Captain Mako
Captain Mako is a villain contact in the ? neighborhood of Grandville. His origin is both Mutation and Natural. His level range is 40-44 as well as 45-50.
Captain Mako is also an Archvillain who serves under Lord Recluse in the Arachnos faction. He also awards the patron power Leviathan Mastery to villains who complete his patron arc.
Heroes can face him in Recluse's Victory as one of the signature villains that show up as reinforcements.
Captain Mako was born in Paragon City, where his parents could not cope with his extreme mutation and abandoned him to the city orphanage. The other children tormented him for his freakish appearance. This eventually led to several deaths, and young Mako disappeared. It is unknown what became of him for a time after this, though there had been vague reports of a shark-like creature in Independence Port.
He later appeared as a modern pirate working around the Rogue Isles before Lord Recluse claimed them. He was a member of the crew of a ship called the Black Powder, where he had quickly arose to the position of Captain. Mako and his crew initially fought against Lord Recluse's forces during the take-over, but was either coerced or bought off and joined Arachnos. He's been more than happy to continue working in Lord Recluse's employ since then. Recluse often uses Mako as an assassin and enforcer, sending him to make violent examples out of enemies of Arachnos. Mako's brutal murder of the original Scrapyard on the docks of Sharkhead Isle is a perfect example. Mako is a bloodthirsty predator capable of casual violence, but he still possesses a human intellect and should not be underestimated.
Mako has recently installed himself on Sharkhead Island shortly after he began to associate with the villainess Barracuda.
- Mako only recently started using the title "Captain." Why is unknown, though Ghost Widow speculated that it was his (weak) attempt to appear more civilized. It may also have to do with his time as the captain of a pirate ship.
- Captain Mako tends to feud with Black Scorpion a lot.
Character Stats
Secret Identity: Gideon Ray
Origin: Mutant
Archetype: Stalker
Primary Powers: Claws
Secondary Powers: ? (possibily regeneration?)
Other Powers: Spirit Shark
Out of Game
Captain Mako is the nickname of Shane Hensley who is the lead writer for City of Villains. He was initially responsible for creating the zones, backstory, and new villains. Shane is perhaps best known for his roleplaying game Deadlands.
See Also
- Captain Mako's Arachnos profile for a list of his powers
Contact Introduced By
New Contact(s)
Arachnos Patron
Gideon Ray is a savage Mutant who has evolved into what only can be described as a humanoid shark. His acts are even more terrible than his appearance, and few foes are even identifiable once Mako is through with them. Mako is responsible for the death of Sharkhead Isle's most famous hero, Scrapyard.
Initial Contact
You know who I am. The great Captain Mako, hero of the Rogue Isles! I'm the one Recluse goes to when he's got a problem. Pray that you don't become a problem.
I got some work that needs getting done, and if you help me out, I'll make sure you're well rewarded. Got it? Good.
- Teir 1 Inspirations
- Level 40 Mutation Single Origin Enhancements (150% base costs)
- Level 40 Natural Single Origin Enhancements (150% base costs)
- Level 45 Mutation Single Origin Enhancements (?% base costs)
- Level 45 Natural Single Origin Enhancements (?% base costs)
- Level 50 Mutation Single Origin Enhancements (?% base costs)
- Level 50 Natural Single Origin Enhancements (?% base costs)
Story Arc
Killer Instinct
Souvenir: Broken Freedom Corp Badge
This is a Broken Freedom Corp, taken from the renowned Longbow Agent McKnight in a story you like to call:
Killer Instinct
It all started when Captain Mako told you to head over to Paragon City to rescue a couple of Arachnos operatives before their compromised Arachnos base became totally overrun. You did what you could to rescue the Arachnos operatives and take out the Longbow raid leader.
Captain Mako wouldn't stand for having one of their Paragon City Arachnos bases compromised, and related that this was the third hidden Arachnos base this week which was uncovered. He sent you to attack the Longbow base where the raid was staged from to find out who was behind these attacks on hidden Arachnos bases. There you found an operations file pointing to a Longbow Agent McKnight.
Mako wanted to find more information on Agent McKnight, and so sent you to get the info from Arbiter Daos. Unforunately, Daos had sent out Arachnos attack squads to imprison you for 'crimes against Arachnos'. Returning to Mako, you learned Agent McKnight had sent falsified Arachnos reports to Arbiter Daos in retaliation for your attack on the Longbow base! Mako became very eager to get hold of McKnight.
Arachnos managed to track McKnight's escape to an offshore underwater Longbow base. Mako authorized you to give chase and clear out the base. In the end, the Longbow agents managed to tie you up enough for McKnight to escape in a mini-sub.
Arachnos tracked the mini-sub to Sharkhead where McKnight attempted to hire protection and book passage to Paragon City. Mako sent yuo to take down a Family cargo ship meant to smuggle him to the mainland and deal with McKnight's mercenaries. It turned out McKnight hired the Knives of Artemis to protect him from Arachnos!
At the docks, you waited for McKnight's arrival. McKnight showed up to take the ship to the mainland with his Knives of Artemis escort, and you fought through them to get at your prey. There, you fought McKnight in the same spot where Captain Mako took down Scrapyard!
Levels 40-44
Rescue Arachnos operatives
I've been told we got some problems in Paragon City. One of our secret Arachnos bases there has been discovered by Longbow, and they're trying to take down everyone there. Naturally, our operatives are resisting. I'd be happy to test our troop's survival instincts, but apparently there's a number of important Arachnos officers who need to survive this ordeal. That's where you come in. Head over to the Paragon City Arachnos base and get our Arachnos operatives out of there!
It's only a matter of time before Longbow overwhelms the base. You have 75 minutes to complete this mission.
I want the Longbow leader's heart as well - take him out!
Mission Objective(s)
You make your way to the Arachnos base hiden within Paragon City. Get the Arachnos operatives out of the base and take down the Longbow leader!
- Rescue Arachnos operatives - 1:15:00
- 2 operatives to rescue
- Defeat Greer and agents
You have defeated Agent Greer!
You rescued the Arachnos operatives!
The Arachnos operatives return with you to the Rogue Isles!
Primary Enemies
Notable NPCs
- Agent Greer (Longbow Ballista, Elite Boss)
- Mistress Xirce (Tarantual Mistress, Hostage/Ally)
- Mu'Jukar (Mu Adept, Hostage/Ally)
I hope you made that Longbow worm suffer!
Raid Longbow base
Those Longbow scum can't get away with raiding our Arachnos base - that's the third on this week! I want to find the Longbow agent responsible for these raids and make an example of him!
Our Arachnos spies have their uses - they intercepted some transmissions and managed to find the Longbow base where their raid was staged from. Take out everyone in that Longbow base and find who's heading up the anti-Arachnos operations!
Take out everyone. I don't want anyone escaping!
Mission Objective(s)
No one messes with Arachnos, Captain Mako, or you!
- Defeat all Longbow in base
- Find operation files
You found something. You found the Longbow agent responsible for recent anti-Arachnos operations!
Primary Enemies
Template:Clue Operation Anti-Venom
These are files detailing many of the recent anti-Arachnos operations designed to root out hidden Arachnos bases in Paragon City and incarcerate their leaders. It is lead by the renowned Longbow Agent McKnight, who is quoted as saying, 'In time, we hope to show these criminals what it means to be a contributing part of a just society. It is our job as heroes to set an example for these wayward souls to aspire to. Failing that, we must use guile, deception and ruthlessness to uncover their activities and undermine their goals.'
Agent McKnight, eh? That name sounds familiar. We better look into this further.
Get report from Arbiter Daos
So, this Ace McKnight is staging all the anti-Arachnos raids, eh? I want to know more about this guy. His intelligence is too good - which menas he's an excellent spy or we've got some double-agents within Arachnos! Arbiter Daos has compiled an intelligence report - talk to him about Ace McKnight at once!
I want this McKnight. I can almost taste his blood!
Mission Objective(s)
- Get report from Arbiter Daos
Debriefing Arbiter Daos
You may have already met the attack squads sent to arrest you for crimes against Arachnos! Don't try to play coy with me! We have extensive records detailing your double-dealings, so don't try to deny it! Your activities go far beyond what would normally be accepted behavior amongst Lord Recluse's 'destined ones', so we have no choice by to place you under arrest! Be prepared, for the price of treason is death!
Arbiter Daos wanted to arrest you? Something stinks here. I think Longbow Agent McKnight is messin' with ya! Yah, I know who Agent McKnight is now - he's a Longbow Agent who Operative Vargas incarcerated on Sharkhead! He must have escaped the Arachnos prison, and probably sent Arbiter Daos some falsified files about you after your strike on that Longbow base in order to stop you from pursuing matters further! Damn, he's clever. I'll enjoy ripping his heart out!
Oh, and don't worry about Arbiter Daos - I'll tell him to call off his attack squads. Sooner or later.
Clear out Longbow base
Longbow Agent McKnight's breakout and planting false evidence against you in the Arachnos information network has caused quite a stir amongst the Arbiters. McKnight made them look foolish because they were so easily infiltrated and tricked. Now the Arbiters are lookin' for blood, and they want us to carry out the sentence - which suits me just fine! That working man hero Scrapyard was a tasty treat, and now McKnight is on the menu!
Arachnos is hot on the heels of McKnight, and tracked him to one of Longbow's offshore underwater bases. Travel to the underwater base and clear it out!
I've got a sub waiting at the docks to take you to the underwater base. There's going to be blood in the water tonight!
Mission Objective(s)
You enter the override codes the Arachnos technicians passed on to you and enter into the Longbow base. Time to clean house!
- Defeat all Longbow in base
You cleared out the base, but McKnight has escaped!
Primary Enemies
So, McKnight escaped, eh? He's as slippery as an eel, that one. No matter. He can't run forever!
Take out McKnight's mercenaries
Can you feel it? The thrill of hunting your prey, circling, closing in for the kill. McKnight is our prey, and we will soon make our final strike against him!
McKnight is running scared now. We tracked his mini-sub which escaped the Longbow base we trashed. It surfaced near Sharkhead, and the word is he's been spending a LOT of Longbow funds trying to find someone to protect him while he escapes back to Paragon City. He managed to secure a smuggling vessel from the Family, and hired some mercenaries to protect him. McKnight hasn't shown his face yet, but before he does we got a ship to sink on Sharkhead before it leaves port! Take these bombs over to the cargo ship on Sharkhead and take out McKnight's mercenary hires!
When McKnight shows up at the docks on Sharkhead, he'll have no place to run to. Then the fun will begin!
Mission Objective(s)
Looks like McKnight spent some serious money hiring these mercenaries. Find and take down their leader!
- Take out McKnight's mercenaries
- 5 bombs to plant
- Defeat merc leader and guards
You defeated the mercenary leader!
You took down McKnight's mercenaries!
Primary Enemies
There's nowhere left for McKnight to run to. He'll soon be ours!
You've got a killer instinct.
Eliminate Ace McKnight
Savor this moment. Look for the fear in your enemy's eyes as he realizes he cannot win this battle. Watch as he struggles to hang on for his pointless life. Revel in his destruction, and you will know true joy. Show me you possess a true killer instinct by eliminating Ace McKnight!
I've got something for you to use in this battle. It's something my Arachnos boys have been working on: a Frenzy Mutagen which unlocks your more bestial instincts and turns you into a killing machine. Time to show your true colors.
Temporary Power:

Self: +Recharge +Damage
This is a metal cylinder with a biohazard symbol stenciled on it and a dermal injector on one end. It contains a special mutagen that increases your aggressiveness, allowing you to attack faster and stronger. There are 3 doses.
Mission Objective(s)
You wait in the truck until you see McKnight approach. Time to move in for the kill!
- Defeat Ace McKnight
You defeated Ace McKnight!
Primary Enemies
Notable NPCs
- Ace McKnight (Elite Boss)
You seem pleased - I take it the hunt was successful. I hope Longbow sends more challenging prey in the future!
I think it's time you learned a few of my secrets - if you're up for it.
Upon completion of this story arc, you will be awarded the single origin enhancement of your choice.
- Completing this patron story arc will award the Bloodletter Badge for the mission holder.
Interrogate Circle leaders
Everyone's gotta have goals. Black Scorpion wants to build the nastiest power armor in existence. Recluse wants Statesman's head on a platter. Me? I'm a perfect combination of man and shark, with the killer instincts of both. I don't know what freak of evolution caused me to exist, and I don't really care. I just want to become the best at what I do - to become the perfect killing machine!
Some of my troops discovered something interesting during the torture of some Circle of Thorns, something about The Great Bease which lies beneath Sharkhead. I want to know more about this creature. My operatives have tracked some of the Leviathan-seeking Circle mages to one of the Thorn holes underneath Potter's Field on Sharkhead. Head to the caves and interrogate their leaders about the Leviathan!
I want to know what this primal essence does. I don't care if you have to beat the Circle leaders bloody - just find out!
Mission Objective(s)
Find the Circle leaders and extract the truth behind the primal essence!
- Interrogate Circle leaders
- 3 Circle leaders to interrogate
Primary Enemies
Notable NPCs
- Trelix
- Kalos
- Halimos
Mission Name
Mission Objective(s)
Primary Enemies
Notable NPCs