Ice Mistral Strike Force
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Level Range: 35? - 40?
Notes: Requires ? people
Zone: St. Martial
Location: In the Goldaen Giza.
Primary Enemy: ??
Name: The Crystal of Serafina
Badge: Crystal Keeper Badge
Description: You have destroyed the psychic control network the Circle grew from shards of Serafina's Crystal, and recovered the crystal itself.
Mission Title
Mission Objective(s)
Notable NPCs Archus
Temporary Power
Upon successful completion of this mission, a villain will earn the Enchantment of Serafina temporary power.

Player Based Area of Effect, Ally: +Resist(Psionic), +Damage(Psionic)
You have been enchanted by the Crystal of Serafina, granting you amazing powers of the mind. You may use this power to protect those around you from psychic damage, and to add psychic damage to their attacks. You may use this power 10 times before it fades.
Completing The Crystal of Serafina Strike Force from Ice Mistral awards the Crystal Keeper Badge.