Justin Augustine Task Force

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Contact: Justin Augustine
Level Range: 44 - 50
Notes: Requires 8 people
Zone: The Chantry
Location: 8776, 1537, -5293.5
Primary Enemy: Circle of Thorns, Soldiers of Rularuu
Name: The Saga of Faathim
Badge: Protector of Kindness Badge
Description: You saved the being known as Faathim the Kind from capture by the Circle of Thorns.


Agree to form a task force


You can call me Justin Augustine. I'm a, well, a mystic of sorts. Working with the UN expedition. General Hammond's asked me to investigate some of the stranger things out here, and I think I may have found about the strangest. Floating out in the center of this area may be the key to understanding this whole place, but if I'm gonna figure it out, I'm gonna need help.

All right, Task Force Thoth, it's time to get on with what this is all about. Far out in the center of this region is a place called the Chantry. It's supposed to hold all kinds of vast and ancient secrets, including a powerful being the natives only refer to as 'The Kind One'. Now, a title like that can mean a lot of things in folklore, like trying to placate something monstrous. I think the key to understanding a lot of this place is going to be understanding the truth behind Chantry and what's inside it. And for that, I need your help.

Alright, before I send you deep into the islands around here, first order of business is to secure this position some. I've manage to keep the Rularuu from finding me here, but they're going to notice you lot coming and going. So, Iwant you to lower their numbers around the Path of Tears. Take out about 50 or so, that should put a dent in them.

General Hammond asked that I give you lot a code-name while you're working with me on this. He wants it to help keep track, but there's a whole other reason. Naming a thing, like a fellowship of heros, is a powerful kind of magic. There's a lot aligned against us, so if we're going to succeed here, we'll need every advantage we can get. I'm going to give your group the title Task Force Thoth, and let's hope that the powers that be are smiling on us.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Battle Rularuu in Path of Tears
    • Defeat 50 Soldiers of Rularuu

You have defeated enough of the Rularuu to secure the area.

Primary Enemies

Soldiers of Rularuu


Now that the Rularuu are a little less unruly, it's time to start the real work.

Travel to Bastion of Pain


Time to do some investigation. Task Force Thoth, I'll need you lot to go to one of the island groups in here. It's called the Bastion of Pain, and it's the closest cluster of islands to where we are now. There's a monument there I'd like you to take a good look at, and get me some close-up photos.

This one's a two parter. First, you'll need to fight the Rularuu around the Bastion of Pain. Once you're fought enough to keep them from interfering, go tot he monument and record it for me. I think I'll be able to translate it. That might tell us something about what's really going on here.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Battle on Bastion of Pain
    • Defeat 50 Soldiers of Rularuu

You have defeated enough of the Rularuu around the Bastion of Pain.

Primary Enemies

Soldiers of Rularuu

Mission Objective(s)

  • Visit Monument of Pain

You have been to the Monument of Pain, and made records of it for Justin Augustine.

Monument Records

You recorded these photos and measurements of the monument on the Bastion of Pain for Justin Augustine.

The Verse of Pain

Justin Augustine's translation of the writing on the monument of Denial reads:

'And the Kind One was made prisoner within his Chantry, And the Rularuu beset him in unending siege, And Faathim the Kind knew only anguish, For all his plans were cast down in ruin.'


Thanks for that one. you're all as good as gold. Now, give me a minute. This is very weird stuff.

Like trying to read Sumerian written with Aztec grammar and English slang.

I can give you a rough translation of this one, but we're gonna need to see more. Roughly, it would go:

'And the Kind One was made prisoner within his Chantry, And the Rularuu beset him in unending siege, And Faathim the Kind knew only anguish, For all his plans were cast down in ruin.'

Pretty heavy stuff, but it still doesn't tell us a lot. There's got to be more to this story.

Travel to Bastion of Denial


The first monument you looked at on the Bastion of Pain seemed to be telling part of a story. The others may have more of it. I'd like you to travel to the Bastion of Denial, clear out some of the Rularuu, and take a look at the monument there. It may have more of this story, or at least help what we have to make sense.

This one's another two parter. Same set-up as the last one. You'll need to fight the Rularuu around the Bastion of Denial to get them off-balance, then get to the monument and take some recordings and stuff for me. Easy for you, I'm sure.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Battle on Bastion of Denial
    • Defeat 50 Soldiers of Rularuu

You have defeated enough of the Rularuu around the Bastion of Denial.

Primary Enemies

Soldiers of Rularuu

Mission Objective(s)

  • Visit Monument of Denial

You have been to the Monument of Denial, and made records of it for Justin Augustine.

Monument Records

You recorded these photos and measurements of the monument on the Bastion of Denial for Justin Augustine.

The Verse of Denial

Justin Augustine's translation of the writing on the monument of Denial reads:

'And Faathim formed the Chantry from the very air, And Faathim alone was master of it, And within the Chantry Faathim stood shielded from Rularuu's will, Here Faathim schemed for his freedom and his oblivion.'


Great job, all of you. Let me take a look at this.

These are getting harder to understand. I could swear that's greek, but that bit there looks like cuneiform, and I don't even know what that last bit it.

Okay, here's my best go:

'And Faathim formed the Chantry from the very air, And Faathim alone was master of it, And within the Chantry Faathim stood shielded from Rularuu's will, Here Faathim schemed for his freedom and his oblivion.'

I'm not completely sure that's right, but it's at least close. I think. We need to find out more.

Travel to Bastion of Guilt


The first two monuments seemed to be telling part of a story, but we only have pieces of it. They're getting harder to translate, but we'll have to see what we can get from the next one, in the Bastion of Guilt.

You lot should have this set-up down by now. First thing to do is clear out some of the Rularuu, then get recordings of the monument for me. I'll see what I can do to translate them, and we'll go from there.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Battle on Bastion of Guilt
    • Defeat 50 Soldiers of Rularuu

You have defeated enough of the Rularuu around the Bastion of Guilt.

Primary Enemies

Soldiers of Rularuu

Mission Objective(s)

  • Visit Monument of Guilt

You have been to the Monument of Guilt, and made records of it for Justin Augustine.

Monument Records

You recorded these photos and measurements of the monument on the Bastion of Guilt for Justin Augustine.

The Verse of Guilt

Justin Augustine's translation of the writing on the monument of Guilt reads:

'And when the world was split the Strong one Reained Loyal, And the Strong One called Faathim Traitor for his plans, And the Strong One called Faathim Traitor for his actions, For Strength would let none stray from Rularuu'


Great work, all, these are the best yet. Not too sure how much good it will be, though. I'm able to recognize less and less of this. Let me see if I can get anything.

Alright, I'll give it a bash, but I can't promise that this is anything close to accurate:

'And when the world was split the Strong one Remained Loyal, And the Strong One called Faathim Traitor for his plans, And the Strong One called Faathim Traitor for his actions, For Strength would let none stray from Rularuu'

I'm not that confidant about that, but it's the best I can do. At least I think I know what the next step's going to have to be.


Mission Objective(s)

Primary Enemies

Soldiers of Rularuu



Mission Objective(s)

Primary Enemies

Soldiers of Rularuu



Mission Objective(s)

Primary Enemies

Soldiers of Rularuu



Completion of the task force earns a hero the Protector of Kindness Badge.


You saved the being known as Faathim the Kind from capture by the Circle of Thorns.