Penelope Yin (Praetorian)
This article is about the Praetorian contact. For the Primal Earth contact, see Penelope Yin.
Penelope Yin | |
Zone | Neutropolis |
Level Range | 15-20 |
Introduced By |
== Level 15 == Aaron Walker |
Introduces |
== Level 15 == Dark Watcher |
Enemy Groups | None |
Penelope Yin is a Praetorian contact in Neutropolis . Her level range is 15-20.
Contact Introduced By
Contact Introduces
- Good luck with the Magician, Rusty! Mother's coming now, I think I'm going to go see some more of my Playtime Friends now!
- Dark Watcher Not many on Praetoria know that the Dark Watcher exists, let alone what his true purpose is here. If he wants to meet with you, it can only mean that there is important matters to settle.
Hospital Patient
Penelope Yin, daughter of Wu Yin, was 'enrolled' in the Mother of Mercy Psychiatric Hospital some time ago. This has caused Wu Yin to embark on a crusade to get his daughter back. Some PPD who stand guard in the hospital whisper rumors that Penelope Yin may be the most powerful psychic within the hospital; even more powerful than Praetor Tilman, though Yin's time in the hospital has possibly driven her mad.
Prior to Introduction
Missing Prior to Introduction Dialogue
Initial Contact
You hear the voice of a young woman in your head, her tone kind and light-hearted.
Rusty! It's been so long since I've seen you, there's so much to say. I see all the Stars in the Mirror Kingdom. Some of them glow brighter than the others! Mother tells me I need to be careful about looking at the Stars, or else my brain will go poof! But you're a special Star, Rusty, because you're my Star! And because you're the Star that's going to save us all.
Today, Rusty, we're going to go on a quest to save all the people and teddy bears in Mirror Kingdom!
- Come on, Rusty, we have a kingdom to save!
- You're the brightest Star I know, Rusty!
Too Busy
Missing Too Busy Dialogue
Too Low Level
Missing Too Low Level Dialogue
No More Missions
Missing No More Missions Dialogue
Missing Store Unlock Dialogue
Story Arc
My Best Friend, Rusty
Part One: The Legion of Black Knights
Rusty, the Mirror Kingdom is going to be in chaos if all the teddy bears are stolen away! The evil Glowball wants to use them for his own evil deeds. Glowball used to be like you, Rusty, he used to be my bestest friend! But now... Glowball thinks he knows what's best. He's become like the Shadowlord!
I miss how Glowball used to be, it hurts me a lot to see him like this. That's why I need your help, Rusty! Glowball is working together with those Black Knights now, they want to make him really powerful. These aren't the Black Knights that the Good King leads though. That's why we need to find out why the Black Knights have allied themselves with Glowball!
Who... what? Glowball?
You see several images flash before you. One of Metronome, another of possessed Clockwork. The last is an image of members of the Syndicate. It would appear Penelope is trying to encode a message to you. The Syndicate are helping Metronome possess more Clockwork. While it does hurt Cole, Metronome also seeks to steal away Clockwork that the Resistance have. The Syndicate helping Metronome can only lead to something bad for both Cole and the Resistance.
The Black Knight West is one of the knights that are helping Glowball, Rusty! You need to hurry and find him, Glowball's evil influence is spreading by the minute. If you don't stop him, he'll wipe out everyone in Mirror Kingdom!
Unnecessary Solicitation
You're unable to hear Penelope.
Mission Objective(s)
You follow the images in your mind that Penelope left to this office building. You'll have to track down a man named West to find out what the Syndicate are doing with Metronome.
- Defeat West, the Black Knight
- Recover information on the new Syndicate leader
- Defeat the Syndicate communicator to stop Syndicate back up from arriving (Optional) - 2:00
- Track down Master West
You found some disturbing information from Master West's dossier.
- Syndicate
- Master West (Syndicate Sword Master)
(See Penelope Yin dialogue)
Part Two: The Princess in the Tower
Did you hear what one of the Black Knights said, Rusty? They've kidnapped some of my Playtime Friends for Glowball to put into the Teddy Bears! I didn't know that me and my friends made Glowball more powerful... do you think that's why he's turned evil? Mommy said that's what happened to the Shadowlord, that he used to be a White Knight until his power made him go bad!
I talk to the Teddy Bears that some of my Playtime Friends live in. They don't like it at all, Rusty. They say it... it feels cold, that they miss being able to touch things...
That's why you're going to go save my Playtime Friends from being turned into Teddy Bears, right Rusty?
Right. I think. Where are your friends?
You see an image flash before your eyes of an office within Neutropolis.
There it is! You can just -
Uh oh, Rusty. Mother is coming! We'll talk later on once you're done saving all the princesses from all the castles!
Unsolicited Contact
Penelope is unresponsive to your thoughts.
Mission Objective(s)
While seeing Cole defeated by his Clockwork would be poetic justice, the price of hundreds of innocent lives is too steep to pay. You'll have to put a stop to Metronome and the Syndicate, starting with rescuing the Seer in this building!
- Rescue Penelope's 'Playtime Friends'
- Track down the kidnapped Seer
It was too late to rescue this Seer, but you can still find them in their Clockwork bodies if you hurry.
- Syndicate
- Rogue Clockwork

This Seer is dead, killed by Metronome's Clockwork. It looks like Metronome ensured she did not suffer. An image flashes in your mind from Penelope. It's of the tunnels in Neutropolis. The Clockwork that contain this and other seers are located there.
Mission Objective(s)
Within these tunnels are the Seers that Metronome has forced into the cold, mechanical bodies of the Clockwork.
- Retrieve the Clockwork Seers
- 3 Seers to recover
You've rescued all the Clockwork Seers in the underground!
Unnecessary Solicitation
You can't seem to get in touch with Penelope.
- Syndicate
- Neuron's Clockwork
- Rogue Clockwork
Notable NPCs
- 3 x Clockwork Seers (Resistance Clockwork, Hostages)
- Clockwork Seer: You can hear the sound of Seer souls trapped within this mechanical body. It appears Metronome's process of transference isn't foolproof.
My Playtime Friends are with the Blue Fishes now. I can hear their thoughts and they all wish they had their bodies back. They're so cold and so scared, Rusty. I hope that never happens to me. I wish I could do something to save Glowball... do you think it's impossible to change him? I just want my bestest friend back, Rusty.
Do you think it was wrong, Rusty, that I brought him back? Glowball fought against the Shadowlord once, I think, but then Shadowlord and his demons beat up Glowball real bad. I saved Glowball's spirit before it was all gone. He used to come by for tea in my mind all the time. Glowball was such a nice person to talk to, until he began to talk about me leaving the tower. I can't leave the tower, not until I've... talked with Mother.
I think that's when Glowball decided he had to save me from Mother and my tower. But I don't need saving, Rusty! I'm a grown woman, I can handle it. But Mirror Kingdom, my Playtime Friends, the Blue Fishes, they all need to be saved, and you're going to do it, Rusty!
Part Three: A Prince and the Magician
We've got to figure out who is leading the Black Knights and stop him before they make Glowball do something horrible, Rusty. I think I know someone who can help us! I call him the Prince, he's a funny man, but he's kinda mean. They say he fought against Mr. Raspberry once, but I dunno about that. Mr. Raspberry is real mean and nasty, I don't think the Prince could fight him. The Prince is kind of mean like Mr. Raspberry, but he has a heart of gold, Rusty, I swear! If anyone can help us save the Teddy Bears, it'll be the Prince!
Who is the Prince?
You see several images of Aaron Walker flash before you.
The Prince is real smart, Rusty, if you tell him what we're looking for, I'm sure he can find out! Tell him that I sent you, I try to talk to him a lot but his head is so busy that it's impossible to get a word in!
Unnecessary Solicitation
You're unable to reach Penelope. It's likely that 'Mother' is around her at the moment.
Mission Objective(s)
- Speak with Aaron Walker
Hey what's up, Character? You working with that weird chick who was tapping in my brain? Gotta say, not a fan of that, not a fan of that at all. Last time someone was in my brain, it was Neuron and he messed it all up. So you gotta excuse me if I'm a little protective of this precious area around here.
She still all kind of crazy talking on you? Me, I think it's all an act, but that's just me. I'm kinda not so groovy on her, on account that she just keeps on trying to bug me! I'll be hacking into something and I'll hear this little blip of a voice, totally distracts me from what I'm doing.
(Let Aaron continue to rant)
It's like, you know, I'm in the middle of doing a lot of things, I got my mind hacking something, while also looking up info on what's going on with rebuilding stuff in Tokyo, don't even get me started on the big news about Cole's big plan. I've got all my hacks on pins and needles and then BAM, some sort of giggle in my mind and someone calling me 'the Prince' and everything just goes out of whack!
It's enough to make a guy wanna hack into someone's mind, but that's off limits, I ain't doing that. Why? 'cause I'm better than Neuron, that's why.
Okay, Aaron. I need your help.
What? Syndicate working together with Metronome? That's some serious bad news. Syndicate, for one thing, are backstabbing good for nothings. I'm not saying that out of spite, I'm saying that out of all the stuff I've seen them working on. Second thing, Metronome, crazy guy who thinks humanity is dying or something. I don't like hacking into his stuff, not one bit.
But you're going after both of them huh? Should've figured you'd be up to something like that. Sure, I'll help you out. Why not?
I actually already got something for you. Just did it two seconds after you mentioned the whole problem. Don't be surprised. You're surprised, right? Right, don't be. So, I can't get you the exact information on who is leading this band of Syndicate, but I know how. There's a warehouse nearby full of Clockwork that this Metronome guy has taken over. You bust them up, I'll gather the data on them, put the puzzle together, and figure out who exactly is pulling Metronome's strings.
If you want an easier way, take this here virus of mine. You just gotta upload it onto any computer in that warehouse. It'll stream into all the Clockwork and short-circuit 'em, while I get the info. I know, I'm that good.
Alright, thanks Aaron
Mission Objective(s)
You're here.
- Retrieve Clockwork info for Aaron
- Destroy all the Clockwork OR enter Aaron Walker's virus to disable them
You've gotten the data you need for Aaron Walker to track down the Syndicate leader!
- Neuron's Clockwork
Mission Objective(s)
You see nearby in the lab a figure in a black trenchcoat. That must be the man named Dark Watcher.
- Take down Gregory Vega
- Speak with Dark Watcher
- Take down Gregory Vega
- Defeat Gregory Vega
You defeated Gregory Vega, the head of the Syndicate cell!
Unnecessary Solicitation
You're unable to reach Penelope. It's likely that 'Mother' is around her at the moment.
- Syndicate
- Gregory Vega (Syndicate)
- Gregory Vega is the man behind the Syndicate plot to aid Metronome. Putting him down will scatter the Syndicate and slow down Metronome's plans!
Notable NPCs
- Dark Watcher (Contact NPC))
Hello, Character. Allow me to introduce myself. I am Dark Watcher. I shall be upfront with you, as you deserve to know this. I am not from your dimension. I am from a place called Primal Earth. Perhaps you've heard of it.
I was here in this lab today to handle a situation before it grew too out of control... but with your presence here, I believe I can take my leave. It's somewhat dangerous, you could say, for me to be out and about like this.
Why were you here?
I am here because of Gregory Vega, the man heading this group of the Syndicate. If you are here, you are no doubt aware that he is behind the plot to power Metronome to the point where he becomes too powerful for anyone to deal with. There is something important you should know about Gregory Vega, Character. Much like myself, Vega is not from this world. He is from Primal Earth and is part of a group called Malta.
They are a group who seek to wipe out super powered beings, believing that they... well, we, have the capability of controlling and bending the people to our will.
What an odd idea, don't you agree?
So, Malta is trying to attack Praetoria?
Exactly. They've been careful about sending agents through. They can't risk a full scale invasion, even though one is coming. This particular agent made his move after the Syndicate Corporation Wars. It seems he believes that this will weaken all the factions within Praetoria.
Of course, without the backing of the main group of Malta, he has only the allies he has made in the Syndicate to rely on. That is why it is up to you, Character, to handle this situation. I must ensure that my presence is kept as best a secret as possible. When you've finished with them, the girl, Penelope, will be able to tell you where to find Metronome's main base of operations.
Do try to show some patience around the girl, Character. Penelope entered Tilman's 'hospital' some time ago in an effort to destroy Tilman from the inside out. She puts on a front to try to conceal herself from Tilman, though I am afraid she has been doing it for so long that she is starting to blur the line between who she is and who she is pretending to be.
Alright, I'll do my best with the situation at hand.
Good luck, Character.
You too, Dark Watcher.
Take that, you evil Black Knight! Rusty the powerful will never let you win! With Black Knight Vega done for, the Good King can try to get more of his Knights back under his banner. This is great! But we still have Glowball to deal with. I miss what I used to call Glowball, back when he was... someone different, a Star like you, Rusty!
We have no time though, Glowball found where Shadowlord is making some of his most powerful weapons. He's become so powerful that he's going to use all the teddy bears he has to become one BIG teddy bear that the Shadowlord made! If Glowball does that... I don't even want to think about what's going to happen!