Tina Macintyre/Flashback
This article is about the earlier implementation of Tina Macintyre's missions and story arc. For current versions, see Tina Macintyre.
With the release of Going Rogue, the developers significantly revised Tina Macintyre's story arc and missions to better mesh with the new Praetorian content introduced into the game. The new content is shown on her page (Tina Macintyre). This page lists her missions and story arcs from before those changes were made.
Story Arc
The Praetorian War
Merit Rewards: This activity awards 43 Reward Merits.
Souvenir: Blue Clockwork piece
You've kept this piece of Anti-Matter's strange, functional blue Clockwork robots as a reminder of the time you put an end to:
The Praetorian War
It began when Tina Macintyre informed you of some strange activity at a Portal Corporation lab. You investigated, and learned that some blue Clockwork robots had used a portal to break into the lab. You beat them off, but it wasn't over. Portals had opened into labs all over Peregrine Island. Despite your valiant efforts, the Clockwork made off with the theorem behind Portal Corporation's technology.
While Portal technicians tried to trace the source of the raid, you journeyed to another dimension to check out a temporal disturbance. You found the people there driven mad by an intense time acceleration. You destroyed the time accelerating devices and learned that they had been planted by some strange Clockwork robots.
The scientists completed their analysis and traced the portals to an orbital lab in a dimensional called Upsilon Beta 9-6. You went to the lab and discovered that the raids had been ordered by a villain named Anti-Matter who resembled Positron in almost every detail.
Portal Corporation's files detailed a world inhabited entirely by Clockwork. You went to Clockwork Earth to see whether Anti-Matter was drawing his troops from there. But no connection could be made between the psychic Clockwork of Clockwork Earth and Anti-Matter's radioactive robot troops.
The clockwork's origins remained a mystery, but there whereabouts did not. Tina Macintyre informed you that a squad of blue Clockwork were duking it out with the Carnival in a Paragon City neighborhood. You defeated both groups and prevented any civilian casualties.
You went to a Carnival hideout and learned that the battle had been a case of mistaken identity. Anti-Matter's Clockwork had mistaken the Carnival of Shadows for the Carnival of Light, a group of freedom fighters from Anti-Matter's world.
You had no new leads on Anti-Matter's plans, so you went back to the source: Anti-Matter's orbital lab. You battled through the blue Clockwork and faced Anti-Matter himself, though the villain retreated before you could finish the battle. You also learned that Anti-Matter was getting closer to stealth portal technology, which would enable him to enter Paragon City without being detected by Portal Corporation.
You received a call for help from Dr. Calvin, a scientist on the world you saved from accelerated time. It seemed that the strange Clockwork were back, and they were trying to repair their devices. You saved the world once more, and learned that the Clockwork that threatened it were silver, not blue. Perhaps they belonged to another army.
Portal Corporation traced the silver Clockwork back to their dimension of origin, and you went to check out their lab. There you found that they were trying to speed up time on Dr. Calvin's dimension in order to provide a haven for their master, Neuron. Neuron's super speed powers made him felt uncomfortable in his own world's normal time.
Your investigation was derailed when an immediate threat demanded your attention. Cat-like people had been spotted in a Paragon City office park. You dealt with the villains, and learned that they for working for neuron. They were trying to assess the success of Anti-Matter's invasion plans.
It seemed obvious that Neuron and Anti-Matter were bitter rivals. Tina Macintyre did some checking, and confirmed both villains came from the same dimension. She sent you to Upsilon Beta 9-6, newly christened, 'Praetorian Earth,' and asked you to plant some dimensional scanners. These would be a safeguard against Anti-Matter's stealth portal technology. Even if Anti-Matter managed to perfect his tech, Portal Corporation would be alerted to any portal opened between the two worlds. In order to complete your mission, you had to fight a battalion of dog-like men. Despite a time crunch imposed by Portal Corporation, the scanners were planted.
And not a moment too soon! Shortly after you returned to your world, the scanners went off. A massive Praetorian force had teleported into a lab in Paragon City. You went to the lab, where you found Neuron battling Anti-Matter's forces. It seemed that Anti-Matter had maintained a secret base in Paragon City for some months. You stopped the chaos and defeated both villains. Unfortunately, Neuron and Anti-Matter had one more trick up their sleeves: they were able to open a portal to return themselves to Praetorian Earth. Who knows what kind of dangers they could visit upon Paragon City next?
Look into disturbance at a Portal Corp lab
Defeat raid leader & its crew
My scanners are picking up some strange activity in one of Portal Corporation's labs. The techs there aren't answering their phones, and I'm worried something has gone wrong again. I fear the worse, and if this is anything like last time, we are going to need some strong heroes to help out. I was hoping I could ask you to check it out.
Mission Acceptance
It might be nothing, but then again, it might be really dangerous. Make sure you bring a friend or two along to help.
Unnecessary Solicitation
My scanners are still picking up that disturbance. You need to head over to the lab and check it out.
Mission Objective(s)
You can smell the distinct odor of ozone and energy plasma in the air. A portal to another world must have been operated in here recently.
- Defeat raid leader & its crew
- 4 network nodes to secure
- Rescue technician!

Before you exit the mission, be aware the next mission immediately starts off by being a timed 10 minute mission.
Notable NPCs
- Valance (Raid leader)
- Head technician (non-escort hostage)
Secure network in lab - 10:00
Unnecessary Solicitation
I'm receiving reports of multiple portals opening throughout Peregrine Island. Help us please!
Mission Objective(s)
This is one of the labs marked on the clockwork's map. You sniff the air. A portal was definitely opened here recently.
- Secure network in lab - 10:00
- 4 network nodes to secure
Failure - Your adversary has stolen the secrets behind portal technology.
Success - You have secured the network. No one can access the secret data now.

You have literally ten minutes after exiting the first mission to find the location of the second mission, enter, and then find and click on four glowies. For the best chance of success, do not fight the enemies, have some method of distracting them/hold them/stun them away from the glowie so you can click it, and invite some friends and split up across the map.
Notable NPCs
- Cold Fusion (Praetorians Baryon (boss))
Debriefing failure
There wasn't much you could do for that lab, Character. Whoever wanted the data on the portal technology really knew right where to hit us. They have the theorem for dimensional portals now, and who knows what they intend to do with it. What really scares me though is the increase in DPS, or Dimensional-Photon Shift energy around Peregrine Island right now. I think it's a sign of bigger things to come.
Debriefing success
Wow, that was amazing work. You shut down the network before those robots could get any useful informaiton from that lab. Unfortunately, some of our other labs weren't so lucky. Whoever sent those Clockwork now has their hands on the theorem behind portal technology. What really scares me is the increase in DPS, or Dimensional-Photon Shift energy around Peregrine Island now. I think it's a sign of bigger things to come.

Tina Macintyre informed you that the Dimensional-Photonic Shift readings are currently off the scale. This means that severe portal activity has recently occured, and probably will occur again in the near future.
Check out the temporal disturbance
Portal Corporation is reading a very strange temporal disturbances from a nearby dimension. There's no telling what's going on, but I've learned that when something's amuck in the multi-verse, sooner or later it affects Paragon City. I need you to check out the temporal disturbance. If there's anything amiss, you'll need to rectify the situation.
Mission acceptance
I don't know what you'll face there, Character. You'd best be prepared.
Unnecessary solicitation
You need to deal with that temporal disturbance.
Mission Objective(s)
The sun bounds across the sky in mere minutes to be repaced by an equally fleet-footed moon.
- Stop the temporal disturbance
- Find Dr. Calvin
- 5 devices to destroy
You stopped the temporal disturbance.

When you rescued Dr. Calvin, he told you:
'Some strange little robots came through a portal, just like yours. They planted these devices all over the area, and suddenly, time went haywire! The sun set almost as soon as it rose! I used a isostasic chronometer to protect myself, but many of my fellow citizens went mad from the effects. If you destroy all the devices, perhaps they'll return to normal.'
Notable NPCs
- Dr. Calvin (non-escort hostage)
So, some strange robots caused that temporal disturbance, huh? I think we should find out where they're from and put a stop to their temporal shenanigans. I'll get to work on it right away.
Scout out the lab
While you were dealing with the temporal disturbance, our scientists have analysed the portals that let all those strange Clockwork robots into Portal Corporation's labs. We think we've found their point of origin: an orbital laboratory on a dimension designed Upsilon Beta 9-6. I'd like you to scout out that lab and see what's going on there. We can't afford more attacks like the last one.
Mission acceptance
Anything you can find out will help.
Unnecessary solicitation
If someone in dimension Upsilon Beta 9-6 is coming after Portal Corporation, I want to know about it!
Mission Objective(s)
A great energy hums through the floor plates beneath your feet. Everything about this orbital lab is state of the art.
- Defeat all robots in lab
- Seek clues
You defeated the clockwork and found some interesting files!

You downloaded these files from a computer on Anti-Matter's orbital space lab. They contain detailed documentation on Anti-Matter's recent attempts to punch a permanent dimensional rupture through to Paragon City. They also contain blueprints for Anti-Matter's robots, along with some photographs. In one of the photos, Anti-Matter himself is pictured. Although the color of his armor is a little off, you're astounded to realize how greatly Anti-Matter represents Positron.
You're right, Character, the villain in this photograph certainly looks like Positron. In fact, he looks an awful lot like Positron. Well, he may look like a hero we all know and love, but if this Anti-Matter really is behind the invasions into Portal Corporation labs, he's got to be stopped.
Look for a connection between Clockwork World and Anti-Matter
This villain Anti-Matter seems to be in control of a large army of Clockwork robots. They're much tougher than the Clockwork on our world, but I think I have an idea of where they're coming from. Portal Corporation's charted a dimension inhabited entirely by Clockwork minions. I want you to go there and see if you can find any connection between those Clockwork and Anti-Matter.
Mission Acceptance
If Anti-Matter is taking his troops from Clockwork World, maybe we can cut off his supply.
"Here's a dimensional residue scanner. If the Clockwork you find have been in contact with anything from Anti-Matter's dimension, this little gem will let us know. It'll beep when it's collected a large enough sample of data."

This handheld device will determine whether any of the robots on Clockwork World have ever been in contact with anything from Anti-Matter's dimension.
Unnecessary Solicitation
We still can't draw any conclusions about Anti-Matter's connection to Clockwork World.
Mission Objective(s)
Yours seems to be the only human presence on this planet.
- Get data by defeating robots
The scanner has a large enough body of data, but you were unable to find any connection between Anti-Matter and Clockwork World.

To complete the mission, you only need to find and defeat all 10 of the Cannon Princes and their guards/gear spawns on the map. You do not need to defeat all the Clockwork on the map.
Notable NPCs
- Cannon Prince x 10 (Boss)
Well, that mission was a dud, huh, Character? No confirmed connection between Anti-Matter and Clockwork World. Based on your lack of evidence, and the radiation abilities of Anti-Matter's Clockwork, I'm willing to totally rule out any connection. Anti-Matter is getting his Clockwork troops from somewhere else.
Stop the battle
The good news is, I've got a lead on Anti-Matter and his strange blue Clockwork. The bad news is, they're right here in Paragon City! They're battling the Carnival of Shadows in an office complex, Waxahachie Park. You've got to get over there and stop that battle! People's businesses, not to mention their lives, are at stake!
Mission Acceptance
We've got a force field set up to contain the battle. Just take the Light Rail over to Waxahachie; the force field operators have instructions to let you in.
Unnecessary Solicitation
That battle is still raging in Waxahachie Park. Someone's got to stop it!
Mission Objective(s)
People run screaming in the streets
- Defeat all villains in area
You stopped the battle.
Notable NPCs
- Atomic Warfare (Praetorians Baryon)
- The Brain Tease (Carnies Ring Mistress)
Thanks to you, there weren't any casualties in Waxahchie Park. I wonder what that battle was all about, anyway. Is the Carnival working against Anti-Matter's Clockwork? We need to check this lead out.
Look for a connection between the Carnival and Anti-Matter
That battle between the Carnival and Anti-Matter's Clockwork was certainly interesting. Could it be that the Carnival is somehow working against Anti-Matter? This inquiring mind wants to know. I've got a lead on a Carnival base I'd like you to check out. Look for any connection to Anti-Matter's plans, then report back here.
Mission acceptance
We need some answers, Character. If Anti-Matter's making progress in his efforts to invade this dimension, we need to find out.
Unnecessary solicitation
We still don't know whether the Carnival is involved in Anti-Matter's plans.
Mission Objective(s)
A tinny version of 'As Time Goes By' plays on the Carnival's sound system.
- Defeat all carnies in warehouse
One of the carnies you defeated gasped, 'The Clockwork mistook us for someone else!'
Notable NPCs

One of the carnies you defeated told you:
'You think we're involved with those radioactive Clockwork? Hah! The Clockwork don't even know who we are! They thought we were someone else, people from their world called the Carnival of Light. Sorry, Charlie, but you won't find any information here! Looks like you're barking up the wrong tree.'
So the battle between the Carnival and Anti-Matter's Clockwork was all a result of mistaken identity? Looks like we're clueless once more. We need to find out more about Anti-Matter's plans, and we need to do it quickly. Character, it's time to take action.
Search Anti-Matter's orbital lab for any clue to his next move
We've had no luck finding a lead on Anti-Matter's plans, Character, so we're going to have to go back to the source. I'm sending you back to Anti-Matter's home dimension. I need you to search Anti-Matter's orbital lab for any clue to his next move. Be careful out there, Character. I get the feeling Anti-Matter is a cunning enemy, and a determined one. He won't take kindly to another invasion of his lab.
Mission acceptance
Learn whatever you can, then report back to me.
Unnecessary solicitation
We still don't have much to go on. We need to know more about Anti-Matter!
Mission Objective(s)
The lab's bitter chill reminds you that the vacuum of space is right outside.
- Defeat Anti-Matter & his men
- Seek clues
When Anti-Matter disappeared, he left you with a warning.
Notable NPCs

Anti-Matter will teleport out upon reaching half HP, thus 'self-defeating' himself. This will not count toward the Dimensional Warder Badge count.

You took this print out from a machine in Anti-Matter's lab. It appears to be a record of your movements between dimensions. Each time you enter his lab, Anti-Matter gets closer to pinpointing the exact dimensional signature of your home world. This information will allow Anti-Matter to execute an invasion much more effectively. Instead of opening portals to random locations on your world, he'll be able to target specific areas. This would allow him to move his troops in quickly and effectively.

When Anti-Matter disappeared, he told you:
'You cannot stop me from seizing your dimension! Tyrant will know my worth, and your people will know suffering!'
So, Anti-Matter's trying to coordinate a full-scale invasion of Paragon City. That's bad, Character; that's very, very bad. We'll just have to find a way to stop him. All I can say is, I'm glad to have you working with me on this.
Stop the Clockwork
I've received a call for help from Dr. Calvin, the scientist from that world with the wonky time. He says that those strange Clockwork are back, and they're bent on speeding time up once more. You remember what happened last time; everyone on the planet went crazy from the continual shifting between day and night. You've got to get to Dr. Calvin's world and stop the Clockwork. You're that planet's only hope.
Mission acceptance
Calvin says the clockwork have already replaced several of the devices. You'll have to dismantle them.
Unnecessary solicitation
Dr. Calvin's dimension is still in jeopardy from the Clockwork.
Mission Objective(s)
The ticking and clicking of Clockwork robots can be heard throughout the streets.
- Stop robots speeding up time
- 4 devices to destroy
You stopped the Clockwork from distorting this dimension's time.
Notable NPCs
The Clockwork who were trying to accelerate time were silver? Not blue, like Anti-Matter's? I wonder if they're a different faction of his army, or another group altogether? Puzzling, Character. Quite puzzling indeed.
Link the silver Clockwork to Anti-Matter
Those silver Clockwork seem bound and determined to accelerate the time in Dr. Calvin's dimension. Well, we can't let that continue. The technicians have been trying to trace the Clockwork to their dimension of origin, and they've had some limited success. The silver Clockwork have a hefty dimensional scrambler guarding their lab; so far it's prevented us from figuring out which dimension they're in. But even without that information, we can trace their energy signature and open a portal into their lab. I need you to get to that lab and see if you can link the silver Clockwork to Anti-Matter.
Mission acceptance
We know Anti-Matter's planning to invade Paragon City. It's absolutely critical that we thwart his plans before they get off the ground.
Unnecessary solicitation
You've got to get your hands on some data about the silver Clockwork!
Mission Objective(s)
The cacophony coming from the lab's overhead speakers sounds like it could be music. But its pace is far too rapid to appeal to your ear.
- Investigate Clockwork lab
- Seek clues
You found a clue to the silver Clockwork's plans.
Notable NPCs

While investigating the silver Clockworks' base, you found files documenting their efforts to accelerate the time on Dr. Calvin's world. They were trying to speed up time in order to provide a haven for Neuron, the supervillain who created them.
Based on these files you found, it sounds as though the silver Clockwork aren't connected to Anti-Matter at all. I have to say, though, this Neuron seems like an equally twisted character. He had the silver Clockwork try to radically alter another dimension, just to suit his own preferences? That's awful. It sounds like we have two villains to keep an eye on now.
Go to Jamison Office Park and clear the villains out
Character, Portal Corporation's facing another major security breach! A cat-like entity from another dimension has been spotted in Jamison Office Park, and she and her friends are causing quite a bit of chaos. We've got the situation locked down, but there's a lot of important infrastructure in that area. I'd feel a lot better if you'd get over to Jamison Office Park and clear that kitty out.
Mission Acceptance
We don't know where these cat people are coming from. It's possible that they're related to Anti-Matter's planned invasion, so keep your eyes peeled for clues.
Unnecessary Solicitation
Jamison Office Park is still full of cat-people. Something needs to be done.
Mission Objective(s)
You hear a deep-throated murmur that could be a growl or a purr.
- Defeat all villains in area
You defeated Bobcat and her minions.
Notable NPCs
It sounds to me like those cat people were more of Neuron's minions. In fact, it sounds as if Neuron and Anti-Matter know each other! I'm pretty sure they're not working together on Anti-Matter's plot to invade Paragon City; actually, they sound to me like bitter enemies. I'm not sure of exactly what's going on between them, but one thing is clear: we can't have either one mucking about in Paragon City. We're going to have to deal with this situation head on.
Plant dimensional scanners
Guess what, Character! Anti-Matter and Neuron come from the same world! It seemed like they knew each other, so I had the technicians take another look at the data from Neuron's dimension. Despite Neuron's dimensional scrambler, we were able to match several distinguishing features with the data from Anti-Matter's dimension. Both villains are from Upsilon-Beta 9-6! Call me crazy, but I think Paragon City got caught in the middle of a power striggle between supervillains.
We're sending you to a remote corner of Upsilon Beta 9-6 to plant a network of dimensional scanners. Unfortunately, we can't risk anyone tracing our dimensional signature. You only have an hour to place the scanners.
Mission Acceptance
By the way, the techs have come up with a new name for Upsilon Beta 9-6. We're calling it 'Praetorian Earth.'
Here are the scanners. They feed off bioelectric energy, so you should find some animals to place them on.

These dimensional scanners should give Portal Corporation a heads-up on any activity between Praetorian Earth and your own dimension. Because they feed on bioelectric energy, they need to be placed on living beings.
Unnecessary Solicitation
I need you to plant those dimensional scanners!
Mission Objective(s)
A sudden, shocking roar disrupts the tranquil forest.
- Defeat all villains in area - 1:00:00
You planted the dimensional scanners.
Notable NPCs
Those dimensional scanners should let us know if anybody from Praetorian Earth tries to enter our world again. I'm still mighty worried about Anti-Matter's attempt to invade our dimension. It sounds as if he might be geting close to a solution.
Stop Anti-Matter's invasion
Character, those dimensional scanners you planted just went off! It looks as though a massive force of Praetorians just teleported into a lab here in Paragon City! I need you to get over there on the double, Character! This could be the beginning of Anti-Matter's invasion.
Mission Acceptance
According to the data, there are overwhelming forces in that lab. I'd take a full team along, if I were you.
Unnecessary Solicitation
According to the data, there are overwhelming forces in that lab. I'd take a full team along, if I were you.
Mission Objective(s)
The silver Clockwork's electrical shots have set the air to crackling.
- Defeat all villains in lab
- Seek clues
You defeated Neuron and Anti-Matter!

You downloaded these files from a computer in Anti-Matter's secret lab. They document the fact that Anti-Matter has maintained a lab in Paragon City for several months. His invasion was an effort to impress his leader, the all-powerful Tyrant, and to upstage his rival and former best friend, Neuron.
Notable NPCs
Got bad news for you, Character. After the police got Neuron and Anti-Matter to jail, a portal opened inside their cell! They're on the loose again, although Portal Corporation thinks it's unlikely they're still in this world. Just think, Character. Anti-Matter's had a secret lab right here in Paragon City, and no one even knew about it! These Praetorians are cunning and resourceful indeed. We'll certainly have to keep our eye on Praetorian Earth in the future. Who knows what other dangers it holds?