James Harvan
James Harvan | |
![]() Renowned Archaeologist (Atlas Park) | |
Zone | Atlas Park |
Coordinates | (-565, 17, -186) |
Zone | Sharkhead Isle |
Coordinates | (?, ?, ?) |
Level Range | ??-?? |
Introduced By | None |
Introduces | None |
Enemy Groups | +++ Missing Information +++ |

Signature Story Arc Pandora's Box, Episode 4.
James Harvan is a hero and villain contact in the Hyperion Way neighborhood of Atlas Park at coordinates (-565, 17, -186) and the +++ Missing Information +++ neighborhood of Sharkhead Isle at coordinates (?, ?, ?). For heroes, he is standing in front of the building 131 yards south of the Architect Entertainment building; for villains, he is standing +++ Missing Information +++. James Harvan is the fourth contact in the Pandora's Box Signature Story Arc for both heroes and villains, available on the Paragon Market or free with subscription.
Contact Introduced By
None; James Harvan should be approached in-game.
Contact Introduces
Renowned Archaeologist
James Harvan is known as the leading expert in research on artifacts from the Archaic period of Ancient Greece. While his peers acknowledge that much of his work is groundbreaking, he is still seen as a fairly unorthodox figure in the field of archaeology. This is primarily due to his insistence that much of Greek mythology, including references to supernatural events, are accurate depictions of history.
Too Low Level
Missing Too Low Level Dialogue
Initial Contact
Missing Initial Contact Dialogue
Missing At Least One Greeting Dialogue
Content Not Purchased
In order to play James Harvan's storyarc, you will need to have purchased the fourth episode of the second signature story arc, Pandora's Box, or be a VIP subscriber.
Story Arc
HERO: The Price for Fire
Merit Rewards: This activity awards ? Reward Merits.
+++ Missing Information +++
Part One: Something or Other
+++ Missing Information +++
Part Two: Men of the Machine
Character, I'm not sure what to do next. Arachnos controls every island in the Rogue Isles... they could be keeping it anywhere.
Harvan shrugs apologetically.
I'm afraid I'm no good in situations like these. What are you planning to do?
- Positron's tracking the Antikythera's location. We'll have it back in no time.
Harvan's nervous expression fades, and he develops a knowing smile.
I see. Positron always did seem to have things planned out two steps ahead. I daresay that the two of you should be able to make short work of Arachnos's thugs. Give them hell, Character.
Unnecessary Solicitation
Well? Do you have it? ...Oh. I'm sorry, Character, I'm just anxious. Every moment that passes makes it more likely Arachnos will learn how to use the Antikythera, and once they do...
Mission Objective(s)
missing entrance text
- Take Back the Antikythera
- Find the Antikythera
With Positron's help, you managed to take back the Antikythera.
Notable NPCs
When you produce the Antikythera, Harvan breathes a deep sigh of relief.
Oh, fantastic, Character! We can get started immediately. Come, I have something to show you...
+++ Missing Information +++
Part Three: Parental Ambiquity
Briefing I have a... well, I suppose you would call it a lab. It's something that I inherited when my father passed away. I didn't think I'd ever need to make use of it, but... but circumstances have changed.
Doctor Harvan sighs.
I haven't been... completely honest with you, Character. When I opened Pandora's Box, I expected to inherit the same power as the heroes of Greek myth. All of my research indicated that whomever opens the Box is granted the power of Zeus, and I believed that. I believed that down to the core of my being. So, when I learned what my father had built, I didn't understand what it was for.
- ...What, exactly, are we talking about, Harvan?
Doctor Harvan appears to be at a loss for words.
Perhaps it would be easier to show you, Character. The lab isn't far. I think things might be easier to explain once you've seen the lab's equipment.
Unnecessary Solicitation
The lab isn't far from here. I promise to do my best to explain once we're there.
+++ Missing Information +++
VILLAIN: Story Arc Name
Merit Rewards: This activity awards ? Reward Merits.
+++ Missing Information +++
Part One: Something or Other
+++ Missing Information +++