Canada Joe

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Canada Joe.jpg


Canada Joe is an NPC in the Dockside neighborhood of Port Oakes. He is not a contact, but an Easter Egg NPC created to gently mock stereotypical Canadian speech patterns and dress/habits. His coordinates are (-2329.6, 7.0, 1305.5)[Copy] .


When clicked, Canada Joe will respond with, "How's it goin', eh?"

Additionally, he has random chatter:

  • "My leg aches. Blasted, goldfish."
  • "All of you, take off! This is my spot!"
  • "It's aboot time for a trip to the pub."
  • "I could go for some poutine right about now, eh?"
  • "Take off, eh?"
  • "Hoser."
  • "Last time I went to the pub, the lineup was ten miles long."
  • "I'm hungry for a chocolate bar. Does ANYONE have a chocolate bar?"
  • "This isn't fishing. No ice? It's not real fishing."

One specific random phrase lightly makes fun of the fact that he never moves from his spot:

  • "Bah, how long have I been here? I never catch anything."