GvE Revolution 2007: Uprising
The largest-scale PVPEC event to date was the GvE Revolution 2007: Uprising event of June 2-4, 2007. It featured five separate events on Test, all advertised on the COH/COV updater page:
Friday June 2: Pocket D Kickoff Party. Ex Libris and Lighthouse attended and passed out yellow titles to many. Unfortunately, due to server maintenance, the event start was delayed by about an hour.
Friday June 2: Siren's Call Brawl. Pretty much just a massive free-form fight in the Siren's Call zone, attended by Ex Libris on the the Hero side and Lighthouse for the Villains (on his NCSoft_Darkhouse Brute character - his warcry was "DOOOOOOOOM!!!"). Siren's Call sharded and Ghost Widow put in an appearance as well.
Saturday June 3: two rounds of a Lethal Lottery tournament. First round was exemped to Level 26; second round was all levels. The second round had a winning team of 6.
Sunday June 4: Showcase 8x8 Event. This event was planned to have the game's hardcore PVP Supergroups and Villain Groups show their moves in 10-minute matches to one and all. Several participated, including:
- Ars Nemesis
- Justice for All League (JAL)
- Near Death Experience (NDX)
- Velocity
- Whirligig
All but Ars Nemesis were hero teams.
Perennial PVP powerhouse SG Freaks of Legend were unable to attend.