James Harvan
James Harvan | |
![]() Renowned Archaeologist (Atlas Park) | |
Zone | Atlas Park |
Coordinates | (-565, 17, -186) |
Zone | Sharkhead Isle |
Coordinates | (?, ?, ?) |
Level Range | ??-?? |
Introduced By | None |
Introduces | None |
Enemy Groups | |

Signature Story Arc Pandora's Box, Episode 4.
James Harvan is a hero and villain contact in the Hyperion Way neighborhood of Atlas Park at coordinates (-565, 17, -186) and the Port Recluse neighborhood of Sharkhead Isle at coordinates (?, ?, ?). For heroes, he is standing in front of the building 131 yards south of the Architect Entertainment building; for villains, he is standing 135 yards south of Arbiter Friesen. James Harvan is the fourth contact in the Pandora's Box Signature Story Arc for both heroes and villains, available on the Paragon Market or free with subscription.
Contact Introduced By
None; James Harvan should be approached in-game.
Contact Introduces
Renowned Archaeologist
James Harvan is known as the leading expert in research on artifacts from the Archaic period of Ancient Greece. While his peers acknowledge that much of his work is groundbreaking, he is still seen as a fairly unorthodox figure in the field of archaeology. This is primarily due to his insistence that much of Greek mythology, including references to supernatural events, are accurate depictions of history.
Too Low Level
Missing Too Low Level Dialogue
Initial Contact
Missing Initial Contact Dialogue
Good day, Character. I'm ready when you are.
Content Not Purchased
In order to play James Harvan's storyarc, you will need to have purchased the fourth episode of the second signature story arc, Pandora's Box, or be a VIP subscriber.
Story Arc
HERO: The Price for Fire
Merit Rewards: This activity awards 5 Reward Merits.
Part One: The Illusion of Safety
Character. Thank you for coming. I realize that our efforts in retrieving Pandora's Box were... not entirely successful. The creatures that have emerged from Pandora's Box remain a threat to all of us, but I've noticed a pattern in their behavior. I believe that there may be a way of altering their structure, transforming them into a purer state of energy, which can then be controlled.
Positron insisted that you be closely involved in this project, for obvious reasons. I'm inclined to agree. Your capabilities would be most appreciated if we wish to tackle these problems directly.
Agree to form a task force
If we're going to try to contain the freed energy from Pandora's Box, we're going to need to use the one tool known to be capable of altering the Box's power emanations: the Antikythera.
Currently, I believe, Positron has it held in Fort Trident for safekeeping. We'll need to have it on-hand before we can make any progress towards controlling the power of those creatures.
Unnecessary Solicitation
Character, we need the Antikythera before we can proceed. I'm afraid any attempts to corral the energy of Pandora's Box would be futile without it.
Mission Objective(s)
What's going on here? There are Arachnos agents everywhere!
- Retrieve the Antikythera
- Speak with Positron
You have fended off an Arachnos attack... but not before they could steal the Antikythera!
Notable NPCs:
- Positron (Freedom Phalanx Hero, Ally)
- Silver Mantis (Arachnos Archvillain, Enemy)
As you approach, Positron struggles to his feet. You can see numerous tears and holes in his armor, where Arachnos managed to punch through his defenses.
Character... I must say, you have impeccable timing.
What happened here, Positron?
Ever since Pandora's Box was opened, the base has been plagued by those creatures that attacked you underneath Zigursky. Doctor Harvan believes that they are drawn to the Antikythera for some reason.
I can only assume that Arachnos took notice. I was holding them off, but Silver Mantis managed to get behind me while I was occupied by her soldiers. I couldn't keep them at bay and defend against her attacks simultaneously.
Where's the rest of the Phalanx?
- They've all been responding to distress calls. Those Pandora creatures have been popping up all over the city, wreaking havoc.
- Thankfully, they generally seek out targets capable of defending themselves - I think they may be drawn to strength - but responses to these attacks has taken up most of the Phalanx's resources.
- What about the Antikythera?
- Positron clenches his fists tight.
- Arachnos knew exactly what they were looking for, Character. Given that Mako ambushed you earlier, I'm inclined to believe that Arachnos has been monitoring all of our movements ever since we picked up Doctor Harvan.
- It shouldn't surprise me, really... I consistently underestimate the tenacity of my opponents. It's a flaw I intend to correct immediately.
- Any chance we can pursue them?
- Positron chuckles softly, making a hollow, metallic sound through his helmet.
- I suppose that's the one element of this disaster that I haven't managed to bungle.
- Positron holds up a small, handheld device. A white light pings repeatedly on the screen.
- I planted a tracking device on the Antikythera shortly after it arrived in Fort Trident. Arachnos doesn't appear to have discovered it, so we know where they're taking the artifact.
- Excellent. I'll get it back in no time.
- I'm coming with you, Character. I've been trying my best to manage the Phalanx remotely, to coordinate everyone's efforts in the most efficient way possible... but that's not leadership. I've sat on the sidelines for too long.
- Arachnos attacked me, they attacked the Phalanx, and they stole from us the one hope we have of controlling the chaos of Pandora's Box. I refuse to let that stand. If Arachnos can mobilize a surprise attack when the Phalanx is at its most vulnerable, then I can damn well do the same.
- That's what I like to hear.
They took the Antikythera?
- Positron clenches his fists tight.
- Arachnos knew exactly what they were looking for, Character. Given that Mako ambushed you earlier, I'm inclined to believe that Arachnos has been monitoring all of our movements ever since we picked up Doctor Harvan.
- It shouldn't surprise me, really... I consistently underestimate the tenacity of my opponents. It's a flaw I intend to correct immediately.
- Any chance we can pursue them?
- Positron chuckles softly, making a hollow, metallic sound through his helmet.
- I suppose that's the one element of this disaster that I haven't managed to bungle.
- Positron holds up a small, handheld device. A white light pings repeatedly on the screen.
- I planted a tracking device on the Antikythera shortly after it arrived in Fort Trident. Arachnos doesn't appear to have discovered it, so we know where they're taking the artifact.
- Excellent. I'll get it back in no time.
- I'm coming with you, Character. I've been trying my best to manage the Phalanx remotely, to coordinate everyone's efforts in the most efficient way possible... but that's not leadership. I've sat on the sidelines for too long.
- Arachnos attacked me, they attacked the Phalanx, and they stole from us the one hope we have of controlling the chaos of Pandora's Box. I refuse to let that stand. If Arachnos can mobilize a surprise attack when the Phalanx is at its most vulnerable, then I can damn well do the same.
- That's what I like to hear.
Doctor Harvan pales visibly when you relate the events inside Fort Trident to him.
This is very trying news, Character. Without the Antikythera, any attempt at containing the energy released by Pandora's Box will be utterly futile. We need to retrieve it as quickly as possible.
We have time... I doubt Arachnos will be able to decode the Antikythera's readings without at least a few weeks of study. I daresay that they could kidnap the entire mainstream archaeological community and would not gain a single iota of usable knowledge.
Part Two: Men of the Machine
Character, I'm not sure what to do next. Arachnos controls every island in the Rogue Isles... they could be keeping it anywhere.
Harvan shrugs apologetically.
I'm afraid I'm no good in situations like these. What are you planning to do?
Positron's tracking the Antikythera's location. We'll have it back in no time.
Harvan's nervous expression fades, and he develops a knowing smile.
I see. Positron always did seem to have things planned out two steps ahead. I daresay that the two of you should be able to make short work of Arachnos's thugs. Give them hell, Character.
Unnecessary Solicitation
Well? Do you have it? ...Oh. I'm sorry, Character, I'm just anxious. Every moment that passes makes it more likely Arachnos will learn how to use the Antikythera, and once they do...
Mission Objective(s)
- Take Back the Antikythera
Character, I believe it's time. The tracking beacon for the Antikythera has stopped moving somewhere inside the Grandville area of the Rogue Isles.
I've arranged with Longbow for immediate transportation to the area, but they won't be able to stay for long. We'll need to get inside, retrieve the Antikythera, and leave as quickly as possible. Any delay would give time for the larger bulk of Arachnos's forces to learn of our presence and reinforce their position, which could prove disastrous.
Are you prepared to depart, Character?
I'm ready, Positron.
Mission Objective(s)
You've never seen Positron quite like this. He seems... more fired up than usual.
- Take Back the Antikythera
- Find the Antikythera
With Positron's help, you managed to take back the Antikythera.
Notable NPCs
When you produce the Antikythera, Harvan breathes a deep sigh of relief.
Oh, fantastic, Character! We can get started immediately.
Come, I have something to show you...
Part Three: Parental Ambiguity
I have a... well, I suppose you would call it a lab. It's something that I inherited when my father passed away. I didn't think I'd ever need to make use of it, but... but circumstances have changed.
Doctor Harvan sighs.
I haven't been... completely honest with you, Character. When I opened Pandora's Box, I expected to inherit the same power as the heroes of Greek myth. All of my research indicated that whomever opens the Box is granted the power of Zeus, and I believed that. I believed that down to the core of my being.
So, when I learned what my father had built, I didn't understand what it was for.
...What, exactly, are we talking about, Harvan?
Doctor Harvan appears to be at a loss for words.
Perhaps it would be easier to show you, Character. The lab isn't far. I think things might be easier to explain once you've seen the lab's equipment.
Unnecessary Solicitation
The lab isn't far from here. I promise to do my best to explain once we're there.
Mission Objective(s)
This lab clearly hasn't been used in some time.
- Proceed to Harvan's Lab
- Meet up with Doctor Harvan
- Proceed through lab
- Talk with Harvan
- Approach the amplifier
- Fend off the incoming Pandora entities!
- Defeat Harvan's attacker!
- Defeat the Nemesis Jaegers!
Nemesis has stolen the power of Pandora's Box. You'd better get out while you still can.
Notable NPCs
- James Harvan (Oxford Professor Civilian, Ally)
- Herculean (Pandora's Might Lieutenant, Enemy)
- Nemesis (Nemesis Archvillain)
Harvan smiles sheepishly at you.
Welcome to my laboratory, Character. Impressive, is it not?
What is all this, Harvan?
My father had this lab built as a sort of amplifier for the manipulative effects of the Antikythera. If it can establish a firm connection, it magnifies the capabilities of the Antikythera several hundred times, allowing it to draw in any errant energy from Pandora's Box.
I knew this lab's purpose, but again, I couldn't understand why my father had it built. Everything I knew about Pandora's Box implied that the power would be granted directly to the person that opened it. There would be no need to draw that power from limbo, because I never thought it would manifest in this way.
Harvan frowns apprehensively.
Clearly, I missed something in my research. My father knew that the energy would dissipate somehow, but I never saw what it was.
Do you have any theories?
The subject appears to cause Harvan some level of discomfort.
I'm... not sure, Character. Perhaps its placement inside Zigursky had altered it in some way, but I find that doubtful. From the evidence you uncovered, no one at Zigursky even knew what Pandora's Box was, much less how it worked.
The only other explanation is... well. It's probably just me kicking myself for nothing, but...
The stories about Pandora's Box, and about the gods... there's a sentient force guiding this power, Character. It blesses mortals with great power, and those mortals go on to live great lives and to do great things. So far, the Box appears to have granted its power to whoever opens it. However...
Harvan bites his lip.
It may have found me wanting, somehow. It's possible that the Box simply decided that I wasn't worthy of its power, for whatever reason.
It's... possible, I suppose.
Regardless, we're here to correct the mistake I made underneath Zigursky. If this device functions as I expect it should, then we'll have possession of all of the power from Pandora's Box, sealed and contained, ready for whatever use you deem fit.
All you need to do is bring the Antikythera close enough to the device to establish a connection.
Do be ready for a scuffle, though, Character. As the energy from Pandora's Box is drawn here, I expect the creatures that attacked us earlier will be arriving as well.
I can handle them, Harvan. Let's get started.

James Harvan: We did it...
James Harvan: The energy from Pandora's Box...
James Harvan: Character! It's done!
James Harvan: Pandora's Box is finally-Caption: EXTERNAL ENERGY DUMP INITIATED. TRANSFERRING...
James Harvan: ...What?
James Harvan: Energy transfer? But I didn't...
James Harvan: Augh!

James Harvan: Oh dear...
James Harvan: I appear to b- *bzzt* -eee a little worse for wear.
James Harvan: Character... *whirr* *klick* if you would be so kind as to-to- *klick* -to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to...Nemesis: Excellent. Simply excellent.
Nemesis: You have outperformed my wildest expectations, Doctor Harvan. Truly, a remarkable performance.
Nemesis: I daresay, he's the most convincing one yet. Wouldn't you agree, Character?
Nemesis: But enough of my self-congratulations. I'm sure you wish to enjoy the fruits of your labor.
Nemesis: Without you, Character, none of this would have been possible. You have my thanks.
Unnecessary Contact
Doctor Harvan has much to answer for, and that's not something that can be done remotely. You'll need to go speak with him directly.
Mission Objective(s)
- Confront James Harvan
Harvan meets your gaze with as much dignity as he can muster. A long, dark gash leads from his shoulder down to his chest. From inside, you can hear faint whirring sounds, like that of a small engine.
Character. I... I don't quite know what to say...
I have no reason to speak with a mindless machine.
- Harvan sputters in protestation.
- Mindless machine... but I-
- A look of profound resignation crosses Harvan's face, and he averts his gaze.
- No, no. That... I suppose that is fair. Goodbye, Character.
- Leave
Well-played, Harvan. You had me fooled.
- Harvan takes on an expression of profound resignation.
- You and me both, I'm afraid. At my core, I still believe that I am Professor James Harvan, PhD. Memories of my work, of my father...
- Harvan's brows furrow.
- Funny... until now it never really occurred to me that I cannot picture my father's face. I suppose that realization would have been alarming, an hour ago. Now, though, it simply fits. My life, my every experience... it's all a sham, Character.
- So, what are you planning to do now?
- Harvan chuckles softly. As he does, a soft rattle comes from the opening in his chest.
- What indeed, Character. My every memory and experience have been exposed as a fraud... hah! Even worse than that.
- I know who Nemesis is, Character. I know his reputation. Plans within plans within plans.
- So, who's to say that my next action isn't simply another part of his grand scheme? What if this very conversation is part of some grand Nemesis Plot?
- Harvan shakes his head, smiling.
- I have no idea what I'm going to do, Character. I... I need some time to think, before I can make that decision.
- Alright then. Goodbye, Harvan.
So, you're one of Nemesis's toys after all.
- Harvan barks out a short laugh.
- Ha! Quite. A toy! Hahahaha!
- Harvan's tone devolves into desperation.
- I can't properly express my situation to you, Character. I have no memory of anything related to Nemesis, or his plans, or anything related to him. Until a few minutes ago, I fully believed that I was carrying out my life's work, my legacy. But... none of that really exists, does it? I can't actually have ambitions, can I? It's not possible! It's all just an elaborate hoax, built to deceive! I've got everyone fooled, oh yes I do! Haha!
- You can't understand, Character. To realize that every facet of your being, not just your actions but your very thoughts, all of it simply a tool for another man to use...
- It is a mountainous revelation, Character. It crushes me to think on it. And yet, I can do nothing else.
- This is where we part ways, Harvan.
VILLAIN: The Price for Fire
Merit Rewards: This activity awards 5 Reward Merits.
+++ Missing Information +++
Part One: While the Iron is Hot
Character... thank you for coming. I know that our time working together has been a bit... rocky. And... and we've certainly had our setbacks. However, I still believe there is a way to salvage your original intent in finding Pandora's Box.
The powers loosed by the box are unstable, but they can still be harnessed. If you are still interested in doing so, I know of a method that may be able to transform the creatures that emanated from Pandora's Box back into a purer, more usable form of energy. Once that energy has been contained, we will be able to decide how to use it.
- Agree to form a strike force
If we're going to try to harness the freed energy from Pandora's Box, we're going to need to use the one tool known to be capable of altering the Box's power emanations: the Antikythera.
Currently, I believe, Lastri has it stored aboard the U.S.S. Mitscher. We'll need to have it on-hand before we can make any progress towards harnessing the power of those creatures.
Mission Name

Note that the briefing in this mission is not directly obtained through interaction with the contact.
+++ Missing Information +++
- Agree to do something!
+++ Missing Information +++
Unnecessary Solicitation
+++ Missing Information +++
Mission Objective(s)
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+++ Missing Information +++
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Notable NPCs
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+++ Missing Information +++