Day Job Recruiter
The Day Job Recruiters are NPCs found in Atlas Park, Mercy Island, Nova Praetoria, and Port Oakes. The Recruiters have tips and explanations about the Day Job system.
- Atlas Park: Inside City Hall at coordinates (210, -768, -638)
- Mercy Island: In Mercy near Arbiter Richard at coordinates (-1279, 243, -110)
- Nova Praetoria: Half way between Praetor Duncan and Praetor White at coordinates (-4864, 32, -186)
- Port Oakes: Outside the Arena at coordinates (-1089, 160, 1158)
Atlas Park

Hi, Character. I'm here to talk to you about the exciting world of Day Jobs.
Day Jobs are what you do when you're offline and not running around Paragon City fighting crime.
You earn at your Day Job by logging out in a Day Job location. While you're logged out you gain benefits thematically appropriate to your location. If you log out in the same location for 100 hours (non-consecutively or consecutively) you will receive a Day Job badge. This will grant you additional benefits.
Also, collecting certain Day Job badges will grant you Accolades that come with even more benefits. Is there anything else I can help you with?
- Tell me more about specific day jobs and their rewards
- Ah, you want to know more about Day Jobs. Great.
- Well, here are some specific locations and their benefits you get for 'working' there. Note, this is not the complete list. It's just what I have in front of me.
- You're going to have to get out and explore to find all of them.
- City Official: Log out in City Hall and for a limited time receive a bonus to influence when completing a mission.
- Midnighter: Log out in the Midnighter Club and for a limited time receive a random piece of arcane salvage when completing a mission.
- Duelist: Log out in an Arena and for a limited time receive a bonus to your maximum Endurance.
- Fashion Designer: Log out at a Tailor to receive coupons that grant a discount to Tailor fees.
- Caregiver: Log out in a Hospital and for a limited time receive an out of combat regeneration bonus.
- Professor: Log out in a University and for a limited time receive a random piece of tech salvage when completing a mission.
- Clubber: Log out in Pocket D and for a limited time earn a bonus to your out of combat Recovery.
- Monitor Duty: Log out near a Supergroup portal and for a limited time earn a prestige bonus when completing a mission.
- Shop Keeper: Log out in a store and for a limited time earn a random enhancement when completing a mission.
- Banker: Log out in a Vault and for a limited time earn an Influence Bonus when completing a mission.
- Day Trader: Log out in Wentworths and for a limited time you will be granted a device that can quickly teleport you to an Auction House.
- Hope this helped clear things up. Now get out there and find the Day Job that's right for you.
- Tell me about day job accolades
- If you earn two different day job badges that work together, you'll be granted an accolade. Earning an accolade will grant you even more benefits beyond the individual day job.
- For example, earning both the Caregiver and Professor day job badges will earn you the Physician Accolade. While logged out at a University or inside a Hospital you will earn charges for your Revive Ally power.
- This is just one of the many accolades you can get for earning multiple day job badges. Have fun exploring and finding them all.
Mercy Island

So here's the deal, Character. I'm here to talk to you about the extremely lucrative world of Day Jobs.
Day Jobs are what you do when you're offline and not running around the Rogue Isles committing crimes.
As far as I'm concerned, it's a crime to call it 'work' because it's just so easy, but - hey - if that isn't incentive, I don't know what is. So here's how it works: you 'work' at your Day Job by logging out in a Day Job location. While you're logged out you gain benefits that 'fit' the area that you're logging out of. If you log out in the same location for 100 hours (non-consecutively or consecutively) you will receive a Day Job badge. This gives you some pretty nice employment perks, and this isn't just a sales pitch.
As if that weren't enough, collecting certain Day Job badges will grant you Accolades that come with even more benefits.
So, do we talk terms or have I wasted my time?
- Tell me more about specific day jobs and their rewards
- Very smart. Asking the right question is paramount to any job interview.
- So let me make this simple. Here's some specific locations and their benefits you get for 'working' at a specific location. This isn't the complete list, it's just a teaser. You're going to have to explore to find all of them.
- Demagogue: Log out in the Arachnos Building in Port Oakes and for a limited time receive an Infamy bonus when completing a mission.
- Midnighter: Log out in the Midnighter Club and for a limited time receive a random piece of arcane salvage when completing a mission.
- Duelist: Log out in an Arena and for a limited time receive a bonus to your maximum Endurance.
- Fashion Designer: Log out at a Facemaker to receive coupons that grant a discount to Tailor fees.
- Pain Specialist: Log out in a Hospital and for a limited time receive an out-of-combat regeneration bonus.
- Professor: Log out in a University and for a limited time receive a random piece of tech salvage when completing a mission.
- Clubber: Log out in Pocket D and for a limited time earn a bonus to your out-of-combat Recovery.
- Monitor Duty: Log out near a Villaingroup portal and for a limited time earn a prestige bonus when completing a mission.
- Smuggler: Log out near a ferry dock and for a limited time earn a random enhancement when completing a mission.
- Thief: Log out in a Vault and for a limited time earn an Infamy Bonus when completing a mission.
- Marketeer: Log out near the Black Market and for a limited time you will be granted a device that can quickly teleport you to the Black Market.
- Not a bad teaser, huh? It's the tip of the iceberg, pal. The rest is up to you, so get out there and explore. The world is your oyster.
- Tell me about day job accolades
- Excellent request. You have that shrewd look about you, you know. So I'm going to give it to you straight. Trust me, you're going to like what I have to say.
- If you earn two different day job badges that work together, you'll be granted an accolade. Earning an accolade will grant you even more benefits beyond the individual day job.
- For example, earning both the Pain Specialist and Professor day job badges will earn you the Physician Accolade. While logged out at a University or inside a Hospital you will earn charges for your Revive Ally power.
- I know I'm just a recruiter, but this kind of job satisfaction makes me tingle. Imagine the Accolade possibilities! Some of the legwork is up to you, though, so you'll just need to get out there and explore. Nothing in this world as sweet as options, am I right or am I right?
Nova Praetoria

Good day, Character! Let's talk a little about Day Jobs, shall we?
Day Jobs are what you do when you're offline and not running around Praetoria keeping it safe from all kinds of threats. Ha! As if that would ever happen with someone like you around.
You earn at your Day Job by logging out in a Day Job location. While you're logged out you gain benefits thematically appropriate to your location. If you log out in the same location for 100 hours (non-consecutively or consecutively) you will receive a Day Job badge. This will grant you additional benefits.
Also, collecting certain Day Job badges will grant you Accolades that come with even more benefits.
Is there anything else I can help you with?
- Tell me more about specific day jobs and their rewards
- Ah, you want to know more about Day Jobs here in Praetoria. Fabulous!
- Well, here are some specific locations and their benefits you get for 'working' there. We are a very niche market here in Praetoria, so let me give you the full list. It won't take long.
- Banker: Log out in an IBP Vault and for a limited time earn an Information Bonus when completing a mission.
- Fashion Designer: Log out at a Tailor to receive coupons that grant a discount to Tailor fees.
- Marketeer: Log out at the Trading House and for a limited time you will be granted a device that can quickly teleport you back to it.
- Pain Specialist: Your empathic nature gives you the ability to mitigate another's suffering. Log out in a Hospital and for a limited time receive an out of combat regeneration bonus.
- Patroller: Your loyalty and dedication to Emperor Cole has provided you with an XP bonus when you log in.
- Professor: Log out inside the Cultural Direction and Education Center in Imperial City and for a limited time receive a random piece of tech salvage when completing a mission.
- I do hope our chat has proved beneficial for you. Good luck on your job search!
- Tell me about day job accolades
- If you earn two different day job badges that work together, you'll be granted an accolade. Earning an accolade will grant you even more benefits beyond the individual day job.
- For example, earning both the Pain Specialist and Professor day job badges will earn you the Physician Accolade. While logged out at the CDEC or inside a Hospital you will earn charges for your Revive Ally power.
- This is just one of the many accolades you can get for earning multiple day job badges. Have fun exploring and finding them all.
Port Oakes

You're going to love this, Character. I'm here to talk to you about the lucrative world of Day Jobs!
Day Jobs are what you do when you're offline and not running around the Rogue Isles committing crimes.
You 'work', if you can call it that because - really - it's just so easy, at your Day Job by logging out in a Day Job location. While you're logged out you gain benefits thematically appropriate to that location. If you log out in the same location for 100 hours (non-consecutively or consecutively) you will receive a Day Job badge. This gives you some pretty nice employment perks.
Also, collecting certain Day Job badges will grant you Accolades that come with even more benefits.
So, can I interest you in a quick pitch? Or have I wasted my time?
- Tell me more about specific day jobs and their rewards
- Smart and attractive, I like it.
- Well, here are some specific locations and their benefits you get for 'working' there. Darling, I don't have enough breath in my body for the complete list , but I can definitely give you a little teaser to whet your appetite.
- You're going to have to get out and explore to find all of them. But I assure you, your time will be well spent!
- Demagogue: Log out in the Arachnos Building in Port Oakes and for a limited time receive an Infamy bonus when completing a mission.
- Midnighter: Log out in the Midnighter Club and for a limited time receive a random piece of arcane salvage when completing a mission.
- Duelist: Log out in an Arena and for a limited time receive a bonus to your maximum Endurance.
- Fashion Designer: Log out at a Facemaker to receive coupons that grant a discount to Tailor fees.
- Pain Specialist: Log out in a Hospital and for a limited time receive an out-of-combat regeneration bonus.
- Professor: Log out in a University and for a limited time receive a random piece of tech salvage when completing a mission.
- Clubber: Log out in Pocket D and for a limited time earn a bonus to your out-of-combat Recovery.
- Monitor Duty: Log out near a Villaingroup portal and for a limited time earn a prestige bonus when completing a mission.
- Smuggler: Log out near a ferry dock and for a limited time earn a random enhancement when completing a mission.
- Thief: Log out in a Vault and for a limited time earn an Infamy Bonus when completing a mission.
- Marketeer: Log out near the Black Market and for a limited time you will be granted a device that can quickly teleport you to the Black Market.
- So, I hope my little mini-presentation helps clear things up for you. Now, off you go. Find that simply perfect job that fits you!
- Tell me about day job accolades
- I am so glad you asked.
- Here's how it works: if you earn two different day job badges that work together, you'll be granted an accolade. Earning an accolade will grant you even more benefits beyond the individual day job.
- For example, earning both the Pain Specialist and Professor day job badges will earn you the Physician Accolade. While you are logged out at a University or inside a Hospital you will earn charges for your Revive Ally power.
- This is just one of the many accolades that you can receive for earning multiple day job badges. I wouldn't steer you wrong. Now have fun exploring and finding them all.