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Clockwork Secretary
Zone Neutropolis
Coordinates (1943, -51, -499)[Copy]
Level Range 15-20
Introduced By == Level 15 ==
Provost Marchand
Introduces == Level 15 ==
Mother Mayhem
Enemy Groups None
v  d  e

IVy is a Praetorian contact in Neutropolis at coordinates (1943, -51, -499)[Copy] . Her level range is 15-20.


Contact Introduced By

Contact Introduces


Clockwork Secretary

Praetor Berry created IVy some time ago to act as a buffer between him and the citizens of Neutropolis. The people would go to Ivy with any issues they may have, be it Resistance attacks, attacks by the Devouring Earth, any general emergency that needed to be handled. IVy would then send reports to the PPD and Praetor Berry to handle. As of late, IVy has been malfunctioning, causing many of her reports to go missing or never reach their intended destination. Praetor Berry has not yet fixed her

Prior to Introduction

Missing Prior to Introduction Dialogue

Initial Contact

Hello! As you may or may not know, my designated name, given to me by the great Praetor Berry, is Ivy! I am here assisting the great people of P-Praetoria with whatever they need!

However, my systems detect that you are far and beyond that of a normal person here in Praetoria! I have finished loading the list of tasks that I have been given by the good people here in Praetoria. I am showing delight at working with you to clear this list!


I am welcoming you to Praetor Berry's office, for I am his secretary tasked with that function. My identification has been given to your person. Now I pause as I await you to respond with your identification.

Too Busy

Missing Too Busy Dialogue

Too Low Level

Missing Too Low Level Dialogue

No More Missions

Missing No More Missions Dialogue


Missing Store Unlock Dialogue


The Old Robot, the New Body

Part One: Old Tasks

Hello! I have finished retrieving the task list that you have requested from me! I am very happy and very pleased to give this to you. I have gone through all of the reports given to me and arranged them from most important to least important. The great Praetor Berry has programmed me to focus on the most important tasks first!

A citizen has reported that three of his friends have gone missing in the tunnels beneath Neutropolis! This citizen reported this an hour ago. The probability that his friends are still alive is quite high, according to the calculations instilled in me by Praetor Berry. I have used my programming to calculate the expected area that these citizens should be in! Do you want this location now, or should I move on to the next task? If you are curious, it involves an -


Hello Character! I have an issue -

I know! I need the location of those people!

Affirmative! Here is the location in the tunnels where these people are located. I can - ERROR! ERROR!

Two large blades shoot out from IVy's arms for a moment. Her head twitches, causing the blades to sink back in.

I apologize for that scene! Rest assured, I have been programmed only to use the weapons on direct orders from Praetor Berry!

Unsolicited Contact

If you require assistance, please see one of the many PPD that patrol the fine streets of Neutropolis!

Mission Objective(s)

  • Rescue the trapped civilians
    • 3 citizens to rescue

You've rescued the citizens, but it appears that IVy has been kidnapped!


  • Failed Experiments

Notable NPCs:

  • 3 x Stranded Citizens (non-escort hostages)
  • 3 x Type 90 Failed Experiments (one guarding each Stranded Citizen)

Ambush! Setting off the Proximity Bombs (which explode when approached) will result in waves of Failed Experiments and may also draw Failed Experiments from further away. The bombs can easily be avoided if desired.

Intruders! Kill them!
Follow the sounds!
Keep in the planned formation!

Part Two: The Great Praetor Berry

Mission Objective(s)

  • Speak with Praetor Berry


Part Two: The Great Praetor Berry.

Eh? Who're you? Look, I've got a thousand things to do in the next two minutes, talking to you makes it a thousand and one.

This is important, Praetor Berry. IVy has gone missing. I need to find her

IVy? Who is that? A plant?

Ah... The robot I designed a while back. She's missing? Hrm, hrmm... I really don't have time to deal with this, Character. I've got a ton of projects that need to get done. I've got something you could use though. Well, someone. Kind of a mix between a something and a someone. It's all I can spare right now, way too many important things that people are relying on me to do.

Alright. Who is it?

Man named Casey Chen. Intelligent guy, not smarter than me, of course. I hired him onto my team of scientists after Anti-Matter's Praetorship was revoked; Chen was on his old team. He'll help you find IVy. Tell him I sent you, what was it again, the whole ideal of orders straight from a Praetor.

You should let me know when she's found. I've already crossed that off my list of things to worry about, but you know, just to be formal about it. Just don't talk to me if I look busy. Which I always am, given what I have to do. So keep it short when you see me again.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Speak with Casey Chen

Part Three: Berry's Finest Creation

Administrator Chen

Part Three: Berry's Finest Creation

Who are you? One of the Powers Division, working for Cole? Or for yourself? In the end, it doesn't matter who you're working for now. Eventually, you'll have to face the reality of working under someone who has no idea what they're doing.

What do you want from me?

I need your help in finding IVy. Berry said you would help me.

Berry sent you over to me? It figures. I'm sure he could try to come up with something to find the robot, but it wouldn't work.

Casey Chen lets out a sigh.

It pains me to know that my brilliance is going to forever be shadowed by people like you and Berry, people who are 'special'. Maybe I don't have a suit of power armor, or run at the speed of sound, but I'm just as good as any of you. That's why Berry sent you to me, because deep down inside, he knows I'm better than him. At least Praetor Keyes respected what I had to offer to his team...

Look, do you know where IVy is?

Casey Chen takes out a handheld pad and begins fiddling with it.

This device of mine can help us track down Berry's lost little robot. Let's see...

Hrm, there we go. It looks like the Syndicate have kidnapped the robot and have it stashed away in a secret location. There's a group of Syndicate in an office nearby, led by a woman named Elia Thompson. They probably have IVy somewhere in that office building. If you can take down Elia, we can find out where exactly Berry's toy is. I'll send one of Berry's Clockwork up ahead to help you. I routinely use the Clockwork to get actual work done in Neutropolis, unlike Berry.

Syndicate... of course. Alright, I'm on it.

Mission Objective(s)

You can see a PPD Officer up ahead. It seems the others may have retreated already.

  • Save IVy from the Syndicate
    • Speak with the PPD Officer

Praetorian Officer

Character! Thank goodness you're here. Don't worry, I for one welcome the help of Powers Division.

The squad I was with had to pull back from the scene. We're trying to capture some members of the Syndicate, mainly Elia Thompson and Bernard Brown. Are you here to give us a hand?

Yes, sort of. Have you seen the android, IVy?

IVy? The android from Neuron's tower? I haven't seen it! It definitely isn't here in this building, I'll tell you that for sure. So look, we need to split up on this one! Do you want to get Elia, or do you want to go after Brown?

It would appear that Casey Chen lied to you. You could either go after Elia Thompson to see why he wants her brought in, or spite him by going after Bernard Brown.

I'm going after Elia Thompson

Alright, I'll call in the others so we can focus on bringing in Brown!

Mission Objective(s)

  • Save IVy from the Syndicate
    • Arrest Elia Thompson
    • Rescue Officer McLawrence (optional)

IVy isn't here. Can Casey Chen really be trusted?


  • Syndicate

Notable NPCs

  • Officer McLawrence (PD non-escort hostage)
  • Elia Thompson (Syndicate)

Part Four: Vendetta

Mission Objective(s)

  • Deal with Casey Chen

Administrator Chen

Part Four: Vendetta

Hello again, Character. You didn't find IVy, did you?

No. What did you want with Elia?

I think you and I are going to be friends, Character. You care about what the people want. You saw that Elia was a member of the Syndicate within Berry's organization, correct? They've managed to sneak into nearly every corporation that this city has. I've known for a while, of course; no one is smart enough to get around my intellect. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to do anything about it until you came along.

I've got the information you need on Berry's robot. IVy was kidnapped by a being that calls himself Metronome. He goes around inhabiting Clockwork bodies. You may have heard of him.

Do you know where he took IVy?

That's the thing. Metronome, he's a mix of tech and something else, meaning I can't really track him very well. What I can tell you is that a bunch of Clockwork in a nearby facility just went haywire. This is a classic sign that Metronome is jumping around in them, gathering them up for whatever he wants with IVy. I just went and sent a Clockwork down there to help you with the situation. If you can dismantle the Clockwork in there and stop Metronome from using them, I can hack their data and find out what exactly is going on.

Mission Objective(s)

You can hear the sound of something whispering in the Clockwork.

  • Retrieve the Clockwork Data
    • Defeat all Clockwork in the facility to retrieve the data

You've retrieved enough Clockwork data for Casey Chen to use - hopefully.

Part Five: Ascension

Administrator Chen

You've retrieved the Clockwork data? Good, good. Let's take a look at it...

Chen takes some of the data and begins comparing it with something on his handheld datapad.

Uh-huh... okay. That's interesting. Fixing the Clockwork is even simpler than I had first proposed. It would just be a matter of fixing a few of their protocols, it could easily be done. But Berry feels that our efforts are better put to making new 'shinier' Clockwork rather than fixing the old ones.

Anyway, I've figured out the location of Berry's robot and why Metronome has kidnapped it.

What did you find?

Metronome kidnapped IVy in order to do some sort of process on it. He believes he can transplant the souls of Seers into the bodies of Clockwork. He's on a crusade about how Praetor Tilman is killing them and society and believes they'll live forever in the bodies of Clockwork. It's very disturbing, especially when you consider how flawed the current Clockwork are. Metronome is planning on using IVy to put one of his favorite Seers in there. Well, I say favorite, but that's putting the term loosely.

Who is he putting into IVy's body?

Some Seer in training, her name is Penelope Yin. I've heard about her, she's supposed to be a powerful psychic. She's in Tilman's hospital right now, in First Ward, so I have no idea how this Metronome plans on getting her into IVy. But I can tell you that he's planning on tearing out all that precious data in IVy to give Yin a clean start in her fresh new body.

Alright, I need to know where IVy is being kept.

Of course, I'll upload the data to you right now. You should be careful, however. Metronome is probably taking direct control of Ivy, meaning he has access to all her combat abilities. This is a point I've argued with Berry about countless times. IVy is programmed to store issues that the people of Praetoria have, yet she was built with combat abilities that can easily solve most situations that are brought to her. It's impractical and doesn't make any sense.

Anyway, I've done my part in all this. If Berry wants my help again, you can tell him that I earned my keep with you.

Resistance working undercover for Calvin Scott should call him now to discuss events with IVy.


Resistance members:

Character, word on the street is that you're in Neutropolis now. I hope you can see just where Cole's rule will eventually bring us. It is an impressive city, yes, but it is falling apart from the inside. Imperial, Nova, all of it will eventually fall into that state.

What are you currently working on?

Tell Calvin about the case on IVy

We've lost a lot of good men and women because of the information that robot has given, Character. But I know of a way we can use this to our advantage, especially given the situation you're in.

What's your idea?

Plant a tracking device on IVy, then convince Neuron to activate its combat systems and allow it to handle all the tasks that the citizens have. It'll be mundane for the most part, I'm sure. But eventually it will be sent down to deal with us in the Resistance.

And then?

We'll know that it's coming with the tracking beacon. We'll be prepared to take it for ourselves. With that android in our hands, we can figure out just how exactly Neuron built it. From what I've heard, it's more advanced than your average Clockwork, tougher too. I'd ask you now to just bring it back down with you, but it sounds like that might draw too much attention. Which is fine. We could use an operative to test out IVy's combat skills anyway.

If there's a moment where IVy is prone, take that chance to plant that bug on her.

I'll see what I can do

Mission Objective(s)

This warehouse is empty, save for the sound of Clockwork moving in the distance.

  • Retrieve IVy from Metronome!
    • Force Metronome out of IVy's System