Operative Kirkland

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Operative Kirkland


Operative Kirkland is a City of Villains contact located in The Pit neighborhood of Sharkhead Isle. His coordinates are (463, -2, 833)


New Contact(s)

Operative Kirkland keeps tabs on the various factions on Sharkhead Isle, and looks for freelancers willing to do service for Arachnos. Arachnos keeps him supplied with plenty of Natural and Technology enhancements.


Arachnos Operative

Arachnos Operative Kirkland keeps tabs on the various villainous factions on Sharkhead Isle, making sure that no one group gains too much power or overly disrupts the day-to-day activities that keep the area functional.

Initial Contact

I've read your profile, and think you might be of service to Arachnos. I am Operative Kirkland. I'm a field agent for Arachnos, keeping tabs on the who's and the what's of Sharkhead Isle. Play your cards right and you may one day earn a position of prestige within Arachnos. Disappoint us at your peril.

Story Arc

The Circle's Plans

It all started with an investigation initiated by Arachnos Operative Kirkland into the presence of Circle of Thorns mystics on Sharkhead Isle. Interrogation of Circle hostiles in Potter's Field revealed the mystics are researching the coming of a powerful entity.


Lieutanant Chalmers sells:

  • Inspirations
  • All level 25 dual-origin natural/technological enhancements


Take out Negotiator


I have a special mission for you. There's a certain target that I need eliminated and I need it done discretely. The person in question is currently en route to Sharkhead Isle via cargo ship to do some negotiations with the Family. I need you to head over to the cargo ship and take out the negotiator.

The Family and the negotiator are not expecting trouble, so you should be able to take them by surprise.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Take out negotiator and witnesses


V badge StatureBadge5.png

Completion of this mission earns a villain the Agent of Discord Badge.


I'm not going to feign surprise when you tell me about the Arachnos operative on that boat—I knew all along. One thing you'll need to realize is there are factions within Arachnos. Powerful factions. Sometimes these factions don't get along, and that's when certain people have to leave the picture if you know what I mean. Just play along and don't ask too many questions and things will come clear to you in time.

Capture Council Base Leader


I'm sure you're aware that the Council has dug in here on Sharkhead Isle. Arachnos has been tolerating their presence in the hope they might prove useful. We've recently received word that the Council wishes to offer their services to Lord Recluse in hopes of gaining a position of power. They claim to be ready for any trial that Lord Recluse wishes to put before them.

Arachnos would like to put the Council claims to the test, and you will be the taskmaster. Go to the Council fortress on Sharkhead and capture their base leader.

You have 90 minutes to complete this task.

The Council will be expecting something like this, so be prepared for heavy resistance.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Defeat base leader and his crew (Timed, 1:30)


Excellent work! It would appear that the Council is not as prepared as they thought.

Recover Files from Wyvern


We've got a problem. Wyvern mercenaries have broken into one of the Arachnos bases and fled to Nerva Isle with some encrypted files. It's only a matter of time before Wyvern cracks the encryption on the files. The problem is that they've also sabotaged our troop transport! Head to the Wyvern hideout and recover the files before it's too late.

You have 75 minutes to complete this mission.

Those files could hurt Arachnos if they fell into the wrong hands. Get them back ASAP.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Recover Arachnos files from Wyvern hideout (Timed, 1:15)
  • Stop the Wyvern Boss from escaping!

(The Wyvern Boss is on the third floor of the building.)

Clue: Arachnos Data

This is a data disk containing encrypted Arachnos files.


Fine work. Wyvern never knew what hit them.

Find Out Why Circle Is in Sharkhead


As you may have noticed, there is much activity on Sharkhead Isle from the Circle of Thorns, a faction of mystics that have taken over Potter's Field. From my briefing on them, they tend to gather in places of magical importance, close to ley lines, places of power, etc. I want to know why the Circle of Thorns are gathered on Sharkhead Isle. Interrogate the Circle of Thorns minions and find out what they know.

You have the authority from Arachnos to use lethal force.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Interrogate Circle of Thorns
  • Defeat 20 Circle of Thorns

Clue: Circle of Thorns Interrogation

You have learned that the Circle of Thorns have cabals underneath Potter's field researching the coming of a powerful entity.


It sounds like the Circle of Thorns are firmly entrenched within Potter's Field in anticipation of this entity. I'll need to report this to my superiors.

Find Information on Circle's Entity


Your interrogation of the Circle of Thorns in Potter's Field has yielded good information. We now know that they are researching the coming of a powerful entity in their caves beneath Potter's Field. But we need to know more. Invade a known Circle of Thorns lair and find more information on the entity they are researching.

The Circle of Thorns have always been very reticent about giving up their secrets. Expect heavy resistance.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Find information on Circle entity
  • 3 chests to search

Clue: Tokarii Scrolls

The Tokarii Scrolls tell of a powerful and voracious creature that was entombed under Sharkhead Isle in ages past. The prophet Tokarii speaks of a time when this great beast will break free of its prison and consume everything that lies in its path.


These scrolls indicate that we may have a high-threat supernatural entity to deal with. Fine work. You are a credit to Arachnos intelligence.