Sync (Slash Command)

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Slash command

Aliases: synch

Try to resync with the game server.

  • This command attempts to get the client and server back in sync when the client allows movement but it isn't reflected on the server. When out of sync, the player will be able to move around, but cannot see other players or NPCs, and other players cannot see them. For more details, see Sync Bug.
  • /Sync can sometimes help with those times when you glitch out and the "normal" fix would be to change zones, or log out/in. It forces re-synchronization with the server to happen without actually having to leave where you are.
  • The /neterrorcorrection command can be used to reduce the occurrence of packet loss between our systems and the CoH Servers. If setting the command option 2 doesn't resolve your packet loss issues, you should look to other items that may be causing your connection instability.



See Also