Mender Silos Task Force

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Task Force
Trading Places
Mender Silos.jpg
Contact Mender Silos
Zone Ouroboros
Suggested Team Size 1 player
Level Range 46-50
Merits 10
Enemy Groups
v  d  e

The Mender Silos Task Force is the third of three Ouroboros Task Forces. The other two Ouroboros Task Forces are started by Mender Lazarus and Twilight's Son.

This Task Force can be completed solo, but due to the difficulty, a team is recommended.

Unlike normal Task Forces, Archvillains/Heros will spawn as Elite Bosses according to Notoriety and number of players in the team.

Mender Silos is found inside the building in Ouroboros, up the stairs.



Agree to form a task force

Investigate this 'Man of Conflict'

Trading Places
Part One

Exemplar Level: 46-50


Greetings, Character. I hope you appreciate the gravitas of our mission. Too often humanity squanders its potential on the petty and the inconsequential. Even my own past is one quixotic venture after another. I was bellicose and prone to conflict. In a manner of speaking, those times are well past me, but in a very real way they now surround me.

You see, I was key to this world's destruction, a destruction that saw the rest of the universe crumble in its wake. I always knew my methods were heterodox, but I had no idea the damage I would cause. Now I return to correct my mistake, make amends for my past, and mend time itself.

The question I put before you, Character, is: would you give yourself to Ouroboros?

Editor's Note: This story was originally published in issues #10 - 12 of the City of Heroes comic book. Enjoy.

Note: This series of mission is recommended for group play. You're welcome to try it as a solo player, but it'll be tough. Consider yourself warned and good luck either way.

Mission Acceptance

Very well, Character. There is a man of your time, shrouded in mystery and deception, born from strife with a skill for death. He walks a line that is neither good nor evil, yet divergent from both. This man is put in question, his loyalties tested and his beliefs challenged. He sways leaders to war, bringing the most powerful forces of your time into direct conflict.

Humanity, oblivious and unconcerned, did not witness this event, but were once again unknowingly pulled away from the brink. However, for Ouroboros nothing is obfuscated. There are merely events we have yet to focus upon. I would like you to focus on this 'Man of Conflict'. Observe, even aid him in his path. We know very little about what happened, but my hypothesis is that a man of this caliber will play a crucial role in the coming storm.

Unnecessary Solicitation

Find the man divided through the Pillar of Ice and Flame. Follow his path, for it is a path of either utter salvation or complete decimation.

Mission Objective(s)

Stepping through to this time and seeing Manticore, you remember back when Manticore was kicked out of the Freedom Phalanx by Statesman. This must be when you are.

  • Investigate this 'Man of Conflict'
    • 2 Raid Leaders to Defeat

Perhaps this is the 'Man of Conflict' Mender Silos told you to look for.
You aided Manticore in his path against Arachnos.

Nighttime in Salamanca



Notable NPCs

Bug! Though Manticore is presented as a Hero, his Hit Points and attacks are more like those of a Boss class ally.

Ambush! There will be an ambush of Arachnos moments after starting the mission. There will also be another ambush of Arachnos after defeating each Raid Leader.

You've defeated an Arachnos raid leader.

The Jade Spider

The Arachnos Raid Leader you defeated in Croatoa let slip something about a Jade Spider. However, even after further questioning with the aid of Manticore, you were unable to get more information regarding it. What is Lord Recluse planning?

Fight against Arachnos in Striga

Trading Places
Part Two

Unnecessary Solicitation

Manticore has left the Freedom Phalanx for reasons that are currently irrelevant. Yet, he still continues to fight what he considers to be the good fight. Go to him. Find out what he's doing and why.

Mission Objective(s)

You learned from Manticore, that Arachnos also planned an attack on Striga.

  • Fight Against Arachnos in Striga
    • 3 Raid Leaders to Defeat
    • 20 Arachnos to Defeat

You've aided Manticore in his path against Arachnos.

Striga Isle: The Maw



Notable NPCs

Bug! Though Manticore is presented as a Hero, his Hit Points and attacks are more like those of a Boss class ally.

Ambush! There will be an ambush of Arachnos moments after starting the first mission. There will also be another ambush of Arachnos after defeating each Raid Leader.

You've defeated an Arachnos raid leader.

Narcotics Shipment

During your battle with Arachnos in Striga, you didn't notice what was in all those crates around you. It wasn't until afterwards when Manticore was covering the crime scene did they stand out.

They're crates full of pharmaceutical grade chemicals. Manticore's analysis shows that they're used in most prescription anti-depressant medication. 'But it's in its purest form,' Manticore tells you. 'Uncut and undiluted.'

What would Lord Recluse want with heavy grade mind stimulants?

You've found something in this box.
You've found a hand written letter addressed to Character.

Dear Character...

While time traveling into the past, you visit Striga and in an empty cardboard box you find a handwritten letter addressed to Character...

Again, I apologize for my inability to meet with you in person. You may find these clandestine letters frustrating, but it is the safest way for both of us to communicate until we are ready to act. Silos and Ouroboros are dangerous beyond measure and while I have asked you to be vigilant regarding their intentions, I still do not know which side will you choose.

On the topic of Mender Silos, I will say only this:

He is a silver-tongued serpent in a garden full of innocents with an orchad of apples at his disposal. Do not trust him; he will have you cast out. Do not raise a hand to him; he will strike you down before you can react. Play your part in their garden and claim your innocents, but keep your eyes open to the truth.

Character. I pray you have found my letters and you have taken them to heart. It is my hope that you remain quiet and patiently await the appropiate moment to strike. If you have not found my other letters, please search for them. Hopefully, they will reveal the truth behind Ouroboros and guide you towards my path.
Ultimately, the choice will be yours.

As always, look for me in the Pillar. I will make myself known when the time is right.

Aid Manticore in Kings Row

Trading Places
Part Three

Unnecessary Solicitation

You need to find Manticore in Kings Row. He is getting closer to revealing the truth behind his motivations and his connection to the Jade Spider.

Before you leave, I want you to be aware of my gratitude.

Mission Objective(s)

Of all the places you thought Arachnos could assault, Kings Row was not one of them.

Lord Recluse is building up to something big. But what?

  • Aid Manticore in Kings Row
    • 4 Raid Leaders to Defeat

you have saved Kings Row from Arachnos. Return to Mender Silos for further instruction.



Notable NPCs

Ambush! There will be an ambush of Arachnos after defeating each Raid Leader.

You've defeated an Arachnos raid leader.

Manticore's Warning

After you've defeated the Arachnos in Kings Row, Manticore approached you...

'You must leave me alone. I do not know who you are or where you come from. At first I thought Statesman had sent you, but now I see that is not the case. You've just gotten yourself mixed up in something that you best leave alone. I'm sorry, but you can't follow me down this path... no hero can.'


Did you speak with Manticore? What did he tell you? Ah yes, it was a warning for you to stay away from him. Where do you think he is going? What do you think he is doing?

Only time will tell.

Trading Places

Mender Silos is an odd man, prone to talk down to you like a child, rather than a peer, however his knowledge is second to none. He sent you out to investigate Manticore of all people, trying to show you a deeper current in seemingly unconnected events. What they were, you were oblivious to... at first.

Meet up with Vindicators

Trading Places
Part Four


Manticore summoned a group of Vindicators to meet up with him in Siren's Call. It is possible that this is the moment when a man's fate will decide a world's future.

Go there and aid these young Vindicators. Witness the unraveling of history as a single string of fate's cloth is pulled to the point of breaking.

Mission Acceptance

Ms. Liberty will be leading them at this time. Join up with her and her little gang of heroes. I believe Manticore will make himself known to them and perhaps reveal his true intentions regarding Arachnos.

Unnecessary Solicitation

You need to go back to the point in history when Ms. Liberty meets up with Manticore in Siren's Call. This point in time is crucial.

Mission Objective(s)

Manticore has called Ms. Liberty, Mynx and Swan to Siren's Call. You need to question him to find out what else he knows about Recluse's plans.

  • Question Manticore
    • 25 Arachnos to Defeat

You've defeated Manticore, but it looks as if his teleportation to the hospital has been redirected somewhere else.
Manticore has changed sides. He now appears to be working for Arachnos.



Notable NPCs

Manticore reveals his allegiance to Arachnos.


Sorry, Character.
I have no choice in this.
I don't expect you to understand, that's not why I called you here.
I expect your defeat to be used as proof to Recluse of my TRUE loyalties.


Ah, so that's what happened? We were lead to believe something along those lines, but honestly, did you expect anything less? Manticore has always walked the line from Hero to Villain. I myself have witnessed multiple timelines where he was in fact the right hand man to Lord Recluse. It may horrify you to know that in almost all of those worlds, Recluse and Manticore ruled without question.

Lazarus was right about you. We did come to the correct time.

Trading Places

It wasn't until you went to Siren's Call and met up with the Vindicators did you see why Silos had sent you back in time to those three other events. The whole time you were teaming up with Manticore, he was gathering intel not to take out Arachnos, but to join them. You managed to defeat him in Siren's Call with the help of the Vindicators, but all it did was make it easier for Lord Recluse to believe Manticore had indeed changed sides.

Agree to Mender Silos' mission

Trading Spaces
Part Finale


Lord Recluse is poised to strike Paragon City. I've found the key temporal node where this event takes place. I would like to send you there to determine if the 'greater good' is actually brought about.

Mission Acceptance

Recluse assaults Siren's Call to use it as a staging ground to assault Paragon City. Heroes and Villains clashed at that harbor, each fighting for what they believed in. Neither side knew that this battle could play a part in the events of the future. Even Lord Recluse himself would have difficulty comprehending the full measure of his actions.

Go to Siren's Call and aid the heroes of your time. Make sure they succeed where so often they have failed.

Unnecessary Solicitation

You need to go through the portal to Siren's Call. Aid Statesman and the others in their defense against Arachnos. It is my current belief that the heroes must win this battle.

Mission Objective(s)

As you step out of the Ouroboros portal, you can feel the ground shaking under your feet.

  • Stop Arachnos Assault
    • 13 Phalanx & Vindicators to Aid
    • Defeat the Jade Spider

You've defeated the Jade Spider and helped saved Paragon City... this time.
You've saved Paragon City from Lord Recluse's attack.



Bug! Though each Vindicator and Freedom Phalanx character is presented as a Hero, his or her Hit Points and attacks are those of a Pet-class ally, regardless of difficulty. Citadel is the only exception to this rule, and he spawned as an Elite Boss.

Notable NPCs



Ambush! After rescuing each Freedom Phalanx member, you will be ambushed by Arachnos.
"Character is with the Freedom Phalanx!"

Ambush! After rescuing each Vindicator member, you will be ambushed by Arachnos.
"Character is with the Vindicators!"

The Jade Spider attacks Siren's Call.

Arachnos Fortunata Mistress:

Look! The Jade Spider arrives.

Arachnos Fortunata Mistress:

Arachnos shall prevail.


The Jade Spider has fallen, and with it Recluse's plans for domination of Paragon City. You would not believe the world that unfolded from Recluse's successful assault. I believe even he would not want such a world to rule.


Trading Places

Your head still rings at the thoughts Lord Recluse pushed into it through his Jade Spider. The psychic machination was powered by an unfortunate Fortunata and designed to take complete and total control of humanities intellect.

Thankfully, Manticore got wind of the project fairly early on. With the help of Statesman the two of them concocted a plan that got Manticore closer to the project and gave Lord Recluse a false sense of security.

You remember back to your battle with Manticore, hopefully never to happen again. You realize it was all a set up on behalf of Manticore. He needed Lord Recluse to believe he had changed sides. What better way to do that than to have his own turned against him. You smile at the thought of it all.

But that final battle, the one at Siren's Call against the Jade Spider was nothing to smile about. Your head still rings at the thoughts...


Unlike the larger Task Forces, "Trading Places" is more like a Story Arc, and can be completed in about an hour. Completing this Task Force earns each member of the team 7 merits.