Mission:Tip - A Good Beating

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Revision as of 09:40, 12 December 2012 by imported>Scorpius (historical) (complete, though some of the dialogue was quite messy & disorganized...)
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A Good Beating
Alignment Mission
Salvage TipIcon.png
Type Alignment Tip
Place Paragon City
Available to Rogues
Level range 20–29
Choice Hero
v  d  e

A Good Beating

Alignment Mission

You find a discarded club flier that doesn't sound like there's any dancing that goes on there.

If you're a SUPERHERO who gets BEATEN by villains all the time, then YOU want to take part in our 'special' events. We have 'noob' villains WAITING for a beating - in front of a LIVE audience!!! Don't have cold feet - come on down and and beat 'em while they're hot!

You'd love to be part of this, but all these heroes will get up in your figurative grill if you do. Buuuutttt... if a 'real' hero were to show up instead... then you couldn't get blamed for it, right?

HERO: Find a different costume - ASAP!


After looking around your place, you find a mask that looks just like the one Statesman used to wear. If you grab some spandex or pantyhose (or whatever it is that he wore), you can throw together a costume that looks like his in no time. Once you've got that out of the way, you can show up to the fight acting like him. Everyone will think you're Statesman, back from the dead! No harm, no foul, and even better - no blame coming back on you!

  • Put together a Statesman costume for the fight!

This costume was even easier than you had originally thought. Geeeeeez... at least *you* spend some time trying to throw together a costume that's stylish unlike this get-up.

Well, now you'll look like Statesman, so get down there to that fight and rake in the big bucks!

Unnecessary Solicitation

If you plan on making some cash from that costume, you need to get to that fight - Pronto!

Mission Objective(s)

This looks like the place on the invitation. Let's hope it's not too late to put your name on the brackets!

  • Enter the fight as Statesman!
    • Find the Fight Promoter and enter the fights
    • Talk to the event promoter
    • Stone-cold knock out the 'Warm-up' guy
    • Foil Stardusk's trap by defeating her
    • Destroy the bombs before ALL of you die!

You've saved the lives of all the Scrapyarders... ...but more importantly - YOUR OWN! It's a good thing Stardusk was bluffing about that 'Alpha Squad' of assassins or you wouldn't have made it out alive.



Notable NPCs

Ambush! Stardusk appears half-way through the fight with Frostfire.


You managed to walk out of that trap alive, and no one found out that you weren't really Statesman. However, you DID get an odd email later from someone you don't know:

'Smart thinking, you posing as Statesman to trigger Stardusk's trap. Try it again, and you'll have the Phalanx to deal with it. Let the man rest in peace.'