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Arachnos Patron
Zone Grandville
Coordinates (2757, -58.9, 903)[Copy]
Level Range 40-50
Introduced By Arbiter Rein
Introduces None
Enemy Groups
Badges V badge SciroccoBadge.png Mirage
Badge defeatrecluse.png Usurper
v  d  e

Scirocco is a villain contact in the The Tangle neighborhood of Grandville at coordinates (2757, -58.9, 903)[Copy] Scirocco is a Magic origin contact. His level range is 40-50.

Scirocco is also an Archvillain who serves Arachnos under Lord Recluse in the Arachnos faction. He also awards the patron power pool Mu Mastery to villains who complete his patron arc.

Heroes and Villains can find him in Recluse's Victory as one of the signature villains that show up as reinforcements.

Villains can find him in the following missions:

Heroes can face him in the following missions:


Defeating Scirocco in Recluse's Victory will award the hero with the Sandblasted Badge:

Sandblasted (requires hero/vigilante)

You have helped defeat Scirocco in Recluse's Victory.


  • Scirocco's Arachnos Archvillains profile for a list of his powers
  • This incarnation of Scirocco is not the same as Serafina's former master. It is most likely that the long-dead desert hero was.
  • The origin of the name Scirocco is from the Mediterranean wind which comes from the Sahara. It has Italian and Arabic roots, and means "Warm wind."


Character Stats

Secret Identity: Imad Malak
Origin: Magic
Archetype: Corruptor
Primary Powers: Electrical Blast/Electrical Mastery
Secondary Powers: Unique Wind powers
Other Powers: Broad Sword, Flight, EM Pulse
Signature Powers: Dust Devils, Desert Wind


Rndr Scirocco 02.png

Contact Introduced By

Contact Introduces

  • None


Arachnos Patron

Imad Malak was not always an evil man. Evil came to him from without. He was traveling in the deep desert near the Baka Valley deep in the Middle East. There he discovered an ancient tomb and stumbled inside. The tomb was that of a long-dead desert hero, and contained several objects of power including the bottle of the djinn Serafina. Also within was the hero's scimitar that granted the wielder incredible powers. Malak took the sword and donned the mantle of Scirocco. Unfortunately, he fell under a curse and was driven to commit acts of great evil. He sold the other objects off to the highest bidder, the bottle ending up with the Circle of Thorns. Once a hero of the people, he is now a dark stain on their proud heritage. Imad wishes nothing more than to find some way to rid himself of the curse and find redemption.

Prior to Introduction

And who are you? Some other pretender, some wicked fool in search of power? I have no time for such things. Be gone. I have no use for you.

Initial Contact

I am told that you have chosen me as your patron. I am glad to hear this, for I have watched you progress for some time, and believe that you may be the destined one for whom Lord Recluse awaits. Allow me to make a proper introduction: I am called Scirocco, the Desert Wind. I serve Lord Recluse and Arachnos, and hold the reins of the Mu Mystics. Unlike some of my fellows, like the mercenary Black Scorpion or the Monstrous Mako, I believe that we do not need to be soulless beasts to achieve our aims. The ends may justify the means, but that does not mean we must end up as madmen. Now, there is much to do. I am in the midst of a great work, and will require your aid.

Not High Enough Level

needs data


  • Are you ready for what must be done?
  • We can begin when you are ready.
  • What news do you bring?

Too Busy

You have too many burdens upon you already to take up my tasks as well. Return once you have lightened your load of missions.

No More Missions

You have surpassed us all. Go now. Your destiny is now your own to make. And the world will tremble.


You have proven yourself a worthy ally.

  • Level 45 Magic Single Origin Enhancements (200% base costs)

Missing Store Unlock Dialogue

  • Level 50 Magic Single Origin Enhancements (?% base costs)

Story Arcs

A Wind Called Serafina (40-50)

Merit Rewards: This activity awards 10 Reward Merits.


A genie's veil

After her defeat, you found this piece of gauzy, yet nearly indestructible fabric on the sight of the battle. It smells of a warm desert wind laden with perfume and spices, and you can almost hear the mocking laughter of the djinn you defeated on an invisible wind,

A wind called Serafina

Scirocco welcomed you to his camp among the fractious upper echelons of Arachnos, and immediately assigned you a task. Some unknown force had attacked a base where Scirocco had stored a minor mystic artifact, and he wanted you to investigate. You arrived to find the base in shambles, Scirocco's items stolen, and the Arachnos personnel at the base blathering about how much they loved the unknown female thief, and how she'd warned them you were coming. The only clue was security camera footage of a woman in a genie-costume searching the base at her whim and using some kind of mind-control on the troops. Scirocco seemed to have an idea of what was going on, but wanted to keep it to himself for the moment.

To confirm his suspicions, Scirocco sent you to ask Arbiter Daos if there had been any similar incidents at other Arachnos bases. He also warned you not to make an enemy of Daos, because of his great power among Arachnos' arbiter corps. Arbiter Daos confirmed that there had been similar attacks by the mystery woman, and that they had all occurred at bases where Scirocco had stored mystic items in the past. In exchange for this information, Daos sent you to cleanse one base that had recently been put under the mystery thief's control. There you learned from the last uncontrolled Arachnos soldier in the base that the mystery woman had a name, and that name was Serafina. Scirocco was expecting that, but not pleased. It seems that this Serafina had been the one to grant him his powers, and now she most likely wanted them back.

Scirocco explained that this Serafina was no mere magician, but djinn, or Genie; a creature made of magic itself. Serafina had been charged with transferring a mantle of power, one of the legendary mantles of the four winds, but after the last heroic to bear the mantle had perished in the Rikti War, he had taken it from the weakened genie. Now some of her power must have returned, and she'd want it all back to give to some hero. To stop her, you'd need allies, and Scirocco sent you to find them. First, he sent you to speak with Black Scorpion's lieutenant, Silver Mantis. Mantis was spoiling for a fight when you found her, and you had to give it to her before she'd listen to your message. Unfortunately, Black Scorpion wasn't interested, and preferred to stay on the sidelines.

Next you sought out Barracuda, Mako's sidekick. The vicious mutant would only be willing to side with someone who could demonstrate their power, so it was up to you to beat a surprised Barracuda to show her boss the strength already assembled on Scirocco's side. However, Mako wouldn't bite, preferring to wait and attack whoever came out weaker.

The only one left was Ghost Widow. Scirocco had learned that her bodyguard, the Wretch, was being targeted by the mysterious Malta group. But before you could leave to free Wretch and strengthen Scirocco's proposal to the Widow, Arbiter Daos wanted to speak with you. Daos' words were cautious. He told you that he'd run some of the items Scirocco had stored by his own mystic sources, and had come up with some unsettling results. While Daos wasn't willing to level any accusations, he strongly implied that you should keep an eye on your patron. After that strange meeting you dove into the fray, and this time, finally, it worked. Ghost Widow entered into an alliance with Scirocco, and soon you knew the genie would fall.

The alliance bore fruit almost instantly as Ghost Widow's Fortunatas predicted the next place Serafina would attack. Acting on that information, you counter-attacked and caught the djinn off-guard. With most of her power spent controlling the minds of the Arachnos troops in the base, she was weakened enough to attack and defeat.

With that obstacle gone and a new alliance in place, Scirocco confided that he was ready to finally begin the great plan he had been working towards, and he would need your help than as never before.

Investigate base


Do not mistake me, I am gratified that you have decided to join my particular branch of our organization. It's just that I am being kept very busy at the moment working on an important project, so I may have to ask you to do certain tasks for me that I cannot otherwise get done. I know well enough that I can trust you to complete any mission I may have for you, and I will have to rely on this trust in some very important matters. Your power is great, and I will need it brought to bear against all manner of foes.

But let us start with something that should prove little problem for you. There is a base where I was storing some items that has stopped responding and sealed themselves off. I want you to find out what's happened there. Vanquish any foes you have to, but most importantly find the base's logs to find out what happened and see what's become of the item I had there.

  • Investigate base

I had charged this base to look after a trinket I had acquired. Some mystical bauble, nothing more. While you're looking for the cause of their silence, I would be well pleased if you could look for that as well.

Unnecessary Solicitation

Editor's Note:

The dialogue is the same as Mission Acceptance

Mission Objective(s)

There's a strange feeling of peace and contentment in the air here. It's really kind of creepy.

  • Investigate base
    • Find Base Logs
    • Locate Scirocco's 'Item'

You found images of the intruder, and that Scirocco's item was missing.



You found the base's logs

Video logs

The visual logs of the Arachnos base are full of the tedium of normal Arachnos life until the last few days. The routine of weapons checks and drills is suddenly interrupted by the appearance of a beautiful woman in strange diaphanous clothes walking through the base, disappearing and re-appearing at her whim, as she's clearly looking for something. You watch a section of the tape where two Mu Mystics soldiers try to stop her, then after a few words they start following her around like obedient servants. In minutes, the whole base is under her thrall and helping her look. The Arachnos troops didn't even get off a shot.

The item is missing, but you hear something like words on the wind.

Whispers on a scented wind

When you opened this storage vault, you saw that whatever Scirocco had stored within it was now gone. There were traces on the interior where it looked as if some mystical seals had been burned out. As you peered in to get a closer look, a sudden breeze blew by your face from within the empty vault. The warm dry wind carried the scent of perfume and spices, and as it wrapped around you, you heard the distant lilting voice of a woman. She said:

'I have come to take back that which you bear, and that which you took, and all that is mine.'

The wind was gone without a trace, and you were left looking into an empty Arachnos storage vault.


The base all under the spell of some strange woman, you say? I'll have to review the footage you found, but I do have a suspicion. But it could not be. She wouldn't be here, not now, not yet. But who else could have known?

Ah, but you must forgive me, my loyal ally. I apologize most humbly, it is rude of me to get so lost in thought in front of you. I will review what you found, and determine the proper course of action.

Speak with Arbiter Daos


Character, I have reviewed the scenes that you recovered, and I have a strong suspicion about what is happening, but I must have confimation lest I act rashly. Thus, I would charge you to speak with Arbiter Daos to see if there have been any similar incidents at other Arachnos bases. As I am sure you are aware, Daos is a very powerful man. As one of the highest ranking arbiters, he has the ear of our Lord Recluse himself. If Arbiter Daos suggests you do something, place yourself at his disposal and attend to it. I can wait to hear about it when you are done.

  • Speak with Arbiter Daos

Remember that though Daos lacks the might of one such as you and I, his power within Arachnos is vast, and more than enough to make his requests worth heed.

Speak with Arbiter Daos

Unnecessary Solicitation

We will speak of this once you have completed whatever task Arbiter Daos has set before you.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Speak with Arbiter Daos


Character, yes, I've been briefed on why you're here. The incident you ran into isn't the first such case, and it hasn't been the last, either. We've had several bases fall under the influence of this mystery woman, and thus far we have found no defense against her power. The contamination appears to be magical and non-infectious, but is also permanent or nearly so, and strong enough to even overcome Bane-Spider indoctrination. We have also found evidence of a correlation between the locations this mystery woman has struck and bases where Scirocco has secured some of his mystic items in the past as part of his ongoing research. I suspect that this may be a causal relationship, and you may tell Scirocco that. However, first I have been charged to cleanse the site of the latest attack by this mystery woman by my Lord Recluse himself, who is growing annoyed with these events. My Lord Recluse wants them stopped, and if I am correct about the causal link, then I will have to ask for the authority to sever the causal link any way I see fit. However, I prefer it if the great powers among Arachnos stay in balance, and if they can clean up their own messes, all the better. So, I will hold off on my conclusions if you can lighten my workload. Cleanse the latest base to fall to this mystery woman, and I will give you and your patron more time to fix this problem yourselves.

Cleanse subverted base

Unnecessary Solicitation

I was afraid that Daos might do something like this. Do as he says for now.

Mission Objective(s)

That same weird feeling of peace is everywhere here.

  • Cleanse subverted base

You cleansed the base.

Editor's Note:

Even though it isn't a stated mission objective, this mission cannot be completed until all enemies have been defeated.



Notable NPCs

Ambush! After rescuing Operative Hughart the Crab Spider Webmaster, there will be two ambushes by Arachnos.
Random Arachnos ambush: "Neither Character nor Operative Hughart love Serafina! Kill them!"

'It might be some kind of psy-op...'

After you rescued him from his erstwhile comrades, Operative Hughart told you:

'Thanks for the help. I just got back to base and everyone was acting crazy. They keep talking about some woman named Serafina. I realized it might be some kind of psy-op, so rather than blow my cover, I suited up and acted like everything was normal so I could try to figure out what was going on. It looks like this woman just teleported right into the base and started taking over minds, then set everyone looking for something. I checked it out, and the base commander opened the vault for her. She took some mystic thing that we were storing for Scirocco, but before I could find out more, the rest of the guys realized I wasn't one of them.

Look, since I helped you out, can I ask you to put a good word in with Scirocco for me? I heard you're working for Scirocco right now, and after a blunder like this, well, it's good for a guy to know people who can put in a good word for him.


It is as I have feared. It is Serafina. It has to be. She once granted me the mantle of these powers, but now I am certain she has come to take them back. No doubt she thinks she has found a worthier successor to the mantle of the Four Winds. Well, that is unfortunate for her, for I feel no desire to relinquish my artifacts, and she does not know about you, my powerful new ally.

Help Scirocco stop Serafina


Serafina is no mere magician, Character, and we must act carefully to counter the threat she poses. She is not a mere user of magic, like a wizard, but a being of magic itself. Serafina is djinn, or a 'Genie' as they are commonly called. Traditionally, entities like her are confined through clever trickery and ancient charms to being innocuous, helpful, or only mildly devastating. Serafina was charged to assist the transfer of one of the mantles of the four winds. When the previous holder of the mantle died in the Rikti war, I became one of the candidates. But Serafina had supposedly lost much of her power in the battle, and I took the mantle for my own. Now, after regaining some small measure of her former power, she seeks to take back what was once hers to give. I cannot allow this, for she will surely choose some righteous would-be hero for the role again. And you, Character, will be the secret weapon I shall use to stop her.

Be careful. You'll most likely need to beat some sense into the people I will send you to meet, and they are quite powerful. I suggest you bring allies.

  • Scirocco stop Serafina
Silver Mantis

Excellent. Serafina will have defenses against me, and will watch me for any alliances I may try to make. But both you and I can call on the powers of all of Arachnos now. Our first step will be for you to carry proposals of alliance to some of the others. We'll start with Black Scorpion. He is a mercenary, and I have worked with mercenaries in past. Also, his robotic and cybernetic soldiers might be less susceptible to the genie's powers. Speak with his Lieutenant, Silver Mantis. I believe that she's currently working out her unseemly aggressions on the Nemesis Army. I will warn you, though. Silver Mantis is... 'Excitable'. You will most likely have to defeat her before she will even begin to listen.

Unnecessary Solicitation

If we can forge an alliance with Black Scorpion, then we should have all that we need.

Mission Objective(s)

Apparently, some of Scorpion's machines spotted Nemesis troops using this place as a front, and Mantis went in to clean it out.

  • Find Silver Mantis
    • Find Silver Mantis

You think Mantis listened to what you had to say after you defeated her. You were able to contact Silver Mantis.


Editor's Note:

Arachnos and Nemesis will be hostile to each other during this mission.

Notable NPCs


You did well, Character. but I've just talked to Black Scorpion. He is unwilling to put himself or his troops on the line. It seems you made quite the impression on Silver Mantis, though. She was willing to help, but Scorpion holds her reins tightly. I fear he's planning some move of his own, and wouldn't mind seeing me fall from power. Still, all is not lost yet. If I cannot form an alliance with the mercenary, perhaps it was time I sought aid from the monster?

Defeat Barracuda to get Mako's attention


Mako and I are rarely on the same side of anything. His bestial and violent nature do little but gain my enmity. However, the same ruthless murderousness that makes him a monster also makes him somewhat predictable as an ally. If he sees advantage in a course of action, he will follow it. Perhaps now is a time to open a line of communication. Seek out Barracuda, his lieutenant. I believe that she's in the middle of wiping out a Longbow spy vessel. I doubt they'll be happy to see you, but Mako would need proof of your strength before listening to any message you carry. Barracuda's defeat should provide that. Be wary, however, she's quite tough. I would suggest you bring allies.

  • Defeat Barracuda to get Mako's attention

Barracuda is an... interesting woman. I don't know if you've met her before, but she is truly a fighter. I believe that she was modified by the Coralax against her will. Her tolerance for the depths, conflicted nature, and violent impulses make her a natural ally for Mako. It is a shame, I think. She could be more, but... Well, for now she must be an obstacle in your path that you must overcome.

Unnecessary Solicitation

I've had another of my stores raided, and another base subverted by that uppity djinn. We must find allies, and quickly. Before Daos decides the situtation is out of control or one of the others decides to take advantage of the situation.

Mission Objective(s)

Several of these Longbow spy-ships have been spotted recently. Mako's marines have been kept busy dealing with them.

  • Defeat Barracuda

With Barracuda defeated, hopefully Mako will be willing to listen.



Notable NPCs


Mako was willing to listen after he heard how you defeated Barracuda. Unforunately, he is still unwilling to act. The sea-going savage can sense that I may be placed in a difficult position, and no doubt is waiting to see what happens. That honorless animal is a simple predator, he's only ready to fight when there's no risk. It was foolish to even think he might be a worthy ally. This leaves me with little recourse. If neither the Mercenary nor the Monster can be trusted, then I must look to the Maiden.

Rescue Wretch from the Malta Group


Serafina raids my storehouses time and again, and weathers away my protections like a sandstorm. It will not be long before she comes after me directly. Time is short, and we must seek out an alliance to stop her. This leaves me little choice. I must ask you to help gain favor with the Ghost Widow. There is a direct method for doing so. I have it on good information that the supposed Longbow base she is about to send her Henchman Wretch to eliminate has been taken over by a group called 'Malta', who plan to ambush the brute there and capture him. If you can rescue Wretch from this trap, the Ghost Widow is certain to pay greater heed to my request.

  • Rescue Wretch from the Malta Group

Even if Wretch should fall, the attempt should be enough for the Widow. In honest truth, I probably should have gone to her first, but I always find it difficult to speak to her. She is at the center of such tragedy, and yet her curse of un-life prevents her from truly feeling it. I do not know if that is a small measure of mercy she has been granted, or the greatest part of her curse.

Oh, but I have nearly forgotten. Arbiter Daos wanted to speak with you. No doubt to take a statement in his report about this Serafina situation. See him, but try to keep it quick. There is a bit of time before this 'Malta' group springs their trap, but not much.

Speak with Arbiter Daos

Unnecessary Solicitation

Speak with Arbiter Daos, but do not tarry. We have more important things to do than help him ready his reports.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Speak with Arbiter Daos


I'm glad you came, Character. This conversation will not be about the Serafina issue. I know that Scirocco has had you meeting with the Lieutenants of the others to help build an alliance to fight her, and I'm certain you'll be able to find something. No, my concern is about something else. I've been going over the records of what Scirocco has lost to this Serafina, and it's an interesting list of items. Even more interesting is that he's deliberately been keeping the nature of certain items secret, even from those guarding them. I've checked with some reputable sources in mystic matters, and I believe that Scirocco may be up to something that could compromise the integrity of Arachnos itself.

He's always been a troublemaker. Scirocco is a believer in honor, the sort of person who called himself a freedom fighter instead of a terrorist. Normally, this honor helps to keep him loyal, but I am beginning to become concerned that he may be growing... discontent with his role in Arachnos. And my job is to watch for exactly this sort of discontentment.

All I have now are suspicions, but if Scirocco does anything suspicious, and in particular, should he attempt to acquire certain key items for magical rituals such as the book Malleus Mundi, the Scroll of Tielekku, or the Red Dust Tome, I would like you to report it to me. And of course, if you were to fail to mention something like that to me and I were to discover it through other channels, then I fear the punishments placed on you would be extraordinary.

That is all. Please, do go save Wretch. I'd rather do it now than have to explain to Lord Recluse why we need to send troops to a hidden Siberian base to fetch Ghost Widow's favorite bodyguard and pet.

Rescue Wretch

Unnecessary Solicitation

Now that the unpleasantness with Daos is done, you can concentrate your great power on the task at hand. Wretch has been caught by this mysterious Malta Group. Recover him to help me gain the Widow's favor.

Mission Objective(s)

You've heard rumors about the Malta group. They're supposed to be all about controlling meta-humans and accruing power. Setting a trap for villains is just their style.

  • Rescue Wretch
    • Lead Wretch out

Failure - Wretch fell in battle, but was recalled to safety.
Success - You escorted Wretch to safety.



Malta Operatives
Knives of Artemis


Editor's Note:

Night Widows and Fortunatas only

Notable NPCs

Ambush! Upon Lt. Imindra's rescue, there will be an ambush by Malta.
Random Malta Operative: "string"

Ambush! Upon the Wretch's rescue, there will be three waves of ambush by Malta.
Random Malta Operative: "Confirming MHI Hostile has freed the target. Attempting to recover the situation."

Debriefing - Mission Failed

Though your mission did not go as well as I had hoped, it achieved its aim. That I was able to prove my good will towards the Widow by sending you on your mission was enough. For the moment she watches over her simple-minded bodyguard in the infirmary, but soon enough she will rouse her troops to my aid. You have done well indeed, and now it is time to rid myself of this accursed djinn!

Debriefing - Mission Successful

Your success could not have come at a better time. Your actions have helped convince Ghost Widow of my worthiness as an ally, and she has pledged her support in this Serafina situation. With the foresight of her Fortunatas combined with the power of the Mu Mystics under my command, not even a djinn will be able to stand against me.

Defeat the genie Serafina


Ghost Widow's assistance has already born sweet fruit. Her Fortunata Seeresses have pinpointed the next location where Serafina will strike, and though there is little time to prepare, I think that this time it may be possible to defeat her. I would be powerless against her, as would Ice Mistral, and Wretch is still recovering. Therefore, it must fall to you to defeat the genie Serafina. This will be difficult. I will try to have some loyal troops on the scene to help you, but she will most likely control most of the soldiers in the base within moments. I would strong suggest you locate some more allies to assist you.

  • Defeat the genie Serafina

Serafina's thefts will end here. I think that she must be after the copy of the Scroll of Tielekku I acquired for my research, and was storing at this base. No matter. Once you have brought this djinn to her defeat, all will be secure and I will be able to continue my work.

Unnecessary Solicitation:

Once this Serafina problem is resolved, I will need even more of your assistance. There is a great project I have nearly completed, but will need someone like you to finish.

Mission Objective(s)

That creepy calm pervades this base, too. It's time to put a stop to it.

  • Defeat Serafina

You have defeated the genie Serafina
You put an end to Serafina's raids.


Editor's Note:

Due to the mission, there will be some infighting between random Arachnos.

Notable NPCs


Though Serafina vexed me greatly, in a way I am glad now for her interference. She has proven an excellent test of your mettle, and has brought me an ally in Ghost Widow. And now that I know the stuff of your character, I am ready to ask your help in my next great project. This, my friend, will be something that will truly change the face of the world forever.

You have proven yourself, and I would have others know it as well. As the bearer of the mantle of Scirocco, I can grant some measure of my power to others and allow them to tap into the might of the winds. I shall grant this to you, and more. I shall also grant you the winds of change, so that you may alter your very self for the great task ahead. Speak with Arbiter Lupin in Nerva Archipelago, and he shall aid you.


Completion of this mission awards the Mirage Badge and the Crab Spider Longfang Badge for the mission holder.


You have chosen Scirocco's cause. He will not forget your noble gesture.

Crab Spider Longfang (requires rogue/villain)

One fight is as good as another to the Longfangs.

A respec will be given, and Scirocco's patron powerset Mu Mastery will also be unlocked.

Finally, a random Single Origin Enhancement will be given to you.

The Hammer of the World (40-50)

Merit Rewards: This activity awards 10 Reward Merits.


Souvenir: A page of the Malleus Mundi

Though the Malleus Mundi itself has disappeared to wherever it hides in space and time until it resurfaces in the world, this time it's shed a single page which you've kept hidden from anyone else. Mystically, it might be useful one day, but you also like to keep it as a reminder of the adventure you called

The Hammer of the World

It seems that the growing alliance between Scirocco and Ghost Widow has already produced results. The Widow's Fortunatas had located a powerful artifact Scirocco needed for his work, a book called the Malleus Mundi, a name that means the Hammer of the World. Scirocco had already sent his lieutenant Ice Mistral to get the book from the Circle of Thorns, but she was in trouble, so he sent you to help her and get the book. When you found Ice Mistral she complained bitterly about Scirocco and just about everything else, but she still helped you in the fight. Scirocco had warned you that there would be others after the book as well, so you weren't surprised to find yourself fighting the heroine Mirror Spirit, who you thought had the book. Though you captured the young mystic, she told you that the Circle of Thorns had already spirited the Malleus Mundi away to another location.

Scirocco warned you that the next task would measure your loyalties, but he had no idea what that would mean. Arbiter Daos wished to speak with you about the capture of Mirror Spirit, but Scirocco wanted you to avoid mentioning the Malleus Mundi. Probably because in order to get the book, you were then to duel with Mirror Spirit's parter Foreshadow to exchange information. It would be a betrayal of Arachnos to further Scirocco's aims, but when you went to talk to Arbiter Daos, he had his own take on the situation. Daos was already aware that Scirocco was looking for the Malleus Mundi, and was worried about what would happen if he got it. He told you to be ready to report what Scirocco was up to, and possibly even betray him. After that, you went into the fight against Foreshadow. After you beat the young hero, he grudgingly exchanged information, telling you that the Malleus Mundi had been taken by the Circle to the Shadow Shard.

You entered the Shadow Shard, and battle the Circle as they tried to use the book against the strange being known as Faathim the Kind. With the pieces of the book in hand, you returned to the real world.

Scirocco's next mission was strange. He sent you to help Ice Mistral on a mission to recover Ghost Widow's remains. What was even stranger was the shift in Ice Mistral's attitude when you found her. She was... Nice. Sickeningly, so. Something was wrong, but you didn't know what. Still, you got the remains and made good your escape.

Just as Scirocco's final plan was almost ready, several critical pages of the Malleus were stolen by the villain Malaise. And what's more, Arbiter Daos had asked to see you again. Daos was very worried, and almost activated you to stop Scirocco, but still was unsure what Scirocco's plans were. However, he was worried that what had happened to Ice Mistral might be a taste of it.

From there, you went to confront Malaise, who had taken up with some Carnival revelers. After he was defeated, he explained why he'd wanted the pages, and what the Malleus Mundi could actually do. According to the mad artist of fear, the Malleus Mundi is written in the language used to make the world, and that with it, someone could change the world itself.

As Scirocco prepared to change the nature of the world, you spoke with Arbiter Daos. He authorized you to put a stop to Scirocco's plan by any means necessary. You first had to get his location from Ice Mistral. Once she realized what you were up to, she fought to help keep Scirocco's dream alive. After you defeated her, you found he information you'd need to reach Scirocco and stop him, at a place in the Spirit world called the Crossroads of Destiny.

You arrived there by portal, and battled your way through the Mu Mystics Scirocco had assembled. You disrupted the ceremonies to draw him out, and finally defeated your own patron, ruining his plan to find his own salvation by eliminating all villainy on Earth.

In the aftermath, Arbiter Daos had words of congratulations. Scirocco had been spared by Lord Recluse, mostly because he almost succeeded, and that took a great deal of power. Also, Recluse felt that this defeat might finally break what was left of Scirocco's heroic streak. Ice Mistral's mind was being repaired, and she would soon be back to her old self. And you were congratulated by all. Or at least, all except Scirocco.

Recover the Malleus Mundi for Scirocco.


My new alliance with the Ghost Widow has already advanced my work faster than I would have dared to hope. Already, her Fortunatas have located for me the Malleus Mundi, the last item I see to complete my greatest project. The name means 'The Hammer of the World'. It is a tome said to translate the words of creation, the language of the gods, into the tongues of mankind. With it, one can alter the very substance of the world. And now, thanks to my Pale Light in the Darkness, I know where it is. It is in the possession of the Circle of Thorns, and I will have you take it from them. But be warned, whenever the book surfaces, numerous forces seek it out. With your great power, I believe I can trust you to get it, but I must strongly suggest you find for yourself a group of fellow rogues for this, and the battles to come. Numerous forces will converge on the book once its presence is known. Heavily falls the Hammer of the World.

  • Recover the Malleus Mundi for Scirocco

I had at first sent my ward Ice Mistral to retrieve the book, but she reports that the fighting has grown heavy with the addition of a new complication. While you will face the members of the Circle of Thorns, they may not be the greatest threat. With the Malleus resurfaced, the Heroes of Paragon City and the world at large have sent agents to recover the book as well. Powerful agents. I advised you to gather allies, and I would suggest it again. Locate Mistral and use her help to defeat whoever stands in your way and retrieve the book.

Unnecessary Solicitation

Free Ice Mistral, defeat whoever the Heroes have sent, and find the Malleus Mundi. It's simple. Get to it.

Mission Objective(s)

The Circle of Thorns have taken over large sections of the old Mu ruins beneath the Isles. It's almost as if they already knew all the old layouts.

  • Locate the Malleus Mundi
    • Find Ice Mistral
    • Defeat Hero Agent

You did your part, but it looks like the Malleus Mundi isn't here.


Circle of Thorns

Notable NPCs

'He drives me crazy!'

Ice Mistral spoke to you for a while as you fought together:

'So, how have you liked working for Scirocco? He's so weird, he drives me crazy! It's like, I got these powers and I thought it would make everything so easy. I just get my way whenever I want, only now I don't have to take anyone's attitude any more, because they all know I could annihilate them. I figured it would be the same way for Scirocco, after all, he's got powers from the same people I got mine from, that whole 'Wind mantle' thing. But working for him is such a pain!

He always keeps his word, and I swear, I've even seen him let heroes get away when he could have been toying with them. And he always talks about how he used to be a freedom fighter or whatever. Who wants to be a freedom fighter when you can keep all the little people in line with power? And now he's mooning over that dead witch. It's so sad. I mean, like, she's dead. Duh!

But that's not even the worst part! It's like he's always trying to teach me things, but not useful things like how to destroy stuff. Useless junk about honor and respecting your enemy and understanding your foe and boring things like that. It's so frustrating! I want to be a villain, I want to be feared and always get what I want and never have to work or take any lip from anybody. I thought that was what this was about! So why did I have to get saddled with him for a mentor?'

Ice Mistral was able to continue this line of conversation for some time, expressing her frustrations with Scirocco in no uncertain terms.

Mirror Spirit, though polite in defeat, told you some bad news.

Mirror Spirit defiant

Even in defeat, the enigmatic mystic known as Mirror Spirit was still quite polite:

'I am sorry, but your effort is wasted. The Circle has deceived us both. The Malleus Mundi is not here.'


I should have known those vile wizards would have lain protections. But all is not lost. Our spies report that the heroes may know the location of the Malleus Mundi, and your capture of Mirror Spirit might help us learn that from them.

'Meet' with Foreshadow.


When you pledged your loyalty to me, you must have known that I would eventually test it. Now we come to not one such test, but two. Firstly, Arbiter Daos wishes to speak with you about the capture of Mirror Spirit. I must trust you to keep silent about the objective we sought, lest he grow suspicious and jealous of the status we shall achieve once the Malleus Mundi is in our holding. After you've spoken with him, will come the second test. I need the Malleus Mundi. Longbow needs to free Mirror Spirit. They know the book's location. I know where Arachnos is holding her. An exchange of information would benefit us both, but would betray Arachnos by helping the heroes to recover their own. So we must not let Arachnos and its arbiters know of this exchange. I have arranged for you to meet with Foreshadow, Mirror Spirit's friend and ally. He plans to rescue her, and knows what we need to know. Meet with him to exchange information. And by 'Meet', I do mean that you'll most likely need to beat some sense into his foolish brain before he'll listen and agree to the exchange. He's quite strong, so bring allies with you.

  • 'Meet' with Foreshadow

You may ignore any of the other Longbow forces if you wish. I only care for the information Foreshadow possesses. There is no betrayal in this. Though you'll help to free Mirror Spirit in the end, the power of the Malleus Mundi eclipses even her importance. Once the book is in my possession, everything will change.

Debrief with Arbiter Daos

Unnecessary Solicitation

Betray no hint of your next activity to Arbiter Daos. Should he discover our plans, it could put both of us in dire jeopardy. Once you've spoken to him, then go to find Foreshadow.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Debrief with Arbiter Daos


I understand you're the one we have to thank for the capture of Mirror Spirit, Character. Excellent work. She's incredibly powerful, but still very new. We may be able to tap that power, or brainwash her into a loyal servant, given time. She's like a spiritual Atom Bomb, but a very polite one. Intriguing. Regardless, while she hasn't spoken much, we've gleaned a little. Apparently, she was sent by Numina to recover the 'Malleus Mundi', a book that supposedly has the power to alter the world itself, with a properly skilled user of course. If I recall, I may have even mentioned this book to you before. It was something we knew that Scirocco has been looking for, and that I do not think he should have.

I'll put it plainly. I am not convinced that Scirocco's interest in this Malleus Mundi is in the best interests of Arachnos. Now, it's difficult to say exactly what he's working on. Most of the mystic experts I could consult belong to either Ghost Widow's faction or Scirocco's. I'm just lucky I know how to play Mu'Drakhan's ego so well. And what he's told me of this Malleus Mundi leaves me very suspicious. If I'm right, then you're already in this up to your neck by helping him.

Now, I want you to keep helping him, but I want you to report to me when I request to see you. Scirocco likes to believe in his subordinates. He likes to have a trusted inner circle he can rely on. He won't suspect you. But I want you in place to act on my word and stop him if he gets out of line.

Just report on what you've learned when next I ask to speak with you.

Really, we should have anticipated an alliance between Scirocco and Ghost Widow. Scirocco has the soul of a poet. There was no way he could resist losing his heart to a ghost.

'Meet' with Foreshadow.

Unnecessary Solicitation

You'll most likely have to beat Foreshadow before he will agree to the exchange. Bring your fellow rogues with you. He's quite powerful.

Mission Objective(s)

This is supposed to be the place. Now it's time to see just how much 'convincing' Foreshadow will need at this 'Meeting'.

  • 'Meet' with Foreshadow
    • Defeat Foreshadow

You got the information from Foreshadow.



Notable NPCs

After you defeated him, Foreshadow grudgingly traded information.

Foreshadow trades info.

While he bandaged his wounds, Foreshadow told you what he knew about the location of the Malleus Mundi:

'Ow, you hit hard. The Malleus isn't on Earth, Numina figured that out. It was pretty easy to locate it then. It's in another dimension, a place called the Shadow Shard. We think the Circle are planning to use it there on something called 'Faathim the Kind', but that's about all we know.

Now, tell me where Mirror Spirit is.'

With the information exchanged, you left your defeated foe behind to plan his own rescue mission.


Longbow has freed Mirror Spirit from the prison where Arachnos held her. They did not waste time, and neither can we, for surely Daos must suspect our involvement. I know something of this 'Shadow Shard'. I will secure you a path there.

Take the Malleus Mundi from the Circle in the Shadow Shard.


Some research has made this clear. The Circle of Thorns have been active in the strange reality called the Shadow Shard. They seek to bind a being of great power called 'Faathim the Kind' for their own purposes. No doubt they think the Malleus Mundi will help them. I have found a path for you into the Shadow Shard. Go there, and take the Malleus Mundi from the Circle of Thorns. Disrupt their ceremony while you're at it. I would not see them profit by opposing me.

  • Take the Malleus Mundi from the Circle in the Shadow Shard

With the aid of Ghost Widow's Fortunatas, we have located the book. The Circle has split it into four parts, and each of those parts are necessary for their ritual. I want you to collect all four of those parts and return them to me. I have used my influence to have the portal in Nerva prepared for you. It will take you to a place in the Shadow Shard called the Chantry, where the being Faathim the Kind dwells. Enter the Chantry, and once there take the book's pieces from the Circle's sorcerers.

Unnecessary Solicitation

The four parts of the book are with each of the four Arch-Mages. Defeat them to get the pieces of the book back.

Mission Objective(s)

The book is in the large spherical fortress, a place called 'The Chantry'.

  • Recover the Malleus Mundi
    • 4 Arch-Mages to defeat

You have recovered the Malleus Mundi!

The Malleus Mundi lies
within The Chantry


Circle of Thorns
Soldiers of Rularuu

Notable NPCs

You have defeated one of the four Arch-mages and recovered part of the Malleus Mundi

Parts of the book

You gather the parts of the book Malleus Mundi from the defeated Circle Arch-Mage. Once you have all four pieces, it should be enough to re-make the Malleus Mundi.

Malleus Mundi - Remade!

Before your eyes the separate sections of the Malleus Mundi re-formed themselves into a single book that ripples with eldritch power.


At long last, the Malleus Mundi. Now, we can begin the final stage of my greatest project. There are just a few things I must do first. And you, my loyal Character, you shall be the means by which I will set the last pieces in motion. You, my trusted ally, will be the key for this coming ultimate victory.

Steal Ghost Widow's remains from Arachnos.


In these moments before the final act of my great project begins, I must have everything in its proper place. Part of this is to arrange rewards for my allies without arousing the suspicion of my enemies. The ally who has been second only to you in aiding me is the lovely Ghost Widow, and I think I know how I can reward her. Within the pages of the Malleus Mundi I think I have found a way to restore her to life! But to accomplish this, I will need her remains. These remains are valuable relics, held by Arachnos to ensure that they are not used against her and against Arachnos. By the power of the Malleus Mundi, I have done what no other could, and found their location. Now, I must send a trustworthy agent to retrieve them. And I know of none better for this task than you.

  • Steal Ghost Widow's remains from Arachnos

You will be fighting Arachnos forces for this, and I fear that you must not allow any word to get out. But you will have an ally. My Ice Mistral should be on the scene. I think you'll find she's become much more agreeable lately. I think I've finally gotten through to her about some matters.

Unnecessary Solicitation

Remember, you must recover Ghost Widow's remains and make sure no one will be able to tell the tale for some time.

Mission Objective(s)

This is certainly strange, but not too far outside what you've done before.

  • Defeat All foes in base
    • Find GW's Remains
    • Find Ice Mistral

You have recovered Ghost Widow's remains and dealt with any witnesses.



Notable NPCs

'I knew I could trust you'

When you met Ice Mistral again, her attitude seemed to have changed completely:

'Hey there! It's so good to be working with you again! Scirocco sent me out on another one of his important missions, but when I realized things might get kind of confrontational, I think I might have frozen up a bit.

Didn't realize I made a joke there!

So, thanks for helping me out. I really don't want to fail Scirocco. He so wants to bring Ghost Widow back to life. It's so romantic! And he does so much to teach me important things, like about honor and understanding our enemy. You know, from the way he talks sometimes, I kind of wonder if maybe it would be better if we were heroes or something. I mean, always doing the right thing and having people love you would just be so great, don't you think? Oh, man, I can't believe I just said that out loud. Look, you'll keep that last part quiet, won't you? Thanks! I knew I could trust you.'

As she continues to gush like a giddy schoolgirl, you realize that something seems very, very wrong with the young villainess.

Ghost Widow's remains

Burnt bones, a charred skull, tattered body armor, and a few wisps of hair. These few things are all that remain of Ghost Widow's body.


With these few graveyard fragments, I will be able to work a dark miracle. Soon, my Pale Light in the Darkness will live once more, will breathe once more. She will step from un-life to re-birth as the moon gives way to the sun. And I will have you to thank. Let no worries crease your brow, my friend. Within the pages of the Malleus Mundi, I am certain I can find reward enough for even you.

Speak to Daos, then get the stolen pages of the Malleus Mundi from Malaise


We have suffered a serious setback, my ally! All is almost ready, when some of my loyal Mu Mystics were overcome while transporting the Malleus Mundi to the site of the ritual. The culprit is the renegade known as Malaise. He's been both a hero and a villain, but now works only for himself. He took but a few pages, but they are vital to my work. I must ask you to defeat Malaise and get back these missing pages so that I can complete my great task. Malaise is powerful, I would advise you to take allies with you. Oh, and you'll have to speak to Arbiter Daos first. He asked that I send whoever I choose to challenge the renegade to speak with him first so that he can brief them.

  • Speak to Daos, then get the stolen pages of the Malleus Mundi from Malaise

The briefing by Arbiter Daos may be more perilous than the battle with Malaise. Daos must not be allowed to even suspect your complicity in the theft of Ghost Widow's remains. If I did not know I could trust you, my loyal ally, I would be gravely concerned. But Daos cannot know anything, otherwise, you'd surely be dead.

After you've spoken with Daos, defeat Malaise and return the stolen pages to me. Then all will be ready for the final phase.

Speak with Arbiter Daos

Unnecessary Solicitation

Arbiter Daos must remain ignorant, so be careful with your words. After you've spoken with Daos, defeat Malaise and return with the stolen pages to me. Then we will be ready for the final phase.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Speak with Arbiter Daos


I've been waiting for you. Your presence tells me that Scirocco doesn't suspect how much I know. That's good. First of all, I know you were a part of the team that took Ghost Widow's remains. She's as close to upset as she can be about that. I don't think she suspects Scirocco, or why he'd want them. Oh, and you were working with Ice Mistral, weren't you? Did you notice the change in her? It's hard not to. Something unusual has happened to turn that promising young villainess into a near-hero. I don't like it. And I think worse may be on the way for anyone Scirocco feels deserves it. My instincts tell me I should activate you to stop this all immediately, but I still don't know just what Scirocco's plan really is. So we'll have to wait. I want you to get him whatever he wants, but to be ready. I may call on you at any time to stop Scirocco and ruin whatever he's planning. Assuming that it even can be stopped.

Before you go, a warning on Malaise: he's a real head-case. He thinks of himself as an artist, but he's a classic self-centered type at his core. He was briefly under the control of Sister Psyche, but rebelled and went back to his old ways. I don't know why he'd want the Malleus Mundi, though. Whatever the reason is, it might shed some light on Scirocco's final goals as well, so pay attention to anything he says.

Defeat Malaise

Unnecessary Solicitation I trust you revealed nothing to Daos? He's wily and no doubt jealous of my great work. Now, onward to defeat Malaise and recover the missing pages.

Mission Objective(s)

Malaise is trying to lay low among the Carnival in an old office. That won't protect him from you.

  • Defeat Malaise
    • Defeat Malaise

You recovered the stolen pages.


Carnival of Shadows

Notable NPCs

Pages of the Malleus

These are pages torn from the Malleus Mundi. The air itself ripples around the pages, and the ink upon it glows with an inner light.

'To change the world'

As you took the stolen pages of the Malleus Mundi from him, Malaise told you what he'd planned to do with them:

'I learned about the book and knew I had to have it. I was going to bring my vision to everyone! I was going to change the world. To re-imagine it. To challenge the entirety of creation with their own inner demons. The book could do that. It's written in the language used to make the world. And who better to understand the words of creation than an artist like myself? It takes a true poet to speak a new world into being. And a true artist's vision to imagine changing the old world into a new one with a few simple words.'


Now, at long last, it is ready. Look around at this old world. Soon, it will all change. Oh, I assure you, you'll be quite surprised at the end.

You truly are remarkable. I am glad that I can call upon you, my trusted friend.

Speak with Arbiter Daos


The time has come for my greatest work to be complete. I will change the very balance of the world. I must go to the ritual site and prepare it. I wish I could have you at my side, but I have a much more dangerous task that only you can accomplish. I suspect that Arbiter Daos has learned more of my work that I would have liked. I want you to speak with Arbiter Daos, and if he's learned too much, I must ask that you remove him before he can attempt to stop me. Do not worry about the repercussions. Arachnos will be a very different place when I am done, and all old misdeeds will be washed away forever. But he is still a dangerous man. I'd suggest you gather up forces to aid you against whatever you may face.

  • Speak with Arbiter Daos

The whole world will be different soon, and I will guarantee you a place in it. Many things will be different. Many things will be better. And the problems of the world before will all be over. But first, you must ascertain how much Daos knows. Any interference at this stage could be disastrous. Once you've dealt with Daos, seek out Ice Mistral. She'll be able to tell you where to find me when the time comes.

Speak with Arbiter Daos

Unnecessary Solicitation

You must ascertain how much Daos knows. Any interference at this stage could be disastrous. Once you've dealt with Daos, seek out Ice Mistral. She'll be able to tell you where to find me when the time comes.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Speak with Daos


I am very glad you came. I now know Scirocco's plan. It's about the balance of good and evil in the world. We had always known Scirocco was uneasy with being a villain. He's long considered himself to be under a curse of some kind related to stealing the artifacts that grant his considerable power. He tried to cast himself as a freedom fighter for years. We had thought perhaps he wanted the Malleus to try and remove this curse he believes he's under. That would be fine. Tempting and corrupting him after that would have finally broken down his last barriers of morality. But we were wrong.

Malaise revealed a great deal before escaping his interrogation. If we'd had any real idea of the book's power, we would have left it in a vault safe from all access. And now he's going to use it. I believe that he is going to change the world. He's going to use the Malleus Mundi to destroy or mentally re-program every villain in the world! We'll all either be annihilated out-right, or at best end up like Ice Mistral. We believe he also plans to spare Ghost Widow by restoring her life, and thus giving her a new balance. But the rest of us will suffer his judgement.

Scirocco must be stopped. You must first locate him. You say Ice Mistral knows his location? She won't give that up freely. Get that location from her by any means necessary. It may be someplace... Strange. You're authorized to use any means to reach it. Once you know his location, you are also authorized to use any degree of force necessary to stop Scirocco in this plan. Go, knowing that Lord Recluse watches you, and approves your actions.

Defeat Ice Mistral

Unnecessary Solicitation

I am glad to know that Arbiter Daos suspects nothing. Speak with Ice Mistral she can tell you where to find me when the time comes.

Mission Objective(s)

You have a pretty good idea of just how powerful Ice Mistral is from fighting beside her. This probably won't be easy.

  • Defeat Ice Mistral
    • Defeat Ice Mistral

Mistral had the location of Scirocco's ritual on her.



Notable NPCs

The Ritual Site

This map, taken from Ice Mistral after you defeated her, shows the location of Scirocco's ritual. What you had not expected is that the ritual is not in the physical world! Instead, it's being conducting in a location of the Spirit World called the Crossroads of Destiny. There are, however, notes on how to get there using a portal.

Stop rituals to draw out Scirocco

Unnecessary Solicitation

Are you mad? Do not trouble me with these trifles! I'm going to remake the world! Very soon your problems will no longer exist!

Mission Objective(s)

If you don't stop Scirocco, it's the end for every villain in the Rogue Isles, if not the entire world.

  • Stop rituals to draw out Scirocco
    • Stop the First Ritual
    • Stop the Second Ritual
    • Stop the Third Ritual
    • Stop the Last Ritual
    • Defeat Scirocco

With Scirocco's defeat and the disappearance of the Malleus Mundi, the ceremony has failed. The world is safe for villainy once more.


After each ritual is stopped, there will be ambushes by Arachnos forces. After you stop the final ritual, Ice Mistral will ambush you. She will appear again if you have already defeated her on the map.



Notable NPCs

  • 4 Ritual Incanters (Arachnos Crab Spider, Boss)
  • Ice Mistral (Archvillain)
  • Scirocco (Archvillain)

The Malleus disappears

After you defeated Scirocco, you tried to take hold of the Malleus Mundi for yourself. But the book faded and disappeared to someplace beyond the world as you know it. Perhaps it traveled to the perfect world Scirocco dreamed of. Or maybe it will return one day to fuel some one else's mad schemes.

Debrief with Arbiter Daos

Unnecessary Solicitation

My plans are in ruins because of you. I await my sentence from Arbiter Daos. Speak with him. Tell him only the truth. I will accept judgment for my failure.


And that wraps up that. Scirocco's plan has been defeated, and I believe that this resounding defeat at your hands may have finally broken the more rebellious aspects of his spirit. You stopped the ritual before Ghost Widow could be returned to life, which my Lord Recluse judges to be a good thing. As a ghost, her loyalty is guaranteed, far more than were she mortal again. We have top experts hard at work undoing the damage done to Ice Mistral's mind. She should be her old self again soon. And while it is unforunate that the Malleus Mundi appears to have removed itself from this plane of existance, my Lord Recluse feels that it may be for the best. No blame falls on you. Quite the opposite, in fact. You have done excellent work.

My Lord Recluse has judged the case, and come to a decision. Scirocco will not suffer a demotion or imprisonment, as my Lord is impressed that he got so far into his plan. Instead, Lord Recluse made a change. Technically, Scirocco will no longer be your Patron. From this point forward, you may consider him your equal. You have finally reached the pinnacle we had hoped, and are ready for the part you were prophesied to play in Operation: DESTINY. Be ready, for Arachnos will call on you and your power soon.


It is said that irony is the true guiding hand of fate, and what we call destiny is the cruel humor playing out its joke on the world. I am defeated, and you have defeated me, and it is all because I believed like a fool that I could trust you. I shall not make that mistake again, but I must say that I respect you. Right or wrong, it was difficult to do all that you did. A single lie is easily told, but to maintain a lie is difficult. And to defeat me, that is harder still. We are no longer Patron and subject, but equals, at best. Where once I was your master, now I am your servant.

The only thing that spares my life is that I nearly succeeded. Irony again plays the strings of fate. Lord Recluse believes my near success only proves my power, and my defeat proves to me that I am still under control. The last light of hope is gone from me, save for the cold glow of my Pale Light in the Darkness. I will aid you, as I am ordered, and I shall help you, as I am ordered, and I shall never be free from the evils I have done.

The Spirit City of Hequat (45-50)

Merit Rewards: This activity awards 10 Reward Merits.


Souvenir: The Spirit City of Hequat

This regal headdress doesn't feel like it's a part of this world, and that's no surprise considering that it once belonged to the Goddess Hequat, the ancient deity of the Mu civilization. You took it from her when you defeated her in her own place of power, a place you remember as:

The Spirit City of Hequat

With Operation: DESTINY about to begin, you found yourself working with Scirocco once more. Surprisingly, he seemed more resigned at this than angry at you. Whatever his personal feelings, Scirocco sent you on the first part of the operation with minimal trouble. Lord Recluse needed to know more about portals for Operation: DESTINY, and your part was to acquire knowledge of magical portals. Your first target was a Circle of Thorns archivist named 'Vortigur', who was currently cavorting with the Carnival of Shadows. You busted up the party, and Vortigur didn't even put up a fight when you nabbed him.

Vortigur talked easily enough, but what he said was worth the trouble. It seems that in his research, he had run across records of a secret Circle of Thorns portal project conducted back in the Mu/Oranbega war over 14,000 years ago. Vortigur had even talked to one of the chief researchers, a wizard known as Eukrisal. Eukrisal was trying to find all of his notes, and right now was searching out some old documents underneath Thorn Isle. When you caught Eukrisal in the ruins, he didn't resist either. If anything, he was more than happy to have a chance to work on portal technology again, and was all too eager to leave his Circle Comrades behind.

Eukrisal's information was good. Following his advice, you spoke to the one person who could tell you the location of the ancient portal known as 'The Toer', a portal to the spirit world that the ancient Oranbegans had tried to build to reach their own long forgotten god in the last days of their war against the Mu. The Mu had captured the portal and sealed it away in hidden vaults, but Eukrisal told you that Diviner Maros would be able to tell you where to find the Vaults of Mu. Maros' directions led you deep beneath Sharkhead Island, and into the vaults of the Mu, but two enemy forces were already locked in battle: the Circle of Thorns and a group of Mu Mystics! You got through them and unsealed the vault, only to find that the portal was still active when it began to summon ghostly Mu Mystics! You had to destroy the portal, but there were still enough pieces and information for Arachnos and for Operation: DESTINY.

With the portal in Arachnos custody, it looked like things were wrapping up, but then you received word about new discoveries from Mu Mystics. Scirocco suspected a trap, and sent you in to deal with it. You took out the leader and discovered that a group of Mu Mystics had returned to the worship of the ancient Mu Goddess Hequat, and intended to use the portal for Operation: DESTINY to return her to the world!

With their treachery revealed, the traitors within the Mu Mystics had taken action and kidnapped Eukrisal to force his aid. You questioned Magus Mu'Drakhan, who told you where you could find the traitors. Once there, you were able to recover Eukrisal and put down the last of the Mu Mystics. But more importantly, you discovered that there was still a link between the ancient Oranbegan portal and the spirit world of the Mu Goddess, Hequat. If that link link wasn't severed, then when the DESTINY portal was fully active, it could serve as a conduit to bring Hequat to the modern world!

The Goddess Hequat was certain to interfere in Operation: DESTINY in the future, and might even be able to return through the DESTINY portal. There was only one solution in front of you. You entered the DESTINY portal and journeyed to a place outside of the physical world, the fabled Spirit City of Hequat. Once there you encountered her legions of lost Mu souls she had drawn, and finally found the ancient goddess of the Mu. Within the halls of the spirit city, you defeated her, putting an end to her interference in Operation: DESTINY and your future. For as Scirocco told you on your return, Operation: DESTINY was about your destiny, and the destiny of Arachnos.

Capture Circle Librarian


And now we meet once more. I had thought to receive a harsh punishment for my attempted betrayal, and it would appear that you are it. Lord Recluse believes taht the fight is out of me, and I fear that he is right. I sought to fix all that I had done, and my only failure was in placing too much trust in those beneath me. Now my punishment is to have the one who was once my betrayer as my ally, partner, and equal. So be it. There is nothing left of me to destroy.

But for now, we have a mission. Lord Recluse is nearing the end of his greatest work, Operation: DESTINY, and to accomplish it he needs certain secrets about the making of portals, the likes of which are known to few. One group who knows of such things is the Circle of Thorns. Our first task is to find where such knowledge might be held. The Fortunatas have found us a Circle Librarian who is too attached to his mortal body. He cavorts among the Carnival of Shadows, enjoying the pleasures he was denied over his long years of unlife. There we can catch him, and force from him what we wish to know.

Mission Acceptance

The party is in St.Martial. The Librarian's name is Vortigur. Find him, kidnap him, bring him back. His powers are meager, but his knowledge is great. The threat will come from the Carnival entertainers who will do doubt seek to drag you down.

Unnecessary Solicitation

needs data

Mission Objective(s)

This looks like quite an interesting party. Too bad the citizens start panicking the moment you show up

  • Capture Circle Librarian
    • Kidnap Vortigur

You captured Vortigur the Librarian.

Editor's Note:

You must lead Librarian Vortigur out of mission to complete the mission.


Carnival of Shadows

Notable NPCs


You do your work well, as always. I am certain that Vortigur will surrender his secrets in time. No one can resist. Why bother? All is meaningless, in the end.

Capture Eukrisal & research


Vortigur was remarkably callow. We had only to threaten him with imprisonment in one of the spirit traps filled with Red Hands and he talked at length. In his archiving, he met one of the original researchers from the Circle of Thorns' most advanced portal projects, something called 'The Tower'. That Circle wizard is called Eukrisal. He has taken on a new body, and even now works to collect all his old notes. Vortigur told us where he was working on this project in the ruins beneath Thorn Isle. It will be up to you to capture him.

Mission Acceptance

Very well. I'll give you the location we extracted from Vortigur. You are to find and capture both Eukrisal and his research. I would bid you good hunting, but we both know it would be false.

Unnecessary Solicitation

needs data

Mission Objective(s)

These ancient ruins of Mu are now the abode of their one-time enemies, the Circle of Thorns

  • Capture Eukrisal & research
    • Locate Research
    • Kidnap Eukrisal
Editor's Note:

You must escort Eukrisal to mission exit to complete mission.

You caught Eukrisal and gathered the research.


Circle of Thorns

Notable NPCs

Eukrisal's notes

These notes are written in the ancient language of Oranbega, but it clearly concern theories about creating gateways to other places, times, and realities.

We called it 'The Tower'

Eukrisal didn't resist capture at all. In fact, he seemed eager to help:

'I am actually quite glad you sought me out. I was one of the original researchers on our great portal to the heavens. We called it 'The Tower', and we made it during our great war, over 14,000 years ago. Then, we planned to use it to reach the heavens themselves, and contact our long-lost god, Ermeeth. But the Mu had learned of our great portal, and interfered. The resulting mayhem slew many of us, and drove others, such as my colleague Maros, mad. They took part of the portal in our world with them, and it was lost in the destruction of Mu. I have wanted to try again for so long, to prove that I was right, that I am more than willing to help anyone with the determination to build a new portal into the heavens!

Which reminds me. Maros told me something once that had not made sense until now. During one of his lucid periods, he said that one of the dark champions of the wind spider would come for me, and that I would go willingly, and I would tell the champion to speak with Maros on the Island of the Shark's head. Maybe you should.


This Eukrisal is an interesting character. He seems more concerned with proving his theories correct than his loyalty to the Circle of Thorns. Advantageous for Lord Recluse's plans, I suppose. He has already told us much, and with his assistance Operation: DESTINY may soon be fulfilled. For better or worse.

Speak with Diviner Maros, Raid the Vaults of Mu

Speak with Diviner Maros


I have spoken with Eukrisal, the Circle researcher you captured. He tells me that we need to find the portal the Circle built at the height of their ancient war. The knowledge we can gain from it will allow Operation: DESTINY to proceed. However, the portal was captured by the ancient Mu, and thought lost after the war. Eukrisal tells me that while he does not know its location, the Circle iconoclast Diviner Maros may. Speak with Maros, and then act on his words. Salvage what you can of the ancient Oranbegan portal to the beyond.

Mission Acceptance

Speak with Maros. He can be found on Sharkhead Isle. I have a suspicion that he is expecting you.

Unnecessary Solicitation

needs data

Mission Objective(s)

  • Speak with Diviner Maros


Ah, at last you return. Or is this the first time we've met in this particular sequence of events? It's difficult for me to separate out what has happened from what could have happened, now that we are so close to the end.

Oh, not necessarily the end of you. That depends on what you do. Right now, you're looking for the Earth-bound half of The Tower, the great gateway I once worked with Eukrisal and the others to build, back when we had our old bodies, back 14,000 years ago. When the backlash of our hubris fell upon us, I suffered worse than those who were merely killed. My mind was split across every moment between then, and...

Well, very soon. As we tried to recover, the Mu captured our gateway, and hid it, and sealed it away in their deepest vaults. I do not know where it is now, but I will know where it is in the future and when I learn it's location, I will be quite surprised. That is, until I remember that you know the location because I will remember where you found it in the future so that I can tell you Know where to go. I will tell you where to find the Earthly half of our great project, deep within the lost vaults of the Mu.

Existing at all points of time across 14 millennia is difficult. I hope that you find the Tower, and build your new gateway, and reach your point of destiny. I cannot wait for the day when I can live one moment at a time.

Raid the Vaults of Mu

Unnecessary Solicitation

I see. I do not care what you encounter in those vaults. We can deal with those repercussions later. For the moment, your greater concern is to recover as much of the ancient portal as possible. Enter these 'Vaults of Mu' and retrieve it!

Mission Objective(s)

This is it. The fabled Vaults of Mu.

  • Raid the Vaults of Mu
    • Break into Vault
    • Seal Gateway by force

You conquered the vaults of the Mu and sealed the portal for recovery


Circle of Thorns


Even now, Arachnos researchers are combing through the Vaults of Mu, gleaning all the knowledge there they can. However, thre was no trace of the rebellious Mu Mystics you fought. Either they had allies to help them evacuate once they realized their cause was lost, or there is a stranger explanation. This must be investigated, and the time it will take Eukrisal to help get the DESTINY Portal ready will give us time to do so.

Investigate Mu trap


I have word that one of my Mu Mystics thinks he might have uncovered a valuable secret about the Gateway you recently captured. However, I do not believe him. I think he is lying, and I think this is a trap. Thanks to you, I have learned not to be as trusting as I once was, and after you reported fighting hostile Mu Mystics in the Vaults of Mu, I became suspicious. I asked Ghost Widow to have one of her Fortunatas investigate, but the agent ceased responding. Now I want you to seek the truth of this. And if you are attacked, strike back without mercy. This much, I have learned from you.

Mission Acceptance

If you can find Ghost Widow's Fortunata alive, then that is good. But the real goal is to find the base leader and force the truth from him. I know you excel at ruthless matters, so I leave it in your hands. They seem more interested in your demise than anything, so it would be in your best interest, I think.

Unnecessary Solicitation

Finding the Fortunata would be nice, but is not necessary. The real goal is to extract the truth from their leader.

Mission Objective(s)

This place feels charged with malice

  • Investigate Mu trap
    • Find Mu Leader

You defeated the Mu Leader



Rantings of a madman

The Mu Leader had some odd words when he spoke to you:

'There are many things you cannot understand. Too many of the Mu have lost their way and remain loyal to Arachnos, but once She walks the world again, all will change. The path of the Mu is the path of denial of the worthless self, denial of all that would blind us to our service to our Goddess. She who shaped us, She who taught us, She who must be obeyed! Lord Recluse was a fool to think he could control the blood of Mu for his own ends, and Scirocco was even more a fool to think he could send the path to the Goddess to Arachnos' technicians to pick apart. The true powers of Mu will soon be unleashed!


I do not like the sound of any of this. I will not take this mutiny lightly. And if their threats of returning their goddess have any basis, we must act swiftly to stop them. The gateway to the beyond is a vital part of Operation: DESTINY, and DESTINY shall neither be denied nor interfered with.

Get info from Mu'Drakhan, Punish the Mu Traitors

Get info from Mu'Drakhan


Now that the treachery within the ranks of the Mu Mystics has come to light, the traitors have taken action. They have abducted Eukrisal, and gone underground. Though the traitor's numbers are smaller than I had feared, their abduction of Eukrisal and their aims still make them a significant threat. Worse, they have used their magic to cloak their location. This upsets me greatly, and may have dire consequences for Operation: DESTINY unless it is stopped. We must find those renegade mystics or this will be on both of our heads. I think a good place to start might be to question Magus Mu'Drakhan in the Nerva Archipelago. He holds a high rank among the Mu mystics of Arachnos, and is smart enough to know that he should tell anything he knows. Take action once you have spoken with him.

Mission Acceptance

Once you have the information from Mu'Drakhan, act without delay. Free Eukrisal, and defeat the leaders of this rebellion.

Unnecessary Solicitation

needs data

Mission Objective(s)

  • Get info from Mu'Drakhan


Ah. When I heard of the excessive enthusiasms of some Mu mystics had led them down a path to ruin, I knew it would not be long before Scirocco sent you to speak with me. Now, while it is true that I am held in a high position amongst my people, I had nothing to do with this regrettable incident. Though I understand the traitors' longing for the return of our Goddess, as would any who have embraced their Mu ancestry, I am not so foolish as to get involved in their plan. However, I do know where they have gone to ground. I am also not so foolish to hide that information from you. I will tell you where to go.

Punish the Mu traitors

Unnecessary Solicitation

needs data

Mission Objective(s)

Down below the revelry of St. Martial, the traitors will meet their fate.

  • Punish the Mu Traitors
    • Find Eukrisal
    • 4 Traitor leaders

You rescued Eukrisal, defeated the traitors, and discovered their aims.



Notable NPCs

A tome of Mu lore

This notebook was recently compiled and contains a great deal of translations, sketches, and transcriptions of Mu lore about using portals to travel between the world of the living and the world of spirits. It looks like the Mu traitors were planning to hijack the DESTINY Portal to travel to someplace they called 'The Spirit City of Hequat', where they believe the ancient goddess of the Mu is waiting for them.


Eukrisal stopped for a few words before he ran for safety:

'The Mu had a lot of questions, and gave away many answers that had troubled me for all these eons. I now know why our attempt to reach our god failed, and why your Operation: DESTINY will fail, as well. The Mu found a way to splice into our portal-stream, and connected our portal to reach the spirit world of our long-forgotten faith with a conduit to the spirit world of their goddess, Hequat. And that link still exists! If Arachnos tried to activate the DESTINY portal, there's a good chance the Mu Goddess could manifest here and now in the Rogue Isles.

I can't wait to tell Maros. But then, he probably knows already.'


So this is the reason, then? The Mu rebels wanted to bring about the resurrection of their goddess, and sought solace in her arms. That was to be the goal of their betrayal, but what set them down that path? Was it love? Belief? Devotion? No, it was simple childish longing. Longing for a stern rule, longing for a great heritage, longing for a mother's embrace. I rebelled against Arachnos to reclaim my honor, and I failed. You betrayed me for survival and personal gain, and you succeeded brilliantly. Now it is time that the Mu learned the same harsh lessons.

Defeat the goddess Hequat


I have studied the information you have recovered, and have come up with a plan. If the Mu rebels were right and their goddess Hequat still lives, then she will be able to interfere with the DESTINY Portal. And what's more, her continued existence may interfere with the Mu Mystics in the future, dividing their loyalties. But she is likely weak, and still confined to her realm. It might be possible to deal with her before she can truly become a threat. And that is where you come in. I think it goes without saying that you will need as many cronies as you can muster to take on a goddess, even a weakened one.

Mission Acceptance

The DESTINY portal has been readied using the information you recovered from the Mu and Eukrisal's knowledge. Now, it should be able to send you not to another time or place, but to another world: the spirit world where Hequat resides. There, you are to break through any seals in your way, find Hequat, and defeat her. This should dissipate her power for the foreseeable future.

Unnecessary Solicitation

Travel through the DESTINY Portal, and there find your fate. Return once the Goddess is no more.

Mission Objective(s)

You step through the portal and emerge in a place beyond the physical world: The Spirit City of Hequat.

  • Defeat the goddess Hequat
    • Destroy the barrier
    • Defeat the Goddess Hequat

You have defeated the Goddess Hequat



Notable NPCs


The Mu rebellion is over. They can all feel that their Goddess is no more. From what I know of these things, it is likely not a permanent destruction. She will probably reform, given time and the silent prayers of a few Mu mystics. But she will not be able to interfere with Operation: DESTINY, and with your future. That's right. I have before mentioned Operation: DESTINY. It is time you learned that it is your destiny of which we speak.

Time after Time (45-50)

Merit Rewards: This activity awards 10 Reward Merits.


Souvenir: Lord Recluse's Helmet

As you hold this battered metal helmet, questions come to your mind. When did it all begin, and when did it end? It's difficult to say, now. In your rise to the pinnacle of villainy, you've done and seen some amazing things. From the moment you broke out of Zigursky Penitentiary to the ruined future you may have averted, even if it was to save your own life. But perhaps nothing will ever eclipse the moment this helmet commemorates, the moment when you fought and defeated Lord Recluse himself after a strange series of events you remember as:

Time after Time

The time had finally come to begin Operation: DESTINY, and Scirocco told you that you would be the central figure of it. Some time ago, Lord Recluse had found a way into a possible future where he triumphed over Statesman, but he couldn't find a way to make that future real. The Fortunatas had used their powers of foresight to tell Recluse he needed two things: First, he had to build a better time-portal, one keyed to a specific individual that could access a wider span of possibly futures. Secondly, he had to find a villain destined to rise up from nothing and become one of the most powerful villains in the world. Recluse believed you were that Villain, and that you were the Destined One who will change his fate and alter the course of history. The DESTINY portal was ready, and Lord Recluse was eager to see his destiny realized.

Unfortunately, the DESTINY Portal was stuck at a particular point in time and space, about 15 years into the future. You traveled to that strange tomorrow to find a lab in the middle of a ruined city, a lab run by Dr. Aeon! Aeon tried to kill you, but managed to escape before you could bring him down. You still got his journal and some notes on his computers, which was full of information he'd gleaned through laborious study. Information about you and your history in the Rogue Isles. Dr. Aeon had deliberately diverted you to this point in time and space, but why?

You got permission from Arbiter Daos to bring Dr. Aeon in for questioning. After you caught him, he said a lot of strange things, about how he'd been told this would all happen by Professor Echo. Echo had also told him to tell you to speak with Diviner Maros, the rogue Circle of Thorns seer. Aeon continued to babble about fate and destiny, even after you handed him over to Arachnos. However, Arbiter Daos cleared him of all charges in the attack on you. Something wasn't adding up, and the answers just might be with a mad Circle Sorcerer.

Talking to Maros was strange, but helpful. Somewhere in that tangled train wreck of non-linear thought he told you that Lord Recluse had written a journal about You, Operation: DESTINY, and other things. Maros even showed you where it could be found. You entered the facility and stole the journals, as well as the books of ciphers needed to understand them. Scirocco later told you that when those journals were stolen it set off alarms all throughout Arachnos, but he was just as curious about their content, and so sent them to be deciphered by outside specialists he knew from his days as a 'Freedom Fighter'.

Before the journals could be deciphered, you were sent through the DESTINY Portal again, to the anticipated future where Arachnos had triumphed over all. Scirocco had arranged for someone to meet you then, and suggested you find Dr. Aeon as well. What you found was a world destroyed. Eukrisal still existed, and told you what had caused the end of the world. After you helped Recluse defeat Statesman and the heroes of Paragon City, the entire world was engulfed in war until all that was left were the dead, the ghosts, and a few pitiful survivors. When you found Dr. Aeon again, he escaped into the past, no doubt to begin his career as Professor Echo in a futile attempt to stop your rise to power. But he left behind another journal, this one with a theory for how this might all be stopped if you could somehow defeat Lord Recluse without causing a rift within Arachnos. And when you returned to the past, Scirocco's associates had finished deciphering the journals. Lord Recluse had known all along about what might happen, and had decided to risk the fate of the world on being able to kill you when the time came.

If Dr. Aeon was right, you could adjust the DESTINY Portal to send you to a point in a possible near future where you could battle Lord Recluse without risking a civil war in Arachnos in the present. It took some false paperwork and a few choice words, but soon it was done.

You stepped through the portal and returned to the blasted ruins of Paragon City in the future you would have been killed to make. The battle was without honor, mercy, or pity; but in the end you prevailed. Lord Recluse was defeated. You pried the helmet off his head, and returned to the present day.

Recluse understood the threat. But he was not angry. Instead, he congratulated you. He said that you had become more than a mere tool, but were now a true villain, wielding power over all and beholden to none. And when you look into dark interior of this helm, you know that he was right.

Explore 15 years in the future


It is time that we spoke of DESTINY. Some time ago, Lord Recluse found a way to reach a possible future where he had finally triumphed over Statesman and his heroes. He sought to try and find out how to make that possible future real, but the Fortunatas told him that he could not do it alone. He would need first to build a better time portal that could send an agent to other points in time; and that he would need the aid of a powerful ally, a 'Destined One' who the Fortunatas said could alter the course of history and make Recluse's Victory into reality. Now, Lord Recluse believes that you may be this 'Destined One'. The DESTINY Portal is almost ready, now that Hequat's influence has been cleared from it. And Lord Recluse wants you to use it.

Mission Acceptance

The DESTINY Portal is active now, but has become stuck at a point about 15 years in the future. We cannot determine why. Your first mission will be to investigate that point in the future, and try to find why the portal is stuck there.

Unnecessary Solicitation

The future of Arachnos is depending on you. You must unlock the portal.

Mission Objective(s)

This is 15 years into the future? What is going on here?

  • Explore 15 years in the future
    • Un-lock Portal
    • Defeat Dr. Aeon

You un-locked the portal.


Rogue Arachnos

Notable NPCs

Editor's Note:

Dr Aeon? will attempt to teleport out on reaching 25% health. However, it will still count as a defeat with standard experience and infamy rewards.

Dr. Aeon, or whoever this was, had a journal on him that he dropped before he escaped.

Mad notes of Dr. Aeon

This journal is nearly incomprehensible. It's been written, then written over several times, all in the same handwriting. As far as you can tell, it's all about you, and stopping you from doing something. There are listings of nearly everything you've done since you came to the Rogue Isles, and labyrinthine notes about how it all comes together until you become the destined one. And then, a bunch of apocalyptic stuff about how the world comes to an end.

Time notes

You found these notes in a file on the computer in Dr. Aeon's lab in the ruined future. Scraps of information and bits of data have been pulled together to try and calculate the exact time that you entered the DESTINY Portal, so that Dr. Aeon could divert you to here.


What is this madness you speak of? Dr. Aeon was the one trying to stop you? This makes no sense. Lord Recluse will want to know the meaning of this, and I must confess that I am curious as well. Something very strange is happening, and I cannot yet see the truth of it.

Talk to Arbiter Daos, Catch Dr. Aeon

Talk to Arbiter Daos


A great deal of suspicion has come down upon Dr. Aeon, and I do not think it is without merit. Operation: DESTINY is too great an endeavor to be stopped now. But this must be done in the proper way, lest the revelation of Aeon's interference turns his interrogation into a witch-hunt. Therefor, I suggest that you get the support of Arbiter Daos to keep things quiet. Then, go and question Dr. Aeon by whatever means necessary.

Mission Acceptance

Once you have the word from Daos, bring in Dr. Aeon.

Unnecessary Solicitation

Go talk to Arbiter Daos

Mission Objective(s)

  • Talk to Arbiter Daos


The accusation against Dr. Aeon is dire, but not unfounded. And considering your status as the Destined One, I will agree to aid your investigation. Character, I grant you the authority to capture and question Dr. Aeon. Find out what part he had in all of this.

Catch Dr. Aeon

Unnecessary Solicitation

I have spoken to Arbiter Daos, and he has told me that your Aeon investigation has his approval.

Mission Objective(s)

Where ever Dr. Aeon may be hiding, you'll find him and get the answers you need.

  • Catch Dr. Aeon
    • Capture Dr. Aeon

You have captured and interrogated Dr. Aeon.



Notable NPCs

'I should have listened!'

After you caught him, Dr. Aeon kept ranting:

'That old fool, Professor Echo, he kept trying to tell me. He told me that this would happen, that you would be the Destined One, and what would happen after. But I didn't believe him! I didn't want to believe him! I should have listened.'

'He had something I'm supposed to tell you right now. Professor Echo said that if you spoke to someone named Diviner Maros, that Maros would tell you where to go next. Some Arachnos base or something. He said that you'd learn the truth, that you'd find out that the Destined One isn't a position of power, it's a sacrificial bull. I don't know what it means, or if I believe him, but everything else he's told me has come true. Even this. But then, if everything comes true, there's nothing anyone can do to stop it. Is that it, then? Is there really no such thing as free will?'

Aeon kept rambling after that, about fate and free will and destiny. But you learned what you needed to know.


Arbiter Daos and I have questioned Dr. Aeon. I am afraid we had to let him go. His alibi is unassailable. Most puzzling. The DESTINY Portal will remain off-line until what happened to it is resolved, but that may work to your advantage. I think that Dr. Aeon may have provided you with a few leads to investigate.

Talk to Diviner Maros, Investigate Base

Talk to Diviner Maros


Once more, you are directed to speak with Diviner Maros, the Circle of Thorns iconoclast. Eukrisal has told me more about him. He said that Maros was one of his fellow researchers on their ancient attempt to build a portal to the afterworld, pieces of which ended up in the DESTINY Portal. Perhaps it would be a good idea for you to follow on the lead you've been given, and speak with Maros about this subject.

Mission Acceptance

According to Eukrisal, Maros' mind became split across time. This allows him strange insights. Perhaps one of these insights will show you what you need to do next.

Unnecessary Solicitation

This Maros holds the key, I know it. I've heard many strange rumors of him, and I do not know if he can be trusted.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Talk to Diviner Maros


How many times have we met? How many times have I talked to you, oh 'Destined One'? It's hard to keep track, now. In this thread of time, it was on you to steal the gate to the beyond and seal away the forgotten godess, not to hold off the army of Brass nor to steal the great minds. I remember this, as I remember all the other things you might have done. And have we worked together before? I cannot separate out the history you know from all of what might have been. But I know this moment. You were sent to me by Professor Echo, who told his younger self to send you to me, just as he remembered. It's confusing, yes, but that's the problem with time travel.

Fourteen thousand years ago, we called it The Tower, but really it was a portal. We of Oranbega sought to build a gateway to the heavens to re-awaken our gods in our time of need, we could not have foreseen that it would come to this. When it failed, my mind was opened to every possible moment between then and the future you're racing towards. Soon, you will enter the portal and decide fate itself. Lord Recluse knows this. He's left his notes here, in this chain of events. I'll only learn that you found them too late, of course, and I won't be able to stop you. Not that I want to, but I am eager to see a world where I don't know what's going to happen, and would hate to see you destroy it in a war with Arachnos.

Now where did I later learn you found those notes? Ah, yes. I remember that when I learned about it, I was surprised it was on St. Martial, hidden deep within a secret base beneath the Golden Giza. It would be funny if I didn't already know what's going to happen. I'll show you where I later learned you went.

Investigate base

Unnecessary Solicitation

What an odd conversation. I shouldn't be surprised that these papers Maros spoke of are in the Giza, but I am surprised to learn that there is a base beneath it. I have long known that Lord Recluse had some hold over Johnny Sonata, but I hadn't expected something so blatant.

Mission Objective(s)

Past a few sub-levels and you found it. This is the place Maros told you about. But what could be here?

  • Investigate Base
    • 4 safes

You found the information you were looking for.



Writing in Code

These handsome handwritten books are written in some kind of code. There are dozens of them here, some in various states of translation.

Code books

These books store dozens of possible codes used for encrypting sensitive Arachnos information. There are stern warnings to never store them in the same base where important Arachnos secrets are kept. Oops.


Now this is an interesting turn of events. After you recovered those records, alarms began to sound throughout Arachnos. It seems that those journals you took belonged to Lord Recluse himself. As a loyal member of Arachnos, I should return them, but I think it would be best if the blame were to fall elsewhere. In the meantime, I will see about getting them decoded by discreet individuals I met in my days as a 'freedom fighter'. But you'll still need to be seen to keep suspicion off you. Fortunately, they're ready to try the DESTINY Portal again.

Visit the future


Operative Grillo informs me that the DESTINY Portal should be ready once more. They believe that they will be able to send you to a future past Recluse's victory. They claim that they will have great fanfare awaiting you, ready to tell you all that is needed to make that future a reality. The world after Lord Recluse's final victory is waiting for you beyond the DESTINY Portal.

Mission Acceptance

I have no idea what such a future will be like, and from the things some have said, I have cause to be suspicious. I am going to leave instructions for a messenger to meet you in that future. I would suggest you find Dr. Aeon, assuming he's still alive. Aeon is involved in this somehow, and I think perhaps his future self might be able to explain better.

Unnecessary Solicitation

I would prefer not to know what my future holds. Find Ice Mistral and Dr. Aeon. They will be able to help you.

Mission Objective(s)

You expected fanfares and parades. Not the end of the world.

  • Visit the future
    • Find Messenger
    • Find Dr. Aeon

You've learned what you needed to learn in the future.


Circle of Thorns

Notable NPCs

Eukrisal's tale

Eukrisal spun a terrible tale of the end of the world:

'Scirocco told me you'd arrive around now. It's ironic, but now we few members of the Circle are the last living things here, in our stolen bodies. Soon even those will die, and all life will pass from this world. It all went wrong shortly after Statesman fell to Lord Recluse. Recluse had tried so hard to make it happen, that he hadn't realized that many people had begun to look at you as the most poweful villain in the organization. While the heroes were divided and leaderless, Recluse tried to do away with you. I suppose this is what happens when he failed. Arachnos split. Scirocco tried to calm the fighting, and was killed by Ice Mistral. She was killed by Ghost Widow, and then chaos erupted as Arachnos fought a deadly civil war. Then the Council attempted a power play, and Nemesis moved to counter them. The heroes split into factions as they tried to handle the situation in different ways. Soon everyone was fighting. When the Rikti tried to strike, even they soon fell into a brutal civil was that still rages on their world. And now, all that's left here are the restless dead.

But there might be a way to keep this from happening. We must find Dr. Aeon. He's been trying to find a way to stop this all from happening, but I think the pressure's getting to him. Still, I am certain you can get some information from him that just might keep the world from dying.'

Dr. Aeon's map of time

This notebook contains Dr. Aeon's attempts to map out all the junctions where he could change history and keep the world from being destroyed. A lot of them are already long past, and there are very few left. However, one looks promising. According to Dr. Aeon's notes, if you were selected as the Destined One, and then you were somehow able to show Recluse that he would lose in a battle against you, he would probably halt his plans. The problem is that if you beat Lord Recluse, then Arachnos might splinter anyway, and lead to the end of the world. However, Dr. Aeon has a plan about how it could be done. If you could use the DESTINY Portal to fight Recluse in the near future and defeat him, then you could return to the present with proof that you can beat him without provoking a division within Arachnos in the present. It sounds crazy, but it just might work. Maybe keeping Aeon around really was a good idea, after all.


I had feared for this, but I had not been able to place a name to my dread. The future will die for the folly that is Operation: DESTINY. It sickens me, but not as badly as it might have. I learned what was in those journals, written by Lord Recluse himself. He knows that the future you saw was a probable outcome, but he is so certain of his own triumph that he is willing to risk the fate of the world. All he has to do is kill you once Operation: DESTINY is fulfilled. I have come to accept that I am not a good man, Character. Even my attempt at redemption was done by evil means. But I still believe that I would never be so rash, so selfish, to destroy the world just to settle a grudge. There is little friendship lost between us, you and I. But I think we can both agree that Operation: DESTINY must fail.

Talk to Naylor in Nerva, Take papers to Grillo

Talk to Naylor in Nerva


I cannot say I have complete understanding of this, but I think I understand enough. According to Dr. Aeon's notes, you must either die before Operation: DESTINY succeeds, or you must find a way to make Lord Recluse halt Operation: DESTINY. I doubt you'd be in favor of dying, and even if it were an option, I think Lord Recluse would likely seek another 'Destined One' to fill the role. But Aeon's notes hint at another path. If you fought Recluse now, it might start the war anyway. But if you were to fight Recluse in the future, then it could not cause a schism in the present. To do that, you would need to have the DESTINY Portal altered

Mission Acceptance

I don't think this will be difficult. As I am one of Lord Recluse's inner circle, and you are the Destined One, I doubt any would think it wise to question you as long as the request seemed reasonable. I have even used mystic means to copy Lord Recluse's signature from one of his journals, and placed it upon the proper paperwork. Show this first to Technician Grant Naylor on Nerva Archipelago, then once you have the necessary data from him, take that to Operative Grillo.

You take some forged paperwork and two tickets to Johnny Sonata.

Official looking papers

These papers look like official Arachnos documents requesting that all Arachnos science personnel assist you, and looks like it's been signed by Lord Recluse himself. It won't stop soldiers on the street from trying to make a name for themselves, but it should make Grant Naylor or even Operative Grillo help you.

Sonata show passes

These are two front-row seats and two backstage passes to Johnny Sonata's show at the Golden Giza. If you're a Sonata fan, they're worth more than gold.

Unnecessary Solicitation

Mr. Naylor should cooperate with the instructions in the forged papers, but just to make sure, also take these tickets to Johnny Sonata's show at the Giza. Mr. Sonata and I have an understanding, and I know that Naylor is a fan.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Talk to Naylor in Nerva


Good ta' see ya. Now that Operation: DESTINY's in full swing, nobody's tha' interested in me work no more. An' there's so much ta learn. I think the Circle might have tried some really crazy experiments with these portals years and years back. Might have tried to reach the other side, if ya know what I mean. Anyway, what's on yer mind?

Re-adjust the DESTINY Portal? I dunno. I mean, I been tellin' Grillo that he needs ta test that thing more, but just because I don't 'ave his fancy degrees, he never wants to listen to me. And I cann see ya' got tha right paperwork an' all, but a last minute change like this?

Ticket's fer Johnny Sonata! Well, just wait a second and I'll write up what ya want, and how ta do it for ya for sure!

Naylor's changes

This short scientific paper details how to alter the DESTINY Portal to send it to the exact point in time when Recluse achieves his moment of triumph. The paper argues that since this is for calibration, but you know that it would also be the perfect moment to strike.

Take papers to Grillo

Unnecessary Solicitation

Grillo is one of the leading minds of Arachnos' science division. It's not really my area of expertise, but I can understand how useful he's been.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Take papers to Grillo


Ah, Destined One, the portal isn't ready for the next test, but it will be soon. What's this?

Re-alignment test? Well, the idea does have merit, even if it is from Naylor. Well, you do have all the authorization, and that is Lord Recluse's signature. Very well, I'll have the next test altered. It should give us some important data, at least.


I see that all has gone well. Excellent. Soon Lord Recluse will learn that betrayals have a bitter cost, and even his power has its limits.

Defeat Recluse in the Future, Show Recluse your prize

Defeat Recluse in the future


Oh, Villain, oh 'Destined One'. How hollow your titles must sound to you now. There is not much more to say between us, is there? You have risen from nothing, a prisoner and an outcast. You have fought and battled and risen to the heights of power. You have fought with me, and foiled me, and destroyed all hope I had for redemption. And now, in your own quest for self-preservation, you have become the implement of my revenge against Lord Recluse for what he has turned me into. Gather your cronies and allies about you. You will need them to have chance at all to defeat Lord Recluse himself at his moment of triumph in a future you will ensure can never happen.

Mission Acceptance

Didn't you wonder why I was helping you? I have Ghost Widow's ear, and had learned from her what her Fortunatas had told of the Destined One's fate. I thought little of it, for I had my own plans, of course. But after I failed, I realized that there was still a chance for revenge. A revenge linked to your survival. This brought your future and my vengeance into alignment against Lord Recluse. And he will never see it coming, for he thought me a beaten dog, not a patient wolf. And you, Character, will not be his sacrificial bull. Defeat Recluse. Take his helmet as a trophy, and show him that he cannot win against you. Show him that his destiny will never come to pass!

Unnecessary Solicitation

The Destiny Portal is already prepared. All you must do is go through it, fight past the Arachnos troops, who will probably have orders to kill you, and then defeat Lord Recluse himself.

Mission Objective(s)

This is it. If you defeat Lord Recluse here, at his moment of triumph, you can break the cycle of doom. Recluse may have sought you out as one of his Destined Ones, but this moment is your Operation: DESTINY.

  • Defeat Recluse in the Future
    • Defeat Lord Recluse

You have defeated Lord Recluse.

Upon Exit of Mission

It's over. Time to show Lord Recluse your prize.



Notable NPCs

Lord Recluse's helmet

Dented, scarred, and ripped off the head of a defeated Lord Recluse, this is both a trophy and a warning.

Show Recluse your prize

Unnecessary Solicitation

Excellent work, oh 'Destined One'! You should probably show your trophy to Recluse to ensure the proper reaction.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Show Recluse your prize


That is mine, is it not? I understand your message. The Fortunatas warned me that your growing power might become inconvenient for my plans. And perhaps, one day we will clash for real, in a true final battle. But for the moment, you have earned some measure of my respect. You have grown in strength, you have grown in power, and you would challenge even me to battle without fear. I will no longer attempt to use you for Operation: DESTINY. You have grown beyond a mere tool. No, in you I have created something more. Through your long struggle you have become a true villain, wielding power over all and beholden to none. Go now, and work your terrors upon the Earth!


Is there anything else for me to say? We are done, you and I. You have ruined my redemption to advance yourself, and I have used you to get my vengeance against Recluse. We have used each other. Now, I must do what I can to fortify my position within Arachnos, and perhaps start my work on showing Ice Mistral a better path again. And explore some new theories Ghost Widow and I have about returning her body. And return those journals you stole. Well, I have much to do, and I don't think we could trust each other enough to work on any of my projects again. But I think you have much to do as well. For someone of your power, the future is very open. Go, see it, and do not let anyone hold you back.


  • Completing this patron story arc will award the Usurper Badge for the mission holder.

You have claimed victory over the master of villainy himself, Lord Recluse!

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