Jack Hammer

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Jack Hammer
Jack Hammer.jpg
Resistance Cell Captain
Zone Underground Nova
Coordinates (-4136, 528, -525)[Copy]
Level Range 4-10
Introduced By == Level 4 ==
Introduces None
Enemy Groups Destroyers
v  d  e

Jack Hammer is a Praetorian contact in Underground Nova at coordinates (-4136, 528, -525)[Copy] . His level range is 4-10.


Contact Introduced By

Contact Introduces

  • None


Resistance Cell Captain

Jack Hammer is a sort of leader to the Resistance in the underground beneath Nova Praetoria. Part of this is because of the passionate and excited speeches that he gives, rallying the people around the causes that he chooses. Of course, the reason why Jack is so passionate is because he has been dipping into Fixadine himself, a fact which nearly everyone knows, but no one addresses.

Prior to Introduction

Missing Prior to Introduction Dialogue

Initial Contact

You're Character, right? Ricochet won't stop goin' on about how 'dreamy' you are.

Name's Jack Hammer. Folks around here see me as a leader. Now, I don't have time to be spittin' at you, so I'm gonna talk plain-like.

If you're here, then it means you're here to help us. Or, at the very least, what you want isn't going against what we want. Here's our current situation, you know the Destroyers? They're taking a bigger toll than I'd want on our boys and girls down here. We're losing slammers on a daily basis to them. We combine that with fighting off the Ghouls and PPD, it means bad news for us.

But I'm not gonna just lay down and let this happen, and I'm gonna be asking you to help me out with this. If that doesn't catch your interest, then here's the swinger.

You and me? We're going to take control of the main stash of Fixadine in this place.


  • We're gonna win this thing, Character. You and me.
  • Don't numb yourself, Character, this is a war we're battling. Peeps are gonna get chomped.

Too Busy

Missing Too Busy Dialogue

Too Low Level

Missing Too Low Level Dialogue

No More Missions

Missing No More Missions Dialogue


Missing Store Unlock Dialogue

Story Arcs

I Destroy, Therefore I Am!


Souvenir: Mr Fixadine's Card

Mr. Fixadine gave you this card in an attempt to gain your favor - after you beat him into the ground. It reminds you of an experience called...

I Destroy, Therefore I am!

It all started with a partnership between you and Jack Hammer of the Resistance. The goal was to track down the source of Fixadine in order to gain control of the Destroyers - and also inject members of the Resistance with the drug. You tracked down a dealer named 'Wheeler' under the pretense that he was a main dealer within Nova. You found out from Wheeler that he was just another step in the chain of command - the main dealer of Fixadine in Nova was someone named Mr. Fixadine.

You next went to rendezvous with a PPD officer named Sergeant McIntosh, who was supposed to be investigating Mr. Fixadine. You found McIntosh dead in the lab he was investigating - the Destroyers were tipped off about his investigation and attacked McIntosh. You were able to find McIntosh's research on Mr. Fixadine, along with a possible location.

Following the lead, you cornered Mr. Fixadine in a warehouse - it was supposed to be full of Fixadine, but, as it turns out, Mr. Fixadine also was just another step to the top.

Capturing Mr. Fixadine, however, gave you your best lead yet - he revealed where a large stash of Fixadine was in Nova. All you would have to do next is to find and claim it yourself. There's one thing that keeps coming up in your mind, however. Sergeant McIntosh says that he was ordered off the case after he found out about Mr. Fixadine. Was McIntosh's death by the Destroyers a coincidence, or was there something happening behind the scenes? Only time will tell...

Part One: Wheeler the Dealer

So, here's the deal, Character. We all know that the Destroyers are hopped up on Fixadine - I've dabbled in it a few times, gives a nice good rush when you need it.

Thing is, unlike me, the Destroyers are totally controlled by the stuff. Whoever has command over the stash has command over the Destroyers, you get what I'm saying? There's no way those addicts control it themselves - if they did, they'd be out of the stuff by now. Someone has got to be pulling the strings on this, and me? I intend to find out who it is and take 'em down.

To do that though, I'm gonna need your help. I know the kinda stuff you specialize in and I know you might not be doing this outta the kindness of your heart. You help me get to the bottom of this, you get to do whatever you want with your part of the stash. Just as long as you let us do our job keeping the Destroyers in place. We have a deal?

We have a deal. You have any leads?

Barely. You'd be surprised at how good these punks are at keeping their dealer a secret. But someone slipped up the other day on the topside.

I heard there's a Destroyer by the name of Wheeler who was dealing out bits of the stuff to the Destroyers in Nova.

I doubt this guy is gonna be the dealer of the stuff, but I bet he can lead us straight to whoever is givin' it to him. I had some of my boys track him down. He's somewhere within the tunnels, huddling with his red boys and girls. Right in our territory!

I sent in some guys to check it out, but they're gonna need someone like you to carry 'em through. You let me know if you need any more backup and you got it.

Unsolicited Contact

The Destroyers aren't gonna stick around if you don't charge on over there.

Mission Objective(s)

Smoke fills this part of the tunnels. The Destroyers are, without a doubt, holed up here.

  • Capture Wheeler
    • Steal some Fixadine (Optional)
    • Defeat Wheeler to get information on Fixadine

You pounded Wheeler into the ground and got him to talk about what he knows. You got some information from Wheeler regarding the Destroyers!


  • Destroyers


What's up, Character? Did you get information out of Wheeler?

I did. His suplier's name is Mr. Fixadine

Mr. Fixadine? Huh, little on the nose, but whatever.

I'll get my boys to try to dig up some information on this guy.

Say, speaking of that... none of the guys I sent out have returned. Which spells a problem for me.

What's the problem?

Remember how I said I use Fixadine? That whole little thing? You remember that?!

Well, my boys usually throw me some of the syringes they find on the Destroyers, helps me keep our fighters motivated, you know? It's gonna be fine in the end though, some of those wimpy Wardens are working with a guy named Dr. Arvin about some sort of cure to the crush addiction.

So, I gotta ask, Character, you find any Fixadine while you were out there?

(Note: Assuming players collected some on the mission, they have the choice of lying or giving some to Jack. Let's assume the latter...)

I did. Here, take some. It's on me

You're the man, Character. I won't forget this.

No problem, Jack.


So none of my boys could find any information out about where this Mr. Fixadine is. But one of them did give me a good idea of who would know - the PPD. You up for an interesting joyride?

Take this, it'll let you and me talk at a distance. It's something that we're gonna need to use.

Part Two: How All Tours Should End

This Mr. Fixadine is a mysterious guy, but my boys figure that he's had a run in with the good men and women of the PPD.

I mean, if the guy is in charge of all the Fixadine in Nova, he's gotta have some sort of rap sheet. Maybe almost as big as mine!

But again, we've got ourselves a problem that involves getting that information. Which is why it's a good thing we got ourselves a 'respected' member of the Powers Division in our folds, eh?

Our boys say that one Sergeant McIntosh should have some knowledge about Mr. Fixadine. From what they said, this McIntosh has been doing some investigations himself into the location of Mr. Fixadine. He's currently running an inspection on some random lab now - full of scientist types and all that stuff.

I'm guessing it's up to me to talk to him and find out what he knows.

Yeah, exactly.

Now, I don't think this'll be too hard, you know? Fact of the matter is that this is just one guy, going into a place full of scientists - during their offtime even! If there was anything easier you might fall asleep.

Unsolicited Contact

You talk to that McIntosh guy yet?

Mission Objective(s)

This plan is going to be anything but easy. Once more you enter an area with smoke hanging in the air. Looks like the Destroyers got here first - with the intent to kill McIntosh!

  • Question Sergeant McIntosh
    • Find McIntosh's Evidence
    • Find Sergeant McIntosh

You found some information regarding the location of Mr. Fixadine.


  • Destroyers

Notable NPCs

  • Sergeant McIntosh (Praetorian Police)
  • Obliterator (Destroyers Top Dog, appears after searching McIntosh)
Sergeant McIntosh

You find what remains of Sergeant McIntosh - it seems the Destroyers did everything they could to make sure he would not get out of here alive.

(Search McIntosh for anything useful)

You're able to find a small device, which, when activated, plays a small voice message from McIntosh.

Think I've been digging too deep in this. They pulled me off my investigation when I found out about Mr. Fixadine, don't know why. They assigned it to someone from Imperial, Sergeant Reynolds.

I disguised my visit to the lab as an inspection - I'm planning on hiding the evidence I've got on Mr. Fixadine's location in the lab. They'll search my office for sure, but they'll never think of looking in the lab.

Looks like I'm in the right place.

Time to find where that information was hidden.



So, that PPD guy bit the dust? Good for us, one less guy on the field to cause us trouble.

I'll send some of my crew out to these locations. If this guy was right, one of 'em is gonna lead us straight to Mr. Fixadine - and his stash!

Part Three:

Missing Mission Title Alright, Character, my crew found where Mr. Fixadine is operating.

Guy is a clever piece of work. He moves his operation through the tunnels and up into various warehouses in Nova, never stays in more than one place for too long. Must be why the PPD haven't been able to find him.

Only problem here is that, from what they say, Mr. Fixadine has got a ton of Destroyers in his little entourage. Must be easy keeping them all on a leash when you control the flow of the stuff. Man, just thinkin' about it...

Look, it's gonna be up to you to get to that warehouse and grab Mr. Fixadine and his stash. We control Mr. 'Fix', we control the stash, meanin' we control the Destroyers. This here is a big moment for us, Taosin, and you're gonna be the person who is at the front of it all!

If Mr. Fixadine really does control the entire stash, there's nothing stopping you from just... taking control of it for yourself, instead of for the Resistance...

That's what I like about you, Character, you're all about getting things DONE!

When you got the stash and Mr. Fix, drag him back to me and we'll figure out what our next move is gonna be. Like I said though, be careful, this place is gonna be crawling with Destroyers. No way of telling what you're gonna run into when you arrive.

Unsolicited Contact

We're all ready here for whenever you get Mr. Fix.

Mission Objective(s)

You can smell Fixadine in the air. This has to be the place where Mr. Fixadine is waiting. Time to find him.

  • Capture Mr. Fixadine
    • Take out the front guard
    • Take out the Destroyer computer
    • Take in Mr. Fixadine

You found Mr. Fixadine, but it seems like he's just another link in the chain to getting what you want.

Ambush! Be careful of Proximity bombs located throughout the mission. If you get too close a brief warning and alarm will sound then they will explode.

Proximity triggered! Two... One ...

Ambush! After defeating Mr. Fixadine the first time you will be ambushed by Destroyers.

Don't let Character get Mr. Fixadine!


Let's talk this out in person, Character.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Speak with Jack Hammer


Hey Character, what happened? Where's the stash?

You got Mr. Fixadine, right? What's going on?

Mr. Fixadine is just another link in the chain. He's not behind all this.

Man... this isn't good, Character. I thought we had everything figured out.

Jack Hammer injects himself with some Fixadine, letting out a relaxed sigh.

Ahhh...ahh...YEAH! Alright! We GOT this, Character.

You give me a few minutes... and I'm gonna RALLY up our boys... and we're gonna move this thing forward and take down all those smarmy Praetors on topside!

Let me know what's going to happen.


Alright, Character. So I sent some guys over to investigate that place that Mr. Fixadine told you about. We're gonna get to the bottom of this as soon as we can.

I gotta say though, you and me, we're working this thing out pretty well. Mr. Fixadine might've been a bust, but this time, THIS time, we're gonna go straight to the source!
