to tell us about her investigation into the Bands of Shu. She seems to think they might be instrumental in taking on the Carnival.

Get the Bands of Shu from the Malta Group


You have my eternal gratitude for rescuing Ellie from the Carnival of Shadows. She's told me a lot about her investigation into the Bands of Su, and from what she says, there's a good chance the Bands coud help us defeat the Carnival of Shadows. There's only one problem. The Bands are currently held by the Malta Group; they're among the many artifacts the group has locked up for study. I need you to go and get them.

The Malta Group wants to control anyone and anything with even the merest whiff of super powers. Don't underestimate them.

Mission Objective(s)

The Malta Group's alarm system is subtle, but you notice the click as the security camera zooms in on your face.

  • Recover the Bands of Shu

You found the Bands of Shu!

Clue: The Bands of Shu

According to Percy Winkley, these ancient Egyptian bracelets are of no interest to anyone but archaeologists. The Band's carvings have a certain charm, and your eye is drawn to one figure seated upon a throne. Her hands are lifted above her head; draped over them is the star-studded body of the goddess Nut, who represents the sky.


My, those Bands certainly are unique. Kind of pretty, too. Ellie's been looking into them, and she thinks they may help us take the fight to Vanessa DeVore where she really lives: on the psychic plane!

Empower the Bands of Shu


I'm impressed. You managed to get the Bands of Shu away from those Malta goons. The trouble is, right now, they're useless. In order to take you to the psychic plane, the bands ave to be empowered. Ellie's researched the ritual involved, but it's going to be a toughie.

First, you'll need to bring the bands into contact with a powerful, but primitive creature. That should anchor you in this reality, so you don't lose yourself on the psychic plane. Then, you'll need to bring them into contact with an extra-dimensional entity. That'll give them the power they need to transport you to another plane of existence. And, finally, you'll have to bring them to Sister Psyche to complete the ritual.

Good luck. This is a big task, but I think you're up to it.

Mission Objective(s)

The earthly smell of the Devouring Earth creatures is heavy in this cave.

  • Defeat all creatures in cave

You have completed the first part of the ritual.

Harvey Maylor: The bands have been anchored in our reality. Now you have to give them a taste of what's outside it.

Mission Objective(s)

The Praetorians are an inexplicable lot to you. Their embrace of tyranny is truly staggering.

  • Defeat all villains in area

You have completed the second portion of the ritual.

Note: The Praetorians are Infernal's demons.

Harvey Maylor:

Now all you need is a powerful mind to wrap up the ritual. You know who's got the beefiest brain in town, don'tcha?

Mission Objective(s)

  • Take Bands to Sister Psyche

Sister Psyche: Ah, yes; it is a simple matter to complete this ritual. It's sort of like fliping a mental switch. Yes. There you are.

The Bands of Shu are now empowered with the essence of the Egyptian goddes, Shu. It was she who kept the sky and the Earth separate. What most do not know is that she also held the task of keeping different planes of existence from folding into one another. By wearing her Bands, you can manipulate those planes and walk among them as you will.


I knew you had it in you. You've empowered the bands of Shu. Now you can use them to take you to the Psychic plane and battle the Carnival there. Are you ready for that?

Go to the psychic plane and learn whatever you can about the Carnival of Shadows


Sister Psyche explained to me; let's see if I've got it straight. Vanessa DeVore has been psychically dominating so many people for years, that her mind is spread out all across the psychic plane. In a way, you're going to be literally roaming around in her brain, batting her mental defenses. You're going to be a pioneer. Vanessa may be able to erect barriers to wall off some of her thoughts, but I need you to learn whatever you can about her and the Carnival of Shadows.

Mission Acceptance

Sister Psyche has set up what she calls a 'mental gateway' in a nearby office building. She says it's all about perception; all I know is, it'll get you where you're going.

Mission Objective(s)

You can't help doubting the effectiveness of Sister Psyche's mental gateway, but it seems to work like a charm.

  • Seek clues on psychic plane
    • 3 memories to uncover

You have recovered some interesting memories from Vanessa Devore's mind.

Clue: Books

While adventuring on the psychic plane, you plucked the memory of these books from Vanessa Devore's mind. You were able to sense that they belonged to her when she was young, before she came into her awe-inspiring mental powers. Several of the books are travel guides to Italy.

Clue: Pile of bones

While adventuring on the psychic plane, you plucked the memory of this pile of bones from Vanessa Devore's mind. You were able to sense that the bones belong to someone named Giovanna Scaldi, but you have no idea who she was.

Clue: Porcelain mask

While adventuring on the psychic plane, you plucked the memory of this mask from Vanessa Devore's mind. The mask was of exquisite quality, far more delicate than those worn by the Carnival's rank and file. You were able to sense that it was nearly four hundred years old.


Wow, it sounds like you leanred a lot while you were adventuring on the psychic plane. I can't begin to understand the significance of all the memories you've uncovered. The one that really puzzles me is this Giovanna Scaldi. Who was she? Why are her bones rattling around inside Vanessa's head? I think she must be important to the Carnival, but it's impossible to say how. I think you're going to have to go back.

Go back to the psychic plane


Your first journey on the psychic plane was fruitful. So fruitful that I'm sending you back. We need to know more about this Giovanna Scaldi you found traces of in Vanessa Devore's memory. I couldn't find any mention of her in public records. I think there's only one way to find out who she really was.

Mission Acceptance

Sister Psyche set up another mental gateway for you. This one's in an old cave.

Mission Objective(s)

As you enter the psychic plane, you feel a tingle on the back of your neck. Or rather, the psychic projection of the back of your neck.

  • Defeat all minions on plane

You weren't able to learn anything from Vanessa's mind.

Notable NPCs

  • Mistress of Memory (Master Illusionist)


You weren't able to learn anything on the psychic plane? It sounds like Vanessa DeVore found a way to shield her memories from you. We'll have to see what can be done about that.

Take the mental monocle to Sister Psyche


You remember that mental monocle Percy Winkley gave you, the one that helped you find my missing reporter, Ellie? Well, I hung onto it. I thought it might come in handy some day. Anyway, I just spoke with Sister Psyche, and she thinks she can modify it for you. We know Vanessa DeVore's found some way to shield her memories from you. Perhaps with Sister Psyche's help, we can change that. Will you take the monocle to her?

Mission Acceptance

Sister Psyche may be the most talented woman I know.

Note: There is a Carnival ambush after you accept this mission.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Take monocle to Sister Psyche

Clue: Mental monocle

This is the mental monocle that enabled you to read the thoughts of the carnies and locate the missing reporter, Ellie Weissman. Sister Psyche believes she can modify it, making it powerful enough to draw out the thoughts of Vanessa DeVore.

Sister Psyche:

 Is this the monocle?  Ah, yes, how charming.  It uses a lens of elestial quartz to allow you to see into the minds of those nearby.  Weak, but serviceable.  I believe I can boost the power.

There. Now the monocle should allow you to read minds much more effectively. When you think of a particular subject, you can cause those nearby to think of that subject as well. This should let you plumb Vanessa DeVore's mind for more on this strange Giovanna Scaldi.

Clue: Modified monocle

Sister Psyche has modified this mental monocle. It is now strong enough to enable you to draw out the thoughts of Vanessa DeVore.


Great! Now that Sister Psych's worked her special talents on that mental monocle, you can go back to the psychic plane. We should be able to learn a lot more about Giovanna Scaldi's connection to Vanessa DeVore.

Go to the psychic plane and read Vanessa's thoughts


All right. Sister Psyche's done her thing, and that mental monocle is good to go. Once you get to the psychic plane, it should let you read Vanessa's thoughts. We need to find out more about this strange Giovanna Scaldi you found traces of within her memory. I really think she may be important.

Mission Acceptance

All this psychic plane stuff is a bit confusing for a simple man like me. I sure hope you're taking pictures.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Investigate Vanessa's memories


Rescue gallery patrons


I just heard that there's been an attack on the New Wave Art Gallery by the Carnival of Shadows. The gallery is premiering a new artist, Penelope Marx, so it's packed with people. I need you to get over there right away and stop the violence. If you can find out why the Carnival is interested in that gallery, that's be a big plus.

Mission Acceptance

Penelope Marx just showed up on the art scene, but right now she's the hottest thing going. People say she has some wealthy patron, but nobody knows who.

Mission Objective(s)

An ice sculpture of a swan has toppled from the snack table; its throat has been broken in two.

  • Rescue gallery patrons
    • 6 people to save

You rescued the gallery patrons from the Carnival.

Clue: Penelope Marx's story

When you rescued Penelope Marx, she told you:

'Thank goodness you came! I wouldn't want to get killed, just when I got my first gallery show! I never thought I'd get off my feet in the art world, not until my patron started helping me. She's never revealed her name, and we only correspond by e-mail. But she pays for all my supplies, and she got me this show.'


You got another letter from Vanessa DeVore. She writes:

'I must thank you for your part in our little publicity stunt. As I predicted, the price for Marx's work has risen through the roof.
Thanks a million,

It sounds like Vanessa DeVore is Penelope Marx's mysterious patron. I knew Vanessa had strong ideas about art, but I never thought she'd endanger people just for a publicity stunt!

External Links