Ley Tap

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Revision as of 22:12, 2 December 2008 by imported>Eabrace (historical) (→‎Additional Information: ISalvage templates)
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Base Ley Tap.jpg



Through spells and constructs, mystic power is drawn directly from the earth to provide for base needs. A single tap is usually sufficient for a medium base.

Additional Information

Crafted at Advanced Forge
Salvage Required 19 Salvage MysticElement.png Mystic Element

6 Salvage MysticFoci.png Mystic Foci
3 Salvage ArcaneEssence.png Arcane Essence
1 Salvage ArcaneGlyph.png Arcane Glyph

Maximum Connections 2
Allowed "Aux" Items Crystal Focus

Issue Added 13
Crafted at Advanced Forge
Salvage Required 1 Salvage TsooInk.png Spell Inks OR Salvage Scrolls.png Spell Scrolls OR Salvage MilitaryIntelligence.png Demonic Threat Reports

1 Salvage ClockworkGear.png Clockwork Gears OR Salvage AlchemicalGold.png Alchemical Golds OR Salvage Sapphire.png Sapphires
1 Salvage PrototypeElement.png Simple Chemicals OR Salvage InertGas.png Inert Gases OR Salvage Silver.png Silvers
1 Salvage Saber.png Psionic Manifestations OR Salvage RYlehSRain.png Black Bloods of the Earth OR Salvage ShivanEctoplasm.png Hamidon Goos

Maximum Connections 2
Allowed "Aux" Items Crystal Focus

Also See