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Neuron (Praetorian).jpg
Praetor of the Sciences
Zone Neutropolis
Coordinates (1682, -51, -643)[Copy]
Level Range 15-20
Introduced By == Level 15 ==
Introduces None
Enemy Groups None
v  d  e

Neuron, also known as Praetor Berry, is a Praetorian contact in Neutropolis at coordinates (1682, -51, -643)[Copy] . His level range is 15-20.

Heroes face him on the following missions:



Neuron is the creation of his own twisted scientific experiment. He gave himself complete control over his body's nervous system. Once he and Anti-Matter worked together as friends but of late a rift has formed between them. Neuron's creation of Siege and the favour that garnered him with Tyrant is the primary cause of discord between them.

Overview History

Neuron 01.jpg
Praetor of Science Academies
Real Name Steve Berry
Gender Male
Archetype Blaster
Affiliation Praetorians
Neuron Technologies Unlimited
Age Unknown
Romantic Associations Unknown
Known Family Unknown
Primary Powers Electric Blast
Secondary Powers Electric Melee
Zone Locations Neutropolis
v  d  e

Steven Berry wasn't born with super powers, he gave them to himself. By using an untested procedure he devised on himself, Steven gained super human mental and physical celerity. He took on the name Neuron and joined the Praetorian Guard, immediately gaining notice from then-President Cole.

Another person who took notice was Dr. Raymond "Anti-Matter" Keyes, Cole's chief science advisor. He was annoyed at Neuron's brash and reckless approach to science, but despite Keyes's warnings, Cole continued to enlist Neuron's aid. In the aftermath of the Hamidon Wars, Neuron continues to steal Anti-Matter's thunder, producing marvelous advances in technology faster than Anti-Matter can keep up. So far, Neuron's successes have kept him in Cole's good graces. To honor his ongoing results, Cole transferred Anti-Matter's title, Praetor of the Science Academies, to Neuron. This slight is something that Anti-Matter has vowed not to soon forget.

Taken from Neuron Official Character Profile

Full History

You tune in your television to Emperor Cole's award ceremony for Steven Berry, president of Neuron Technologies Unlimited.

“To better understand the brilliance of the man once known simply as Neuron, the fastest man on the planet, we must look back to the dark days of the Hamidon Wars where his true colors were revealed.

“Born just before the start of the wars, Steven Berry was always fascinated by science. Unable to pursue a formal education due to the collapsing infrastructure of the world at that time, Steven learned what he could by diligently watching the work of those few intellectuals around him. When the call to supers went out, Steven yearned to help save the world he loved. Such was his dedication to our world that despite not being born with super powers he bravely performed his untried and untested neural accelerator procedure upon himself. The results, I must say, were quite simply amazing!

“Now possessing the fastest mind and body in the world, Steven Berry adopted the moniker ‘Neuron’ and raced headlong into the fight against the Devouring Earth. During his time with the Praetorian Guard, his keen mind and lightning speed saved the day on more than one occasion, disproving the adage that old age and treachery will always overcome youth and speed.

“When the wars ended, Berry teamed up with his old comrade, Dr. Raymond Keyes. Together the two formed a friendly rivalry, pushing one another to greater and greater scientific exploits. Keyes built the original Clockwork that helped rebuild our world. Berry improved upon them, giving us the multitude of kind and beautiful helpers that you see all around the city. Keyes built the miraculous antimatter colliders that power our city. Berry created a universal antidote for the diseases that not so long ago wracked our world’s population. Each bout of intellectual rivalry between these two great minds bore dividends for Praetoria and her citizens.

“And now, I ask you to behold the fabulous exploits of the most celebrated scientific mind of our time! Steven Berry astounds the world yet again with another shocking breakthrough in advanced biochemical research by curing cancer in the very same week that he discovered a vaccine for combating first stage Tellurian Plague. The man of speed conducts a thousand experiments in the time it would take an ordinary scientist to do one. Our world owes much to this magnificent man of science. His tireless pursuit of solutions to our every problem betters us all.

“It is due to his devotion to Praetoria that I, Emperor Cole, hereby elevate Steven Berry from mild-mannered supergenius to Praetor Elect of the Science Academies. With his new title comes new responsibility, responsibility which I have no doubt Praetor Berry will carry proudly and successfully into our bright, bright future.”

Taken from Neuron Official Bio

Character Stats

Prior to Going Rogue:

Public Identity: Steven Berry
Origin: Science
Archetype: Blaster
Primary Powers: Electric Blast
Secondary Powers: Electric Melee
Other Powers:
Signature Powers:

After Going Rogue:

Public Identity: Steven Berry
Origin: Science
Archetype: Scrapper
Primary Powers: Electric Melee
Secondary Powers: Super Reflexes
Other Powers: Unknown, waiting for Going Rogue
Signature Powers: Unknown, waiting for Going Rogue


Contact Introduced By

Contact Introduces

  • None


Praetor of the Sciences

Praetor Berry, also known as Neuron, the fastest man alive, is the man in charge of the Science Academies of Praetoria. Capable of multi-tasking on a level unheard of, Neuron handles the job admirably. Though he is responsible for many great and marvelous breakthroughs, he is also responsible for some of the greatest atrocities imaginable. To him, the end results justify any and all means, and he pursues any and all means.

Prior to Introduction

I haven't scheduled any time to interact with you at this juncture. Come back to me when you've made an appointment.

Initial Contact

I may look rather busy but I assure you, I am giving you the appropriate amount of attention necessary at this time.


  • Little time for pleasantries, so a simple hello will have to suffice.

Too Busy

Missing Too Busy Dialogue

Too Low Level

Missing Too Low Level Dialogue

No More Missions

Missing No More Missions Dialogue


Story Arc

A God Amongst Men


Part One: A Mind For Detail

I'm making the next generation of soldier to keep the order in Praetoria. I call it the Olympian Somethingorother, and you're going to help me complete it. The last part that I need to get this to work is a cybernetic brain, and I know that Antimatter is working on one right now. I need you to get that brain for me. In the meantime, I'll start working on deciphering the mental patterns from this Omega dude so I can add them to the brain you're going to get for me.

Get the cybernetic brain

I personally know that Anti-Matter is prototyping this brain at this lab. Use this passcard, go find the brain and then bring it back to me.

Neuron gives you a passcard to get into the lab without a hitch.

Unnecessary Solicitation

With the passcode you can walk in, grab the brain, and leave. It'll be easy.

Mission Objective(s)

Using this passcard you should be able to get to the brain safely, then get out with no one the wiser.

  • Steal Brain from Anti-Matter's Lab
    • Steal A.I. Brain
    • Quick! Find a brain! ANY BRAIN!
    • Escape before Anti-Matter arrives!

You stole an artificial intelligence brain for Neuron.


Anti-Matter's Clockwork

(Anti-Matter will arrive in 5 minutes!)
Containment failure in Artificial Intelligence Storage.
Security breach detected.


Excellent, excellent. Put it over there, I'll get to it in a second once I make some adj... Done. Alright, let's get on to installing that brain...

Mmm Hmmm, ok, odd. This is the best Keyes and his grumpy old men could come up with? This thing is almost identical to last month's Warworks prototype. I mean, they didn't even modify the container, or upgrade it with blinking lights. It's gotta have blinking lights, it makes people think it's working really fast.

Hrmmm, well, I'll see how it works out and then fix any bugs in the system as they come up.

You seem like a decent member of the Powers Division. I think you deserve a bit more of my attention than usual.

Part Two: A Matter of Recognition

I've finished installing the brain into the prototype Olympian. Yes, do you like the name? I thought it up myself, Cole heartily approved of it.

I'm going to need to run a battery of combat tests to make sure there aren't any bugs in the system. There shouldn't be, I've gone over everything once already. I'll need you to accompany The Olympian in his first combat exercise. It learns by watching and doing, so seeing you in action will accelerate its learning curve, much like a child mimicking its parents.

Help test The Olympian

Everything is set up in one of my labs. Go and meet The Olympian down there, the combat test should be set up right about now.

Unnecesary Solicitation

I'm ready, just waiting on you.

Mission Objective(s)

Your instructions are to navigate The Olympian through a combat test course.

  • Help Test Neuron's Latest Experiment
    • 4 target dummy groups to destroy

You stopped the berserk Olympian prototype.


Neuron's Clockwork

Notable NPCs

  • The Olympian (Experiment, Lieutenant, Ally and Enemy)
Neuron's genetic engineering experiments at recreating Marcus Cole have reached a viable state, though its power pales in comparison to the Emperor.


You know... Kerian, I don't ask for a lot. I mean, really, I don't.

Right now, I'm working on a vaccine for the constantly mutating Tellurian plague, two new never before conceived of alloys... make that three, and debugging a prototype soldier that, once operational and in mass production, will make super heroes like you and I obsolete. And can Doctor Keyes and his entire research staff even do one thing right and build the brain that I need for this creation so I can have it stolen? No, they can't. So guess what? Now I get to make once from scratch.

I'm almost done.

You aren't sure you followed anything that Neuron said after '...will make super heroes like you and I obsolete.' There is no way that you are going to live in a world where someone of your potential is going to be second string to some lab grown mass produced Cole clone. Perhaps there is something you can do about that while still culling favor from Praetor Berry.

I've rarely met someone who can keep me interested for very long, but you are certainly worthy of my attention... For now.

Part Three: Something Out of Nothing

Alright, so, trying to map Simon Omega's brain waves to that cybernetic brain, and combine it with the Warwalker A.I. was way too complex. I'm going to take a huge shortcut, and just take his brain and put it in the next clone.

I'm going to need your assistance again though, Kerian, or this could take a few extra hours of my time and that would push way too much stuff out of the schedule.

I'm going to need you to steal a Limbo Device.

Steal Limbo Device

Unfortunately the only Limbo Device I have been able to keep track of, and that won't get me visited by Ms. Mayhem is in the hands of the Syndicate. From what I've gathered they're using it to mask the movement of some allies who are from... out of town we'll say.

They're meeting at a warehouse down by the private airport in Lambda Sector. As Praetor of Technology I give you full right to do whatever it takes to get that device. Now get going, I'm almost done with the equations.

Unnecessary Solicitation

I'm not waiting on you, I got a hundred different things I could be working o... Ninety-five things I could be working on.

Mission Objective(s)

With a Limbo Device with them the Syndicate won't be able to sense your arrival until it's too late.

  • Seize Limbo Device from Syndicate and Allies
    • Steal the Limbo Device from the Syndicate Suit

You got the Limbo Device and busted up a meeting between the Syndicate and some possibly troublesome allies.




Who? Oh, lots of black and red?

Yeah, that's Arachnos. Don't worry about them, they're not a problem. Let me see the device.

Part Four: Fixing Things

Now that I have the Limbo Device I'm able to keep Omega's brain under total control.

Testing? Pfft, why bother, a field test always provides far more tangible results than some controlled environment. Controlled tests are for the feeble minded who can't handle more variables than they have fingers.

We just need the right situation to do the test.

(Suggest orchestrating a Resistance attack.)

An attack... yes. On the Magisterium!

Hmmm, it'll take even me a while to organize all the factors involved. I'd hate to have the emperor discover that I was the one responsible for an attack on the Magisterium and yet I can't entrust you with the necessary information for such a thing.

This might take me a few hours...

As far as you can tell, Neuron's confidence in his second attempt at the Olympian is not misguided. As is, this thing is going to work, and it is probably going to work flawlessly... that is, unless you do something about it.

It occurs to you that there is one man who can help you not only knock Neuron down a peg, but also elevate yourself in the eyes of the people: Doctor Raymond 'Anti-Matter' Keyes.

With his help you could humiliate Neuron and force Cole to cancel the Olympian Project due to public outcry, thus securing your role as Praetoria's champion.

Unnecessary Solicitation

I'm going to be busy setting things up for the fight. Surely you can think of something useful to do rather than waiting around. Don't be lazy like Bobcat.

Like talking to Anti-Matter about sabotaging Neuron's creation and making both of you look good in the process? Sure.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Talk to Anti-Matter


Kerian... It was you who broke into my lab, destroyed my prototype cybernetic brain, and then stole another. Give me one reason why I shouldn't liquidate you where you stand!

(Explain the situation to Anti-Matter)

Olympian? That fool, Neuron, thinks he can replicate Cole and make Praetoria safer?

You say he's orchestrating the unveiling of his creation at the Magisterium, but you want it to go tragically wrong? To see that would be more than enough repayment for your earlier transgressions.

He's using a Limbo Device in order to internalize the psychic powers of the host? Well then, we'll simply invert the device's energy signature. With the device's signature inverted the host's psychic powers will reach out far and wide, driving him insane.

This will be only the start of Neuron's humiliation. With an insane berserk Marcus Cole on the loose, it will be up to you to swoop in, be the hero, stop the clone, and reveal to the world just how insane Neuron really is.

No problem

Here. Take this uplink to IVy and install it. With IVy under my control I'll be able to covertly modify the necessary lines of code without him ever detecting my presence. All evidence will point to the fact that Neuron has no idea how anything actually works and that his success is only at the tremendous cost of countless trials and errors.

(Take the uplink and leave)

Mission Objective(s)

  • Install Program in IVy


Hello, Kerian, how may I assist you?

(Install the uplink)

Kerian... What are you

IVy shuts down for a split second and then reactivates.

Hello Kerian, how may I assist you?


I'm sorry Kerian, but all of my processors are in use at the moment. I am interacting with the main computer to conduct an important task.

After a few moments IVy again shuts down and then restarts almost immediately.

Hello Kerian, how may I assist you?

Oh, just woindering where Praetor berry is.

Praetor Berry instructed me to send you to him once you returned.


Mission Objective(s)

  • Talk to Neuron

Finale: Fight of the Century

I'm just finishing up the last details of our little show. According to my sources, the Resistance has taken the bait and are organizing an offensive into the Magisterium as we speak. Within the hour The Olympian will swoop down and save Praetoria. Nobody will be able to tell the difference between him and Cole. They won't even be able to scratch him.

What about the real Cole?

Cole is out of town on business, don't worry, nobody but you, me, and the emperor will ever know what truly happened here today.

And the other Praetors?

Praetor White and Praetor Duncan are busy trying to redeem themselves in Cole's eyes after that debacle with the Destroyers.

Tilman is too busy trying to hunt down DeVore to be bothered by a Resistance attack, and Sinclair and I have an understanding when it comes to secrets.

Sounds like everything is accounted for.

Nothing is left to chance... Wait, yes, nothing is left to chance.

Ah, look, it appears that the attack is commencing...

(Watch the fireworks)


Neuron taps a couple virtual keys in front of himself and The Olympian zips out of the side of the tower and into the air.

'Meanwhile, TPN has started broadcasting a breaking news story, a terrorist attack on the Magisterium! Pandemonium is in the streets as Resistance fighters pour out of the CTA and from tunnel entrances all around the Magisterium courtyard. The Clockwork and PPD in the area put up a valiant defense, but are soon ruthlessly cut down by concentrated heavy weapons fire. Over the din of combat comes the voice of John Houston, TPNs most infamous investigative reporter.

"This is John Houston reporting from Praetoria City. A massive Resistance offensive has just begun in the Magisterium. The terrorists have overrun the entire area and are currently besieging the various ministry buildings. Weapons fire continues to report all over the area and there is still no sign of Praetor White or Praetor Duncan. Even the handful of Powers Division seem incapable of stopping the onslaught. One can only guess what important business drew Praetoria's greatest defenders away and enabled the Resistance to make such a concerted and devastating assault on the very heart of Praetoria City... Jimmy, over there!"

The camera swings to look at the base of Cole's Tower where a horde of Resistance fighters surge up the stairs taking pot shots at the statue of Emperor Cole. Suddenly a figure drops down from the heavens and lands in the midst of the fighters, scattering them. A hail of blue energy erupts from the Resistance's weapons, but they bounce harmlessly off of the figure.

The camera zooms in and it is clear that the figure is Marcus Cole, or rather, to everyone else he is, to you he is nothing more than a fake, a badly made copy that, momentarily, will be destroyed by your hands.


John Houston shouts enthusiastically.

"It's Emperor Cole! Thank the heavens, the crisis has been averted!"

The Resistance fighters retreat from Cole and he calmly steps after them, down the steps in front of Cole's Tower. Rallying behind the emperor come the PPD, their morale rebolstered by his timely arrival. And then...

Cole stops. A quiet seems to wash over the Magisterium and only John Houston's sobs of joy can be heard. Then Cole goes completely berserk attacking anyone and everyone he can see.

Neuron cries out.

No! NO! What are you doing? What's going on!?

Oh no, oh no, oh no... Kerian, this is bad. Very bad! Oh I just thought of twenty... no, fourty ways that this could go bad for me...

That wasn't suposed to hapen, I gather?

Of course it wasn't supposed to happen! Look! He's, he's slaughtering everybody! Everyone watching TPN right now is going to think that the Emperor has gone completely mad.

No no no! He threw the car, why'd he throw the car?

Neuron is sweating, he looks to you with teeth clenched, panic in his voice. '

I can't go down there to stop it, that would implicate me in the entire plot. I can hear Cole now, 'Very convenient that you showed up when the clone of me went insane and blew up the Magisterium, Stephen.'

Someone has to stop him before it's too late!

Whose strong enough?

Nobody. I made sure that they couldn't react in time to steal the moment of glory... The only other person who could even stand a chance of it is you but...

Wait, that's it! You can stop him! You stopped him before you can do it again!

I dunno, that was a cyborg, this is totally different.

Trust me! I've crunched the numbers, you can do it! You must do it!

Reluctantly agree.



You have made yourself legend by defeating the Praetorians, an evil version of the Freedom Phalanx from an alternate dimension.
