Provost Marchand (Primal Earth)

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This information contains features from the Issue 24 beta that have been released on Homecoming.


Provost Marchand
Provost Marchand.jpg
Former Provost General of Praetoria
Zone Nova Praetoria
Level Range 30-50
Introduced By None
Introduces None
Enemy Groups None
v  d  e

Provost Marchand is a hero contact in [[]]. His level range is 30-50.

For the missions that he gives to Praetorians, see Provost Marchand.


Contact Introduced By


Contact Introduces

+++ Missing Information +++


Former Provost General of Praetoria

Provost Marchand owed his life to the regime of Emperor Cole. His power armor suit is what keeps Marchand alive - without it, he would live for only a few minutes before his entire body shut down. Marchand's main goal was to ensure the peace and prosperity of Praetoria; however, he and Emperor Cole had a falling out due to the invasion of Primal Earth.

Vanguard has given Provost Marchand a chance to prove that he is different than the Praetors of Emperor Cole's regime; Marchand does not intend to let this opportunity be wasted.

Prior to Introduction

Missing Text

Contact Unlocked

You've received a message from Provost Marchand. He wishes to speak to you about further opportunities within the Loyalists.

You can call up Provost Marchand by opening your Contacts window and clicking on the Call button to the right of his portrait.

Initial Contact

Character. I am Gerard Marchand, the former leader of the Praetorian army.

Emperor Cole is now in Vanguard custody and will be going on trial for the crimes he has committed against humanity.

In the meantime, Vanguard is finishing their evacuation of Praetoria. The citizens of Praetoria are being integrated into society, but there are a few who are being considered... special cases.

At any rate, I want to talk to you today about an initiative that I'm working on.

  • What's the initiative?

I'm forming a supergroup, Character, called the New Praetorians. They're going to be supers who are from Praetoria, as the name suggests. The people of Primal Earth need to see that Praetoria can be a force for good.

You're well known here in Primal Earth, and as such, I want you to be the one to help me form this group. People respect you and your power, and right now we need that to find potential recruits.

I know a few people who might be willing to help us out, and I am talking with the authorities in Primal Earth about some others.

If you're willing to accept this responsibility, we can begin with a slightly dangerous mission, which involves rescuing one man who has everything to gain by joining the New Praetorians.

  • What's our first task?
  • What happened to those who were part of Cole's administration?
Emperor Cole and Praetor Duncan are currently in a high security Vanguard prison. They are being guarded by Dark Watcher himself.
The two will be put on trial for their crimes against humanity, although there is talk about some mercy being shown to Duncan for her aid in Dark Astoria and the Magisterium.
Praetor Berry, Anti-Matter, and Praetor Sinclair are all MIA. I fear the three of them may have been killed by the Hamidon.
Bobcat is currently in Vanguard custody, although she was never really much of a threat to begin with. Praetor White... well, we'll get to Praetor White in a moment.
  • Are we just abondoning Praetoria?
Not just yet. The Hamidon has full control over the city of Praetoria, but there are still pockets of fighting throughout the world.
Cole's city is lost, both from nuclear fallout and from the Hamidon. Vanguard has one of their top scientists, a man by the name of Number Six working on contacting other areas of civilization within Praetoria.
The fight against Cole is done, Character, but the fight against Hamidon is a different story.
  • Alright, let's get started.
  • What about you? You were part of Cole's administration as well.
I was, Character. I believed in the world that Cole wanted. A world without war, a world where the strong protected the weak. I never stopped believing in that; I worked every day in the administration for that.
Unfortunately... Praetoria became the 'cult of Cole', where we worshipped the man, not the ideal. I, myself, was guilty of that in some moments. All of us have things in the past that we wish we could undo. All we can do is move forward and try to give back to the world.
The New Praetorians are my way of giving back, both to the people of Primal Earth and to the people of Praetoria. It is not just something I choose to do, it is something that I must do, an act that every fiber of my being is directing me to do.
  • I understand. Let's get started


Let's get to work, Character. Primal Earth could use some hope.

Too Busy

Missing Too Busy Dialogue

Too Low Level

Missing Too Low Level Dialogue

No More Missions

Missing No More Missions Dialogue


Provost Marchand does not sell Inspirations or Enhancements.

Story Arc

Part 1: The Top Dog of Praetoria

Mission Briefing

Our first task is to rescue Praetor Michael White. I've had several arguments with members of the Phalanx and Vanguard, but I believe he can be of use. White has done many things in the past, actions that he and I have talked about for a long. I know that he wants to atone for his past, that is why he took the position as head of security for Praetoria. He fought for the good of Praetoria and for what he believed in - we just need him to fight for us.

Doctor Orts of Vanguard has informed me that they have a location of where Praetor White is, but it isn't good. He's in the outskirts of Imperial City, but he doesn't seem to be moving.

We need to recover Praetor White before the Devouring Earth find him and make him into one of their own.

  • Alright, how can I get there?

Portal Corp has developed a smaller, more compact portal to use, thanks to the research done by one Emil Christie. Steven Sheridan can help get you to the location; he helped Emil Christie with the development of the new technology.

I must warn you, Character, that you will be going into an extremely dangerous zone. The Hamidon is running rampant there. Vanguard has agreed to send in reinforcements with you, and soldiers loyal to myself have also agreed to provide cover fire for you once you're in.

Speak with me once you've recovered Praetor White. Marchand out.

Unnecessary Solicitation

We must act fast, Character, we can't keep this portal open for long.


Character, Marchand has briefed me. We've got the portal open for a little longer, but you'll need to hurry.

It's a huge risk keeping this open in the first place!

  • (Go to Praetoria)

Mission Objective(s)


You step through the portal and into the ruins of Imperial City. You can hear the monstrous roar of the Hamidon in the distance as its monsters rampage through the city.

  • Rescue Praetor White
    • Save Praetor White!

You've recovered Praetor White, although it seems he's not going to be much help to the cause without his powers.


Devouring Earth
The Infested

Notable NPCs


You... Character... I remember you, back in the fight for Lambda sector. Heh... wish I had some of them War Walkers here right about now. Sure would be helpful.

My girl's dead. She died tryin' to protect me, even admitted that she was in the Resistance this entire time. Not that it mattered. She died fightin' off those monsters, while I stood there like some sorta broken dog!

That damn Berry... his super serum made me into a weakling! Look at me, it's pathetic! I can barely walk without gettin' tired, let alone fight.

So, what the hell are you doing here? You a rescue squad or somethin'?

  • I'm here on behalf of Marchand. We're getting you out Praetor White.

Praetor White wheezes out a laugh.

I ain't Praetor White, I'm just Marauder now. I shoulda known Marchand would still want me, he was always the one arguin' with big bad Marcus.

I guess I don't got much of a choice, eh? It's either stay here and become one of these Devoured, or go work with Marchand.

Suppose I could have worse options, then again, I ain't exactly sure that Primal Earth won't just lock me up in a cell.

Dammit... to fall so far, Character! Just... slap me with your fancy teleporter and get me outta here. Let me reflect on my situation when I ain't got a Hamidon staring at me like I'm dinner.

  • (Teleport Marauder out)
  • Why should we trust you to help us?
You got some guts bringin' this up with Hamidon right around the corner. I respect that, so let's do this.
You know why they called me Marauder? It was 'cause I led a war band in the Mid-West after the Hamidon came knockin' at our door. There were monsters everywhere; me and the boys I rolled with did everything we could to survive; keep the strong, kill the weak. The world that I lived in was Hell, Character, pure and simple. We were abandoned by everyone. No one wanted to help us, so someone had to be the strong man and take matters into their own hands.
I sided with Cole 'cause I believed in him and what he was doing. It wasn't until I was together with... together with Cleo that I realized somethin'.
  • What did you realize?
That call I made to kill the weak and take the strong... That was the call of a weak man. I didn't take those people 'cause I was afraid they'd slow us down, that it would mean the end of everyone.
If I had been stronger, if I had been a better man, I woulda taken those people with us, found a way to make it all work.
I ain't gonna tell ya what else happened when I came to that realization, 'cause it ain't pretty. But you asked if you could trust me, and I'm tellin' you that you can.
If I ever get my strength back, I'm gonna use it to protect the weak. That's what I did in Praetoria, and that's what I'm gonna continue to do.
I'm gonna do it for all those people I killed, for the boys in the Destroyers... and for Cleo.
  • Fair enough. (Teleport Marauder)


Good work, Character. I should've known that Praetor Berry's serum would have adverse effects. The man was an imbecile and bad for Praetoria as a whole. I remember he swore that the serum would last for White. I can only hope that wherever Berry is he is paying for the terrible things he's done.

Vanguard is currently holding White in its custody. They want to make sure he really is powerless before releasing him under my care. Even without his powers, White can be a great help to all of us as another tactician. He fought back in the Hamidon Wars and against the Resistance; if there's a battle to be fought, he'll know how to win it.

Now, Character, we should move on to our next recruit.

Part 2: Refugees

Mission Briefing

The people of First Ward have been relocated to an island near Paragon City. Vanguard wants to give the people from First Ward time to recuperate and get the help they need, and I agree. These people have been fighting for their lives day in and day out for years. They won't be able to just easily adjust to being in a normal society.

The Carnival of Light, outside of TUNNEL assistance, have also been relegated to the area until Vanguard can be sure of what will happen if this world's Carnival of Shadows gets near them. Our next possible recruit is on the island, but you won't be going there alone. There is another who is there. He has already agreed to help our cause.

  • Who is there at the island? And who is this person helping me?

My friend's name is Grant Creston. He was a former commander in the IDF who went rogue to help the people of First Ward. He has agreed to helping our cause by joining the New Praetorians. His experience will help us greatly, and he's no stranger to being seen as an outcast, even to those who he's trying to help.

Our other recruits are going to be Desdemona, Noble Savage, and Aurora Pena, the former Mother Mayhem. All three are very powerful and will be useful to our cause.

Desdemona has the psychic power of Vanessa DeVore and her own demon summoning powers and will be eager to help us out. Noble Savage is a dear friend of mine as well; he will no doubt lend his power to our group. Finally, I'm well aware that Aurora has something to prove to the world. Tilman used her body to do terrible things, and Aurora wants to make up for all of it. We're going to give her the chance to do just that.

Travel to the Refugee Island and speak with Desdemona first. She will know where Noble Savage and Aurora are.

Rescue Desdemona

Unnecessary Solicitation

Noble Savage was once a dear friend of mine, Character. I have no doubt that he'll be willing to help us.

Mission Objective(s)


The ferry drops you off at what has been called 'Refugee Island'. You see up ahead several Paragon citizens protesting the very existence of this island.

  • Rescue Desdemona
    • Speak with Desdemona
    • 9 groups of Devouring Earth to defeat

You need to hurry if you're going to rescue the Praetorians from the Council!


Devouring Earth

Notable NPCs


We're here to protest the Praetorians being locked away like this! Vanguard doesn't have the right to keep them here, it's a prison! What do you say, Character?!

  • The Praetorians need to be protected, first.
  • I'll see what I can do about the situation.
  • I don't have time for this at the moment.

Ah, greetin's Character, I've heard all about you. My name's Nadia, member of the Carnival of Light in Praetoria.

The world of Primal Earth is very different from ours, and yet the same. I can feel great evil here, but a different kind, a magical kind. But I also feel an immense good, altruism, that flows through this world.

I'm lookin' forward to leavin' this Vanguard base and going out and about, but for now I'll be stayin' here 'till those soldiers give us the okay to head on out. Tons better than it was in First Ward, at least.


Blue skies overhead, the ocean covered by walls of civilization, walls that are hard, built upon good intentions. They are walls that are here to protect and to keep, much like the walls of Praetoria.

I have heard of your heroics, Character, I trust that you know what you are doing. I know that this current situation is not permanent, and that it is done out of... good intentions. Let us just hope the road that is being paved with them leads to a better place.

Anna Palatine

Character, it's good to meet you, I've heard all about your work here on Primal Earth. I am Anna Palatine, leader of the survivors from First Ward.

I am still considered the leader of the survivors, even during this time. Vanguard spoke with me about this situation and I agreed to it. We could all use some time to rest, and some time to get used to this new world.


Hey, Character, I know that... things have been tough, between the two of us. We both had to do a lot in order to save the day.

This time here in the island has been... nice, it's given me a chance to reflect on everything. I know I've said some bad things... but I want to say that there's no more animosity between the two of us. Everything turned out for the best, and that's what counts, right?

I think I'm done with this whole saving the day gig, though. I'm just looking forward to a nice, relaxing rest of my life. Sounds good, doesn't it?

  • You deserve it, Katie. See you around.

Character. It's always good to see you. Vanguard is taking very good care of the denizens of First Ward, though, as you see, some citizens of Primal Earth aren't very... happy about our situation. However, the people of First Ward are relieved to finally have some peace.

What can I do for you today?

  • (Explain Marchand's New Praetorians)

Hrm... that's an interesting proposal, but I'm afraid I will have to decline. The people here require my aid, especially after we discovered Calvin Scott's insanity.

Aurora and Noble Savage may be interested. The two of them, along with some Carnival of Light, were taken on a tour of Paragon City. I'm sure you could ask them when they're back.

However... there is someone else who may be able to help you.

  • Who else could help me?
  • Do you know what happened to Calvin Scott?
Unfortunately, I do not. We lost him during the chaos of the Magisterium fight. I know that Vanguard is trying to track him down, as they have reason to believe he still has loyal followers in the Resistance and even a number of turncoats within the Loyalists.
  • I see. Who is this other person who could help me?

That would be me, Character. I never had the chance to apologize about what happened in Night Ward. You... saw me at a low point, as a man who was desperate to prove himself. Now, however, I have seen what I must do, the man who I can be.

Your New Praetorians group sounds like a noble cause, one that I would be glad to lend my stained sword to, should you allow me.

Your communicator lets out several beeps - it's an urgent message from Provost Marchand.

  • Hold on, Pendragon. Marchand, go ahead.

We have two problems, Character. The Council have attacked and kidnapped Noble Savage, Aurora Pena, and the Carnival of Light.

We're also getting readings of a large Devouring Earth presence beneath the Refugee Island. Apex is on his way, but he won't get there in time. We need someone on sight to handle it discreetly; we can't have the people here attacked by our Hamidon.

Marchand out.

You could handle both situations yourself, or you could put Pendragon to the task and have him deal with the Devouring Earth here.

  • Pendragon, we have a problem. You're with me.
You have my sword, Character.
  • Let's go! (This option continues the mission underground where you fight the Devouring Earth)
  • Pendragon, there's a situation. I need you to stay here and handle it.
You explain the situation to Pendragon, who nods slightly.
Understood. I've fought the Devouring Earth back in Praetoria, I'll be able to handle things here.
You take care of Aurora and Noble Savage!
  • Good luck, Pendragon. (This option ends the mission)
  • Stay here, Pendragon. Grant and I need to handle a problem.
... Alright, Character, good luck.


After speaking to Nadia, Blind Makwa, Anna Palatine, and Katie Douglas, you will be awarded the Chatterbox Badge.


You were sent in to handle things on Refugee Island, but you decided to catch up with some old friends from First Ward.

Rescue the Carnival of Light

Unnecessary Solicitation

Good work on the island, Character. Praetor White and I will monitor your progress from here.

Mission Objective(s)


Aurora Pena and Noble Savage are somewhere in this warehouse, along with the other members of the Carnival of Light.

  • Rescue the Carnival of Light
    • Find Aurora Pena
    • Find Noble Savage
    • Rescue the Carnival of Light

You saved the Carnival of Light from the Council!



Notable NPCs

Odd Communication

You overheard the Council Ascendant speaking to someone over a walkie talkie. You assume by his reverent tone that it was the Center, but the Ascendant referred to a third, unknown party.

Call Provost Marchand

Good work out there, Character. No one on the Refugee Island knew about the Devouring Earth. Gaussian has assured me another Devouring Earth attack will not happen again. In the meantime, I've spoken with Pendragon, and I believe that he'll make a fine addition to the New Praetorians.

It's a shame about Desdemona, and Noble Savage seems determined to stay with the Forlorn. Aurora, however, is also on board. This is very good, Character, we already have a strong team.

  • What's next?
This selection loops to another branch of this conversation which is already documented.
  • Someone planted those barrels in the island, Marchand.
Yes, I'm aware of that. I spoke with Gaussian about it, who believes that someone from the outside managed to smuggle those barrels in.
It's disturbing, to say the least. He's undergoing a full investigation into the matter to see who had contact with moving resources in and out of the island.
  • Alright, what's next in our plan?
This selection loops to another branch of this conversation which is already documented.
  • The island needs to be shut down. It's too much of a risk.
I know your concerns, Character, I share them as well. The island is only a temporary solution, let me assure you.
The people of First Ward are used to a very different life, one of war and survival. They need help to be re-integrated back into normal society. This is the help that's being given to them.
I'm not concerned about what they might do to Primal Earth - I'm concerned about what people on Primal Earth will do to them. You've seen it already - the Council wasted no time in kidnapping the Carnival of Light. They need to be prepared for what's out here, and we need to be prepared to protect them properly.
  • Fair enough, what's next in our plan?
This selection loops to another branch of this conversation which is already documented.
  • If you insist. What's next?
This selection loops to another branch of this conversation which is already documented.
  • Didn't Cole keep people imprisoned for similar reasons?
I know, Character, what it seems like. However, we are not walking down that road. The people will be freed soon, Lady Grey has assured me that there is a timeframe for releasing the refugees into Paragon and establishing therapy sessions for them.
Please, we must turn our attention to finding more members for the New Praetorians. They are exactly the ones who will help with the integration of the Praetorian populace into normal society.
  • Alright, what's next in our plan?
Well, I'm concerned about whom that Council Ascendant was talking to. It's a reminder that what our team is lacking is an expert in technical forensics. Luckily, I know just the man who can help us.
  • Who is it?

Part 3: The Last Recruits

Mission Briefing

Are you familiar with Alec Parson? He worked for the Ministry of Information Criminal Investigation and Research in Praetoria. He's absolutely brilliant when it comes to all things technological.

His skills have only gotten better during the Praetorian War; it was with his help that Vanguard was able to take down large numbers of Clockwork. The MICIR was one of the first organizations to turn and help in the attack on Praetoria.

He may not be the strongest candidate in a fight, but he'll be able to help us with anything related to technology.

  • Where can I find Parson?

Parson is currently in a Longbow facility in Brickstown. He's been helping the organization develop their first Longbow Clockwork. Their goal is to put more robots to work to improve the quality of life in Primal Earth and to lower the number of human casualties in the war against Arachnos.

I believe he should be finishing up his work there. Go to the facility and speak with him about our initiative; with Parson's help, we could even track down that communication that we heard from the Council. Pendragon, Aurora, and Grant will go with you. I think it would be good for Parson to see what our current team looks like; I'm still working on the situation with White.

In the meantime, I'll be doing work on our last recruit. There's a bit of red tape around him, similar to Michael White, but I believe his skills as a soldier will prove useful to us.

Speak with Alec Parson

Unnecessary Solicitation

Provost Marchand's line is busy.

Mission Objective(s)


You enter the base to find that Arachnos is here!

  • Speak with Alec Parson
    • 4 Longbow scientsts to rescue
    • 3 Raid Leaders to defeat

You rescued the Longbow facility! Time to save Parson from Arachnos!



Notable NPCs

Alec Parson Kidnapped

You rescued a scientist named Emil Christie, who told you that Alec Parson was already gone. He believed that you could still catch Silver Mantis and her crew if you hurried.

Emil Christie also mentioned that he bought a plushie someone made of you. Maybe next time you could autograph it for him.

Save Alec Parson

Unnecessary Solicitation

Character, you've got to hurry!

Mission Objective(s)


You follow the trail of the Arachnos soldiers into this small part of Brickstown.

  • Save Alec Parson
    • 3 officers to rescue
    • Get into the sewers
    • Find Alec Parson
    • Defeat Silver Mantis

You've stopped Arachnos from kidnapping Alec Parson!



Notable NPCs

Silver Mantis: You're REALLY annoying, fishie, blowing up the submarine like that!
Riptide: My name is Riptide, not 'fishie'. You're under arrest, Silver Mantis.
Silver Mantis: Oh, this should be FUN! But sadly, little fishie, you're way outnumbered.
Riptide: Oh, I'm just here to stall you, Silver Mantis. Character and the others should be here at any moment!
Silver Mantis: Oh, this should be FUN!


I knew I could count on you, Character. Alec Parson has agreed to join the New Praetorians as our technological expert. As you saw, Riptide is our final member.

He's an honorable soldier who was fighting for a dishonorable man. I've vouched on his behalf to the Paragon authorities and to Vanguard that if he was given a chance, Riptide could show everyone that there were good people within Cole's regime, people who genuinely wanted to help and who believed that innocent Praetorians were at risk.

Riptide was eager to get out of his cell and put in the people who deserved to be there.